THURSDAY. MAY 2Srd, 1957 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIn n a fl X", 1 Social and Personal and Mrs. Perey Hare at- dthe funerai of the late Ïr.H. C. Rundie ini Brighton last week. Holiday visiters with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard and family were, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rickard, Brian anid Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farr of Toronto. Mr. Ted Buxton and Pat and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. Mr. Bob Selby and Mr. Ever- ett James of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Carl Selby and Mr. Eric Wicks. Mr. and Mis. Marshall Pick- NEWCASTLE GARAGE 1rXMHIOA, Proprietos, 121 Phonoe26M ering and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hall in Milbreok while attendîng the annual Aberdeen Augus sale at Peterborough last week. Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew of Peterborough, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Agnew. Citizens are asked te Be Pre- pared for the annual one night Blitz being conducted by the Newcastle Lionettes, Club in the village on Monday evening on behaif of the Salvation Army Red Shield Drive. The Lionettes wiil be canvassing from 7 te 9 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson of Montreal spent lest week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F~rank Rickard and David. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. George Allîn this week. An evening cf "Military Whist" held in the St. George's Parish hall on Wednesday evening was very much enjoy- ed by those present, the mem- bers of the winning table be- ing Mr. and Mrs. H. Kelsey and Mr. and Mrs. I. J. McCul- lough. The shell centrepiece, very kindly donated by Mrs. Begg, was drawn for, the win- ner being Mr. Bert Cornwall o! Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Astles of Peterborough, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mis. W. R. Carveth and family. St. George'1s W. A. Hears 0f Dioscesan Newcastle: The May Devo- tfonal and business meeting of the Afternoon Branch of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary was held on the afternoon of May l4th at the home of Mrs. M. Pickering. The opening prayers were taken by the President, Miss McIntosh, and the Bible read- ing by Mrs. John Ferguson, C. C. -- GG0OU LD11- Heafing and Eavestroughing Authorized Chai co Dealer HONIE Newcasfle 3686 Spring decorating is-in full swing- We have a very large choice in Wallpapers. Try the new PREPASTED PAPER for a quick job - Very few tools required. We handle exterior paint for every surface in best mekes. Get our pnices. Aiso SPRED SATIN, TIMBERLOX, REZ PRODUCTS, THIX (the Dripless Paint), KEM GLO, SUPER KEM TONE, and many other popular products. Paco Paint $3.49 per 98C qJ This Woek's Special To Clear : per part F 36 BTS: KEN-TONE avarious colors - Regular $1,75 per quart For only quart -We will try to give a special price on some 1113e of goods each week. Watch for it. Abernethy"s Paint & Wallpaper 33 King St. W. Bowmanville Juvenile Bal Open Seasoi Newcastle: The opening game of the local basebali season will be played in the local park tonight when the local Juven- iles, fresh from their victory in Bowmanville on Monday evening, will play host te the Port Hope Juveniles at 6.30 p.m. In the league opener in Bow- manville on Monday evening, Neil Chard pitched 4-hit bal te lead his teammates te a 5 te 3 win over the stLpng Bow- manville entry. Newcastle scored 2 in the third and three in a f ifth inning rally for a total of five runs, while hold- their opponents scereless Newcastle: On Wednesdey evening May lSth, the mem- bers of the Friendship Club met at the United Church Suii- day School Hall and journeyed te the Nothway Restaurant for their monthly meeting, which opened with Meditation led by the President, Mrs. Bet- ty Brown. The *business part o! the meeting opened with the rol caîl and minutes o! the last meeting and treasurer's report. Arrangements were discussed for the rummage and bake sale being sponsored by the club on Saturday, May 25th, in the Community Hall. Mrs. Eva Couch took charge of the program which included a vocal solo with accordion ac- companiment by Mrs. Helen McDonald of Bowmanville; a reading by Mrs. Mari orie Gray entitled "Pa and the Rooster", and Mrs. McDonald played more music to round eut the program. The members joined in a sing-song with- Mrs. McDonald playing the accompaniment on her accordion and a contest was conducted by Mrs. Mar- jorie Gray after which lunch was served by the restaurant staff. Mrs. Kay Kimbail ex- pressed the appreciation o! the members te the group in charge for the fine evening provided, and a social time was enioyed by aIl. Jf.0.lowed by the minutes o! the let eting. The trgasurer, Miss Butler reported a balance on hand cf*$20.64 after an i- stalment o! $50 tewards the pledges and $10 tewards the Strachan Houses Appeal hed been sent te the Diocesan trea- surer. Reports of the seventy-finst annuel meeting o! the Toron- te Diecesan Board, held in To- rente from MeY 6 te 8th, were given by the two delegates from Newcastle, Mrs. Dewd- ney and Miss Mclntosh. The meeting o! the Diocesen Board, which arranges te meet Iý once a yeer et an eut-of-town Parish, will be held on May g 3th et St. Peter's Church, Ce- C bourg, beginning. with Service E of Hýoly Communion at 10.30 Ja.m. in the Church and business I: _session et 2 p.m. i the Par- E ish Hall. It is hoped as meny b~ as possible from Newcastle will teke this epportunity of attending a Board meeting. r At the conclusion of the E business session a delicieus tee S wes served by the hostess. On May l6th a few mem- s bers met et the Parish Hall te S pack two bales one containinc F, quilts and knitted wear and' ' the other an Indien Girl's eut- ni fit for "Old Sun Scheol", Glu- ~ chen, Alberta. Both bales were sent, for further distribution, A te the W.A. House, Toronto. M * ENNISKILLEN lma fMns. John Berrowdale, Osh- e< awe, spent Sunday with her l mother, Mrs. J. A. Werry. g M.and Mrs. Wm. RudelI Pc Orono: Mi. Earl Masters, Gai R( a nd Danlene, Bowmanvifle; Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto C( with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vir' tue. Ký Congratulations te, Mr. andM Mrs. Earl Masters on the er- v rival of a fine baby girl. Mi Mr. and Mrs. A. Hennis and MI family, Almonds; Mrs. Ella B(: Smith, Whitby; Mn. and Mrs. m( Leslie Smith and family, Hign SI, Point; Miss Eenla McKenzie, Mn. Donald Wearn, Toronto,, Gc with Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. L. Miss Linda Stainton is td R. retunn home from Memonial an Hospiael, Bowmenville, o n Tuesday fnom having a appen- dectomy eperation. Mn. and Mrs.. H. Stainton and Lyn, Tyrone; Mr. and Mn.. H. Stainton, Hampton, et Mr. and Mn.. L. Stainton's. ev Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Switzer, on Gate's Mills, Ohio, with their the nieces, Misses Linda and Judy ing Switzer, Lynhurst, Ohio; Mr. by and Mrs. F. Pethick and Robin tar with Mr. and Mrs. Sz R. Pelh- pai ick and Miss Nancy Wood. Ra] Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb tonJ with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- ors jbeater. befi M.and Mrs. W. Fonder, Evi Blackstock; Mn. and Mn.. Rus- jec seil Spinks, Oshawa,- Mn. and ght Mrs. Russell Coates, Purule teni HiII; Mr. and Mn.. Lloyd Sie- on mon, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. E. gro Trewin, Dereen and Donald were visitons of Mn. and Mis. tair F. Toms. e n.a o Mni. J. A.. Werry who celebrat-. Itez Il Team to n To-night until the Oth when one tally crossed the plate followed by two in the seventh for a total of 3 runs. The Newcastle lads outhit their opponents 9 to 4 while coming Up with 4 miscues te their opponents 5. Bih Brunt hit a double and triple and M. Ranney came up with a triple in the big fifth inning. Other local hittera were Crowther, G. McCuilough, Carleton (2), Lake and Dickinson. Score by inn ings- R H El Newcastle- 0020300-5 9 4 Bow'ville 0000012-3 4 5 F riendship Club Plans Bake Sale COURTICE I C.G.I.T. met on Wednesday iening at the church. Sewing ithe layette for Korea wasI ie chiet project for the even- g. The minutes were read 1 rBarbara LaChapelle, secre- c ry, and the attendance and ints recorded. The CampI lly to be held at Camp Pre- ria for C.G.I.T. and Explor- ,was anneunced for June 3 ýinning with a box lunch. ialuation cf ehe' Mission Pro- t and the Mother and Dau- rest and splendid co-operation tthe part of the whole 'Up. Mfrs. Cecil Simmons enter-. ried the Executive of the I oman's Association at bherI2 ne on Wednesday afternoon. G«403 Agnw, Edilor Phone 3621 tion at their home. expedition ciosed with the Ex- by strains from a miniature ed their 58th wedding anniver- sayMay 2Oth. Mrl. and Mrs. Wilfred Banks and family, Weston, with Mr. and Mis. J. E. Griffin. Miss Margaret Allin, Bow- menville, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland. Miss Shirley Mills, nurse in- training, Sick Children's Hos- pital, Toronto, with her moth- er, Mrs. H. Milîs and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace! Pascoe, Enfield; Mr. and Mis. A. L. Baîley, Biackstock; Mr. Bey. Veale, Quebec, with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry. Mis. Bey. Veale and family returned home with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield and Evelyn, Vineland; Mr. and Mis. Fred Cowling, Purple Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke. Miss Florence Werry, Mrs. Verna Forsyth and Ronald, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and famiàly, Sauina. Mr. Edwin Ormiston, Ebenezer, were Sunday guests. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, were callens. Mrs. A. Beech, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mr. Bill Begley, Carrol an~d Bruce, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and famiiy, Maple Grove. Miss Marion Mallery and George Potter, Bowmanville; Edgar Bush, Cas- tieton, with Mrs. H. Milis and beys. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Werry, Miss Ann Werny, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Milîson and Ellen, Orono; Miss Pauline Werry, Montreal; Miss Elenor Leighton, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown and Donald, Bowmanville; and Miss Sadie Brown, R.N., Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry. Mr. and Mis. Earl Luke, Ronald, Ralph, Allen and Grant, Hampton; Mi. Leenard Bradley with Mr. and Mnà. Floyd Beckett. Miss Doreen Holroyd, Hamp- ton, with Mi. and Mrs. L. Lamb. Mr. and Mis. Roy Langmaid, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy M4cGill. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bow- m~an, Bruce, Laura aiid Eric, îEnfield; Mi. and Mrs. Elwyn )ickey, Miss Laverne Orchard, 3owmanville, wîth Mi. and Mvrs. M. Stainton. Mr. and Mis. Pat Tresise and girls, Misses Annie and Effa, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mra. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mis. Dick Wood and Donna, Maple Grove; Mr. Jim Kinsman, Courtice; Miss Reva M'cGill with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Carl Ferguson, Douglas, Bruce, David and Roy with Mr. and Mis. Wm. Stevenson, St. Catharines. Mn. and Mns. W. E. Sander- son, Messrs Murray and Ray Sanderson, Columbus; M rs. Frank Spry, Glen and' Harold, Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. Ron Cle- i mens, Hampton, with Mr. an.d Wrs. E. Wright. Mrs. Douglas Cole, Jean, Mlan and Helen, Bowmanville; Ur. Grant Herron, Courtice; %r. andi Mrs. Rosa Lee, Ked- ,n; 1Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa; Wiss Heather Griffin with Mr. td Mrs. A. Wenry. Miss Sandra Werry celebrat- id her second birthday with 10 ttle folks on Thursday. Other lests te this Party were Miss 1aurine Werry, Montreal; Mis. 055s Lee, Kedron; Mrs. E. A. !erry and Mrs. H. Ashton. 'ongratulations to Sandra. Mrs. L. Rowe, Witchita, ans., and friend, Toronto-' .rs. M. Humphies, Bowman- île, were necent callers at Ir. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, r. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, bwmanville; Mr. Milton SIt- 'on, Haydon, with Mrs.T.M emon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and rarry, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox, Hampton with Mr. nd Mrs. John Slemon. Mclntosh Apples Tender, Stringless, Valentine Green Beans attention before the next meqt- ing were deait wlth and re- cemmendations wil be pre- sented at the meeting on Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock we Mrs. Bell, a former missionary with the China Inland Mission, wil be the guest speaker. Bible Study met et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herron on Thursday evening te enatle the Cubs to meet in the church basement. Mrs. Clarence Penfound at- tended the W.M.S. Family Party on Tuesday night at En- niskillen United Church and assisted in the Re-affiliation ceremony cf the t.H-appy Gang" group of the C. G.I.T. We are sorry te report Mr. Bruce Johnson in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, and wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shipman spent Saturday evening with Mis. Ted Hoit, Scarborough, on the occasion of her birthday. Bob and Ruth Evans and family, Charles, Douglas and Carol, cf Bowmanville, were dinner guests cf Mr. and Mis. Clarence Penfound on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adanis had as guests on Sùnday, Mr. John Greenaway, Mr. Dale Minchen and Master Don Min- chen, al of Hamilton. Sunday School will be held at 2 o'clock next Sunday after- noon to enable Mr. Frank Wal- ters, organist, to rehearse with the school for anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown were in Hamilton on Monday when they attended the grad- uation at McMaster University. They were guests of Mr. Gor- don Osborne whose receivedi bis Bachelor of Arts Degree.i They later attended a recep- Atmosphere 3-lb. poly bag 39 lb. 19c Crisp, Florida Pascal - Size 48's Celery Stalkcs 2forI5c Head Lettuce 2IeL:rgAuI'9C Quality MEATS CALDWELL'S Pork Sausage Skinless P 245c DE VON Rindless Bqcon 1-: -6 9c CALDWELL'S Skinless Wieners 1il: 39c PREDRESSED - 2% to 3 lbs. Roasting Chickçens lb. 45c Cut Bread Costa! Carry It Homie and Save! ;lleed White - 24-oz. iichmello Loal Solt! Absorbent! Interlake White Crou 1 7C Toilet Tissus 2 Rua27 Clover Valley ServeIm MIlk - 1-lb. Ron. Seel o-t SaiadOflN! i 'n Lo Chies. RIchmello - Creamy SALA» DRESSING eto' 1-« Jar 16-os. Jar 32-oz. Jar Orange &Limon Plc 35c 03C Suices - L ws ausefctv ni auraMy2t Cut Food Couts at Explorers & 'With Enniskc Enulakillen: The May 14 W. M.S. meeting in the Sunday School Room w9s, one cf the highllghts of the year, being the occasion of the annuai Re- affiliation Service of the Ex- plorers arnd C.G.I.T. Present for this service were the Ex- plorers and Chief Counsellors, Mrs. R. B. Green, Mis. R. Virtue and Mrs. H. Ashton, C.G.I.T. and leqder, Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, and guests, Mrs. C. Penfound, Courtice, Secretary of affiliated C.G.I.T. greups, and Mrs. L. Kemp, Whitby, Secretary of affiliated Explorer groups, of Oshawa Presbyter- ial. President Mrs. L. Wearn epened meeting with a Moth- er's Day verse. Mrs. F. Toms presented an inspirin.g and timely devotional on "Mother" as shown in the Bible, old times and to-day. Chief Explorer, Wayne Beck- ett gave a review of the Miss- ionary Exploration and Ex- plorer Hymn was sung, "Keep- er of the Treasury." Kathryn Slemon presented a gift te Mrs. Kemp for Oshawa Pres- byterial and Mrs. Kemp pre- sented the Explorers with, "The seal of Re-affiliation." Explorers gave a delightful choral reading, "Bright Path- ways," and received a compli- ment from Mrs. Kemp on their fine appearance in uniform. Choesing "We have an anchor," Mrs. Kemp clearly and simply taught the Explorera the les- son it exemplifies and by the atory "Always," the rule, "Men aught always to pray." The .G.I.T.Meet illèn W.M.S. plorer Hymn and Prayer. Fourteen girls teck part ln the annual CI.G.I .T. Re-Alfilia- t'lor Service. Treasurer Nancy Wood made the presentatien cf a gift te Oshawa Presbyterial and Mrs. Penfound presented the C.G.I.T. group with, The Seal of Re-Affiliation. As part of a very fine program the Chinese Boat Song was sung.. Mrs. Green, alse a leader of this group, closed with prayer. Mis. T. Slemon, W.M.S. trea- surer, reported ninety-four dol- lars sent te the Branch Treas,- urer for the past quarter. W. M.S. is pleased te have a new life member, Mrs. E. C. Ash- ton. A daînty lunch wa.s served by the C.G.I.T. and group one W.M.S. convenor Mrs. E. Wright., Cou rtice Couple Receive Gfts A miscellaneous shower was held by the community at Courtice United Church on Thursday evening in honour of Mr. Linton Herron and Mixss Marion Price. Mr. Orme Rob- ertson as master of ceremonies presented the couple with 4the numerous gifts. Miss Margaret MacGregor and Miss Shirley Antil assistted- Linton and Marion in opening and arranging the many use- ful and beautiful gifts. Witty remarks of Linton accompanïed Real Value! Speclat Club 'Brand-S-Std. - 15-oz. tin Halves Peaches 2 for 29C Real Saving! A Meal in Itself! Special Goblin 24-oz. tin Ready Dinner 39c Delicious Fruit! Serve Often! Speclal Club Brand-S-Std 15-oz. tin Dessert Pears 2 for 23c Stock up at this Low Price! Special Arrow Brand - Std. 20-oz. tin Green Peas 'Z2forZS.5 Special Offer! Saving at Time of Purchase - 10c Off Pack Ail Purpose 16-oz. pkg. Nabob Coffee 9.5c Special Offer! Saving at Time of Purchase! Mother Parker's - Orange Pokoe - Pkg. of 60 Tea Bags 69c J. William Horsey Brand 15-oz. tin Grapefruit Sections 21c J. William Horsey Brand 15-oz. tin Fruit for Salads 26c Lipton's - Chicken Noodle - 21/2-oz. pkg. Soup Mix 2 for2&5C Ail Purpose 5-lb. bag Five Roses Flour 41c Glenwood - Pure Shaker Black Pepper 14c Kraft - Miniature 0lO-.pkg. Marshmallows 29C Shortenlng - 3c Off Pack 1 lb. pkg. Ail Goods Sold ut Your Dominion Store are Uncon~. ditionally Guaranteed to Give 100% Satisfaction. rc ~ 29c»OMINION musical bride provided enter- tainment throughout the even- ing. In a few well chosen words, Linton thanked tlie gathering for their gcod wishes shown in this practical way. and Marion heartily endorsed his words. Fruit1 nuts and candy were served be Mrs. DeCoe, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Carl Adams and their helpers and a social time was enjoyezi. "OId at 40,50,60?" IF Man, You're Crazy MtFoiustan agel Thousands am e pppy at 70. wea 'Pou!xlowithOfeliContains tonie foi e urw eln due sbily te body* lack of iron which many men and women cai "oid." Try Ostrex Tonie Tabtets for pep, younger feeling, this very day. New ..eà,acquaint1ed" siz, only 60r- For sale at ovezyhoe. *NEWCASTLE LIONETTES CLU ONE NIGHT BLITZ For Salvalion Army, RED SHIELD DRIVE NGNDAY, MAY 271h 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Your co-operation will be appreciated. Fresh PRODUCE California No. 1 New Crop - Long Whites Washed - Easy to Peel - No Deep Eyes New Potatoes 10 lbs. 49c Phone MA 3-5431 UNCLE,;écýSEýj TEU tSDAT, MAT 23rd, 1957 TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIIM. ONTARIO 9 Scientifically stored in Controlled to give that fresh picked flavour 351