a.- - -......- - Births IBARRIE,-Gordon and Doreen are very happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter Heath- er Doreen on Saturday, May 18, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie. A sister for Tommie, Stephen and Kenneth. 21-1 BEBEE-Mariliynn and Dolores are happy te announce the birth ot their baby brother, David George, weighing 8 lbs., 13% czs., at Mernerial Hospital, Bow- manvilie, May lSth, 1957. The first grandson et Mm. and Mrs. Seiby Grant. 21-1 COX-Don and Mary Cox, Downsview, are happy te an- nounce the birth cf a son, Darryl Kenneth, on Friday, May ltb, at Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston. A brother for Janice and Beveriy. 21-1* HANCOCK-At Penetang Gen- oral Hospital, Penetang, on May 6th, 1957, te Mr. and Mms. James A. Hancoek, R.R. 2, Eirnvale, a son, Edward John. 21-1* HOCKIN-Eiva and Ken (nec Bradley) are happy te announce the birth ot their daughter, Lee Anne, on Wednesday, May 15, 1957. 21-1 MASTERS-Eari and Fvelyn are happy te announce the safe arrivai of their daughiter, Cindy Earlene on May l6th, 1957, at Memerial Hospital, Bowrnan- ville. A sister fom Gail and Darlene. 21-1 MILLSON--Stanley and Mary (neo Carr, Reg. N.), are pleased te announce the arrival et their third child, a son, Lorne Devitt, on Thursday, May 16, 1957, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Glenn and Grant. 21-1e MUTTON-Ruth and Bob Mut- ton are happy te anneunce the birth et their daughter, Loiej Debra, at Memorîal Hospital, Bowmanville, on May l7th, 1957. 21-1w VANCE-Ralph and Jean Vance are happy te anneunce the birth of their daughter, Linda Cheryl, en Friday, May 10, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister for Carol, John and David. 21-1* Engagements Mrs. Charlotte Forder an- ,,ounces the engagement of hem daughter, Donna Patricia, te Mm. Donald John Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wright, Derby, England. The marriage te be solemnized on Satumday, June 15 at 2:30 p.m. in Trinity United Church, Bowmanviile. 21.1* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur George Brooks wish te announce the engagement of their daughter Dorothy Winnifred, te Harold Porcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Erwin Servage, Spring- water, Sask. The wedding will take place at Central United Church Chapel, Calgary. Alta., on June 29. 1957, at 6:00 p.m. 21-1* Deaths TrREWIN, Sarnuel George-Pass- ed peacefuily away, at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, on Monday, May 20, 1957, Samuel George Trewin, in bis 98th year, of 550 Jones Ave., Toronto; dearly be- loved husband of the late Ida Louisa Trewin; dear father ofi Eva (Mrs. Burgess), Whitby, Ont.; Olive (Mms. R. B. Irving), and Meivin, Toronto, and Fred of Woodstock, Ont. Resting ati the Trull Funeral Home, 1111 Danforth At'e. Service 2 o'ciock Thursda-y aftemnoon. Interment St. John's Cernetery, Port Whit- by, Ont., upon arrivai cf motors, 3:30 p.m. 21-1 WEEKS-At 7692 Paso Robles, Antiheim, Calîfomnia. May th, 1957, Mrs. May Webster Weeks, aged 98 years. Mrs. Weeks was a native of Bowmanvilie and wvas Editress cf The Statesman back in the eariy 80's. 21-1 In Memoriam ALLDREAD-In proud and 1ev- ing memory of Private Donald Alfred Alidread of the Irish Regiment who was kiiled in action at Lini Valley on May 25th, 1944. Buried in Casino Military Cemetery. -Ever remembered by mother, sisters and brothers. 21-1 CONNORS-In ioving mornory of a dear wife and niother Hattie Connors, who passed away May 25. 1950. Oft and oft our thoughts do w ande r To the grave net far away, Where we laid our dear loved one Just seven years ago to-day. -Ever remernbered by husband and family. 21-1 COUCH-In ioving memory ot a dear mother Winona Couch who passed away May 24th, 1939. She wvould net wish for serrew, She would net wish for tears, ]But just te be remembemed Throughout the passing years. - Lovingly remembered b y daughter Denelda and son-în- Iaw Sidney. 21-1* FALLIS-In leving memomy of1 a dear mother, Lucy E. Fallis,c who passed away May 27th, 1956. Every day ini some small way Memnories of you corne our way. Though absent, you are ever near, Still missed. stili loved and ever dear. ".Always remembrd b>' Emily.c 21-10 In Memoriam GRAY-In memory et Robert Gray, wbo passed away May 24, 1940. Ho had a cheery smile, a pleasant way, A belping hand te ail ho knew; Ho was se kind, se genereus and true. On earth ho nobly did bis best, Grant him, Jesus, heaveniy rest. -Ever rernembered by bis wife Ida. 21-1* KIVELL,-In loving momeory et my dear wife Mary Kiveli who passed away, May 26, 1956. Time takes away the edge of grief But mernory tumns back every leaf.-Jack. POOLTON-In loving and evor- lasting memory et a dear son and brother, Pte. Jack Poolton, et the Irish Regiment ot Canada, who died ot wounds at Lini Valley, Itaiy, on May 26tb, 1944. Ho walks with us down quiet paths, And speaks in wind and ain, For the magie powers cf mernory Gives him back te us again. -Rernembered always, Mcm and Family. 21-1* RUNDLE-In fond memory of mother, S. Ann, wbo passed away May 18, 1954. Looking baclç with momomies Upon the path yeu trod, We bless the years we had with you, And leave the rest te Gcd. - AI1 w a Y. s remernbered by daughter Mel and Jack. 21-1* RUNDLE-In loving momory et mother, S. Anin, who was called away, May 18, 1954. However long our lîves wiIl last. Whatever lands we view, Whatever joy or griot be ours, We will always think et you. - Lovingly remernbemed b y daughter Lola, <Florida), and granddaughter Heather (Chi- cage). 21-1* SHACKLETON-In loving mcm- ory et a dear wite and mother, Mary Agnes Shackleton, wbo passed away May 24, 1955. Uprigbt and just in ail hem ways, Loyal and true tbrougb all ber days, Silently suftered, patiently bore, God took her home te suffer ne more. -Ever remembered by husband. and family. 21-1*1 SHACKLETON, Mary Agns In loving mernory et Mary Agnes whe passed away May 24th, 1955. Dear mother 'yeu are net forgotten Though on earth you are ne more; Still in mernory you are with us As you aiways were before. -Fondiy remernbered by son Eiwood, Rae and boys. 21-1 Cards of Thanks We wish te thank our many triends from Tyrene community for the gifts they have presented us on our recent marriage. Carole and Grenville Byam. 121-1 Sincere thanks te my friends and neighbours at the Long Sault for the kind words and gift ef money presented me on meving ta Tymone. Edith Murphy. 21-1*' We wish te thank our many friends and neighbours from Bowmanville, Starkville and Newtonvilie for the beautiful glfts pesented to us en aur recent marriage. Dave and Lorraine Lapbam. 21-1 I wish te thank Dr. Rundie, Dr. Sturgis, friends and neigb- boums, aIse W.I., W.A., W.M.S., the Girl Guides et Newtonville for cards and gifts during my convalescence. Mrs. Lillian Samis. 21-1* I wish te express my special thanks te the nurses and staff cf Memorial Hospital, Dr. Mik- les, Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Siern- on, relatives, friends and neigh- boums for lovely cards, fruit and telephene calis, etc., during my stay in hospitai. George Meadows. 21-1* \Ve woîîld like te thank the Corporation ot the Town cf Bowmanvilie, Order cf the East- ern Star, relatives, friends and neighbours for the loveiy flow- ers, cards and gifts sent te us on our Golden Wedding Anni- vers ary. Mm. and Mrs. Lewis Roach. 2l11 I wish te express my sincere thanks te relatives, friends, neighbours, Salemn Sunday Sehool and Salem Young Peoplo's for tlowers, cards, fruit and gifts sent te me wbile in hospital. A special thanks te Dr. Hubbard and the nurses - and staff cf Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville. Doreen Richards. 21-1* We wish te thank our neigh- bers and friends who came to offer their assistance wben our impiement shed was bumned, and a very special thank you te the Caesamea firemen who in eleven minutes from ti.me of eall had the water on and aise thanks te Port Perry who were there in case of emergoncy. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Emnerson and family. 21-1 Livestock f or Sale TEN weaned pigs, seven weeks old. Phone MA 3-2934. 21-1 ONE pumebred boar, Yorkshire;j ane year aid. Walter IPerguson, telophoas MA 8-323IL 31-1' Coming Events Rummage sale, Saturday, May 25, 2 p.m.,- Burketon School Grounds. In aid of Burketon Church. 21-1* Tea and s4le of work and homebaking in St. John's Parish Hall, Friday, May 24, 2i30 to 4:30. Sponsored by the Senior W.A. 21-1* "Dancing fun for ail at the Orono Town Hall" every Satur- day night. Old tyme and mod- ern music by the Easterners. Your friends will be there too! 20-tf You are welcome! An enter- taining operetta "The Minister's Aunt" will be presented, Friday, May 24th at 8:15 p.m. in Wesley- ville Church by the Choir. Aduits 50c, school children 35c. 21-11 Don't miss the Annual Variety Show sponsored by Tyrone Juvenilo Band on Friday, May 24 at 8:15 p.m. in Tymone Hall. Featured acts, Merv. Dale, com- edian, and Rod Taylor, ventrul- oquist. 20-2 Hamdtime dance, Hallroyd's Orchestra, Tyrone Hall,. Satur- day, May 25th. We're having another - It was such fun - Ad- mission is cheaper - If you corne as a bum. Sponsomed by Hall Board. 21-1* Bowmanville Lions Club Bingo in Town Hall on Saturday, May 25th at 8 p.m. $150 jackpot, $100 door prize. 20 games for $10 and three special games. Admis- sion $1. Tickets from members of Lions Club or at the door. 20-2 Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third weok in the month which will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpot game. No gamo under $3,00. Admission 50c. 2-tf Burketon Sunday School An- niversary Services 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., May 26th. Preacher, Rov. Edward J. Kemsey, B.A., B.D. Junior Choir in the after- noon with Mr. E. M. McCoy; Senior Choir in evening with Mrs. Roblîn. 21-1* W elc o me United Church Spring Anniversary, Sunday, May 26. Guest preacher: The Rev. T. A. Morgan, B .A. Bow- manv;lle. Services at 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., with Welcome Chumch Choir in the morning and Port Hope Maie Chorus in the evening. 21-1* Newtonville United Cbureh Woman's Association Anni- vesary Service, Sunday even- ing, May 26th at 7:30. Mrs. E. Argue, guest speaker. assisted by Mm. Robert Gay. Special music by Bowmanville Ladies' Quartette. Tuesday ovening, May 28th, a church supper will are served. Adults $1.00, child- ren 5Oc. Everyone welcorne. 20-2 Two outstanding films - Sat- urday, May 25th, at 8:00 p.m., in the Salvation Army Hall.1 "Village cf the Poor" is an ex-1 citing and drarnatic true storyl filmed in India about three livesr changed by love. "In the Face of Jeopardy" is a tense, dramatie story et the pesent day struggie b e t w e e n Cornmunism and Christianîty, faith and fear. Two other films on nature study will be shown aise. They are both in brilliant technicolor: "Rendez- vous on a Reef" and "World ini a Marsh". Tickets: Aduits, 50c and chlldren, 25e. 21-1 Eldad Sunday Sehool Anni- versary, Sunday,- May 26th. Services 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Guest speaker: Rev. George Boyle, B.A., B.D., Victoria Uni-1 versity, Toronto. Anniversary Tea, Monday, May 27th, cern- mencing 4:30 until ail are serv- ed. Aise, League Football Garne at 6:30 p.m., followed by drama presented by Y.P.U. cf King Street United Church, Oshawa, entitled "Calm Your- seif" with entertainment between acts. Aduits: Tea and concert, $1.25; concert oniy, 50c. Child- mon: Tea and concert, 75c; con- cert, 25c. 21-1 Hlgh Taxes - High Cost cf Living Farm Depression, Etc. is everybody's business MASS MEETING sponsored by the ONTARIO FARMERS' UNION AND ORGANIZED LABOUR of the Oshawa District Trades and Labour Council Place Bowmanville TOWN HALL Date Thursday, May 3Oti 1957, at 8:30 p.m. D.S.T. Speakers: Mr. A. V. Cormack, the famous President of the Ontario Farm Union . . . Mr. Kelth Ross, dynamie President of the Steel Workers . . . Mr. Ernie Dent, Durham C.C.F. candidate ... Mrs. Evelyn Pros- ser, Ladies' President of the Ontario Farm Union. Discussion from the floor. -Tou cannot afford to miss this. Everybody weloome - Ladies espeelally. 21-1 Mortgages for Sale QUANTITY of Sebago potatoes. Phone MA 3-2373. 21-1 HARRIS crib, 36 x 54, like new. Phone MA 3-2749. 21-1 KEYS for new post office boxes. McNulty's Sports, Cycle and Toys. 21-3 FINDLAY electric stove, very good condition, $60. Telephone MA 3-3338. 211 LARGE space heater, semi-auto- matic, good . condition. Phone MA 3-5005. 21-1 LAWNMOWER, 16". wheels, good condition, phone MA 3-3555. rubber $6. Tele- 21-1l FLOOR polisher for rent at Mason & DJale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf DEEP Freeze refrigerator, auto- matic defrost, butter keeper and more extras. Phone Newcastle 2168. 21-1 SAVE on lumber, direct, fmom mili te yqu. Phillips 'Lumber Ce., Kimndunt, Ontario. Phono 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HIARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phono MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf RANGE shelters, water foun- tains, feed tmoughs, electric brooder, poultry wire. Phone MA 3-2332. " 21-1* ELECTRICAL Repais-.Prompt 'service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone.MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO youm own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F reeo estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service, testlng service and complote stock et. batteries and cords at Higgon Eleetrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Telephone MAI 3-5438. 20-tf ONE sot et stock racks fer hait- ton Dodge or Fargo truck, like new; one camp cet with mat- tress, Findiay Oval ceok steve, kitchen cabinet, chernical closet. Phono MA 3-2084. 21-1 INOW is the time. to pretect all yeur plants against pesta-.an4 disease. We can porferm this service fer yeu with our new Solo sprayor. Phono Fritz Marti Nursery. MA 3-5012. 18-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, choque writers, filing cabinets, office fumniture, new and used. Ropairs te all Imakes. Walter Frank, 177 Church St., Bowmanville. MA à-3986. 14-tf IMORRIS Ce. have been appoint- ed Singer Sewing Machine re- prosentatives for the Bowman- ville district. Corne in and see a Singer-the finest in sewing machines. Varieus attachments aIse un stock. Telephene MA 3-5480. 46-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made or draperies seld by the yard. Our representative will cali at.your homo any time with a complote range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Telophone MArket 3-3609, Bewmanville. 48-tf USED Farm Equipment-Mc- Cormick W-4 tracter, MeCorm- ick W-D-6 tracter, Farmail Super "A" tracter, Massey-Harris "22" tracter, Gibson "H"' tracter, John Doore 8-ft. tandem disc, International 2-furrow plough. Any reasonable offer accepted at Cowan Equipment Ce., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele- phono- MA 3-5689. 21-1 Decorating " For the. Fineat Paints " For the Latest Papers " For the Best IVorkmanshlp S. G. Presion & son Phones MA 3-5912 MA 3-37011 44-tf LAWN SEED Stewart'. Super Growth Mixture Consists entimely ef only the tinest dwart, perennial and evergreen grasses for a beautiful dense lawn. Reg. $1,15 lb. -___ 1_ l. 95e Stewart'. Terraee Brand Mixture A blond ef quick growing grass- es that produce a smooth, com- pact, lasting turf et fine quality. Reg. 90c lb. -_____ 1 lb. 70o Stewart'. Speclal Lawn Mixture An economical blond, giving a fast green cover and requiring a minimum et came. -.1 lM. 60e Stewart'. Baek Yard or Cottage Mixture A strong, quick growing mixture te stand up under bard usage. Guaranteed free et 'Tall Fescue' and 'Kentucky 31'. 6 ½ % FIRST mortgages et $2,500 1 M. te $5.000 face value. Ail under 10 Ibo. 42'ic lb, 50% sale value. Monthly me-J Fresh Go payments. No arrears and Ai credits. Will guamantee for BULK GAR estate or trust accounts. Build- CEKTIFIED SE ers need cash and wil give 10% LAWN ani discount for capital gain. In- spection and investigation with- FERI eut charge te you. Stan. Disney, EW R' Realtor, 969 Simcoe St. N., T W R Oshawa. RIA 6-655i or RA 33 DàvW.ojm St, '3-4921L 20-3 b. 45o ). 25 lb.. 40e lb. ivt. Tested RDEN SEEDS lIED POTATORS md GAIRDEN ILIZERS r#S TOP soul, good quality. Phone MA 3-3441. 21-1* USED Connor washing machine. Phone MA 3-3502. 21-1 CAR trailer, 4' x 7'. A-i con- dition. With or without racks. Phone Blackstock 87 r 4. 21-1 SUMP pump, good condition; reasonable. Apply H. M. Hart- wig, Robson Motors Ltd. 21-1 USED tires from $4.00 at West- ern' Tire, 85 King St. W., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-3134. 21-1 TWENTY-two foot house trailer, factory built; anl-steel frame, good condition, $300. Telephone MA 3-2292. 21-1 SPECIAL this month at Western Tire-Grease job only $1.00. Drop ln at .85 King St. W., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-3134. 21-1 USED solid panelled inside doors, two ten wide; usedi windows and frames, very reas- onable. Phone MA 3-5482. 731 Concession St. E. 21-1 6.70 x 15 TIRES. new-First line only $15.95; second line, only $13.45. $2.00 on your dlean me- cappable tire at Western Tire, 85 King St. W., Bowmanviile. Tele- phone MA 3-3134. 21-1 TRADE-IN allowance on chest- erfields, bedroom suites and kitchen sets. Used Moffat electric range, 19.50; Locomotive washer, $19.50; rangette, $12,50; walnut dining - room t a b 1 e, $10,00. Murphy Co., King W., Phonol MA 3-3781. 21-1* SELLING out. Choice selection of perenniais, rockery plants, 3 for 1.00; giant Pacific delphini- ums, shrubs. African violets, si.ngle, double, 85c. Cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, exhibition powder puff asters, marigolds, etc. Ail guamanteed. Mrs. Abrams, 1 St. George St. 21-1 Notices PERCHERON stalion, by Milton Stephenson, Concession 10, Manvers. Blackstoek 54 - 22. owned Lot 1, Phono 21-2* NOTICE TO HORSEMEN Premium A - Dark grey Percheron stallion for service. 0f outstanding stock qualities. Born in Nevada, U.S.A., father born in France. Visitors wel- corne. Fred A. Wheeler & Son (Eiizabethvilie) Campbellcroft P. O. Phone Gardon 1Hil1 6 r 33 21-2 Cars for Sale 1949 CHEVROLET sedan. Tele- phono MA 3-3377. 21-1 '49 PLYMOUTH- custom club coupe, perfect motor, $425. Tele- phono MA 3-2791. 21-1 '48 FORD %-ton pick-up, ,stock racks available. Good condition. Phono H. E. Lycett, Orono 33 r 12. 20-2* '53 FORD custom coach, custom radio, dual exhaust, overdrive; could be financed, trade-in. MA 1955 CHEVROLET V-8, two- door, two-tone, back-up lights, signal lights; 1954 Ford two- door, two-tone; 1953 Plymouth two-door. Ahl the above cars have low mileage and are guar- anteod at Cowan Equipment Ce., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 21-1 Seed for Sale UNITED H-ybrids seed corn. Swain Seed Cleaners, Biack- stock. 21-1 Wanted to Rent CENTRALLY Iocated apartment for four school teachors for Sept. lst. Phono MA 3-2060. 21-1 Repairs RADIO and telovisien repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lomne Doreen, 85 King E. Phono MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS te all makes of refrig- erators, domestie and com- mercial;, milking coolers. Hig- gon Electrie Limited, 42 King St E. Phono MA 3-5438. 25-tf Watch Repairing M ar r 0s JEWELLERY 43 King St. W. MA BOWMANVILLE 3-5463 50-tf Nursing Home MARNWOOD appreved r e.s t home for ladies Who require nursing came inciuding those contined te bed. Fuily equipped, well staffed and under the direction of resident registered nurse. Established 4 years ati 26 Elgin Street <cerner ef Elgin and Horsey) Marnwood offers competent -came for the chron- ically ii. For futher informa- tien vi4it Marnwood or tele- phone Mrs. W. J. Cobban Reg. N. at MArket 3-5734. 19-4 Wanted 15 CATTLE ta take in for pasture. Phone MA 3-2885. 21-1 S EEDS' DEDad crlppled farin stock. j pekd p promptly. Phono MA Dewmcauflle 3-2679. àlargwill Piu- Farm.4 17-ti T7rom. - f ea Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale' Help Wne 25 ACRES, 5 acres fruit, one Pe rreum DRIVER. Apply Gart , a?, ville and Oshawa at corner of REAL ESTATE BROKER HOUSEKEEPER, girl or woman. Park Road and 401 Highway. 21-j* 100 acre farm, il room frame five-day wveek, in Bowmanvjlle. house, bank barn 100 x 34, creek, Telephone MA 3-3656. 21-1 LOT for sale, 90' frontage, 200' good location. Price only $11,500. I XEINE ilo oa deep, on No. 2 Highway at Maple Down payment $2,500.00. EXEINE iloIoa Grove. Beautiful location, high 42 acres of orchard. 2 modern for permanent office position. and dry, ready for building, homes, on paved road. Good in-; Good working conditions and Priced to seil. Caîl Oshawa RA vestment. benefits. For interview Phone 8-8833. 18-tf 35 acres, 3 apartment home, MA 3-5690. 21-1 furnace, bath, bank barn 30x6O, 'BANK of Montreal has openings REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3-car garage, neyer failing creek. for Junior Clerks, maie or fe- Properties SoId, Rented Priced to sell.mae odwrigcntos Moknaged and Appraised 50 acre farm, 6 room frame mn ai Godworkigcodtin house, andestartingvysalarv.,For inter- L. M. Ali1soU pressure system, barn 50 x 30,viwapyn es tBnk Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffie signal Newcastle 5-tf James Nixon1 REAL ESTATE BROKER 4-moom brick bungalow, hard- wood floors, 3-piece bath, oul furnace, heavy wiring, laundry tubs, antenna, landscaped, gar- [age. $9,300. Terms. 7-room stone house near high- way with approximately 2 acres with small fruit. Immediate possession. $5,000. Terms. Houses in Hampton, New- castle, Bowmanville and on No. 2 Highway. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville MA 3-5682 21* IN BOWMANVXILLE An excellent building lot In North Ward, 73' x 601, on First Street. $9,000 - 7-roomed solid brick, 1½/'-storey home; oil hoated, hardwood and tule floors; 3-piece bath. 3 bedrooms, and garage. Close te school. Terms. Open for listings. Saleslady Jean Woolner MA 3-2175 Berneice H. Patrick REAL ESTATE BROKER 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa RA 5-3692 (collect> 19-tf Leask Real Estale 5 room bungalow, new tap- estry brick, hot water heating with oil, 3 bedroems. alumînum storms and screens. Garage, landscaped roomy lot. Under N.H.A. with 5% interest. Terms. 5 room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, extras. Centrally located, $11.500,00 Choice building lots near Maple Greve, $450.00. We have farms, houses, lots, etc. . List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. MA 3-5919 Bowmanvile 21-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $2,000 down-Full prico $9.500 for this new ranch style 3-bed- roem home. $1,500-Terms, new modern brick bungalow, dividod base- ment, tule and hardweod, forced air oul heating, 4-piece bath. $13,500-Concession St. home,I new, a lovely home. $9,500, excellent temms, for this new home under construction. sewem and water. Own your own summer cot- tage. We have a large variety in different districts. We welcome youm listings. Free appmaisal. No obligation. 52 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman - Everett Hanna, 21-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTA-TE BROKER 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3230 Orone-Eight room solid brick, aIl conveniences, on haîf acre corner lot. Beautiful trees and shrubs, aise small barn. Low taxes. Asking $10.000 with reas- onable cash. Six roomed insul brick on No. 2 Highway, east ef Newcastle. Three acres of land, oil heat, wator pressure, toilet. Asking $6.500 with $1.000 cash. Six roomned insul brick, Hamp- ton, ail conveniences, garage. Asking $8.500 with $3.000 cash. Four roomed, rural Hampton, on hait acre, three years old. Listed $5.900 with $800 cash. These are suggestions. Cal in and taik it over. 21-1 D. W. McQuay Real Estie 1WHITB'Y 240 acre mixed tari, 165 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. Good 8 room insul- brick house, large barn with stanchions and running watem and cernent silo. Trout stream runs through entire famm. 10 acre gravel pit with excellent road gravel. Close te tewn. This farmrnmust be sold at once due te. owner's heaith. Sacrifice at $21.000, with terms. 10 acres ef valuable building land adjoining Town of Bow- manville. Priced very reason- able. Ranch style homes built te, order frorn $7.900 up with low down payments. Plans at our off ice. Land: We have a large soiection of farrns, acreages, houses, cottages. etc. MRS. P. A. FRANK AND WALTER FRANK 177 Church Street, Bowmanville MArket 3-3986 Reprenenting McQuay Real Estate Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board I GENERAL FARM, 100 acres, close te sehool, village and high- way, ahl workabie, 60' x 60' bank barn, implement shed, hen bouse, garage; 9 roomod brick bouse with fumnace, running water, 3- pieco bathroom, hardwood floors. Price $12,500. Terms. GENERAL FARM, 100 acres with 75 acres workable, large barn, cmeek, ben bouse, drive-in shed. Gcod 9 roorned bouse with heavy duty wiring. Down pay- ment $2.500. Price arranged. *pa2uu.xe j;uauixad UNmocJ -000'i.î$ ujsv paT ,£Auatq 'aanuxnj tfl!m esnoiq >Ipq piuos paruceoà8 g paqs ;uaIaîdý -tu1 'suolt3uieýs îaa;s lm uq Xueq 9E'x 06 liqsnq ut sazat 02 '3Xaaiz '-aqai1Jom saiae 011 i.fl!m pi aja3 091 'a lamzHND GENERAL FARM. 100 aeres, 80 acres workable, 20 acres pasture, large U-shaped bank barn, implernent shee, hon bouse, garage; 7 roomed brick bouse with running water, beavy wir- ed. Asking $13,000. Terms. Open for offer. GENERAL FARM, 200 acres situated on paved highway with 140 acres workable, 30 acres in wood, creek, large L-shaped bank barn, with running water,1 large ben bouse; 8 roomed frarne bouse with furnace, bathroeîn running water. Asking $16,000. Open for offer. 6 roomed new house on high- wav. east Newcastle, on 1 acre lot witb oul fumnace, full base- ment, running bot and cold wat- or. Garage. Price $6.500 with $1,000 down. GENERAL STORE, in village, with good turnover. Living quarters and extra gpartment, with 2 bathroorns, oul fur-nace, 2ý kitchens, etc. Price and terms amranged. 8 roomed solid brick bouse with bathrocm, cil fumnace, run- îîing bot and cold water, kitchen cupboards, etc., with 15 acres of land, good barn, chicken bouse, double garage. Price $8,500 witb $2.000 down. 8 roomed insulated trame bouse in Bowmanville, running bot and cold water, 3-piece bath, hardwood floors, full basement, 2 garages. Price $8,000 wîth $1.000 dcwn. Open rnortgage. 9 roorned trame hoùse at Bow- manville Beach, with garage, pressure system, heavy duty wiring. Price $3.800. 5 roomed cottage, Bowman- ville Beach, insulated and heavy duty wired. Price $2,000. Down, $500. Besides above menticnod we have approximately 100 more farms and homes te choose from. Member et the Oshawa Photo- Co-Op Real Estate Board. Contact John F. De Wllh Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmnanvllle MA 3-3950 Daniel Boehm -Port Hope TU 5-5042 21-1 Room and Board ROOM and boardforeone gentle- man. Phono MA 3-5279 betweon 6 p.m. and 9 p.rn. 21-1 Pets for Sale HAVE two part Persian kittens ta give away te geod home. Tele- phone MA 3-3820. 21-1 u, mASAS ê c.4,.veriaiO. ,L Ace $6,500.00. Don't miss this bar- gain. 4 roem cottage in Hampton, fully modern,34 acre lot. Price $7,500.00. Down payment $3,500. Newcastle RER. 2 Phone 2204 Salesman J. J. Hartwig, Hampton Phone MArket 3-2035 21-1 Pel er I<owal L.EAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 5 minutes from Bowmanvilie! New 3 bedroom frame bungalow, large living-room, modemn kitch- en, tiled bath, aluminum storms, oil-fired forced air fumnace. Ab- solutely beautiful. $11.500. - $2,800 down. 4 bedroom brick home on nice street. Living-room, dining- room, kitchen, bath. New furn- aco. Large lot. Only $10.500. $3.000 down. 3 room house, heavy wired, sewer and water, nice lot, cozy for a family of two or three. Move right in! Only $3,900. Terms. Beautiful 8 room brick home on Church St. Loaded with extras, garage, awnings, loveiy lot, etc. Definiteiy the best buy in town. Could net be buiît for twice the asking price at present. Terms arranged te suit purchas- er. 2 bedroom frame bungalow, oul heating, garage, extra ]ot. Vemy central. Only $9.500. Terms. 3 bedroom s e m i attached frame home, living-room, dining- room, bath, kitchen, sun roem. Most central. Only $8,500. $3,000 dewn. 21-1 De Wiih Real Esiafe 1 a Articles for Sale I Articles f or Sale lwý CALIFORNIA. Trinity Damn construction starting. High pay, long job. Send 25e and address- ed envelope for "Job News." CHCO, Box 656, Bellevue, Wash., U.S.A. 21-1* MIE are interes-ted to hear from ail of you as we have the best proposition for arnbitious pers- ons, but especially if you're liv- ing in Bowvmanviile and sur- roundings you would have everything to gain by getting in touch withi us at once. You mnay be the right man for us. Op- portunities for evemybody but the diligent one wili get it! 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 63, Station C, Montreal. . 18-4 $18,000 Is Not, Too Much For The Man We Wani Because we pay our top mon in other cities fromn $14.000 to $24.000 in a yeam, this opening in the Bowmanville area is womth just as mucli to the right man. If you are between 45 and 65 ...can make short auto trips - can call on small town, rural and industrial property owners... I hope to hear from you right away. I would like to have you stamt with us soon and stay for a long time. Ail replies confi- dentiai. B. H.- SWALLOW,_President Southýwestern Petroleum Co. P.0. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas Tenders Wante*g_ Tenders will be received up to June 2th for tearing dé&vn and clearing away the old secibol at S.S. No. 5, Clarke, including one oil stove and oul tank. High- est or any tender not necessarily raccepted. Tenders te be maile d to Mrs. June Wilson, Sec.-Treas.. R.R. 2, Newcastle. . 21-3 Tenders %il be re -eied up to June lst for the e farging ef the gravel area of the Parking Lot at the High Scholo, and the iaying of cernent connecting this area to the entrances. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the High School. Tenders to be given to Mm. L. A. Parker, property chaîrman. 21-2 Separato tenders Invited on two adjoining parcels of property in Newcastle. Vacant lot, corn- er Caroline and Beaver Streets. 132' x 66', adjoining a lot ap- proximately 32' x 66' with frame building 24 x 30 on it. No tender necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in hands of H. J. Toms by noon, June 8. 20-3 Applications ta f111 vacancy on the United Counties Court of Revision, caused by the resigna- tion of the Durham County, Rural Representative of the Court, will be received by the. underslgned until 12 noon, MONDAY. lUNE loth, 1957 K. SYMONS, Clerk, Northumberland & Durham 21-2 Tenders wilI be received for the supplying of fuel - stove oil, furnace oul and coal, both stoker and fumnace - for the schools of South Darlington Sehool Area, until June 1Oth, for the year July 1957 to June 30, 1958. Information regarding quantity may be obtained from Secretary M. J. Hobbs, Ennis- kilien. Phone MA 3-2984. 21-2 .>The Canadian Statesman *. CLASSIFIED ±ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLSFOR SALE e LIVESTOCIC FOR SALE LOCARS* F05.SALE LOS -FOUND .-E=C.*