PAGE SIXTEEN TEZ CAKADIAK STATESMA!f. EOWMANV!LLZ. ONTAflIO TRURSDAY. MA? SIrE, pI~ * !eA niversary service and werer Lakceshore Intermea mte j guests o M.annds Ni uetiMr. and Mrs. Roy nMc-d Bowmanville Harvesters be- Il1-Port Hope at Orono GU ganther 2 gme cheuleof12-Bowmanville at Port Hope Little Miss Sally Langmaid the Lakeshore Intermediat-2 15-Cobourg at Port Hope acmaidM.adMs o Basebail League at Port Hope 17-Orono at Cobourg acompnied Myr. an Mu. Jo Saturday. Harvesters will play 18-Bowmanville at Oron n wen tyaTyrondedaniunda 12 home games during the re- 19-Cobourg at Bowmanville sah ervthe atnd e annier-s gular Leason. They plav eignt 22-Port Hope at Cobourg r. evc and r. erme gust ganswith each of the teamns "4-Port Hope at Bowmanville ao.fn rs o Pes gamesance. in the loop. Other teams in the 125-Cobourg at Orono Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and league this year include; Part ý 26-Orono at Port Hope children visited at Mr. A. Bee- Hope. Orono and Cobourg. l 29-Bowmanville at Cobourg vor's, Oshawa, and Mr. Frank Following is the Lakeshore juIy_ Bastarache's at Whitby. Intermediate L ea g ue 1957 1-Cobourg at Port Hope Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer and Schedle:- Bowmanville at Orono Elizabeth, Oshawa, Mr. and Lakeshore Intermediate 3-Cobourg at Bowmanville , Mrs. H. Pascoe and Lyn, were League Sehedule 6-Bowmanville at Part Hope Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. b4ay- Orono at Cobourg Rae Pascoe's. 18-Bowmanville at Port Hopei 6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hiils, Ca- 3:00 p.m. 9-Port Hope at Orono IraI Anne and Howard, attend- 0O-Orono at Bowmanville lO-Orono at Bowmanville ed Tyrone anniversary servicef 10:30 arn. 13-Part Hope at Cobourg and were guests of Mr. and Port Hope at Cobourg 15-Orono at Part Hope Mrs. A. Hifis. 3:00 p.m. 16-Cobourg at Orono Mr. and Mrs. Ian Montgom- 23-Cobourg at Orono 17-Port Hope at Bowmanvîfl ery and children, Oshawa; Miss 6:30 p.m. 20-Bowmanvile at Port Hope Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, "5-Cobourg at Port Hope 22-Orono at Cobourg were with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 27ý-Bowmanville at Cobourg '23-Part Hope at Orono Taylor and sons. 28-Prt Hope at Orono '24-Cobourg at Port Hope Mr. and Mrs. H. Ogden of 29-Cobourg at Bowmanville 25-Orono at Bowmanville Oshawa, were guests af Mr. elune- 27-Bowmanville. at Cobourg and Mrs. E. R. Taylor on the 1-Orono at Port Hope 30-Bowmianville at Orono occasion ai their fifty-fifth 6:30 p.m. 31-Orono at Port Hope wedding anniversary on Tues- 4-Boxvmanville at Orono Cobourg at Bowmanville day, May 14. 5-Orono at Cobourg jAugust -M and ynMss J ee rySusra Part Hope aI Bowmanville f3-Port Hope aI Cobourg an aneMss Gerge Biter, 8-Bowmanville a, Cobourg 5-Cobourg at Oronoma an MrGegeBte, 10-Orono at Bowmanville Port Hope at Bowmanvil]e Oshawa, were Sunday visitors __________________________________________at Mr. E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and sons with Rev. and Mrs. Bariam akes oreStanley Snowden at Bancroft. Bantam LakeshoreTom rsotlake Basebali Schedule and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- May l0-clcoe atCourice lake Jr., and family, visited at 27-Oî-'onolom at Courtîc lOooa omnile Mr, Cyril Smith's at Fleet- 27-roo a CurI e12-Courtceat BWealce wood, Sunday. Newcastle at ecm 2Ioriea Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and 28-Port Hope aI BowmanvilleI 15-C.oýbourg at Welcome children w ith Mr. and Mrs. 30-Newcastle at Cobourg Newcastle at Bow manville Rusl IitnEnsiln june - 17-Port Hope at Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, 1-Welcome aI Port Hope Orono at Welcomc Peterborough, visited at Mr. 4-Bowmanville at Newcastle 18-Cobourg at Bowmanville Isaac Hardy's. Cobourg at Port Hope I 20-Courtice at Cobourg Mr. and Mrs. S. -E. Werry and f-Welcome at Orono Newcastle at Orono Miss Anne Werry attended Ecn- 6-Courtice at Bowmianviiie 122-Bowmanville at Part Hope niskillen anniversary, service 8-Orono at Newcastle WÀllcome aI Newcastle and were guests at Mr. and Bowmanville at Courtice - -Cobourg aI Courtice Mrs. E. Werrys. ________________________ Bowmanville at Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yelloîv- S25-Newcastle at Part Hope lees, Karen, Brenda and Jan- 26-Port Hope at Orono ice attended annxversary ser- 97-Welcomne aI Cobourg vice at Blackstock Sunday 29-Courtice at N\ewcastle morning and were guests at juiy -.Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer's., I1-Bowmanville at Courtice Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor 8 Port Hope at Welcome lwere âlso guests with the Lai- 1 2-Cobourg at Oronoj mer's. D II -Port Hope at Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis 6-Orono at Port Hope land Fat were Sunday evening 8-Newcastle at Courtice visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed 9--welcomne a' Bowmanville Davis, Oshawa. 1O-Bowmanville at Orono lçw 1 Courtice at Port Hope Buy better Hybrids for 13-Orono at Cobourg better yield. 16-Port Hope at Cobourg elant Pfister Hybrids in 1957 16à-CoLirtice at Orono DEALER Siewart's Seeds SOLINA BOWMANVILLEI Congratulations ta Stan and Marv. Milîson (neeC (arr)oni the 'birth of their son, Lorne iDevitt, on May 16, in Oshawa Hospital. N I The Sunday School anniver- M To Pay Past sary services at Eldad will be ~.U Ion Sunday, May 26 at 2 and Due Bills ' 7U13 o cLock with Rev. George Boyle of Toronto. guest minis- To Cnsoldate ter. Sec Coming Events for èk Mr.- and Mrs. Charles Lan- madMr. and Mrs. Raess r- v Mnts derrýn, Mr.and Mrs. Ross Crs- ,LVifltfiY Icoe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, s' a Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, attended itfuneral service of Arnold SA For Holiday Hodgson at Brooklin. Having Expenses came from England recently he had been employed at Mr. s'Bob Flett's. A football enthus- last he had joined the Sauina 5Football Club for the season. For New Hi s sudden . death rame asPucae ara hckt i red ee Purcaseswh o wish ta canvey their deep- Sest sympathy ta his father and brothers in 'England. For Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor Ernergency ei and sons were recent guests Expensesof Mrs. B. Montgomery, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks, To. The iffeencewit ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Murton e, he iffrene wth aters and DorothY. Max- Belivue well's; Mr. and Mrs. Clare Al- SCl ertand John, Mr. 4ý is the Service 1Chre Allin. Bowmanville, ~'were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees anmi ' BELLV UE Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Sfamilyattended Blackstock an- Air. Rail or Steamnship CORP. TI1CK ET S G. H. WILSON, Mg r. TO EVERYWHERE Consult $29/2Slmeoe S. RA 5-1121. JURY & LOVELL OSHAWA 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 e, Bowmanville SHOE SALE AIR STEP PUMPS Narrow widths only ini the following sizes Widths 6 7 'z8 I j9 I10~ AAAIxlxIc AA A Y!__ __ _ Regular Price $12.9i and $13.95 Sale Price $ 8.99 Sale Ends Juns isi John Stutt .Shoes 15 King St. E. MA 3-5839 P .rime Minister Praises Local Member r Both Prime Minister St. Laurent and John M. James, M.P. for Durham for the past eight years, look none the worse for their campaigning in this photo taken at a Liberal meeting in Port Hope last Friday. The Prime Minister spoke from the band- sheil at Victoria Park to a large croxvd. He urged Durham electors to vote for and "re-eleet Johnny James so that Durham can again be energetically and effectively represented at Ottawva". -Photo Courtesy Toronto Star Arnica Club Cast Admires Trophy OBITUARY WILLIAM A. BEACOCK rWilliam A. Beacock, youn-: est son ai John and Sarah Eng- lisb Beacock, passed away on May 4, 1957 in Hillsdale, Mich., at the age ai 82. Mr. Beacock was born in Cartwright, Ocz. 2, 1874, an the Beacock homestead, a haîf-mile west of Blackstock. He was a4 member of the Methodist church and choir. When quite' a young man he learned the tailoring business with Mr. Doubt, Part Ferry. with whoin he worked for some lime. He was in Toronto for a while be- fore moving ta the west and starting up bis own business of tailoring. On Feb. 18, 1902, he was mar- ried ta Katherine Batters aof Holland, Man. Three children were born ta them, two daugh- ters and a son. His wife pree ceased hlii i192Q. his eldesi daughter in 1924, and bis son lu 1953. Mr. Beacock married again f but ere long bis second wifel was killed in an automobile ac- cident. His present xife, anc daughter, and anc brother Ar- thur ai Weyburn. Sask., sur-i vive bini. His wiie suifered a stroke twa and a bahf years ago and bas been an invalid ever since. Five sisters, Mrs. Andrew Brown (Martba), Mrs. Wn. Werry (Susanna), Mrs. C. H. Hobden (Mary), Mrs, W. C. Ferguson (Kezia>, Mrs. A.W. Pickard (Emma) predeceased f him. OBITUARY MRS. MARY BEACOCK HORDEN Aller sev'eral years ai iailing health, there passed away in Boston, Mass., April 18, 1957, Mary Elizabeth Beacock Hcb- den in ber 94th year. Deccased was born iu Cartwright town- ship, a hall mile west af Black- stock, on June 7, 1863, daugh- ter ai the laIe John and Sarah English Beacock. As she grew up she was a faithful member ai Blackstock Methodist cburch aud chair. Following her marriage ln Sept. 4, 1890, ta Clarence H. Hobden, thev lived in Toronto for nine years, where three cbildren were born. They mov- 'cd ta Boston, Mass., U.S.A., and spent the rest ai their lives in the Chelsea district. Twa moreI cbildren were born there. Mrs. Habden subscribcd ta and read the Bowmanville pa- per, The Canadian Statesman, whicb she called ber letter from home, from leaving Cari- wrght untîl ber eyesigýt leit ber a couple af years ago. Then îi was read ta her until her death. Funeral service was held -in Chelsea church of wbicb she' \Nas a member for nearly six- 't i.v years and attended as long as health permitted. Sur'ziving are twva daugbîers, Mrs. R. Vaughan (Jessie) a wî- do%\, and Miss Florence, and aonc son Wilfred. ah aof Boston; one son EverIv in Maine. Her husband predcceased her in 1942 and ber eldest son Ernest lin 1952. Hec tamily were at her bed- sde a short lime before ber passing and shp kneNv them al. Aftcr r-ating br breakfast and apparentIv enjovîing 't s5"' quietly ýIipped into her last sleep. .- Proudly admiring the Baxter Drama Trophy presented to them for their prize winning plat; "Heaven On Earth" are directress. Mrs. Jean Sheridan, (holding cup), and members of the cast. The play, presented by the Amica Club of Trinity United Church, won first place in the Bay of Quinte Conference held in Campbellford recenl. For her fine role in the production, Miss Bea Roddick won the Best Supporting Actress Award. Other members of the cast are, from the left, front row: June Wood, Ted ColwAe]l. Back row: James McClure, Audrey. Young (assistant directress), Bea Roddick. Eleanor Leighton. ________ Fou r Teams Juvenile Basi Teaýns from Bowmanv7il.e. Newcastle, Cobourg and Port Hope. will be competing in toc Lakeshore Minor Baseball A.' sociations new Juvenile divi- sion tbis \ear. Bob Williams will coach the Bowmanville entry. Murray McKnight is the teani manai r Follwingis the leegues 181 game schedule for this season: 1 Juvenile Sehedule Please notc-All games be- gin et 6.30 p.m. May - 20-Cobourg at Port Hope Newcastle it Bowmanvil'e 23-Port Hope at Newcastle Bowrranville at Cobourg cffee n .cVfown flews1 Thece is ta be a hardtime dance on Friday, May 24, bf-- ginning at 8:30 at the Lion.s Centre. There will be prizes 'for spot dences and elimination dances. so won*t you please join the fun. There bas been a change made in the date of the laFt dance. It is now ta be hcld on June 14. On Friday, May 17, there was a dance, and we were p]eased ta se sa many attend. We aLqo hope that you enjoyed Soir-sclf '.o thp utmo-i Don t forzet about ynîrTr'en Town Crests. you havent longer to buy them. Bertrim and iamily.I Ent redMr.Tom King, Mr. and Mrs. E nteredGeorge King and Garry John, ba lOshawa, wr inrget ebai Leo que Saturday at the Bertrim home. I.e9ueMr. and Mrs. Harol'd Ga.-j- 28-Cohourg it Newcastle Oshawa. at Mr. and Mrs. C Port Hope a, Bownilic je Garrard's on Saturday. 30-Port Hope at Cobourg Mr. and Mvrs. Herb Scoti. Bo m ai i e a'. Newcastle eono, caldon unda'M rs. vistor 4-Coourgat Bwmanille Wedncsday evening itos N-casule at PotBopenvlleit the Trewin home were, Mrs. 6Npwcast;Ile a Pr1Hp David Morrow, Sr'., London 6-ewasleat Cobourg Mr. and Mrs. David Fairwea'! Bowmanvîlle at Port Hope ite.Trno isWinfc 11-Port Hope at Ne\wcasýt]e tiT oontoM iss David Mro Bowinanville a! Cobourg iTroývn& rDai 'tr 13-Newcastlc at BrowmanvilleToono Cobourg at Port Hope Mr. and Mî.s. Fred Ashton 18-Newcastle aI Port Hope and Bill, Toronto, et Mr. Heli- Cobourg at Bowmanville ry Ashton's. 20-.Newcastlce t Cobourg Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahmn, Bowmanville aI Port Hope Tyr-on'--, at Mr. and Mrs. Roy.. 25-Cobourg at Newvcastle Graham's. Port Hope at Bowmanville Mis. W. Thompson visited 27-Port Hope et Cobourg Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- Bowmanville at Newcastle son, Bowmanville. JuIy - Several irom Haydon attend- 1-Cohourg at Por, Hope f d fyrone and Enniskillen Ait- Newcastle at Bowmanvilla niversary services on Sunday. 4-Cobourg at Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham Port Hope et Bowmanville visited Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus 9-Bowmanville at Cobourg Ashton, Burkcton, on Thurs- Port Hope aI Newvcastle day. il-Part Hope at Cobourg Miss Lynda PoIls with Anrne Bowmanvi]le et NewcastiWie apo, tterct 16-Newcastle at Port Hope 1 apoatterct Cobourgc at Bowmanvillbý l8-Bowmanville a! Port Hope, Mr. Milton Slernon aîtended Newcastle aI Cobourg the Enniskillen Annivcrsary _________________ gues'. et Mrs. Theo Slemon's. HAYD N teChti ich service SUnday af- Mrs. Wesley Brownlee. Le&- side. Mr. and Mrs. God nFA STRELI F FOR WAern and June, Toronto, Mr_ Fred Tamblyn, Orono. e.ýt Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtan's. Ni Tr.M jRay Ashton, Leaside, spent the iweek-end and holidey ai bis home. Thanipson. Bowmar. ville, with ber grandmother, Mrs. W. Thbmpson. so . and imily, oanihlf:, E Mrn and fMrs. Dona Thamp- F E E et Mrs. W. Thampson's on Mon- day.?A Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Cocriga.î and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine. I OFR Mrs. Weslev BrownIee, Lea- side. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ro. A,hon and family.i Mr. Edwi' nBertrim. Crow Lake, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mel' son in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon attended Blackstock and Ennis- killen Anniversary services on Sunday. We welcomne Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid, Lynda and Billie, Enniskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Chivers, Lousia and Simon, recently fromn England, ta aur community having mov- ed into Mr. Mel Bertrim's apartments, formerly owned by T. H. Tabb. Mrs. M. Bertrim spent Frî- day at her daughters's home, Mrs. Ron Morrison's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bartrim were dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Dawson, Brook- lin, on Sunday. Ladies' Aid Met at Home 0f Mrs. Gist Nestleton Ladies' Aid mein- bers met at the home af Mrs. Gîst and Mrs. Davison on Tues- day evening with President Mrs. George Wolfe in the chair, IMrs. Gist led the devotional portion followed by prayer. Several thank-yau notes were read and ail members signed get-well cards for two mem- Ibers who are ill. Plans were made for the Pot Luck Supper and a committee, namely: Mrs. Gist, Mrs. C. Wil- son and Miss Ruth Proutt ta arrange ta have churcli vesti- bule painted. Mr. Campbell was present and made several suggestions for church praced- ure this coming year which the ladies were ta think aver; aiso the Recognition Service for aur new minister, Rev. R. Camp- bell, is to be held in Nestietan Presbyterian Church on June 3rd. The fallowing numbers of the program were enjayed: reading. Miss Ruth Proutt, "Let Us Smlle;" reading, Mrs. C. Thompson, "Mather's Ap- ron:" reading, Mrs. L. Fitze, "A Sang of Twilight." Mrs. C. GiFt favoured w i t h fnouthorgan music of "When Mothers ai Salem," accompanied by Mrs. ,Wesley Beacock on the piano. The ladies af the group Mes- damnes Fitze and Thomfson as- sisted Mrs. CGist and Mrs. Davi. son witb. the usual social tirne and all adjourned to meet in June at the home of Mrs. Her- man Samells. *57 FRIGUDAMU IFOOD FREZIR. REFRIGERATOR Mode! FS-1O1C-57 Easy Payments *fter oSm.!! dawn peyment 'mes 10.1 eu. &t low-cost Super Model is the big "bonus baby" of'57! Top-quality Frigidaire features: Real Zero Zone Freezer- holda 44 lbo; - Exclusive Cycla-Matie Defrasting in refrigerator se(- tian , Four Full-Width Shelves . Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator - Big, Deep Storage Door with Five removable ahelves. Built und backed by" General Motors MASON & DALE HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King st. 9. Bowmanville you can show off a pack of pictures and cards m1 the smart new. DUXTON Converti -You don'I just slow pictures in it! You can show off as many as 21 snapshots or cards because the Buxton Flickbar lets you add extra windows. You get windows for 9, buy extras as you need theni. And the complete pass Zase renmoves to use alone! Ini choice of leathers, with smaft new metal accent. JURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE FREE! FREE!Iý Ron son Table Ligh fer - Direct f rom the factory when you purchase this new Ronson Shaver. *HOOPERS JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 King St. W. MA 3-57471 .4 q BOWMANVILLE PAGE SMTEEN TIM CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWIUNVn=. ONTARTO - Tito AT, MAI? M& lm 1