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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1957, p. 2

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PAGE TWO - T2~ CAKAD!AN STATESMA!i, EOWMANV!LLZ, ONTAP.IO ?Xt71~SDAY, MAT 2Srd~ - Sa lesmen of Unknown Address Are Keeping Busy in This Area Bowmanville Chamber o! Commerce are kaeping a watchfui eye open for "Sprinli- time Rackets" witbin tbe town enid area. and have urgad citi- zens to use caution when deai- ir.g with unknown saiesmen n- Persons soiciting donations. In keaping up with current events bbe Chamber bas cited a few cases drawn to thair at- tention recently. Non-Existent Camp A few montbs ago King Street merchant.s wera ap- proachedl by a weli dressed, well spoken man soliciting don- ations on behaîf of a camp for underpriviiegad children. Sirn- Ilan canvassas bad been con- ductèd by the smre man on several occasions in recent years. E&cb time he bas ob- tained donations from a sub- stantial numbar o! merchants. However on bis latest visit one marchant pboned the C. o! C. to question the man's ce- dentials. A caîl to the Toronto Beter Business Bureau reveal- ed that they were aware o! tbe inan's activities and that their investigations found no trace o! the supposed camp for chiu- 4 30/ dren. It would appear that in re- cent ycars Bowmanvihle mer- chants bave contributed a size- able amount o! money toi a non-existent gmoup, Ken Mor- ris, Chamber o! Commerce Se- cretary-Manager, said in com- menting on this particular case. Another incident occurred recently wban a merchant was parsuaded to axtend a consid- eable amount o! credit ta aa smoobh talking man. The mer- cbant's suspicions were la ttn aroused and when be checkad with tbe C. o! C. it was quick ]y establlsbed that the man beld no resourcas and was 'Ln beavy debt to a number o! Énarchants throughout this area. These and similar incidents couid easily ba avolded if the party involvad would only contact the Chamber o! Com- merce to ascertain the boncsby o! tha person they are dealing with. Neyer Dellvered Pnior to Christmas savaral local citizens wara persuadad by an ou-of-town sahesman to make cash deposits against Canada Permanent Debentures FOR TERMS 0F 1 TO 5 YEARS Debcfttures are issued ln registercd faim, or payable ta bearer iâ imounts of $100 and upwards. Authorized for the investîment of trust funds. Cal or wrie'for Debenure foldev CANADA PERMANENT merchandise that was to lie delivered in time for Christ- mas. When this merchandise failed to arrive thé C. of C. was contacted. It was discovered that the salesman's name and the name and address of the firm lie represented were non- existent. Tbe Chamber of Commerce bas received numerous reports similar to these. The afore- mentioned incidents are oniy typical examples of ther los and dissatisfaction experienc ed by rnany persons who have deait with unknown door toi door canvassers and saiesmen. These and similar incidents can be avoided if the person approached contacts the Chamn- ber of Commerce before mak- ing any commitments. The lo- cal chamber is affiliated with tbe Better Business Bureau and can check on the person within a few minutes by caliîng To- ronto. If it fz necessar for thP chamber to cail Toronto, the person enquiring is charged a small sum for the caUl. How. ever this nominal fee is con- siderabiy low cornpared to the amount lost by many people wbo are prey for these men. Bowmanville is a large enough area that almost any- thing imaginable along the line of products or services is avail- able in Town. Also if you deal locally you are dealing with men you know, trust and respect, Mr. Morris pointed out. Local mer- chants pay property taxes Rs everyone else and in addition tbey pay thousands o! dllars in business taxes to aid tbe town, where out-of-town mer- chants and salesmen pay noth- ing towards the support o! this community. If it is necessary to deal with out-of-town merchants the chamber advises you to cbeck on their standing with the Better Business Bureau, before mnaklng any commit- ments, otherwise you may lose your lnvestment. Bethany Doctor Leaves to Take Course at Flint Dr. Stuart Spellar bas moved bore from Tbornbill and begin- ning Tuesday, May 2lst will be assisting Dr. G. M. Longfield. Wc waicome bbc Doctor, Mrs. Speler and their cbiidren Da- vid, Donald and Catherine, to this community. Dr. Spehier is a native o! Guysborougb, N.S. and a grad- uate o! Dalhousie University, witb five years' experianca. Commencing July let, ha wilI take ovar tbc entire practice wban bbe nesidant physician, Dr. G. M. Longfield, leaves for Flint, Mich., ta commence a four year course in Pabbohogy at tbc Hurhey Hospital. Dr. Longfieid, a graduate o! Western University, came ta Betbany from Mount Brydges in Septembar 1946. During bkl stay here ha bas made many friands wbo arc wishing biiin cvery success in bis new course o! study. 1PONTYPOOL Wa were very pleased ta read in last waek's issue that Victor Bowins bad graduated from United Theological College ini Winnipeg. Victor is well known locally baving livad bere for severai yaars. Wa were also glad ta have hlm pay us a visit on Friday and spend a pleasant bour with him. While visiting friands bere ha was bbc guest o! bis uncle, Mr. T. E. Cain. The W.A. have decided not ta, have a suppen in connection with bbc Annivarsary services on June 2nd. Tha congregatiün will be canvassad for financial aid instaad. Frost again did damnage to flowars and gardens last weck. Possibly when tbc election gets dloser bbc air will warm up enough ta drive the cold air. away. L.O.B.A. held anothar suc- cassful meeting hast week. Dark o! niglit spelîs danger~ for pedestnians and motoristý. Be afraid o! the dark-and liv.c longer. Do If You Do Why Not Milk More Efficient Cows Look at these figures taken froni the Ontario Government Dairy Herd Improvement Association Report for 1955 (The records are tram both grade and vurebred caftte tested under the D.R.!.A. program. those llsted as artifIcllv sired are daurhters of bulls in artiflelal breedlng units, these listedl as natural dauchtcns are from sires maintained in the owner's barn.) HOLSTEIN BREED Artificially Sircd Versus Naturally Sired No. of Average Production Class Records Pounds Mil1k Pounds Fat Test Artitlclally sired 2 yr. oldi 2229 8292 290 3.50 Naturally slred 2 yr. aida 2985 7856 272 3.46 Increase cf Artlticialiy sired aven Natural = + 436 + 18 + .04 Artifill, sired 3 yr. olds 1435 9056 320 3.54 Naturally sired 3 yr. olds 2819 8690 302 3.48 Inerease of Artlficlally sired over Natural = + 366 + 18 + .06 At eheese factory prices you get around 75e for every paund of butter fat, at whole mllk prices 31.00. An Increase of 18 Ibs. of butter fat representa $13.50 and $18.00 mare Income tram each row. We offer you the services cf such sires ta Improve your herd for only a $5.00 service tee. If the resulting heifer praduces for an average of 5 years you reeeive $13.50 X 5 = $67.50 or $19.00 X< 5 = $90.00 for your $500 investment. For complete Information or service, cali one of the followlng numbers between 7 a.m. and 9 ar.m.: NOfRTUMlERIAND COUNTY DURHAM COI'NTV ~od -Orono 17110 -------- Welcome 2231 ed, Bowmanville MArket 8-3405 Quinte District Cottie Breeding Association BELLE VILLE - ONT. .A FRrnier OwnPrd ComrerRive. Gentlemen -Pour Tea at Annual Kedron Bazaar Kedron: A happy event of the week was the Woman's As- sociation bazaar and Spring Tea beid in Kedron Lower IHall on Wednesday evening. At 7:3o a large crowd had gather- ed to hear the words o!f'wel- come expressed by President Mns. William Werry, who ex- pressed brie! but sincere ap- preciation and introduced Mrs. E. Cornish, of Oshawa, Presi- dent of Presbytery X.A,, to of- ficially open the sale of work. MIrs. Cornîsh drew attention to tbe work done' by many bande, and graciously declared the ba- zaar opened. The tea table was laid with a blue cioth fringd with white, and centred with a graceful ar- rangement o! ail white low- ers, ligted by bail snowy can- dies. Once again, the men of the congregation made a fine contribution to this annual evening by serving tea. Presiding at tbe silver- ser- vices during the first hall of tbe evening were bbe Rev. Hugh Crozier o! Wbitby, who, in bis eighties, stili enjoys do- ing things for the first time, and so bappily consented; and the Kedron minister, Rev. R. H. Rickard. Later they were relieved by the presidents hus band, Wm. Werry, and Rayl Scott. wbo completed the task. AUl teairoom arrangements were convened by Mrs. Ross Lee. Other convenors inchuded Mrs. E. Mountjoy and Mrs. B. Reeves at the candy booth; Mrs. H. Crossman and Mrs. H. Pascoe at the apron bootb; Mrs. C. Hopkins and Mrs. L. Tre- gunna at the §ewing and knit- ting ibooth: Mrs. W. Woodward and Mrs. P. Mountjoy, plant booth; Mrs. J. Francis and Mrs. W. Snowden, fish pond; Mrs. G. Glover, novelty boobb; Mrm. H. Werry, bome-baking; Mrs. F. Snowden and Mrs. A. Spen- cer in the kitchen; Mrs. J. Gbo- ver and Mrs. H. Bobaker forr tickets. Proceeds will be over $350. To ail who assisted the 30 W. A. members, in any way, bath ~ladies and gentlemen, tbe W. A. expresses sincere apprecia- tion. Tbe regular June meeting o! W.A. bas been changed to Tuesday evenlng, June 4th, to Sermit Kedron ladies ta attend ion bazaar on tbe regular Ke- dron meeting night.1 Robert Henry Thompson Prominent Cartwright Citizen Laid ta Rest On May 7 there was laid to rest an esteemed citizen rof Cartwright township in the person of the late Robert Hen- ry Thompson. The youngest son of the late Robert Thompson and Mary j. Llord, he was born Jan. 29, 1890, on the family farm east of Nestieton, where he lived until 1949 when he moved with his sister to, Blackstock, giving ail bis tihie to clerical work, in which he found great sat;s- faction. In poor health for the past two years, he died on May 5 in Port Perry hospital in bis six- ty-eighth year. Mr. Thompson was a public- spirited mank lho gave a great deal of his tifne in the servicet of bis conimunity. At one time he was Constable of Cartwright Township, later being made a Justice o! the Peace. He was a life-long Conserva- tive, and also a faithful mem- Rota ry Sees G.M. Film On -Curiosity Bowmanvilla Robarians an- joyad an enlightening film pfib- gram on Friday at thair waek- ly luncheon antitled, "The Questing Mind" producad by thec General Matons Resaarch Labonatories Division. The film pointed out how draams have become realities through man's unquanchable curiosity of bbe tbings about him. Science, medicine and in- dustry bave ail banefitad by curiosity. Of a non technical nature bbc film -potayed tbe various re- search techniques apt ta the manufactura of automobiles. Bill Staven introduced the film and Howard Rundie was projactionist. Rex Watars was3 program chairman. Visitons Visitoits at tbc meeting were Rotanians Lance Beatb, Osn- awa and Art Crawford, Wbitby, and two guasts o! George James, Elmen Nesbitt anid Memv Nesbitt o! Nestîcton. A letter ivas receîvad from bbc C.N.1.B. chaimman, Don .Williams, bhanking bbc Rotar- ians for their generous dona- tion of $50, Winners o! bbc basebaîl draw ware Bob Kent, Bob Williams, Walt DeGeer and Layton Run- dlc. 1ENFIELD (Intandad for last wcak) Mr. and Mrs. Morley Morrý- son and Anne, Belleville; Mn. and Mns. J. Pearson and cbild- ran, Oshawa;-Mr. Ray Chland and chiidran, Bowmanvile, wera visitons at R. Oaka's. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pres- cott and Susan,' Toronto, visiz- cd bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pres- cott, -lanice and Marvin, werc Sunday tea visitors with Mn. and Mrs. H. Smitb, Hampton. Miss Betty Tbompson, Wbit- by, spent tbc wcekand with Miss Mary Helen Bowman. Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, To- ronto, was a weekend visiton witb W. Bowman's. Mn. and Mrs. K. Lee and Paggy, Mrs. G. Lee, Whitby, ware Sunday visitons with the E, Lacs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and Miss Elsie Samis, visited ivith Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy at Manilla. Thera vas a large crowd at cburcb Sunday for aur Christ- ian Family Day sarvice. Rev. R. B. Green baptizcd two bu- bics, Byan Harold Edward, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Or- miston; and David Lloyd, son o! Mr. and Mms. Donald Pras- cott. Thera werc visiting rela- tiv'es prasent for tbc happy oc- casion. The W.A. met at bbe bomne o! Mrs. George Bowers. Mrs. E. Lac and Mrs. G. Bowers gave bbc davotional. The pro- gram was composed o! a rend- ing by Miss Elsia Samis, dane- :ng by Judy Lac, and a talk on. England by Mns. I. Spnackling. Thame was a contcst followed ,by lunch. MNr. and Mrs. W. Pa.qcoe and i Mr. and Mrç. A. Bowman a'- tendpd the funcral of Mmm. C. L. Miekey at Oshawa, Mori4ay.' ber o! tbe Orange Lodge, being Registrar o! the Royal Black Preceptory and Treasurer of the District and County Orange Lodges. He was Financial Se- cretary o! the Canadian Order o! Foresters, Secretary Treas- urer o! Cartrigbt Agicultur- ai Society, and Saicretary Trea- surer o! Cartwright Public and High School Arns. In 1950 ha was appointed1 Clerk o! tbc townsbip afbar havinÉ senvad as Treasurer and Tax Cohiector for a numbar o! years. Always willing to do more than bis shgre, bis death laIt many vacant offices in Cartwright township and onlv as these offices ana ilihed will our citizens realize how much ha gave o! himseif in counthess ways beyond bbc uine o! duby LaIt to mourn bis loss is one sister, Ethel M. Tbompson o! Bhackstock. A brother, William, predaceasad bim in 1955. The largely attendad funar- ah service was held in Black- stock Anglican Church, May 7witb Canon Chaperhin giving a comforting message bo tbe be- reaved. Intarment was in tbhe family plot in the Anglican cemetery with an Orange ser- vice at the grave. Among the many beaubiful floral tnibutes were those fromn tbe following organizations: Township o! Cartwright, Dis- trict Orange Lodge and Cour.- ty Orange Lodge, Royal Or- ange Scariat Chapter, Royal Black Precaptory, Canadian Order o! Forasters, Cartwright Agicultural Society, Cart- wright Central Public Scbooi Board, Cartwrigbt High Schooh Board, Staff o! Cartwright Higb and Cartwright Central Public Schools, Nestieton Wom- cn's Instituta, Cartwright Road Superintendent and Assistant Clerk. Tbe palibearers were chosen from the organizabions in wbicb bbe dcceascd bad served: Bruce Asbton, Merlin Suggitt, Wallace Marlow, Dalton Don- reil, Herb Swain and Creigb- ton Devitt. Friands and rela- tives attended from Wyevale, Lindsay, Toronto. Bowman- ville, Orono, Oshawa, Bethany and Port Perry. The people of Nestieton showed the esteemn in wbich they held the late Henry Thompson by flylng their flag at half-mast in bis honour on the day of his funeral. ELIZABETH VILLE crowd gathered for the sale at the old Beatty place. Frienus and neighbors from far and near had a real visit as well as having the sale. Sunday afternoon, Sunday School and church services were held. Rev. Gardine~r s poke. Two nice baskets of flowers commemorated Moth- er's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickle, Port Hope, entertained with solos, duets and musical numbers on the accordion.' Mr. and Mrs. Bickle plan to go to Germany in the summer. Last week a beef ring meet- ing was held and the shares decided and started for another year. Mr. and Mrs., Osh- awa, vislted with Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew and Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, Oshawa, last Sun- day while they were bere at their summer cottage. Mr. Harold Beatty, Port Hope, and Lea Smith, Port Hope, had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty, Saturday. Mr. H. Boyd returned from Peterborough hospital recently but is in very poor health. Mrs. S. A. Powell went to the Port Hope hospital Sunday for a check up and to determine ber illness. She is expected home Saturday. Mrs. Sam MeMillan was crushed in a narrow passage- way by a cow and was rushed to the hospital Wednesday evéning. She bas a fractured shoulder and broken ribs may- be inward trouble as well. Pat Palmer bas been up helping Reuben brushing up and cleanin g the yards before they move down. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore have b 'een helping them take off paper. Mr. 'Allan Thompson, Mill- brook, and Miss Eagleson, Bai- lieboro, had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Beatty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rob- Inson, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler recently. Mrs. H. Thickson and daugh- ter Darlene, spent Friday ini Toronto, The rural school children had their bus trip on Friday. From Grade 5 up, the children çf al the schools In the area went to Toronto for their annual trip. They visited Casa Loma, Mc- Kenzie House, The Happy Gang and the Zoo. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowier along with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Challice, Bailieboro, attended the highway dance at Cobourg F'riday night. Gelt our Price For Tour Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Young Kedron Man Met Tragic Accidentai Death Kedron: Tragedy struck in our swall rural community witb sudden and fatal resuits last week when Arnold Hodgson, a labourer at the farm o! Rob- ert Flett was accidentally elec- trocutad at the noon bour on Tbursday. This makes tha fourth violent deabb that bas occurred wibhin a mile or two o! Kedron corner, witbin tbe past few years. We recali that tbe late Ray McLaughin was killad in a dynamite explosion; Harold Mountjoy was fataliy mauled by a herd sire-, and Mrs. Garfield Trevail was *n- stantly killed in a car accident. This last victim o! acciden- tai tragedy, Arnold Hodgson, a young man of 22, who came hrom England to tbe Flebt home in Novamber, bad made many friands among the near naigh- bours and recentiy had becoma ~a member o! the Solina foot- ball team. At the time o! bis death, ha vas unloading metal pipe to pipe water under the road, when a length o! it touch- ed the bydro wire, and caused immadiate collapse. Dr. W. G. Grant eof B,,ofdi,' was applying artifièial respia- tion wîthin 20 minutes, but ne- suscitation faiied aftar blires bours effort. Rev. R. H. Rickard corgduet. ed a memorial service' ft, the deceased in the RobinsV',&nq anal Chapai, Brookiin, oî Sat« urday evening attended byr sev. eral o! bis new Canadian friends from this community and Solina. The cutting off o! the ife of this fine young man in bie prime, saddened the commun- ity once again. We deeply re- gret that such a promising son o! England should have found such an earlv Canadian grave, because o! this bragic occur- rence. A broken bona will mend-. a broken steering column muet be fixed before it kilis you and others. Duning May, urges the Canadian Highway Safety Con- farence, Check Your Car, Check Accidents. 98 KING ST. W. DEEP (UT SPECIS! Shartening Reg. Price 33o-SAV£ 2o DOMESTIC 1-1b pkg 31c Margarine Reg. Prie* lb. 31a>-SAVE 3o SOLO 21-16bpkgs59C Special Blond Reg. Prie 75o-SAVE 60 A&P TEA 1b pkg 69 c Hereford Reg. Prie. tim 370-SAVE 50 CORNED 1BEEF 212oz tns 69c BLADE ROASI PUMPS & SOFTEMERfI LIMITID ?P a .ONDON CANADJI JACK BROUHi PLUMWBING É&A 3-5615 Division and REATING BOWMANVILLE Street South blade bone removed SHORT RIB ROASI SHOULDER ROAST lean meaty futl eut BAKER Y SPECIALS! Jane Parker Reg. Price. 6a-SAVE Se RHUBARB PIE ee 9 Jan* Park.,r Orange Reg. Prie. BO-SAVE 10e CHIFFON CAKE ..cb49c Jan* Parker Jolly Whirl Reg. Price. 86-BSAVE 68 COFFEE CAKE tec29c Jane Parker Bugar or Cinnaman Reg. 27.,-AVE Se CAKE DONUTS 2pkgsofl249C O<JT5TAPYINGVALLI! A&P INSTANT COFFE 2ozjar 47c 6-oz jar .19 BOWMANVILLE Prices Effective Until Saturday, May 25th, 1957. l bi PRODUCE SPECIAL 2 l'bu. 35c Fresh, lont thin alicers CUCUNDERS 2Fr; Fresh - Flrm - Ripe - Select - celle paek TGNATOES - 29c MORTGAGE CORPORATION W. J. HELM, MANAGER, 114 Waton Street, Pot Hope Telephone TU. 5-2225 Capital and Reserve $1 4,500,000 «0,cr c Century of Service fo Canadiens' Your active, growlng youngsters love milk because it's such a refreshing taste treat! It's one drink you can let them enjoy often *l' because it's packed with health-giving, ënergy-rich fond values! Our farm-fresh milk bita the spot. Order Plenty 1 Glen Rae-Dality It pays to go into a lubrication huddle"! E-ven some mighty, experienced farmn machine operators can get crossed up on the fine points of lubrication. Especially, it*s often bard to know what the manufacturer's recommendations mean in terms of a brand of lubricants. And that's where 1 can help. My years of experience with machines and Imperial products cari be of real value to you. Why not give me a cal!? l'Il be around promptlyi A. H. Sturrock & Sons Sturrock St. Bowrnanville MA 3-5516 YOU ft 1M P 9R 1A L 1S550 AG0eNMTl L liv. DIscovRYI A Pa B fil M You MiIk Cows? SUPER-RIGIIT QUAITffY MEA TS BEEF ROASTS 1W'n. E. Patta - Brighton 271 Kelth Wti K. V. D. Gardner Grafton 1-R-4 Jaan Tasi Walter Elllott Campbellford 337 Dick Woo Ellis ]Isaac Harwood 54 Service la avallable ta 4 dairy and 3 beef breeds Freish, tender GREEN DEANS ?l : : : : :: -- = e ;; - - - ý, - es-Aïqu -- - goum TEE CAN"IAN STATESMAN, BOWMAYMM, ONTARIO PAGE TWO -, mu "AT, MAT Ur&_lu

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