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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1957, p. 5

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?~!UR5DAY, MAY 2Srd, 105? - T1~ CMU.~L&N STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LT~!. O~TAMO PAGE IW The Joys of Travelling1 Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Campnbell One of the pleasures of tra- Bawmanville Centennial Cele- 'velling, besides seeing the bratians next year when they sights alang the way, is meet- will be assured of a cordial ing aid friends and making new weicome renewing aid ac- acquaintances. The editor of quaintances. The Statesman and his wife History of George Family had many such pleasant exper- Mns. Wm. George came ta jences on their holiday in Flac- Canada from England between ida the past winter. We xiiiteyar 85ad 80w relate one of these chance ac- seen of hec86chindre18namely quaintances in which many of! -WiloliamR eo hlre, Macwao ouc ide reaens lvn George, Oliver George, Annie Bawmanville will be intecest- George, Julia George, Launa ed. George and Helen George. An Talking with Mrs. George aider son, Albert George, ceý- Walton, of Newcastle, who with mained in England, later tak- her husband, Ex-Reeve George ing up cesidence in South Afri- Waiton, and hec cousins, Mr. ca. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley of Fax- hnselddinC aa bora, are annual visitors ta hnselneonCnd Tampa, Fionida, told the editor she stayed with Mc. and Mrs. ishe had met a woman whose Samuel Arnold in Bowman- gcandmothen had apecated tuje ville. The Arnolds were the Rheubottom House in Bowmali- parents of Mrs. Ada Susan Du.- ville many years ago. Thfa t mas, nowv living with hec son fact natunally aroused the cun- near Brighton; Mcs. Mary Jane iasity of the editor ta the point Westaway and Mrs. Annie Kate that Mcs. Walton gave hlm the Cartran, the latter two de- addcess of this newly found ac- ceased. When Mrs. George gat quaintance. xvho wîth her huz- lhec beanings in this wandenful band, Mr. W. L. Campbell, ive new country she moved on ta at 404 South Audubon Ave.,Toronto where bier chiidren 'rampa, Fionida. This was anly found suitable work. a short distance from the In the course of a few years apactment we accupied whiie she married Joseph Rheubot- In Tampa. tom who apecated the well We contacted these folks by known Rbeubottom Hatel in phone who very graciously in- Bowmanvilie where the Kitson vited us ta spend the aftecnaon Lackec is naw lacted. She et their very attractive and bcought with ber hec two modern bungalow. True ta Y o u n g e s t chiidnen, Helen àouthern hospitality they caiied George and Oliver George. A Ivith their car and taok us ta short time later Mr. Rheubot- .1'eir home where we spent a tom died and she later dispos- oûýlightful afternoon. ed of the Rheubattom Hotel We soon found out that Mrs. and baught the hotel at the ýampbell, through hec many G.T.R. Station, which she op- visits of yeacs ago ta Bowman- erated until it was burned ville, made a vecy interesting down. convcrsqtionist in reminiscing Helen George married Dave & bout friends she knew, same Lutt reli a well-known and wvhom still live in town. muh liked ybung man who Oy f cour.sel ive didn't miss the caneducted a bakery in Bow- et oprt.L f~o! inviting Mr. and manville for a number of yeans. helt attend the Another daughter, Launa, deserves your support John James ? Many Senior Citizen s Attend Final Meeting The last meeting of Senior Citizens for the season faund 60 in attendance at the Lions Community Centre on Tuesday evening, May 14, and thorough- iy enjoying themselves. These manthly meetings, in- troduced by Club 15 last De- cember and sponsored by them throughout the winter. have been successftl. Ail thase who have enjoyed tile gatherings this year are happy ta know that they will be resumned again in the Fail, when oid and new members and ail interested wiil be welcome. At Tuesday's event, Mrs. El- mer Banting acted as mistress of ceremonies and welcomed those attending. A fine pro- gram was enjoyed prior ta breaking up for games. A sex- tette composed of Mesdames L. VanDriel, S. Black, R. Ok, C. Trewin, J. Dunn and A. Merkley sang twa numbers, "Syncopated Ciock" and "Fini- euli, Finicula", with Mr. Glen Hodgson as accompanist., Mrs. W. Jackson delightad her audience with two humor- ous readings. "The Christen- ing" and "Dominique". M. Donald Williams sang txyo aid favourites, "When He GaVe Me You" ind "Just A'Wearyin' Fior You". Miss Bertha Colville act- ed as his accompanist. Mr. Wil- liams expressed his pleasure at being invited to sîng for thie Senior Citizens group. Following the program, the grathering was divided int seven groups wha competcd in a sano- titie game which xvas was marcied ta William Lamne Campbell, a graduate of the Ontario Coilege of Pharmacy. Mc. Campbell ieft for Chicag-o as soan as be graduated in 1889 and remained thece for 401 years. Mn. Campbell was the brother of Dr. Colin Campbell, a weil-known Toronto aculist, now deceased. Mr. Campbell naw 87 years af age is spend- ing bis cemaining days in Tamn- pa, Flanida, xvhere he iq a member of the Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club. Hlis first wife, Laura George Camp- bell, died in Flocida in 1945. In 1947 Mr. Campbell manried Lillian George Brennen who was the daughtec of Williari R. George and a niece of bis former wife Laura. As Lilliatn George, we learned she spent every summer with ber grand- mather in Bowmanville and gat ta knoWV manyaf the fie tawnspeople there. The present Mrs. Campbell was the xidow of Hugh Bren- nen, of Hamilton, Ont., and bas two sons now residing in On- tario-Hugh Brennen, Napanee, and Wm. Brennen of Pickering. In discussing the George family on aur return home from Flarida with Frank Peth- ick he added a furthen note of local interest when he told us that Oliver George was bis best man wben he was marcied. Oliver George, now living in British Columbia . is the only member af the original George family now living. greatly enjoyed. Tables wcre set up in the auditarumn for pro- gressive euchre while a group in the Green Roomn enjoyed hearing, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson read partions from the humor- ous book "The Grass Is Neyer, Greener" by Robert Thomas Allen, winner of this year's Leacor-k Medal for humour. 1 A delicious lunch was served by Club 15 members assisted by several Senior Citizens. During lunch Mrs. McMahcn! and Mr. L. Goodman received prizes as the 14th lady and! l4th gentleman ta register thatI evening, May 14. Mr. J. H., Bateman moved a hearty vote I of thanks ta Club 15 members. Particulars of the recam-. mencernent of meetings in Unel Fali will appear in The States- man. Lake Shore, Clarke (Intended for last week) The Lake Shore Home andl School Club met April 2,5_withi a good attendance. Miss Jayvce IMartin showed pictures takcrn on her trip ta England and Eu- rope. The pictùrcs were very much enjoyed by ail. The nex:t meeting will be May ý4 when1 each family wili bring fine-, crackers and wienecs and buns as in other years. Tea will be senved. The meeting will be in charge of Mr. Art Bedwrn s graup. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin and Tommy had supper Saturdayv evening with Mr. and Mrs. Br- ail Caswell, Newtanville. Mr. and Mns. Martin also spent Sunday afternoon ln Toronto' and had supper Sunday even- ing in Bowmanville with Mr. and irs. Gordon Martin. Mr. and, Mrs. Ken Dean and family, Hamilton, with Mrs. Jack Leith. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barchard and family, No. 9, Ms. M. Gantshoce, Mrs. Sam Powell, Miss Dorene Powell, and Mrný Russel Powell. with Mn. and MVrs. Bey. Jaynes. Mr. anid Mrs. H. S. Taylor and Andy, Countice, with M.1 and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Mn. ond Mrs. W. Adams withl Mr. and Mrs' R. Ruthenford, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake op- ened their home to the Lake Shore cammunity Wednesday, May 8, the occasion being a farewell party for Mr. and Mis. P. H. Van Leeuwen, who are leaving soon for a visit in Halland and on their neturn wvill be residing elsewhere. Euchre xvas played and lunch served after which Mr. and Mrs. Van Leeuwen were pre- sented with an electric fcying pan and a pair of plaques. Tle committee consisted of Mrs. Bill Lake, Bihl Lake Jr., Mr. Ross Adams, and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mc. and Mrs. Shupak and Gary, Toronto, wece weekend visitons with Mr. and Mis W Holmes. ZION (Intended for last week) Mcs. Ray Cameran and grand-daughter Donna Henny, retucned home on Fniday after spendîng last week in Hamil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baisori and children, Oshawa, at Rob- ent Killen's. Mrs. Jack Cameron and chil- dren. Hamilton, spent the weekend at Wes. Cameron's. Wilfned Fnanks, Onillia, at Robent Ki11en*s for the week- end. Mrs. Weg. Cameron visited ber sisten, Mrs. Stanley Caver- iy at Memonial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mns. James Killen and baby, Brenda Lee, bave returned home from baspital. Congratulations ta Mr. an.d Mrs . Marshall Francis on the arrivai of a babyv boy. Mrs. Jim Stainton and Davy, Laurie Stainton, attended a birthday panty for Lynda Skin- nec, Oshawa, an Saturday. Mrs. John Nemis bas return- ed home from hospital aftec baving surgery foc goitre. Mr. and Mrs. Gerny Glaspeli and family, Mr. and Mns. Ver- non Powell and sans, Colum- bus, were at Donald Yeilow- lees. There will be a baptismi ser- vice at church on May 19 at 10 a.m. Rev. F. J. Reed xii take the service. Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, MÈ.us Alex McMaster. Joan anud Ross, visited at George Hilts, Osh- awâ. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stainton and Clarke visited Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa. Mc. and Mrs. Douglas Skin- ner and family, Oshawa at Jim Staintan's. Wîlfred Franka, MissjMarie Killen, Mrs. Robert Killen, vis- ited Robent Killen ln the West- ern Hospital, Toronto, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Reford Camner- on and Lynda, Bownmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, 'Scarborough, at Russell Stain- ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Camneron, Mrs. Jack Cameran and chjld- cen visited at Fred Ward's, Town Line north. Mc. and Mrs. Nelson Fice, Keith and Douglas, visited at Frank Westlake's, Sr., Sauina. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett and familv, Miss Pearl Leacn, Sauina, Mn. and Mrs. Arthuri iYoungmnan and sons, Tynone, 1 wvere at Norman Leach's an! Mother's Day. ~ ano. Mr. ï.nd Mns. R. C. Sano- and Laurie, visited at Ted Col- lis. Fsaw. B. GlaspelI.Mi. A MrMINaster. Joan and Ras-,: visited at Ralph GlaspeiF*s, Ty-ý rone. i Mr. Herman Haass. Sr., hasý the celiar dug for a new bouse. Wilfred Franks, Miss Marie Killen, Mrs. Robert Kihlen, vis-I ited at Harvey Baison's, Os.' and confidence more than 0 Spring STRTS Clecurcnce TO-DAY ut: Bowmanviflle and Whitby Stores Misses' and Women's SPRING COATS Regular to 49.95 ON SALE s29ssi Misses' and Women's DRESSES 'R'rfllefrON SALE to 16.95 .s7.sse Girls' Spring Co COTS Sizes 4 to 14 years Regular to 19.95 ON SALE .s12.sse Misses' and Women 's DRESSES Regular ON SALE to 25iZ00 25.00 Misses' and Women's TWEED SUITS Regular to 49.95 ON SALE $29.1m Ladies' Full Length SPRING COATS ]Regular to 39.95 Regular 1 35.00 ON SALE s19.ssi ON SALE s19.ssa Misses' and Women's ALL WEATHER COATS Regular ON SALE to 39.95$1 .g Misses' and Women ' s DRESSES ]Regular ON SALE to s4s 35.00 Missesy ,- Ali Wool SHORTY COATS Regular to 25.00 ON SALE siZas8l -MANY OTHER GREAT BARGAINS- BRESLU N '5 Bowmanville Whitby Misses' and Women's SUITS You have your choice Which wiII you take.? Election Day, lune lOth, Is your day to cast your vote for the political party and candidate you f eel will do the best job for you, for this county and for Canada. Before you vote, ask yourself what other party has shown itself ready and able to do a better job. This is no time for experimenting with a new government. W7ho in the other parties could replace Mike Pearson in helping to keep the world at peace? What other local candidate has shown that he Think it over and again cast a Liberal vote 1 Vote for JAMES "Always Beady to HeIp You" -- MIL. m ""SDAY, MAY 23rd, 1957 - TffE CANADUN STATESMM. ONTAM PASZ PM

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