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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1957, p. 6

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PAGE ~1X THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARI~ T! RTRSDAY. MAY 2Zrd, 1151 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Roach Celebrate 5Oth Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Roach. V7 Liberty St. South, Bowvmaai- ville.,'«ho vvere marricd St) years on May 1.5,. vcre honored at a famil 'y gatbecingé b eld ai the home of Mrs. H. T. Terry, Cobourg on Sunday, May 12. A deliciaus turkey dinner was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Roacb and their grandchildren, Mc. and Mrs. Bihl Reid and Kerry Anne. Osha«aý c. d Mrs. Harold Stephens. Linda and Dawn. Maple Gro%,e: Mr. and Mrs Irvmn Brown. Salldy and Susa5l, Bowmanville. Mrs,. J. J. Brow,%n off Bo'«manville weas also a giîest. The gift off an electrîr fryîng pan '«as made to Mr. and Mrs. Roacti. On May 15, the couple ce- ceîvýed a telegram off congratu- lation ffom Prime Minîster St. Laur ent, and xvere also con- gratulaterl bY Gordon Sinclair on his news broadcast, The bride off fîft v ears Ï.- the foi-mer May Otton af Bluwý manvîlle. She'and Mr. Roauli also off Boxvmanvillc. '«ere mal- rîed by Rcv. William Jollitffe at the parsonage. Mr. Roaci '«as an emplovee in the mill room off the Goodvear Tire & Rtibber Cornpan ' plant heve for thirty ycars and retired foir > ears ago. Bath Mr. and Mcs. Roacb are in good health and enjoying 111e. Their daughtec is Mrs. Jack Hatherly (-Marion) o! Newtan- ville. Two sons, Ernest and Jack. are dereased, tbe latter a casualtv off World Wac II. There are 14 grandebjîdren and fî1ve great-grandcbildren. Fricnds join in '«îshing f Mr them manY more years to- ge thecr. Local Delegates Attend Presbyterial Meeting 'Flec eemi-annual meeting of cent]v deceased. the Peterborough Presby7teri:il Re v. Joseph Wasson, D.D., '«as 1held in St. Andrew's Pres- interirn minister of St. Paul's bvterian Church. LakefielO, Church, Peterborough. gave a Wýedncsda . -NIa ' v151h. Thýý,eL tirrinlo n'issionary address &L '«as a good attendance at both, this szession. and Mrs. Do.i, nio"nîng and afternoon s- Hendren sang a beautiful Solo.j sions. with delegates from 1.6 Mrs. Randail closed the 1e: ALIXiliaries present. In the ab- ing with the c hallenginel. secnce of the Prcsident. Mrs. E. thought. -What shall the bar- A. Toonibs, the x ic-Presider.t. vest bc." Mrs. J. Randali, Cobourg, p'e- A delicions dinner '«as serv-1 SI;ided ox ert he meetings. . cd the dcllegates bv the o n Mr 'z A. H. Clark. off th2 off the St. Anidre\v*s, Lakefieid,j 1-akefitdc AuxillarY. verY g:'ýa- congr ,,gationi, and a delightfu]l cioutsi>, extended a v,.atm xv,- 1- social houir %vas enjoved by ail corne to the clecieates. and tu',- present. Delegoates from Bexvw- lowing this, Mrs. J. Rancis l manville vcere Mrs. L. T. Mc- '«as appointed next Julv 8rh, i Lauglilin, Mrs. Percy Porle. and plans %vere also roade fo:i- Mrs. Marjorie Fcrguson, atdi the fal RallY to be held iin Si. Nrs. A. G. Scott. Aîîdrdws Church, Bowman ville next October 2nd. '\,rs. W. H. Heustin and Mrs. J. Randail gave concise and informative E H N reports off the Synodical Mee1 - ing held at Sault Ste. Mare I.M.S. Meeting last Apt-il. Mrs. Clarence Rowan xvas In the afiernoon meeting thec for the May Meeting theme was. -They that w.ait of the United Church Womens uipon the Lord shall renew thpir Missionary Society. Mrs. Otto strenti.' A very impressive Spencer presided and condue:-_ ;mod reverrenial mecmoriail ser- cd 'the wvorsbîip service, Iading, vice ixas c onducted bv Mrs. Il. in prayerr& of interceŽýsion "rl Tate, Centreville, in honour off Home M%,issions. MUrs. Earl Wea-i a devoted and much lover] theruît read the Seripture les- nmpmber, Mrs. Fred Ronson. re- son. Items of interest concern- Noxzema Pepsodent Geritol 65C Speetal Tablets 98e - 1.25 2 tubes 49e 3.29 - 5.49 Dee- Tee Moth Killer 59c Larvex Spray 1.09- 1.69 Larvex Bomb - 1.98 Aerotçol Bombs 89e 1.39 FIy Tox Sgpray 35e-59c-9ge Suînrite Stun Glasses Tone Ray Glasses $4.00 to il0.0o A-12 Fly Varuum Orient Velvetta Repellant Botties Bubble Bath Bath Salto 696 79o 79o 996 New New Wampoles Phospho-Plex Wildroot Formula No. 2 Relieveq Tlred Nerves Fig-hts Thinninir Hair Tahiets or Liquid Mc 7e- ~ ICOWLING'S PHIONE "%~STR VE FIT MZA 3-5695 DRJIS STORE TRUSSES Royal Theatre BowmanvillE FR1. AND SAT. - MAY 24 Matinee Salurday - 2 p.m. '1TB IIurmt Rarw N^AuFWooD 'mat 'IatthCrv' gM! That 'Rebel Without a Caus' un! Last comiplete show - 9 p.m. MON. - WED. - MAY 27 - 29 The mont, h-an over knowfl. mith 1956 Arademy A ward Stars! J une June June consplracy the world sýmmMMýINGRID BERGMIAN YUL BRYNNER HELEN HAY ES ANASTASIAA ing Canadian Missions at North IFrontenac; Treherne. Man. u liis f r N C. .R n Zion Church. Regina and Coldu lies fo N C Q. R n Lake, Alberta, were given *by Mrs. W. Rowland, Mrs. ,~ Rowan and Mrs. H. Jakeman - Memnbers af the Executive - 'ere invited to attend a meet- ing, at the home off Mrs. H. -Lewis, R. R. 4, Peterborough. -,IWatcbhower heralds reparting w;ere Mrs. C. Rowan, on Indita; eMrs. M. Porteous an Temppr- Sance. 1 Mrs. Edgar Beer concluded the final chapter of the stu-ly :book on South East Asia and -IMrs. Spencer voiced the appre- ciation off al the members ta tMrs. Beer for her generous con- tribution thraughout the year in making the studies so inter- estimg and instructive. At the 1close of the meeting the hast- ress served lunch and a social bouc was enjoyed. The June meeting il be held at the home of Mrs. George Waddell. ...,-' Mrs. William Balley. Inger- salI. and Mrs. Cecil McGill, To- ronto, are visiting for two weeks with Mc. and Mrs. James L/Cpl. William Keîth Purdy, Bowmanville, Ont., McKinnon. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Purdy, 202 High Street, receives Mc. and Mrs. EarI Dav:s5,1 his certificate of qualification fi rn Major General J. M. Brian Davis. Way-ne Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Price, Peter Rockingham at a graduation parade for members of a Price and Frank Price, ah o! junior non-conmissioned officers course lield rccentlY by Toronto.,'«ere guests with Mrs. the Canadian Guards Depot at Camp Pctawawa, Ontario. Janet Smith an Wednesday. The 39 graduates of the course underwent an intensive Ernest Cavana, farm machin- ery agent, held an open-hou3e three months' training in the duties of junior nan-comn- demonstration of maebinery in missioned officers preparing them to take over thie the Town Hall on Tuesdayi commnand of an infantrv section. Instruction included * even. L M ovingpiue veîe drill, srnali armns, fieldcraft and rnilitacv law. Memnbers i ,îne Lure dooentJprione *l of the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Guards, witnessed the *Miss Laura Hutebinson. graduation ceremonies. -,National Defence Phioto Air. and Mrs. ErnestPotr Toronto; Mir. and Mrs. George * »-lu tchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewv- lis Ingram. Peterborough, ' mre Spi ritual Hou sec.l i ng guests '«ith Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Cavano on \Vednesda v' Viiosin the village for thi pThe me W.M.S. Meeting Mrs. MNarie Yonchus, Mr. arnd The cegular meeting off Ebeti- condcîted the business, The C. Mrs. Paul Yonchus, Richard ezer W.M.S. '«as lield in S. S. GîT. atnd Explorer Mother - Yonchus. off Kitchener with rooin Gn May 14 wvitb 24 prcs- Daugb'Iter banquet xil be hiel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marti- Ie±it. Max' 24. Miss Evelyn Gay, Osti- *chenki. Mrs. K. Hopkins. Literature av.w iii be gucst speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROA'- Secretarv. ucged members ta Dominion Board open meeting ]and, Ottawa, with Mr. aînd rcad more and stated tîîat '»a i Deer Park United Churcli, Mrs. Walter Row«land. reading people soon become a Toronto, on May 29 at 8 Miss Evelyn McKinnon. Mon- thinking people and a thinking xvas a.nnounced. treal, Que..,'«11h Mr. and Mis. people xuill hecomie a grea, The Study Book chapitr on James Mc.Kininon. pol. the Philippines w~as talcen by Mr-. and Mrs. Norman Neal.s, Peple rs CrlDow 11 \lýurrav Osbornce anci Mrz. Markdale, '«ith Mi1. and Mis PeietM.s alD't A. Do1vn. Thlex', discussed brie'- Ross Caî-r. Miss Marie Cait IV the poitical status off t1ic wha had been visiting xv:th BTU R country and the miissionary ef- themn for the past manth, alsô BTU R fort concerned Vih YOUI returned homne. Wock. Fcleration off Churches- Mr. Dennis Chalîce. Rose- MES. ETIHEL BYERS anîdftic East, Asia Conferencf, m,,ont, with Mrs. Richard Chai- Mrs. Ethel Exers, aged 70 where ine countries partir-i._ lice. ae.Ti lsn logi Mr. and Mrs. Arntt Neals years, cied in Toronto on Mon- pat ed. This closi-n thougnt and daughter Shirley, Toronto, day., May 131h, folowing a lin- '«hen Christians fail ta be truly with Mr. and Mrs. C. Neals. gering illniess.Criia. Mris. Ina Gribbhe, Miss Jane, She '«as horn iin Betbany. rbrSodnpeet Gribble, Lambeth; with Miss daugbter off the late Mr. aild Mcd a fi n deoinal sint Laura Morton. Mrs. George Price and '«as the te aiey finemdevoff on usn H. F. Rayson, Guelph, witbh ast survivor off Ibis xvell knawn teiinl hneo HLz. Mrs. Rayson and Tommy. faiv.She va a member of cleaning". Mrs. Snio%'den read Miss Margaret Lowes. Peter- the United Chuich and active tepe,"h oplAcr borough, '«ith Mr. and Mrs. in ail its organizatians. She xv ng to Motber". Ms-s. Lloxd Donald Lowes. aiso a former member offthe Don and Mis Murrt s Mc. and Mrs. Mel MeGee and Womens Institute. Before - e bornalae san he.e ~v daughter Debra, Raln ih oTrno oî ih lber M".s. Snoxvden spoke off thý> Mr n Mý .Waddelh. daughter. due.,ta ill health six rie'v housewvives taYe in x'ears ago, lier entîre ie-time A ,, A ppnýi - n O1.N.O. Club to Have Exhibit At Fait Fair I-Blackýtock: The May n-eet- ing o! the ONOý.. was held a' th tbeomne off Gladys Trewin. Club business '«as discuszed and bowling right changed Ia Thursday, May 16. Seeding is avec and il is hoped chere will be a good crowd. Jean Mc- Laughlîn gave a repart on the Hard Times Dance and the iBowling Banquet. *Thece '«as quite a discussion a bout nan-attending memnbers a nd '«bat shouid be done. Plans '«ere made fac catering ta thej iTeachers' Banquet on June . There is ta be another O.N.O. Fair Exhibil Ibis year, this taj feature a brides trousseau tea cake. Tables for the recreation c entre '«ere discussed but no decisian '«as made. Prices to be l ooked imb. RaIl was answered with "Mv Favaurite TV program". ".1 jLove Lucy" had a high rating.1 IAfter a soap cantest, a delîciotis 1 lunch '«as served by the hast-, Pes and h 54rLyrun;id antI OliJCIJ pleasant evenîng came toaa close, Roll call for next manîni is a Household Hint. B3LACKSTOCK Next Sunday, May 26, the Brownies '«ili parade ta the United church at 10 arn. and Sunday Sehool '«il meet at 11-h5 as tîsual. Mc. and Mrs. Merviri Mount- joy, Hampton; 11r. and Mrs, Ken Samnelîs and Miss Anna and Mcs. Smith, Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ciemnents, Nor-1 xvood: Mrs. Berniece Shaw« an-] Dougie. Pcîerboi-augh, '«ilh' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miýountjoy-, Su nday. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Gra- h aim, Joyce and Harvey , Miss *Tan Hoskin. Mr. and Mcs. Wil- Ibert Toms, Mc. and Mrs. Stu- art Dacrell and Danny Poirill wvith the Harold McLau,(hlin.g SundaY. and Mis. Wmi. Me- jLaugblin, Burketon, on Thurs- MIr. and Mre. Bruce Tink, Neil, Diannp and Herbie. Sol- ina. vith the Neîl Maicoltrn. Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey and IMr. and Mrs. Neil Werry spc-nt the xeekend xith !riends in Cleveland. Mc. and Mrs. Wil.1 bert Wer, stayed at the farmn i 'ith Carol and Neil WérrY. jMiss Vera Howsam-, Toronto. '«ith her sister, Mrs. Howard Farder and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono, tvith ttne Fred Dayes. Mi-. and Mrs. Butcher, TtIl- sonburg. spent the '«eekend xv th their daughter. Mrs. Har- oId Kvte and fanily INMc. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne, Mx.and Mrs. Eber Snowdenl, SCourtice, with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and family. Miss Anne Lowe, Montreal, '«as a week-end guest and Rev. an.d 1Mrs, E'«art Culley ana' da'ughzers. Paulinîe anc Ma.r-I ger%17, xverm Monday guesta of Rev. and Mia. P. RgmeriL had been spent in Bethany. Her husband, William Byers. predeceased. ber 12 vears ago. Imm-ediately survivinqg Is their only daughter. iMrs. Eàri Davis <Helen) and two grani- sans, Brian Davis and Wayne Davis of Toronto. The funeral service '«as held on May 15th from the United Churcli at Bethany with Rev. R. R. Bonsteel officiating. The man v lovelx' floral tributes which banked the altar werel a testimony off the esteem ini wvhich the dcceased had been held in this communitv. Mrs. Clarence Rowan presided at the orgain. Palbearers '«ere six neph- ews: Frank Price. Murray Price, Ernest Porter, ail of Tor-ont:; George Hutchinson. Peterbor- ough: Frank Bigelof and Har- ry Bigelow off BetJNany. Bîtrial -,as in the farnily plot at Fallîs Cemeterx. Gel Cash To-day for ONd Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phione MA 3.3303 summer visitors favour Ontario ONTAR 0 TRAVEL 739 Parflament Bldgs. Toronto Smnd ~litterature i Addrus Ontcr*o Dtpc,,mrer.t of Trave! & Pub:li.1tym or. kyon L. Cothcor, minijigi aur homes and suggestcd theîee xvas also a tîme foc spiritual Ixuselean ing. We necci ta sm'«ep t'le cola- SER r i. .3 f ~1~ f 4 webs of doubt and worry frnrn aur minds. Let us palish up the windows of aur faith so that the spiritual view may, nat be darkened by envy, mal- ice or smallness. Only '«hen our lives are, clean and our hearts are pure can '«e worsbip the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Mrs. Snowden closed wîth prayei. Mrs. Chas. Found presided at the piano for hymns. Bride Guest ati Many Showebr Mrs. Jack Gray (nee Priscil- la Murdoch) '«as entertained at a number off showers prior ta her mnarriage on May llth. Miss Jean Laurie '«as hostes at a miscellaneous showcr at ber home, Queen Street, Bow- manvîlle. The bride to-be wvas assisted in opening lier gifts by Miss Laurie. A dclicious lunch 1 '«as served and enjoyed by everyone. Miss Lorna Martin of Con- 1cession Street, '«as also hostess rta a mniscellaneous shower for Priscilla. Mviss MVartin a-zziýsted, the bride-to-be in opening ber gifts. Priscilla cxpres'e d ber than ls and a deliciaus lunc '«as Ierved. Mrs. J. A. Barnes and MUrs. K. Hlopkins arranged a liîîen 1 shower at the latter's bom-e, P.R. 2, Bowrnanville. Mrs. Hou- kins presenteci the bride-to-be with a corsage. Several pic- tures were also taken bv MIr. H.opkins. Priscilla thanked everynne and lunch '«as servcd. *The Sexvîng Department off the Geneî'al Motors presented PrLiilla wvith a sandwich grille and '«affIle icon. t ~ ~-- Vs~ v-j r~I OPPORTUN ITY THIS AREA Canadian Company operating on a national sca;e has lm- niediate openings for anhbitions men or wvomen to manage local business dealing w~ith sanie of Canada's largest ehain stores-, can he handled in spal-e hours at start if -desired-, bonesty and dependability more important than past experience. Our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion. This is a business on a high plane for high type men or %vomen o! eharacter only. APPLICANTS MIUST HAVE APPROX. $1,600.00 <Which is secured), and good re-itreîîces. These openings willl pay you exceptionally high înonthly inconeie xmediate- Iy-. and rapidly increase as business expands. Prefer ap- plicants aspiring earnings froin S10,000 to S20.000 yearly. No high pressure mnx wanted as NO SELLING required. If you can qualify and have necessary cash, w-rite today giving 'phone and particulars for local intervie. IVrite J. W. WVEBB COM1PANY, Dept. B-100, 1449 St. Alexander, M1ontreal 2, Quebec for your 13protection The Conadion jeweilers' Institut* Issues this sign enly teathe$ who have passed Its rigid examinalion in wafchmakinq . If i: your assurance of competent, dependlable watch repair andý maintenance. MARR empicys waichmakers certlfled by thme C.J. I s Your Wafch Ou* For A Check.Up? Sring your watch where you ore sure if wili recelve Certirie am ue MARR'S JEWELLERY 'l King Bowmanville s-t. W B-m T BOWMANVI LLE FOR CAREFREE DRIVING TRY OUR LUBRICATION SOIL CHANGES CAR WASH "HAP" PHILIP, LESSEE - 1- -nm O0Oe "%HAP'S"l CESIT CORNER KING AND WAVERLEY ROAD PHONE MA 3 -313 6 TRY OUR GAS JFILL w UP SERVICE When yau drive in l Io I up wilh aur famaus B-A Gasalines we really give you the service Ireaimeni. We are always pleased Ioa dean your windshield, check your ail and lires. Il only lakes a malter of minutes la drive in, fIuiuD, have your car checked and you're an yaur way again. TRY US TO-DAY Featture showing at 7:15 and 9:20 Laqt complete %how 9:05 cONmING ! 13 - 1 - Heaven Knows, MNr. Allison 19 -20 -The Lamp is Heav-y 24 -26 -Boy on a Doiphin I THE CANADL&N STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE, ONTARIO TE HURSDAY, - MAY 23rd, 1157 PAGE srx 1 i 1

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