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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1957, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAR1~ PAGE SF.VUII Mr. John Jury, Ottawa, was a weekend guest of Mrs. J. H. H-. Jury. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denton spent the holiday weekend with frî ds in Lindsay. q. Eric Arwood and Mr. Bu ethick, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. anci Mrs. Frank Pethick. Mr. Noel Dudley spent the holiday in Belleville and at- tended the Centennial Sports Day at Albert College. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell and daughter, London, spent the holiday weekend with her inother, Mrs. Harry Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrell, New Toronto, spent the week- end witb Mr. and Mrs. Howard Masters and Mr. J. Bird. Mrs. H. Humphries and Mrs. 'W. H. Densem spent the week- end witb Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Densem and baby Scott Den- sem. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dodds, Bill and Betty, Stratford, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Len Dodds and son John. Mr. L. B. Nichais spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols in Kingston and matored ta Ottawa to view the tulips on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cannors, Mrs. Percy Cowan, Barbara anct Margaret Cowan spent Élie weekend in Kenmore and Lock- part, N.Y., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fielding, Miss F. Acheson, Toronto, and Mrs. W. L. Rowe, Wicbita, Kansas, U.S.A., visited Mrs. W. H. Densem and Mrs. H. Hum- pbries. Mrs. Myna Colwill, Mrs. 1-ilda Colwill, Edward and Irwin spent the holiday weekz- end, at Niagara Falls. Enraute they visited friends at Wel- land Junction and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Calmer. have returned from a vacation j n Florida. Accompanying themn was Mrs. Ken Maguire. While there she visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Clear water, Fia. B.H.S. Concert tMr. Forrest Dilling bas re- trned fram a week of banding Migratory Birds, with the On- tario Bird Banders' Association, at Point Pelee, for the Federa- tion of Ontario Naturais3 Three thousand birds were banded. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber and Harvey and Miss Hazel Webber, Peterborough Civic- Hospital, attended the Gradu- ation Exercises at McMaster University, Hamilton, wben Miss Diana Webber received ber Honour B.A. on Monday,i May 20. Guests from this district at- tending the Burnett - Porayka wedding May llth at Haly Cross Roman Catholic Churcb, Oshawa, included Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lowe, Courtice; Mis Shirley Hardy, Orono; Miss Beverley Frank and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Peterson, Bowman- ville. Messrs W. R. Strike, Alan Strike, Mark Roenigk and Roht. Stevens, Jr., left aver the weekend for their camp 'at Algonquin Park. They ar bopeful of finding their cottagel intact and not upset by mar- auding bears as was tbe cas last year. Weather perming they also hope ta do a bit of fisbing. Tbe outstanding student of Bowmanville Higb Scbool sel- ected for the Rotary Club "Adventure in Citizenship" this year is Miss Margaret Gobeen who is at present in the cap- ital city o! Ottawa, touring tbe Parliament Buildings and othc.r la gx.ft from the club. Mrs. Mur- ray particularly mentioned the charming letter of invitation re- ceived fromn Corr. Sec'y Anna Watson. V i McFeeters for Welcome Wagon reported nine calîs ta be made, and two made since last meeting. Vi, wbo took the place of Velma Gay as delegate ta the Regional Conference in Napanee an May 4, reported that the clubs in District 5 have decided ta contribute toward sending a IHungarian girl thraugh a three- year course in hatel manage- Jment and suggested the Eow- manville Club donate ta this fd. She said that Cobourg has a bursary fund used each year for some worthy pupil and this year they will give the amount ta the Hungarian girl. Scholarship Fund It was decided ta leave the j matter of Bowmanville's contri- bution until the June meeting. A motion was passed for in- quiries ta be made into setting up a scholarsbip for a B.H.S. student. Victoria Frank on bebaif of the Choral Society thanked those who assisted in the recent concert as ushers. Lena Taylor told of the club's assistance ta the Ka- pustin family, tbree of wham at one time bad tuberculosis, and read a letter of thanks fromý Mrs. Kapustin. The club wîll attend "Spring Thaw"' in Toronto in June as their annual auting. It was re- ported that a $10 donation had been made ta the C.N.I.B. 'President Velma Gav presided. Lose Opener To Newcastle Here Monday points of interest. She wiI Newvcastle Merchants scored speak later at tbe Rotary Club a 5-3 victory over the Bawmaxî- on ber impressions. . ville Orpbans in the opening Miss Betty Osborne, daugh- gaine of the Lakeshore Juveri- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rus- ile Basebali seasan at Vincent seli Osborne, Newcastle, phy- Massey Park Monday evenin. siotberapîst at Wamen's Col- Cl inging ta an earytw o lege Hospital, Toronto, left lead the Merchans îtý Thursday in company with a three rois in the top of the friend, Yvonne Burîside of fifth ta gain a 5-0 margin -be- Toronto, for a four-month v:ýI ore the local lads crosseci the cation in Europe aid the~ plate in the bottom of the British Isles. Miss Osborne sxh will remain in England on aiOrprians scorcd anc run in hospital staff for a year and a the sixth and twa in the sev- balf. entb in their bid ta capture the opener. However Chard's pitch- ing, which h3d beld tbern B O& P OC *U scoreless during the first five innings, continued ta plaguel B.&. Cu ptheir atternpts. He struck -t H eu rsgave up only six bits. Bill Bates startcd on the Serve First Customers on Monday' ZIO (HopeTownship)' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven spent Tuesday in Toronto. Sympatby of the community is extended the sorrowing re- latives of the late Mr. John Sunday Sr., who lost bis 11k, Saturday evening. The result of a traffic accident at Rose- berrv Hill corners. Mrs. T. Maris, Oshawa, is spending samne time guest of Mr. and Mrs. Del Whitney. We are pleased ta report Mr. Gea. Hamilton wbo was con- fined ta Peterborough Hospi- tal1 for many \vceks, is now home. Also Miss Shirley Tu£- fard, a patient at Peterborough Hospital for several days last wecýk, bas rcturned home. rMr. and Mrs. Arthur Meneil- 1ey. Part Hope, Miss Audrey TUfford. spent Manday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Moui- eilley. r Intended for Last Week Mr. and Mrs. Harry Traver, Feniwick, with thleir daughiter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Raby. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caswell were Mr. and Mrs. Young and Anna, Part Hope, Col. and Mrs. J. C. Gaîncy, Orono, Mr. and Mn,. Keith Caswell, Port Hope, Mr. aiid Mrs. Brian Caswell, Stark- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Rabërt Brice, IIIuLÂiLU .AJ. JJJ Itow a viiie i. L t.-ort riope1 (Cantinued from page one) 1j (Continued from page one) struck out 12, walked four ani Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerow "Ja ius n sucb a basement or shelter for allawed six bits. Haîk Laie 1and David, with Mr. and Mrs. "Dark Eyes" and Jaose 72 bours and be provided with went in for the Orpbans mid- Don Mordon and Mrs. R. were pleasant listening and uncontaminated water and food way in the top of the fifth ta Dunm, at Wellington. showed bis talents i flowîng in cans. The cans should be strike out tbree, walk three Mrs. R. Gerow was i Picton fashion. washed first. If clotbing bas and yielded only two bits. wherc she visited witb bier cou- A duet by pianist Margaret been contaminated, it sbauld be Orphans play their next sin who was very ili and whio Goheen and violiîist Catharine remaved aid fresh clothing put game of the scbedule in Co- bas since passed a\vay. Lynch, was another outstand- on. bourg Thursday (tonigbt ' The children and teachers of ing feature of the concert. Mr. Osborne said that the Civil Tbey are hasts ta Port Hope at Zion and other surrounding Their rendition o! Carse's Defence organization in case o! Vincent Massey Park Tuesday scbooLs cnjoyed a very pleas- "Serenade" was exceptional]y tbreatened attack is making evening. Game time Will bc ait trip ta Toronta last Thurs- fine, plans for women and cbildren of 6.15. day. Several bus loads le!t ~Copi n's "Polonaise" and De- cities ta be moved ta reception R H E around 8 a.m. returning about '-lr de Lune", played areas 75 miles away. The rest Newcastle 002 030 0-5 8 2 5:30 p.m. Wile in Toronto tey by ~ aet oen were o! the population would remain Bow'ville 000 001 2-3 6 3 visited the museumi, Riverdae borî ryenoyed ad her until an alert came when tbey zo.FrYrkHap Lag rendition \o! these well known would be directed ta, shelters.I studio aid other places o! in~ riumbers showed excellent tech- Brighter Side terest, r îae ah bet Forqer. noese hild This is a gloomy picture, the B RKrO ear Mrs Schalaegablewbo tbe auierencoritb Ray Duied speaker said, and proceeded ta Mr. Cecil Bane. Scarborougli eot r..hlaea h "Coronation Marcb." relate same points from the oth- aid Mr. Douglas Banc, Toron- -l s as e oi, asuner thmedoc- The azzingtechiqu ofer side of the story sucb as the ta, were Saturday visitors t orse aredforsome ime, i The dzzlig tehniqe o!fact that the free world stili bas the borne o! their brother, Mr. h eadmc mrvd Sim Lash bewildered many o! ueirt nteroncerR oe the udiece.On hs seondweapons, aur air farce bas bases Mr. aid Mrs. George Wallen appearance, be played two ex- doser ta Russia than she bas ta were weekcnd visitors with lir B .&P. e b r cellent selections. As an en- us, and we bave superiar naval parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baie. core lbe played "Lady o! Spain." forces. r.aid MsR. Bon/A rn ber Roberg's '"Serenade" suîg Nvrbls, atcbcms iyr.G ale aae aL r I the Gîe Club once aan Nvrhlsif aMai cme, nde . Gaillnsotront sbowed their fine harmony. aur only defence is ta be pre- Gamebridge an Sunday aid a e C ls o The ights were dîmmed for pared, Mr. Osborne stated. He called on Mr. aid Mrs. Wesley this number which added urged B. & P. members ta take Banc wbo are holidaying at FNe c m r greatly ta the setting aid moad a course in home nursing wbich their cottage there. Mrs. W. e' co es o! th~e selection. would be valuable at -such a Baie bias been quite ilI after M0ay 8 the Wclcomce Wagon Soloist Hý utlb Golieen and time, aid useful at any time. suffering several hcart attacks repreýsented hy imembers of the Tam Park preseîted a bar- He also urged the. club ta seîd but is recoveriîg slowly. Business aid Professional minhos rendition o! "Deep In for films on the H-bomb, avail- Mr. aid Mrs. M. Labaye who Women's Club, callcd on Setu- My Hcart" witb the assistance able from the Ontario Civil De- receîtly maved from Toranto gag Street and visited Mr. and of the Gîce Club. Tl-~ finale fence Brancb, 159 Bay St. Above ta Hollaîd Laîding, were Sat- Mrs. Grenville Byam, bride aid was -Gaudeamus Igitur" porar- be urged bis listeners nat ta urday visitars of lber sister, groom of April- 27. They are tions o! wbich were sunginb apathetic, aid ta learn the Mr. and Mrs. R. Baie. bath natives o! Tyrone. Mrs. Latin. precautions ta be taken in case Mr. aid Mrs. Ray Bance Byami is the former Carol Phil- the worst sbould happen. matored ta Port Hope Soiday lips. She is employed at Gem- The speaker was iîtroduced ta be present at the bapti.-an eral Motors ajid bier busband by Florence Tomlinson and o! their graîddaugbter, Pat- is \vith The Goodyear Tire & thanked by Stella Leask. ricia Marie Lawson of Mark- Rubber Ca., Bowmanville. They ST. JOHN'S Officers Installed bam, in St. Mark's Anglican are members a! the United Priar ta, the installation cere- Church. Rev. I. A. Nind of!- Churcýh of Canada. They are mony conducted by Mrs. Ethel ficiated. Mr. Nind was former- residing at 75 Scugog Street. AI ik*oeMurray, president o! the Port ly minister o! St. George's A caîl was made on %r. Sand ~fhIfNHope Club, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre Cburcb, Grafton, until bis re- Mrs. Clarence DeVries, 79 cu- WUWUentertained with two lavely, tirement. The Baie farnihy .,gag Street, another recent bridie vocal solos, 'Love Sends a Little, lived in Grafton a number o! and groom. Mrs. DeVries came <Anglican) Gift of Roses" and "Sînilin' ycars. Aftcr the baptism n -- lîerc iroii Acti., Ont. Shie is Tbrough". Slie was accompanied Jand Mrs. Baiie xvcnt taoe rplyd vthGnca Mtr by Helen Neiles. home o! their daoghtcr, Mrs. a , hw adhr ubadi Several members o! Port Hope ,ack Bell, Cobourg, ad speit wîtî1 the Glen Rae Dairy, Bow- R ogation, SundalY Club were guests. In a candle a pleasant afternoon with their manville. Thev are memberso isaldtefollowing: Isabelle the occasion. ICburcb. Davis-Past President; Velma, A family gatberiîg at thc On May 21 a cal vas made 8 a.m. - Gay-Presideit; Madlyn Wilcox j arm ',ome o! Mr. aid Mrs. is auePo- HOLY COMMUNION -lst Vice, Pauline Storks-2nd Ashton receîtly whth 27 mcm- ey, 19 Liberty Place, wbo mov- Vice; Audrey Richards-Record- bers present. cd their fami]y ta Bowman- ingz Secretary; Anna Watson- Mr. aid .Mrs. E. Adams, M-. ville five wceks ago. Sunce last 10 and 11 aa. - Correspond. Secretary; Darothy aid Mrs. Albert Adams at- Jîîlv Mr. Poaley lbas been cm- CHURCH SCHOOL Virtue-Treasurer. tended the wedding of Mr. an~d îpîo'-d as Pn operator for the Convenors are: Ways and Mrs. Ray Abrabam (nec Joy'c'Trams,ý-Northieri Pipe Luie. He Means, Aileen Turner, Program, Cochrane), Seagrave. who 0wcre boardrcl with Mr. aid Mrs. AI- 11 a.m. - Frances Hearl: Civic, Vi Mc- Imarried May l8tb. The recep- vin Stacey. He bias just pur- MATINS AND Feeters; International, Isabelleition was beld at the parents' chased the Endershy property Davis: Suishine, Ina McNaught- home, Mr. aid Mrs, Ivan Coca- at 1,5 Welliigton Street. Tbey THE LITANY on; Membersbip, Florence Torn-iraie, Blackstack. have iwi sonýs: Keith age 10, linsan: H i s tao r i a ri, Erminiel Mrs. Hazel Osborne, Oshawa, atteridiig Vincent Massey i 7 p.m.- Davies; B ulle t in, Marjorie jaid daughter. Mrs. Gardon schooî anid Terraice age 12J Coucb; Piaîist, Helen Nellns. Nelson, St. Catharines, witi er tCnta eol EVNONGWelcome Wagon jM. and Mrs. Kenietb Robli. Mr. Paolev is an he part- _______________ Ruth Prescott tbanked Mrs. I M . aid Mrs. McDo el i eStf o 'h A & P. tre Murr.y aid presented ber with Millbaîk, with leb iCer~, r Te 1tffar eibe A. & Soe.n adMrs. E. A. Ribey, over the glican Cburch. The Poolev.sI Sholiday. 1 were îewcomers ta Canada Mr. aid Mrs. Ross Oke. Osb- about tbree years ago, coming awa, witb Mr. aid Mrs. Adams. !rom Willowdalc, Suffolk 7'rinity Linited (2hurch Mr. Chester Hoskin aid Mr. Coon'y, Englaîd. Te f Everett Strutt spent a few days Baowmaiville a very frieîdly Miniter Rev T.Artur orgn, .A.Mr. Edgar Strutt witb friends ta enjoy residiig in Bowmaî- in Poîtypool. ville.c Mr. aid IVrs. Samn Hall spent Tlie-e rails arc made in caon- th Ke wee din Watrlooand juinc ion xt h elonwa iqPREACHER Mr. GQrdon Laing ,with NMr. ranville ChaniberV of Corn Said Mrs. Don Archihaîcî. mrce. Eich familY mavinz il- Mr. aid Mrs. H. Giace\v i tn toxx a receives a nap aid inm-for- anie. .W arigj n; . rc.i ation and alsa nerchaiîd::-e Be.i.>.HadigMrs. . ac.\-a'nd '011s 1coupoins danated bY certain 7 ..-of Welcome. , hM. Tom Trick,.lier bro- 1 merchants as well as a tbrec ther, and Mrs. Esther Caria- montb subscription ta The -chan. nhesrr. E: Car.eian Statesman. Se'vera! attendEd the I _____________ J Don't forget Burketon's Sun- Plants in Ontario aid Que- Or'ganist-Mýr. Arthur Collison, IMus. Bach., L.R.S.M1. day Sehool at 2:30 anid 7~ bec lars1,ely accounit for- Cana- efSuda 26tb witb Rev. GG. dian ri,îoduction of patent ani e"tes, fToronto atbath ser-1 prrinr. ed:cinies al!j vices, pharmaceutcaLs.. Awards Contracct (Continued from page one) gested that the Orono students be provided four periods 'a week in the Port Hope Schaoi. This matter was left in th2 hands of the three principals concerneSl wha will report at the next meeting. The Board are now calling tenders for the supply of fuel ail ta the Bowmanville andi Port Hope High Schools.,. It was decided that the re- tirement age for teachers be -et at 65 witb the praviso that a cantract may be reviewed and renewed annually by mutual consent. In their investigation of the Montagu award the Board has learned that there seems tu be no way of using the bequest naw that the Newcastle High School is closed, without re- sorting ta a court order. It was decided ta let the matter rest for a year or two. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 .p.m. with the next meet- ing ta be held in Bowmanville, June 19. .HIAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Francis McCul. loch, Essex, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Robt. Me- Culloch. Sunday School wil be at 10 o'clock for the summer months. We Deliver LONG SÂULT Club. 50 ladies met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Johnson on Tuesday evening, May 14, with 11 members present and two visitars. Pres. Mrs. Greta Mc- Laggan opened the meeting and conducted the business which mostly concerned the home baking and apron sale which by Way was very suc- cessful. Proceeds from home baking, $31.81; aprons, $6.00, and quilt tickets, $16.35. Mrs. Bob Cameron was the lucky holder of the quilt ticket which was drawn at the sale. Mrs. Edith Murphy read the scripture and Mrs. W. Vaneyk took the devotional and pray- er. Mrs. Jackson showed us pictures on the Easter Story and some others of local in-~ terest. Everyone enjoyed bingo and the meeting closed in the us- ual manner. Just before lunch Mrs. Edith Murphy was presented with a purse of maney from her friends in the community. Lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge. June committee being Mrs. Edith Murphy and Miss Grace Smith and meeting ta be held at the home of Mrs. Bessie Vaneyk. Mrs. Sophie Kayacs a-id Gabriel attended the fundeal of a friend in Hamilton on Sat- urday. Mrs. Kayacs -remaining for a visit. Mr. Stanley Fletcher. Toron- ta, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers and Diane, Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr. Robt. Sim. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden on the ar-1 rival of a lavely baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner and family, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harper. Misses Donna Vice and Innes Killen and Mr. Raymondt Os- borne were Sunday guests a! Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston and family. Mr. and Mrs. Free- mantle, Toronto, spent the ville. k IeA piRUIJG TORES'I IDeAn,. - ' Vour Local I.D.A. Drug Store ,George Uawker The National Automobile League of Canada takes pleasure in announcing the appointment of George W. Cawker as Regional Supervisor, Durham County. Mr. Cawker bas been prominently and popularly connected with Automobile Club activities in the Bowmanville area for the past several years. weekcnd with the Johnston's. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy and family, Blowmanville, with the Harold Murphy's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Trivett, Weston, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. A. Millson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable and Bruce guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Partner. Master Raymond Cameron la home and doing fine after hii tonsil operation last week in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Phone MA 3-57921 j PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs TRURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANM.LE. ONTARIIE) Lining up at the general delivery an d stamps wicket on opening day of the new Bowmanville Post Office, Monday, were th ree familiar Bowmanville residents, Miss Helen Cryderman, Lawrence Rehder and Frank Williams. Postal Clerk Bill Mihowich is behind the attractive counter. PAGE SEVU

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