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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 13

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THLTRSDAY, JNE Oth, 195?THE CANADUA! STATESMAN._EOW4AIrV!LLEP. ONTApI PGCTRT) Darlington Strikes GoId Mineý Buys Lake Grave! Deposits! Lake grax'el stockpiled abave in excess of 10,000 yar-ds. To'.'vnship of Darlington lias of Maple Grove. The lake gra- lington $4.000 the first year. ]iterall 'v struck a gold mine ini vel is not used in 11w north of ('rushed and Stockpilied the forni of unlirnited gravail the *own'-hip because of high The cottage \vas to-n down deposit s whjch roll ini front trucking costs beyond the 6- and the gravel is crushed at Lake Ontario and provide the mile limit. this spot and then stockpiled township wîth the finest of According ta Law the tawn- on land belanging ta Norman gravel at a fraction af the cost slip has the right ai the lake. Brown, bal a mile north af the paid under ordinary circurn- shore as far as the \vegetationI Lake. Camplete cost ta Darling- stances. line and in this particular case Itan for the gravel including Five cight and threc-eight the township lias 100 feet ai crushing and stackpiiing is only se* eened gravel (90 percent beach. Darlingtan is permittcd 55 cents per yard plus 15 cents stone as tested by the Dept. of ta take all tue gravel they de- per yard for hauling and Highw.ays and reparted as ex- sire for township purpases, but stockpiling on lot which offsets cellent) has been stackpiled i it can't be sold or used for comn- the 15 cents per yard paid ta e-<,cess of 10,000 yards thih mercial purpases. the pit owner, as there is no spring and according ta Reeve Added Savinga ott h owsi o s Roy Nichais the tawnshîip could Antersbanil avg lake gravel. Bownîanx-ille mu-i- have taken 10,000 mare yards. Aohrsbtnilsvn icipality is reported ta be pav- *"It cames in as fast as we take for the township is the invest- ing approximately three times it out," he said, "but wc can't ment ai $2500 in a cottage pur- as much for similar pit gravel. ipend al aur time at th chased fram Wesley Fice, which The idesai reaping the gra- Lake." is almost in the centre ai the vel harvest fromn the lake is Lifesaver beach. Thc cottage bas a tw'o not new as Darlington bas been foldsignfîcace.drawing gravel from Alfred It's a lifesaver for the tawn- First, since Cedar Beach is a Ailin's Beach for the past five Rhip since the Department of private beach it w-as nccessary years but were only able ta Highways and industrial firrns for thc township ta purchase take 2,000 ta 3,000 yards earn have exhausted mast ai th e this praperty s0 as ta be able year. gaod gravel quarries in the 1ta use the private road leading CdrBah ev ihI Darlington area," he went on onto the beach. epaneaiscat ed o nia ba ta exlain.Secondly, it would have cost and the gravel raIls in moreI The gravel is lieing taken the township 40 cents a yard frecly from the Lake. from the Lake at a point ta, have the gravel hauled ta known as Cedar Beach an1ý ancecnd ai thc beach since thc The gravel excavation takes Tnîîe ws fteodBwai onhprnsseile place only in early spring and wvesarbr iseod Bawan- mtownhoprensspcaleuP_ late fail so as not ta interfere ~'ilc aror.Itis sedtasec mnt orthe job. However with 'the summer cattagers. The vice !he tawnship raads in the there is na cast ta bring thetwsiIcokep h rvt 6- mile arca stretching froni gravel ta the centrc ai the rtaw nhip alonepsthen privte Shws oCourtice and narth beach and this alone saved D road in gooesdcntioand for th thcy ar~ aiding the cottagers in removing the unsightîy piles ai gravel which accumulates in front af thc cottages. Darlington Council is ta be k congratulated on this farsight- cd business transaction in se- curing such high grade gravel ,and at a price which will save the taxpayer thousands of dol- lars in their road building pro- 'graim in thc years ta came. 1,ýÀRM GASOLINE "ESSO and ESSO EXTRA" *Correct Volatility *Correct Octane Rating *Free from Corrosion and Abrasive Materials *Resists Gum Formation For Prompt Delivery and Service PHONE MA 3-5516 A. H. Sturrock and Sons Sturrock Street Bowmanville À Todaoy's Foot ureà-. THE ALSCO P1D&,eDOOR ...... ......for iusect-fre* summers and fuel-saving comfort in wnerl 1 Price includes: i*Guaranteed installation a 2 streng fine-mesh alurminum acemi-4 cannot rust or humn, resisf bulging a 2 storm sashes 9 Geon woatherstripping full height and widtli a Ail hardware and fittings, including jiautomatic deor closer, positive-actioni NO MONEY DOIVN SMA I f 31ONTHLY IPAYMENTS START IN AUGUST Uc THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTUJRER$ OF ALUMINUM STORM DOORS, WINDOWS ANdD AWNING$ 'lHONE MA 3-3871 LORNE ALLIN Bow man1v iii. Representatavo G. Hetz Joins Phi Delta Frat. At Chicago 111. Many af aur readers wiil be interested in the folwing ncws item about D. Garth Hetz as bis mother xvas the for- 1mer Miss Estelia Mae Lamb ai Enniskillen who xvas a graduate nurse af Bowmanvilie Hospital. The Statesman joins with their many friends back in the Homcland ai Durham in wishl- [ing Garth cantinucd succcss in bis studies. The item from an American paper reads. D. Garth Hetz, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Hctz af 62 East Water Street, Fairview, lias been initiatcd into Phi Gamma Delta fratecnity at the University of Chicago. Mc. Hetz is a 1936 graduate ai Fairview High Schooi wrhere le was vice-president oi the student council, an hanor rail1 student. and tbe recipient ai a Certificate ai Menit fram the Nationial Menit Schaiarship Corporation. A! Chicago. Mr: Hetz is a member ai the Activities Co- ordination £ommittee af the Student Assembly, and a meni- ber af the Astronomy Club. A physics major, Mr. Hetz ex- pects ta reccive thc Bachclcr af Science degree in 1960. Find Letter Dated 1916 In Old P.O. Back i n 1916 a iettcr was1 postcd ta a William Barreil,i address Bawmranvilc, but some- how thc letter was misplacecd behind a desk and not uncover- cd un:ilI he Post Office staff Imoved ta thicir ncw quarters last week. Fortunately thc letter is na' Oi gr'ea' importance sin(ce it is 011l"- a Fruitai\e circular ad- %-er1suung a popular brarid 01 frLl't saPs, of îlîat ea. Nae-e-. the]ess Mr. Barrell :s stlli e- ti*1ed tn i up this il An anîusing note in canncc-1 tion with the aId Post Office building is that sex-erai people are continuiîîg to use thc aId letter box despite the fact it bhas been boarded up ta rcmind people ta use lhe letter draps ;in thc new building. Postmastcr George Vice re- ports that his staff is becoming accustamed ta t loir ncw sur- roundings. Thec ief obstacle at the momient is the number - ing af letter boxes and patroi-.s arc urgcd ta have their correc, box numbers en ail incarni.:ng mail so as wexLa ie ed the funeral of their cousin. SALEMMrs. E. Fowler, Sunday. We wre fvoued wth iea -Mr. and Mrs. H. Foley, Mr. We erefavure wih iealand Mrs. Clarence Bell and wealher and goad attendan.ce famîily. Town: Carlas, Jim and at aur anniversary services Orl David~ Cryderman, Maple Grove. Sunday. Special music was pro- w.ith Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. vided by the choir at bath ser- Rev. and Mrs. D. Lute, Da- vices. In the afternaon. Mr. and Yvonne, Gore's Landi- Laurie Stapleton. Neivtonvil'e, ing: '.%r. and Mrs. Albert HuJil, favoured with a vocal sojO Mrs. F. Jackson and John. Ty- which fitted in very well with rone, with Mr. and Mrs. W. the minister's theme. In the Cralg and Mr. and Mrs. Doug evening a sextet composed ci Reynolds. Misses Grace Blackburn, Bea Mr. 'and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Craig and Marion Buttery. Mrs. Shaw*s, Mr. Lawrence Squair, E. Twist, Messrs. Bob Craig9 Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Mr. and Ken Shackleton, provideîd Ms .Sv-y r n a selection. The guest speakrr Mrs. J. Savery and David, Miess at bath services was a former _______ pastor on this charge. aev. D. J. Lute. Gor&'s Landing. Each sermon left, both children anid adults with many thoughtful ideas for Christian living. Col- lections for the day amounted to $74. Everyone enjoyed renewing acquaintances with Rev. and Mrs. Lute and family on Sun- day. They are movixng ta a nevi charge at Chalk River shortly. Mr. J. Delaney is; a patient in1 Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Best wishes for a speed:.' recovery. Congrratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shackleton <nee Gladys Chapman) who %vere married at the bride's home ili Hampton. They will be resici- ing in our communitv. Mr. Gera]d Shackleton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shackleton attend-i IBusiness Directory- Accoun1ancy_ RAT J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. 3. FI. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmariville (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Montelth, M.P., F.C. A. B. Monteith, B.Commu .A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey. C.A. R. F. LiRhtfoot, C.A. TALE, FRIEDLANDER. HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auclltors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander. FE. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office.: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsev St.' Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointrnent Dlenifal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, . DS. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bown anville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 dhily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ini his home 1 On1 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville; Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pi.n. daili Closed Saturday and Sunday1 Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Insurance General Insurance 3. A. BARTON Fire, Automobile. Liability, etc. 43 Carlisle Ave. MA 3-3098 1 Lle gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike. Q-C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephane MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. Bowmanvifle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MUSS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister. Solicitor Notar-v Public Temnperance St . - Bowmanville LOVEKIN AND TIIOMPSON Barristers and Solicitors E. Richard Lovekiri U.E., B.A., LL.B. and Andrew R. Thompsan LL.B.. LL.M. Box 9 Newcastle, Ont. Telephones: Newcastle - 21 Toronto HI 4-4396 Consultation liv appaintnent only; LFROY HAMIL17ON - oRtONO1 Phne 1r 16 First Mortizage funds Residences - Farms Business Proverties O p 0m e r y KEITH A. BILLET? OPtornetrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: Bv appointment Telephone MArket 2-3252 Mondav to Saturdav qamn. ta 5 Prn W'ednesdavs- 9 ta 12 Thu.raday evengsa e-/ Donna Naylor, Oshawa, wdlh Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family, Mrs. T. Cowling. Haydon; MUisses Barbara Gr&- hamn and Marian Buttcry, with Mr. and Mrs. F~. B1ackburii. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehmayi and Jefi. Oshawa: Miss Bar- bara Brine, Towii. with Mr and Mrs. Bob Craig. Mr. and M-1s. R. Shackleton'. Fred Shackleton, Hampton; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Allin, Kirby, with Mi. and Mrs. Ken Shackz- leton. Mr. and Mvrs. Ross Lane anai family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wer- ry and familv, Shaw%~, '.ith Mr. Oersoncl 8Iec tors O uliinCounty: Perey Viviau Dear Fellow Citizens : On lune lOth, this coming Moriday, you have the oppor- tunity to elect a member of the next Parliament of Canada. It "is perfectly clear that there is great dissatisf action with the present Federal Government. A change is certainly needed. The reasons lare many: i. High Federal taxes have built huge -surplu-se-s-ai Ottawaf while the Provinces and Municipalities struggle to meet their own needs (natural resources, h ouses, schools, general services, etc.) Take a look at your owi4- Municipal tax billCan--d consider if a Federal surplus of over f ive million dollars this year without relieving the Municipal Taxpayer, is a f air distribution of the tax dollar. 2. The overly tight money policy forced on the people by the present Federal Government, without curbing their own wasteful spending, has limited the building of homes, increased the interest rate on mortgages and municipal bonds, and caused the present cut-back in industrial work. 3. The very serious situation for the agricultural producer, where dumping of f oreign produce allowed by Ottawa destroyst our own market and is of serious concern toall of us. 4. Failure of the present- Government to evaluate and fui. f ili obvious needs in Health and Welf are Services. The need ta increase substantially the old age pension for people dependent upon it is obvious. Immediate assistance and a new plan are desperately needed. The present Government is no longer Liberal. It represents too much power in too f ew hands for too long. The Progressive-Conserva tive Party has an able leader and a sounci workable policy ta meet the present needs The Progressive-Conservative Party is the only logical alternative ta the present Gaver nment. I have the honour to be the Progressive-Conservative can- didate for Durham on lune lOth. I will be greatly honoured to serve you - every one of you - f aithf ully, and as capably as I can, Yours sincerely, Percy Vivian and Mrs. W. G. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook andi family. Miss Grêce Smnith. M.,iss Suzanne Lute, Mr. Ken Kelly, with Mr. and Mrs. H. McClurc,. Rev. and Mrs. Lute also calied for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Len Richards, Mliss Ruby Lane with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Lloyd Richards. Mr. prnd Mrs. Lla:.d Snow- deni and Betty. Mr. and Mi-s. Elton Brock and Douglas, Mrs. Lloyd Smith and girls. Mr. Lorne Crago with Mrs. J. Cowl- ing. The lgdies af the W.A. are in- vited ta a meeting at St. Paul's church. Bowmanvulle, on June 1l at 2.45. K1DN EYACIDS, Rob yourRest.,1 Maypeop 'ai e nvr*outegtago nesget' reaLlh" tuuandma-Mrn on *nervêa-vben= t ap o thikidacy Healty kidneyafue oioa andec acids Irom the blood If they fail and imipuritos gay in th e storn-dturbed rest oit"n follews. If Yeu don't rosi Weil goand useDodd'a KIdaey Pilla Dodd'à belpthe idnes sethat jqqeu nrost botte-madui1mi botte. 136 Dodâ Kdn.yPilis M to the J/?essage o/k THLMSDAY. JUNE M, 1957 PAGZ TRMTFXP

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