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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 14

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PAGE TOUR1~< T~ CAKADIAN STATESMA!q, BO w~RA ~JYT .T.~, ONTARTO THtTRSDAY, JU~~ Sth, 195? hie/V noepene. Gordu Âpw, MI£ Ontario Shorthorn Assoc. phm. 3021 Meet ai Newcastle Executive members of the Ontario Shorthorn J. Underwood, secretary-treasurer, Ridgetown; Roy Philp, Association met at the farm of John Rickard, Newcastle, director, Port Hope; A. Staltz, fieldman for the Canadian Saturday, and shown above, left to right, are John Rickard, Shorthorn Association, and Charles Thorn, lst vice-presi- vice-president; D. Brown, director, Shedden; K. Kellough, dent, Canadian Shorthorn Association. dlirector, Woodford; R. C. Armstrong, president, Teeswater; -Photo by R. Carruthers, B.owmanville Entertain Shorthorn Breeders Hosts and co-hosts for the Ontario Shorthorn Association meeting which was held in Newcastle, Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Philp, Port Hope. R. C. Armstrong, president of the Association, is in the centre. Mr. Rickard serves as vice-president and Mr. Philp is secretary-treasurer. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville Social and Personal Mrs. Jack Wade left Mont- real on Saturday by air for a three month visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.1 Tweed at Birchington, Kent Etiglanid. Mr. E. Wicks accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Selby and family o! Toronto, have left on a three weeks' trip ta the West Coast travelling -there. through the United States and returning by way o! Canada. Mr. and Mrs. George Allin spent the weekend in Wood- stock visiting with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mr. A. R. Randail le!t on Saturday morning ta commence his new duties as member o! NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK HOAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 the Stouffville Police Force. Mr. and Mrs. V. Aylett of Scarboro; Mrs. Douglas Haig of Rexdale; Mr. and Mrs. C. Hall and Glenna o! Millbraok.; Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Mr. and Mr.s. Harold Gibson, Walter, Doug- las and David were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Pickering and farn- ily. Mr. Percy Hare bas been in Peterborough this week attend- ing the sessions of the Lions Convention. Mrs. Erskine Duncan has re- turned following a trip..ta England, Ireland and Scotland. At their meeting last week members ô ! the village council decided ta hold their ,June meeting on Tuesday evening, June llth, owing to the federalI R. B ý MPLU M ES 1 NG 4 EA-riNG EZ ECTRICA L CO#,rR A CrOR ORONO RESIDENCE FOR SALE 1 $10,000. Modern Orono residence, practically new, 5 rooms and 4-piece tiled bathroom, 3 bed- rooms (one on ground floor), hardwood and tule floorings, buit-in cupboards and closets, heavy wiring, full cellar, garage, beautiful garden and ravine lot of over haif acre. Owner transferred out of town. $4,000 cash. Immediate possession. election on Monday. Mr. R. G. Wright, Toronto, after enioi.,i-nL the Durham Club bus tour Saturday last, spent Sunday witb Mrs. Gar- don Ash and family. On her way home she called at Baw- manville Hospital ta see Al- fred Adair. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lavekin, Toronto, visiied Mn. Fred Love- kmn and Mn. and Mrs. Dick Lovekin on Sunday. His many fniends are pleased ta hear that Mn. Alfred Adair came home from Bowmanville Hosptal on Tuesday. Local Lions. fine Showing ln Peterborough Newcastle: The City o! Peter- borough has been a vintual den of Lions for the past four days as meinhers o! the International Association of Lions Club Dis- trict Convention, comprising clubs fmom ahi parts o! Ontario and Quebec, was held in the City. The Lions Club o! Newcastle was well represented in the huge parade wbicb opened the convention on Sunday after- noon as some 40 bands and 48 parade units witb dozens of floats paraded through tne streets. The local club, led by its pretty float representing a mammath Birtbday Cake, with ten candles, as a reminder that the club had just celebrated the 101h anniversary o! its founding in May, 1947, made a fine sbowing as the members walked alang the three mile route and, tbougb the club was flot among the prize winners, tbey made a sbawing which put many of tbe langer clubs in the district ta shame. Officiai Convention Dehegates o! the local club were netining President Brenton Rickand andi President-elect Roy Fornester, tbough other members a! tha club attended some o! the ses- sions. The Lionettes were re- presented at the Monday ses- sions by Lianettes Mrs. Helen Carveth, Mrs. Jean Rickand, Mns. Marion Knox and Mms. Kay Stephenson. COURTICE Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Herb Huttan wbo wil celebrate tbeir 39tb wedding anniversamy on Satunday. Sorry ta bear that Susan Sweei, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Sweet is in Osh- awa Hospital unden observa- tion. Dianne Nichols wbo bas been a patient in Oshawa Hospital is convàlescing at ber home. JJimmy Maclntyre is in Osh- awa Hospital !ollowing an acute appendix operation. Sorry ta hear that Mrs. Wil- liam Horban has been quite ili following a tonsil operation in Oshawa Hospital. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Clarence Penfound attended the C.G.I.T. ne-affiliation cere- mony at Maple Grove and ac- cepted the gift on behaif of Oshawa Presbyterial of the Woman's Missionary Society. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Sweet and famlly back ta aur community. They have taken up residence on Darlington Boulevard north. Seymour attended Courtice Public School and is now the new m'anager of the Kingsway Service Station. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Linton Herron who were marnied on Saturday evening in Courtice United Church. Lin- ton bas been very active in aur cburch and Sunday School as Secretany, teacher, leader o! Tyro group and a very faithfil ushen. He is alsa an ardent sac- cer player, first with the Cour- tice Juniors and for some years with the Senior team. Courtice Wornan's Association catered at the Hernon-Pnice wedding supper on Saturday nigbt at the chunch. Arrange- ments were made by the social committee, Mrs. Honace Vetzal, Mrs. Stanley Kinsman, Mrs. Donald Thompsan and Mrs. Cecil Simmons. Mrs. Clarence Penfound at- tended the meeting of the Camp Rally committee at the home o! Mrs. Sam Keane, Osh- awa, on Tuesday afternoan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pen- faund spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans, Bowmanville, whihe Ruth and Bob attended the Oshawa Hospital nurses' grad- uation dinner and dance. The C.G.I.T. met at the chunch on Wednesday niglit witb the president Louise God- dard in charge and Barb4ra La Chapelle, Secretany, reading the minutes. Plans were made ta attend the Camp RalIy at Camp Pretoria, also evaluation of the motor trip praved it ta be a very successful praject. The groups filled in the report on their mission project, "South- east Asia. Mn. and Mrs. Clanence Pen- found, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Pen- found, Mark, Todd, Lee and Clane, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Pen- found, Joni and Jerry, attend- ed the family ne-union at Lions Centre, Bowmanville, in hon- aur o! their cousin, Mrs. Ruth Rundie Fordyce, Erie, Pa., on Saturday aftennoan. Family gnaup pictures revealed the Clarence Penfound family, childnen and gnandchihdren, number seventeen. The Cubs of the l8th Osh- awa group attended the Dnum- head service on Sunday after- naon at Camp Samac. The pupils of Grade 7 and 8 and thein teachens, Miss Colla- cutt and Mrs. Aldous, Mrs. Percy Dalby, Mns. Gardon Vin- son, Mrs. Jack Gay and Mrs. V. H. Cutting, enjoyed a bus trip ta Toronto hast Wednesday sponsored by the Home and School Association. Places o! interest visited were the Mu- seum, Casa Lama and the Prov- incial Parliament Buildings where the pupils received sou- venirs ta brîng home. The Explarers in goodly numbers with their leaders, Mrs. Earl Adams and Mrs. Gnay, jaurneyed by Garton Bus ta Camp Pretoria for the Camp Rally on Manday night. One little girl did not came home sa happy as she mislaid her beautiful kerchief which was a gift. The C.G.I.T. graups also at- tended the Camp Rally with their leaders, Miss Elizabeth Wilson and Mns. Penfound. Plans for a periad o! camp are uppermost in their minds right naw. We wish a speedy recoveny to Mr. Gibsan who was admit- Presentations Made To Ex -Chief Randail Prior to Departu*re Newcastle: Newcastle's Chief o! Police for the past four anxd one hal! yeans, A. R. Randall, was the guest o! honaur at two gatherings in the village on Thursday evening, prior ta bis leaving ta commence hîs posi- tion on the Stou!!ville' Police Farce an Saturday morning. Mr. and Mns. Randaîl were guests o! hanour at a dinner given by the members o! the village council and civîc em- phoyees in the Elmburst Hotel, a!ter which Mr. Randaîl wasi joint guest o! honour with Constable Don Wright o! the Bowmanville Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police Force, at a Stag Party in the Queen's Hotel, sponsored by the Ontario, Northumberland and Durham Police Association. Reeve J. H. Jase presided ai the dinner which was attended by all members o! the village council and their wives, and Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and Mrs. Nettie Butler. Fol- lowing the dinner, Reeve Jase spoke o! the fine relationship which bad existed between Chie! Randahl and the members a! the council duriig his time in thein emplay and expressed the regret which is felt by the council and most citizens of the village at bis leaving, ýarid wishing him well in bis new position. Presentation of a leather with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams. Miss Reva McGill, Enniskil- len, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Down, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kinsman. Miss Gladys Yellowlees, So- lina, was a guest of Mrs. Jack Shortt. Mr. Fred Truhl, Toronto, ac- companied the guest minister ta the Anniversary services and was guest at "The Grange" family residence of Mr. Jay Truli - Mrs. Edra Price andl Mrs. Mabel Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ormiston and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. O. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Foley, Mrs. Russell Worden, Bow- manville, Mr. Don McMurtry, Oshawa, with Mrs. Bert Wil- kins. brie! case was made ta Mr. Randaîl by Councillor Ross Dickinson, while Councillor Fred Couch presented a lovely bouquet of carnations ta Mrs. Randaîl. At the Stag Party held later in the evening, under the aus- pices of the Police Association of which Chief Randali had served for one and one haif years as President and for the past four months as Secretary- Treasurer, he' shared the hon- ours with O.P.P. Constable Don Wright who will be leaving the force shortly. Presentations of smoking stands and a sumn of money were made ta both officers, on behaif of the members o! the Association and businessmen and other cîtizens of the com- munity. TO OUR EVERGREEN TREE For centuries through peace and war You've filled a vital need, Most graciously you've shelter- ed ahl Regardless of their creed. Invaluable, dependable, Unchangeable, and sa 1 turn to you fair evergreen When I arn feeling low. Fantastic this may seem to some, You'll hear them whisper, freak, But, how I long to be with yau When politicians shriek. Hazel Cowan Orano. C. G. GOULD Heaiing and Eavestroughing Authorized Chalco Dealer PHJONE Newcastle 3686 Auxiliary of Legion Plans To Hold Picnic Ladies' Auxiliary of Branch 118 Canadian Legion meeting was held in Legion hall on Monday, June 3, with president Comrade Piper presiding. Cards of thanks were read from those who had received cards, plants, etc, A special thank you from Divadale Hos- pital, Toronto, which the La- dies' Auxilianv visited last Wednesday evening, May 29, taking with themn boxes for 135 patients. A picnic is to be held in Waltoin's Park, Newcastle, on 'Sunday, June 23, for members and families of Legian Pipe Band, Men's Legion and Lad.'. Auxiliary, bus to leave theV. at 1 p.m. for those wishig transportation. Plans for the Legion Camni- val were discussed and reports of committees given. The et~q. for the draw was won by C6 I.#-. rade A. Piper. A social half hour was spent at the conclu- sion of the meeting. Farmers!I. We can now offer you %, DEEPFREEZE Home Freezer Chests made only by Amnana designed for farm homes. From 300 Up to 800 lbs. capacity. A beautiful high quality freezer Priced' from $289.95 See them on display now at Bowman ville Frigid Locker System 73 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5578 Il, ~1 2nd PRIZES Monarch Lucerne Convertible-fired with the spirit of the future, Surr car of the year-succcss car in its feld! 3rd PRIZES Ford Sunliner Convertible- this sculptured-in-steel beauty is long, low, and loaded with GO! You'II get the greatest deals in town during the FORD-MONARCH SALES JAMBOREE!'r CARVETH MOTORS Leroy Hamilton, Orono, Broker Poeir1 Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle 3251 &M4 PAGE rOMTEM TRE CANADUN STATESM", jBoM4ANVMLLP. OIITApjo TMMSDAY, JUM fth, 1957 Phone 1 r 16

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