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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 15

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TRV~RSDÂY, J~4E Oth, 195? TN~ CAKAD1M~ STATESMMI, EOWII#AII VI, ~. ONTAMO NE WTON VILLE Miss Gloria Lane is a patient lni Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs. R. S. Johnston with Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Johnston, Sa- perton. U4~ aster Douglas Wade, New- Ca¶e, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Ruby Reid is staying with Mr. Bert Reid, Orono. Bert la flot well. Misa Vivian Beatty, Peterbor- Ouftwith Mr. and Mrs. Reid Mr. Lorne Johnston, Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shaw. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Jones, Mount Royal, Que., on the birth of a son en Friday, May 3lst, a great grandson for Mrs. G. W. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Willouglî- by, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack El!iott. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath were Political Rumour It bas been brought to our attention that some cager but mnisgujded Newcastle Politicians are endeavouring to* discount Johnny James' war record. To correct these rumors, which are silly, the folIowv- lng Information is publish.. ed: Johnny James served from 1940-45, in the Army. He was overseas as a Captain in the Canadian Intelligence Corps after serving in Canada with the Midland Regt. H1e served in Jtaly, France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Since returning, he bas been active ln Legion and other vet- erans' work. Vote James Durham Liberal Association CHE ou' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and sons Jerry and Donald, John Milley and lady friend, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith, Mrs. Irma Sel- way and daughter Patsy, and Mr. and Mrs. Davie Henderson, all of Toronto, Mrs. Shaw, New- castle and Mr. and Mrs. Wald- hauser, Port Hope. On Sunday, Mrs. Ralph Bou- ghen held a family birthday party when about twenty sat down to supper. HERBERT J. SLEMON There passed ta rest after a lingering illness, at his haine, Logan Ave., Toronto, Herbert John Siemon, on Saturday, Marcb 30th, at the age of 76. He was born in Haydon, the second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon, of Haydon and Enniskillen. After his mar- niage ta Ethel McNeil be mov- ed ta, Toronto and was employ- ed in the Post Office there, for many years working in the Re- gister Department until the time of bis retirement. He attended Danforth United Church and for many years was a member of the choir. His fa- vorite pastime was lawn bowl1- ing and bis happy and jovial disposition won him many friends there. He leaves ta mourn bis pass- in-, his widow Ethel, one daughter Greta, and one broth- er, Dr. C. W. Siemon of Bov,- m an vi île. Two brothers, Harold and Theo and one sister, Grace, Mrs. Hugh Annis of Enniskfl- Ion predeceased him. The fun- 1cral xvas held at the Truil Fur.- eral H-ome an Danforth Ave., on Apnil lst, conducted by Rev. C. Daniel Matheson of Danforth United Cburch. The floral tri- butes spoke beyond words of the esteemn in which he was heid by his mnany friends. Palibearers were five ne- b ewsDr. Harold Siemon, Dr. eth Slemon, Boyd and John Semon, Murray Hobbs and Howard Price. Interment was made in Scarborough Cemet- ery. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. A. Putman and' baby Douglas, Toronto, visitedi with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alli- son and great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and Betty Lou, visited Mr. J. Cowling, Salem, and attended Salem Anniversary. Mrs. James Ewing bas re- turned ta her home at Seven Islands, Que., after a few weeks with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and Mrs. Charles Greenham at- tended church at Fenelon Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doyle and family, Richvale, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Doyle. Pastor and Mrs. James Bush, missionaries on furlough from Africa, xith Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Milîs. Miss Margaret Snowden spent Saturday in Kitchener and on Sunday was guest of Trim and Thin One should be firm, even ruthiess, when it cames ta thinning and pruning. Healthy plants must have room. The soft-hearted gardener is ai- ways inclined ta let every spindly plant grow, he hesi- tates ta shear off crowded flower buds, or trîm an edg- ing row of alyssum or sorne other flower that is beginning to go ta seed and if allowed tao will soon become unsightly. Results are far more satisfac- tory in bath the flower and vegetable gardens, as well as ' HAYDON ard Hagedorn, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden Toronto, at their cottage. and baby Roy, Blackstock, and Miss Florence Werry, Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Snowden I ton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormistofi, visited Mr. and Mrs. HagedornI iVrs. Ivan Sharp, Enniskillen, Peterborough, and called on1 Mrs. Edna McLaughlin, Bur- Mrs. A. Snowden's sister, Mrs keton, Mrs. Muriel Brawnlete, William Hawkshaw, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead, To- Mr. and Mrs. Doua Byers, ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mrs CaeuMr.andMes Ai Ashton, Ronald and Ray, were th. onywerny, M. dWr. Ben- supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. sem, Toronto, wilth Mr. ami Ross Ashton's on Saturday ta Mrs. Roy Van Camp. celebrate Gien Ashton's 5th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashtoni L ake Shore, fi" rke cotae Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak Mrs. Jack McQuade and fam- and Gary and Mrs. Dwig'it ily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Webb, Toronto, witb Mr. andi Scott, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Eail Mrs. W. Hoirnes.1 Trcwin and family, Ennislil- With Mr. and Mes. Jack lien, and Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Holmes were Mr. and Mes. Trewin and Judith, Bowman- Wesley Graham and family,1 ville, visited at the Trewin Pontiac, Mich., Mr. and Mes, bhome. Arthur Clemence and family, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDer- St. Catharines, and Me. anct mid, Stratford; Mr. Frank Mrs. Ray Good and family, Cook, St. Mary's, were visitors Orono. at Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm's Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes at- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, tended the wedding in Oshawa Mr. and Mes. Jirn Madore, on Saturday of Mr. Richard Bill Ashton and friend, Toron- Valleau to Miss Doreen MeCoîl, ta, at their cottage. both of Oshawa. Mr. and Mes. ftoss Ashton The Lakeshore Ladies K S.fIand farnily and Miss Muriel1 and C'. Club meeting was beid Brownlee visited Miss Emmna at the borne of Mes. Bey. Werry, Toronto, Sunday. Jaynes, May 29. The next meet- Mrs. J. Patts, Tommy and ing wîll be at the home of Mrs. Debbie, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoîrnes, June 12. Sa many Arth ur Trewin's. have wondered wbat the lec- M r. and Mes. Lloyd Ashton, ters K.S. and C. stand for. The Ronald and Ray attended En- ladies of Lakeshore, Clarke field Anniversary Service on wo rked together ail during the Sunday and were tea guests at war as a Red Cross group. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bow- Wben the Red Cross work was man's. finisbed it was feit that thp Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham meeting would be missed, sa were tea guests at Mr. and Mrc. it was decided ta carry an with' Jim Graham's, Bowmanville, meetings ta wbich the ladies on Tbursday. wvould bring their knitting, Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn sewing and mending, etc. Hence and family and Mrs. K. Cowl- the Knit, Stitch, and ChatL'-ce ing attended Salem Anniver- Club (K.S. and C. Club) was sary service on Sunday and boen. There is no executive, no were tea guests at Me. and Mrs. minutes are read and adapted, Farewell Blackburn's. no buýsiness is transacted and Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Siemon, please-no gossip!!! The motta and Mr. Milton Siemon, at- of the club is the aid saw: tended Salem and Enfieid an- "There's so much good in the niversary services on Munday. warst of us, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahin And s0 much bad in the best and family were Suniday sup- of us, per guests at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. That it illi behooves any of Dawson's Orono. us . Mr. J. Potts and Mr. Arthur To talk about the rest a! us." Trewin spent Sunday at Coi- Ail in ail tbe K.S. and C. is iingwood. mast successfui, with meetings Practice Sunday morning at held eveey two weeks on a 10.30. Cburch service Sunday Wednesday afternoon. afternoon at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams bad Rev. F. Jackson is attending dinner Sunday evening with Conference this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney, A Sunday School meeting Newcastle, was beld on Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherfard making further plans for our with Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams. Sunday School Anniversaey Mr. and Mes. Arthur Bedwin supper an July lst and Sunday and Mes. Chas. Bedwin attend- service June 23rd. ed tbe wedding at Cavan Unit- ed Church on Saturday of Me. Keith Gilbank of Pontypool ta Miss Betty Lau Armitage of 1UR E O Cava n. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Far- Several from here attended row, Brown's. with Mr. and Enfield Anniversary and the Mes. Chas. Bedwin. concert Manday evening. Me. and Mes. C. Avery and Sunday Scbool and Church family with Me. and Mts. Le.3- Service next Sunday at usual lie Wotten, Oshawa. t!ifl. - - - 1 . lad ta report the work bas B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- .. UMM----------------------------- --- SENSATIONAL NEW Lovable -Seam-free Sweat*'er lira! - s - - ........ s. started on the new building this week wîth Mr. Fred Sam- is in charge with the church board, and Mr. Clarence Avery who purchased the shed for building on his farm, and is clearing the aid shed here. Mr. R. Bone had a few nel- Ighbors in ber home for a quilt- ing bee last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and famil-s, Toronto, called on sev- eral here. Mrs. A. Hughes -recently spent a week in Toronto with her 'iaughters. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson, Toron- ta, with Mrs. A. Hughes and Mrs. M. Archibaid. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue and family attended the wect- ding of ber brother, Mr. Nor- man Mitchell at Cosburn Unit- ed Cburch, Toronto, on June 1. Mr. 1ind Mrs. J. Hogervest and family in Lindsay with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and family in Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hubbard and children in Norwich, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vi- gar. Mr. and Mrs. George Wailen, Mark'iam, witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. Siinday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone, werc Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Renwick, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wallen, But- tonville, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jones and Dougie, Markbamn. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gardon and Bobbie, Whitby, and Mr. an.d IMrs. E. R. White of McLaugh- flin Fisheries, calied on Mr. and Mrs. L. Bone on Sunday. Mrs. ]Beryl Breck is spend- i ng twa weeks with ber sons, .Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Breck, Ot- tawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Breck in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams were with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adamis. Roseneath. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge and familv in Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ceciu Hyde and farn- j 11. Best wishes are extended t Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wotten nr the orrival of a son a, Part iPerry Conimunirv l Hospital. -Dont Lorlet ta vote June 10. with shrubbery or trees, where one makes sure there Is pleny Of roomn, where weak and crowded plants are removed sa that the rest may grow straîght and strong. Seeds are tiny things and so are new shrubs, trees and puppies. But once they start ta grow they need plenty of room. Far toa often the beginner will plantl flowers and shrubs and some- times even trees right up against the house. For a short time :t does flot matter but long before these things need their full room, they get crowded and lopsided. Usually toa they be- corne spindly and weak, and prey ta the first summer storm or disease. Even the tinest flowers like portulaca, or lobe- lia or alyssum revuire sone roomn to develop, usually ani inch or so each way. With things like zinnias and petunias a foot apart is flot too mlich and it is surprising how fast they will fi up ail the spqce between. The same is true of veget- ables. Beans, peas, carrots, beets, even lettuce and radishi should have an inch tb six ini- ches between plants. Ailowed room they wîll grow faster and are more tender ta eat. With shrubs, and trees, stili more space is needed. It is a great mistake ta have more than one or two trees on the average City lot. Keep a Record It is a good idea ta keep a Watermelon note-book and list certain jobs we are goirig ta do next year. We should also jot down such itemns as the name of any flow- er or shrub we see growing in a neighbour's garden that we hope to have in aur own. Many gardeners too keep a roughi sketch of their layouts and note on these names and locations of perennials and faîl planted buibs so that they will not dig or bury in spring planting next year. It will add interest too tu record the dates each year or when certain things were plant- ed and the first blooms, and the first peas, carn and such not- able events. Plantint Rule The general rule on planting seeds ]s to caver them nat more than 3 times their diameter (thickness). If you are going ta err, do it on the shaliow side. Press the soil down firmiy after planting sa that critical surface area won't dry out. If the surface forrns a crust through heavy rain after plant. mng and before the seeds corne up, it sometimes helps ta break that crust with the sharp tines of your garden rake, or if yau can water daily with a fine spray yau can prevent the crust fromn becoming an imperviaus roof over the sprouting seed. Neat Finish It is such a littie extra effort! that it's surprising more o! us dan't do it, too. After you've finished hoeing or weeding your garden just run over ttieî surface with your garden rake. This simple act clears off the uprooted weeds, prevents themi from rooting down again, gives yau something for your comn- post pile, breaks up the clods into a fine surface and puts the real prafessianal touch ta the appearance of the garden. NEXT WEEK-Hot WetM Routine. 17 to 21 Iha. - Each SPECIALS Tremendous Value! Berry Box - With Pectin Strawberry Jam Real Value! Culverhouse - Ungraded 24-oz. Jar39 Choice Peas 2'0-()z. 35c Mitchell's Fancy Applesauce 20-oz. 9 McCormick's - Chocolate Covered Nut Chews L bg39c Add Zest to Any 'Meal! Pure Tomato Heinz Ketchup 2 B"-ýt ed.c Biscuit Feature! MeCormick'sç Nut Lunch " iýut3 Cello hag3 ý AlI goods sold at your Dominion Store are unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. June Meeting Trinity W.M.S. Trinity Afternoon W.M. S. Auxiiary met on June 4 with Mrs. Moffatt's group in charge of the Devational including a prayer by Mrs. Cax and Scrip- tui-e reading by Miss L. Jack- son. A duet by Mrs. and Mis Sadler accompanied by Mrs. AI- dread, was very much enjoyed. Offering was received by Miss L. Jackson and Mrs. A. Baker. Mrs. C. W. Siemon very cap- SPECIAL! Canada Paint Sanitone Paint KleenexlTssuesl 99C Gull Design -ilPaper Cups Ricbmello - 6 Deliejous Flavours Ice Cream Maple Leaf - Sliced Macaroni Chitken Loaf Dutch Loaf Regu la r $2.35 qt.- - ------ study book on Formosa an.d also told of how the colored folk are treated in Southern United States-kindly but with condescension. Mrs. S. James conducted the business portion. Miss L. Jackson, correspor.d- ir.g secretary, durllng ber report gave a cheque fqr $100 ta the treasurer, donated by Mr. C. Allen in memory of bis wife. An interesting letter was read from Miss Porke, a United Church missionary. "Know thyself" means this, that you get acquainted with what you know, and what you Odorless - Alkyd Base In Velvet Fiat Finish To Clear $185 Clearance Sale of Waxes and Cleaners ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 DOMINION Twa salada can look exactly alike, yet there may >e a worid aof,, 4« diii erence in the way they tante. On. can taste' quite fiat whie the other. simply sparkles with flavour. The ~ difierence is in the salad dressing. RICHMELLO Salad Dressing adds ~r '~ zest ta any saaad. Bringa out the deliclous natural goodnesa ai al the ingredients plus addinq a rich distinctive flavour ofi ts own. If vois haven't tried RICHMELLO Salad Dressing yet. pick up a jar at DOMINION this week. Une it 1eerulyad see bow really good sal.du çan ho. RICHMELLO Salad Dressing is available only at DOMINION. Fresh PRODI California Vine-Ripened Sweet Cantaloupes Florida - Sweet, Milky Kernels Corn on the Cob Tender - Home Grown A sparagus 8-oz. jar 22c (;-oz. Jar 3 7c 2-oz. Jar 65C 2.6 c. Cooked 6-oz. Pkg. 6-oz. Pkg. Meats 2.5C 25C Grade "A" - 21/ to 3 1lbs. Pre-Dressed Chickens lb. 42c Caldwell's - By the Piece Bo logna CaldwelI's Skinless Wieners lb. 29c 1-lb 9 Values effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 6, 7, 8 DOMI1NION STORES LIMITED, BOWMANVILLE 19 32 Cut Bread Côsts! Carry It Home and Save! 2bundles 3,5c icihiiiiii Bread Large Firm Slicers - No. 1 Allen%' Hothouse Tomatoes lb. 49c Apple Juice L4oat. 17C in 29c Pkg. of 200 or 300397c Pkg. of 28 J37c Pt. Brick 25 c ','i Gallon 8 9C PIES!cmoff,1q When considering building your new home or reniodeling be sure to check the prices of your lumber requirements and building supplies at Oshawa Wood Products where quality cornes first. FOR EXAMPLE: Spwice 2 x 4's ________ 110.00 per M bd. ft. 2 x 6's___-____ 112.50 per M. bd. ft. 2 x 8's-______ 115.00 per M bd. ft. 2 x 1's______- 115.00 per M bd. ft. in lengths up to 16 feet Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. Yard and Main Office nt Courtice Phione MA 3-2130 or RA 3-4661 Adds Zest to Salads! JCE Richmello Creamy JCE Salad Size 45's f Ov.c;r Ea *lc DressDig Picnic Brand - Sweiet 35cMiýxed Pickles The Kiddies love 'em - Florida No. 1 Red Ripe Slicers - Sweet and Flavourful QUALITY MEATS &Cheese --TRVTMAT. :Mqz M, 1937 THE CANAZ)L4Y STATESMAN, BOML&NVn.ýtr. ONTAMO OBITUARY Cooked 6-.0z. 0% JE pkg. ÀL J PACM rirrm m il

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