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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 16

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PAGE SEx'rEN TItE, CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLZ. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE @th, IUT Puy $5 Millions for Maternity Costs in '56 One out of every five hospi- tai accounts paid by Blue Cross in Ontario during 1956 jnvolv- cd maternity care and resulted in benefit payments of almost five million dollars. This was announccd recently by D. W. Ogilvie, Director of the Ontario Hospital Association's Blue Cross Plan, in his review of the 1956 Financial Statement of Plan's operatian. According to Mr. Ogilvie, total benefits for all types of admissions reacn- cd an alI-time high of $42,862,- 000 for the twelve-month period ending December 31, 1956. The high matennity figure is a direct result of the fact that well over ninety-six per cent af Ontario babies are now born in haspital. It was pointed out that ;n view of the many ad- vances in hospital care tech- niques for the expectant motn- er and new developmcnts in the fields of impmoved anaes- thesia, saler blood transfusions and in the contrai of the RH blood factor, infant mortality, during 1955 was reduced to 26 of every thousand births as compared to nearly 31 of every thousand births ini 1951. It is understood that of Lhe total amount paid out on be- hall of Blue Cross subscribers during the year, $38,883,000 was for hospital care, while an additional $3,979,000 was for surgical-medica] expense. Less than five per cent of income was required to operate the Plan. It was learned that the combined cost of providing benefits and operating the Plan exceeded subscription incomne by $1,746,06. However, accord- ing to Mr. Ogilvie, the first quarter growth in 1957 was most gratifying despite the rate increase made necessary by the deficit. In this three-month period of 1957, enrolment growth of 60,225 almost doub- led that of the same period a year ago. "Evidence of the importance of Blue Cross in the financir.g of hosu3ital care," said Mr. Ogil- so new.. so soft.. so airy.. peekaboo pi by the shoe with the beautiful fit Open, hreezy pigskin . . . an exciting new pump that fits every foo.t. So flexible you can bold it in your hand like a glove. $1595 'viii ~ or j -4 .4 Lloyd E/lis Shoe Store 49 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5941 vie, "is shown by the fact that Blue Cross Plans throughout Canada and the United States paid to hospitals over one bil- lion dollars during 1956." The Ontario Blue Cross Plan, now fifth in size of 611 Blue Cruss Plans in North America, cur- rently provides protection for some. 2, 300,000 residents of the Province. TYRONE Members of Tyrone Womnen's Institute and friends enjoyed a tour through the Genenal Mo- tors south plant. Mrs. Chris Chant, Mrs. Bill Stewart and Debra, Milliken, were guests af Mn. and Mrs. W. Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm wemc Sunday evening callers of Mrs. G. Niddery and Mary, Hamp- ton. The east Group of W.A. held a quilting in the Sunday School roomn this wcek. We'--e se sorry that Jacque- line Rosevear is a patient in Oshawa Hospital and wish her a spe2dy recavery. The June tea of W.M.S. is this Thunsday at the home of Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mr. O. Beckett, Miss Arvilla Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Maxine, called at, Armstrong Funeral Parlours ta pay their last respect ta th~e late Mr. Charlie Nichals on Tuesday evening. Mr. Nichols assisted in the building af the new manse here at Tyrane and made many friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. Walken, Douglas and Gardon, Bowman- ville: Mr. Ralph Maynard, Mrs. D. Gibson, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. Quite a numben fram hpnc attended the Lions Club Pa- rade at Peterborough on Suri- day. Mrs. G. Arnold, Mary and Tom, Unianville, visited lier- mother, Mrs. W. Hughsan. Mrs. Annie Hathorly has ne- tunned ta her. home after spending the wintcr with her family. Miss C. Turner, Mr. Ed Mac- Bride. Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. W. King, MîÈ-s S. CrawfoH~, Oshawa; Mr. W. Pierce, Morrisville, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. S. Rahm and family, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm. Mrs. W. T. Worden is spend- ing thiis week with Mr. andi Mrs. H. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall and daughtens visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech, Burketon. Rev. F. J. Jackson is attend- ing Conference this wcek It Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs. W. Piensmra and children, Newcastle, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. J. Reyenga. A number af ladies wcne en- tert ined at the Manse Tues- dayyevening. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. G. Willis, Cannington. Sunday evening callens of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard werc Miss Phyllis Maynardi, Mr. and Mrs. A. Walken and Dcbbie, Mrs. Smith and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker, Bawmanville; Mr. Ralph May- nard, Mrs. D. Gibson, Oshawa. Mr. O. Beckett, Miss Arvilla Beckett spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. D. Beckett, Osh-ý aw a _Mrs. Elva Beckett, Miss Mar- a Gift? Wed at Courtice Church Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Alexander Prout were married in Courtice United Church on Saturday, May Il. The bride is the former Elsie Vetzal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Vetzal of Courtice, and the groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Alexander Prout of Newcastle. The couple will reside in Bowmanville. tha Gowlie. -Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mns. D, Miller and Debbie. Several fromn here attefidesi the L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. church parade at Orano Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Alldread, Mn. Cecil Aildread, Bowman - ville, with Mr. and Mms. G. Ail- -dread, Rev. and Mrs. Donald J. Lute, Suzanne, David andi Yvonne. Gone's Landing, were dinnet' gucsts on Sunday af Mr. ai-d Mns. J. C. Cook and family. Mr. and Mrs. 'H. Brent wec(- Sunday callers af Miss Ernily' Pascoe, Oshawa, and were tea guests af Mn. and Mrs. Ros Lawý-, Whitby. Quite a number fnomn heme attended the Salenm Anniver- sany services ta hean Rev. D, J. Lute, a former ministen. Mns. M. Russnell, Whitby, is spending a Iexv days with Mr. and Mnïs. K. Hardy. Mrs. Aima Yellowlees and girls attended Salemi Anniver- sary and were tea guesf"tsa'her parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. Run- dle, Hampton. Miss Allie Waod is visiting her sister, Mn. and Mrs. Wes- ley l-oskin, Harmony. jMr. and Mns. S. Nash, Miss Mavis Nash, Mns. E. Penkins and daughter, Detroit, Mich, spent the weekend wîth Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs along with Mn. and Mrs. R. Gibbs and at- tended the Shackleton - Chap- man wcdding at Hampton an iSaturday. Mn. Douglas Joncs, Maltari; i Miss Betty Ackland. Toronto, i Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Jones and family. Mn. and Mns. M. Sears, visited Mns. L. Jones and Violet. SOLINA The church se rvice next Sn day inorning will be at 10 o'clock with Rcv. Crozien of Whitbv, conducting the ser- vice. Sunday School will follow at 11:15 ar.. Miss Gladys Yellowlees was a guest at the Henron-Pnice 1wedding in Countice United Churci on Satumday cvenirig, June 1. Members of Solina Dramatic Club presented their play "Where's Grandma?" at Ke- dron Friday evening and have faccepted an invitation ta Yel- x-crton on dune 14. Mesdames R. Langmaid, R. Davis, W. Parinder, S. 2. Werry, B. Hooey, G. Leask, J. IKnox. H. E. Tink, C. Pascoe. C. ViceJ. Yellowlees, Mrs. Yel- lawices and E. R. Taylor at- tencled'i',beWomen's Institutre District Annual Convention at Nestîcton. While playing bail at schoel Edgar Werry met with an un- fartunate accident resulting uith a broken anm. His school c-hurns and fiiends wish him d z-pced.y ,recovciv4-1l Club Meeting iThe' second meeting or the 4-H Homemnaking Club, enititlcd -~Sleeping Garnienes' was held at the home of ti-1lý leader,. iVrs. Aima Langmaid, on May 21. The craup has chas- en the name of -Nifty Nighi- ies'. The rail cali was answ-ýr- cd with "Hou, I prcpared my materiai'. Mns. Joyce Taylor, assistant leader, explained !ir pux-pose of staystitching anid --hawEd how ta do it. The girls made a sample for their i-e - cord books. Tney wcne al:n-t ,aught how ta make a flat feit- cd seam which will bc used icý inaking pyjamas. The next meeting will be held on Junz 18 in the hall when pyjamna: will becut out and it is e<,x pected the Home Economist. Miss F. Lampman, wili' be- present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank -West- lake, Jr., wene guests at tnc. Smith - Aberncthy wedding in Trinitv United Church, Bom- manville, on Saturday aften- fanon. Mr. and Mns. Bruce Tink and childnen, Mrs. Addie Tink, vis- ited on Sunday at Mr. 0. Cruiclishanks -at -Peterboroughi. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid with Mr. 'and Mns. Thos. Nor- ton at Locust Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Jr., and Iamily; Mr. and Mns. Percy Westlake and farn- ily, at Mn. N. Fice's, Zion. M. W\ill Spry, Columbus; ,rand Mrs. N. Fice and sanz , Zion, visited Mn. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sm. Mn. and Mms. D. Flett- and family, Mn. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, at Mn. and Mrs. Jîrn Woods at Zion. Mrs. D. Flett and Linda VIF- ited lier sister, Mrs. A. Yoting- man at Tyrane. Mn. .nd Mrs. E. Spires anid childnen visited with Mrs. W. J. Spires at Millbnook. Mn. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and Beverley, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Glaspeli and sans, at Zion. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and afns: Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, visited relatives atBexley. Mn. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and children visited Satunday even- ing at Mr. J. Dyer's. Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. W. B. Hoan, Or- ana, Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- borough, wene with Mr. andJ Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Master Randv Freitag, Osh- awa, îs with his grandpanenîn. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman while his mothen is in the hos- pital with a new baby son, Dale Robent. Congratulations Elnia and Helmer. Miss Jean Cryderman. Mi. George Bittner, Oshawa, wcrc at Mn. E. Cnyderman's. Mn. and Mrs. Dave Lapham, Bnwmanville, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and family. Miss Gail Baker spent the weekend at Mr. im Smales' Jr. at Hampton. Mi-. and Mns. Nable Metcalfe, Oshawa, visited at the Werr.'<s an Satu-day. Anne Werry ne- turned homne with her grand- parents to spend the weekcna. Bof h have a bank accounf -and a purpose for saving ENNISKILLEN The May meeting of th-z Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs. Milton Staîr.- ton on Tuesday evening. Devo- tional Icaflet on "Forgiveness" was taken by Mrs. F. Beckctt. Bible reading by Mrs. J . Sie- mon. Program in charge of Mrs. E. Wright, Group 1i convenor. Vocal duet by Mrs. H. Milîs and Mrs. F. W. Werry. All en- joyed a very interesting talk by Mrs. R. Stenger on their re- cent trip to Switzerland. She spoke on wvhat a change they found in Germany, how every- thing had improved, also the pleasune of meeting with her daughter Corduella again, andi meeting her two grandchildren. A very humorous reading by Mrs. H. Stevens also a reading by Mrs. E. Wright. A very fuil and well given report on the Presbyteny held at Newcastle was given by Mrs. F. Toms. A report sent in by Mrs. M. J. Hobbs on the speaker was also read by Mrs. Toms. A few items of business was transact- ed. Mn. and Mrs. Duncan Cam- cran, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lrwin. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne, Tenry and Kim, Mn. and Mrs. George Lee, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Keith Ferguson, David and Brian, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis, Enfield. with Mr, and Mrs. W. Fergutsan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and family, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater on the occasion of Master George Leadbeaten's 10'h birthday. Mn. and Mrs. Allan. Werry and Sandra, were Saturday cvening guests af Mn. and Mrs. Calvin Edgan, Oshawa, who celebrated their lOth wedding anniversary. Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Lang- maid and childnen wene with Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt xith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brunt, Bowma nville. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Hold- stock, Bowmanville, were with Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. accompanied Mr. and Mns. Wil- fred Sanderson, Columbus, and attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Almer Fowler, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp 1with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahmr, Un ion. Mr. Bill Howells, visitcd in Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gniffin and family were visitons at Mr. and Mrs. John Kirby's, Union- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Lorme Lam-b. xvere with Mr. and Mrs. H. Or- miston, Enfield, on Sunday. Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa, wîtn Mr. and Mms. Allan Werny. Misses Patty and Cindy Pa- te-son, Maple Grove, spent a Week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Allun Martin, Grant and Manlene, Bowmani- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, xvth 1\r. and Mrs. Ralph Vir- tue. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis andi familv spent the weckend at Condova Mines. Miss Clama Page, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley and Brian, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and boys, Bowmanville, were visil- ors at Mrs. E. Page's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp, Kennc>th and Janice, Camp Bor.- den, spent the, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamih visited Mrs. Francis Hummel at the hospital in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry at- tended the Jahnsan-McQuade wedding at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yea and family spent the weekend at Sturgeon Lake. It 'being the occasion of Mms. John McGill's binthday on Sun- day she accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Mr. and Mrs., H. J. MeGill, who visited Mr. and Mns. Ken Mason, Little Britain, the former has recent- Sec the many fine Westinghouse Refrigerators on display in our store LANDER HARDWARE For Westinghouse Washers - Dryers - Ranges - Ref rigerators 7 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5774 Each bas a différent objective, but both are working on the same idea: that to get ahead il is important ta save ahead, too. Your reasons for wanting to build up your bank account can be as varied as human bopes and needs ... a vacation, your child's educatian, a new rug, camera equipment; or simply the deep satisfaction and sense of security that a cushion of rcady cash creates. A chartered bank is a convenient place to keep your savings safe, and to keep themn growing. Whether your accotunt is large or small, the trained and frîendly staff is there to take care of ail your banking nceds. Save ai a bank - millions dol THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVUNG YOUR COMMUNITY Lao king for (Choose a TABLE LAMP A modern new table Iamp is a treasured gift ideal for WEDDINGS *SHOWERS iANNIVERSARIES .BIRTHDAYS and on any occasion when you wish to give a distinctive gift. We have the largest stock in town, offcning you a wide choice of styles in every price range. f rom 8 05complete HOOPER'S Jewellery and Gift Shop ly returned home from Sunnv- Mills, and brothers. brook hospital. I Five car loads of =.GIT Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- and Explorers and leaders. at- ton and family visited C. Milst tended the Camp Rally at Camp and R. Hopes, Port Perry. Pretoria, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick and Robin, Toronto, with his par- ,"'. ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peth-. ick and Miss Nancy Wood. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, MaplJ j1.9 Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. A Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Juranics, SayI Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Keith ..4..op Smith and family, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Charlcy Gibson and family, Stouffville, Mr. Lloyd Cox, of Hilton, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E.Lkehm Cox. iehm- Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. L. Leadbeat- wer re ailwaiys er, Murray and Dale, Toronto, were Sunday evening gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeat- prepared er and boys. Miss Betty Wright, with her m grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. to flpl... E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and Sandra were Sunday Think of il$ whenever yoi evenîng tea guests of Mr. anid need help or advice witli Mrs. Tom Sobil, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells your-insurance program... and family, with Mr. and Mrs. We're as close as your N. Moore, Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry phone . .. and always pre. were with Mr. and Mrs. W*.i- pared to give you th& lace Pascoe. benefit of otur experience Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowling, and specializeci knowledge Blackstock, were visitars at Mr, *wihu biain and Mrs. R. MeNeil's. ihuobgaon Mr. Norris Orr, Toronto, re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. R.ST RT R JA E J. Ormiston.ST A T B J ME Mrs. H. Milîs and Chester, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jen- [NSURANCE REAL ESTATE nings, Acton. Office Residence Mr. and Mrs. Howard OkeMA -58MA349 and family, Oshawa, with h:s A -581MA3-49 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waller King Street E. Bowmanville Oke. Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wright Rp~~t? with Mr. and Mrs. 'C. Wavers- latodFe veld, Bowmanville. > atodFr Miss Shirley Milis, nurse in Insurance Company training, Toronto, spent Mon1-1 day with her moth er, Mrs. H. AW <>av K>W~.P*<>.. ;.......... NOW you can afford a -Westinghouse Self Defrosting, Frost-Free REFRIGERATOR! 1 21M . , '11-le»ý-ý, 28 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5747 ,0-1

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