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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 17

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THURSDAY, 3UNE Sth, 195? TRE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEV!NTEE~ B.JL& ccreecA ()wI By Evelyn Browni I. - 5m D ur4fX the past several %eeks, the junior forins have been presenting skits ta the students- David Higgon led 1nis class ."It's in the Book." Othpj>its were "Little Blue ~itdiIfIeiabd" and "Charades." SCREECH OWL The final edition of the-I y early magazine came out Mionday with the picture sec- tion and caver. -The editor, Jerr, Ross, bas done a fine job WiLh the help of the studenti, and next year's editor will have a rough tirne daing as well. Garry Humphreys, president Of the Students' Council, has done a lot towards the extra- curricular activities in the schoal. Many new ideas wvere pu' through during his "term in office" including the Talcnt Exchange, and Skits, as well as the usual activities, the At Home, Dances and Sports. The students have helped in ail activities and have made 1957 a year ta remember. On behaif of those who are leav- ing this year I would like to say haw much we regret that we will flot be returning. When we hear about other high schools, we realize haw for- tunate we are ta have attended E.H.S. The teachers have been the best! FASHION SHOWV A "Cotton Parade" and "Teen Age Fashion Show" was pre- sented by the Grade il stuci- ents on Tuesday. Jerri Ross was commentator. Variaus types of dress were shown, in- cluding a Cotton Parade, Schoal Costumes, Dress Up Daytime Wear, Casuals and Formals. Most of the students and sev- eral of the girls' parents at. tended. Some of the fashioîîr, were made by the students theinselves under Mrs. Arnatt's super-vision. 0 This is the last Seceech Owl article for this terni. Until next September then, when there wîll be a new Highi School reporter, gaod luck in exains, etc. Bawmanville Orphans fouglit to a 4-ail deadlock with their hasts in an exciting juvenile baseball gaine at Newcastle Thursday evening. Making a strong bid in the fourth inning Orphans brake Newcastle's 4-0 lead and scar- cd the tieing run in the sixth. OfficiaIs called the garne after neither teara scored ini the overtirne inni"ing. Dave McCullough and Brunti 7feen c¶fown Nqw 7ýê?re is ta be a dance on Friday, June 7, beginning yat 8:30 at the Lions Centre. Dres will be aptional but na slacks or jeans on the girls, please. *The date of the final dance bas been âianged, and it is ta be on J ý 21 instead. There Tis3nly one mare danc,- and for those who have bus;- niess ta attend ta, such as crests and other things, had better not forget about thein. On Fîiday, May 28, there xvas a dance and we were glad ta see that everyone enjayed thieiselves. scored ini the first ta give Mer.- chants the margin. McCul- laugh scored bis second in the battom of the third and Eric Carleton crossed the plate with their final run on an infîeld error. Bill Osborne and Joe Ken- nett broke Baw'manville's scoreless streak in the fourth by scaring on an infield errai. Archie Crossey came home on a single in the top of the fifth. Billy Bates scored the tieing run in the sixth inning. Bill Bates impraved towards the end of the gaine and only gave up three hits, while he fanncd five. Kclby Lane on the inaund for Newcastle allowed 10 bits and fanned 11. batters. R H E Newcastle 202 000 00-4 3 2 Box'ville 000 211 00-4 10 3 Batteries-Bates - Kennett, Lane-D. McCullough. Bantams Win Opener Here Jim Moarecraft hurled a one bitter and fanned 14 batters as the Bowmanville Legion Ban- tains scored a dlecisive 3-0 vie- tory aver Port Hope in their opening bail gaine at Memorial Part Tuesday evening. He braught home their first run atter drawing a walk in the third and crossing the plate on a single by Johnny James. Teri-y Black scored for the Le- gion crew in the fourth af ter drawing a walk. Tcrry scared their final run of the game in the bottom of the sixth on an infield errai. R HE Part Hope 000000 0 -0 1i-2 Bow'ville 001 101 x-3 2 0 Stransky Machine Shop Repair werk done for al s machines Ornamental Metalwork - Dlacksmithing Crinding and Sharpening1 Parking and Storage Space to Reîit Liberty St. S. on liliway 401I P.O. Box 137 BowmanvilleI Issue South Durham Basebali League Schedule (Ail Newtonville home gaines to be played at Kendal) May- 20-Newtonville vs. Kendal Caiborne vs. Grafton 23-Grafton vs. Welcome 25-Newtonville vs. Coibarne 28-Welcome vs. Newtonville (At Kendal) Kendal vs. Grafton 30-Caiborne vg. Kendal June-- 1-Welcome vs. Coiborne 4-Kendal vs. Welcome Gratton vs. Coiborne 6-Grafton vs. Newtonvile i 1-Weicome vs. Grafton Coibarne vs. Newtonville 13-Newtonville vs. Welcome Grafton- vs. Kendal 18-Coiborne vs. Welcome Kendai vs. Newtonville 20-Welcome vs. Kendal Newtonville vs. Grafton 22-Kendal vs. Coiborne 25-Kendal vs. Newtonville .Grafton vs. Coîborne 27-Welcome vs. Gratton Caîborne vs. Newtonville JuIy- 2-Newtonville vs. Welcome Grafton vs. Kendal 4-Colborne vs. Welcome 6-Kendal vs. Colborne 9-Welcome vs. Kendal Coiborne v's. Gratton I 1-Newtonville vs. Grafton Colborne vs.Kendal 13-Newtonville vs. Coîborne 16-Graiton vs. Welcome 18-Welcome vs. Newtonville Kendal i vs.Gratton 20-Welcome vs. Coiborne 23-Newtonville vs. Kendal 25-Kendal vs. Welcorne Grafton vs. Newtonville Zion scored a clo se 2-1 decisian over Enniskillen in Darlington Football Senior League action, Wednesday of last week at Zion. Maple Grave registered a 2-0 shutout over Hampton in a post- \paned game Monday evening. Sauina and Courtice battled toaa 1-ail tie, also in a postponed gaine Monday evening. Tic For Top Place Hampton and Zion moved into a tie for first place in the Junior Division with bath winning their amnes Thursday evenin5. Zion, lanketed Enniskillen 4-0 and Hampton won a 2-0 shutou t over Courtice. Maple Grave and Sauina played ta a 0.0 deadlack. In the Senior Division Tyrone are hasts ta Zion on Saturday evening and Maple Grave visit Courtice on Wednesday. Junior League action on Tbursday (to-night) will sec Tyrone at Maple Grove, Solina at Enniskilen and Zion at Courtice. Harvesters Lose Opener To Cobourg Rideaus 8-1 Bowmanville Harvesters drap- ped an 8-1 verdict ta Cobourg Rideaus, before a crowd of 150 wvho turned out ta sec their de- laycd home opener at Vincent Masscy Park Wednesday of last week. Norman Taylor. 67 Church ttreet, one of Bowmanville's mare enthusiastic baseball fans was the first per3on ta pay ad-1 mission ta an intermediate gaine this season. He wvas at the park long before gaine time and had chosen a seat offering an excellent view of the field. RaIly ln Fourth Rideaus ensured their win with a seven run rally in the fourth inning, while the Har- vesters shuffled pitchers in an attcmpt ta end the scaring spree. Cobourg's battery, Kurt Stanley settled down ta some brilliant pitching after a shaky inning, ta be creditcd with a well dcserved win. Stanley permitted only thîce bits, two in the first inning, wvhile be fanned eight. Clint Fergusan relieved starting pit- cher George "General" Joncs of the Harvesters early in the fourth after John Fisher .had crossed the plate with the wmn- ning run. Russ Lane took the mound late in the inning ta finish the gaine allawing only one hit and fanning two. Only In Don Gilhooly scored Bow- manville's only run by crossing the plate on Gallagher's singie in the first. Rideaus' centre fielder, Clarke Harden scored the tieing run on an infield er- ror in the topof the second. John Fisher started Co- bourg's scoring spree in ttrio fourth as their batting order rotated with Il men caming ta the plate. John Fisher, Leroy Wanamaker, Clarke Harden, Bill Stanley, Paul Stevenson, Stan Edgell and Kurt Stanley, ail crossed the plate for Ri- deaus, before Harden was tag. ged for the 'third out on a pass froin Mason ta Kelly. Officiais called the gaine at the end of the sixth on accaunt of darki-ness. R HE Bowmanville 100 000-1 3 2 Cobourg ---- 010 700-8 5 1 Batteries- Stanley, Bark-- bouse, Joncs (Ferguson, Lanc) Girardi. ,Çkcraton0 §eview/~s ~B Douglas tigg Dance Recital Friday Night At Town Hall The Bowmianville Recreaticn 'Dcpartnieit's Dancing Classes wiii hold their Annual Dance- Recital this coining Friday, June 7th, in the Bowniaivlc 1Toma Hall starting at 7:30 p.nî. Tick-ts for the Recital ara. available frora any member of the classes or may be purcbased the night of the Recital. Seek Coaches For Minor Bail Groups In order ta operate the Re- creation Dcpartment's Minai Basebail Leagues it is neces- sary ta have aduit help in coaching and maxîaging the Minai teains. Any persan in- terested in helping the boys gai a better knowledge of baseball are asked ta get in Og touch with the Recreation Of- fice by phoning MA 3-5761. Registration for the boys of Bantarn age is still open. Any boy between the ages of thir- teen Pand fifteen who wisbes la play Bantan Basebaîl this year please pick up a registration fori at the Recreation Office before this coming Saturday, June Sth. If wc do not reeeiv,ý more applications for this lea- gue the Recreation Departinent vilsponsor anly Atomn and Pee Wee Basebaîl Leagues this- su nimer. It is fioped ta have the fitst Atoin and Pee Wce practices on Saturday, June l5th, at Mernorial Park beginning at 9:00 a.m. More information will he published in this col- umn next week. Will Operate Girls' Softball Leagues Here Due ta the larýe turnout of girls ta last weck s practice the Recreation Departinent bias dle- cided ta operate two Town ILeagues for girls. It is hoped that a Midget League for girls sixteca (16) and under, and a Pee Wee League for girls nine (9) ta twelve (12) will be in aperation by the end of June. AIl girls in the Pee Wee age bracket are askcd ta ho at Central Sehool on Wednesda.y evenirig at 6:30 p.rn. AIl girls in th'- Midget age grouping wvil! 'practicc at Central School on Tuesday evening at 6:30 pi. Tennis Season Opens Sat.. Tennis enthusiasts are Invited ta the Lions Community Centre tis coming Saturdav ta the olinin;z frolic of flhc Bo\vman- 1 ille Tennis Club. Weather permitting, gaines arc schiedulfd ta start at 3:00 pi. These are for the impatient eager I ea%-er w %ho want ta ýwcar off E on-ie of that excess energv tbey IL:ave accumulated during the lay-aff season. It is suggested that yau bring a box lunch which yan can cat in pleasant company and surîoundings. At 7 pin, a junior round robin is planncd and at 8 a senior free-far-all. At 9 pin, lunch I will beh provided (25e please) ta be followed by two excellent films specially vroeured for this occasion. la the event of nain an indoor partv is -planned, com- mencinî at 7;30 P.m. il Il Do flot be misled, fooled or confused by the Dief enbaker propaganda, election ballyhoo and his extravagant, impossible promises. The propaganda is, running true to f orm, using the old age policy - promise reward and threaten 'punishment; attempt- ing to confuse the voter and willing to seli Canada short for power çznd extravagant and unrealistic expenditures in al parts of the country. Let us examine the f acts! History in this century proves thdt Conserv- ative Governments and depressions go together., Read the following authentic prices the farmer received for principal products in 1931 under the Bennett Conservative Government and in 1957 under the St. Laurent Liberal Gov- ernment: Steers Hogs Lamb Choee Butter Tomatoes (canning) 193() Liberal Government 8c lb. 16C " 16C 3 Ic 1931 Bennett Conserî'ative Goverorent 5c lb. 9c l 8cfi Ilc 24c $11.00 ton 1957 Liberal Government 21c lb. 30c 30c 36c 57c $40.00 ton Potatoes 64C cwt. 2.00 cwt. Yet Mr. Diefenbaker is doing his best to sow seeds of dissatisf action with the farmers. Under the last Conservative Government we had unem- ployment ail over Canada; labor camps at 20c a day; soup kitchens and bread lines; people in Bowmanville and Port Hope and throughout the entire Riding of Durham were on relief by the hundreds. Under the Government of the Right Honorable Louis St. Laurent, the people of Canada were neyer as prosperous as they are at the present time. This includes labor, f armers and citizens in every walk of if e. More new shiny motor cars, more television sets, more household appliances, more equipment on the f arms, -more labor saving devices, more modern homes, .5horter hours and more take-home pay, more people enjoying holidays with pay, more f ar reaching social benef its than any other country. Family allowances, which the Conservative Party calied the diaper dole and did everything possible to defeat in the House of Gommons, have increased and have proven t'O be greatly responsible for the healthy, well-dressed young Canadians we see today. Under the Liberal Government we have more jobs available than ever. bef are at the highest pay in history and this prosperous district has been most generously looked after by both the Liberals and by their local member, Johnny James.1 Canada today is a world power, nations making a most imp portant diplomacy and international af fairs, training and experience. one of the leading contribution to peace ail of which requires Dief enbaker cannot win, so do flot drop the substance for the shadow. Mr. Frost is not satisfied with Ontario. He naw wants to dictate the policies at Ottawa, a Conservative combination that would be dangerous and disastrous for the future of Canada. Make sure that you go out on Election Day and vote Johnny lames who will be on the winning team, and be one of those who, by the X on your ballot, will help ta make sure of continuing prosperity; continuing the development of Canada's national resources; continuing development of the wealth of Canada and the distribution of that wealth for the benefit of ail the people. This election is flot a burlesque with ail the frills of a midway show. It is a cold factual opportunity for the people of the democracy of Canada ta choose their leaders ta administer and direct the business of ail the people, nationally and internationally for the next four years. Once again, don't be mis led, fooled or conf used by Dief- enbaker. Re-elect Johnny James and continuing prosperity with experienced people who understand the science of suc- cessful government. Vote Liberal Vote James Inserted, by Durham Liberal Association. Zlion and Maple Grove Win Football Games Bowmanville, Newcastle Juveniles End in Tie New!' * Revolutionary!. Solo Concentrate Spraying & Dusting Machine for Fruit and Vegetables Also for fogging. %vhitewashinig, disinfecting barns and chicken.houses, etc. 32h.p. air-cooled engine. This inachine %vilI perforiniail these jobs %vith amaz- ing specd and case. Neyer before lias a machine been built for so niany purposes and to handie every job so perfeetl,%. - It is portable or can be attached to the tractor. Surprisingly low ini cost. WE W1LL GLADLY ARRANGE FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION. Fritz Marti Nursery R.R. 4, Dowmauville, Ont. Phone MA 3-5012 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAX. BOeMANV=E. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JLME @th, 1957 PAGE Sz7ENTEEN

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