PAGE EIGIE THE CAMAIDIAN STATESMAN. BOWANV!LLE. ONTAIO TEEN THTJRSAY, JUNE Oth, .1957 Births Cards of Thanks BRANCH-Russell and Cath- We wish ta thank the fiends ienine (nce Vivian) are happy ta and neigbbours of Haydon Com- Pnnaunce the irth of their son munity fon the gift presented ta At Mer-nor3al Hospital on Mon-I us on aur redent marniage. dlay,. Junc ;îrd, 1957. 23-1* Archie and Wanda McNeil. 1 23-I COX--Mr. and Mns. Douglasj We sinderely wish ta thank Cox arc hiappy ta announce the birth off a 6 vound, 12 ounce the fniends, 'Ineighbours and baby boy on June Ist at Mcm- leveryone who assisted in saving aria] Ho:pital, Bowmanville. aur home fnam fine. Archie and Lorraine Brown. 23-1 23-1 LEDDY--Mr. a nd MUrs. Patrick< Many thanks toalal those who Lcdd 'v (Cooper) are happy tain any way contrîbuted ta the anInouncýý the birtl off a son, success of the opening of my Douglas Patrick Joscoli. a brotb- ý new Red & White Store in Black- rr foir Dame] Petcr. on Satur-î stock. daY. Junc t at Memnonial Hos- George Blyth. pital. Bo%-ni)ivllf. 23-1* 23-1* PEAlCE-.Jack and Ruth are' Special thanks ta Dr. Rundle, lia)v o nnoiceile brthofnurses and staff of Memonial han\' a anouce he irt ofHospital and ta the many rel- i -on. G'rgefusscl]. at Mcm- I atives. friends and neighbors for <rial Hospital. Bowniianville. on flowers, cards and gifts. .Iunc "rd, a brother for Mary Barbara Connell. cld Dotothy. 23-1 23-1 Enigagemnents Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Harrison ______________-and famil.v would -like ta thank Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Curtis. Dr. Hubbard for all he bas done Pontypool, wish ta announce the for aur family during my hus- engagement of their eldest band's long sickness. daugliter, Barbara May, ta Har- Grace Harrison, lan John MeCarreli, son of Mn. 49 Church St. vnd Mrs. Marwood MeCarrel af 23-1 Omcrnee. Wedding ta take place ai Pantypool United Church, I wish ta express mv sincerest June 29th at 2 p.m. 23-1*,Ithanks toalal mY fiends, rel- ________ atives and ta the Carlisle Circle, Mr. ad Mr. Geoe W for the lovely cards. gifts and Mon. ndof Mrs.eoOrg o.îfîowers sent ta mie and toal who nootn of Buren.gemntanif.caîîecd ta see me on my birthday. annon~ethe ngaemen ofMrs. W. E. Jewell. thecir daughtcr, Agnes Nina, ta 23-1* Kcnnctii Burraws, son of Mn.________________ and Mrs. Raiph Burrows of Otta- I wish ta tbank ail mv friends ,,va, Ont. The marniage ta take and neighbours for 'phone cails, place in St. Anthony's Church, cards. gifts, also Dr. Austin; and Ottawa, June iSth, 1957. 23-1* a special thanks ta George and - Susie Graham for kindnesses ne- I'4arriages ceived duning my recent ilhness. Leslie Thompson. VIE-CHANTRELL-On Sat- 23-1i urday, June lst, at Stoke Plymouth,- England, Patricia I would like ta take this op- Chantrehi, daughter of the late portunity ta thank ahi mx' friends Mn. and Mns. Chantrell ta) Able and neighbours for their cards, Seaman Ralpb J. Vine, R.CN., treats and flowers during my son of Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Vine 'stax' in Memanial Hospital, Bow- Bowmavill. 23i* fmanville, and since returning Deaths POWLER-At Memonial Hospit- al. Bowmanville on Thursday, May 30, 1957, Florence L. Har- ris, R.N., aged 49 years, beloved wife of Elmer Fowler and dean mother of John. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawmnanville an Sun- day, June 2nd at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 23-i In Memoriam HOY-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Jennie Hoy, who passed away June 5th, 1947. Peaceful be tby rest, dear math er, It is sweet ta breathe thy name; In life we loved you deanly, In death we do the same. .-Ever remembened by husbandI and family. 23-1* PAKE-In memory of a dear husband and loving father, Sturley Pake, who passed away Jtîne 3rd, 1952. -Lovingly and even remebr cd by bis wife Myrtle and daughter Betty. - 23-1*1 WIlLSON-In loving memary of P dean wife and mather, Mar-1 garet Loretta Boyd Wilson, whoi passed away June 9th. 1941. 1 bixteen years have passed sincel that sad day When one we loved was callcd a w av, Cod took bier home - It was His will, Within aur heants she lîveth still. -Ever remembered by husband and family. 23-1 Receptions Mr. and \lViî'. K. A. Grills will redoeiv friends and neighbours, ,it thc home of Ilheir son Mn. and1 Mrs. Orval Grills on Saturday,l .unc l5th from 3')ta 5 and 7 to %9, mi the occasion of their Fiftietb' Wcdding Anniversary. 23-2*ý The family of Mr. and Mrs.I Arthur Hanna, Janetville, are holding a social evening ta cele- hrate the 4th weddingc anni- versar *y of their parents on June l5th. 1957, at 8:30 p.m.,- ati the Foresters Hall, Janetville. Ficnds and neighbours arel cordiallv invited ta attend. 23-1* Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by thc undcrsîgned until June lth for the caretaking of six,-r.ooml sehoal at Courtice. This is a new. modern school. M. J. Hobbs. Enniskîllen. MA 3-2984.1 23-l! nome, ana a special inank you1 ta my Sunshine Sister. 1 ~Pearl Sharpe._ 1 wish ta take this opportun- ity ta express my sincere ap- preciatian ta all the citizens who contibuted towand the gifts presented ta me at the party in my bonour, sponsored by the Ontario, Northumberland and Durhami Police Association. A. R. Randaîl. 23-i Coming Events Kinsmen Club Street Bingo wilI be held Friday, June 14 at 8 p.M. 23-2 Hampton Cemetery Decaration Day, June 16. Service at 2:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. H. A. Mellow, Oshawa. 23-2e- Kendal Sunday School Anni- versary will be beld June 16th at il a.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. P. Romeril, Blackstock. 1 23-2 Garden Party at Yelverton Church Hall on Friday, June 14 followed by play "Where's Gnandpa" by Solina graup. Ad- mission 85e and 35c. 23-1 Farmers' Union County Picnic, Saturday, June 8tb, 2 p.m., at Creamn of Barley Park. Sports for the children, prizes. Came and bring your family and picnic baskets. 23-1 By popular demand, another hard-time dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturday night, June 8th. This is the last until Faîl so don't miss it. Holroyd's Orchestra. Admission 50c. 23-i Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays, except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpot game. No game under $3,00. Admission 50c. 2-tf Came ta Mihbrook Fair, Wed- nesday, June l2th, 1957. One of the best livestock shows in ,Ontario. Increased pnize manex'. Achievement Day for Millbrook 4-H Caîf Club. Midway for your entertainment. Mammoth parade starting at 12:30. 22-2* Don't farget the DANCE IN SOLINA HALL SATURDAY, JUNE 8th Montgomcry's Orchestra $1.00 per couple No lunch 22-2 Maple Grave Sundax' Sehool Anniversary will be held on Sundax', June i6th at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dm. Wesley A. Hunnisett of the Fred Victor Mission, Toronto, will be the guest speaker. Supper and concert will be held on Wednes- day, June l9th. Full particulars Tenders will be necived uipinext week. 23-i fo June 2th for tearing downj amnigTusaJn end lcaring awav the old school Il R cn uedyJn at S.S. No. 5, Clarke, inluding 11,ta ev. and Mns. Jack Shrier, one ail stave and ail tank. High- cdtawa, will conduet old fashion- est or any tender nat neccssariîy aIle Revival services at Pentecost- acceptcd. Tenders ta be mailedalC hurcb. Rev. Shrier bas an ta Mrs. June Wilson, Sec.-Treas. annointed Bible Ministrx'. Special R.R. 2, Newcastle. 21-3 'prayer for the sick and need "v. _______ jMns. Shnier cames as solaist. Each nigbt at 8 p.m. (except TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL Monday and Saturdav), Sundax' Tenders will be received bv 10 a.m., il a.m.. 7 p.m. Na ad- the undemsigned up ta 12 a'clock mission. Evenyone wclcome. noon on Tuesday, June l8th for, 23-1e supplving Fuel Oil for Parti HopeandBowmnvile HghlThe Warden and Council of SHoforpe hand B omnvifl1957-8 1the Unitcd Counties of North- Sehols fr te scsan f 1 umberîand and Durham, cordial- Port Hope reouires Lizht In- lIV invite you ta attend the open- riustnial No. 2 and Bowman%-illc ing of the New Municipal Hall 2%1o 4 g-rades. 1 and Court House at Cobourg, The lowcst or anv tender notljWcdnesdav, Junc l9th. The î2cccssarily acccpted. Honorable Leslie M. Frost. Durham Countv District M.P.P.. Premier of Ontario, will Higb School Board, 'officialîx' open the building at H. w. Mitchell, 8 p.m., after which the building1 Secretary-Treasurer, ling will be open for the inspec- Port Hope, Ont. 23-2 tion af the Public. 23-2 Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Livestock for Sale 1 Real Estate for Sale FOUR range shelters. Telephone Newcastle 2106. 23-1* ONE 30' timber, 8 x 8, new. Phone MA 3-2194. 23-1 ORGAN. in good condition. Tele- phone -MA 3- 2522. 23-1 1956 "RACER" bicycle. Phone MA 3-2368 after 5 p.m. 23-1 HOME-made laced wallets and purses. Phone MA 3-5968. 23-1 KEYS for new post office boxes. McNulty's Sports, Cycle and Toys. 21-3 QUANTITY of buckwheat for sale. Robert Sim. Phone Orono 12 - 4. 23-11 BARLEY chop, $52 ton, in new sacks. A. W. Glenney, New- castle 2771. 23-1 DINING-ROOM suite, six chairs, table and buffet. Phone MA 3-2692. 23-1 WHITE enamel rangette in good working condition. Phone MA 3-2500. 23-1* CHILD'S small tricycle, good condition, reasonable. Phone MA 3-3468. 23-1 FINDLAY Ovar range, burns coal or wood, cheap. Telephone MA 3-2402. 23-11 71', H. P. OUTBOARD, $115; Astral Refrigerator, $50. Phone MA 3-5721. 23-1* USED power mowers, reel type, Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E.. Bowmariville. 23-1 MILKING machine, pump, tank and units. Make offer. Phone MArket 3-2983. 23-1* SIX-piece kitchen suite, white with black leatherette seats. Phone MA 3-5976. 23-l"' HARRIS crib, 36x54, cornplete with mattress, like new, $20. Phone MA 3-2749. 23-1 GREY baby carrnage, also told- ing single bed. Reasonable. Phone MA 3-3452. 23-1 GARAGE door, tilt in - lift over- head with weights, etc. attached. Phone MArket 3-5789. 23-2* TWO-cycle 18" mower, good condition. Less than hall pnîce, $25. Phone MA 3-2563. 23-1 CAR trailer, 4' x 7'. A-i con- dition, with or without racks. Phone Blackstock 87 r 4. 23-1* iMILK bouse 9 x 10, with dropped in lO-can milk cooler. Oneya old. Phone MA 3-3709. 23-1* FLOOR polisher" for rent at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf '47 PONTIAC sedan and a 3 h.p. garden tractor with plow and cultivaton. Phone MA 3-3178. 23-1i GLASS cupboard, excellent for summer cottage; farmn gate, garden gate. Phone MA 3-2856. 23-1i WATERLOO ganden tractors, 2 and 4 h.p., at Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. 23-i RANGETTE, good condition, best offer. Phone between 10 and 4 o'clock..- Phone MA 3-2778. 23-1 BARRED Rock pullets, 12 weeks aid, $1,00 each, any quantity. H. W. Stapleton, Newtonville. 23-1* SAVE on lumber, direct fram mili ta yau. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. i3tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robent H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or ?4A 3-5805. 48-tf CEDAR posts, clothesline pales, poles, wood and cedar trees. Stephen Jeffery, R.R. 3, Bow- manville. .23-2* McCORMICK mawer, 5-ft. cut.: Case bay-loaden, bath in good runnîng shape. Telephone New- castle 2756. 23-1 50 BUSHELS buckwheat, $1,10 per bushel et the farm.M. ,Mantle. Bunketon. Phone Black- stock 82 r 12. 23-1 EIGHT.,piece oak dining-room suite, walnut tea wagon, humidi- fier, settee and two chairs. Tele- Phone MA 3-3555. 23-1 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electnical appliances,1 large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO yaur own floors-Rent aý sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf USED washcr parts and repairs, 14 h.p. matons, $5 up. Pickup and delivery. Paddv's Market, Hampton. Phone MA 3-2055. 23-2 * INSULATION, blowing mctbad, witb rock waol. Workmansbip guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wadc. Phone Clarke! 2420. 39-tf ORCHARD sprayer wîth boom for spraying tomatoes, 600 ta 700 lbs. pressure with twa ines of base: A-i condition. Joe Crawford, Hampton. 23-1 * MORRIS Ca. bave been appoint- cd Singer Sewing Machine ne- presentatîves for the Bowman- ville district. Came in and sec a Singer-the finest in scwing machines. Varjous attachments also in stock. Telephone MA 3-5480. 46-tf McCORMICK - Deering binder, 6 ft.; Deering rake, 9 ft.; buck- rake, disc plough for either Ford or Ferguson. Phone RAndolph 8-8914. 23-2* HEARING aid service, -testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf ROUGH lumber, scantling and inch-, 3-ton Ford Army truck, only 10,000 miles, 12-ply heavy duty tires. Harvey Malcolm, Janetville. *Phone Blackstock, 83 r 1-1. 23-1 MORRIS Co. bave the largest selectian of baby carniages, shopping strollers, cribs, high- chairs and play-pens in aur history. Be sure to see aur selec'tion first. 23-1 GEHL forage barvester witb mowen bar and bay pickup. Alsa blower with inside and outsidel pipes. A-1 condition. Apply H. Geissbergen, Hampton. Phone Oshawa RA 5-4938. 23-2 NOW is the time ta protect ahl your plants against pests and disease. We can perform this service for you with aur new Solo sprayer. Phone Fritz Marti Nursery, MA 3-5012. 18-tf PLANTS: Cabba'qe, cauliflower, and some othens, no ta- mata. Please telephone Hertz- berg's at MA 3-2200. Farm 1/ mile east of- Sâlem Corner. Bring your own containers. 22-2 ADDING machines, typewniters' cash registers, cheque writers, I filing cabinets, office furniture,j new and used. Repairs ta alli makes. Walter Frank, 177 Churchi St., Bowmanville. MA' 3-3986. 14-tfI MODERN Generai Electrice 4- burner heavy duty range, dlean and in excellent condition, like new, $100.00 or make an offer. Phone MAnket 3-5404 anytime or MA 3-5366 Saturday or Sun- day. 23-i* ASTERS, nicotine, datura, mari- golds, scabiosa, petunias, ver- bena, salvia, stocks, anctotes, coleus, cobea vines. snapdragons, geraniums, tomato. tabbage,' Brussel sprauts, etc. Perennials, 3 for 1.00. Ahl guaranteed. rs Abrams, i St. George Stret 23-1ý DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made or draperies sold j by the yard. Our representative' will caîl at vour home any timeI with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MArket 3-3609, Bowmanville. 48-tf SAVE an new household articles. Finest quality 17-piece stainless steel caq)kware, regular $149.95 - $69.50. Deep fry copper, baîf price. 3-piece luggajge set, reg- ular 59.95 - 29.95. Rogers silv- erware service for 8, regular 59.95 - 27.50. Many other every- day articles. Phone MA 3-5319. 23-i RESTAURANT equipment -2 pop coolers, $75 each; i bat dog warmer, $50,00; i hamburger grill (gas), $20.00: 1 potato chipper. $150.00 (electrie); i patato dicer, $10.00: 2 small gas plates, sundry pots, pans, dis- play shelves. Phone Orono12 or write George Collins,Orn 23-21 APPLIANCES - International Harvester 10.5 cubic foot refrig- erator, onîx' $285: International 8.1 cubic foot refrigerator, $225: Kelvinatar wninger washer with pump, 1l-hbs. capacity, regular $229 for onîx' $139 and your aid washer; used Easy Spindry, wasbem, $69.95, at Cowan Eauip- ment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5689. 23-i USED Fanm Equipment-Mc- Cormick W-D-6 diesel tractor, Massex' - Harris "22" tractor, Farmaîl "H" tractor, Farmal Super "A" tractor; Case VC tracton with loader, mower and scuffler; International 2-furrow plough, John Deere 7½,'-ft. field cultivator on ubbem, Cockshutti nope hax' loader. at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 23-11 Decorating " For the Finest Paints " For the Latest Papers " For the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & son Phones 1MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf Fresh Strawberries? Yau can enjoy Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from Your gard- en ail winter long by freezing and storing ln our zero temp. lockers. 200 lb. capacity lockersi cost LESS THAN 3c A DAY. And then yau can SAVE ON YOUR MEAT BILLS TOO, by buying wholesale lots. Beef Fronts 31 c Hinds - 48C Lb. RESERVE YOUR LOCKER NOW while we have them available. Bowmanville Frigid Locker Systemi PHONE MA 3-3578 1 21 SIX-week-old Tamnworth pigs. Phone MA 3-2570. 23-1 il GOOD pigs. Also, calves wanted for vealing. Telephone MA 3-2447. 23-1* HUNDRED White Leghorn pul- lets, five months old. Telephone Blackstock 64 r 12. 23-1* FRESH cows and same due to freshen soon, also sdme calves to veal. Apply Z. J. Benschop. Phone MA 3-2926. 22-3* HOLSTEIN cow with Polled Hereford heifer caif, alsa Polled tHereford heifer, milking, bred. Phone MA 3-2713. 23-1* Cars for Sale '37 DODGE sedan, good in every way. Priced to seli. Telephone MA 3-5319. 23-1 PLYMOUTH, 1949, in good con- dition, twa-tone, pnivately driv- en. Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton. 23-1 * 1948 PLYMOUTH sedan, good condition. Phone MA 3-5172. A. Baars, 66 King St. W., Baw- manville. 23-i USED Cars-1954 Ford coach,l 1953 Plymouth coach, 1951 Olds-J mobile "88" sedan, 1948 Dodgel sedan, at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 23-1 USED Trucks-1953 Chevralet 3-ton cab and chassis, 1952 G.M. C. dump truck, 1950 Mercury ',-ton, at Cowan Eauipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville.i Phone MA 3-5689. 23-1 PALMER MOTOR SALES Used Cars 1955 PLYMOUTH Belvedere SEDAN - V-8 Power- Flite - Radio 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, 6 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN New Paint - 1954 FORD SEDAN 1953 OLDSMOBILE "88" SEDAN Automatie transmission, radio 1953 CHEV. Special SEDAN 1953 METEOR Custom Sedan 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN Like new 1950 DODGE SEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET COACH Used Trucks 1954 FARGO ',/2-ton Pick-up PALMER MOTOR SALES Plymouth - Chrysier Cars Fargo Trucks 20 King St. E. MA 3-5487 Bowmanville 23-i Pets f or Sale COLLIE pup, female. Phone Newcastle 2205. 23-1 Strayed HORSE, male, brown, Preston's Road, Maple Grave vicinity. Phone MA 3-5367. 23-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F JAMES jWILLIAM IDUNN. IN THE ESTATE 0F ANNA MARIE DUNN. The Trustee Act R.S.O. 1950,i Ch. 400 Sec. 51. Creditars and others baving dlaims against the above-named deceased or either of them, who died at Bawmanville, Ontario, on the 26th and 28tb days of January, 1957, respcctively, are requested ta send pgrticulars and fulpof thereof ta the under- signed on or before July lOtb, 1957, after wvhich date the assets of the estate will be distnibuted having regard only ta the dlaims that have then been receîved. Dated in Bowmanvîlle, On- tario this 3th day of May A.D. 1957. Lawrence C. Mason, Barnister & Solicitor, I0 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator of Anna Marie Dunn.223 Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber gaads) mailed postpaid in plaini sealcd envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $ 1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubbcr Ca., Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Insurance DeWith & Mountjoy Insurance Agency Cali us for your General Insurance Needs Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3950~ SIX-roomn bungalow, ahl con- veniences and garage. Phone MArket 3-3730. 23-2* SUMMER cottage for sale, West Beach, (good well), water piped inside; large lot. Easy terms. Phone Newcastle 3906. 22-2 LOT for sale, 90' frontage, 200' deep, on No. 2 Highway at Maple Grove. Beautiful locatIon, high and dry, ready for building. Priced to seli. Caîl Oshawa RA 8-8833. -18-tf 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traff ic signal Newcastle 5-tf Leask Real Estate 6 roam new bouse in Hamp- ton, 4 bedrooms, 2-piece bath, furnace, insulated, roomy land- scaped lot. Terms. 4 roomn new bungalow, brick with stone trim, oil air con- ditioned furnace. aluminum storms and screens throughout. Owner moving ta city. Good value.* 6 room new bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, landscaped corner lot, garage. Make an offer as owner is moving out of town. List with Leask 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 23-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER Orono - Eigbt room solid brick on main street. All con- veniences including oil heat. Beautiful trees and shrubs. Handy little barn for car, etc. Asking $10.000 with reasonable cash. Six room insul brick, No. 2 Hîghway, on three acres, near Newtonville. Oul heated, con- veniences. Asking $6.500 with $1.000 cash. Four-room white frame, three years old, on nice lot, north-east of Hampton. Good roads. List- j ed $5.900 with $800 cash. King East, town, five-room liframe with ahl conveniences. new heating unit, nice lot. This property bas great possibilities., Inquire at office. Winterized cottage, West Beach, some conveniences, as well as some furniture. Asking $3.300 cash. We need listings badly. The box is nearly empty. Feel free ta caîl in and talk it over. 118 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Box 1096 Phone MA 3-3230 23-1 iDe With Real Estale 2 starex' white trame on lot 112 x 244, landscaped ike small park. 3 bedrooms and floored attîc, very moder~n batbroom and kitchen, bot and cold water, ail furnace, garage and hobby shop, etc.; centre of village. Owner transferred. Wihl sacrifice for quick sale at $12.000. Some tem. Farm Special 75 acres very productive roll- ing land bas fine bandwood bush, 3 barns and 9 roomn frame bouse. On bread and mail route witb sehool very close. Hydro on road. Closing out estate at only $8,500 on nean. Excellent terras. Look this aven quiekîx'. 23-1i D. W. McQuay Real Estate WHITBY 100 acre cash crop farm witb 2 bouses, 9 room brick and 5 raam block bouse. Only 9 miles fnom Oshawa. Crcek, pond, 2 acres of apple orchard. $16.000. 175 acre dairy fanma on higb- way. Bann 85 x 45, silo, milk bouse. House bas all dity con- veniences. Only i mile from tawn. $32,000. Very goad tcrms. Commercial building, centrally 98 acre farmn on No. 2 Higb- lacated nBwmnico o tway with good barn and excel- 90 x 175. lent good bouse, close ta tawn. C o t týa g le at Bowmanvillc Has ta be sold ta dlean estate. Beach, 3 bedrooms, cellan, insul- Price $2 1,000 witb baîf cash. ated for year-round living. $5000 100 acre farm in excellent with tenms. condition, cammuting distance Cottage at Cumberland Beach, Oshawa and Bowmanville, 95 Lake Coucbiching. Beautiful acres workable, 2 acres bard- finished cottage an sandy beach. wood bush, L-shaped bank barn 3 bedrooms, bathroam, large withi steel stanchions, water on panellcd living-room with fine-ý tap; 7 roomed brick house witb place. Fully furnisbed. Only all city conveniences. Price incl. $5.500 witb temms. full ine of machinery, $22,000.ej 6 room bouse in Bowmanville. Easy termis. Possession in August. $11,000 200 acre farm, 150 acres witb terms. workable, creek, large L-sh apedi Bungalows built ta orden from bank barn with 40 steel stan- 1$6 ,000 up. chions, waten bowls. Gaod sou j Several good building lots. Price $8.500. Termis. P. A. Frank and Walter Frank 200 crefar wih mlk on-177 Church Street, Bowmanville 2rc.00 acresrmwitkb mlk con-geMArket 3-3986, trat. 40 acrs arkble lage Representing D. W. MeQuay river, 50 acres bush. 70' x 40' Member Oshawa and Districti bank barn, milk bouse with tank Real Estate Board cool er, eent silo, lien bouse, 23-i machne sed;10 roomed brick bouse with running waten. To be sohd as a going concern withPe r full line bf machinery and ac-1 ee o a cedited berd of Holstein cattlc. REAL ESTATE BROKER Pnice $25,000. Terms. GENERAL INSURANCE 46 acre famm, commuting 9 9 King St. E. Bowmanville distance Oshawa, with 40 acres Telephone MA 3-5868 workable land, 70' x 30' bank barn, 2 implement sheds, pig TREMENDOUS BARGAIN pens; 8 roomed frame bouse I bave neceived instructions ta with beavy duty wining. Pnîce seîl this beautiful property ta $10,000. Terms. close an estate. 5 roomed, new bungalow, in- If you are looking fan a home sulated, with ail fumnace, 4- of distinction and prestige at a piece bathnaom, running bot and price that you bave ta pay for cold watem, modemn kitchen, tile a bungalow you must see this floors, laundry tubs, etc. Price home. $7.600 witb $3.300 down. It is a lange, beautiful 8 room, 5 romed,2 yers od, rnch2 storey bouse witb hundreds of style bungalow with attacheddolr'wthf xasmel garage, bardwood and tihe floors, awnings, venetian blinds, drap- 4-piece bath, ail furnace, running eytakec bot andcodwtr mde The kitchen is roamx' and kitchen. Nicelx' handscaped and ibnigbt, loaded with the best i decorated. Asking $9.750 witb cupboards, dîsb washcr andi $3.000 down. i garbage-disposal unit, closets, 8 roomed double home in I built-in table, etc., Newcastle with 2 bathrooms, 2 Large beautîful living-room, kitchens, partly hardwoad floors, dining-noom, music raom, with full basement, running bot and1 hardwoad floors, 2-piece tiled cohd water, beavy wircd. Price bath downstairs for canvenience. $8.400. Terms. 4 spaciaus bedrooms upstaims 4 roomed new bouse with 2 with closets and hardwood floors. sunrooms, situated east New- 3-piece bath on second floon castle with running bot and cald also. Thene are numeraus clos-' water, ail furnace. Garage. ets tbroughout the bouse for Price $6,500 with $1,000 down. your nccds..f 5 roomedt (3 bedrooms) ranch Heated by bot water and ail style bungalow in Bowmanvillej fired furnace which is in perfect with hardwood and tile floors,', order. Large garage with con- picture window, 4-piece bath, crete floor. Beautifully land- rLlnning hot and cold water, scaped grounds arc a picture of modern kitchen. ail forced ai: beauty and privacy in the shade heating. Landscaped with side- of beautifully gnoomed trees. walks, etc. Pnice $9,500. Terms. You bave heard mucb about Besides above mentioned we this home so wby nat came and have approximately 150 mare inspect it for yourself. Terms farms and homes ta choose from. and pmicecdan be arrangcd ta suit Contact most people wanting a home ofj this calibre. Please cail the John . DeWith office for funther panticulars. John F.De Wilh It's going ta be sold; don'tde Realtor and General Insurance ilax'. Newcastle Phone 3341 C . . . Salesmen:f Numenous other homes and Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanville properties at variaus pnices forf MA 3-39501 youm inspection.j Daniel Boehm - Port Hopel SPECIAL- 75 x 103' lot. TU 5-5012 (Water, paved street, $700.00. For Rent APARTMENT ta rent. Phone MArket 3-3573. 23-1 PASTURE for five young cattle. 1Phone MA 3-2625. 23-1 60 ACRES of pasture with good stream. Phone MA 3-2058. 23-1 BED-sitting raom, suitable for business persan. Phone MArket 3-5684. 23-1 FIVE rooms and bath. Appl)y Mrs. Annis, 105 King East, Bow- manville. 23-10 FURNISHED bed-sitting roam, suitable for business persan. MA 3-5769. 23-1l APARTMENT, upstairs. Avaýý- jable July lst. 63 Brown St.,?r Phone MA 3-3796. 2ý3 ý1 FURNISHED bedroom, gentle- man preferred, abstainer. Tele- !phone MA 3-3105. - 23-1* TWO or three raom a prtment. furnisbed or unfurnis i4 66 Ontario St. Phone M- j073. 23k-1 FURNISHED apartment ta rent. Apply Huyck's Hairdressing, 67 King St. W., Bowmanville. 23-1* MODERN heated two bedroorn apartment, recently decorated. Available July lst. Apply Stuart James, MA 3-5681. 23-1 LAKE front family cottage at View Lake on Lake Scugog, three bedrooms, goad boat. bandy ta store. H. Cantrell, Orono. Telephone 14410 after 5 D.m. 22-3* Auction Sales I bave received instructions from Mr. Hope Rayson ta seîl by public auction an Saturday, June lSth at 6:30 p.m. sharp, at bis residence in the village of Bethany, ail his bousehold furn- iture includîng Frigidaire (Mast- er) 7', Easy Spiralator electrie washing machine, antiques and many other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. R. J. Payne. auctioneer. 23-1 1 bave received instructions fnom Mrs. Robent Duck, ta seli by public auction on Friday evening, June l4th, cammencing at 6:30 p.m., at ber residence, Main St., Newcastle, bedroom, living-room and kitchen furn- iture, upright piano, electrie washing machine, tbree-piece chesterfield suite, like new, dish- es, glassware, etc. Terms cash. no reserve. Jack Reid, auction- eer. 23-2* ,> The Canadian Statesman : CLASSIFIED e RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE FRLIVESTOCX FOR SALE * FRRENT - HELP WANTED ., '* OT CARS FOR SALE LOS - FOUND - ETC *.Cash Rate 4c per WC dX *. wlth a minimum of Soc 1 .. Must ho paid hy date of insertion. . 1.I charged, an addjtjonal 25c * A hTewii b. added. A h.0f 25c wiii b. made feoi* -. ail repuies directed ta this office. .NOTICES - COMING EVENTS de. AND CARDS 0F THANXS .> 4e a word with a minimum ci $* 1.00 for 25 werds or Ies. *BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS qr .> MARRIAGES - DEATHS t $1.00 per insertion ' IN MEMORIAMS $: 1.00 plus 10e a lin. for verseo4 .. Disloy Clnssilied at $1 5 Wel 4 e:. inc~ with a minimnum of onth 4 *.Additwnaî insertion& at th'j . rates. m '.Ail Classitied Ads must hé . this office net lter thn . Se, 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. *: *.end cash. utomps or znoney ordeý ad gave money. 4Clip thisaoi lluor handy reference : OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 8:,30 arn. te 5 p.m. Saturday 8. 30 a.m. te, 12 Noon .. Dial MArket 3-3303 j-.. for Clossified Ad Service : *1. 42% ELL go BUY,>lrRADE a RIRE a S ors LOSTand IFOUND # SERVICE Àd Fp r datit ilIfELP--WAN D e IEMPLOYM 1 23-1 " ý , ý 1 1 Real Estate f or Salei Real Estate for Sale ORONO-100 acre farm, ' mile%% fo.highway, 7 ustrashdl Charles Rankibiè, balance bush and pastur REAL E springs. 60' barn, srw Ise, RA STATE BROKER(- implement shed. new doubleý 200 acres, pine loam, top garage, ,hen bouses, 10 room1buildings, carnies 150 bead beef solid brick bouse, pressure catt'le plus several thousand bags system. AIl buildings in best of potataes and other cash repair, $15,000.00 including crap. draps. Famous as the home Of W. C. Evans, Broker. Orona. Brahma - Angus cattle. Price 23-1* 1$31,500. Terms. $11,000 with haîf cash for this 100 acre farm in Cavan. New James Nixon painted barns, bouse Is modern- izcd with bathroom, ail furnace. REAL ESTATE BROKER two pressure systems. The crop 140 acres, large barns, imple- goes with farm. ment shed, 7-raom frame bouse, Restaurant with excellent ail heating, 3-piece bath, mod- trade. Seats 26. Fully equipped. ern kitchen, bard and soft water, Doing $600 per week. Long beavy wiring. Close ta shop- lease, living quarters. Pnice ping centre. Investigate tbis $4.200. anc. Broiler plant, in ful aperation, 200 acre farm, barn, stables, completcly automatie. Building implement shed, 8-roam frame is 3-storied brick. A nice living bouse, water in bouse and barn, here for someone. Price $9,000, heavy wiring, modern kitchen, baîf cash. 7 acres of bush. We have appnaximately 20 Morebeartiul hmesandsu mmer cottages in different faMo r beatifullhme.adlocahities witb varying pnicesý farm pnced a sIl.and terms. 47 Qucen St. Bowmanville New bungalow, same finish. Box 941 MA 3-5682 ing, 3 acres of land, near New- 23-1*ý tonville. Full price $3.500 ivita only $500 down. Town lot, water and sewer, Orme Gerry top location, martgage available for builder. Price $1,500. REALTOR ORONO $10,500 for this modemn brick Box 71 Phone 1191 bungalow, 3 bedrooms, finished Hampton in bardwood and tile. Many 7 room well painted frame, extra features sucb as divided bas excellent kitchen and new basement, laundry tubs, side- bathroom, 3 bedrooms; floors are walks, landscaping. Terms. lovely hardwood and tule, bot Mortgage money available, and cold water. Garage and fine bath private and campany. garden. Look this aven. $1,000 52 King St. W. Bowmanville down and balance like rent. MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Orono i23-1