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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 1

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U1ME 103 Completes 50 Years at Foundry Bill Yeo, 74, was presented with a solid gold pocket watch by his employer C. E. Rehder (right), upon his completion of 50 years' service with the iBowmanville Foundry Co. The presentation was made at a dinner in Mr. Yeo's honour Monday night at Venture Inn. More than 40 of his fellow employees paid tribute to the man who has watched a haif century of progr>ess at the plant. Bill is a pattern maker at the Foundry. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville Bill Yeo Hon ored By Foundry Af fer 5 0 Years of Service Fellow employees paid tri- bute ta Bill Yeo, 74, who th's week completed 50 years' ser- vice with the Bowmanville Foundry Company, at a dinner ven i'n his honour by Foun- -Y President, C. E. Rehder, d, te Venture Inn Motel Monday ý,' enîn More than 4 employees with 10 years oY service and upward were guests for the oc- casion. Everyone enjoyed a mast delicious dinner after ,,,b*vh . E. Rehder addressed ' ~~der gave an interest- 1 ng an colourful history of the BoW'manvi1le Foundry. He mentioned many of the canyen- tions he had attended with Mn. Yen and pointed'out saine of the humnourous incidents that had occurred. "Bill Yeo and I have been very close in our relationship throughout these înany years and I feel we are blond brothers", Mr. Reh- dler said. Ran Radio Station In reminiscing, about their many good times together Mr. Rehder recailed the amateur radio station lOAE which hc and Bill stanted in 1923. Mail was received from listeners in both Canada and the United States commending themn for their fine shows. Bill Yeo was the announcer for the station and did a splendid job," Mr. Rehder said. Before concluding Mn. Reh- der presented Bill with a gold pocket watèh in recognition o! his fine service throughout the years. The watch bore the in- scription "Presented ta W. H. Yea, 50 years layai and effici- ent service - Bowmanviile Foundry Co., June 4, 1957". To Remain Active In thanking Mr. Rehder, Bill pointed out that he had a great deal to be thankfui for during the last 50 yeans. He mentioned his friends and fellow employ- <Contînued on page seven) Will Inspect B.T.S. Cadets Friday Night Major A. R. Virgîn, Toronto, director o! Training Sehools and former B.T.S. Supeninten- dent, wili ho the inspecting of- ficer at the annual Inspection o! the Ontario Training Schooi for Boys, Bowmanvilie, this Friday evening at 7 p.m. Approximately 80 cadets wil 'ho participating in this everit which wili be highlighted by the inspection, march past, band display, rifle and Bren gun display and P.T. demonstration. Assisting Major Virgin îs Captain F. Evans. Area Cadet Officer, Army Headquartens, Kingston, who will also ho tue Marking Officer for the -Ins- spection. The cadets have 'heen well instructed during the past year hy Captain A. Cuthbertson, and Lieutenants W. Bagneil, A. West, J. Graham, and W. Rabb. BT.S. cadets wili ho attend- ing summor camp at Point Pe- tre August 18 in affiliation with the Rayai Canadian School ot Artil"ry. Lions Prize Winning Float Bowxlanvile Lions Club was awarded a consolation prize for thîs outstand- ing float entered in the District "A" Lions Convention parade at Peterborough, Sunday. The two statues af lions in the foreground were hand-maulded. These will be placed at the entrance ta the Lions Centre in the near future. The globe in the background depicted the therne of the float, which wvas "Hlope of the Vold". Suated on the globe ua Merridy Mutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mutton. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, T1fIuRSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1957 Memorial Park Association wil hold a Tag Day on Friday night, June 7, and Saturday June 8 to raise funds for the upkeep of *the park and club house. This park provides a play- ground for many children in the south part of town as well as a diamond for basebail games. This year the Associa- tion plans ta make a diamnond for the smaller children at the south end of the park and a back stop. Other prajects include a new set of bleachers and the oi-1 ones to be repaired and paint- ed. A large 'sand box has been made by Howard Bradley and Morley Etcher and placed in the park for the little tots, the Association paying for the ma- teniais. A delegatian from the Bow- manville Branch of the Cana- dian Legion headed by Presi- dent Jirn Firth 'address Couii- cil Monday evening and urged for more interest by Cauncil in the annual Decoration Day Legion Aux. Visits Patients At Divadale A chartered bus took 24 members of the Ladies' Auxil- iary ta the Canadian Legian from Bowmanville on a vîsit ta Divadale Hospital for veterans in Toronto an the evening of May 29. Ail of the men in this hospitai next ta Sunnybrook are walkîng patients. The Baw- manville Auxiliary visited there four years ago. The ladies took with them 135 parcels for thec veterans, th,ý parcels containing 16 articles each, such as comb, handker- chie!, cigarettes, cookies and candy and other useful items Ail were attractively wrapped and toppeci with a greeting card. A social -time wu a nlôyedýl with the Auxiliary mernbers contributing sangs, and readings and everyone joining in a good sing-sang. The veterans also contributed several numiiers. Susie Graham and Ann Piper assisted at the piano. Before Ieaving, some Auxil- iary members visited thie catiL shop and purchased articlcs made by the patients. Com. Edith Rundie convened the event which wvas enjoyed by ail. O0rono Wins First Game With Locals Orono Orphans held onto an early lead ta win an 8-3 victory over Bowmanville Harvesters in Intermediate basebail action at Orono Tuesday evening. Sparked by Keith West's pitching and Gerry Robinson 's home run the Orphans gaincd a 6-0 lead going into the thirà inning. Don Gilhooly, Tim Cox and Butch Cote were the Bow- manville scorers. Bowmanville Legion Pipe" Band brought honouns ta the Bowmanviile Lions Club arnd their town by being selected the third best pipe band in the District "A" Lions Convention parade at Peterborough Surn- day afternoon. A float "Lionism-Hope of the World" entered in the pa- nade by the Bowmanville Club was awarded one of the three consolation pnizes being offex - ed. The many floats, bands and decorated cars taking part in the parade were judged as lhey passed the reviewing stand. The parade was a prelude ta the four day convention whicn is being attended by Lions Clubs from across Ontario and Quebec. Business meetings and luncheons will be heid throu- ghout the week. The major event, election o! District Gov- ernors, will take place Wea- nesday. Nearly the entire memben- ship o! the Bowmanville club marched in the panade. The:.' were led by parade marshall, Wally Braden, and their fine appearance and smart style of marching was a credit to the club and the Town of Bawman- ville. Each member wore the same uniform style o! clathing. It in- cluded dark trousers, whte shirt, punple tic, Lion cap, Lions crests and shoulden sashes. Thousands of persans jam- mcd the two mile long parade route ta watch the gay and col- -(Continued on paze seven~) The Association pays for the ,,tptal upkeep and repair of th2 club building. Town Council ýontributes $100 toward the ,Cpst of grass cutting. The As- $'aciation also sponsors Pack No. Sof the Cubs and allows the .Le of the club building by ÇCubs, Brownjes and Guides frce bfcharge. To raise money for park up- lçeep the Association holds bings and euchres each week gd has an annual bazaar and .tea each spring. These are 4upported mainly by residents .»if the south part of town and theîr friends. The Tag Day be- &n1g held will give the town as à' whole an apportunity to as- Uist in the maintenance of this fine park and playground used b semany children and services at Bowmanvllle Cern- ietery. President Firth pointed out that for the past Il years the Legion has been taking the lead in this event although it it -under the joint sponsorship of the Town Council, Ministen- iâ1 Association and Legion. "Decoration Day is not a miii- tary but a civic occasion," he said. The Legion also asked that Council make a proclamation denoting Sunday, June 16 as Decoration Day and inviting all arganizations ta participate in the service or parade ta the cemetery. The Civie Committee chair- ed by Co'un. Keith Lathangfue was appointed ta be nesponsible for the event and also ta mèee with the two sponsoring argan- izations ta make the arrange- ments. It was the general opinion of Council and the Legion tha.- a successful Decoration Day this year would ensure a more suc- cessful occasion at the next year's Centenniai event.. 10e PER COPY Co uncil Votes 6 NUMBER 23 2 to Instail Parking Meters Af fer Lengthy Discussion of Local Problem Eected Lions Dist. Governor Herbert L. "Deac" Goddard was elected District Governor of A3 at the District "A" Lions Convention in Peterborough Wednesday. Mr. Goddard is an active member of the Bowman- ville Lions Club and held the office of Deputy District Gov- ernor in 1956-57. He joined the Bowmanville Club in 1946 and since that time hias had a per- fect attendance record. Lion Deac lias served on several committees, was a director for the majority of his membership and heid the office o! President in 1952. 4Coun. Jim Presson and his three-man Police Admin- istration Committee came out on top following an hour- long parking meter discussion at the June Council meet- ing with the resuit that meters for Bowmanville front streets were approved by a 6-2 count. The most controversial subject since municipal garbage collection, the battle of the meters was waged vigorously Mônday evening with attempts by Councillors Higgon and Brough to thwart the proposal failing to stem the tide as Little, Carruthers, Preston, Lathangue, Presson and Fice all voted in favour. Approximately 180 meters police officer was hined for this will be purchased 'by the town specific task. The councillor from Duncan -Miller, Stratfond, went on to point out that park- at a price of $82.50 each with ing is flot always at a premium payment of the meters being and it is questionable if meters taken from the revenue of the are a necessity. He stated that metens on a 50 - 50 basis until there is parking on Church the meters are paid. Street at almost any time. Parking By-Iaw "If we go out or town and In a by-law which was given walk five or six blocks froin its three readings Monday, our car, we think we're close," meters will be placed on King (Continued on piage seven) Street from Scugag ta George, on Silver from King ta Church, on Temperance from Queen ta Church, excluding the part in No Fatalities front of the Post Office which is ta be clearly signed 15 min- ute parking, and on Division u ig Y a from Queen ta Church. The meters wili be in effect fromn 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. Mondays Wi ns Award ta Saturdays except for Fnidays Bowmanville bas been When the time will be extended awarded a citation certifi- ta 9 p.m. The meters will not ct by the Ontario Safety be enforced on Wednesday af- League I recognition of ternoons or holidays. the towns fatality free The meters wiil be delivered traffie record during 1956. within 20 days of being ordered In a letter received from and carry a full year warranty. the Safety League the May- SThe car-marking areas are laid or and cpunililors were in- out at no extra cost by Dun- formed that the citation can-Miller. carrnes merit and distinc- No Time Contraet tion and an inipressive pre-' Coun. Presson pointed out sentation should be an- that there is no contract witli ranged. 1Duncan-Miller as ta how long, It was unanlmously agreed the meters must be ieft on the that the Community Pic- streets and any succeeding nic, TuIy 1, would be an Council has the power ta ne- ideal tine te receive the move the meters. citation and arrangements Coun. Dave Higgon felt that wili be made for those ne- it would be impossible ta police ispousible te pa.tlcipate in the meters unless an additional the ceremony. Vote June lOth for Your Voice at Ottawa t ~ ERNIE DENT C.C.F. This Monday, June lOth, is your opportunity ta express your wish on what you expect yout Federal Gov- ernment ta do at Ottawa. The four men pictured above represent the 'four parties contesting the election in Durham. The poils apen at 9 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Daylight Saving Tirne. If you are in doubt as ta where Past Presidents Honored by Local W.I. The regular monthlv meec- ing was heid at the Lions Cen- tre on Thursday, May 30. Mrs. G. Alichin, President, presided for business. It was decided tu have a Kopper Karnival again next winter for aur annuai fund-raising projeet. Mrs. G. Joncs was appointcd hcad o! the committee ta make quiltE. The ncxt meeting wîll hcoaur annuai picnic ta hoe heid at the Lions Centre and this year the bus trip is ta Guelph in thle W.I. Home Week o! July 15 ta 19. Mrs. T. Buttery gave a re- port on the District annual hold at Nestleton on May 21. Mns. L. Goodman spoke briofly on the motta '"Eat wisely but not too well". Owing ta Mis. Roberts' illness, Mrs. E. Perfect took the meeting. Mrs. T. Buttery introducedi the speaker, Dr. A. Sylveste~r, who spoke on three medical topics which are o! vital inter- est today, coronary thromba- sis, stomnach ulcens and cancer. outlined the causes, symptori; and srme of the treatments and cures, as fan as medical science had progressed. This was a most informative talk. Mrs. C. Johns and Mrs. T.c Buttery were presented with aE cup and saucer, each being past1 presidents. l Lunch was served and a su- cial hall-hour spent. I G ra duates James Hooper only maie momber of the School of Nursing at Ontario Hospital, Whitby, wiii graduate ta-day. He is the son o! Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hooper, 19 Ontario St., Bowmanville. Jim has had hîgh standing throughout the three- cear training course. Gradua- tion exencises are being held ta- day at the hospital. -Photo by Le Roy bJU, Torom4o »lR. PERCY VIVIAN Progressive Conservative you vote consult the "Notice of Grant of Polis" hanging in ail Post Offices and other prarninent places. For other elecj ion information you are adviscd ta telephone one of the cammittee rooms. No matter what party you favour bc sure and vote Monday - thîs is your one chance ta have a say at Ottawa. Municipal Dump Is Suggested for Park Graduates Miss Ruth Rombough daughter of Mixr and Mrs. Ross Rombough, 216 High St., Bow- manville, graduates to-dav from the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Sehool o! Nursing. Graduation exorcises will take place in the Recreation Hall o! the hospital. Miss Rombough has complcted her three years' training with hiigh âtanding. The Municipal Dump on Jackman Road is heing vi;3- ualized as a potejîtial site for the establishment of the long awaited Bowmanville Munici- pal Park. Council was asked Monday ta keep this property ; n mind for long term develop- ment by Ken Morris of the Park Committee. In bringing counicil up tc) date on the functionings of the Park Committee Mr. MorrI3 pointed out that it is difficuit; ta establish the park in t'neý Barber's Creek Valley since it is impossible to asertain the area or boundaries of flic land which the town owns. Instead flic Park Coniniit-ee have looked about for other sites and feel that the prescrit lump wouid bc udeal a., ;oUjfl as it had served its purpose as a dump. Mr. Morris also asked that consideration hc given to cri- arging the park cornmittee to acommission or ta affiliate it .vith a broader rccreatiun corn- missiona. Coun. Dave Higgon, chair- mani of Public Property, agrccd with Mr. Morris that flic dumrp vas a natural site for a parke. Hie expectcd that the life of he durnp would be another two or three years at the most. Continuing his report Coun. Higgon stated: 'II have visited he Town Dump and at the moment it is in the hest con- dition I have ever seen it."* (COnItinUed Un Paget seven) r k n "Durham County's Great, Family Journal"' Memorial Park to Tag Raise Fundsfor Upkeep Council Sets June l6th For Decoration Day JOHN M. JAMES KENNETH TOMS Liberal Seocial Credit Pipe Bond and Float Win Lions Club Prizes e!ýe gýýbt

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