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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 19

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TgURsDAy, M= M~Ot,191T!CKDA STTMAOWAVLEONAO PAGE NINE~1IEN Ckucssimfimed Work Wanted 4DRWSSMAKING and lea lon n~rd drapes made. Phone MA 5348. 23-tf EXPERIENÇED typist would lilce typîng to do at home. Tele- phone MA 3-2721. 23-3* wokdone;*tractor, in awo:rNewt onville and $ 23-1 PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free estimates. Harvey Partner. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf BRICKLAYING, plastering. Nor- man Pingle, '72 Elgin St., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5518. 12-15 NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cernent plastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf DUTCH girl wants housework by the day or baby-sit at night, except Saturda.y. Cail MArket 3-5105. 23-1* W%ýILL look after baby or sehool- age child in mv own home while inother works. Experienced. Phone MA 3-2667. 23-1 GUARANTEED repairs to ail makes of cars and trucks, al jobs are guarantecd, lcompetent w%ýorkmanship), at Cowan Equip- ment Co.. Meteor-Mercury Deal- er, 134 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone MIA 2,5689. 14-tf Plasiering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-50301 6-tf BUlldozing and Excavating Wayne Ellioli ?ewtonviile Phone Clarke 51?. JPLUM BING -IIEATING EAVESTROUGIIING Tony Baars 66 King St W. MA 3-51721 BOWMANVILLE Help Wanted SALESLADY for permanent position, local; pleasant sur-, roundings. Write Box 673, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 22-tf SALESMAN required to sel Bumper Crop Quality Farm Seeds in BowmanvilIe area. Highest commissions paid in this particular field. Previous ex- perience helpful but flot neces- sary. Car essential. For par- ticulars and interview write or telephone Southern Ontario Seed and Supply Co., New Dundee. Ontario. Phone 6 r 3. 23 -1 TO you, presently reading this insertion, a chance for bigger '- profits and better income is" offered. Our Company i pro- » gressing and more than ev-er our '...--. products are in demand, being of the first quaiity, needed evcry- EMPRESS 0F EM where and fast sales obtained* With our intcresting conditions. England" sails pa soon you wiil be the boss of ai marks, the Chateai good and dependable business. pleted her maiden Want to know more about it. sister ship. the "E Write for details. If we are o n]n"i represented in vour locaiity, ,veofEgad sr will have another intcresting ed. The Empresse suggestion for vou. This is thei calis at Mlontrealc year wherc ambitious persons j traveîîeî's. The have a chance to do somcethingi and improve their situation.[i [or 150 first class p; Free information at 1600 Delor-1-, _______ imier, Dept. 65, Station C, Mont- real. 234I , re Wanted I~j .L J ÇGLAND - ast Quebec au Fronten nvoyage f Empress of ne of the ses of Brita during the Empressc passengers 'Fax DEAD and cripplcd farin stock, picked up promptly. Phone MAIn OW flS 3-26î9. Margwiii ForFai-l'1 Tvrone. 26-tf jA,.i application by .ipin P. Mîiller to have parking spac2 Business Opportunity for bis taxi in front of 10 King _________________________East xvas rcferred to the Police Admninistration Commîttec al- ter a lengthv discussion of SericeStaion whetber it xvas legal to alIci. private parking space on King b Leas Stree. Kcith Lathan'gue polm- Write BOX 667 vd out [bat by-iaxv provision, e,,o The Canadian Statesman are made that ail taxi stands j 0.. Box 190, Bowvmanville nI Boý.vmianville are aliowed ;0( 22 2 I-ft parking frontage and as the remainder of the cab com- Piano Tuning_1panie, have the frontage lie teit [bat Mr. Miller was en- ARTHUR Collison. Phone MA titled to the samne cqnsidera- q43900. 19-tf tion. Ho\vever, Deputy-Reeve Willf WVanteci to lient Carruthers cailed attention to thc fact that Millcr's applica- THREE-bedroom home in Bow J i0flihas been turned down bc- manville or in immediate vicin- fore because of the 1imited ity. Write Box 674, c, o Theý parking on front street. There Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box is aiso a by-law whicli spec- 190, Bowmanviile, Ont. 23-1 ifically states that taxi stands 1 are not allowerl b hoiri nark-1 close the Street off at, 5:30 A delegation from St. George Street North was assured that action would soon be takzen to correct the flooding on tifýs street which the delegaitimn termed as a danger to botii eilidren and property. It wc.s felt that Storm scwers shoîiii bc insfalled nr re-estah1isirdc. These are not surprisi tics. It is undcrstandabl seeing an announceME large profits, the publie assume that ail mighitb for bo admiraNbe a purl increasing the worker's For everyone wouid fa, improvement in the w position. The only possibl CUSTOM WEED SPRAYIN-G I Repairs -- --- -- - -- - -- ---h made without thec GRAIN AND CORN RI RSt llH l-R .Hars OBE ion of some industrie REAR t i mksof wash- .t %i~A .A ariOBE vithout prejudice to Pre and Past Emergence ing machines. Pickup and de-O nta io D .H . p prov of Toronto, who was clected xvorkers who are justa WEED CONTROL iivery. Padd, 's Market, Hamp- Piesident of the Ontario Cham- ty ~WrM. G. Jewell ton. Phone MA 3-2055. 23-9* Tow n Road Expenditures bel- of Commerce. su cceding The~ union leaders'RAI an evio rprsCpt Jsph efrý,Q. ini htpoisae -ADIO7nd tee.isin repirs.on .eiy, o ftisthat hv pri r PHONE MA 3 2 3-87 Prompt service. Pick op and Towni Couneil were notîficà ses. A request for an advancc. OBh fL ondon, pMr Hrs intforfonsa ave noi or 32*delixvery. Lorne Doreen, 85 King Monddv cveînîng that the De- of $2,000 for thb Bowmniile 'offlt viear m arsis ofa As a asae poithso TIME FOR SPRING WR E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf parîment of Highwa:'s bas ap- Chamiber ofCmece 1a gradu aIe oft1 Uivrsty o ias ade thete WOKo omec vsToronto and from the Imperialneoitrattc te REPAIRS to al makes of refrig- pîroved Bow'manvilIq's estimat- sîmilarl3' approvcd. !Staff College (Armyv) at Cam- PanY Of Canada. Becaus GnrlM sny eaos oetcad c d $31,000 road expenditures Board of Works I beî'lev. England. In business it its were substantiali G ep~a1 Maonry erar, dmie ad co m-rs for provincial grant purposes In Iiis Board of Wqrks report. life, Mr. Harris i.ý a xice-presi- waged ttan or )BRICe11kOCK or CONCRETE mra:m ilkin9cooers. ig-tho coming year. Cu.Jh ruhsttdt. eto Gro akv&G.laguesud be an idce gon Electrie Limited. 42 King St. Cu.donururingd ht etofGrdnMck & oudbepi RE M~or STRUCTURAL E. Phone MA 3-5438. 953-tf bAîpproxînmately S15,000 wili the Roads and Streets Depar(' Ltd., whicbh companv o perales those profits wvithoutd ~t]mt bce h usedi for constructiona net xiipî'ovide a road to i the Waikeî' StoresIn h ncet fay timte Frc he remaining $18,000 for' conneet Mea^~'s Avenue and L.T rnrW fc eairin nit2nance with a percentag,' the Lake Road.I ofth expenditures being paid The road bet-wecn thcre P'hone MA 3-3072 or 3-3231 AT by the Departmcnt.1 Hall anci the Post Office lias P. 0. Box 177 1 IVacation Sehedule been paved by Bennett Con- 13 -tf1 M a r r s On motion of Deputy-Recve struction at a price of $*21 1.40. JEWELLERY Wilf C arruthers, toxvn employ- Poreýhase of a level froinAI WTated ta Biy 43 Kin St. W. MA 3-5463 ces with three or more years' bert Cole at a price of $50 ' TIEMIHT ___________________service xiii bc granted two approved by Cotincil. "MjIH M T PLAYER piano. Phone MArketi BOWMANVILLE xveeks' paid vacation xvhile Couni. Bro ugh also commend- 3-2091. 23-1 50-1 those with one to three years cd Works Foreman Llo i H MT I x"ill be given one week's vac.,- Quinton for the xvork leho1bas T EW M A BABY carniage in good con- tinwthpy been doing in connection xv ith dition. Phone MA 3-3232. 23-1* ~ II-4 Cooinciliaiso approved the catch basins. "These ca, Ih ha- Win Do the Job fer Y@u Exam arfS t 1request of the Bowmanviiie sins liad been a headac(hoIfor HIGHEST priceý paid for live Centennial Committce for an a good number of yOcars.*" he ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals u e ls and raw fors. Phone RA 3-2043 .- Oshawa. coilct. 48-tfThs \ I .T- of a mnan's hand was uncarthed.A MODER thrc or our cd- v eeis ne u Di~Unpacked aftcr centuries h. xvas I._ founid 10 bc a narrowx book of roomn home within town limits Ail Lakeshore Mînor Basebal! forty-three Icaves. The Papyrus of Bowmanvillc. Write Box 674, League Juvenile gamies schedul-IO V was so brittle that extreme care c/o The Canadian Statesman, ed for this week have been cari- xas needcd ini handiing lest it P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviile, Ont. cclied due bo the examînations cromble [o pieces.I 234beghed tth ditithg Egypt lias often ioorned large Scholars were soon aI xv ork being hthat [hoheliittribookig ALL kinds of live poultry wat-sehoois. nIepgso ol tr. and dccided ofa the Gospie o' ed. Top Toronto prices paid at Boxvmanville Orphans next ITdvi id lc ntiwsacp ~ ',our door for large or small game xiii be piax'ed at Coboi mrg1 presses of couintries arounici, x.o Johin writîen in the oil Copic; own uesav ccnig' Tev r .language. Th-is xvas probabiy quantities. We have aur owR.R. a y evj g. h r ldoeo.hevr isttasa nmarket. M. Flatt, Bcthany RR hosts to Newcastle Merchants at 1 A legacy of ancient lore [batï n ftevryfrttasa 1. Phane coliect to Betbany Vincent Massey Park, Thursday1 had its origîin in this now not- tions of the Bible in an African 7 r 13. 28-tf evcning. 1 able land may be seen ini the language. Scxcral trnaion harcbex' aults of flic BritL. . One of the pages of papyruîs Bob onatons ave eenand 7oreiunî Bible Societx' in is on dispiax' in the Bible Hou'se, r Fairv. simce tueîcam 1 Londlon. Engirnd. This price-plcdartivbtcn ec MORTGAGE fonds - $1,000. Iim- cd thecir scason. Those personsi ]e-ý 1pe2( of papyrus xas uii-0f glass. The rcest of the book mediatcly avaiiabe for first jxx'ho have aided the soif-sponsor- i oveiveci aloîg [tie banks of h<izýkept in a dark strong r*oo,*, mortgage on town or rural resi-:cd club inciode: Boxmnil i'rNeb'xoknndgigaxxax' from al iglit. The page dence. Five years at 6 %. Leroy Foundrv Co.. MeGregor Hlard- deep ; ir o ieruis of Egp1 displayed bears the wAoî'ds that. Hamnilton, Broker. Orono 1 r 16.1 warc, Morris Co.. Crx'stal Dairv. formier lory. 1 wcre carcfulIy xrittcn centur- 23-1,A H. Stmrrock. Coxving Drug-s A snaît parcel abouilthe size jes ago The seventh unie bears: - - ~ the letter IHC witb a stroke, ovci [hem. That wxas the corn-, ron waY of xriting Jes:is HERES ONE REASON WHY ~~fraction so far bave the whol.Saes a radr ch kte HERES ONE REASON WHY ~~~Bible ava;iable. Apparen:iv tlsm nraes hc h I I.KE O GT AY IEgypt bad o'ne of tho first, if, 1 ItT GT M not the first translation. 1 IS ANCF E fRE IN jBOWMAN VILLE Sugges ted readings for fi lthoe aseer ek G 3 U Ahiwe ek:casle d vr ek I Sonday-Revelation 2: 1 -2-9 Moîîday-~Revelation 3:1-22 Tuesday-eeaio :-4Put these lutIle ogiants 10xo wokfur Wednesdav Rcx'elation -4:1 -4 Thursday-Revelation 21:1-27 \Ot b\1L ~1ig iigiot F -dav --Reveia[îon 22:1-91i Saturday--Pro\'erbs 41-7li14- carri r , oui'Message [o nui thousandcs of icaders week]y. If'% Elmer Rodeo 5orbctadx citi5ing u To Be eId TE FAST WAY TO GET Wed. June 19 SURE-FIRE RESULTS - ( jBoxxniailvile R insr c Clubs annual Eliner Bicveie Rodeo w. il DA I be bcîd at Central Public Scîhoolî PLACE A WAN AD IN groond.s. Wcdnesda,..Jonce 19., «% at 6:30 p.m N Girls and bo.ý,s betxx cen the N ages of eîqht and 16 inclusive! are eligible to enter thc rodeo. I There wiil be a junior and senior1 catcgorv for box% s and for girls,. ~~ The junior catcgory includs anvone from cîght to 12 incluýs- ~b I m ,'. ,,~s'ive. xvhile the senior includes à those from 13 ta 16. 1%A ~ ~Application forms to enter thel rodeo are available at al public' êchîoIe.Thesc r ,i., . ..____________ -------------------------------- De, ai. UAii ing tac-j continue, money mnust be avail- FAMSTC ble that. able for \'ast im1)roverreflts Pieked Up Free of Charge nent of that must be uindertaken everv 24 Hour-Seërvý-ïic icMighCI year. A \-car or so kigo the i Phione Collect be used S teeel Company ý,pent, on evi Cobourg FR 2-3721 pose as largements $80 iliili. That Peterborouglh RI 2-.2080 swag. i rM'as thc profil. of a great inanv CKPCN avor an vears of operatýion, and larg .e Petrborugh O Ont workers' expencIit tres must continue to r___________________ ble point be made. is could For the wvorkers not to ad- disloca- mit publicx' that they know ies and quite weil that thoir incrt.asedM ONEY other demands imust miean ani increa.i-M 0MEY as wor- cd price for steel, which i turn means increascd chargès AVAH.LABLE FOR assump- against every other %vorker, soTA always that everN person in the land M OR G rdcaims. must, individually pay a. part M TGACE S ,e such of that increase. is a more or ýunion less deliberate atternpt to con- i1 Com- fuse public thinking. B lh S oe .se pro- 1-- il;was Barrister and Solicitor ease in-, Men always have hope of a 65 ino t . Ohw out of better %vorld whon they sec !1 aSrceSt . Oha disturb- miracle of Christmas,.-Charles RA5-3525 )ne. But Wells. WHEN THERE'S A JOB TO BE DONE, DEPEND ON THE "MIGHTY' MIDGET" - THE LITTLE GUY WITH THE POWERFUL PUNCH - A CLASSIFJED AD IN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN (e TRE CANADIAN STATFSMAN. BOWMANVnýLLF. ONTARIO PAGE MINETREN -, . - Many Attend Opening Culveri On Millbrook Reformatory Concession St. Thn oOst modern reformatory, be stocked ith lteatreofahHeaves Up inNrhAmerica was officiallv kinds. opened at Millbrook. Saturday_, A large audilor'uni with a Pro- BBL he hre milio dolar ste .ection booth wilf provide enter- An uncxpected headache for and concrete fort covers 14 tainmient and lecturcs for the in- the Bow ainville Roads and acres, high on a hill overlooking mnates. Streets Department is a smnall peaceful Millbrook. Separate ciassroons for re- culvert bridge on Concession The Hon. John Foote, v.C..! habilitation studies are avail- Street East which erupted to Ontario's* Minister of Reform! able, and comipietelv equipped over a foot in height last Sunl- Institutions, and John Pickup workshops of fering a large day ivith the resuit that the Ontario, the Hon. John Welling- variety of trades will be in1 whole bridge has had to be Jr., son of Chief Justice of operation. remox'ed. ton Pickup, officially declared Modern Kitchen Siutd1mditl ato um sm~m hepenl nsttuionopn.The kitchen and the laundrv Bradshaw Street, the upheavai - " 7 Main features of the rehabili- offers the înost modern in eciuip- is believed to be caused by poor tation centre is a compietely ment suchi as stainiless steel drainage. The Department of classrooms and a huge stainless ketties and walk-in freezers, installation of three pipe arch ______________________________________ . eqipedhopial tad sop, tem abes csdtaeeelem igwas asaproed th ~+~-- ,.-. seelkithen IThe entire institution operates culverts and Concession Street The main celi block runs north'ro an independent watcr system. should be open for travel by -~,and south and has two 2-storey! Surrounding the main block is Sundav. ... ~~....~ ..~ .~. v.ings, each wing containing 1041 half a mile of 20 feet high con- WrsFrmnLodQii cratl. north and south ~. an be locked up in individuai unig Ials beine 809 feet ton felpsi temo thc rde twil b ~~~ ~~ celîs, void of fixtures and W.ith lonngdthn wa ls42feanxenietmfoteto . clectrically operated solid doors.! long. Since the paving of the bridge aking suicide attempts by will be delayed to flcxt veal', a -The Canadian Pacifie s ne w '5,500 ton "Empress of hnggipsila Eight separate guard towvers laver of gravel will be 'placed land- mpssbl. ae located in the four corners o«'rtecuvrs City with one of the ancient capital s most famous ln-Hoipitai ad1 cntrseo the suronini________________ [ac Hotel, in the background. The white-hulled liner com- The reformatory hl o s pi t a il wall, each equipped with radio rom ivepoo toMonrea recrily.Conistructed with its holds 16 cell-enclosed beds pi usicommunication systems, flood- f Britain," at a combined cost oi 835,000,00ü the "Em-press six additiohal beds in the ad- 1 ights and other s e e o r i t Y Mostmodrn hip afoatand is completely air-condition- mittance wing. Major surgery.1 measures. mos moem hip afoatx-ravs. psychiatry, physiother-1 Prior to construction a quarter ain, England, Scotland and France will mak-e a total of 4apxý'shock treatment, iaboratory! million vards of varth hadl to be season and prDvide accommodation for more than 75.000 and research projeets can b-e moved. of England". w'ith a service speed of 21 knots, lias space properly handled at the well- The first ininates wili arrive MA r3330 and 900 tourist. --Caniadiani Pacific Pot equipped hospital. June 15. ___________________________________________________________ A chapel with anterooms for; Col. F. Patterson, forinerl:v o pieedani c'urnd n qope'sProtestants and Catholies is t heading Don Jail in Toronto. isi WANTAD plte an etindtoiope' another modern feature. and in charge of the n1eW AMillbrook SÀVA i~ar~ îig Jcxve]~rvStore bef'ore 1-2 p.rn, libraries ini eaeh celi wing xiii ReforniatorY.SEVC iSeverai prîzes wîll be gîven t Front St. ~W e ae~Cs ing space on ~~Kn,, Street. rains Wednesday ex'cning the Bv Joseph Lister Rutledge hrisiedtrnlmrte rodeo xii be postponed until Probably it is natural fori verx' primary faut before thcre Mr'. Carruthers uvanted to iFî'ida~' oc2.'kI "vr n okr know wherc the line should be y,______________21.____wokcrs to feel underpaid and weeamwrkr o n job)s drawn as other taxi firins may 10 feel that they should bc-o r any Steel Companyv, moneŽ' Ar alorSensi ask for he saile considration.paid more. What one cannot had to be found to build foun-T1CKETS ask for th esecodeat 1i. accept is their contention that dries and furnaces and shops. T I C EYT S It was sggcstcd hat Mm.this larger payment can be This represented an enoî'mousTOE RY ER Miacer bntîll thePolie ma- I1made without hardship to any- outlay on properties iit ht baiConsuit spac titilthePolie Am;j- 1one by simply supplying it outi t0 be continualiy rcplaced, iin- J 1) R Y & L O V E L L istaton omitee adreah-ofprofis hscneto slrved and enlarged. So the là King St. %V. MA 3-5778 ed a decision but this ofpois hs otninL tune dxxn..raised not because union lead-nce d for a coniinuing inflow of Bowmanville ci rs believe il, but on the as-_inoneY is rcnta [ hecn Permission was granted to sumption that, generally speak- tinuance of the industi'. I-________- the Lomnil Kinsmen lo ing, the public wili, and that Now xvorkeî's wili not work on Teperane Steet for. ~bear the responsibility for any moniey is invested without hopeI K in,,, o Church. Jonc 14. Tite conditions that follow. o eun oifpat r u Dead, Old and Crippled ÀOO% MWW ýmn j àtattemar.

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