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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTY THE CANAIDIAN STATESMffl. IOWMANVMLLM. OTAR!O 0 TE 0 MRA?, J3MR gM.MI James Attacks Foes Using Pension Tberne ln Election Campaign At a well-attended meeting cf Liberal workers. here tnis wveek, Liberal candidate Johnny* Jamcs*made a strong attack or the tactics bcing emploved by opponients. The Pension Themne He atated that there bas been widespread use of the thenm:' "Dôn't send Johnny James back to Ottawa. He'1l get a pension". The arnount of such a pensiorn varies considerably depending uiponi who is doing the telling, lie said. -What they don't tell the people is that this election is onfly the qualifyving period for a pension. I will have to win another election and possiblv tt,.o before 1 would receive a full $3.000 pension which is available to al Members of Parlarnent," Mr. James declar- ed. ('ontributory Plan 'The2y also don't tell vou that cach member pays severa] hu!î- dired dollars into that fund eacli y car, or that Conservative leaci- et- John Diefenbaker, CCF leadi- cir M. J. Coldwell and Social Credit leader Solon Low not only voted for the pension but will be eligible to receive it when theY have served for 17 Zcars. Each member rnust bave ew kl, ToPay Past L Due Bis To Consolida te *~Payments el, 0 Monthly eF-or Holiday el Am Expcnses 'N, Purchases ForNe Emlergency < Expenses C-The Difference with Beilvue is the Service eBELL VUE SFINANCE CORP. 6; . H. WILSON, Mgr. C, OSHAWA Playground Su pervisors contributed. from his own poc-.., ket, several thousands of doyl lars to the fund before hie cat receive anythiîg. "MWheher I arn elected or someone else. the government's contribjution to this fund is '!xx actly the same each vear. I do hope this expianation will s'op - this frantic type of carnpaignii ing." lie concludcd. ',You May rest assured., said Mr. James. "that nmv Npurpose in seeking re election is not to qualif 'y me for any pension. bu, rather Io continue the work of being of service Io the people. M1any Projects to Complete There are several projects f0 complete, such as getting postal delivery for Bowmanville and . rendering what assistance 1 cani in Ottawa f0 the Centennial Committee of this town in thcew avlepagons vl eudrtecm big job that lies ahead of theniBwavlepagonsmi1b ne h on nexf vear. I'm also hoping that. petent supervision of these trained playground supervisors during the next terni, the Si. -when thev open in Julv. Shown bore with Recreation Lawrence Scawav xiii have Director Doug Rigg are the 1957 playground staff. They been compieted and the gîx'-arfrmte ftfotrw MrotRnnPtPnge ernment May be persuaded to h et fotrw:Mro anie atPn ý do some major improvement-, Heather Bissonnette, Carol Maguire, Gay]e Thomas. Back, on our harbour. There also is a row: Murra -y Walker, Berta Higgon, Betty Foran, Verna lot of work f0 bc done for Foran, Joan Allun, Heather Webb and Doug Rigg. The tarmers in this arca. If people want to vote against me be- cause this election would quai- pf ensio that of corei teiaScouts Plan ýummE pif n, me f0 efentuiyrec sei privilege. But, it would be just as ]ogital to vote against ai I candidates," hie concluded. Hold Showers For Recent Kendal Bride Miss Joyce Marie Burley whosc marriage to Mr. Robert John Bird took place in Kendal on May 25, was guest of bono:- at, several showcrs. Mrs. Howard Corden anîd Mcs. Ted Bird cntertained at a miscelianeous shower ini Bow- mianville on May 12. On May 24, Mrs. William Frcderick was hostess at a kitchen shower at her borne in Peterborough. The comrnunify of Kendal on June 1 gathered in the Sunday School room of the church and presented flhc bride and groom with a chair. The girls of the Sales Ac- couniting Departrnent in thie office of the Quaker Oats Co., Peterborough, whcre the bride is employed. entertaincd foi, ber at a miscellancous showecr whcn many lovely gifts w'erc rcccivyed. KENDAL Mcs. Mldred Falls and grand- daughiec, wee Miss Marilyn Stewart. Peterborough, visiteci with Mr. and MVrs. Len Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alex-- ande r. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson Living in the outdoors has always been associated with Boy Scouts and these members of the 2nd Bowman- ville Boy Scout Troop are no exception. As part of th ' ir summer camp programme these youths will experience a xveek of living outdoors. From duly 27 to August 3 they wilI live on an island. near Gananoque where they wvill sleep in tents, cook their ownl meals, do their own washing and attend to general camp duties. They are, from the and family and Mrs. Waters at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass. Lake Kîîshog. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughesland family%, Toronto, at theïr and Gloria -with Mrs. Luxoa isummer home. Sundiy. In the evening aill Mr. Pnd Mcs. Milton Robin- attendied the Masonie Churco son wifh Mr. and Mrs. Cecdl Service aPiewtook le the sec- Swhoare both feeling Rex- S. J. Pk oktesr vice. better now. Mcs. Ted Coatharn and farn- uvy and Miss Linda Allen with Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Mercer on Sun day. Mcr. and Mrs. Chas. Byersý and fmrnily-, Port Hope. witný ~;*,*4~*0~ 0.O>4S.'*~*0> C.*: 0>«C <. « <~ ~* *Y C *>*3C 0. <C' 3 ~Wideman's Ladies' Weart A48 King St. E. Bowmanville 1WEEKEND SPECIALS! DRESS CLEARANCE Reulr o 6.5- Clearance $3.98 2nd GROUP .. . Regutlar to $15.95- Clearance $10.9 5 03rd GROUP..Carce125M *~Regular to $22.50 Claac- ------ $ 1.- HAT CleaCrearanEAI $1.5ad$19.95 $1.25 and $ 1.95 *ORLON PULLOVER S Short Sleeves - Regular S3.95 - CLEARANCE----- $2 .95 Bill and Terry Allen wiith their cousin, Ray Couroux. Mc. and Mrs. Herb Cook andl Linda. Toronto, at their sum- mer cottage. Mrs. Garland Cathcart,' Mrc-. N. Kennedy and Mrs. Win, Mercer attended the Women'- Institufe Convention at South Nestieton, Wednesday. The Fife and Drum Band of Kendal Orange Lodge led the parade Sunday \vhen a large number of Orangemen of thi,, district attended Divine Wor- ship in Orono United Church. Wedaesday evening the last meeting of the Young Peop~e for this sc:îson 'K<as hcld a t Le Falls' picnic grounds when al cnjoy-ed a social time toppcd off wvith a wiener roasf. The W.A. met Wednesday e v- ening at the home of Mr.-.1 Norman Kennedy \with the pr- sident Mrs. J. Stapieton iii c-harg. Mrs. Garland Catîi- cal-t gave a xery interestiiîg, talk. Dishes Io match fhosc_ now in use are f0 be ordered.' The new (00k book came up for discussion, the recipos neeai to be looked ox-er and ce-ar-i ranged. As namcs of membeis are f0 be included ail membur.. are requested to sec that their dues are paid. Mrs. Kennedy was thanked and congratuiated on Fecturing ber bair dressin.g diplima. Visitors -wi th Tvrs. AIxa Swarbrick and Mrs. Thornep were Mc. and Mrs. George Swarbrick, Mrs. Jack Swar- brick and Maurcen. Buffalo; Mrs. Green and daughter. Les- kard: Mc. and Mrs. Wilfreci Roughley, Oshaxva; Mrs L. i Ferguson and Freddy Ander- son, Toronto; Mc. and Mrs.-G. Price and dau.ghfers of Ganx. Apleasant ex-coing w'aS en- joy ed in the Sunda.v Schooul room Saturdax' nîght- mhen Mr. Gay showed beautiful colored slides. some of our local church- es and congregations, others from prcvious charges ini the weut wif h beautiful fiowers andî scenery. Following flic picturcz 1 Mr. Garland Cathcart cal!hd our two î-ccent brides and their husbands to the front. Mr. and Mrs. Jirn English were pre-i sented witb a tri-light floor lamp and Mc. and Mrs. John Bird wifh an occasional chair. Each of the glris were alsù pre.scntrrd with an cnvelopc contaion onev. -M»r. Gay-, who leave. hi group will attend a special playground training course at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac near Madoc from dune 23 to 28. Included in the course wvi11 be leadership training and numerous other subjects pertaining to playground activities and work with young children. Upon completion of the course this staff wilI be adequately equipped to care for children at the playgrounds with the best of care and attention. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville er Camp on Island left, front row: Woodrow Perry, Don Masterson, Gord Rundie, Stephen Barclay, Tom Callan, Graydon Colville, David Gibson, Tommy Simpson, Larry Sinclair and Jack Brown. Back row: Ken Veitch, Wayne Hannan, Jim Van der Schaaf (Queen Scout), Bibi Bickle, Walter Gibson, Irving Gi (Queen Scout), James Callan, Howard Rundie (Queen Scout), Willis Fowler, Bob Henderson, Donald Butler ancý Troop Leader Charles Biggs. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville week for bis charge in Chicago he bas made at Kendal. was presented with a handsome A tasty lunch and social hou. purse from tbe many friends1 was enjoyed. L Au tomatie car in top conditi transmission, custom radio, on '--$2&#795 1950 FORD COUPE - $825 m $595 -W $595 Mrs. W. E. JeweII Honored On Her 88th Birthdcay About 110 friends andi rela- Toronto, was in charge of thé tives caled at the home of Mrs. guest book. W. E. Jeweli, 16 Carlisle Ave., Mrs. Jewell Ig la qu1tq-godq$'. Bowmanviile, on June lst ta health and enjoyed seeI« au congratulate ber on the Occas- her friends. ion of her 88th birthday. Her family were ail present: Mrs.____________ Fred Wight, Oshawa: Mrs. Ken- neth Cox, Bowmanvilie;, Mrs. * * aero y u Eber Snowden, Court ice; Mr. Bert Jewell. Oshawa, and Miss ar wilsv-P4. Mabel Jewell who is at home with ber mother. ý- --L The loveiy corsage of pink roses worn by Mrs. JewelI was the gift of ber great-grand- children. She received many bouquets of fiowers, cards and teiegrams of best wisbes. In the afternoon Mrs. Lionel Baker, Oshawa, received guests at the door, and Mrs. Geraid Cox, Bowmanville, wvas in charge of the guest book. Pouring tea were Mrs. H. J. Babcock, Mrs. Charles Osborne, Mrs. J. Wesley Jewell and Mrs. Herbert. Jewell, Bowmanviiie. Mrs. Jack Wylie, London; Mrs. Allan Greville, Oakville, and Miss Mary Jewell, Bowma.i- ville, assisted in serving. Pouring tea in the evening were Mrs. Winni.fred Rundie, Toronto, and Mrs. E. L. Mar- jerrison, Bowmanville. Mrs. Don Allman, Oshawa, and Mrs. Ralpb Larmer, Blackstock, ser- ved. Mrs. Ted Rogers, Bow- manville, received guests at the door, and Mrs. Donald Cox, LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. ManselliWrigbf, Bcthany, were Sunday super guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller and attended Pontypool Anniversary service. Mr. Wm. Harper has the foundation dug for bis new home. Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ba- ker. Mc. and Mrs. Wm. Sim, Oshawva, were Monday evening guests of Mr. Robt. Sim. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwar- den, Wade and Catbryn. were Sunday supper 'guests of Mr, and Mrs. Morley Kelett, Jan- etvilie. Mr. and Mrs. A. Murphy and Garry, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wallace, Ka- thy and Sandra, Oshawa, were guests of A. J. MeLaggan's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron and Raymond, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron, Tyrone. Master Raymond Cameron relebrated bis sixtb birthday, May :30 and on Saturday enter- tained seven young guests at a lovely birthday party. Ail en- joyed games and a iovely lunch with ail the trimmings. "Get weil" wishes of ail the community are extended f0 Miss Jacqueline Rosevear and Mrs. Harold Mackiin, Tyronte; Mr. R. J. Hodgson, Hampton, and Mr. James Delaney, Salem, who are patients in bospital. Club 50 ladies wilI meet at fhe home of Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, Tuesdav evening, June il and ail ladies are invited to attend the W.M.S. June tea Thursday afternoon, June 6 at the hm of Mrs. J. C. Cook whcn rs Fisher frorn Newcastle will bc guest speaker. JACK DROUGH PLUMBING Division MtA 3-5615 and HEATING Street South BOWMANVILLE O N T A R E O lake and river -paradise for families ONTARIO TR r 736 Parilament sBldga e t Send 7l. f iterature~~ Namet Address- Poet Office . - ... m.......... Ontario Departmerit of Trovel & Pubflcity Ho>3 Bryari L. Cothcort, Minister $1*495 - - $995 --$795 « $595 ,-1951 CHEVROLET 1/2-lon PICK-UP $595 ~~~~~~~~1950 G.C.12tnPNL -15 .M.C. 3/4-ton STAKE - $59& 1950G.M.. 1/-lo PANL - 395Completely reconditioned These are only a few of the miany light trucks that are featured on our Used Truck lot. Robson Motors Limited Pontiac - Buick - Vauxhal Cars 3-3322 -i Z Start in July AN ERROR To correct an error in the first ad of our spray- ing and dusting machine, the complete sentence should read 'also for fogging, whitei%'ashing, disin- fecting barns, and chicken houses, etc. Fritz Marti Nursery R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ontario ILO W I IL E AOE* 1956 BUICK 2-DOOR SEDAN 1954 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 1954 PONTIAC STANDARD SEDAN AIcondition, lmileage ----$1..350 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN Fuly equipped ---------- 1953 WILLYS SEDAN 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN Top condition . -... 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN Mai13 more models frorn which to choose including 1949, 1948, 1947 and 1946 in top running condition. USED TRUCKS 1951 G.M.C. '/z-ton PICK-UP 166 King St. E. Bowmanville - G MC Trucks MA 3-3321 &

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