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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 2

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PAGE TWO _____ - -- -. ~~~.. .c... ~~ ýT n ÂSM N. .B U MAN VMLLF. ONTAR OTIU R A . U et. l Skating Club Appoini Comm ittee Chaîrmen A mneeting of the board of1 many activities of the Club. Th directors 0ýf the Bov-rna!iv:i2 president, Îrank Blunt w: Skating Club was hcïd on -Mon- continue ta be in chargec Clay, June 3. Tlhe presideni, the popular Farnilv Skatiný Frank Bitant, presided. The se~ Other appointinents 'are: Carn cretarY, Mrs. Adele Finnigan, val, Sidney Murdoch: Propei r'cad the minutes. ties, W. W. Bagneli; Costuri T'a- 1957-58 season wtli open Convenor, Mrs. Ada Richard %With the annual skating party 'Entertainmient. Charles Bui on ýThursday. October 3, Famr- dett:; Tests, Sidney 'Murdocf 11,v skating wiîî commence on Publicity. Mrs. Beryl Hughe! StindaY, October 6 and the first Ice chairman, Mrs. Ada Rici figure skating will bc on Tue.ý-1 ards: carnival design, Glen daOctober 8. The Carnival liolme Hughes, program adver viltake place on Friday and tfsing, James Martyn. Saturday. February 21 and 22, The treasurer, Mlrs. Audrc 1958. Figure and dance tests Hacking, said that negotiatior %vill be héld on Saturday, De- were practically completed t, cemnber 28. and again at the end have Miss Barba-a Ann Bur ofthe season, March 22, 1958. gox ne, Lakewood. Ohio, as Club professional for the 195, C-ommittee chairmen werc,58 season. Club members %vl. appolnted ta look after thé, reeeive 4 hours free group inl Attention Clarke Township Vo fers Here is where you vole on June 101h: TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Polling Division No. 25 (Clarke 1) Rural: Com- prising Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, from front of Town- ship to rear of Second -Concession. Polling Station at Coniniunity Hall, Newtonvjlle. .Polling Division No. 26 (Clarke 2) Rural: Com- prising of Lots 13 to 26 inclusive frorn front of Town- ship to the rear of Second Concession, and also Lots 17 to 26 inclusive, in the South Haif of the Third Concession. Polling Station at Willis M1cNair's residence, R.R. No. 2, Newcastle. Polling Division No. 27 (Clarke 3) Rural: Coin- prising of Lots 27 to 35 inclusive, froin front of Township of Middle of Third Concession, also Lots 17 to 35 inclusive in the North Ha]f of the Third Concession and the South Haif of thc Fourth Con- cession. Polling Station at Mrs. Roy Branch's residence, R.R. No. 2, Newcastle. Polling Division No. 28 (Clarke 4) Rural: Coin- prising of Lots 1 to 16 inclusive, in the Sixth Con- cession and 1 to 14 in the Seventh and Eighth Con- cessions; also Lots .1 to 12 inclusive in the Ninth a nd Tenth Concessions. Polling Station at Orange HIall'Kendal. ofPolling Division No. 29 (Clarke 5) Rural: Coin- prising of Lots 17 to 30 inclusive, in the North Haif ofthe Sixth Concession and 17 to 35 in the South Haif of the Sixth Concession and the North Haif of the Fifth Concession and the Village of Orono, North of Centre Street. Polling Stations No.'s 29 A-L and 29 M-Z at Township Hall, Orono. Polling Division No. 30 (Clarke 6) Rural: Coin- prising of Lots 31 to 35 inclusive, in the North Half of the Sixth Concession, and Lots 25 to 35 inclusive in the 7th, 8th, 9th and lOthi Concessions. Polling Station at Vance AlIen's residence, Lesk ard. Polling Division No. 31 (Clarke 7) Rural: Coin- prising of Lots 15 to 24 inclusive in the Seventh and Eighth Concessions and from 13 to 24 inclusive in the Ninth and Tenth Concessions. Polling Station at Mrs, Charles Harris, Orono N. Polling Division No. 32 (Clarke 8) Rural: Coin- prising of Lots 1 to 16 inclusive, in the Third. Fourth and Fifth Concessions. Polllng Station at MIrs. AtwtelI's residence, R.R. No. 1, Newtoixville. Polling Division No. 3" (Clarke 9) Rural: Com- prising of Lots 17 to ù35 inclusive in the North' Haif of the Fourth Concession and the South Haif of the Fifth Concession and the Village of Orono South of Centre Street. Polllng Stations No.'s 33 A-1 and 33 J-Z at Township Hall, Orono. Published for your information and convenience by the Durhanm County Liberal Association AVote For 1sucina week instead of 3.I I ~ tion Day wiUl be observed in the! s It is expected that this will arn- J N~ew i nister Union Cenîeterv, June 30.prv h tnado ktn l, s atrWihCadm us Wvv . and enable more members ta oR LI Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Mr.I pass the coveted C.F.S.A. tests. At N ewt4onvi ie and Mrs. WiIl Forder and Miss a BobWat ad he rea mn-Joyce Frder attended the wed- M a M eeting agement committee are ta be aecmimne n hi sa ding o! Miss Mary Halliday and T iii soplend oeron in rr san i Mr. Keith Wright in Oshia, A The members of Cainus W. ill pSaturddcyopandtreceptionrin-t e A and W.M.S. lheld their May' of ing icetime and good ice sur- Scout al, aPoret ery n- meeting at the home o!fMrs Lg. face for the boys and girls of i gratulations, Mr. and M4rs. Keith Marwvood McKee w'it: Group 1 .1- the Bowmanville Skating club. nim charge. presidlent and vice- r- Svera fr,,,,president bath an hand. MrsMr. A. W. PiekirdprBowman- OBIT A R r. A W.Pick rden by Mrs. Ken Gray, the topie h; ville, wras Thursday supper guest being "Foi-giv-eness'. Minutes s; MS. THOMAS ARGUE and Miss Helen Ferguson. On- of te s meigweera One o! Yelverton's most ven-troLde'Clee Whitbv.adoîea aanerdb n- erable citizens ini person of spent Sunday and Monday withf eer and t %a nw visita r- Leady Sheckleton. belove ci Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. donîating items for the bazaar. wiie of the late, Thomas Argac Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A quilting partx' ta be hield at ýy passed awý,ay peacefuill,,,,oaL Albert Wrieght and the Fred Mrs. Samel Is' June 6. is Sunday, May 26 in hier Sot - Trewins xvere Mr. and Mrs. Mel Te o year following a lengthy 111- Jackson. Miss Cecelia Spinks, h programi cominittee have ncss. Mrs. Argue, one o! a Mrs. Muriel Ha!nstock and Missoband a arey pgam a large family, a daughter of thic Helen Hainstock, Toronto. p0utaon %by Mr,. Montgomery of late John and Mary Sheckic- Mr. and Mrs. Herb NealsOsaa >11 ton was born on June 1-9, 18771 Bethany, with Mr. and Mrs. Rav The Sunday Sehool is havino *and spent hier entire four sente McGill. aflniversary services June 16 vears a resident' of Manvers itev. R. C. White Mrs. Mark Weldon, Lxbridge I with the supper on the follow- Township visited Mi-. and Mrs. Jas. Parr, ing Wednesday. More particut- Towshli as accepted a caîl ta the New- Miss Eva and Mr. Clarence Parr. lars in ext week's "Coming Left ta mourni her loss is ber tonv~ille United Church charge Cnrtlton o M.adEventis". only daughter Edna (Mrs. Wes and ivill commence his duties oon gratuJations t(Er. dt- Mu cadn ea frn Wright) of Yelverton and one 1Sunday. Ju]iy 7th. A Newfound- j eseJack whos wcr aie duaurz. tudy book ast fron grandson, Morley Wright. S elander by birth, Mi Wht listemn)anuel Reoremd areh, Bnurma". oo EatFrn ban de197.Se yiertsurvd eld pastorates i oaSiEnaulRfre hrh um" ban dece197.Se yiurer u s kathwn' inuoaSotadWhitbv. Saturday. Reception The program eonsisted of by two sisters and three broth- for the ean, Bve earmud, ind as held in the Comrnunity Hall, readings by Mes. Lei Joliiisto-,.. ers. Mrs.Robert Kerr (Mary), pastor psfibveonar bU n idc. ok.Mr Melton and Mes. Rohirer ofBoca 1on Uîitd Mr. and Mes. 1lloward Sa\- f as* ýilaiioi odce iYelverton; Mrs. Hermani Mc- Churcli. He is capabl-v assisted w-ell and afamilv,OsaacaldI Wliso codeda Gu (gns) Bthîî; oh i ~ xor y lus wife. contest whieh w-as won b Y Mrs. 'Sheckleton,' Bowmanville: Fran:a ion frîends an the village, Sun- Gerai1d Stinson, low prize Mes. Pnd James Sheekîcton, Yclver- day-. Les Jolinston, and Mrs. George ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright.Jostn on he umr Fuea evcswr eda _RVi Oshawa; Mrs. Wnm. McLauhlinJhso vn te um r Wednera vcsda, ay2e r edo -i C oys pr- kt s. uA ovely lunch was serv- Wensdy My29 ronhe uBown M an-Hgi d yGroup 1 and a social tUnie hom e t Y el erto w ith R evi ll : r s. Ea d a ih , M eL tagh in spen t. R. R. Bonsteel fficiating. I - f l c k to k vTleyron, s itd Me. and Mes. t teement was in the family plot TRo cLauhind. adMs in Yelverton cemetery. RoTLLuhln Prizes ay guests of Mrs. Thos. Nestlefon Station The bearers were Messrs. iaise rz sSilanM .WW.VnCm Herman McGill, Fred Gray, Gerald McGill, Laverne MeGili I A group of 4H Club boys from were their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ard Mrs. Henry Shcf- Russell Kerr and Walter Argue. Blackstock won first place at Jos. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. John field,' Oshawva, called on Miss Beariug the many floral ti i the Durham County Livestock Barton and family, Godericli, Ruth Proutt. butes were Roy McCullough, Judgi ng Competition held Sat-. and Me. John Hooey, Canueron. Mr. and Mes. Charles Tor - Jack Kerr, Norman Wilson, urday,, June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoidge and rance, Lyndla and Ross, Lindi- Walter Kerr, Jack Wilson, Os- Teanu membees were Glenn family spent Sunday with the say, were Sunday visitors with car James, Fred Sheckleton, Wilson, Allan Asselstine, Larrv Cecil Hydes, Toronto. Mrs. Ira Mr. and Mes. Ivan Peoutt. Howard Malcolm, John Wrig tt1 Ashton, Jack and Jim Swain and Argue remained for a week. Me. and Mes. Ronald Arscott and Ivan Wright. lvwere coachied by Alan Day>es. Rev. P. Romeril peeached at and family, Tao-onto, have anniversary services in Enfield oe in aprofAtu Friends and relatives attend-1 For coa ching the wînuing teanu Sundav, and Rev. R. Green. En-mve ioaapro!Atu ed fro Peterboroughi, Bow- Alan received a $25 cash prize niskiîlen, at Nestletan. A good - Hvland's house. manvi1e Leskard, Port I-op,,, and is eligible for a bus trip i number from here atteuded MiadMs.Jms edc shawa, Lindsay and Port Per-atrnt osnmrNetto anieav.Svcs Stewart and David, Oshawa, ry. ~~~~Glenn Wilson beingtehg here next Sundav at the usuialwee tthitam om fr Junior judge received a $5 prize hour, 10 a.m., and Suniday School Mhes.Georedardld eit p and the C.N.E. Shield. lat 11:15 .a.m. Dinn eaorgestswit Me a M an Dipla s !Each o! the other boys won a' Mr. Jas. Aven, accompanied Mrs Crl uElsiot toMr.eband iM an Dis ays cash awaed. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer r.ClElott cebai Laurence McLauglilin, Nestle- and Ray ta Little Britain, Suni- Ibsbeha ee e t J da whee thv viited'Mr.andMras. H. Elliott, Cheryl and Featu re i O8th ton, won the Senior Competition. M ay hron Ayvry. 'M. ndRalhDasn andDouglaand r Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thompson R aio n oga n vîsited Mr. and Mrs. W'es Mont- Mr. Gordon Palsley~. M ili rook Fairgomieny at Monty's Inn, Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip Illrook F nna ir iBill Calver heariners' Unio .n Pienic is ta beantI Mrs. J. W. Irvine visited stock show, Wedncsday, Juiie iB Ivile 12, N o w S tatio n e ira Se-Bo wvnianville, Saturday, June BO I anil Sto er. B l- basket and enjov the aftemnôon. ville, spent a few days vith ground o! traditions, and de- A tD 8 at 2 p.lm. rngyu lnhMr. and Mrs. James Harris. Me. pends for public support on it!;ovt Do nsv-e MEvr. ond wlcMr.Be. AhoAtu naae agr varbety of attractions and pro-M.adMs BueAho. rhr Andae1agrt gram'aimed at improving fart i 1ABA.R. William Calver1 Doris and Dennis, vlsbted lier1 John and Bolibie, Toronto, i stock of a wie district. since April 1 lias beeni posted brother Me. John Oke, Oshawa. ere visitons Saturday. On 1 It copettiveclases i alt Dowasview Aipot ith ,n Mrs. Franks, Mr. and M rs. Sunday the Harris' and Mr. iluets coPetier clag s r es trv N a i qron tHe ilLamne Reynolds and son, Peter- Strothers were guests o! Mr. cludebtheuPeterborotagMr.District Rendirve NaualrtqModros, He as Jersey Breeders' Club, also tfle able to commuate from bh bruh iie r n r. n r.Rpr ors id Dual Purpose hoeo3w-ke' Leslie Mauntjoy. sy thoane.e34pDucipaltreetbMr. and Mes.John Mew at a.George Bowers uvaz tetrepicplbcbrecdý: inanvi*lle, everv daly. lJane, Mr. Richard Mew, Toron-ý, ca]led ta jury duty at Cobourg Shortharns, Herefords and Ab- Bill's xvoak as iu caanectioau to, with Mrjn r.Asiiti ek erdeen-Angus. with eepairing andI servicin es usin1iswek One o!f the Jerseyý specials .splanies of the Expediter .ajecokMss Vrina Cllyda the S.S. Staples Memnorial Cip 1Avenger tyýpe. He took a nine for the best cal! on tluat b-ce(c. week (,ourse lu Halifax earlier There are ciglit classes ti: I this *eaa-. which includec i - _W hurses: Clydesdales, Peachux_- struction in servicing jiets. 14! amis, Belgians, lieavy 1arne.ns \%,as ,v'iii lie ývqs on his w luorses, roadsters, lackneys. from Bowmianvil le ta H alifa.:I N OWA saddle horses and poules auni via the U.S. route througli V: liglit harness classes. Mos f. ot1 ta u a.auam. these classes are provided Witil accident lu the mautntains un pecial trophies that heigluten -Jan. 6 resulting ini several bui-e A muu- u the interest o! the show riang j juries. A flb a n i throughout the afternoon. His preserit job takes hin t o The swine section is enlarged x-aious points, niechanies lie- by a class for bacon hogs, ingý flown to the spot as troua- àlaughtered and rail graded, M rss.Bl ond h a,, Millbirook Fair is also Aci i ore ars . l ondteNx.j I vemeun ,-,.*î, ffurrearsago and District 4-H Beef and Da ry Cal! Club. Memnbers are el gible from Manvers. Cavai South Monaghan and Hop townships. The T. Green Anusemer Co. are bringing their midwa ta Millbrook for~ the first tins Other features of the da are: Havelock Kiltie Pipe Ban( a dance ini the evening at ta to,%wn hall, and the exhibitc Public School chlldren's w-or sponsored by Millbrool Lion Club. I 0 IF 4 KENNETH C. TOMS Durham County's Social Credit Candidate Is a vole for the following reforms: $100 per month pensions for senior citizens. Imnmediate governnient grant for tobacco warehousing and market- ing facilities. Transferrable superannuation benefits which would open enîploy. ment doors to the wage earner with long record of service. Low interest rate, long-term loans for the fariner, businessman and industrial ii-orker. ,,n intelligent fann programn to end "dumping" and surpluses, EVERY Casladian family to have a chance to own a home by goveril. nent-sponsored, lomv down paynient, low interest, long terni loans. Utmost bospital and niedical protection for a&l, as is done presently in 4iberta and British Columbia. Reformi of the Senate into an instrument for action instead of retirenient. Eliainiation of "tight noney" inimedia tely. Eliainiation of imcone tax ini lowcr %wage earning brackets anad reductions tmp to 30%l across the board. This casi be acconplishecl by a prograin of debt and tax reductions. conîhined ivith a financial policy designed to secuire additional irevenues for the provinces f romi Canadas natural resources to end unprincipled exploitation by outsiders. This is bcing, done NOWV in British Columbia and Alberta. Lct's niake it Canada-wvide! (Prime Minister St. Laurent says that 25e of every tax dollar gocs to paying interest charges ALONE on our national debt without paying a cent on the total principal!) A Vole foi Toms on June 10Ois a Vole for Your Own Iuleresls! Published by Durham County Social Credit Association in. LAU1KLUU1K W.A. Meetint mt W.A. of the United Churclu mý et at the home o! Mes. Percy I lVanu Camp. Tuesday eveuing,J a.V . itb 23 ladies present. Presiden t MeAis. Warner Brownu presiding. 1 'e tAfteî the usual opening Mes. J.1 ctf AMcKee, one o! aur older mein- j 17s lbers, recited the fiest Sceipture! in auSunda 'v Sehool, gave a splendid paper o! ber oNvu j I preparation on it and led in J peayer. RaIl cal wasx't SO Nwell answered witli ai article for the bazaaî-. Next rail to lie "My liobbN", tluis to lie, somiethiing tluat cani be sold at thue meeting, and cvee.yonc not donating sonic- thi', to avaylafie. Foux-teen nlotes Of aPppeciation for fruiti mind cards w'ee read. Decided tao iate a pair- of pillowv casesj tîinmed xitlu tatting ta tlue Port Pcrr « Hospital Auxiliarv- for, thiiea penali v£lraw. Decided ta hlid surprise teas during Juxue. Mr1s. P. Roiea-il gave ave- ieresting talk on thelei-wiousý NNor-l: of Jamaica. After closîngý exercises, lunch %vas served bv: the group an charge, Mes. Cecil 1 Gibson, convener, and the hast- es s. The BeoNwnies are extra busy these times. Last Monday even- ing (May 27)> Linda Kyte, Nancy Stanîland, Veena Harris, Donnaj iMcLaughlit-u and Sylvia Lawrence received their Golden Bar. Eiglitj moewere ta neceive tiiern this NN-eek. The girls sold 19 dozenj boxes of caokies on Saturdav% and could have soltI several More.j This year being the centenary *Of Lord Badei-Powell's birthday, every Brovnie Pack is ta dof 'same proJect as a tnibute, Que project is taking the forii o! ai i white elephant sale, ta lie heltI June Il wheiu aIl aduits are lu- vîted. Proceeds ta go ta Port Perry~ Hospital. For particulars sec posters lu stores or ask, anx' Brownic. About ?.5 nmembers of the*- Woînen's Inistitute attended the -District Aiunual in Nestieton. *Misses Annie antI Effa Wright, * Oshiaa. spent a couple of days i %ith Air. and Mes. Hector Short- ridge aînd other friends. Con grat ulat ions ta Mùr. and, Mirs. Henury Wotten on the birtlu o! a son. Mes. Oaklev Carley aînd Azune, j Whitbv-. spent Tuesdav wvith Me. 1 antI Mes. Ciarence NMarlov. Miss Phena Ml\ountjoy,.OsaI wa. with Me. and Mes . Harold 'Swa in.' 1I ,A 11s tmrp tpibr . fý flower giL- at a wedding ii Pickering Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry Carol and Larry, were Sunda3 visitors with the Grant Thomp. sons. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Barber anè family, Courtice, visited hei 1mrother. Mrs. S. McKee. Members of Nestieton Worn en's Institute entertained 12( ladies of WVest Durham at thE District Annual in the Presby. terian church May 29. It vas a pleasure to have Mrs. Mal- colin Emerson able to attend since her illness and also Mi,! Poster Ferguson of Ottawa whi jôined the ladies for dinner. Glad ta see Harry Sanderson home again following surgery in Toronto last week. More building is going on in the village. Messrs. James Har- ris and Donald Thompson have sided Mr. Harris' barn with Aluminum, a cellar bas beez dug on the former station pro- perty for a new house for Mr. Hogal's son-in-law, and Albert Ellis has excavations for fr-c houses north of his bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk have purchasec the white house fromn Mr. El- lis and moved from Huntsville last week. Sunday visitors with Mr. an.d Mrs. Marvîn Nesbitt and Mr. Elmer Nesbitt wvere: Mr. andi Mrs. Robert Ford, Mr. and Mrs, Robert McCaul and Mrs. West: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hatch and Mlr. Leon Brayley, aillof Toronito; Rev and Mrs. R. Cel Your Price For Your Livsock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horne, Oshawa; Mr. and Mes. Albert Farrow, Millbrook, arnd Mr. and Mrs., Lowell Fallis, Cadmus. n~ Ik ff- iNUiT . ts l MS e *JIW§LRY *-SP?STWdà fflWs - AWIS HU*-ANPVIAMAI t, 4INOUMWAS *IACECS *-SWY (Wrdrobe l3ruce Minns' 29 King st E. MA 3-503S g Accoun? Here' ho>w it Saves you time und mnqey Your rtew, low service charge of 10 cents a cheque is prepaid when you get your book of 20 cheques. No passbook-quicIker service. Deposit slips are in your cheque book-for banking by mail or speedier service at the bank. A quarterly statement Is mailed to your home. Your cheques are held for you at the bank as a permanent You pay your bis the modern way -by cheque. FOR FURTHER DETAILO #NQUIRE Av OUR NEARRST BRANCH THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 165 branches across Canada ready to serve you .Buwmanville .Branc li H. G. iacking, Manager rcrsuuai bue The Ontario FIue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Boardw Attentioni Tobacco Farm Owners- ini the ConUes of Durham, Northumberland and Siîncoe, Ontario, District No. 14 - A meeting to, nonunate and elect, (by secret ballot) your district committee of (5) Five, in your district, in the Farm Products Marketing Plan, will be held in the Veterans' Hall, (one block north of the Agricultural Fair Building on Highway No. 7), Markham, Ontario, on -Friday, June 7th, 1957, at 8 p.m., Daylight Saving1 TmAUl tobacco farm owners are urgently request- ed to attend this meeting. Nomination papers will be available at the nomination meeting only. The Provisional Committee. n Ted. Raytrowsky, Delhi, Ont., May 29th, 1957. Secretary. ng service TRE 17ANAnTAM

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