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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1957, p. 3

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THTYRSDAY, JUNE 61h, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMA. BWMANvILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TE3EE BiRD - -BURLEY shirred bustle back which fe to a small train. A pretty wedding took place A pili-box headdress of f ir ln Kendal United Church on Chantilly lace showered wil Saturday afteernoon, May 23, baby tear pearls held her e when Joyce Marie Burley, bow length veil of silk illusio daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perc:y with nand-rolled edging. Si. Burley of Kendal, was united carried a cascade of red rosý li marriage with Robert John and white stephanotis. Bird, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ea- Miss Barbara Roy, Peterbo: ward Bird, Bowmanville. ough, was maid of honour, ar The ceremony was performn- Miss Muriel McKenzie, Bai ed by Rev. Harold Turner of croft,' was bridesmaid. The St. Paul's United Church, Brw- waltz length gowns werec manville, aganst a backgrourid blue crystal charm,, featurir of white and yellow 'mums. i circle Ekirts and fittbd bodice Mrs. C. H. Dudley play.ýdI worn with matching pictuï the wedding music and accom- hats. They carried cascadesc panied Mr. Ross Metcalf who white and blue 'mums. The tw. sang "The Lord's Prayer" an-d flower girls, Sharon and Bai "0O Promise Me." bara Burley, nieces of the bridi Given in marriage by hcr wore dresses of light pink cry father, the bride wore a fluor <talette with matching heac length gown of white tricot dresses and carried nosegays o chiffon designed on Elizabeth'- white and pink *mums. an lines with shirred,' fittecd Mr. Edward Bird, brother o bodice enhanced with a sabrina the groom, wvas best man, air neckline of embroiderad or- ushers were Mr. Howard Cor ganza flowers. The bouffant den, Bowmanville, brotheri skirt was emphasized bv a law of the groom, and Mr. Ear POSTAL CLERKS $23100 m $3360. Post Office Department BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Details and application forms at Post Offices, National Employment Offices and the Civil Service Commission. Apply before JUNE 14th, 1957, to the Civil Service Commission, 2 t Clair Avenue East, TORONTO, Ontario. BOWMANVILLE MERCHANTS Fortune Jubilee Diamond Mine Draw Formerly Appreciation Day Draw Every Saturday - 3 p.m. JACKPOT VALUE - THIS WEEK - $320) Winner on Saturday Mrs. E. Harnden, 39 Temperance St., Bowmanville won %/ Diamond Share or 5% of Jackpot - $15 et Forget - Next Draw, Saturday, June 8th at 3 p.m. - Town Hall SAVE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS DURINC June DEEP (UT SPECIALS! Aylmer TOMATO SOUF Pillsbury Orange CAKE MIX Quaker CORN FLAKES CFoice Qvality A&P PEAS Lean and Meaty SPARE RIBS b49c BA KER Y SPECIAL1S! Jane Parker Reg. Price 49e-SAVE 4c -4,RAISIN PIE eac45c rJan* Parker Giant Reg. Price 59e-SAVE 4c JELLY ROLL oach 55c Jan "&rker Reg. Prie. pkg 29e-BAVE 5c RCookies 2 pkgs.5 3 c a ~Reg. Prie. loaf lg9e-SAVE 3c RAISIN Bread 2 16-az lbaves 35 c NEW LOW PR/CE!' Wheatley Brand Cooked SMELTS el' nue ýth he ;es rà- k'- 1. DUDLEY - VEALE 10 oz pIkg 27C Long White POTATOES 10-lb boag39C Price. Effective Until Saturday, Jun. StIi, 1957. 3-lb bag 2.43 8 O'Clock (offee lb 8 3 cl Couple Wed. in Trinity or A wedding af interest ta this n - com munity took place on Sat- "~urday afternoon, June lst, in ~Harrow United Church at Har- of row, Ont., when the marriage vowas solemnized of Margaret r- Ann eleo ono ndHr r-of London. The bride 's the daughter of .fDr. and Mrs. William Thomas i John Veale of Harrow, and trie >~groom is the son of Major Floyd W. Dudlcy and Mrs. Dudley of Foxborough. The bride is aiso nthe gadaghe f M17F. mlasey Johnston and Mr. Tho- ma Vaeo owmanville .Rev. r'Frederick C. Bayes officiated. Standards of white gladio-li and daisies and candelabra de-f corated the altar. Mrs. Cecil H. Dudley, Courtico, the groom s aunt, played the wedding mu- sic and accompanied the soloist, Mr. Pauil Hines of Monroe, Mich. Given in marriage by herj father, the bride wore a gowîî fashioned of gossamer shecr gardenia white nylon chiffon '" over net and satin. The shJrred draped bodice, featuring a VMradMr.WladRyon ateyw emrid neckline and short sleeves, was Vin nid ChuWlrh, Bsomaile on S auriday oftzt by a very full flor i Trinity Unie hrh omnilo audy length skirt. A sash of heavy May 4. The bride is the former Retta Elinor Carin, daughter bridai satin highlighted the of Mrs. Mary L. Carin, Bowmanville, and the groom is the waistlîne. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lister Hartley of Oshawa. H-er elbow length veil ai ny- -Pho-ito by Ireland Studio, Oshawa lon net was caught ta a cap ________________________________ embroidered in pearls, and she carried a bouquet of Shasta Miss Mary Veale of London.C utie~u d y Sho the bride's sister, was maid of honour. Bridesmaids were Miss l b te A n i rs y Jean Ferguson, London; Mrs ee rts An ies r Willia*i Scatterty, Perth, and lVrs. James Clarke, Windsor. Courtice: Beautiful weather1 Assistant Suporintendent, who They were identically gowred and large congregations made read the scripture passage and in forget-me-not blue crystal Courliýce United Church Suri- led in the opening prayer. Un- satin. Draped chiffon, high- day Sehool Anniversary ser- lighted by a tailored bow, vices mremorable. der the direction of Miss Mar- created a portrait neckline top- Rev. Tom Hazelwood, of St.garet MacGrogor, two selec- ping the snugly fîtted bodices Paul's United Chtirch, Avenue fions, "FathelrylssOurSo or fashioned on princess lines. The Rd., Toronto, delivered two ody n Goyt o o flaring skirts feIl gracefully to inspiring sermons. In the a.- sng nshieiwc ls Free." were1 ballletlngth. They wore floral ternoon he spoke particularly to sugb he hl colwt circeso matching blue with the children through 'the story short veils and carrîed pink medium which accented these Sweetheart roses with pink and thoughts: set a large goal an-d 'blue forget-me-nots. wark hard with your eye on Mr. William Dudley, Arling.- the goal; obedience ta your ton, Virginia, was best man and Master cven unto death which ushers were Mr. James Fergu- was the great example of son, Mitchell, Mr. Ray Foran Jesus: Christian exahtiple of and Mr. John Dodsworth of parents in home and towarrl London. the church is necessary t-n A ,.eception followed in thc bring out the hest from aur church parlours, the bride's teenagers. His closing remarks mother wearing a dress ai Dior were: "Give your best." blue Chantilly lace with white In the evening Mr. Hazel- wood chose as the theme, -God Answers Prayer." Through Ipersonal experiences, ho wit- ýG THESE GREAT ne:sed to the power of prayer at A&P Reg. Price 2 tins 25c-SAVE 50 4 io-oz tins 45 C Reg. Price 35e-SAVE 6c 17'oz pkg 2 9C Reg. Price pkg 25c-SAVE 5o 2 12ozpkgs45c Reg. Price 2 tins 31c-SAVE 13e 415soz tins 49C Canadian Cheddar OLD CHEESE Reg. Price 53c-SAVE 6o 1647c iupieintendueîuntEddieWar- burton was assisted in the - ternoon service by Carl Adam.. I ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. J. Higgens, Mr. 1 W. Berry, Mr. A. MacRae, To- ronto, were visitors of Mr'. ai-d Mis. W, Gray. Mr. and Mrs. W. White and Laurence, Miss Doreen Lycett, Mr. Bill Carr, Oshawa; Mr. and jMrs. Ray Cowling. Whitby, were visitors at E. Lee's. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Sprack- ]ing visited Mr. John Listor's, Mrand Mrs. G. Carson, Mrs. R. Best, MA J. Tamblyn anu Ross, Orono: Mr. T. R. Bow.- mnan, Mrs. W. Archer,' Black- stock; Mrs. H. Weir, London, at W. Eowman's. Mr. ai-d Mrs. E. Lee accom- paniod Dr. and Mrs. R. Cowling 'o Almnonte when tlucy spent the 1,eekcnd with the Kerry and Collev lamilies. i\is Vargaret Boa, Hamil- ton, with 1M/ary Helen Bowman. ;MrL'. R. Griffin had tLea xith Mr. andiMs L. Cochrane and 1boys rccentiy. Anniversar 'v nows will ap- poar next wcek. Soveral from hero attended the Fair at Brooklin Saturday. R. Cochrane and L. Stephenson exhibited some fine horses. Sunday Sehool and Church Service with Communion wil! be as usual Sunday afternoon. This xill ho the last aftcrnoon service for the summer. accossories and corsage of yoi- low Sweetheart roses. Tho groomýs mother assistcd, weair- :ng a dress of pastel aqua sik crepe with matching lace trim- and beige accessories. Her cor- 1 sage was of pink Sweetheart i oses. F'or their wedding trip to New York, the bride donned a 1wool suit of dusty pink xith matching straw hat and black patent accossories. A corsage of rgardenias completed non costume. Tho couple wilI res;ioe in Landan, Ont. Guests attend- ied the wcdding from Bowman- [ ville. Courtice, Toronto and London. Prior ta hier marriage thc bride xvas entertained in Lun- don by Misses Jean Fengusün and Jean Finlayson, and MrS. IN. B. Cummins. 1 In Harrow, Irvrs. Warren Heu- dershot. Mrs. William Scatter- ty and _Mrs. James Clarke werc hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the home ai iMrs. Lyall Richardson. M.,rs. Alton jButler and Mrs. James Kon- nedy gave a kitchen shower at the ,ôrmcr*à home. North Nestleton Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm and Terry and Candy Sunday at Malconia Pines. Mr. Norman Malcolm, Tor- onto, visited the communitv during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginnl called at Ed. Williams' ta wisn him happy birthday on Monday evening. Miss Anna Sammels corn menced employment in Bowv- manville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheffieicl af Oshawa at Wm. Steele's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sara- moIs and daughter at hit pat- ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoayer attended the wedding of a former Nestieton resident, Mis Erkie Duivestine, naw Mrs. Jack DeVoss, Saturday last. We wish themn happiness in their new home in Sunderland. The Farmers' Union meetin.- is postponed iromn the seventh for one week but the annual county picnic will take place Saturday, the 8th, at Cream 0of Barley Camp. S. S. Annlversary The North Nestleton Sunday Sehool Anniversary Serviccs were well attended on Sunday, June 2. The baskets af sprm.g flowers added much ta the beauty of the services. The guest speaker for bath services was Rev. Green ai, the Enniskillen charge. In the morning his theme was "Grow- ing Up" and was directed mainly ta the children. The Junior Choir, under the direc- tiOn ai Mrs. Laurence Malcolm, organist, sang four numbers. Solo parts were takon by Burley, Kendal, brother of the bride.1 For the reception held in tbel Sunday School room, the bride's mother chose blue lace over taffeta with white accessories and corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother wore pale mauve nylon over deep mauve taffeta with navy accessorifcs and a corsage af yellow carna- tions. The bridai couple lef t on a wedding trip to northern point.e, the bride wearing a dress of light blue cotton sateen with navy bengaline duster, whýte and. navy accessaries and cor- sage of pink carnations. Mlr. and Mrs. Bird will reside in Kendal. Out of town guests attended from Port Hope, Wesleyville,i Newtonville, Oshawa, Bowman-j ville, Hamilton, Peterborough and Bancroft. Mr. Frank Walters at the organ. The offering which was re- ceived by Paul Gearing and John DeCoe was dedicated by he girls of Mrs. Orme Robert- on*s class who gave the offer- :ory prayer in unison. Other musical numbers were provided by the small folk, -'Jesus Loved the Children" and Mvrs. DeCoe's class of girls who sang very sweetly *'To Be What Jesus Wants Me to Be." At the evening service Rev. L. M. Somerville was able ta be present and help Mr. War- burton in the service. Selec- tions sung in pleasing tone by the choir were, "Camne and Abide"' and "Holy Father, Cheer Our Way," under the direction of choir leader and organist, Mr. Frank Walters. Words of welcome ta th- speaker and ail guests were given by Mr. Warburton who also thanked the guest minis-' ter, committee and ail who were in any way responsible for the anniversary. Recogini- tion was given ta the Senior class wha arranged the flowers. Cheryýl Metcalfe, Janîce Sadler and Glenda Wilson. The choir are ta be cangratulated upon their excellent harmony and spirit. In the evening Rev. Green spake on "Christ-the Light of the World." Blackstock Unite; Church Choir rendered three excellent selections which wcre well received. Miss Anna Sam- elîs presided at the organ for this service. Fallowing the service lunch was served ta thase taking- part and a social time enjoyed. We regcret that one of cur ladies with a high record of church attendance had flot re- cuperated sufficiently ta be able ta attend the service. Her absence was noted and aiso the presence af her flowers. The Emerson family were at homne during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sadler i Bowmanville visited at Ralph Sadler's. Congratulations ta Ralph and assistants in their wins at Brooklin Fair-a lst, 3rd and 4th, out af three en- Ever gel caughl wilh nothing la wear ? So you sent a few clothes out to be cleaned and they're not back yet! Next time be sure and caîl us for speedy pick-up and delivery service, plus our gentle cleaning. Spots carefully removed! PHONE MA 3-5520 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Bowma nvi île Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. 84 King St. W. SUPER-RIGIIT OUAlIT Y MEAT)S .BONELESS BEEF ROASTS POINT SIRLOIN ROAST ROUND STEAK RATl Or RUMP ROAST 1 New Mi nister 1- Inducted Nesieton: On Friday, May 31, the Presbytery af Peterborough met at Nestleton Presbyterian Ch-urch ta conduct a service of Recognition confirming the ap- paintment of Rev. F.R.C. Campbell, B.A., ta the Nestie- ton-Ballydufi charge of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Public warship was conduct- ed by Rev. Gilbert D. Smith, of St. Giles Church, Peterborough. Rev. A. G. Scott of St. An- drew's Church, Bownxanville, addressed the Misslonary and the congregation. A reception was held at the conclusion af the service where Canon Chaperlin af St. Jahn's Anglican Church, Blackstock, Rev. R. Bonsteel af the United Church af Bethany and Mr. Williatn Fritz ai the United Church af Janetville, offered greetings from their congrega- tries. M

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