PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ROWMANVILLE. ONTARTO '1-t7T .1. Lit .RSDAY. JLTNE 6th, 1957 by ELSIE CARRUTHERS LUNNEY Welcome Wagon Visits Two New Families Here Members of the Business and Prafessional Womnen's Club, on behaîf of tbc Welcome Wagon recently called on the toila'w.- BLOSMS IN THE FIELDS The hawthorn trees are mob, flat sweet clusters of bioom,' 1vMr. and Mrs. Henry Larzen Every tree and every shrub avn i the aeiead untl.Threand* the bees hovered hum- live at the Kingsway Apa.-t- that flowers is fiowering now, ad e r eatfl hrlmingl ' over them." 1 ments at 242 King St. E. They or so it seems as one idies aîang are man ' different species ancid -MOst of the deciduous trees arrived last winter fram Den- 'he -streets and wnesoe even those who make a difý ae n uides lafS ta mark wherejie was a gardener. the lush green his. Actuallv of the subjeet find themndfý the woods look blue-green and They are both now working a-, tnany trees have finished cuit ta separate. But they hava deep. But one tree is only nou- the Brook dale- Kingsw ay Nul- blooming, such as thecutv- thorns. and white flowers, and einngt ef u.Sm- eis TeLres have three ed apple and cherry ýtrees. but in the autumn, red fruit. 1 thing about the shape of this children, Therna, 16. working the chestnut trees are resplen- We have alway., assumned1 tree. the locust, has aiways at the nursery,- Lena i3, attend- dently arrayed in their candle- that Grace Campbell in -Thorn dravwn us ta it. Its bare bran- ing Central Public Schoal anîd like flowers. and the miounta.n Apple Tree" referred ta one off ches look like trees in an orien- 'Peter wha is busy being fou., ash is bIooming, its clusters of i the hawthorns. Her dcscr-ipticwi tai painting, and indeed t heiyears old. white blassomrs promising the Of the trec îs beautiful. îndeed ccat which the haney la- Mr. Viggo Madsen, wha aisj the clusters of orange-red fruit al ber descriptions of the ou- cust belongs. ariginates in tra- works at Brookdaie Kingsway. which the birds like sa much. doors ini this book show the pical and sub-tropical lands, s( arrived about six weeks ago Along the oid rail fences andi soul and the talent of an artist perhaps there is somne reason fram Denmark where be aiso in the pastures there aremn who loves ber subject. 11 for the association. was a gardener. He and Ili-, wild trees in blaom, along with Here is one paragraph. - The species we have has been Larsen grew up in the same tbe white and purpie lilac was a ioveiv spring. The thorn in Canada a long time and is village but the Larsens bad which "stili gi-aws a generation apple tree was like' a bride f(-,.- now lassed as a native tree. moved ta Sweclên, then return- after the door and lintel and beauty. When the sun was Its leaves are late, and its d ta another part of Denmark. the sili are gane. unfalding its warm, the perfumne of the blos- fiowers are late, coming alang Mr. t the had alo se eac sweet-scented flowers each -soms iav over the whoie bill- in mid-June when ather trees ac spring, ta be piucked bv the side. WVben dark feul, it madle have finished bloaming. The other for a long time when thev rnusing traveiler." We did just the night air sweet and fiiied1 blosrms hang dlown in clusters met, *wth what pleasure anîd lhat a week ago, picked a beau- the bouise with fragrance. A,, and aie rather spectacular. In surprise we' can imagine. at fiful bouquet froin bushes the foot of the hili. the choke- the Fal. wben ather trees have wvhich once grew by a doar- cherries billowed white, and as lost tLheir leaves, the lacust isM wa.Tequotation is fo May rnoved into June the eh. 1 stili green, sa aithaugh it is a Thorea's *'Wlden".der-berrv bushes heid up their late st1arter it mnakes up frM a e Ar it b.v lingering longer. 1Lociist trees around some of! the oid hanses in this part of f 1 1 Ontario make a setting whiciH g w y T A business girl says: 1 STAY S LIIVM * *Amendments to the Highway NAMES ALONG THE TRAIL Traffie Act passed at the third ~session o! the 25th Legisiature 0F THE BLACK WALNUT tof Ontario included Rules of 1H D RY ination, we think the title which procedures. penalties, candi- S Dr G.Elmoe Ramanchoe tins f inancial respansibiiity for hi bookon th people who and the UstsidJdmn PRO DUCT s~~ettlet Upper Canada, TiFud Ti ail of the Black Walnut", Changes in the Financiai Re- ev.idences an admirable sense spansibility iaws and the Un- of lhe drarnatic, combiniîîg satisfied Judgment Fund be- imagination and historical faci. came effective January 1, 19,5s. You~ ii fndthereaonfor The balance becomes effective the tithe in the book, no-w June 2, 1957. available in book stores andi in Th Acbabenrwde aur library.ThAc a enrwdd This excellent book which ta permit the use of "Yicld ~UUmrecords the origin and charac- Right o! Way" signs at througb Tati uuR aiwa MILEteristics of the variaus Europ- hgwy ssbtttsfor Worrid abut yur weghtTr-,ean peaples wbo made up tc> 'Stop signs where appropriate. Wor ed abot yric win eigt? T fry najrity of Upper Canada's Drivers approaching a "Yied ouergMl.Isrcyn iaî o first settiers, is rcviewed else. Right af Way" sign at a through eeg-power, delightful to taste and where in The Statesman, but highway, upon reducing speeti satisfies that hunger-pain! Our fresh we ýhought it would be inter- ta 15 m.p.h.. or iess, may then cottge-ceese andchured btterilkesting ta mention here somne of proceed in the saine manner as cr o ta-cheese, a churn d s.bu ttm lkthe family names which we in the case of a ,Stop", sign areals taty sli-wa" fads Tr thm!were nterested ta find there. after having carne ta a full ob . For example, Nelles. Thje Stop. Nelles family which camne ta Wide vehicles (over 80"1) Grimsby in 1780 were Loyal- may flow display either a green G len Rae Daim y its co nes t te *came taur aberfront clearance 1amp, 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Ii 172. They ariginated ni I bac wîth that af other jurisdic- France, were Freach Hugue- tions. nats, who because o! religious, Uscd car dealers, at the time persecutian maved ta Germany of each sale, must now provîde ia the I 7th century, where they a certiticate, separate tram the remained for 92 years. The bill of sale. stating whether or _________________________________________ naine originally was de Nelie. not the vehicle is in a safe op- --- Hard times follawed the Thir- erating condition. Penalties ty Years' War, and saine O! tlic range tram S$50 ta $200 fa-: famiiy accepted Queen Anne's cither nan-compliance ar tais-e invitation ta persecuteti Pro- statement. testant sects, ta came ta Eng- -Penalties for violations of land. From there many Hugue-Rueo!he oaawcls V IG O R 0 1Lnots and other Protestant sects the en fte ral pelys ection cam t Amriathree Nelil-g which covers aIl sections of the brothers amang them. We do Act not cavercd by specific pea- not know if the Bawmanviiie alties, have been increaseti. Nelies famiiy belongs ta this Fines range tram $5 ta $50 for * S e rv ic e rnh but the larne is utu8- the tirs: :tfence, $10 ta $100fr uaand yet familiar ta us the second offence and $20 to here ýneretingus t oce. 200forthethird offence. Pern- Another familiar naine Is aities for second convictions for Bradt. Mr. E. P. Bradt was for Rules a! the Road violations many years the farm supervis- can ixduce three-maath licence .*s ta t io nor 'at the Ontario Traininý suspension Or six-manth sus- School for Boys here and went froin there ta a similar position CORNER OF MANVERS ROAD at the Guelph Reformatary.BE H Y AND FIFTII CONCESSION We bclieve he is now retired. E H N PhoneMA 32919Perbaps the Bradts Dr. Rea- PhoneMA 32919man tells of are his ancestars. Mrs. Francis Galloway ein- They are believed ta be or- tertaineti on Tuesday afternoon V igor iginaliy fram Hailand, coming in hanor of ber cousin, Mrs V i orta Albany in 1736. They may Maud Hammond, who was ce[ f A ihave been a French Huguenot ebrating her 86th birthday. 1UGL famiv which songht asylumn in Nine'teen gucsts werc present Ocan ar Hoiland. however, Dr. Reaman including friends tram Toron- Ii fuin ax relates. They married into bath ta, Millbrook andi Lindsay. Mrs.. - V ri 9 uthand Huguenot families Catherine Chambers, Mrs. Ba- G asol i neca The farnily pas- ker and Mrs. Samuel Endicott thybelonged ta the nobility in serving refrcshments. M somnewhere in, Europe, he states. Attendiag the East Durham V igo Thev \vere active in political Womnen's Institute district an- V ig r GL.affairsin NewYork tate but nal meeting at Campbellcroft H igh Testalta 2gan, woonTuesday were Mrs. Thomas H igh est Oc tneludlnt fax members of the family serving Jeaniags, Mrs. T. J. Jackson, 4 2 in Butier's Rangers. Thcy were Mrs. Ralph Preston, Mrs. Char- granted land in the Township ence Rawan, Mrs. William Ca- StOv Oilavaiabl in ny qaniof Louth, Caunty of Lincoln in vano, Mrs. Ross Carr, Mrs. Har- StveOuavilbe n nyqunity at the station Upper Canada. l ry Ryley, Mrs. James Fraser, 1One More naine. Peter Teepl Mrs. Rupert Wood. OPen Evenings and Sundays 'wbose family were Halianders Mr. andi Mrs. Sidney McKin- living in New Jersey, married non, Cleveland, Ohio, with Mr. Lvdia Mabee. wbosp .father xrcwAs pdM .-aesMcinan Brown, duets by Misses Dianîîe and Patricia BigeIow, accoi-n- pan ie d by Mrs Reg. E dm u ds; fment, tap-daacing by Misi OF Leone Smith. Rev. G.., E. Meades was chairman. i a oiadraad mother a iUVILAS FTreyhwoman. Thcy came tr, 1 Trki Point (in Norfolk - ~<'OF INTEGRITY\$ Cannt 'v) in 1792 wAith Fredcric'K CRAFTSMANSHIP~ Mabee-a cousin of Peter Se & TRADITION cord and a praminent Quaker. They erected the tirst log cabîn t~he Jiouse of Sea9ra-n a ukyPit"A ieo artiTurke Poin'taltm)a Dz.tllers since 1857 rahWletTel fB-ý- his ancestors. Do read ..The j rail o! the Black Walnut x0f' wÂU eajoy ÂL. llraakdale-Kingsway. Mr. Matisen lix'es witb bhc Larsens. Together the ' vmakL up a very happy hoiisehoid. They ail lîke Boxvmanviiie wbere they have found thie people friendly and helpfui. They al hlike Canada and hire ta ibecoine citizens as soon as passible. The members, o! this ne'.' bousebold do not know yct what church in the town re- sembles mast in its teaching the cburch thcy attended iin Den- mark, so as yet they have ni church affiliations. Mis. Grace Massie and dau- ghtcr Carol, 14, live at the Kingsway, apartinents at 242 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. They came irom Toronto in the xin- ter. Mrs. Massie did clerical work w.ith the Consolidated Press in Toronto. She is now tbc housekeeper at Mýarnwood Nursing Home bere. She is a sister o! Mis. Cobban who ap- erates tbc nursing home. Mrs. Massie and Carol attend Triniby United Churcb and Ca- ndments to raffic Acf pension in the case o! third convictions. These penalties apply also ta speeding convic- tions. Convictions for criminai aeg- ligence now carry mandatory licence suspension af ' thrce moaths, or if an accident lias occurred, six months. In ail cases of licence suspension. whetber mandatory or impes- ed by the court, the licence must be pîcked up, endorseil [anti forwarded ta the Registrar of Motor Vehicles by the In cases of appeal against convictions carrying licence or permit suspension, the suspen- sion wiill ot apply if proof of financial responsibiiity is pro. vided unless or until the con- viction is sustaioed upon the hcariag o! the appeal. Financial Responsibility min- imum lîmits wiil be increased, effective January 1sf, 1958, ta $10,000 against death or injury af any anc persan, $20,000 in the case o! two or more, anîd $5,000 for property damage. Where sýecurities are deposited as proaf o! financial responsi- bility, the minimum amauni wiii be increasei tram $11,000 ta $25,000. Maximum payments permit- ted under the Unsatisîied Judg- ,ment Fond willib~e incereased tram $5.000 ta $10.000 for dea~h or injury ta one persan. tram $10000 ta $20.0001 for two or more persons and from. $1.001) ta $2.000 for damiage ta pr>_ perly. These nexv li-its \w E ipplv e î "o it~o L:c, r:n g aiter Jaînuary ist, 138 Ow-ners wbo are not insurcl for a. least bbe ne'.'mnim~rum imits of $10,000, $20,OOu, $5,- 000, wviil be required te pay a fee of S53%%-len sccur*ing 93 registration plates. This is :ni addition ta the reular fee fer registration and '.viih be crei- ed te the Unsatisfied Judgment Fend. ELIZABETH VILLE Tuesday the District Atiniiài o! the Xomen's Institute wi.s held at Garden Hill. The fol- iowiog inenbers were at the convention, IMiss Mary Poveil, Mrs. G. A. Pow:%ell, M\1rs. M. Mc- Allister, Mis. Fred Wheeier, Mrs, H. Quantrili, Mrs. H. Mul- drew aînd Mrs. Ernest White. On Fridav evening the 4-Hl Club met iin the basement and pianned ta cnt eut their py- jamnas. Dariene Tbickson pro- vided the lunch. Mr. and Mis. Ed Martin. Mr. Sam Moore and Miss Juneo Thickson, Toronto, had tea at Thick.ýon's, Sundav,. Mr. anîd Mrs. H-. Quantrili and family w ith Mr. and Mrs. Elhiott, Osbawa, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, Mrs. L. Muldrew, Mrs. Wal- ters and Mrs. Smith took, a pic- nic lunch and xvent ta Uxbridge ta get iheii' new car on Satu- daY last week. During threir trip the 'V macle several ca11;, on1e being on Rev. and Mrs. Lackey (nee Helen Gray)who taught schooi here some years ago. During the week we hav-c had aur main street and Churcbi street as gaod as paved, with tai. Things are looking up in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trew, De- troit, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Beatty's. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and son Bill and wife, QuaaN d Mr. Hunter, Port Hope, at Wil- beit Beatty'*s. Saturdav. i iMr'. and Mis. Have:!d Ne.ý soine and fa nIlv. Osbawva. W:ih Mr. and MINrs. Foler. A gecd number tram Whe'e attended the epening of the Millb-ook pcnitentiary on Saz- urche.v. Evervone in the ai' ai '.vonld be glad ta know that MNr Johin Pickup -pake i faer's place. 'Mr. Wellington1 Pickup. 1liý rda,,ghtex Mrs. Phlp P~a x .aI.o attcndeJ, ail ot Toront ). Con-: atuliao:s IoMr. JaLck- on Pe-icock on obtaining his Baclielor of Education degcoe honors, at Toronto Uiiv- Coii!g.alulzi*îons to Mrs. Ed Falis on the birfn Ai a cia,ît;hter last w.eek, ad you ï stcp ce and rn ail ges cf ;tings ýtrafed ;oday. NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED, i i MAIL Sales Office, 100 Oumen Street, Swansea, Toronto 3, Ont. I iTHIS PLese send me a free copy of PE Pipe end Fittings boo&eI g INAME .. ... . .. . ..I.. .. . ... .. COUPON....AY................................ TODAY CA NTS .................................... ICITY'.....................PROV ........... 11.7 L-------------------------------------- National Sewer Pipe Dealer for Bowmanville and district The Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Lirited 96 King St. Phone MA 3-571tý. For a greater Canada ... for tomorrow' s opportun ities-.. Insert.d by NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION IN DURBAN COUNTY VOTE James, John M.X PUBLISHFR PAGE EIGIIT TffE CANADLA-4 STATES.MAN. 13OVaLM"ILLE. ONTARIO MUT,