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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1957, p. 9

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cou SA,3I~ Sh 1?CNDA TTSA. OMN!L.~R ve Hi1story of "Home District" Higha 7 and Scugog Road told Durham Club amon f Tour e~ informative and enter- land Durham, were of the so- ln&& history of pioneer lite1 called "Home District". Sa you in '&4<t was known as the lare in campany as a Durham "Home District ofa the eariy Club with yaur cousins this ai- days in this part of Ontario ternoon. was given by Dr. L. B. Wil- To treat my talk chronologic- liams of Bowmanvjlle during the annual pilgrimage on Sat- urday afternoon, June Ist, of rnembers of the Durham Club of Toronto to the Homeland of ]Durham. It was a unique experience which required Dr. Williams ta meet the bus, containing 45 Durhamites, at Green River on Na. 7 Highway. A loud speaker in the bus was made available 80 that the informative talk could be heard with ease a s the happy party travelled alang the highway. The pianned route took them through the townships of Pickering, Reach, Cartwright and Darlington, through Bowmanville ta th e Boys Training School.j So impressed were the peo- pie who heard this historicel traveloque that many af thern expressed a desire that it be pubiished in The Statesman. sa that it might be kept on record for further reading and also mnade available for future gen- eratians. We gladly campiy' Historian with this request. Dr. Williamns Dr. L. B. WiIlamg takes over fram here: ally for pioneers, I should takie The Hlghway Trail you back ta the other side of You cannat be ail the Can- Locust Hill ta the Reesor, Men- adian you might be without nonite stone cairn yau saw on having followed Canada's his- the side af the road, where a tory. The very accent of your bronze plaque faced the orig- nation-wrights will stem fram inal mili-stone af this region. hi-,tory.1 This town-iine, long jog be- As 1 begin ta unroli the bis- tween Scarborough and Picker- tory of the Highway Trail we irig Townships, is &t one o are ta travel this first aftei'- rnany such jogs liereabot.i naon of "the leaf 'v month of fact by the original Lake Shore June", may 1 remind you thaL surveys, the Governmcnt pur- this Canada af ours was first chase from the Mississaga In- called British North America. dians by the 'Gunshot Treaty', 'Then later, Ontario was desig- 1787, extended inland about 16 nated Canada West, is novi miles or what a man in the pri- O]d Ontario, and that the pres- meval forest could walk tram ent Caunties of York, Ontario sunrise ta sunset. The only de- BOWMANVILLE MERCHANTS Fortune Jubilee Diamond Mine Draw Formerly Appreciation Day Draw Every Saturdiy - 3 p.m. ACKPOT VALUE - THIS WEEK - $340 Winner on Saturday Mrs. C. S. Haliman, 54 King St. W., Bowmanville won / Diamond Share or 5% of Jackpot - $16.00 t DO&4 Frge -Next Draw, Saturday, June l5th 4 Ç/ t3pm onHl kgf GIVE HIM~ hd/oez&taaW» CHOCOLATES from JURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE Business fimite thing about al cari: markings in Canada is tha they were very indefinite. Fa. instance, the western baundar af Kent County in Ontario wa a line running north trrm ti lake shore until it intersecteý Hudson 's Bay. Home of C. L. Burton In this littie store, vemy neal inside, Mr. Chas. L. Burtor a President of The Roberý Simpson Ca. af Toronto, wa! raised as a child, bis father be. ing the starekeeper. The grandmother of the pres. ent Mrs. W. M. Duncan in thE store, was a relative ai the Ste- phensans oi England, anc oi whomn built the tirst railway locomotive ai the world. The creek here is the wesl branch of wbat you knaw a:, Duifin's Creek at Pickering whicb floods badly there every spring. This creek bere ai Green River was, sa much iarg- er in the 1830's than now, that it supplied water power for -bath a carniage tactory anda tub factary. Over ta the saut!) You can see the smoke stacl, of the continuing factory for berry boxes and such. This l-ighway No. 7 is ail stakcc right now for extensive widen- ing. Pickering Township which we are naw in wvas as strongly religiaus as it was Scotch. In fact the earhy church service ai Pickering village was in Gaelic. Eariier, the Sulpicians ai Roman Catboiic Priesthood ai Montrctil, established a strong fart ait Frenchmen s Bay harbor near Pickering. At the time. ai the William Lyorîn ]acKeizie Rebeliion in 11837 the hiteachers in their pu 1- pits hereabouts, had their poli - lical say pr'o and con. There were good men and true on bath sides, but ail religions and paiitics intermingied and hadi a wasp in their ink. MacKenzie Rebels Hoid Out North trom Brougham near Stoufiville stands a ioity elm smack in the middle oi the road whicb was the raliyir.g point ai the so-called MacKen- zie rebeis. When tbey beard that the Famiiy Compact Gov- ernment supporters were intent on cutting dawn tbis rebel stan- dard bearer tree, MacKenzie men drave a keg ai nails int.i the tmee-trunk, sa it is stili thriving under its iran tonic. The village of Brougham, the municipal metropolis bere- abouts, bad its first growing pains with two log shanties in 1822 and was caiied Bentley's Corners. By Confederation 1867, Brougham, in the middle ai the township, was the social, indus- trial, municipal and religiaus centre. Even a Patent'Medicine Ca., since amaigamated witb one ai the big such campanies in To- ronto, manuiactured "National Pis" and "Pain Remover", just ahead ai aur antibiotic "Tran- quiiizers" and "peace ai mmnd" pills ai today. That brick residence on the south west corner is surely loveiy early architecture. By 1824 the so-cahied Chris- ian Cburch was organized and put its rigbt foot bath torward and dawn, although the Bap- tists have always been strong localiy. By 1842 there was gen- eral dissatisiaction among the 3rethren wbo were absenting hemselves from churcb. Chlcken Kling Sensure A "sensure" was brouglit igainst one brother, that l'e had kiiled a cbicken on Sunday that belonged ta another Bro YOU CAN DEPEND ON Wben kidneye fafl to remove eicea acid.e and wastes, back- IIII ache. tired feeling, disturbed rust often Kidney Pile timu- I.te k idneyat normal duty. You better, work bett.r. Get Dodde eat any ~ drug store. You caa 'o, depend on Dodd'a. sa SoId!l Osborne Coal Co. wishes fo announce ihaf as of June lt,195 7 We have sold our Fuel Oil and Coal ]Business fa -Mr. -George Ste phen 66 Simipson Avenue Bowiuanville 26 King E. Bowmanville Yards ai C.N.R. Yards ther, whdse sawn wheat in an adjacent field was belng de- g. voured by said chicken. The tc-peeym church Board met in holy can- " tc-peeyin rclave and decided the Brother did wrong in killing the chick- e t sucl' low pricesm" en an the Sabbath. Restored 1fellowship followed penitence. It was further decided it rnight be well ta review the private lite of ail the Brethren, and whlle I can't take time to recaunt some very amusing [y pianeer episades, the ultimate 'chreulth was ta break up thz )r I rh.1hope taday's church .y dogma is listening. is The Brack Road, Pickering Le ta Claremont, intersects No. 7 ceeding east we look down in- ta the valley af the East Branch- ai Duffin's Creek. Do yau iio- Lt1tice that graceful compass-like icurve on yonder hihl-top called rt Dumlin, Nature bulging it sa o ts evenly, means there is na rock ... And they certainly have ofa any pretense in the earth be- Voriety and quality tool", low. You see an even bettcr -one out a restaurant window on~ e No. 7 Highway, just east Ut "'You're right, l'v -Peterborough. se otrvl Water Power Miii ie ete vl y The big flow af water here established water power milis H ;with a nucleus ai bouses called I INZ FANCy ýNorwood, later named Green-T 9wood for peope caled Green, T M T many years in mills and gorJU C tins s r iufin's Creek, like als *streams as they empty it aLake Ontario, abounded in sal- IGA mon. Indians came from as far as Washburn and Scugog Island for catches of seasonal salman. ts 1first shanty resident at Picl.- ering and ta be brief, he was SPRAY OR CARLTON STANDARD HALVES later found dead with blood j stains ail over the sbanty floor I . 1-r This Highway, you see, riow r e L I Stn veers around the village rather e cs6 tis l than climbý that real Green-________________ wood village bill. In the palmy days of the Values effective June 13, 14, 15 *Model T Ford, one proudr owil- er 1 knew got onîy part -way s Up the bill and had na choice but in a hazardous effort bacic 1ail the way down. Needless Io 'ay, his %vufe was a pedestrian downt the hili: Cravity feed of gasoline in the tank under the seat had becom'e lower than i the ascent ai the big hili. Sa in m order ta get home he had ta o r Ca back the car ail the way ai at RITE that well known steep hili. ~1b. ?kg. 01 TABLE The big Green fiaur miii wasd iburnt iast year, 1956. There 1Ai used ta be a big oatmeal miii W i n rs O Pickering ail the Scotchnien 1/2TA1bE RITE got their porridge oatmeaî. /.P ' Greenwaad Tourisi Park Tourist Park is the local fea- d e I3 IC fl ture. Swimming pool with wa- AL IE ter through an elaborate sys- AL IES1E tem of modern sand filter tanks is instailed, picnic tables, sports L field, food supplies, parking, l g c o vide a close-in retreat for al manner ai summer arganization for Toronto outings. Don't forget that with grist, CAF saw milis, oatmeal milîs, fac- ,C NI D tories ai wood products, the it really seemed ta be, for it Foastlfog was somewhere present. Th's means naturally that every vil- lage bad its Sans ai Temper C I41CKEIIS rince organization and many a Canadian in public address gat bis training in some Sans 01 Temperance Hall. £"'IISYLE Dietenbaker's VisitE GLS S. Mr. John Diefenbaker, the a l 1 Progressive Conservative lead- er in the Domninion ehection, Me l rMpeLeaf was recentiy a visitor ta thc "Asnoo you oogr o f ider, ybetîdpork iHio k_ýS CookedGlazeq accupying bis same aid N Mr. Diefenbaker remarked the chihdren, "you will find as I have that there is nothing more wonderiul than ta Iive in H N *memory af the days ai long ago" .1-. i- Before 1900 there were aO$ 0 signumber af priv ae su botties 1 0 tehephone lines in this district. Among them a Dr. Eastwood, whose daugbter taught in Bow- manville High Sehool, had a ROBIN HOOD WHITE private uine ta Balsam and iM rs. Rayson Recipient of Presentation jBethany: The Wamnan's Auxc- Iiiiary ai St. Paui's Church met Iat the home af Miss Winniired- I Nesbitt an Tbursday with Mms. H. HF. Raysan presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by 'Mrs. Fred Gray. In the absence aif the secretary, Mrs. Douglas Smeit, the minutes and carres- pondence which included let- ters ai thanks from severai members who bad received giits diuring ilhness, was read i by Mrs. R. Jarvis. The Treasur- em, Mrs. Carl Smith rej2orted the Garden Party beld hast week and the sale table ai aprons, knitted goods etc., in charge ai Mrs. F. S. Gray and Mrs. W. Fitzgerald bad been a real tinancial success. It was decided ta boid no meetings during the summi-er manths ai Juiy and August. Mrs. Carl Smith asked ta be reiieved ai hem duties as treab- urer and. Mrs. W. Fitzgerald *was appointed in hem place. Mrs. H. F. Rayson, who is moving ta Guelph in Juiy also resign cd as President and Mrs. Roy Jarvis was eiected ta this *office. Mrs. G. E. Meade expresseà the regret ai the members in iosing Mrs. Rayson tram their midst. She had been a most ef- ficient and bard workmng pre- sident and wihl be greatly missed in ahI church organiza- tions. On ibehai.i af the merm- bers, Mrs. R. Jarvis presented _Mr-c.Ravion with the parting Z-t of a Lazy Sus.ýan hamnmer- 'cd alumninum tray. Mrs. Ray- son expressed her thanks and ber regret at leavixig the maziy Bethany triends and pleasant association af chumch groups. Durîng the soci al hour lunch ,,vas sen-ed by the bostess ar- sisted bv Mrsz. F. S. Gray and Mrs. Carl Smit.h. - IGA or QUEENSWAY CHOICh ,,00 DESSERT 8 PEARS .00 LINCOLN CHOICE .00 Tom atoes k I Save 19c 6 T-'lIMATO or VEGETABLE Clark'sio sî o Soupz GARDEN PATCH CHOICE l5-o z._ Peas 8tn*1.00 LIBBY'S - IN TOMATO SAUCE Spaghetti 8 t-)$1 ;. 00 WITH PORK IGA 720-oz.$I Beans tis 1.00 SAICO FANCY Tuna - eis IGA DOG HOUSE ,* Food IGA EVA? - MiIk MAX WELL 3, t 3 c CoffE. ~.39C dolla Day Prl dozg0od na dy Pl-astic SHPPNGBAG WESTINGHOUSE 25, 40, 60 Watt BULBS 6 for $100 F rozen Food Dollar Day Features 6 6-oz. tins DONALD DUCK Orange Juice and 2 6-oz. tins PICTSWEET Lemonade Aill O For YOU SAVE IFREE 1 PORATED «Oduce siZe Sun For lac~i 5 each 15, 0'tjt1o aa ero ae 14.0z. Cello pkg. Mjd Seet Fproi»the Gardcen5 ofh Soa l Green Of the sr' ti- 2 WAS alIGA!Low Food 2 WAS atIGA!Prices and GIT wi"th IGA Cash Receipts! St art today! 15-oz. tins 4 o YORK - FANCY - CREAM STYLE 815-0z. l Corn 8tiso10 20-or. 1i tins, l.0 k 7I z* $1.00 ins~ $ 1.00 8 Tali 1(( Tins L. HOUSE bag *P# rure rist 23c sincerely wish bI hank ourtcusiomers for their patronage in the pasi and ask that you show Mr. Stephen the same courtesy. Osborne Coal Co. III BONUS CAWKER'S IG m -âàmm isth, les? "M CAMADIAN STATIEMN. 30"L&NVM=. ONTAMO PAM ivm 1 Àm tg Fe;; f 245C IFT

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