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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1957, p. 10

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P&~E ~ - TWZ CAI(ADIAK STATI~SMAN. !OWMANVTLLZ. ONTA~IO THURSVAY, JUNE l3th, 1957 M. J. Hobbs Elected Head County Ratepayers' Assn. About 90 persons interested Millbrook. Bernard brought in the work of the Durham honour to Durham County by Couny Trstee andRateay-out-spelling ail other contest- ers' Association were ser-ved a inant ?rom Ontara nthe sEli.- delicious dinner by the ladies -g onesAhl arte lEA of the Welcome W.A. in WC,_-iApr. corne church on Wednesday, A mixed quartette from Wel- June 5. corne entertained the audience Mr. Mervin Hobbs of Ennis- by singing several well chosen killen, was elected the new soflgs. President to replace Mrs. C. J. Reports o! the sessions at- Allin of Newcastle, who bas tended at O.E.A., were given worked dilligently in the in- by Mrs. C. J. Allun, Newcastle, terest o! the clhildren of Dur- and Mrs. C. E. Allun, Bowman- ham County for the past four ville. years. Mrs. J. Tamblyn, Orono, Panel Disussion and Mr. Neil Bailey, Black- stock, were elected directors for A\ panel discussion had been Orono and Cartwright. arranged by Mr. Alex Carru- thers of Garden Hill. The chair- Speiiing Champion man, Mr. Wilfrid Bowles, Cart- Mr. C. A. Holmes, I.P.S., of wright, introduced the subject, Port Hope, made a presentation "The Central School" and his of a billfold on behaif of the panelists who were as follows, Association to the Ontarîo Messrs. Marlow' and Kyte, Spelling Champion, Bernard member of the Cartwright Ingram, youngest son of Mr. School Board and Mrs. Ven. and Mrs. Bruce Ingham of ning, a teacher in their school, Easy as Pie! Miss Toronto 1955, Sheila Billing, shows you how easy and profitable A it is... tuse -q Vitrified Clay Plain End Pipe, Fittings and Couplings- r - --NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED, .---j 1 MAIL Sales Office: 100 Queen Sreet, Swansea, Toronto 3, Ont. I I MAIL Please send me a free copy of PE Pipe and Fiftings bookiet. I THI IAE... . ... .. . .. . .. . CO PO T OPAN ........................................1 I COUPON COM.A.......................................I STODAYADRS.................... ICITY .......................PROV ................ L---------------------------------- SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. 11 King Street E. Bowmanville, Ontario Messrs. Peters, Currelly and Cbestnut, ail members o! the South Hope School, Area board. The financial situation which arises when a central school system is in effect was the main point o! discussion. Costs do climb but the members f romn Cartwright, wbo elready have the consolidated school system, felt that the services rendered the children considerably out- weighed the extra cost o! the new school with modemn equip- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamb- lyn and Sharon, Orono, were dinner guests et Mr. Orme Falls' Saturday evening. Mr. A. J. Souch witb Mn. Leverne Soucb, BowL&n enville. Mrs. I. Plum, Toroil'to, s pent Sunday et Mr. A. McKay's. Miss Helen Turner, Toron-1 ta, visited Mrs. Brian Caswel before leaving for British Col- umbia. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallow- eli and family attended the Air Show et Trenton, Saturday. Mrs. Fred Todd is teaching it Osece wbile Miss Gloria Lene is in the bospitel. Mr. end Mrs. Orme Fells and family witb friends in Cobo- conk. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sylves- ter, Oshawa, et Mr. Jim Stark's. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lepbam, Bowmanville, visited et Mr. Howard Farrow's. Sunday visitors et Mr. Llew Haflowell's were Mr. and Mrs. Ewert Robinson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ceswell and Leslie and Mr. Maurice Hai- lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Piltz end fem- ily, Pickering, at Mr. Victor Farrow' s. Miss Sylvia Westheuser, To- ronto, spent the weekend et bomne. Mrs. Llew Hallowell witb Mrs. Bill Reid attended a ban- quet et Welcome Wednesday evening.t MO VIE REVIEW Thurs.-Sat., June 13-15 Heaven Knotvs, Mr. Allison 1 At the Royal Theatre r (CinemeScope-De Luxe Colon) It is rare, indeed, when only two people occupy the scneen for pnacticelly the entire run-0 nmng lime of e feeture film andc even rrern is their ebility and b the directon's bo keep the quai- tg ity o! the ententeinment et aC continuously high level. But tg sucb a narity occurs in Ibis de- t] lightful and moving comedy- u drame about a nun and a ma- rine tbrown together on a de- . serted, but potentialiy danger- ti ous, island in the Pacific dur- tl ing Wonld Wer II. a Deboreb Kerr and Robert Ic Mitcbum are tbe protagonîsts 91 and althougb some bit players ti and extras eppear as American c( and Jepanese servicemen, only sl tbc stars are given credit, and di rigbtfully so. Botb players are f 1 per!ectly cast, Miss Kerr as the tc warm, beautiful and humen sl nun wibh a delightful sense o! sc bumor and Mitchum as the i musculan, rough, somewbat coarse Marine who is cbarmed es and encbented by tbe reverent El lady, t1l Mitcbum, !ollowing a Japan- A esc etteck on the submarine be st wes eboard, bed been difting gi on a rubber raft for an indebt- cc erminate numben o! days until he hit Ibis desolete islend re wbere be found Miss Kerr, w. elonte. She, witb a priest, bed ae stoppcd et Ibis island froni la their missionary on anothen is- te land, 10 pick up another pries t fit wbo had alredy left. Her ci- e: derly companion bed died end th site wes weiting, flot knowing ki for what, alone. Sehool Bus Transportation o! pupils 10 and from tbe central scbool wes well discussed but the me- jority feit that cbildnen were safer riding on a bus then walking on the busy highways. The teachen shortage was the third point under discus- sion but it wes concluded tbet Ibis wes a general compleint and the scbooi board members from Hope bad no more trou- ble in securing good teachers then did the scbool board i Car twrig ht, STARK VILLE ee 9eý Is your present life inssirance enough to provide your familv with the income they would need- to live the kind of life you ivant them to Iiv~e? L on don Life fusu rance Company Elead Office - London, Canada 6 fodoy is o good day to taIk b o London Life r.promtnofi iistead Gives mid Club 'Mrs. D. Arnm Report of BI Mrs. D. W. Armistead, Bow- menville, at a recent meeting df the West Durham Advisory Committee to C.N.I.B., submi t- ted a report on activities o! the Humoresque Club, Oshawa, during the pest year. A number o! blind pensons in Bowmanville attend the Oshawa club meetings twice a month. Members of the Lions Club here provide transporta- tion wbich is arrenged for by the Advisory Committee. Mrs. Armisteed is secnetany of the Humoresque Club. Eight business meetings wene beld under the leadership of the president, Mrs. C. Suddard, Oshawa, and six social evenings under the leadership o! Mrs. Loretta Getcheil, Bunketon. Activities included a dence in May when members of the Canadien Council o! the Blind, Conference delegetes and guides were speciel guests. Miss Vera Siblock, Oshawa, and Miss A. Bragg, Bowmanville, were dgle- getes of the club who atten ded the conference in Oshawa, and on May 24 reports o! these delegates were received. In Ju]y a successful picnic was beld at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. At e social meeting in October, Dr. C. Vipond wvas special speaker and the secre- tary gave a short talk on her visit te England and Irelan d witb Mrs. Maude Jones, a blin d Similarity in 0f Church 6 Nestleton Women's Institute met et tbe home of Mrs. Her- man Semelis with splendid a"t- tendance for their June meet- ing. After the usuel opening and reeding o! the minutes the roll celi was enswered by a Provincial or Dominion Cabin- et Minister. Statement o! neceipts from the District Annuel showed a profit of $58. Ail bis weia- paid and letters o! appreciation sent ta several outsiders who essisted with the program and dinner, and a cash donation made to the church caretaker Mr. Ted Lennard for bis belp. Severel letters of thanks were reed and a get-well card wes signed by ail members te our much missed member, Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Mrs. Vine's report o! the Dis- trict Annuel will be given et the July meeting et Mrs. Cecil Wî]son's home under tbe His- torical Research convener and Mrs. Bowen's group. It wes de- cided to renew our subscrip- tion to the C.A.C. Bulletin for another year, the metter o! theà Leadership Course on "The1 rbird Meal" wes tebled for a Tlontb and the secretery reed deteils of the W. I. holiday et Guelph in July.c Mrs. Cecil Wilson, convener of citîzensbip and education, called on Rev. R. F. G. Camp- bell of tbe Preshyterien church oe eddress the meeting. Mr. Campbell based bis telk on the ext "Render unto Ceeser the bhings thet are Caesar's and ' unto God the things thet are God's." He found thet the oh- P jectives of both the church and C the Institute were very close, ti bat the cburcb bas aims to put C across and so bas the W.I.-to si [ve our neighbour, to reise the s4 general beelth and morals of si the community te better home C conditions and human relation- J, ;hips in community life end te M evelop bappier and more use- B Fl citizens. Thus the W.I. mot- rE o, "For Home and Country" is F ffared by the cburch. Mrs. Wii- z( ;n thanked Mr. Campbell for D is excellent talk .M Mrs. E. Sues read an inter- el ?sting account of educetion in "thiopia as written by one of M 1ie 12 Canadien teechers in J. ,ddis Abeba-bow eager the M~ ;udents are to learn coming 1 H Aims k. Institute two Iively violin selections ec- companied by Mrs. L. Hyland et the piano and Miss Cheryl Metcalfe elso played two in- strumentels, "The Flio we r Sang" and "The Bells o! St. Mary's" which wcne much ap- preciated. Mrs. E. Sues' group served a delicious lunch and Mrs. Mac.. kie and Mrs. Davison voiced tbe tbanks o! ehl for a pleasant and inspiring afternoon. OBITUARY MRS. DELBERT OLAN Deatb came very suddenly bo Mrs. Delbert Olan, aged 57, yeers o! R. R. 2, Millbrook, 1 Mondey morning, June 3, due, ta a heant attack. Mns. Olaii, wbo was in her usuel gaod bealtb was et cburch worsbîp service on Sunday and leter in the day visited in Peterbor- ough. She was born in Betbeny, a deugbten o! the late John Nel- son and Margaret Graham and hed .1ivcd always in Betbany Lintil three years ago, taking a very active part in the work of the United Churcb. In the Canedien Red Cross Menvens Branchi and in the Womeri's Institute. Since going ta Mill- brook she had been active in St. Andrews Cburch. She wes first manried 10 the etce Herbert Fallis o! Betbeny wrho died in 1948. She leaves bo mounber eassing ber husbend, Delbert )len, former Reeve o! Cayeu township, a step son Albert )lan; two brothers, James Nel- on o! Cavan and Austin Nel-j on o! Beilieboro; also tbree istens Mrs. Hilliard MeMabon Margaret) o! Bailieboro; Mrs. John Kerr (Hezel) and Mis. William Jordan (Rhea) of Betbany; also four step cbild- ren by ber first merriege, Geo. 'allis, Mrs. William Dixon (Ha- cil) o! Toronto, Mrs. Ross Downie (Dorothy) o! Reeboro, Nrs. Harold Bannon (Francis) if Omemee. The funenal took place oni Wednesday efternoon fnom tue TW. Haw Funeral Home at %illbrook with the Rev. W. H. lieustin o!ficieting. Palîbeerers were Reg. Ed- nunds, Alex McMasten and Wiliam Rowen o! Betbeny; ilifford Allen, Charles De-w ind Howard Hanley o! Mill- :rook. 1Bunial was in St. Mary's emeteny, Betbany. Nes tieton Station Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown, Osh- awa, were guests o! Dr. R. P. Bowles and Mrs. Meckie. Professor C. B. Sissons of Orono also visited with Dr. R. P. Bowles. Mr. Cecil Slemon, Hampton, and Mr. Charles Briggs, Toron- to, visited Mr. and Mrs. Loren- zo Mountjoy. Miss Stella Ross and friend and Mrs. T. G. Wilson, Bo- manville, called recently on Miss Rose Mountjoy. Visitors during the weekend with Mrs. Herman Samelis were: Mr. Ceeul Wilson, Miss Gwen Wilson, Mrs. M. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Boych3yn, Nancy Anne and Gary, Mrs. S. McNeely, Messrs. Stanley Mc- Neely and Bill Boston, Toron- to. Mrs. Nelson Marlow witb ber! son Alvin and family et their cottage, Caesarea, on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Harris is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Bowman o! Wbitby vis-1 ited a couple of deys with ber daughter, Mrs. Charles Vine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist with Mr. and Mrs. Frances Gist and family, Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc Laughlin and Lawrence were anniversary dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George WVolfe, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Klass Vleiger and femily bave traded their farm for an Oshawa house and will be moving sbortly. We will be sorry to lose them from Ne- tle ton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brad- field, Peterborough, and Misses Gwen and Eunice Wilson, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Wilson. Mr. and M-s. E. Wood of Tc- ronta, moved into theïr newx bungalow across from thu Presbyterian church this week.I P N Dll We welcome themn to the vil- PO T P O lage. Friends will be pleesed to, It is with regret that we re- know Mrs. John Dickey wils port that Mr. Robt. Halbran able to leave Port Perry Hospi- is in Peterborough Civic Hos- tal after five weeks there with a broken hip and is now at thr pitl in serlous condition. Un- home of ber niece, Mrs. Albert fortunately his trouble is in his Wright. throat and he won't be able to We are also pieesed to report speak again. We hope that %we improvement in Mrs. Wilfrid cen give a more favorable te- Vine's condition in MemoriaI port later. This grand old geri- Hospital, Bowmanvilie, and tieman bas a bost of friendls trust she wiil make speedy re- fer and neer and they are al covery. puliing for his recovery. Sympetby is extended to the Severel members of our L.O. family of the lete Cornelius B.A. and L.O.L. went to Beilie- Van Dam wxho passed away ini bora on Sunday to their Church Community Hospital, Port' Parade wben they celebrated Perry on Friday. Mr. Van Dam their lOth Anniversary with bas made his home at bis bro- a mammoth parade of mern- ther's, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Van bers o! the Juvenile True Blue, Dem's, for the past severai L.O.B.A. and L.O.L. Lodges. years and made m:tti friends. Hon. Major John Foote, V.C., Interment was in Nestleton was the guest speaker. The lo- cemetery on Monday. i cal Lodge will sponsor their member. A Christmas party wes held Dec. 13 when Sente and a help- er distributed gifts ta ail. The Christmas banquet in st. Georges Cburch hall, Oshawa, wes an enjoyable event. Miss Siblock read a poem of ber own composition, thenking the Lions Club for their kindness. Mr. Donald Williams, Chair- man of the local Advisory: Board and Assistant Supenin- tendent of the Ontario Scbool for Boys, annanged in Februaryj for a group of boys from the school ta present a musical pro- gram. In March 20 members and guides ettended a dance et the Excelsior Club, Toronto, held et C.N.I.B. beedquanters. Ali- othen group from Oshawa andý Bowmanville bed e pleasentl evening et the Oshawa Colleg- iete as guests o! the Oshawa Chapter o! the Berbershop Quartette festival. Members fnom Bowmanville and guides attended the Kewartha White Cane Club et Lindsay for their second birtbday party. In concluding ber report, Mrs. Armisteed expressed to tbe Oshawa end Bowmenville Advisory Board the tbenks of the club for their continued support; elso ta tbe Lions Club for transportation, and their wives for the deliciaus lunches tbey served. ,BATH- TOWELS' in attractive stripes Regulair $11-1 value,' MADE IN CANADA Ffi L-PIC : îi ý ,YL?? FI. ER NIBLETS CORN Fancy 14-or. tin 6 for 1.00 Welch's GRAPE JUICE 24-ez. bottle Fresh. Pork Shoulder Roasts lb. 43c Lean, tender PORK DUTT CHOPS L.59C Swift's Premium 6-oz. Park & Turkey Loaf vac. pack Pkg. 43c Swift's Premium Sliced 6..oz. cello pack COOKED HAN Pk.49C Swift's Premium Sliced 6-oz. vac. pack Macaroni & Cheese Loaf Pkg. 25c iBEST BUYS SAVE 7c fleinz - Cookcd SPAGHETTI 15-or. tin 4 For 59C SAVE 4c QUAKER M4UFFETS 2 Pkgs. 3 1c SAVE 12e Red & White INSTANT COFFEE 5-or. jar 99C SAVE 9c Rose ]Brand MARGARINE 2 Lbs. 53c Appleford' Food Saver WVAX PAPER 100 ft. roll 2 for 59e Maple Leaf BEAUTY SOAF 4 New Colours 3 for 33e FRESH PRODUCE Sweet, Juicy, Sunkist , Large 113's Oranges doz.49c - Doz. 29c LI.. 19C Hot House - Large sire CUCUMBERS - Ea. 23c Sweet, tender New Spring CARROTS 20-oz. cello pkg. . . 2For29c Also fresh supplies of Strawberries., Asparegus, Lettuce, Cabbage, Green Onions, Radishes, Hot House Tomatoes National - Orange Pekoe - 50 bags Perd 15-oz. tin TEA IBAGS - - - 39c DGG FOOD - 2ir27c Christie's Premium Glide 32-oz. bottie CRACKERS - .Pkg 35c LIQUID STARCH - 25c Crown Brand CORN SYRUP 2 Lblin31c Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING 16-oz. jar New Low Coffee Prices Kingsdale Fancy Biscuits YELLOW LABEL lb. 93c Yniir choire of Mallo Puffs, Bourbon ('relues, Chocolate Mallows, Pineapple RED LABEL _____ lb. 93c Crearnis, Macaroon SILVER LABEL lb. 99e 3 Unr 1.00 BIRDS EYE Birds Ee Lemionade, 6-oz. tin 2 for 31c Dragon Brand Chickcn Chop Suey, FROZEN FOODS 14-oz. --- ----- --- Ljbby's Cherry Pies, 1O'2-oz. ea. 3R For Father's Day.- Poptilar Brands of CIGARETTES, Ctn. of 200 ------- DaiIl l Mail CIGARETTES, Chi of,'200 2.99 THERE'S A RED & BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE ORONO - BLACKSTOCK - Maple Grove Groceteria California - Red Beauty PLUNS *- Select Quality - Golden Ripe BANANAS - - WHITE STORE NEAR YOU - Yeo's Marketeria Cornish Marketeria - Blyth's Market 1 QUALITY MEATS 1 Swift's Premium Tendergrown Chickens lb. 39c Roasting or frying - 2 to 3 lb. avg. No head, feet or inside weste 1 annual parade Sunday, June 15 Iat 2.30 p.m. It pays to advertise. Mr. Cl:f f Fallis has placed a very elab. orale new sign in front of h;a business establishment. Several from here attendL'J the funeral of Mrs. Delbert Olan, wife of Ex-Reeve Qlaii .$ of Cavan. Deceased diEd- d. denly from a heart attack, on Monday morning. HIGHLY STYLED~~ MODERAJTELY P*RI40 LADIES' WEAR La Vogue gacqueline Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa PACM Tm - TRE CAMADUS STATESMAN. BOML&Nvffýtz. ONT4pro TRURMAT, JUNE 13th, 1957 i I 19 1

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