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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1957, p. 11

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-TfURSDAY,_JUNElSth, 1957 1ECNITNSA'EMN OMNIL. NA! AEE~E Young Dancers Give BLACKSTOCK Dr. W. F. Ban ister Several of the mothers and relatives of the Brownies ac-, I E e t c r s d n Fine Performance cepted an invitation ovsthersElc dPeien meeting Mav 3 and had a vervl enjoyable tirne. The olwn A Brownies received their Golden 4n ua Recital ar Mautha Bonsma. CheryliQ it onee c Medcalf, Anne Gibson, Joanl ýaBowmax*ille Recreation De- Shirley Patfield, Carol Shee- Suggitt, Laurel Mackie, Carol 1D.W nottnic otiuint artment's annual Dance Class han. Blythe, Carol Rahm, JaniceiDtr.of .tFrankli Bnite hr. min-tan utstandin thecoriuito Recital proved a smashing suc- Little Pussy Cats - Francis adie.tret S. Pals Un13te 19Church th welreo thed c unit cess with the large audience Henning, Debbie Goodwin, TWo-He-Lo Mission Band met;Bwanlle, f rom 1936 ofte40!fineolds. geu ndscua Who watcbed the colourful per- 'Jennifer James, Heather Grif- Tuesday afternoon. Meeting Bas eflectePr een of 1 eai is.Pu'stosev for i Frîdy evenîng fin, Beverly Larocque, Lorraine opened wîth a sing-song wt a tQit ofrneo evn t alst ev foIî eFia eeig.wt verseas as a chaplain during (r Th-e.-cital was under the di- Homes. Mus. Herb Taylor at the piano. Would War II, he distinguished rection of Miss Irenie Harvey, A Merry Time-Melody La- Opening pra 'ver was read by himself in this capacitv and was A.CCC.M., R.M.T., C.D.T.A. rocque. ISharon Larmer who puesided., awarded the OBE. 'In rcg Osaa ntutrTpSe6HahrJm- The worship talk "Friends"' was nte thsw'r s rcg Osaa, isrutr for th" Tap o of h-Heatheas hJames, '! ivchaplaiHllnb yt, Wednesday classes and Dawn1 Kathy Osborne, Carol Cleland, gîe yMs.Hl.BbK-e tuwhc1ewsloe n e Jones-Abramotf, Oshawa, in- 'Audrey Hayes, Harriet Mvorri-BtyBdbnadMu.Hl spected by all wbo were fortun- strutorfortheSatrda clss-sey offered prayers. Otfering was strutorfortheSatudayclas- ey. taen v LanneDorellandate eneugh to receive his counsel es Piano accompaniment was -deel and ToeeRhythm-Con- !takenSixainLeane Doffrrel aland leadership, he vas bonored provided by Marilyn Scott and nie Brooking, Eaine Hg ,fel DivinRllis el nwe-ty thn May, 1953. or o Camille Drewniak. !Gwen Graham, Bétty Welsh:, prayter.Rol as ela ynwer- e degree et Docto53o Round after round et ap- Donna Rogers. ie "thUe oname etavoymnieAfter several years as min- plause ecboed through the tewn Startap-Janet Scott. likes". One e he avorite. ister at Simpson Avenue United hlauioimath rus H ighland Fling-Novelettes. hvn, PasHi"wssng Church in Toronto, Dr. Banister hal auitoiu asthegrupsI Nnc Dourell gave a reading went to Chalmers Churcb at presented their varied and ex- lI n Our Little Wooden Shees -~Working witb God in the Knso.H a eundt cellent dances. Childuen rang- -Carol Sheehan, Patsy Gili, Wold". Bob Kyt- ag"o Bowmanville on many occasions ing in age from four to 15 took Shirley Patfield, Janet Warren, Sees the Sparrow": Ronald te preach and speak at club an active part in the show. Sylvia Lawrence, Georgee' Martvn read "The Frog": Eliza- meig.I oebr 91 Of the more than 350 persons Burnett, Buenda Junkin. beth Thompson played a piano he ed catedn thememou1951 attending the majouity were Jockey Dance-Roseann Pat- solo "Beautiful Dreamer". Mus. hîme inSt. Palshe mre, le parents and relatives eft tue terson, Gwen Holmes, Louise Kyte toldt the story "The Twins cimemorin oft. alhoe wbo sered dancers. Many enjoyed the Patterson, Sheryl Symes. Go te the City". A game was in themotwof Wod Wars. Bow- ."once in a lifetime thrill' of Cane Strutt - Melody La- en.jey.,ed at the conclusion.intewoWrd as.B - seeing 'their child on stage fer rocque, Linda Scott, ..TaeTu manville will always bave a thr irsttim. Tago ap-Brbaa Brwnwarm spot in its heaut for this A highlight et the recital 'Sheila Coverly. In place et the regular meet- leader among men and con- Marc Rhthming n WdnedaytheWomn'sguatulates Dr. Banister on being was the appearance et the MachRhymi on WaednedasateWn 29elected president of this Con- Little Dancers in thei:r number Line Dril-Elaine Hightield Inttt -hred a ba' u an Dr29 F "Little Pussy Cats'". Althougha y WlsLyn Hllyar: ladies enjoye a' uin.D.W .Baitrfrne sligbtly bewildered in their de-!'Penny Jeffrey. First caîl was at the Daîziel a t DrBnie scedRv.H but, the childuen carried ou Colonel Twirls-Svlvia Lawv- Pioneer Park, near Thounhili the United Church et Cadat A. Mellow et Oshawa, and was the dance in a precise but r ence. where the antiques were viewed.j Renfrew iast week. eetdoe e.E .Klo somcwhat humorous fashion. March and Twirl -- Janicc Everything there is at least 1251 Dr. Banister'îs at present min- 1 way et Cobourg, Rev. Dr. D. K. TheRoyl Aadey gadeBlak, onne Hnnig. î:îvears old. Next visit was te the ister et Chaliei's United Chuuch I Burns, Brock'ville, and Rev. T. two ballet demonstration by t he A mes, Judy Brough, Brenda Dale Floral Estate at Brampton, in Kingston. Wbile in Bown e r alot Novleteset shwa a~car HnnigAudeyHays. where guides conducted a tour ville, he made many friends and he th'rdbalt ried eut with intricate care and! Twir] and Toss-Kathy Os- th rougb the greenhouses, etc. precision. The following is th,! berne, Linda Scott, Melodv La- and q.11 could see the beautîful m complete programme prescrit- rocque. cfflowers ln different stagesofL_ ffor Teache ed:1Paaeo the Wooden Sol- growth admnvtbings'wereLifo d BETHÂNY Pretty Butterflies-Ann Mer- Idies-Connie Brooking, Befty let fîofrshe ah lad cultuvnred Mu.and Mrs. Harold Monk:. ris, Glenda Johnson, Suzanne Welsh, Gwen Graham, Donna oa roedrs.eau dy the Dale Ce.eroityatMich., spent several Presson, Joan Kimbaîl, Karen 'Rogers. ail etrse bd bho e bapy and * Mary onk.lstwekwih r.A.H Parker, Elizabeth Pearce, Ger- Double Twirls - Barbara Atire v uper tme.hpy ni Rv1. .Bntelatn aldine Ellis, Wendy Anderson, I Brown, .Thursday evening the Federa- 0 n fl L.e viii 9R. th Unîte Chur Coteene Kathy Lindsay. Horizontal Twirl - Carol tien et Women's Teachers' As- te Uie hrhCneec jmeetings held at Renfrew dur- Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary Greenham. Linda Brown, Patsy sociation for this unit which Betîîany: A fareweil partYi ing the wcck. -Sylvia MacDonald, Francis, Gil]. consists ot Darlington, Caut- Gr, Nacyelle Hn, JAvyn WScotBrbaraBrw-n ane wright and Manvers held their for Mus. Mable Kennedy, tea- Mus. Alice Dawe, Peteubor- Graham Nanc W___________Sctt,_BrbaraBrown spring meeting in Blackstock. cher' at Liffordi school, xwas he.d ough. :s visliing lier sister, Mrs Lycette. The O.N.O. ladies catered te the in the schooiroom on Thurs- IR. W. Price. My Flower Basket - LyrnnI, ,. banquet in the Recreatioente day evcning, with pupils a-,d! RolWCa da Ai ore th Hellyar, Jenny Stout, Jan Web MemorilI H-ospitai after whicb the teachers adjourn- iprnsepcsn hi e Retlef t this AiekFfr e ann Riterds Pfsoeshrarci eor dt theCmetnrgPbic.ho that Mus. Kennedy would be centre at St. John's, Que. Richrds I \W eek1 fu tRermeeingtàleaving the community at the Dnl eel opn Swedisb Peasant Dance-No- I'~'YGucst speaker et the evening 1 end et' the school term. Doin'îaldnumbe et othr am- velettes, Sandra Scott, Bine athwe o n 39 vas Miss Cora Bailey, Peter- 1ihanme o te am Wilson, Noreen Arnold, Caro-1Foth ekfJu 39 borough, a representative tram I Mus. Lawrence Staples read 1 eus is on a bus tour te Indiana lyn Foster, Bonnie Crouter, ail Admissions --- ---------------- - 9 the Federation, who spoke on an addrcss et appreciation to and other southeun states, of Oshawa. Births, 8 maie, 5 femnale -_ 13 "Menit Rating". Cheryl Med-I Mus. Kennedy and the pupils where they will view experi- Irish Coleens-Linda Bowen, DIscharges--------------- 51 caît and Grace Feddema enter- presented heu with a Schaeffer mental farms and agriculturai Marilyn Prout, Karen Mor:- Major operatoiens -1 taineci with instrumental andJ pen and pencil set. celleges. soLenore Kane P atricia Minou operations ---------- - 20 vocal numbeus, with Mu. Gayl ereTmswscara Miss Lily Weatheuilt under- so, oneBoknJ Emerec treatments ---- 9 at the piano. Go teogrTms ascthaian wcnt surgery in Civic Hospital, Welsh. Visiting hours 2.30-4.30 A goodly number et tbe mus- fortthborrogga, Ail the pupil Gaiy Tippng Pasy 41,and7 t 8.0 pm. calfol enoye th reita bvjoined in the "School Song":. Heu many friends are wishing Gail Tripin - PtDaGvid andtaples3 p.and Eleanorjoye tlc--- - tVL~.t~ae q LLtJtÂO IUPDavidL% Stpeles andcovery. in the Community Hall Fridav night. A full evenin.g's program was well presented. There were 35 piano numbers (solos, duets and trios) interspersed by a vocal duet, musical numbers -b"Y I Billy and John Wade, Courtice,j on the drums and piano ac- cordion, and a reading by Mrs.1 Ralph Malcolm, Yelverton. Thel hall wvas beautîfully decoratedi with spring flowers. Great cred- it is due Mrs. Wilson and ail the -pupils& for their -splendid ac- complishments. The Anglican W.A. held aI very successful home baking sale in Mr. A. L. Bailey's sbiop, Saturday morning. Mrs. Geo. Fowler spent a few days last week in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Grabam visited friends in Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Roy Taylor spent a few daYs last week in Port Credit with Mu. and Mrs. Garnet Mur- rav. Brenda Malcolm, Nestleton. spent the weekend with Carol Rahm. Mu. and'Mrs. Leslie Graham, Millbrook and Mr. Ray Grabam,' Lambeth, spent Saturday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson. Little Donna Pargater, Port Perry, with ber grandparents Mr and Mrs. Mervyn Graham. Dr. and Mus. J. A. McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning and Linda visited Mu. and Mus. Rus- sell Willan at their cottage, Bracebridge, Sunday. Mrs. Harold Freelen and Judy, Kirkfield, are spending th is week with the tormer's daughteu Miss Bert Freelen who bas rent- ed the apautment over the Martyn store, wbich Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton recently vacated. Misses Joyce Venning, Osha- lwa, Nora Vennirig and Dot lm- rey. Lindsay, with the Chas. Vennings. Mr. and Mus. Roy McGill en- *oyed a motor trip, calling at Pointe au Baril, North Bay, Sudbury and other northern points. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and Lorraine attended an Orange service at Baîlieboro Sundav wrhere Hon. Major Foote was speaker. Miss Gertrudé Henry, Toron- te. is spending a month's holi- davs with heu mother Mrs. Jas. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hepb urn, Oshawa, were Sunday vis itors. Mu. and Mrs. Fred Grîffin an d boys, Burketon visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl McLeughlin. Mr. and Mus. Howard Frank- lin, Manchester: Mus. Anduew Turner. Carroll. Man., were Sun- day guests of Mu. and Mrs. Leith Bvers. Mrs. Oakley Carlev and Anne with ber sister and brothers be- fore cemmencing work at St. Christopher Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hale. Willowv Beach, visited MuvI. and 1I.Mus. Orr Venning and Mr. and MîIrs. J. Rahrn. Mr. and Mrs. Hovard Lamb an'a.v spent Sîîndav with their sister. Mrs. Thos. Smith. iIand Mus. A. L. Bailev-, ,.s. W. W. Van Camp. Misses IMabel andi Helen, .1r. and Mus. Harrv Van Camp and Arthur, i Mu. and Mrs. Blake Gunter, Rickey and Kathie, with the Stephen Saywells at their cot-I tage, Caesarea. St. Catharines, Ontario. wnis he first city to have electrý.- ztreet ,-rs.Three vea4ïslar V~nouvr.B C'. a n " ,'ind ~ xto însal sur;,- zer%,ic,3 u1890. Guegor sang "I is No Secret". Pupils ef Grade 1-6 sang "White Buttcufly". George Timms gave a violin solo accompanied at the piano by bis daughter Dor- is Timms. Judy DeGeer sang "By-by Love". Nancy Lowery and Thomas Loweuy sang "Mary Ann". Eleanor McGre- gor sang "Four Walls". Janice. Timms, Karen Timms and Mar- lene Timms sang "Hey Joc". Mus. Kennedy eypressed, ler thanks te the pupils, aise te tee parents and the trustee board ef the school for all the pleas- ant memories shi' would carry with ber fromn the two years spent in the school section. Mus. Bruce Ryley entertain- cd the ladies of the Bethai',.'; Badminton Club on Thursday evening. Txvo membeus, Mus. G. M. Longfield, who leavc's fou Flint, Mich.. the end of the month: and Miss Carol Hep- kinson, teacher ln the pub:ir school who next year joins the school staff at Bowmanvihe(. were prescnted with a parting gift of a cup and saucer. .Dr. H. W. Scott and Mus. Scott ef Albany, N.Y., have >een guests xith Mu. and Mu5. Thomas Jcnnings during tne C past xweek. Thi'ough the Nouthumber- ]and and Durham I-lealth Uni,,. under the ànrecTianm er Charlotte M. Horner. Cobourg M.O.H. more than 200 childre~ of Manvers township schoos attended a clinic in Bethany this week to receive their Salk v-accine as immunization for poliomvýýliti.s. Assisting, nurses were Mrs. IM. Pogue, Mrs. L. Carpenter and Mrs. L. Natrass of Millbrook. Local assistants were Mus. H. F. Rayson, Mrs. Hugh DeGeer and Mrs. Ros.s Carr. There wvi]l be no further clinics held until Fail. Mrs. H. F. Rayson, who is leaving for Guelph at the end of the month was warmly thanked b y D_. Horner. for her co-operationi and help in ail the clinics held in Bethany. The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church were entertain- ed at the home of Mus. JanetI Smith for their meeting with 16 present and Mrs. Morgan Bigelow presicling and leading the devotions. Minutes of pre- vious meeting and corresponà- ence wvas read b~y the secretary, Mus. Rupert Wood. Plans were made to cater for a wedding on June 29.. A recipe book, cor- taining favorite recipes of the ladies of the community will be offered for sale in the near future and some time was spent in arranging those to be published. Three members who are leaving the community were presented with gifts and thank- ed for their share in the work of the Guild: Mrs. Ellen Ray- son, who leaves for Guelph at the end of June was given a cup and saucer; Miss Haztel Preston, who leaves next we for Balmoral, Man.. was ls given a cup and saucer, and haýr mother, Mrs. B. Preston was remembered with a gift of sta- tionery. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Hugh DeGeer and Mrs. Charles Smith. There will be no meet- ings held during July and Au- aust. Smeisecar oft/wjcf ar!1 Mona ro Monarch Is more than new. Tt's a completely difi'erent car for '57, se much bigger with a new longer wheelbase, extra length, extra width and more interior spaciousness than ever befoe-wvith added luxury everywheue. You have te sce it- andprice it-to realize bow much more car it gives >ou for your fine-car dollar! You get more imaginative styling-sieek, clean st 'vling for bomiorroîv that makes today*s other cars look old-fashioned. You get the newest ideas, like 1,eyboard Control, teamed with Monarch*s iquid- &iccess car Miiiis fie/l!l smooth automatic transmission. You commrand the most modern V-8 performance-with superb han- dhing case and a rock-stcady ride that's engincered for solid comfort aIl the way. No wonder Monarch is se, fast . .. as fast as Canadians drive it, and compare it for value. Arrange your demonstration today. Thrhll te the big surprises a new Monarch bas in store for you when you drive and price the car that's flred with the spirit of the future! C~amfeotwi idit,araioa or monito4 4o "Sandard ', unsôme model. oitoaiaga xra euoin0% efn. ) CARVETH ZION (Hope Townshl!P)' M.and 'Mus. Fred uor attended the Smith-Mi*cheil wedding in George Street uni.- ecL Chuuch, Peterborough, June 7. Sundav School was well at- tended on June 9. There were 31 present. Mus. R. Gerow xviii take the Bible ciass next Sun- da. PURITY TOP-QUALITY FRESH DRUGS ARE USED HERE! MOTrORS Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Fhone Newcastle 3251 Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tufford were Mr. and Mrs. S. Kel,., Union- ville. and Mr. and Mrs. T. Pud- sy. Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneillev spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meneilley, Port Hope. Sunday guests of Mr. Fred and Hilda Raby were Mr. and MIrs. Ross Garland, Cobourg. Prescriptions are otir primary business and we carry ample stocks of a great v'ariety of fresh drugs. Our prices are unifornily fair and our service is the best always! ENTRUST YOUR PRESCRIPTION TO US! JWURY & L@VELL MA 3-5778 BOWMAN VILLE I. I RIGHT HERE INý Want Io i iaiie a'vatioi our career? There are important openings now in Canada's Air Force for young men who have what it takes in intelligence, skill and initiative - -)r top training as RCAF Aircrew Officers and aviation technicians. There's a great future in aviation. . . there's a challenge ahead for you! For full information on RCAF flying training, trade training, duties, pay and other benefits, see the RCAF Career Counsellor, Bowmanville Court House lla.m.-6p.m. 14 June 57 Overnight 'it outgrew i*ts pirice tag!. Richefleu rhaeton Sedan Enter the big Ford-Monarch "SALES JAMBOREE" Contest. 15 glamorous new cars ta be given awayl See your Ford-Monarch Dealer 0 PAGE Etr". 14 TffE CA.'ý:ADIAN STATES'MAN, BOMIANVILLE. ONTARIO

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