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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1957, p. 12

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PAG T flU~- -- WI ~AIAlY M 'rA,'.~ A U~~13Y W V ~ et~4 -- - -- -- --'- - - sTN.--TV VALSl na.j. *NA XlLfluJ Z JTJNE 13th, 195? Solina and Zion Tied in Sr. Football SaUna captured a 2-1 deci- sian from Enniskillen in tfIe senior division of Darlington Football league Wednesday, ta rnove into a fii-st place dead- lock with Zion. In the only other game of the night Zion swept a 3-1 vic- tory tram Hampton ta leeve the lasers hanging anto fourth place. Tyrane dropped a 2-0) shutout ta Zion Safurday night as Zion edged info their first place tie with Solina. Mion Juniors Lead Tyrone Juniors were bIen- keted 6-1 by their hasts af Ma- pie Grave Thursday as the vie- tors moved into third -spot in the junior division. Zion won a 3-1 tilt fir Courtice ta gain top spot in the league. Solmna edged Enniskillen 3-1 ta maya inta a two-way tie with Ma- ple Grave for third position. Play Saturday Two games are scheduled in the senior îoop for Saturday evening. Hampton visit Slua and Courtice play at Zion. Wednesday evening Tyi visit Maple Grave and this be an early game beginninl 6.45 p.m. In junior action Thurq (tanight> Maple Grave ai- Hampton, Enniskilen 1 Cou rtice and Sauina chal Tyrone. Following are the Darliný Football League Standings date Senior League Standingà W L T ZMon ____2 1 o Sauina 1___ 0 O2 Maple Grave - 1 O 1 Courtice 0 O 2 Hampton 1____i2 0 Tyrone------- I 1 1O Enniskillen 0 2 1 Junior League Standing W L T Zion 3 O 0 Hampton -- 2 0 0 Maple Grave --1 O 1 Solina 1 0 1 Courtice i 2 O Tys-one . 0 2 O Enniskillen--------O0 3 0 Harvesters Make Big Comeback to Win 10 - Leftfielder Fred Cowle's long single in the third inning brought in the winning runs as Bowmanville Harvesters regis- tered a 10-5 win over Rideais in Cobourg Saturday. Harvesters were trailing 4-3 before Cawle's drive permitted Lloyd Hamiliton, Parker ai-id Yourth to cross the plate. He was touched out on a toss from the centrefielder. Rideaus ran up their lead in the first by netting four bits from Bowmanville pitcher Parker, Leray Wannamakez Cet Cash To-day for ONd Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 scored their final run in eightb on an infield error. Ted Dadson toak the mou for Harvesters in the third finish the game allowing ci two hits. He fanned onea walked four. Patton of CobaL xvas re]ieved in the fifth af giving Up five bits and f( walks to one strike out. Stanley wvas the losing pil( er givingfour bits and a w. He struck out Lloyd Hami]i in the eigbth. Butcb Cale so ed for Bowmanville in1 fourtb and Bob Gallagher ma it 8-4 in the fifth. Don Gilboaley crossedt plate witb bis second of1 game in the sixth. Parker sc( ed bis tbird run in the sai inning. R H Bow'ville 303 112 000-10 9 Cobourg 400 000 010- 5 6 Batteries - Parker - C( (Dadson) Patton - Stevens (Stanley). Wonderful Gift Values for MEN'S MASONIC EMBLEM RINGS 23.50 Massive 14-k. gold mount- lnt with Masonie emblem set in black onyx. A lifetime gif t! GOLD CUFF LINKS AND TIE CLASP SET $3.50 Set Many matching sets in both modern and novelty design. 10-k. gold. Some stone set, and sterling set. ELECTRIC SHAVERS ALL FAMOUS MAKES SUNBEAM REMINGTON 14-day RONSON Trial PHILISHAVE offer SCHICK DON'T FORGET KINSMEN STREET BINGO nt 8 p.m. Friday, June l4th HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 28 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5747 rofl .g at sday visit lenge igton 's to Pts 4 4 3 2 2 2 Pts 6 4 3 3 2 0 L'le ýund i to nly urg fter tour tch- aik. ton cor- the kace the the cor- me E 31 oie son I F Ask Pee Wee* Sweaters Be e t ýyt e n JVeen cYown Dy Connie Osmond There is ta be a dance on Frida-,, June 21, beginning at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. Dress is option ai and you may xvear anything except sborts and bathing suits. This is the last dance of the season, and xvc are happy to say that this has benoeof the best s0 far. beeoee sof this dance we hope that everyone will at- tend and give them moral sup- port. Since this is our last dance there will te a considerable a- mount of business to clear Up. If you bave a crest ordered or if you would like one, please bring your money to the dance, because it is your last chance and you don't want to feel lef t out. Tbe price is only 50c and look at wbat you get for yaur money. Don't forget now, Friday, June 21, in bonour of our fav- ourite team, and also the money for your crest. Pee Wees Win Opening Gamei At Newcastle A foui-fb inning aufbursf by Bawmanville Pee-Wee Ahl- Stars gave them a towering 28- 6 win over their hasts af New- castle Manday af lasf week as the Lakeshore Minai- League ounnnn its qcnhpA, 'la- Manvers Twp. Discusses Policy for Tax Arrears Returned Any player wbo still bas a sweater fi-rn the 1956 Pee-Wee Ahl-Star basebali team is re- quested ta retui-n iftat Murray Bete af 89 Ontario streef. To date only eight of the sweaters have been returned and the team ai-e operating with- ouf proper uniforms. It would be greatly appreciated if any- ane having one af these swea- fers would return if at thei- 1eei-hiest convenience. With their season under way the tearn have been playing good bail and bave flot suffer- ed a loss. They have only one coach et present and another us needed. If you are interested in aiding minai- basebaîl in Bow- manvile and would care f0 of- fei- your services please con- tact Mr. Bate. WESLEY VILLE The chair bas been waiting, until its junior members finish tbeir school examinations be- fore beginning their round oi engagements for thei- aperetf a beginning with St. Mark's par- ish hall in Part Hope. Manv Iof the local residents are looki- ing forward ta seeiuîg if a sec- ond time. Last week's news was not re- ported but several fishermer were at Redstone for the week- end af June the fii-st and bacj splendid luck. Arnold, and Harold Austin, Ken Dinner, Ai-chie Ford were accompanied by Chai-lie Moise af Port Hope. Mi-. and Mi-s. George Quinn of Toronto visited wifh Mi-. and Mrs. H. Barrowciough recently. George spent bis cbildhood holidays bei-e et Redlea beach but this is bis tii-sf visit in 12 years. An R.C.A.F. helicopter caus- ed quite a bit of stir in the neighbourhood lasf Monday wben if made a landing in Har- old Bar-iowlough's field. The foui- men wbo were in if said if requiu-ed some adjusfing and with this done if fook off with- out mishap. The public school childi-en enjoyed field day et Welcome last Fridey, June 7. Valerie Austin bx'ought home the bigh- est points for this schooî, when she won several races. There were 61 et Sunday schooi with ahi teachers and officers present. Tice Theys- meyer read the Scripture frain Genesis. HAYDON Scoruig sxn ta brea Mr. and Mrs. William Nigbt- Scorng sx rns t br a a ingale, Fort William, are spend- 4-ail tie tbe local lads sugd i ti we1sh r ahead 'n the remaining innings. Mrs. Arthur Read. Tbey scored one run in the 1VMr. and Mrs. Clayton Read. fiftb, il in the sixth and six i Bowmanville, w e re supper the final frame. ussaMranMs.Atr Bowmanville 121 6111 6 gedsSuat Mr.Atu Newcstle103 20 0 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Bowmanville-Foran c. Bate Bill Asbton, Miss Mary Arin- lb, Vietch 2b, Johnson ss, Mc-srnM.J owi is Manus 3b, Wilson If, Coyle cf, stong, Mr J.orowci, Missth oLane (6 rf, McMurer (6) if weekend at their cottage. Lan () fMeurerpHan- Rena Graham with her 1cock (6) p. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rabm, Tyrone, at their cottage at Four Mile Lake. ee v'esMr.nbi M. Bertrim svitn Pee W es W i hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin, O pene Take mrs. M. Bertrim visited Mr. - and Mrs, Ron Morrison, Osh- apl ~r Ve awa, on Tbursday evening. M apl G roMr-. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Bowmanville Pee-Wee AIl Ronald and Ray attended the Stars scored a 14-5 wjn over Shorthorn twilight evening at Maple Grave in their home op- Mr-. John Rickard's, Newcastle, ener at Memorial Park Thurs- Wednesday. day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bfâck-' Their next garne is slated for burn and faniily and Mrs. Cowi- Thursday (tonigbt) when they îng attended a family gather- are bosts ta Port Hope at Menr- ing at Mr. and Mrs. Farewell orial Park.' The local lads have Blackburn's, Salem, on Sun- won both their starts i n the day wben Mr. and Mrs. Walter young season and are showing Blackburn, and family, Edmon- fine progress. ton were present. They are Bowmanville- McManus 3b, coming ta Toronto ta live. Vietch 2b, Bate lb, Woolner rf' Ms-s. K. Cowling visited Mrr. Johnson ss, Coyle cf, Foran c'J. C. Cowling, Salem, recently. Wilson If. Hancock, pHope' Mss W. Martin and Mr-. and (6) If; Williams (6) c. Mrs. J. Potts and family callcd Maple Grave - Peter-con rf on Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Tre- Downing 2h, Dickens cf, Pickle win and Mr. and Mrs. Bert lb, Hurrie c, Foley ss, Bradley Ferguson, Enniskillen, on Sun- If. Gaodwin'.3b, Vincent (3) p, day. Burto (5)p, Dwn () p. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and, Burtn ~) pDow (6)~ 'Garry, Oshawa, visited at tbe Trewin borne. W eic m e L ads r. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon Siand Mr. Milton Sleman visited Dr. and Mrs. Gardon Siemun r~L~ and family, Don Milis, on South 'D0urham Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Roniald Rahmi I and family with Mr-. and Mis. B ail League Walter Rahm at their cottage at Four Mile Lake Sunday. A four run. batting spree in Mi-. and Mrs. George Bert- the fis-st inning gave Kendal rim and Georgie, Taunton, at a 4-2 win aver the league lead- Mr-. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. ing Welcome squad in South Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham Durham Baseball League action and Mrs. H. Crossman were on Tuesdav of last week. a matai-ttip ta Lindsay and1 The game was Kendal's first district on Sunday. win of the season which ope-n- Mr. and Mrs. H. VanHeu- ed May 20. In their opener velen -nd family and Mr. and they suffered a 6-1 defeat at Mp John Verbeek and Mr. J. the hands of Newtonville. Verbeek, Bowmanville, motared Welcame have gained the ta Fenelon Falls on Sunday and lead by wrnning three of their enjoyed a picnic supper. four games ta date. Tbey down- W.A. June meeting will bel e d Graftan in thei- season op- beld Thursday (to-day) at the ener and defeated Newtonvjlle borne of Mrs. Lloyd Slemon'E. i n their second gaine, winning Mrs. John Potts in charge of t heir third staight fromn Col- program, guest speaker, Mrs. borne. William Nightingale, Fort Wil- Thursday (tonigbt) Kendal liam. i-e hasts to Grafton and Wel- Cburcb service on Sunday Core entertain Netnl. at :3 p.i. (liber league action wl a- SundaY St boni Anmv'%erzaî" - p lace Tue.sdia'. evening ~Srie on Sundav, June 23rd. Coiborne vi :ting Welconie and' For rno'e particulars see con- j IKendta.Iat Newtgnvile. " geventî. The regular mont hly meeting of the Manvers Municipal Coun- cil wvas held on June 4th, with all members present and Reeve Argue presiding. Tefollowng commnunica- W. P. Watson of the Live Stock Branch regarding the Town- sbip's liability in connection wvith Warble Fly Spraying; Sý. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, re a hospital accaunt; Assoc. cf Ont. Mayors and Reeves re 1957 Convention at Chatharn; F. L. Weldon i-e Manvers ap- peal of assessment for 1957 High School purposes; Mu-ror-- Reporter i-e 1956 financiai state- ments; Dept. of Highways re approval of the 1957 road ex-j penditure By-law No. 133,3; Ont. Municipal Assoc. i-e 1957 Con- vention at Bigwin Inn an Aug. 26 - 28; N. & D. Health Unit monthly report; Frank Cowpn Ins. Ca. i-e property damage dlaim againsf the Township af Manvers; 4 applications for rural Hydro service. Accounts were received fi-arn the follawing: Gardon Smith, Thos. Ward, W. A. Neals, H.E. P.C., Dept. of Healf b, Unitel Counties, Thos. Wbillier & Son, Scbool requisitions from S.S. Nos. 3 and 5. Maved by Malcolrn, seconded by Brown that a grant of $10.00 be made ta the Durhama County Jr. Farmers Assoc. Mi-. Gea. Turnbull of the Adams Machinery Ca. Ltd., in- terviewed the Counicil and i-e- 'jM newed old ecqueintances. Dur- ing the conversation Mi-. Turn- bull gave the Council consider- able information regarding the. construction of road graders and point ed out that the life of a grader depends 50 % on the kind -of maintenance and care it receives. The petitian of the ratepayers on the llth Concession, regard- ing the cutting down of a bull was discussed. The matter was deferred for furtber consîdera- tion at a later date. Mi-. Hortan of Eastern Steel Products and Mi-. Fred Fallis interviewed the Council i-e- gai-ding materiai requi-ed for the new Municipal shed. The matter of the Increasing fax arrears came in for con- sideration. A 4% penalty was discussed, in place of the pi-e- sent 2% penalty wbich applies on ail taxes unpaid on Dec. 15 of any year. A moi-e stringent policy on dealing with fax ai-- rears af 3 yeai-s and over was also discussed. No definite palicy change was arrived at and the matter was left aver until the next meeting. If was dccided ta bold the next meeting at night as the baying seasan wili be in pro- gress at that time. The report of the Warble F]y Spraying foi- 1957, indicated that 5,936 cattle bad been sprayed and 705 cattie bi-ushc. Moved by Malcolmn, second- ed by Jakeman tbat the Reeve and Treas. be authorized t-) sign checks foi- the following accounts: Gardon Smith, repair ta drains$ 9,51 H.E.P.C., Township Hall 13.77 H.E.P.C., Pontypool Sf. Ligbts - 72.75 Provincial Treas. of Ont., Insulin --- ---------- .81 United Caunties of N. & D., Hospitalization-------- ---80.63 Thos. Wbillier & Son, Supplies -------- --- - 108.34 Durham County Jr. Farmiers, Grant-------- 10.00 Clayton Brown, Destroying 1 Dog (Sheep)---------- 5.00) Registrar of Deeds, Registering Municipal shed property deed - -- --_ 5.25 Councils haîf year salai-y, 1957 460.00 Ralpb Malcolm, On Assessôr's Sal.- 150.00 R. Davidson, On Sel. Acc- ----- 150.00 Thos. Werd, Warble Fly Insp. 1957 ---------- - 270.10 W. A. Neals, Werble Fly Insp. 1957 and Transpor- tation Allowance 450.45 Sam Killen, Balance of unpeid Wes-ble Fly Spraying 1957 -------24.00 Moved by McGili, seconded by Brown that'the meeting ad- j oui-n until July 2nd, 1957, et 7:30 p.m. D.S.T.1 - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickeby - "Big 20" W. J. Bei-iy Jack's Smake Shop Rite's Smoke Shap Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Loveli Dilling's General Store 106 Duke Sf. '.Lfle statesman Ui~Ixce 'U ter and her visitors went ta Simcoe to visit their uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hall. There will be no Sunday School next Sunday but the littie folks are to take part in the Sunday Sehool Anniversary services being held at il o'clock when Rev. P. Romeril of Blackstock wlll be guest speak- er. The children from aur local schoals received their last polio needie ini Orono on Tuesday. Mrs. H. Faster, Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Stark attended - fashion show Tuesday in Bow- manvilie High School. Mliss Patsy Foster takes Home Econ- amies and was one of thleî models for the show. In the hardball game last week Kendal won from Wei- corne on their home grounds at Welcome. Mi-. and Mrs. GeOtge,:AD mon and family of R-v'glan spent Sunday with Mr. antl Mrs. Bill Turansky. Another goad re watch your thoughtsý L'iy have a habit of burstîg inte words at most anytime. KENDAL Mr. and Mi-.. Norman Ther- tell, Toronto, were et their sumnier home in the village last week. Mrs. George Clark, Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks here with George caming down for the weekends, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Joan and Gardon, Peterbor- ough ,with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Jackson was in Ottawa last week attending the graduation of her daugh- ter, Miss Ruth Jackson, R.N, at the Civic Hospital. We wish ta comgratulate Ruth on grad- uating and wish ber the best of success in nursing. Little Misses Darothy and Shirley Mercer and Marie Cour- aux were among the youtbful performers tap dancing at the Variety Concert in Orono in the Township Hall. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand an the ar- rivai of thei- son in Civic Hos- pifal, Peterborough, an Sunday, a brother for Jobnny. The small folks of the village gathered Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Brown ta celebrafe Larry's seventh birth- day witb a fine party. Calling on Mr. and Mrs. W Mercer Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes and famîly, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quan. trill, Gloria and Johnny, Mrs. Mary Luxon and Mi-. and Mrs. Vance Allen and farnily. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hardy, Gail, Bill and Janet of Bed- fard, Virginia, are spending a couple of weeks with ber sis- ter, Ms-s. Hatcher Foster and family. On Frîday, Mrs. Fos- The Statesman SoId At Following Stores Reg. Edmund's Store, Befhany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonvil]e C. Pethick, Ennskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orono Wni. Turansky, Kendal Hendersan's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Osbawa Hampton Phone MA -2420 OPPORTUN ITY THIS AREA Canadian Company operating on a national scale has lm- mediate openings for ambitious men or women ta manage local business dealing with some of Canada's largest chain stores; can be handled in spare hours at start if desired; honesty and dependability more important than past experience. Our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion. This is a business on a high plane for hlgh type men or women of character only. APPLICANTS MUST HAVE APPROX. $1,700.00 (Which Is secured), and good referefees. These openings will pay you exceptionally high mon thly income immediate- ly, and rapidly ifcrease as business expands. Prefer ap- plicants aspiring earnlngs from $10,000 to $20,000 yearly. No high pressure men 'vanted as NO SELLING required. If you ,can qualify and have necessary cash, write today givrng 'phonxe and particulars for local interview. Write J. W. WEBB COMPANY, Dept. B10 1449 St. Alexander, Montreal 2, QuebecU m a.' -*&.*u% Sport Shirts ENGLISH GINGHAM WRINKLESHED COTTONS SILK and COTTON i leading styles From $4.95 SHORT SLEEVES From $2.95 SLACKS From in latest style From e - - - $9.95 $2.95 PHONE MIA 3.5580 WHITER TIIAN WHITE with new I if', Comfortable, cool T-SHIRTS 37 KING ST. W Elfen's 7PIlen'-s ,Vear BOWMANVILLE 1 The Statesman Office 1- mNâmàmý 1 m- 1 one Coat dloes it! U1OW .101 is a hew exclusive inrdient Mot actually makes Trutone White the whitest ove, rI enother first for C-I.L Loboratories. SOLD AT Lander Hardware 7 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5714 and H. A. Barron GENERAL STORE . 1 1~ orrmTOOTNANr 1 PAGE Twn" - TEE CANADUN STATr-qm,&m- RmwmAmm.Tp mmyAwrn Phone MA 1-2420

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