PAGE FOURTEEN.H AMf!NSAEMAq OMN!L.O4AX THURSDAY, 3J!TE 1Mt, 1957 il 'I 1~ *1 Births Cards of Thanks BLAKE-Mr. and Mrs. Erriie I wish to express my sincere Blake wish to announce the tha nics to relatives and friends birth of their daugbter Catherine for ffowers and cards during Pny Maureen on June lOth at Mem- recent stay in the hospita]. oial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle. Aj Cyril Smith. sisten for Donald, Patsy and241 Randy.241 41 1 We would like to express our FLINTOFF-Mr. and Mrs. Carl' tbanks to our Tyrone friends Flintoff (nee Jacqueline Clarke)i and neighbours for their nice are proud to announce the arriv- donation presented to us on our ai of their son Michael Anthony recent marriage. on Wednesday, June tb at Doug and Janie Thompsn Oshawa General Hospital. A 24-11 brother for Margaret Mary and Veronica. 24-1 Many thanks to Drs. Sylvester and Mikios, nurses and staff ofj SELLERS-Gond and Jean (nee! Memonial Hospital, Bowman-, Haynes) are happy to announce ville, and to all those who sent1 the birth of their daughter flowers, fruit, cards and gifts! Darla Marie on June 8th at during my recent stay in hos- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- pitai. ville. A sister for Bonnie and Eileen Spîcer. Dougie. 24-1* J24-.1* Engag mentsI wish to express my thanks Engag ments to ail friends, neigbbours andî relatives who sent cards. and The engagement is announcediaiso telephone calis during myl of Isabelle Shirley. daughter of recent iliness. Aiso many thanks Mrs. Nayior and the late Mr.I to nurses and staff of Memonial Edwin S. Nayior. to Mr. Charles! Hospital. -- Ra]nfortn Eiiîott, son of ivrs. 1 Eliiott, Toronto, and the late.Mn. John G. Eiiiott. The marniage will take place on Fniday, JulyI 5. 1957. at 7 o'ciock in St. George's Memoriai Church, Oshawa. 24 1- Mn. and Mrs., George William Hamlin, Oshawa, announce the, engagement of thein only daughter, Nancy Ann, to Mn. John Russell Kidd, eidest son of Mn. and Mrs. Russell Kidd, Caledon, Ontario. The marniage will takeplnace~ on Satiirchav Esther Eddy. ;Articles for Sale Articles f or Sale INTERNATIONAL mower, 5 fýt.DUO-THERM space beater, Phone MA 3-2964. 2-lage size. Will beat f ive nooms. Thermostat and fan. Telephone ONE Cockshutt bayloaden. Tele- MA 3-3725. 24-1 phone MArket 3-2124. 24-1 SEWING machine, New Wil- liams, $10. Phone MA 3-3900. i 24-1* MASSEY-Harris binder, 6-f t., canvas fair. Phone MA 3-2105. i 24-1* ACCORDION, 120 bass, good condition. Telephone Newcastle 2165. 24-1* ELECTRIC range, Beach, large size, good condition. Phone MA 3-2904. 24-1 THREE-PIECE bed, Marshall mattress, bargain. Phone MA 3-3487. 24-1 SUNSHINIE baby carniage in good condition. Phone MArket 3-3583. 24-1 * NINE-piece dining-room suite, in good condition. Phone New- castle 3606. 24-1 *' 24-1 ILONG-eared black and tan -ihound. Pups. Bail Bros., R.R. 4, We wish to extend our heant- Bowmanviile. 24-1* feit thanks and appreciation for 1 -___--_ -_____- _____ the many acts of kindness, mes- ONE used A C haler, 2 used hay sgsoffsmahenrbatflladr.W .BrwKnit flIo ral offengs received from W. MA 3-5497. 24-1 friends, relatives and organiza- 15j OT irglsead1 tions, especiaily tbanking the 1'BAfbeisead1 Rev. J. Schaafsma for bis con- h.p. Elto motor, neaniy new. soling words and help duning Phone Clarke 704. 24-1 oun recent bereavement. 4-ALNoldu n pc M.and fm ii . V 24-1a heater, electric stove, side oven. and_____________ 24-1_ Phone MA 3-3131. 24-1 * July 6th at 3 o'ciock at Hanmony Mere words are inadequate to United Church, Oshawa. express our gratitude to each 24-1 and every one who have helped1 us through these days of sudden sornow. Also those wbo sent D eaths beautiful flowers, cards and kind words of sympathy. We PROCTOR-PARKER-At Mem- wouîd also like to tbank the orial Hospital, Bowmanvilie on doctors and nurses wbo heiped Tuesday, June 11, 1957, Percival Mrs. Fowler in her hours of William (Dick) Procton-Panker sickness. Thank you ail so very in bis 43rd year, beloved bus- mucb. band of Ivy Simpson. Service Elmer Fowler, John, mother was held at the Morris Funeraliadbohr 241 Chapel, Bowmanviile on Wed- adbohr 41 nesday. June 12 at 4 o'clock. eepin Interment Bowmanville Cerne- R cpin tery. 241 Mr. and Mns. Arthur Saunders, VANDM, Crnelus-A the27 Waverley Road, wili be at VAN AMConeliu-At thehome to their fiends on the Çommunity Hospital, Port Penny, occasion of their Fiftieth Anni- Ent.. on Friday, June 7th, 1957, esronTudaJe20 Cornelius Van Dam, brother of vsry 2:0 o hus5y.Jue20,1 ffacob, Nestleton, Ontario; Mrs. fon2:0t5.41j Benschop, Bowmanvilie, andi five sisters in Holland. Rested MF. and Mrs. F. G. Smith, at the Chapel of McDerrnott- Long Sault, wili be at home to Panabaken, Pont Penny, Ont. their neighbors and friends o ni Service was held on Monday at the occasion of their Fiftieth 2 p.. Itermnt estitonWedding Anniversary on Wed- Cernetery. 24-1 nesday, June 26th, from 7 to 101 VARCOE-Mrs. Ethel Varcoe, the former Ethel Couch, passed away June 10 at Doctors' Hos- pital, Toronto. Funeral fromi Miller Funeral Panlours, Spring- grove and St. Clair Ave. W., Thunsday, 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Couch is -sunvived by one brother. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Grills will receive friends and neighbours at the home of their son Mn. and Mrs. Orval Grills on Saturday, June lSth from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9, on the occasion of their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. 23-2«, FLOOR polisher for nent at Mao &Vnn ~fi DalHrdwaxre.n36 ,King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Pbillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut automatica]ly, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf I HARD and sof t water delîvened. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf ANTIQUE platform rocker and love seat, Victorian style, excel- lent condition. Telephone MA 3-3406. 24-if TWO gates, 12' and 3': used lawn mo wer, used toilet suitable for cottAige, cbeap. Phone MArket 3-5116. 24-1* CEDAR posts, clotbesline poles, poles, wood and cedar trees. Stephen Jeffery, R.R. 3, Bow- manville. 23-2el SPACE beater, tank, pipes, com- plete. Used only two months, $35.00. Cheerio Cottage, West Beach, Bowmanville. 24-2 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electnical appliances, 1arie and crnoil . nde ar -ToA MODERN General Electric -4-i burner heavy duty range, dleani and in excellent condition, likel new, also electric refrigerator. Phone MArket 3-5404 any timel or MA 3-5366 Saturday or Sun- day. 24-1* DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will cail at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MArket 3-3609, Bowmanviile. 48-tf THREE-piece chesterfield, one occasional chair, electric range, automnatic washer, coffee tables,! 6 chrome chairs, table, cabinetl radio, stroller, dishes, other household articles. Girls' coats, sizes 8 and 16; boys' coats, si7es 36 - 38. Family leaving town. Apply 116 Scugog St. 24-1* RESTAURANT equipment - 2 pop coolers, $75 each: 1 bot dog1 warmer, $50.00; 1 hamburger[, grill (gas), $20.00; 1 potatoi chipper, $111.10 (electrie); i potato dicer, $10.00, 2 smal gas plates, sundry pots, panis, dis- Play shelves. Phone Orono 1028 or write George Collins, Orono. 23-21 APPLIANCES - International1 Harvester 10.5 cubic foot refrig-1 erator, oniy $285, International' 8.1 cubic foot nefrigerator, $225; Kelvinator wringer washer witb pump, l1-lbs. capacity, regulan $229 for only $139 and your old wasber; used Easy Spindry washer, $69.95. at Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5689. 24-1 TOMATOES, brussel sprouts, sage, peppers, asters. verbenas, saivia, arctotes. zinnias, petunias. datura, cosmos, nicotinc. stocks. marîgolds, scabiosa. Special: giant snapdnagons, 20c dozen; geraniums, 35c; Sweet William. Pink bergomot, cup and saucer,j colius, begonia, columbîne, lin- um, Russell lupins, giant Pacifici delphinium, etc., African violets, 85. Ail guaranteed. Mrs. Abrams, 1 St. George St. 24-11 USED Farm Impiements-New Holland haler, moton dniven:1 International 3-bar side deiivery rake, John Deere 71/' ft. low- wheeled cultivator, Case tractor, Model VAC with loader, hy- drauiic mower and scuffler; Massey-Harnis "22" tractor, Farmail Super "A" tractor, In- ternational W-D-6 diesel tractor. International W-4 tracton at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 Kingi St. E., Bowmanvilie. Telephone MA 3-5689. 24-1 rTo1 nfnr Work Wainted HAY mowing. Phone MArket 3-2186. 24-1* MUSTARD and weed sprayxng. Telephone MA 3-2111. 24-1 CUSTOM work done, tractor, also chain saw. Phone Clarke 2r 11. 24-1 23SSAKN and altera- tions, and drapes made. Phone MA 3-5348. 23-tf EXPERIENCED typist would like typing to do at home. Tele- phone MA 3-2721. 23-3* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free estimates. Harvey Partner. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf BRICKLAYING, plastering. Nor- man Pingle, 72 Elgin St., Bow- manvîlle. Phone MA 3-5518. 12-15 NEW plastering and repairs. Suco and cernent plastering. A C.Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf EXPERIENCED lady will mind cbildren while mother works. Burketon area. Phone MArket 3-2228. 5 24-1 bYON girl desires housework bthe week, sleep in: Bowman- ville or Oshawa districts. Phone MA 3-2865. 24-1 GUARANTEED repairs to al makes of cars and trucks, al jobs are guaranteed, competent workmanship, at Cowan Equip- ment Co., Meteor-Mercury Deal- er, 134 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-tf CUSTOM WEED SPRAYING GRAIN AND CORN Pre and Post Emergence WEED CONTROL Wm. G. Jewell PHONE MA 3-2987 24-1* Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Bulldozing and Excavating Wayne Elliloit i Newtonville Phone Clarke 5121 18-8 * PLUMBING HEATING Real Estate for Sale1 Real Estate f or Sale SIX -roomn bungalowv, ail con- veniences and garage. Phone MArket 3-3730. 23-2* SEVEN-room brick home, Wel- lington Street. New gas furn- ace. MA 3-3588. 24-1 SEVEN-roomn frame bouse, new- ly painted, recently decorated, in Newtonville. Phone Clarke 614. 24-1* EXCELLENT lot in Hampton,- 66' x 147', near church, school and store. Priced to seli. Tele- phone MA 3-2036. 24-1* LAKE Ontario, Bowmanville, 3j bedrooms, ranch type cottage, furnisbed, inside conveniences. Write P.O. Box 124, Oshawa. 24-3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont.1 Two blocks nortb of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER At the commencement of our fourth year in the Real Estate business in Bowmanville we would like to thank ail our friends and acquaintances, whose help and confidence has made! this possible. We welcome your listings. Buying or selling - see us or caîl. 52 King St. W. MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER A 5 room insuibric bungalow on No. 2 Highway between New- castle and Newtonville, oul furn- ace, electric, weii. Price $4,300. Reasonable terms. Phone Arnold Wade Clarke 26 r Il 31 acres facing No. 2 Highway and new cloverleaf, also 4011 Highway at the back, good bank barn, including 4 cows, 12 sheep, chickens. This is a real invest- ment at the price asked. Store with living quarters, on the main corner in Newcastle, suitable for any line of business. Asking $ 15,000. Open for offer. 8 room soiid brick bouse, al conveniences,, on main street of Newcastle, suitable for two families, $10,000 with $1,500 down. Easy termis on balance.1 Money to loan H. C. PEDWELL Newcastle Phone 38561 24-1 i De WiIh Real Estate1 Leask Real Estaie 5 noom new bungalow, 3 bed- room, 4-piece bath, large lot. Low monthly payments. $2,500 down. 7 roomn brick and framed bouse in Newcastle on one acre land. Low taxes, 4 bedrooms, spring on property. Water in bouse. Full. pnice $6,000.00. Terms. 4 noom new cottage on West Beach. Fully furnished, insulat- ed, heavy wiring, pressure sys- temn, hot and cold water on tap, tile floors, $4,000.00. 6 room bouse in Hampton, 3- piece bath, heavy wiring, double garage, '/ acre land. Terms on this beautifully iandscaped prop- erty. List with Leask 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 2- JPeter Feddema ,,REAL ESTATE BROKER General farm, 275 acres, dlay loam; 12 roomn frame bouse, bath, furnace, barn 200 x 36. Priced to selI. Christmas tree farm, 140 acres. Pnice $40 per acre. Terrnis. 50 acre farm, 6 roomn frame house, pressure system, barn 50 x 30. Price $6,500.00. Terms. 2 acre lot in Hampton. Price $2,000.00. 2 apartment insulbrick bouse, 7 nooms, pressure system, oul furnace. Price $5,500.00. Down $3,000.00. 7 room insul brick, kitchen, living-room, dining-room. 3 bed- rooms, bath. Price $5,000.00. Down $1,000.00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MArket 3-3644 Salesman J. J. Hartwig, Hampton Phone MArket 3-2035')4- Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 F ull pnice only $3,900.00 Terms arranged. 3 fain-sized rooms and bath. Heavy wining, sewer and water. A lovely iittle home.* $10,500.00 - $3.000.00 Down 7 rooms, brick veneer, on al large lot in a lovely location. $9,500.00 - $4,250.00 Down ,Modern 2-bedroom bungalow with attached garage. Oul furn-1 a ce. Very centrai. Extra lot. $700.00 Full Price Building lot 75' x 103', wateri and paved street. $8,500.00 - $3,000.00 6 rooms, semi-attached, very centrai. $11,500.00 - $2,800.00 Down Beautiful new 3 bedroom bungalow in the country. Ahl conveniences. Bargain. 'Cars fer Sax '50 FORD. APPlY 63 iW., Apt. 2. I -if 1947 CHEV., radio, directionai signais, good condition, $175., Telephone MA 3-2675. 24-î*! USED Trucks-1952 G.M.C. 3 ,ton dump, 1950 Mercury i,, . n, pickup at Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E., Bowmanville., Phone MA 3-5689. 24-1' USED trucks-1948 Internation.1 al KV2 pick-up, 1948 Chevrolet. 34ý-ton stake, at H. C. Downham, Nursery Co., St. George Street,1 Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5690.1 24-11 1954 CHEVROLET Belair 2. door, radio, back-up ligbts, two-1 tone, low mileage; 1954 Ford 2. door, two-tone, low mileage; 1953 Plymouth Station Wagon, 1951 Oldsmobile "88" sedan, automat- ic transmission; 1950 Dodge Sta- tion Wagon; 1948 Dodge sedan at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele- Phone MA 3-5689. 24-1 1954 CHEV. coach, Power-glide, $1,095; 1954 Ford tudor, $1,095, guaranteed. For the best buy in a new or used car caîl Jack Lees, Manvers Road, telephone Newcastle 3831. Your local Ford, Monarch Sales and Service Representative f o r Seawvýy Motors Limited, 428 King St. West, Oshawa. Telephone RA 5-8141. 24-1 PALMER 1MOTOR SALES Used Cars 1956 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 2-door 1955 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Sedan, V-8, Powerflite, radio 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 FORD SEDAN 1953 OLDSMOBILE "88"0 Sedan radio, .automatic transmission 1953 CHEV. Special SEDAN 1953 METEOR Custom Sedan 1950 DODGE SEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET COACHI Used Trucks 1954 FARGO 'sa-ton Express PALMEB MOTOR SALES Plymouth - Chrysler Cars Fargo Trucks 20 King St. E. BoiwManv,1 _____ ____ ____ 24-J InsuranceI Wýalter 'Couôch, Onno. a a f - wýa"re. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf L1JU.U I ~ iTIME FOR SPRINIG WORK 46 ace ladm w0tbx40' ars Slsank.A.Bro Jwi brother C. A. Cowan, New- Co igE ett1*Frth ietPit anwihLsaetetnin castle. 24-1*- DO youn own floos-Rent a * oGh ietPit eneral Masonr br it -hae xtnin Kinsmen Club Street Bingo sanden or a floor polishen frorn * For the Latest Papersy spring, wells, impiement shed, WARREN-At Buffalo, N.Y., on wiil be held Fniday, June 14 at Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., * For the Best Workmanship James NOKioxon Insurance Agencymedfrme am s Nxo Monday. June 10, 1957, MISSI 8 p.m. 23-2 Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL 1 bouse with heavy wiring. Pnice Ci MayE arn gd8 er,1HmtnCmtr eoain3-tf FtmtsFe $10,000. Ternis arnanged. REAL ESTATE BROKER sfryu MaE Wa renMis a 8Wens amtn eetr DcrainS. G. Preston & EsimtenFee200 acre dairy 1f arm with th Beaiful4ooranvick bun- densitr fMisAd arren IDay, June 16. Service at 2:30 USED washer parts and nepairsPhones Vbest of buildings, 10 ans ilk th low ui B4-onanvick b3-iec and Mns. Jane Cowan, New- p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. H. A. 1/ h.p. motors, $5 up. Pickup L.Tune quota, large barn witb water bath, ol furae bayw castle. Service was beld at the Mellow, Oshawa. 32 n delîveny. Paddy's Market, MA 3-5912 MA 3-.3701 Phone MA 3-3072 or 3-3231 bowls and steel stanchions, steel hadodfor, eavylwcing Monrii n ensdyFune Kendi Suday choo nn- Hampton. Phone MA 3-2055. 44-tf P. O. Box 177 boxes, 2 cernent silos, 2 drive-in garage and lot. $9,300. Ters(nuac _______on_______________________Shoo Ani- 3-2 13-tf sheds, etc.: 12 roomed brick Outside Bowmanviile Plu I 12 at 2 o'ciock. Interment Bond vensary will be .beid June 16tb 32 For Rent bouse witb funnace, etc. Pnice acre ail with this 4-roomne klead Cemetery. 24-1 at 1l a.m. Guest speaker wili. INSULATION, blowing metbod, Help ane $25.000. Ternis. bungalow with oil heat, bad be Rev. P. Romeril. Blackstock. iwith rock wool. Workmansbip APARTMENT for nent. Phone ' 226 acre farn on No. 2 High- wood and tule floors, mode In Memoriam 23-2 guaranteed. Frnee estimates. MA 3-5798. 24-1 BERRY pickers. Apply 55 way, 150 acres workabie, ne- kitchen, 4-piece bath, alurnini - Hanry L. Wade. Phone Clarke LibrtyN. or Phon MA 3-5800. mainder pasture and bush, storrns and screens, town watr Nursery School ciosing xili be 2420. ________________ 241*stramM75x6' fnkban wth$4.00dow.Pohonell BEECH-In loving memony of hedTedy ue18, at the242420.t3e-tf APARTMENT forbarent. Phone0ey clone hl usaJnleMArket 3-3573. 24-1 nunning water, implement shed, Country living-7-roomstn Alymer H. Beech who passed Lions Community Centre, 2:30 McCORMICK - Deening binder, away in Sunnybrook Hospital, p.m. Silver collection. Public 6 ft.; Deeing nake, 9 ft.; buck- FOUR-roomed apartmnent. Tele-FULL tirne clerk. female, for etc.: 8 roomed frame bouse with1bouse ih approximately June l7th, 1954. welcorne. 24-11j rake, disc plougb for eitber Ford phone MAnket 3-3796. 24-11 gnocery store. Phone MA 3-3391.1 pressure systeni. Asking price acres, wwitbi heavy wiring..$2.0 hne A 335 Gone into that light1 or Ferguson. Phone RAndolpb 24-11 $17,000. Terms arranged. 1down. Immediate possession. That shines so fair, Dance at Blackstock Recrea- 8-8914. 23-2* TWO-noomed upstairs apant- 50 acre farm. with 45 acres 6nom solidi brick, hardiod19t Gone from the earth tion Centre, June 21. 8:30 p.m. ment. Appiy 101 Scugog St. STRAWBERRY pickers. Appiy wonkabie; 62'x30' bank barn, im-, and tile floors, 3-piece bath, uW 0f sorrow and came. Sponsoned by High Schooi. THIRTEEN acres of standing 24-21 Robent Mutton, 45 Concession plement shed, ben bouse: 8 funnace, modemn kitchen, fn-fL~.L LU Resting those hands Music by Hilibiliy Ramblers. j ay. Please make offen at H. C. I St. E. Phone MA 3-3352. 24.1* noorned stone bouse with furn- place, many extras. Possessio That did their best Admission, 75e single, 51.00 Downharn Nursery Co., St. TWO nooms foI4 couple, witb EHNCfr oe aae ace. beavy wiring, etc. Excel- arranged. $1.500 cown.PIN bec. hoeM kt Gone loved one, couple. 24-1: George St., Bowmanviîîe. Teîe-hdo nmanfor ne mile Appîy at Cowan Equipment Co.,letsufrmktgadng 3-apartment, il moims in Ne-3-94 Gone to rest.i phone MA 3-5690. 24-1 east. Phone MA 3-2865. 24-1 14Kn t . i or cash crop. Price $9.500. castle, hydro. close to min IHETpcspadfrie -Lovingiy remembered b7 hisi Regular weekiy bingo beld13KigS.EBwavle rnsste. wife Stella and familv. 24-1 I Thursdays except third week in 1 HEARING aid service, testing FURNISHED apartment to nent. -_24-14 8 Te rm saedclse tre40et spulayrggosefeahersfethe ________ the montb whicb will be heid 1 service and complete stock of Apply Huyck's Hairdressing, 67 EXPERIENCED housekeeeper, a smail town witb 98 acres wonk- ment shed, 7-noomn frame bos.adrwfrs hncA324 G DALI ongmmron Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 1 batteries and cords at Higgon King St. W., Bowmanville 24.1* ne 60vaspfredfoab,6'xObnk anwihiletng3-eebtmi GoHel n Gac oai wheo20 regular games and a jackpot 1Eiectric Limited, 38 King St. E., PSUEwt temadbm lel ayntbdidn osteel stanchions. watcr bowls, kitchen, bard and soft wt, passd avayon undv Jne ame. No game undcr $3.00.1j Bowrnanviile. Telephone MA for mn. ilmetspaey.sepin. 89 Churcb St. Bow- impiement shed. lien bouse, heavy wining. Investigate ti L îd flv oln at 17. 1948.' Adiio c.2t 54820f Hav for sale. Phone Claian manville. Caîl after 5. 24-1* garage: 9 roomed brick bouse one. c.TpTrnopie ada witb ail city conveniences. Price More beautiful homes advu orfrlreo ml God kno\ws how much I miss her Garden party and bazaar. GEHL, forage barvester with 3811. 24-1 RECEPTIONIST and secretary 512,500 with terins arranged. fmspicdtse.quttes Wehv ouon Neyer shail hiem memnory fade. Cadmus. Wedncsdav. June 19, rnower bar and hay pickup. Also TWO rooms, upstairs, beavy in professional office, aftennoons 5 roomed, new, insu*lated 47 iceSt omavll ane.M.FatBehnyRR \vandcspt hres iladi gram by :rs. Mountgomnerv & pipes. A-i condition. Appy H. ren. 40 Odell St. Phone MA have some office expeience. basement, 4-piece bath, water 241 7r13 To he potwhee se i lad.Co., Oshawa. Admission: Adults. Geîssbenger, Hampton, Phone 241 rfeaywoanve30Appesueytmodm kch ---Sadiy missed by husband and'supper and concert, $1.00: child- Oshaiva H -98 3- M5.24- I un blywîn ox 3. p-pestiefloose, maudeyrtbs, tc. 2-t famil. 24-1ý!re,_50cconert_______0eRA5-493._ 232_NEW__________m buplin .ritin aBx676, c/oen i forludytbtc famil. 24.* ren SOc concrt ony, SO. j -pi.. NEW thre-bedroorn bngalow Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box Price $7.900 with $1.800 down. ~I TeCnda ttsa 24- EIHTpîee ok înîg-nomon two acres land, ahi onl 0 owrnanviile. 24-211 6 roomed new brick veneer 'U UJ L LARGE-In loving Lnoe heanuiCofard suite, chestenfieid and two veniences, at Cnooked Cmreenînîign ranch style bungalow in Boiw- Mmbr saaadDitct C A SFE'O our mother Maude M. L , . înder The 'ulCuc aaechairs. sideboard and china cab- Phone Clarke 2222. 24-1* 'nItllgn manville with oil furnace, full Mebr aOsacaad i 1udrteauspices of the Bow- inet, Cofficld washer. Willis Up- MRIDMN aeet adodadtl elEtat Board WNT-Y#I~I~~. 1952. wyJue1th avll ..L ..B.A. ghtcaiet randpiano. cee- ROOM. with board if desired.f frepnifrfr. floors. 4-piece bath, mode 600 acre stock fanm witb 50' Ti19e52.faesan i l iiattend the Il a.rn. service phone MA 3Î-3555. 24-1 for one or txvo pensons; garage. kitchen, unning hotand cold resworkable. balance bshXRA E Till ernov fads an lif of Trinity United Church on 675.c/oThetftur,_mst________________hta___ld cre depants iSna' ueit. cbr oNWi hetm opoetaiWrite Box 65 /oTeCanadian I Excellent uue utb willing water. etc. Asking price $10,500 and Pastune. 3 barns, 100x5,..___ You vil live foneveî' in ounîmeet at thJue 6hallat 0:3) rn. oum planthets against pet andStatesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- wiorker and interested un learn- with ternis aranged. ' 90.x40, 50x4O. 5 silos. StabeATCE O A> beants.. manville. 24 ikbsnss rvn r d erac tl IMmbrsofoterlogs ls'dsese W cnpefom hi ig heMbungalow in Bowmanville with wîth runnîng watem, Prîcedfo FORET .HLWAED. -Eileen. Elsie. Fern' , ,clcordialN invitc'd. 24-i service for you wth our new LAKE front farnily cottage at truck an asset. Starting sallary guc ae 5000wt e Lois. Helen and Shirle.. 24-1,1 -Solo sraver. Phone Fritz Marti Ve aeo ae uoSZomnhy rehuev full basement, ou furnace, bard- 2quic e sal. k550,000owih trsASFRSL 1TeWarden and Council of VNursLake onAF3e50house w oth and 27 ace sockfar oX LST OUN . TC..g I no y f The UN utseryn tM As3f-5012.-18-tf th ee bedroom s, good boat, t -t n v en.e .es w al .eT hisgishoneaof the best *.modernh a . minsmum ofeBof th MORRIS-In loving memoryNoSthe Unitd Countiesof North-handy to store. H. Cantrell,'ýîtY co ktchen. etc.,. heati9,500.ot anu inluheatem, mouemn a dear wîle, mnotner andu grand- 1 umbeniand an Durham, cordial- PAT:Cbae alfoe Orono. Telephone 14410 a e To start immediately or not later Temmagd brick bouse. with attached 2-a :Ifcrq1nadiial5e* mohr l MreMis who!I V invite vnu tb attend the opfen-! n om tS ,n t-,P.m. 22-.3"'i han September 1. AIph' I T rmrned.wiecahadgrgbsalct ovnecs *Acag f2ewI emd o ~ îing of the New Municipal Hall mato. Picase telephone Hertz -a_8______wite________garge,_____l_______vni passed awa\ June l6tb. 1956. nd Court House at Cobourg, berg's at MA 3-2200. Fanm i.THREE unfurnished. room. r Mafo11215 cr bouse wîthtr We lostMa other iitha heartir.le wFarm3 W of a o i ednedavouae I9t Themile cast of Salemn Corner. Brngreadv July 1lst. Heat, hbvdno and I rgwillFurFar piece batbroom, kitchen cup- o12 cate Tru stan NOIE -CMNGVET Who was more t u ha Honorable Leslie M. Frost, vour own containers. 24-2 i bot water suppliid at $50 per; TYRONE, ONT. boards, bandwood f bons, fui uth trouhetr ams5200. N ARS0 HNS . weathunol. s ha jM.P.P.. Premier of Ontario. \vill- montb. Write Box 677, c/o Thicij ,- basement. double garage, 103'x. îhtrs : caWr ihamnmmc W eiho nt l h.fh alepfficiailv open the building at;ADDING machines. tvpewritens, Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box I 113' lot. Price $8,00() with $1,(00j 15 acres level garden len : l0 o 5wrso e. With onfrly enel s l euet 8 p.m.. after ivhich the building cash registers, cheque writcrs, 190,Bwavle 24-2 TO you rscl raigtildowun. Open for offer. ' $3.500 with termns. . roomeh nsubnicmbousruns2 acrs formank. oane, .reseTS ENGGE ':aMARIAGES. DE xii be open for the inspec- fiiing cabinets, office funiture. insertion, a chance for bigger b t 4 nubic oseilý arsfo akt. .g5.0 eep. btGo asg ine ino ule 23-2ncw and used. Repairs to ail profits and better income is1 Newtonville. converted for two Iwut stream. $4,000 wît,, terms e neta One f th bes motens he ma'dosSunaWalthoo Anr-:nc , 177 C.-h. i __________________ forCop ySalaeluswih aag adexra ,2 acres wîth 2 trout stream : H EOIM ________________Ioffencd.OrCmpn spro-faiesthgreanexa wone o n etin hsted. HrarvSrie ilb ed14t 1YRSIE p Aplv gressîng ,yand more than .ever our lt.11a o 0 od 0clear Ion main countv road. 100 Secoc .10 10alnfovre -Sai msd ntindber jSnaev ice Jun e el23t2:04nd7:3) ,iBiI2 wc YMAO-9K.S2-IRdEîsareindenadbeig f stte Asrn $.30.OpcuCorpreistitmsares.Goo cl-esîasif*daIUd pîq -al isdb e ubnSud,- ue2 t23an7:0of 4c r. tage site. $1.100 witb terms. *.ic ihamnmmon n . Sidney and familx'. -4-1" ..Gus pekratbt'BED, hrown metal, -1¾ size --- - --- 'h fntcu]iv edd vr-.Re,ý,taurant. modern up-to-daei,*Aduonlisrin services wisp eake. Philip springs and feit mattress. $20.00: TWO bred sxs W. A. Tom- xvhere and fast sales obtained.' BesiJes ahove rnertioned %ve' nad oeyhm a deanG-m othr ng mranmotr. o mesi woflbe prsoid e hxthecable spnings, $2Q.00; spning mat-, '24-1 jSoon vou vil be the boss of a farms and homes to choose rom Resau. rt. mo.rice St-:. tiofcentarth /. Effie Vena Strong %who Passed .Siîndav School. assisted i the trcss ', size. $5.00. Teiephone FEHi gan oe u ood and depn'i-menab outinçrste o us hg, I.s Mrs. L. Mason. MAnket 3-.5553.iT ~Ctar iBwnnil aI, ~ rmnyad,. awav June 13. 19,52. ti~~aftemnoon b.\Mn, .Ross Metcaîf f 24f-sh1 sJnhn F.sme aDe Witeforde'Beach.xv ar Jflf ii ': Bzed., ndsav moey More cach passinc dav v ms'atnd in the evening bv the Ked- - to veal. Appîx' Z. J. Benschop. i rcpre.-ntcd in \(or 1icaIitx'v :F.: hî u frhnd eernuc lier, ron Male Quartet te. Consult j MORRIS Co. have been appoint- Phone~ MA 3-2926. 22.3*1 wili have anoth;-r intercF'tini iealtor and Generai linsurance L'eII with irow down ravment .. Manv thnnk the xound s wxtNeek's edition for Dominion 'cd Singer Sewing Machine ne- \a tdya hr miiu erNecaste Phoneon41 y t1s uilugh Fridoy f heaied ' Day, activities. 2- presentatives for the Bowman- W ne erweeaniiu esniaemn .A RN But shen lFound know the soraow, viDEADdistrccippîedefammastock,,lbave a chance to do somnething Donald Mountjoy, Boxvimanville i.A RN 3 u o Nc Lyin inourheats oncale., F unda Snge-th fiestin ewin and adimprove armstocird ipituation. tatin. 3MA 9500 AD IALTR TE AN :-Lovingly remembered by' machines. Vanious attachments picked up promptly. Phone MA Free information at 1600 Delor- ' Daniel Borlbm - lont Iop,' l7*.' LIàiîchti . Bowmrnile*,ilMAk330 - dau0 Mary. son-in-iaw How- BLACK Persian cat. Can be l aso in stock. Telephone M 13-2679. Margwiil Fur Fanm, imier, Dept. 65, ttinC ,Mot TU 5-5012 MA 3-3986 foÇlsfidASevc -ard and family,. 241 lîad at 59 Wellington St. 24-1 3-5480. 46-tf Tyrone. 26-tf real. 23-4 24-1 24 EAVESTROUGHING Tony Baars 66 King St. WV. MA 3-5172 BOWMANVILLE 23-31 AM CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTAIUO tumi6ý-- M-AL Il