THTJRSDAV, JUT~E lSth, 105? PAGE FWTEEM TI!E CANADXAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANVILL!, ONTARIO Ckussified JUDICIAL SALE The' South Haîf of Lot date o! the sale and in de- Number Six in the Ninth fault of making any such ob-j ',Concession of the Township jections, the Purchaser shahl .d, iEast Whltby be deemed te have accept- W4The Supreme Court cf ed the title. )Mt 1?Ontario 10. The description of the property i the annexed In the Matter of the Par- particulars is believed te be tition Act R. S. 0. 1950 correct but if any error be Chapter 269. found therein, it shall not Pursuant te the order of the annul the sale nor shahl any Local Master made in this Cause, compensation be allowed int there will be offered for sale respect thereof. by public auction in one parcel Il. If any objection to the tille bY the undersigned Local Master shahl be made which the at the Court House in the Town Vendor shahl be unable orc cf Whltby and County o! Ontario unwilling to remove, the at the heur o! twe o'clock in the Vendor shqil be at liberty afternoen on Friday, the Sth to rescind tTe sale in whihch day cf July, 1957, the followingz case the Purchaser shal lands and premises known as the receive back the amount South hall o! Lot number Six in paid in full satisfaction ofr the Ninth Concession of the al daims. Township of East Whitby, more 12. If the Purchaser fails to Particularly described as here- comply with the conditions inafter set forth. aforesaid or anv o! them, The property will be o!fered the deposit and ail other for sale subject te a reserved payments made thereon bld fixed by the said Local shaîl be forfeited and the Master. The Purchaser shaîl property mav be resold andt Pay down te the Vendor's solic- the deficiency, if any, on1 ltors on the day o! sale ten per such resale, together withc cent of the purchase money and ahl charges attending the re-1 sh4ll pay the balance of the sale shahl be made good byI purchase money into Court the defaulter.1 without interest within thirty 13. Time shal e o! the essenceV days alter the date of sale, of these conditions.3 adjustments to be made as of Dated at Whitby, Ontario thisc date of completion o! the sale. 1Oth day o! June, 1957. The Purchaser shaîl search the "JH E.PICAD title at his own expense. T he "JoHNl sE RITHAD Vendor shaîl not be bound t Local MaeCort fOtro produce any abstract o! titie or curm or fOtro any deeds or evidence of title Description of Land to be Soldc other than those in her posses- Ail and Singular that certaint sion and control. In ahl other parcel or tract o! land and prem-1 respects the conditions of sale ises situate lying and being int are the standing conditions of the Township of East Whitby in$ sale o! the Court as modîfied by the County of Ontario and beingS the conditions o! sale settled by composed o! the south hall of the undersigned. Lot number Six in the Ninth On the premises is said te be Concession of the said Town- erected a house, a barn and ship as more particularly de- other eut buildings used in the scribed in Instrument NumberE operation o! a farm. 24305 registered i the Registryh Further particulars and con- Office for the County of Ontario ditions o! sale may be obtained and containing one hundred fromn A. B. Patterson Esquire, acres more or hess. ~olicitor, Cannington, Ontario, Agreement of Purchase c e ephone 67 or from C. W 1 ge oprhstelad Morrison Esquire, Sutton Wfest Iaret uchs h ad Ontario, Telephone 531. and premises described in theC Dated at Whitby, Ontario this advertisement for sale issuedC lOth day of June, 1957. herein upon and subject te theF termis, stipulations and con- "JOHN E. PRITCHARD" ditions therein and above set eut Local Master at the price o! Supreme Court of Ontario. Dollars which I agree te pay as IN THE SUPREME in the said advertisement and F COURT 0F ONTARIO above provided.9 In the Matter of the Par- Dated at Whitby, Ontario this s tition Act R. S. O. 1950, day e! June, 1957.S Chapter 269. SIGNED, SEALED And in the Matter of Rule and DELIVERED ) Number 615 o! the Rules o! In the Presence o!f Practice.) Conditions of Sale of the) t h Halfd!Lot Six in the a, .ýnth Concession of the U' r wnship of East Whitby. di "The property described in cZ the annexed particulars will e be o!fered for sale subject te a reserved bid free o! en- - cumbrance. 2- highest bidder shahl be 2- Purchaser. In case o! Notice to Creditors- Azw ute between bidders. S preperty shahl immed- AND OTHERS fatel1y be put up for sale IN THE ESTATE 0F JAMES - . a o! the parties te the WILLIAM DUNN. sale proceedings shahl be at IN THE ESTATE 0F ANNA 01 liberty to bld. MARIE DUNN. ai 4. Ne person shail advance less The Trustee Act R.S.O. 1950, in than One Hundred Dollars Ch. 400 Sec. 51. i at any bidding and ne bid Creditors and others having shail be retracted. dlaims against the above-named - 5. The Purchaser shaîl at the deceased or either o! them, who time o! the sale pay down died at Bowmanville, Ontario, a deposit o! ten per cent o! on the 26th and 28th days of - the ameunt o! the purchase January, 1957, respectively, are RF xnoney and the sale shaîl be requeste d te send particulars and in completed within thirty full proof thereof te the under- lil days thereafter when the signed on or before July luth, t( balance e! the purchase 1957, alter which date the assets money shaîl be paid without o! the estate wihl be distributed R interest. Upon such pay- baving rýegard only te the dlaims Pl ment, the Purchaser shah ithat have then been received. d be entitled te a Conveyancel Dated in Bowmanville, On- E and te be let in te posses - tarie this 3th day o! May A.D. RI sien. 1957. e. 6. Immediately after the sale Lawrence C. Mason, m the Purchaser shaîl sign a Barrister & Solicitor, go contract te complete the sale 30 King St. W., E. according te these con- Bowmanville, Ont. - ditions. Solicitor for the 7. The Purchaser shaîl have Administrator of the Conveyance prepared at Anna Marie Dunn. his own expense and tender 22-3 the saine for execution. 8. AIL adjustments o! insur- Auction Sales FILL UP NOW AND STOVE and NU' LPEA BUCKWHEAT a Ads Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up to June 25th for painting the interior of Kirby School, S.S. No. 14, Clarke, the paint being sup- plied. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be sent to Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Orono, Ont. 24-2 TENDERS FOR FUEL CML Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, June l8th for supplying Fuel Oil for Port Hope and Bowmanville High Schools for the season of 1957-8. Port Hope requires Light In- dustrial No. 2 and Bowmanville No. 4 grades. The lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. Durham County District High School Board, H. W. Mitchell, Secretary-Treasurer. Port Hope, Ont. 23-211 Tenders will be received by the United Counties of Northum-1 berland and Durham for ad- ditions and alterations to thel Bowmanville Registry Office.! Drawings and specifications by Barnett & Rieder. Architects,I will be available at their office 301 Budge Building, Port Hope, on and after June 11, 1957. Tenders, shail be delivered by hand not later than 5 p.m., June 21, 1957, and addressed to the1 County Clerk of United Counties of Northumberland & Durham, c/o Barnett & Rieder, Archi-1 tects. 301 Budge Bldg., Port Hope, Ont. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. $10.00 depqsit for drawings and specificatiohs. 24-1 Lost BLACK and white beagle hound. Phone MA 3-5091. 24-1* FISHING rod and reel, Cotton's Oreek, Sunday. Phone MArket 3-3863. 24-1* GREY kitten, Monday, vicinity Ontario Street School. Reward. Phone MA 3-3802. 24-1' Personal EIYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid ini plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 tamples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. NJov-Rubber Co.. Box 91, Ham- iton. Ont. 1-52 "OLD at 40, 50, 60?" Man! Y"ou're crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For run- lown feeling many men, women call "old". New "get-acquaint- ed" size only 60c. All druggists. 24-1 Notices Dr. C. L. Austin anneunces Saturday hors, only by appoint- ment, until faîl. 24-3* Fish and chip orders to take out from 11 to 1 o'clock noon and from 7 to 10 o'clock even- ings. Friday and Saturday to il p.m. Phone MA 3-5579. 24-1* Repairs REPAIRS to ahl makes o! wash- ig machines. Pickup and de- very. Paddy's Market, Hamp- tn. Phone MA 3-2055. 23-2* RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and Jelivery. Lorne Doreen, 85 King E.Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS to nîl makes o! refrig- ýrators, domestie and com- nercial; milking coolers. Hig- Zon Electrîc Limited. 42 King St. i,Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Clock Repairs ]PICK-UP AND DELIVERY G. A. Brown S2 King St. E. MA 3-5136 BOWMANVILLE 24-1 Watch Repairing AT Ma rr s JEWELLER'F 3King St. WV. MA 3-5463' BOWMANVILLE 5- ýT 2 svs27.,5O0Ton o 24.50 Ton e 23.00 Ton 1957 FUELS Phone MA 3-5410 These Iow prices STEPHEN C.N.R. Yards Bowmanville SAVE I1OEYST RELLYNCE1 TOM N~ OME APTER A MW A~YS ORK AND RELAX ON TUIS SUPER- $F-SOFA! Faulty High, Gives Farm 1Faulty wiring led to 23( volts of stray electricity in water pipes and metal objects which could have resulted ir a serlous loss last Tuesday to the barn and prize Hoistein' herd owned by J. T. Brown, Newc'astle. Ail the trouble stemmec fromn an error in the wiring at the cloverleaf intersection of H-ighways 401, 2 and 115 which was just being completed. The wiring wvas being hooked up to the source in front of the Brown home and was accident- ally fed over the neutral line into the Brown farmn where il was carried through the barn or the water pipes. The accident was discovered 'HERE IS HOPE-Ki Editors Note: This bi-weekly article series about hospitahs,'and is publis newspapem in co-operation w: ciation. Everybody, at one time or other, bas walked across a thick, beavy carpet and then toucheci a radiator or ether metal abject te feel and even sec a spark o! electricity. Over the years such electri- city generateci by the human body, usualhy through friction, and even static electricity, bas been the cause a! great peril and grave anxiety te beospital andi medical personnel in an eperating room. Practicahhy every anaesthetic useci in an aperation te render the patient insensible te pain is exphoe-ve andi inflammable. Furthcrmare, being heavier than air, these gasses, wbile be- ing administered te a patient, accumulate in the lower parts o! the roem. Hospitals have, and are con- tinually, making improvements andi innovations toeleiminate the bazard o! explosion in an op- erating room. Explosion-proof SALEM We are very grateful te Mrs. F. Jackson, Tymone, for the beautiful picture which. she painteci for aur church. It cemtainly adds a note o! rever- ence te the front o! the church. Sevemal members o! our W.A. attendeci Tyrone W.M.S. tea at the home o! Mrs. J. C. Cook and enjoyed a pleasant and profitable a!ternoon. Mrs. M. C. Fisher, INewcastle, was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist, Miss Nelhie Ridehalgh, Whitby. were Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. E. Twist.i Members o! our Y o ung Peophe's Union attended the football toumnament at Lake- view Park, Oshawa, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wehsh and !amily wcre Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George God- dard, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black- burn and family arrived here i Saturdav from Edmonton where they have iveci the hast nine -ears. They are visiting friends and relatives here for a month before taking up residence in, Tarante where Walter bas a; position in Social Service work. BURKETON Sympathy is extendeci te Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Van Dam in. their bercavement in the death of their unche, Mr. Cornelus Van Dam o! Nestîcton, whol jdied in Port Perry Hospital. i The Sunday School and Church service is ealy during summer months. Sunday Scheol tat 10 a.m., service at 10:30 a.m. Everyone wehcome. Mr. and Mrs. Arundle-Evan3, Cecily and Richard, Toronto, spent the weekend at their farm home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams spent the weekend at *Mr. and Mrs., E.Cclrane*s farm, Raglan. IMi-. and Mrs. Russell Dean, Mr. and Ma. Elwgod McKcoi Mrs. Rilda Stevenson, Toron-Thscriintpodto. te, witb her mother, Mrs. A.Thscriintp odto. Hughes and Mrs. M. Archibalci. Equipped 1952 CHEV. SEDAN $825 with radio -$1P330J 1952 METEOR SEDAN $850 1950 BUICK Special SEDAN YoU Automatic transmission, custom radio, in A-i NEWSPAPER 1950 FORD COACH $595 condition $895 We bave many more cheaper cars in the 1949, 1948, 1947 and 1946 inodels from which to choose. These are ail in top running order. Robson Motors Lilmte IPONTIlAC, BUICKI, G.M.Ç. TRUCKS & VAUXHALL DEALERS Phon NA3-333 j166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-332' & 3-3322 bummer Coal Prices NOW IN EFFECT' Famous Reading Anthracite in effect until JuIy 1, lIT Dy WULLY & RIIIpH1 Handicapped Children WEI* CRTAINLV GT WELLI HOPE IT DOESN'T Receive Theraipy and OUR MONEYS YO W TAKE TIEM 100 LMN d aio tC nr SOUTA' IT.-AN4D JIJgT TINK «..TO LEARN TI4AT IT'S E u an u 'C n r OF TNE POOR NimBLEwITs« ALwAYS WISEp AND Another milestone has been Dr. R.A. Gill Oshawa, an reached bv' the Oshawa and Orthopedic Surgeon. Dr. Gilh W AVE TO SIFER WITt NME ECONOMICAL TO District Cerebral Palsy Parent and Dr. A. E.King, also o! Osha- TiIT GNUN-RCC-ILED LYRGU EEI Council. wa, gîve medical àdvicîe. TWT"GNIN- K-i UYRON ER NFour years age in March, the DcmnayFl EXCUSEFORA W A T*YBOWMANVILL first meeting was callcd in the DcmnayFl Sunay choh Hll ! Frs Through the great kindness Z Baptist Church, Oshawa. Suc- and patience o! Mrs. George Y cessive meetings for the next Thrasher, Bowmanvihhe, we now ~' -v year were in Oshawa Rotary have a Decumnenterv Film o! the Hall School and Cinie in operation. The Parent Council hopes in Stared Cntrethe future te establish !irst, a In March, 1954, a centre Mr cinie where handicapped chihd- *..**...*..* handicapped children from the ren mayv be fitted with necessarv '4area cemprising Ajax te Kings- aids,: second, a centre for handi-. ton and north te Columbus wvas cpe dls .. begun with Mrs. M. Henderson, cpe dls -. Oshawa, as vohunteer teacher. The mothers o! the children Did you know that there are assisted. The construction o! more lakes in the Canadian Rotary Hall made it impossible northland than in ahl the rest o! te carry eut a fuhl programme te the worhd put together? advantage. On invitation, the Centre was moved te Simcoe Hall, which is an ideal location. Equipment for educational chasses was pur- chased through donations and money from home-cooking sales MA3 30 and bazaars.MA3 30 I Eupmn frthe Physio- toir thray eprtlL ws ail Çi d onateci by the service clubs WANT-AD frmteareas represented, and istefietin any such clinie. SERVICE Mrs. Maud Brown and Irene, Fuhl Training iw ay W iring Mr. Roy Brown, Scugeg Island, A teacher and a hsoer with Mrs. Pearl Avery. apist were hireci by the Parent * I r. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton Council and a fuhl training pro- .o e~ a uand Roy were in Tweed with gramme was instituted. Dr. friends. Smith, an Oshawa, physician, byGead rwnwenh e- Mr. andi Mrs. H. Trick, offered his services gratis. t y erdeBaron wht e a aern dsyih redThrough the efforts o! our ___________ ri tredthebar to rawwatr Lndsa, wth rieds.teacher, Mrs. Beamish e! Osha-I sfor a sprayer and he unexpect- W.A. for June at the farm wa, our chass is now recognized Ai r. Rail or Steamshlp ri ediy received a joit o! ehectri- home o! Mrs. Les Taylor on by the Department o! Education, T à C R E 'r S :city as he touched the water Thursday afternoon, June 13. and inspected by the Office o!f' O EVERYIWHERE a tap. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilson, Inspecter o! Auxiliary Chasses,! Consult L, An ehectrical contracter was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allison. Toronto. I3i U R Y & L O V E L L calleci and it was founci that Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. rnprtl 1KigS.W MA378 I the pipes were carrying 230 George Allison. Transportation as aiwaysSa.BW.MAn 3;778 tvolts -which was suff icient te disttportonmduete he ast a __________ _______ fdarken the pipes !rem the in -istinct__________due____the_____ i tense heat.U1ElTfT territery served by the Clinie The current was alse ibeingHA P O and Sehool. Until 1955, the carried into the stanchiens in parents were responsîble, and ' which the cattle are tied but Mr. andi Mrs. Eric Phillips1Iwith three afternoens a week, it forunaelythecatie ereeutand children, Oshawa: Mrs. Ann was often a di!!icuhty. in pasture at the time. Pilp igtn were visitors In the fali o! 1955, the Bow- t Mr. Brown was attending a o! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burrows. manville Rotary Club offered te ri Hlstin onvntio intheUn- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kersey, take the children !rom this area, ited States when the incident Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. one day a week, Wednesday, and 1. occurred. Kersey. continued te do se until the Mrs. R. Selback, Oshawa, with Easter vacation o! this year. the Jamers. Under Department Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Harrison, Since recognition by the De- Port Perry, visited her parents, partm-ent e! Education in Feb- Mr. nci rs. . Adock ruary, 1955, the school hast been IIY.. Misses Ruth and Marie Pres- run according te Depar tt___ t cott attendeci the Orange Paradereuaoswih inratn ~~ ~ and Church Service at Baille- ac rds1-4 iedy The Super-Efficient bore, Sunday afternoen, ac- week. Se the transportation companied by Mr. and Mrs. Her- pelmbcm oeaue IO m il I~ ~î brtPrescott, Enfield. Ths bs nw ben esove Recent cailers at the Prescott Twit heas o!bEducation o! home were Mr. and Mrs. Ken-wt h ors fEuaino nethHary ad Geald Tyon- Ajax, Bowmanville, South Darl- Mrs. Wiardyad Bowan, Miss e;ington and Clarke Areas provid- 011 Heatinq Elsie Samis, Enfieid; Mrs. M. ein tr MARES TOUR PRESENT ~ and mMr.o HaDoEnnithend Miss Buck, Second Teacher HEATINCI EQUIPMENT Oakville, at Mrs. W. White's. The Parent Council engaged TWICE AS GOOD 'EL P -AN D H EA L IN G Mr. andi Mrs. Oliver McCul- a second teacher in April, 1957, lough o! Columbus andi Mr. andi te assist the Principal Mrs. Ha r- Saves You Money on Mrs. Charles Cowan o! New- oldi Beamish. Volunteer work- orFeCst wîlcotî îtretn fcs castle were Sunday visiters with ers are a wonder!ul help. The orFeCst wil cntininerstngfats Mrs. Robert McCulleugh. Parent Council engaged a Perm- hed as a public service by this Mr. and Mrs. S. Keane, Osha- anent Physiotherapist, Miss At- Phone or consult ith the Ontario Hospital Asso- wa, accompanied by his parents tersley o! Oshawa, in the faîl o!f Mr. and Mrs. Adam Keane, 1956, te succeed Mrs. Grif!iths JACK BRU CHÀ relectrie switches, shieldeci and Bowmanvihle, visited Mr. and and Mrs. Graves, supply ther- iguardeci lights, use o! mirrors Mîrs. T. Wray prier te Mr. and apists. Miss Attershev gives PLUMBING - HEATING ite reflect lîght and replace Mrs. Keane lcaving by 'plane te treatments te the children who Division Street South headlamps, elimination o! cau- visit relatives in Irehand, and attend the school as well as te, House Phone MA 3-3964 Lteries andi the installation o! also their son Bob, wife andi some who are physicahly able te conductive floors are now cern- family, near Manchester, Eng. attend a Public School, but need Phone - Office MA 3-561 monphace in most hospitals. Members o! the Horn family physiotherapy. OMNIL L The conductive floor acts in attendeci the funieral o! their We consider ourselves very O MNIL much the same way as the eldest brother John B. Hemn o! fortunate te have the services o!f ___________ small chain which hangs frem Dutton, Ont., at St. George's _______________________________ an ail or gasoline truck and Church, Pickering, on Mondav drags ente the highway it is afternoon. Interment was at' made o! a substance or material Pickering. Mrs. Lorenzo TrulI, through which electricity can Mrs. Austin Barron and Mrs. C R D A pass with îittîe or ne resist- Harlanci Trull also attended. ance. Its purpese is te leaci or Miss Doreen Holroyd, bride- o ueShsosrdb h conduct human or static ehectri- to-be o! Saturday was guest o!fnJn t posrdb h city eut o! the operating roomn honor at a miscellaneous show-1 and te be groundeci harmhesshy er hehd by cemmunity ladies on. oy-a £oieyofS.'LLp" Cuc ient e eit.Ng wee the Friday evening. The church H I a eiceyof~ Jsp' .uc patint eingopeatedupo is aseetw a s appropriatehyl "groundeci" se that. the explo- decorateci fer the occasion, gard- 1 I wnb sive risk is lesseneci stiîî more. n flowers adding their beauty Iwswnb Toda, bcaue ofmans othe room. She was the re-M S M ECLE Today becase o!man~ c ipient o! many îoveîy and use- R.A Y MTAF gepnuity aIndinvniv bhiity, fui- TRMtSDAIY, JMR 13th, 1057 TM CANADUN STATESMAN. 130WMM=Z. ONTAMO . PAGE npTEEN 1 11