PAGE SIXTEEN The Oroi iTeIepho r.and Mrs. C. V. Wilson spent the wcekend with hcr :i,ter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ransberry, Dorval, Quebec. Ms.Ir and Mrs. Wm. Scott, Calgary. Mrs. Ruth Fordyce, PEri. Pcnn.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Allun Pen- tound, Oshawa, xere recent visitors %%-ih Miss E. Penfoun-1 aind Mr. and Mrs. M . H. Staples. Con,raMtiaUons ta Mr.. and MIrs. Arth ur Saunders, Waver- Iv Road, Bow.manville, former- ]y of Orono, who wvll be mai- Frefi 50 car, June 17, 1957. Mr. atnd Mrs. Luthcr Davey. (joboujrv-. md Mi-. and Mrs. Alvin Jlonc . Pnrt Ilope, visited Mrs. Joliti Mort>-. Mtrs. John ,Arinstrong is vis- ting lier ýon, Mr. and Mrè,. Gcorg-e Armstrong and family, Timmins. Miss Velma Pritchard and Mr. Roy Fowler, Petenboroughà, called on Mn. and Mrs. Wm.1 Miller. Congcratulations ta Mr. and BINGO BIN( Iand Mrs. W. Davidson, Whitby.1 Mr. and Mrs. Miii Morris; an d Ross speni the weekend at n o News heir cottage, View Lake. ý110 e w s Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wonna- cott, Toronto, calied Saiurda « one 127 onl Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han- cock. _____________________ Mn. and Mrs. H. Luxion and family, Bowmanviile, speni Mrs. W. B. Hoar on their 25th Sunday wiih Mr. and Mrs. wedding anniversary June 8th.1 Bruce Mercer. Congratulations ta Miss JurÂe I Congratulations ta Mr. and Neilson, R.N., who received hen Mrs. A. Flynn on the birth of diploma in Public Health Nuns- their son, Ronald Edward, May ing from Western UniversitY,j 24th, 1957. London. Her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leishman. Mrs. Edward Neilson, attended Purlington, w e re weekend the Graduation Exercises. guests of Mr. and Mns. M. J. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis Tamblyn. wene weekend guests o! Mn. Mr. and Mrs. "Mickey" Ad- and Mns. Mervin Dickinson at 1 ams anrd family have returfied their cottage at Manjonie Lakce. ta live in Orone and have mov- Mns. Chas. Shaw and Scil ed into the Swancott house Ralph, Oshawa, called Satur- wesi of the forestny. day on Mrs. Harry Mercer. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Andron Mn. and Mrs. Francis Hall, and Allan, Toronto, visited on; Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Madison Hall. Mr. and Mns. Jack Brysin, Mrs. John Morris has moved Janette and Lynda, Coîborne, ta her bouse south of the Bake spent the weekend with Ms Shop. M. Shenwin and Laurence. nsic'isneNe ok Janette and Lynda were bap - Mrs cliigr e ok tized Sunday evening by Rev. Dr. Dobson, Alberta, Major R. 1 John Kitchen. . S. Gamey and Major Keni Mrs. James Lyceti bas ne- Hall, Toronto, visited Col. and turned home fnom visiting in Ms.1C.G ey Millbrook. Mrs. Maude Clysdale, To- Mns. Fred Bowen visited Mn. 'ronto, is staying with Mrs.: - - Chas. Harris. Mrs. R. R. Waddeli return- GO BI NGO ile Bowmanville Kinsmen Mammoth STREET BINGO to be held Friday., June 14 ai 8 p.m. on Temperance St. ai ihe New Posi Office SPECIAL GAMES WITH VALUABLE PRIZES Ample seating space for everyone We bave a store full of Gftt Suggestions for Father's Day. CoMelue suad look &round - Tou are sure to find something te please father. Listed below are a few of the many bargains we are featurlng this week. Sport Shirts Largest selection ini town from which ta choose, Regular $3.95 each SPECIAL for $5 SOCKS AIl Wool or Ail Nyloi- Regular $1.25 pair SPECIAL 2prs. $115 Ail WooI Work Socks Regulan 95c Pair SPECIAL ta I prs. $1.25 men's ress Pants I atid materiqIs make fathen happy. Regular 8.9i pair SPECIAL $.5.95 pair Bowma nvi île Surplus Store 42 King St. E. Phone M31uâ2l1 -rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMA&NVYLE. 9 Celebrates 8Oth Birthd Aw Pictuned with Mns.H.EI Tink an lber 801h birthdlay are lien thnee gneat-grandcbildreii, fi Paul Goode, Boyd Knox and ht Dean Knox. s Mn. and Mrs. Ross Gilbert Mrs.E. Tink celebnated a] and family have moved toi their 1 ber 801h binthday on Saturday, W fanm vhich they purchased May 111h ai the home of ber c2 ,from Mn. Donald Robb. 1 daugister, Mrs. Percy Dewell, Congratulations ta Dr. and Ha mpton.W Mns. H. Branton, Windsor, thel Friends and relatives from J former Shirley Flintoff, on tihe Oshawa, Bowmanville, Cherry-M birth of thein daugisten, a sister1 wood, Guelphs, Peterboroughs, for Paul, and ta Mn. and Mr.Sneiad onoPaiFr Carl Flintoff, Oshsawa, on the ny and Brooklin, called during B binth of iheir son Michael An- the afte:r*noon and evening. ai tbony, a brother for Margaret,1 Mns. Tink, before ber mar- 0 Mary and Veronica. Bath cou- niage, was Addie Pascoe, dau- sins arrived on June 6, 1957. giter o! thse late Mn. and Mrs. d, Mn. and Mrs. J. Waiker were Tisas. Pascae. She was born at 0 guesis ai the Whitbread-Can- Sauina and has lived in tisai S ning wedding in Centre Street community even since. Hen buis- M United Cbuncb, Oshawa, June band, tise laie Herbent E. Tink, m 1, 1957. passed away 14 years ago and p, Mn. and Mis. J. Ta mblyn Mrs. Tink bas made ber borne'T and family visited in Kirkland witb ber youngest son Brucc. Cý Lake. Mrs. Tink enjoys good beaitis C Mr. F. O. Cooper bas pur- and is a regular attendant ai B chased thse bouse whene bis Eldad United Church and a l11e E. daugbter, Mn. and Mis. B. Fa- member o! Solina Women's In- gan, are now living, from Mr. stitute. C Floyd Nicholson. Mrs. Tink bas tbree sons, cf Mn. and Mis. Paul Snodgrass and son, David, Rochester, N. Y., spent the weekend w'ith . Mn. and Mns. W. B. Hoar. M r. pgd iv rs. 1~ Ce .4 D.. . rsilver ArnivE Appointed to Queen's Faculty Stuart Ryan, Q.C., Port Hope, Bannister, bas been appointed associated professor o! Iaw ai Queen's University, Kingston. As a niember of the' staff of the new faculty, Mr. Ryan wili be associated witb D. A. Sober-- man, a former Toronto lawyer and more latteriy on the facul- ty o! iaw at Dalbousie Univer- sity, Halifax, wbo bas been ap- pointed assistant professor of law. rTbey wiil work with vice- Principal J. A. Corey, acting dean of the law faculty, teacb- ing finst-year courses ai Queen's. Necessany additions ta the faculty staff wiil be made in 1958. Local Chicken Farm Is Now Reg istered Orono: On Saturday evening June 8, it being the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Hoar, the broth- ers and sisters of the above with their families, gathered at the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rainey to cele- brate the occasion which was a complete surprise. Bill and Elsie were escorted int the living room where the guests sat ini darkness until they arrived. Ervan Rainey act- ed as master of ceremonies. Mr. Frank Hoar, a nephew, read the address and they were presented with a beautîful fibre glass double shade table lamp, silver meat platter, silver flow- er vase andi bridge set. Boili bride and groom made suitable replies. A humorous mock wedding took place and those taking part were, Anlene Rainey, Glen Allin, David Snodgrass, Jean Allen, Joyce Taylor, Bruce Taylor, Mildned Raîney, Mil- ton Rainey and Jean Taylor. "This is your life" which was written and read by Mrs. Neil Rainey, was quite interesting. ,A social chat followed while W. K. Nowak's Chicken Farm , R.R. 1i Bowmanville, has been approved, registered and licensed by the Department of Agri- culture as producens of "Grade - IA-l" eggs following extensive J modernization ta ensure high quality table eggs produced by the most hygenic means. The hens are kept in total confinement on wire floor and ~ Ithe specially designed roll away nests allow the eggs ta be cool-~ ed immediately after being laid. Other features of the new henJ houses are mechanical fee ders, automatic waterers, forced vent- grading of eggs. F According ta government negulations only iicensed pro- ducer and grader such as Mr. Nowak can grade, pack and < market "Grade A-l" eggs whih ' IN G are easily recognized by te ýi~ Give hirn a fine 1 Clarke Re PENCIL SET, LEI ,Cross Plans e A~RTN Busy SeasonLokoe Orono: A canvass of the Red éý Cross Society in Clarke Town- Cut ship nesulted in donations of $768.10. With $209 on h and, ta ilgv this made a total of $977.10,g from whic' $350 xvas forward- e ed to headquanters. 10 Corne in and inspe( Plans of the local branch ca!i for $300 ta provide vitamin irnported fromn capsules for the public sehools oh in the township, and $150 will, th be used for the Red Cross swimming pnognamn this surn- mer. The balance of $177 will be kept on hand for emergen- cies ai home, such as fires,' vit- amin drops for pre-sehool Chil- dren, dressings, etc. The sVimming program is tci! start the middle of July and run ta the third week of Au- ' gust in the afternoons. The wa- ter safety instruction will bc of value toalal childnen and as many as possible are urged to avail themselves of the opr . Futerifrmto myb BIC obtained tram MrV. ilrsnm i Armstrong or Mrs. S. B. Rt enford. Orono. 1 Hilton of Courtice,( Hampton, Bruce on farm at Solina and Mrs. Percy Dewell ol ,he also has 14 gra and three great-gre vho wvere ail preseni eption. Receiving with1 were her two sister J.McKessock, Osi M'rs. Joe Chapman, Those pouring tea SE. Werny and N' Balson, Sauina, in thE and Mrs. John Bair and Mrs. Douglas IV. Oshawa, in the eve Senving were hi laughters, Mrs. Irvii Oshawa; Mns. Har Solina; Mrs. Don Gc tIrs. Keith Shackle nanville; Mrs. Wilia Peterborough; Mrs Tink, Courtice;- Cruikshank and 3 Cruikshank, Peterbor Bryce Brown and Mv Elliot, Oshawa. Miss Dianne Tink Carolyn Dewell werE of the guest book. ,W. B.I ersary lunch was being wbich inciuded a lai tiered wedding cake, A toast ta the groom was proposE Rainey foilowed b "Fan Tbey Are J( Fellows". ENNISIKILJ Explorers Wisen thse warm su: ail gnowing tings tr it also awakens in t beart the desire ta e wondens of tise oui-, On May 29tis as pa Explor~ation, 'Going the Explorens enjayes dom o! a tramp th open fields and the fu ing thein way acnoss peny stones o! the crE back fields a! Mn. Bowman's fanm ai Er expedition is one oi peditions an Explor World in tihe Spnin, camp!ine was buili c knoil over-iooking thi side and a "cook-ou dogs, etc., was greatl, F'OUNTAIN PEN or PEN :THER WALLET, BOOK, CASE, DESK SET or one ER APPROPRIATE GIFTS, our wonderful display of and Rust Craft Cards ,e Dad a thjill on "his" day. ýct our new merchandise rec ithe Continent, as weIl a er attractive gifts 4 ~ 4 4 4 44 4~ 4~4~4 4 ONTA.IUO THURSDA-1. JUNE 1Sth, 195-1 ai After supper Explorers weret1 lY taken in groups ta the wood! top, the habitat of a variety' o! birds, by Miss Agnes Car- ruthens of Bowmanville, who is an authority on birds, havùig -made a study of their distinc- i tîve m-arkings, their cails and 1 their habits. At the end -if the bird watching they gather- ed ta report on their findings and then they were led in a short sing-song by Lois Ashton and Judy Green, two former Exporrswho have a wealth of camp og tterfnr tips. A sundown began the trek back through the woocls and fields everybody who had «'listening ears" and "seeing eyes" on the watch for the Bobolink on a stump in the field on the spanrow in the tree top, feeling that they had had a wonderful opportunity to I discover new fniends in God*3 f World and ta learn more abouti his plans and purposes. IMn. and Mns. Geo. A. Scottj IOshawa, Misses Louise and~ rMarjonie McIntosh, Whitby, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. ~ Gea. lnwin. Mn. and Mns. Pat Tresise and girs, shaa, ereSunday calersat r.and Mrs. N. E.1 Wrgts. b I Harry Ferguson, Oshawa, visited bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Clarence ai Mn. and Mrs. R. Hope and the homelfamily, Port Penny; Mn. Jim a daughter i McQuinn, Tyrone, were witn f Hampton. i Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley. andchildren IMn. and Mns. A. M. Wearn, an dchildnen ICiaremont, with Mn. and Mrs. tat the ne- A. L. Wearn. Miss Carrai Wrigbt with Mrs. Tink Miss Elenon Heard. s, Mns. R. iMn. Gardon Stevens, Mn. and hawa, and Mns. H. Stevens spent Sunday 1 Hampton. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. were Mns. Irs. Albert J . A. Stainton, Toronto. e aftenoon jMn. W. H. Moore, Mrs. H. Ser, Sauina, Stephens called ai the Arm- VIeauglin 9tTrong Funenai Parlouns last niLaghln week ta view the remains cf !ergng - their cousin, Mns. Cleve Clem- e r rand- ence (nee Ella Cale). ney HKnoex'Mn. and Mrs. Roy McGill 1r K lxand family attended the Lang- ode, Orono; 1niaid - Brooks picnic whicb was ton, Bow- held at Kedron on Everet am aiten Mountjoy's picnic grounds.ed S alOter Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Lee, Kd alss on non; Mn. Frank Lee, Oshawa; MissJoanMn. and Mrs. Allan Wemny and rough: Mrs. Sandra were Sunday dinner ins. Evencti guests o! Mn. and Mrs. E. A. and issWenny. c andMiss Mn. and Mns. R. J. Ormistoni e in change with Mr. and Mns. Keith Ormis- ton, Ebenezer. Mn. and Mns. Fred Tomns visited relatives in Toronto. lIoair Miss Winnifred Cale, Mrs. Beth Dodd, Toronto, were Tues- lay cvening guests with Mn. and Mns. Allan Wenny. Sorny ta report Mr. H. Grubb was taken ta Memoriai Hospit- prepaned, ai, Bowmanvilie, with a touch ývely tbnee- of pneumonia, we wish him a speedy recovery. bride and Mn. and Mrs. E. Wright ýd Iy E. were necent visitons with Miss- y singîng es Annie and Effie Wright, olly Goati Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. F. Toms ac- - companied Mr. and Mrs. Earl EN Trewin and famniiy ta a picnic LE ai Cream of Bariey Camp, Bowmanviiie. Mns. Adam Sharp and Mrs. in awakens Ivan Sharp visited on Tuesday Dnew life, with Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toront,, :he umanand attended a sbower for Miss thpeore th Joan Bnaund wbose marniage xooos.ta oMr-. Hanny Sanderson wil ni -do tei take place early in July. Brtrding," r Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, Bitfnee-" Mrs. F. W. Werry, Mns. O. C. d nhughrthe Ashton attended the annual iro!g pick meeting o! the Durham Count.y unho sipk- Trustees' and Ratepayers' As- s te sip-sociation ai Welcome. eeks in the Family Gatherinir .Godfrev The tea noom of the Head nfield. Tbs. Chunch of Scugog Island xvas f the Ex. the setting for a delighiful ringGod's family party beid ta honour igtie. AMn. and Mns. Ina G. Traveli on on a litile the occasion of thein twentieth ,e. cof hot 'wedding anniversany. Beauti- ytý enoyed. ful bouquets of summer flow- Lyenjoyenes decorated the tables. Aften ~ the party had enjoyed a sump- tuous dinnen, Mrs. Traveil who was the former Maudie Ashton o! Enniskillen, neceived a cor- sage and Mn. Traveli a bou- tonnene 1 r. O. C. Ashio '~iton v.ene accompanisis. Be- id the 1' sides the families of Mns. Tra- i vell's brothers and sistens and her mothen, also attending wene 4IMn. Allan Stainion andDai 4IWeldon, Oshawa. 4 ' Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Ashton, -Clame and Douglas, Mr. anmd 4Mns. O. C. Ash ton, Lois an-d 4Charles attended the ann:vfer- I sary party for Mr. and Mm-s. III. G. Traveil. lently ; ksI There be tbnee silent thing: The fal]iný snow. . . tise iour befone the dawn ...tise outh Io! anc just dead.-Adelaic 'ICrapsey. AVAILABLE FOR K ORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones -'I Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simeoe St. S. Oshawa RA5-525AI Whether you instail an Esso oil furnace or an Esso oil burner, you get maximum heating efficiency-equipment that'a engineered to meet the particular heating needs of vour home. ,Standard Qi! Burners O niy $ 30O0 Completely ntle including 200 gallon oil storage ONLY $5.73 per month Forced Air Heating COmet nIy $800 ONLY $14t50 per month Your Esso Oil Burner Dealer 0AEe COLE Plumbing &Heatipçà 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone b LWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR lTE IBEC 1