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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1957, p. 2

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?ÂGR TWO TH1~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL!~. ONTAR!O WHURSDAY. JUNE_13tl~ 1951 Annual Variety -Show 0f Juvenile Bond a Hit Tyrone Juvenile Fife and Drum Band successfuily pres- ented its sixth Annual Varietyl Show in Tyrone CommunPýyl Hall on May 24. The response1 and appreciation displayed by the large audience marked this as the fînest show yet present- L 25-DAY SPECIAL LOW R OUND-TRIPI RAIL FARESI rom Eastern QUEBE (EAST Or MEOANTic-LEvIS-HAH end the MARITIMES Enjoy a refreshing oun-filled vacationj "Down Eat" this year. Inexpensive hoUiday fares give you a 25-day limit with stop-overs permittect JUNE l7th TO SEPTEMBER 2nd Conmuf Or onCaodin mPaciflC Ronaflwoeagni 1 I r with1 REVIVE YOUR WARDROBE See how much botter ail your garments look, how much longer they woar with our botter dry cleaning methods, our longer Iasting press. Let us cail for your cleaning now. PHONE MArket 3-5520 for FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Bowma nvi île Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. 84 King st. W. p. DEEP-CUT SPECIAL1S! Joli>' Powdor eg. Pria. S pkgs 29o-BSAVE 3c SHIRRIFF'S LUS'HUS 3ro~pkgsl6C Ami Page Reg. Piebti 19*-SAVE 3c KETCHUP l11-oz bS3 5c Cark'& Reg. Prie 23-BAVE 2o OVENCROCK BEANS 20-oz jarlc Delicious Canned Moat Reg. Pria. 47a--SAVE 2r, KAM 12-oz tin 45c BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST SHOULDER ROAST ed by the Junior Band. It has been acclaimed as tops in the field of variety entertainment. IThe show got under way with the Juvenile Band meriii bers singing their traditional opening chorus "Y'All Corne". The audience wvas welcomec by Douglas Barr who also at this time introduced Merv Dale, of Oshawa, who acted as Master of Ceremonies for the remainder o! the show. Witii the program under way, the band in their white uniforms, trimmed with red, white and blue rosettes and sashes, play- ed two selections. Tap Numbers Joan, Kay and Joyce Davey, accompanied on the piano by their mother, Mrs. Don Davey, were much admired in two tarD dance numbers. Foilowing this, Merv Dale sang, in his own inImitable style a variety of old favorite and popular songs accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Dale. Rod Taylor, a promlsir.g young ventriloquist from Bow. manville, and Jerry, his durn- rny, held the audience speil- bound with his amazing ac- complishments in ventriloqu- ism. The senior girls from the band dressed in Calypso fashi- ion sang "Marianne" popular song from the hit parade. Vocal Solos Foflowing this John Vaneyk, a member o! the Band, sang "When the Blue Moon Turns to Gold" and "Ail Shook Uu" accompanied himself on the guitar. Next, Merv Dale again entertained the audience with more songs and comedy poems. After intermission the band sang two sacred numbers, "It a ha No Secret" and "The Bible Tells Me So". Rod Taylor an- peared again to delight ail wlih another act followed by Merv Dale. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott, Toronto, Mrs. C. Shaw and Ralph, Oshawa, were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ail- dread andi Maxine, visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and children, were Saturday een-s ing visitors o! Mr. and Ms Walter Ormiston, Oshawa, and guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton English and Paul, Peterborough, visit- ed her grandmnother, Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stasinski, Mr. and Mrs. E. Oleski, Osh - awa, on Saturday with Mr. an d Mrs. M. Dubyk; on. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. Yel- lowlees and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mayers, Solina. Mr. and Mns. E. A. Virtue and John were dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread, Mrs. M. Gaskin, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hic- key and Mrs. W. Murray, Kingsway, and also visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Lamb, Port Credit. 'ryrone L.O.L. Band and L. O.B.A. took part in. the Cen-. tennial church parade at Bailie- boro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roni McDonald and children, Bowmanvile, were supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs. John Broome. Mrs. H. Skinner vislted. her brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lake, Newcastle. Several W.A. ladies were izuests on Tuesday of St. Paul's' W.A., Bowmanville. The Annual Orange Church Service and parade will be held at Tyrone United Church at Enter A&P's Buick Coiitest 'g BIac!e Sono Removed Meaty Full Cut PRODUCE SPECIAL! Pr..h New &primo Crop, Round, 8tringesas No. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS I29r 1lb39C BA KER Y SPECIAL1S! Jane Parkr Reg. Prie* 58-4SAVE Oo CHERRY PIE ..ah49c Jane Parker Large Reg. Price 59c-4AVE 10o ANGEL CAKE ach 49C Jan* Parker Reg. Price go-BSAVE 2o GLAZED DONUTS pkg of 123 7c Jan* Parker Reg. Prie. pkg 29o-SAVE 5o OATMEAL COOKIES 2 pkgs 53c Prim sEffective Voti I turda>', J...iff, Mr, ___________ 'I To Preach Here Draws Made At this point in the show ex- citement reached its highest peak as the drum containing the raf fle tickets was brought on to the stage and prepara- tions, were made to make tne draw for the four lovcly prizes. The first prize ticket for the pop-up toaster was drawn by Roc! Taylor, the lucky winner bcing Donny Brown o! Ponty- pool. Rod's youngen brother, Tim, dnew the second prize ticket for the fishing roc! and reel which was won by Norma Davey of R. R. 1, Tyrone, who was pres- ent and was called to the stage to receive ber prize. The draw for the third pnize an ail wool blanket was made by Rod Taylor and won by Mango Murphy o! Long Sault. Then Tim Taylor drew the winning ticket for the fourth prize, a $5.00 basket of grocer- ies, wvon by Ann Hamilton o! R. R. 5, Bowmanville. Band Finale Merv Dale appeared for a final time and conductcd a sing-song with the audience after which the band returned and played two more selections. The programn came to a close with Archie Virtue making the vote o! thanks prior to the b and singing "So Long'. TYHONE eci the guest speakcen, Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Newcastle, wbo bas- ,ed her thoug1,ts on "Life". Mrs. K. Brent played a piano solo. The bale has been packcd and jars from bospital were given out to be fillcd with fruit. July meeting will be bcld in the Sunday School noom, whei- the Mission Band and Baby Band will be guests. KEDRON Next Sunday, June 16, Ke- dron S. S. Annivensary wiil be held with a speciai service at 2 o'ciock. Rev. R. H. Rickand vas ab- sent from this charge on Suni- day, to conduct Sacra- ments at Raglan and St. Step- hen's Church, North Oshawa. Mr. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, conducted the chunch service, with the sermon on "Pentecost".1 The junior choir under direc- tion o! Mns. R. E. Lee-contri- buted a number to the service. William Snowden was Super- intendent for Sunday School, with 93 scbolars present. Mn. Ross Lee led in aduit class me- ditation. Flowens wcre placedi at the aitar by Mrs. C. Hopkins and Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tregun- na, Mr. and Mrs. Perey Mount- joy were the committee in change o! a successful Doubles Club Family party held on the lawn at the Walter Davis home, on Saturday .evening. There wene 50 present. During busi- ness the Club anranged for the Doubles picnic to be heid on June 27, at Coboung-on-the- Lake, with cars to meet at Ke- dron at 1 p.m. and 4.30 paîn. supper. Some o! the young men o! the community held a bec on Wcdnesday cvening, and great- ly improved the appeanance o! grounds and extenior o! the for'mer Kcd.ron church build- ing. Local Junior Farmers enjoy- cd the Ontario County Tnack and Field meet held at Brook- lin on Satunday. Congratula- tions to the Brooklin Club on baving tbe top bail team. Aften de!cating the Port Penny tcani in the morning, Brooklin play- cd the othen top team whlch was !rom the Uxbnidge Club, in the evening, ta win the ser- iese by a 17-6 score. Brooklin Club was also on top in the hait mile race, won by Murray Carson. Maxwell's Ncigbbourhood As- sociation announce thein school picnic date to be June 26, at Gerieva Park, with supper to begin at 5 o'clock. Albert Tregunna had the mis- fortune to injure bis ankie ne- cently resulting in a painful sprain. M~iss Jean Hancock was hon- oned on ber bintbday on Tues- day wben ber mother, Mrs. Mark Hancock, ententaincd girl friends at a supper penty in their home. Many o! the ladies o! the community attended Zion baz- aar and tea on Wednesday ovcning, and a fow enjoyed thc lawn tea at Stonehaven sport- sored by a St. Andrew's W. A.! group, on Wednesday afte r- naon. .Mbrs. Wm,. Werry attend-d Manvers Red Cross Ca nvass the Executive meeting of Osh- awa Presbytery W.A. Mr. and Mns. Chas. Roberts and Miss Florence Wheeler, To- ronto, with local relatve3. werc Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe. Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Tororn- to, and Miss Beryl Mountjoy, London, were weekend gues at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. r.P.uIiH. Short has already dug new potatoes in his garden. iTwo sets o! twin calves have arrived at "ýWerrcroft" within the past week - twin maie calves last week, and twin hei- fers this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowan, Elizabeth, Lynda and Pat were recent guests at the Wil- liam Werry home. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love have been guests at several events held lin connection wlth the Nurses' Graduating Class of 1957. Following the Baccal- aureate Service held in Christ Church, Mr. and Mrs. Love wlth 1 Rcv. and Mrs. Jack Shrier are Mn. and Mrs. L. Booth and Mn. holding special revival services James Haire were guests at the at Pentecostal Church. At pres- reception hcld in McLaughlin cnt Rev. Shrier, a graduate o! Hall on Sunday evening. Eastern Pentecostal Bible Col- On Monday evening, Mrs. D. lege, Petqrborough, bas a reai Love was co-hostess with hen annointcd ministry. Mns. Shrier mother, Mrs. L. Booth at a pro- sings beauti!ully. Rev. and Mns. gressive dinner party when Leno and congregati on extend a the graduates who live in the heartv welcomc to the public to clty o! Oshawa visited ini their fattend. Services at 8 p.m. week vanious homes. On Thursday nights (except Monday and Sat- afternoon Mns. Love with Mrs. urday), 11 and 7 Sunday, June L. Booth anci Mrs. L. Steph'ms I th through to June 23rd. were gucsts at the reception and tea given by the class Su- 7.30 p.m. June 16, parade to p ervisors and instructors in begin at 7.00. Rev. F. J. Jack- MicL aughlin Hall. son will be the speaker. On Frlday evening, Mns. Bob Mns. Mary Ayre, Mrs. Boyd Flett and Mrs. D. Love attend- Ayre and childnen, Hampton, cd the Graduation exencises at iwith Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Skin- O.C.V.I. when the lattcn's sis- ner. 1 ter, Miss Norma Booth neceiv- Tyrone Public School child- cd her R.N., and wene guests ren cnjoyed a trip by Ganton's at the reception following tlie bus to Toronto last Fniday. The prognam. junior children wvent in onie Ivor Thomas has ibeen off i- bus and the seniors in another,' cially accepted to enter the along with teachens Miss E. Royal Canadian Mounted Pu- Knox and Mr. Paul Mclntosni-i lice. and a few o! the mothers. The j unions had a ride on the sub- way, a tour around the Union OBITUARY Station and visitcd Riverdale Zoo. The seniors visited the HE ER R.ENO S Panliament Buildings arnd Casa HEBR R.EYOD Loma. Aften lunch ail visited Thene passed to rest on June Malton Airpont. 7th, after a lingering iilness, at bis home, 80 Glenholme Ave., Toron to, Herbent Robent Rey- ~Inolds. Tyrone W . . I Mn. Reynolds was born In June M eeting young man where he enjoyed a long and succcssful business Tynone W.M.S. June tea was cancer. He was mannied to the hcld at the home o! Mns. J. C. former May Nasmyth and in Cook with 50 present; guests 1954 they celcbnated their Dia- wene from Salem, Haydon, mond wedding at their summer Long Sault and Zion. home at Caesanea. Mrs. R. Glaspeil, president, Mn. Reynolds is survived by welcomed ail and opcned the his wýidow and their four chul- meeting with a poem. Mns. A. dren, Gladys (Mrs. R. D. Wal- Hiîls led in prayer, Miss Grace lace) o! Burford, Ont., Herbent Smith conducted the Wonship K., formeriy o! Kendal, Lorne period and gave a reading on N., o! Toronto, and Kinby (Mrs. "The Boneless Tongue". Mrs. H. Maha!!y) o! Toronto. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, play- Funenal service was held in cd a piano solo. Toronto on June loth, inter- Mrs. Fred Jackson Intnoduc- ment in Mount Pleasant Cerne- YELVERTON Nets $460 Bethany: Rccelpts o! $460.30 are reported by the Manvers branch o! the Canadian Red! Cross Society in their recent campaign, directed by Reeve Earl Argue. The Society wish to thank ail the canvassers who gav e o! their volunteer time; Mrs. Harry Richardson, Mrs. O. Cain, Mns. G. Cainan, Clifford Curtis, Orville Challice, Fen- ton Fallis, Wcs. McMahon cf Pontypool; Harvey Malcolin, Morley Kellett, Noral Marshall, Hildon Johnston, Janetville; Lloyd Clarke, Lawrence Sta- plees, Laverne McKinley, Mrs. Ralph Preston, Mrs. Lloyd Ar- gue, George Smith o! Bethany; and all those who contributed to this wonthy cause. In addition to the amount sent annually to Head Office, the Branch cannies out a real community service at the local level, supplying cod liver oil to ail the pupils in Manvers schools, sponsors a Home Nurs- ing Training Class: also train- ing in First Aid for school pu- puls. In addition thene is a well stocked loan cuphoard with everythlng needed for sickroozn supplie~s, including four hospi- tai beds. Friends Honor Bethany Couple i - VIGOR OIL Service Station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phono MA 3-2919 Vigor 9GL Standard 1O nldn a Gasoline 39 Vigor 9GA High Test42 OC ieludng tax Stove Oil available in any quantity at the statio Open Evenings and Sundays tery. i er at all. ouIISave time and money with a Your new Iow service charge of 10 cents a choque is prepaid when you getyourbook of 20 choques 4 A quarterly state- mont is nailod to your home. 5Your choques cire held for you atthebank as apei record. rmont 4eéý POR PURTHRR DETAILS -e Ni INQUIRE AT OUR NEAREST BRANCH. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 765 branches across Canada ready to serve you BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - 11. G. HACKING, Manager On Friday evening loyalties wene divided at Yelverton in attendance at two function- the piano recital at Blackstoc'k by pupils ot Mrs. David Wilson with a number from this com- munity part4cipating in that capacity and as added features to augment the "piano tappers"l in the f ield o! entertaifiment; the second event, Janciville United Church Garden Party- a supper whosc elegance was well worthy o! comment, and praise to those damsels whoe culinary concoctions contribut- ed to its success. The Vaniety Show which followed was ne- pontedly an enjoyable supper- settler. Mrs. Jack Wilson, W.A. Pre- sident, was hostess on Thurs- day evening to that group- with a good tunnout of mem- bers. Further particulars flot available. The Bennett Service Station at four corners of Yelverton- prevîously the Geo. Clarke es- tablishment reopened for busi- ness this weekend. We wish our latest operator and newcomer to this community success in the venture-a real conven- ience to this community. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Snyder were Sunday guests o! his grandparents the Hugh McGills. At time of writing the bal- lots in process of being stuffed into boxes, results are still un- known. However, congratula- Exer 1 iy la IngC SUPER-RICIIT QI/ALIY MATS BEEF ROASTS You puy your bis the modern way u-by cheque. PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWbL&NVULE. ONTARIO WHURSDAY, JUNE 13tl% 1 957 tions to the winner and better luck next time to the aisca rans whose confidence in their cause provided stimulus to jp- ponents in their efforts and a more efficient functioning (,f our democratic mode of o ernment. gv Mr. and Mrs. Arthu-q andi Miss Annie Rowan eftended Decoration Day ser vices in Brookiin Sunday. Sympathy of Yelverton Com. munity is extended% Mr. andi Mrs. Jake Van a*4 ,hi recent bereavemnent.'e Mrs. Ernestine H'nde' and Murray, Bethany, accor. panied the Raiph Malcolms on a motor trip to Bancroft and district Sunday. 4 ko9 f i "wdNIfs auof " S MUOO 45E~ ROS. axaiorca ros. Monumental Works ]Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., WVhltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Bethany: On W edn e sda y cvening a community gathering in the Town Hall hononcd a ne- cent bride and groom, Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Staples, R. R. 2, Bethany, and presented them with a chesterfield, matching chair and coffee table. Mr. Ted Spencely read the addness o! congratulations and good wish- es. Messrs. Charles McGill, Donald McGregor, Levi McGili and Kenneth Sinclair pnesent- ing the gifis. Mn. Staples thanked every- one, especially tbe committee in change o! arrangements. Mrs. Staples, the former Cccil Bart- ley o! Peterborough, also ex- pressed ber appreciation, men- tioning in panticular the warnn hcarted neception she bac! ne- ccived fnom ber new neighbors. The evening was pleasantly spent in dancing to music sup- plied by Mn. and Mrs. K. Neais o! Onono, with Morton Davis calling the square dances. Lunch was scrved. To be happy with a marn you must undenstand him a lot and love him a littie; to be happy with a woman you must love ber a lot and not try to undenstand P-1v er

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