THTRSAYJUE lh,195 T~ CNAIANSTTFSAN BO &V TTXj. PilPA£ l. TWLU 19ELLERS -MACNAB Barrie, Toronto, Bowmanville Hampon nitd Chrchwasand district. Hampon nitd Chrchwas Pnior to ber marniage, the the scene of the marniage an rd asetrane tsv ofAtudny Jean oMaa 25, 'eral showers. Mrs. William ofteAuofeMn.eand Mns. dau- Axford, Miss Iris Axford and Macnab of Hr.amnand. C Mrs. Douglas White were co- Macnb ofHamtonandRay- hostesses at the home of Mrs. mond Boyd Sellers, son of Mn. Axford, Hampton, at a mîscel- and Mrs. Thomas Sellers, Bow- laneous shower. Mrs. Percy manvlle.Stanardsof muve Dewell and Mrs. Eanl Luke as- lllacs, yeilow tulips and si13'- y other nihor oi of-tbe-valley decoratcd the al- i sistd acomnihhosco tar.hcld in the Sunday School Rev. F. J. Reed officiated I oom whcn many lovely gi±ts and Mrs. K. Billett played the were receivcd. weddng music and accompan-I The staff of the Bell Tele- led the saloist, Mns. Jamesi phone Campany office, Oshawa, Smales. where the bride is employed, Given in marniage hy her fa- presented her with a hammer- ther, the bride wore a hallenîna e d aluminum lazy susan. A pre- length gawn of white lace and sentation for the bride ar'd net aven taffeta. A halera jac- Igroom was hcld at Yeo*s Meats ket was warn over the stnap- and Grocenies where the groom less bodice. A crawn of match- 1 is-cployed, when they wec ing lace and net held her fia- presented with a tnilight floun gertip veil and she canieda amp. nasegay of ned roses and tp hanotis. Miss Irma Hoskîn of Oshava COUCH - GARROD was rnaid of bonour, wearing1 shrimp net aven taffeta with White snapdragons and 'mums baIera jacket. The bidesmaids, decorated St. Georges Angli- Miss Dianne Macnab and Miss can Church, Newcastle, on Sat- Iris Axford of Hampton, were urday afternoon, May 18, for1 in mist green taffeta with net the marniage of Mary Ruthi overskirts. Ail wore matching Charlotte, daughter of Mn. and head bands of taffeta and ar Mrs. Alfred Garrod, Newcastle, ried bouquets of yellow and and Wallace Wilfred Sterling, white 'mums. son of Mn. and Mrs. Harold Mr. George S4lr nrs. owma. C auch. alsa ofNewcastle. blue flawers and rhinestones. She carried a nosegay of white and pink carnations. Mr. William Couch, brother of the groom, was best man, and ushers were the bride's uncle, Mr. To'm Breretan, and Mn. Charles Gray. NE WTON VILLE Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, spent the weekcnd with ber sisten, Miss Anne Neshitt. Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Penny, Toronto, who purchased the Thompson homestead, owned and aperated by the late Stan- ley and Jennie Thampsan, mavcd in necently. Mn. and Mrs. Earle McEwen and family, Peterborough, with Mn. and Mns. Cccil Bur- ley. ville, was best man adI h R ev. D.R.Willis Jones spent the were Mr. Gardon Sellers ana cd the ceremony, and thperfrr-weknatMutRylQe. Mr. Keth Biletttheo owed--with her son and daughter-in- Mr.Keih illtt alo f Bw-ding music was played by the îaw Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones manville. bride's grandmother, Mrs. John and' the new arrivaI, Stephen A reception followed ln the Garrod. Sunday School room of the The bride wa's given in mar- Douglas. church, the bride's mother j nagie by her father, and chose Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle wearing pale blue brocaded taf- a ballerina length straples speont Sunday weithlM. adMs feta with a corsage of pînk and gown of white Chantilly lace Jh ike elvle white carnations. The groam's aver net with tiered skirt. A Rev. Fletcher Tink and three inoherchoe bue hanungmathin haerajacet f lce of bis four children, of Ham- 7noter hoseblu shntun machin boerojackt o la ilton, attended aur church last with pink accessories and cor- with long lily-paint sleeves, Sunday morning. Later they sage of pink and white carna- was worn aven the bodice. tions. A coronet of seedf pearîs held took part in the Sunday school. The couple left on a honey- ber fingertip veil of tulle illu- It is 35 years since Fletcher's Inon tp t Nigar Faîs nd ionandshecarieda wit'fathe r and mother were on the znoo trp t Nigar Fals nd son nd he arred whý,,Newtonville circuit. He reports United States points, the bride Prayer Book an which rest d his father still active at 82, wearlng for travel a brown ned rosebuds and stephanotis. taking one service a Sunday. tweed suit with beige accessor- Mrs. Joan Skelding, a cousin les and corsage of yellow rases. of the bride, was her anîy at- Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Sellers wîll reside tendant. She wore a floor lengtîh and Rerniece, attended the Nur- nt 9 Concession St. West,Bow-' sleevesless gown of blue ne ses' Graduation Exercises at inanville. a ven taffeta with sweetheart Oshawa as guest of Miss Laura Guests attended the wedding neckline and matching balera Taylor on Friday night. trom Richmond Hill, Oshawa, ' jacket of net, and juliet cap of Mr. and Mrs. Andnew Reich- rath were pleasantly surpris- ed ta have visit them aon Surî- day, Mr. Beazuk of Kingston, a relative necently out from TRIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Hungary Gli dens il eat ering but w are invited to at- atKendal at 1l o'clock, when Rev. Phillip Romenil of Black- stock, will he the guest speak- HOUSE PAINTer Recent visitons with Mr and $65095 Mrs. Wm. Milligan were Mr. a Ïn$6 50 ua5 and Mrs. Hugh Gannon, Osh- Taylor, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley wene pleasantly surpnised on Saturday afternoon, June 8, J. H Abe nethwhen on accepting an invita- Pain and WallaperStor and son-in-law, Mr. and 33 Kng t. W Phne M 3-431 large table on the lawn wel 33 Kng t. W Phne M 3-431 laden with good things to eat and a chair drawn up for each one of the family, Mr. and Mrs. ~ Ron Burley, Bruce and Bob of Part Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Keith1 Attention : Parents! Youîng People!!1 Burley of Cobourg; Mn. and " r.Earle McEwen, Gary and Summer SchoolClasses Mra Mrs. Ann ec Glmr um er S ho lDiane, Bannie, Mary, aan wiII commence at the Bill of Starkville and *Harold Harvey and Dennis of Newton- ville. Mrs. Harold Buriey %vas O sha a Bu ines Colege the oniy one absent through Oshaa Buines Colege illness. on After supper a game of bal Ilwas enjoyed i h donn Tuesd y, 2,school yard. Laten in the Tu s a , JuIV 2 1 5 evening Mr and Mrs. Percy SBurley of Kendal, Mr. adMs and continue until Friday, August 30, 1957. Gardon Smith of Port Hope, Hour: 900 am. o 1:0 pm. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholîs Hous: :00arn to1:0 p.î.of Wesleyville were also pres- 0 Tuition $30.00 per rnonth ent ta spend a social time with V Sthe bride and groom of forty V Send for Free Literature years ago June i2th. An adi- ~dress was read by Ron and 111 Sinicoe Street South, Oshawa Dial RA 5-3375 ~ personal timely gifts presentedI ________________ _______ jta their parents hy the three Fi Married in Kendal Mr'. and Mrs. ,Robert John Bird are pictured as the bride signs the register following their wedding in Kendal United Church an Saturday, May 25. The bride is the former Joyce Marie Burley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burle.v, Kendal, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bird> Bowmanville. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville Wedding ofIlnterest FHere Mr. and Mrs. Donald Floyd Dudley are pictured followîng their wedding in the United Church at Harrow, Oton June 1. The bride is the former Margaret Ann Jeale, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Thomas John Jeale of Harrow, and the granddaughter of Mrs. Avery rohflstofl and Mr. Thomas Veale, Bowmanville. The groom is the son of Major Floyd W. Dudley and Mrs. Dudley of Foxboro and a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dudley of Courtice. The. young couple will reside ini London, Ont. coaching the boys. We wouid ~ I -~ t A receptian foilowed at the home of the bride's parents on Beaven Street, the bride's mo- then earing a dress of dusty rose lace with matcbing jacket, navy accessories and cor- sage of white carnations.- The groom's mother chose a beige dnessmaker suit with white and tan accessories and corsage of yellow 'mums. FoIr their wedding trip, the couple motared ta the United States and around Lake On- tario, the bride wearing for travel a turquoise blue sheath dress with short halera jacket, beige accessonies and corsage of ned nosehuds and stephano- tis. They wili reside in New- castle. The bride is a graduate of Newcastle public and high schools and was employed at H. J. Toms fan four ycans. She has heen a member of the La- dies' Softball Club. The groom who also reccived bis educa- tion in Newcastle scbaols, bas been employed with Loblaw's, Oshawa, for six years. 0f "Sanforizedb" Fine A merican Broadcloth Easy ta wash-Drip Dry-Easy ta iron Seven lovely colors and white Sizes 12 to 18 Thne Mme fobrit combined with the rmaking glve these hot weother elouses a more expensive look. You'Ij wont ta live in them - they're easy to keep nice. There's a fresf, iockirig Sumnmer color of Sand, Pink, Apricot, Lime, Peccock, Novy, Red or White Io go with 'most onything' in your wardrobe. Juýt three of severol styles ore sketched for you t0 see here. . . buy several to lait you through the Sumnmer. A. Style 209-i-s eollar- m. style 120 -- la a C. ýtyI* 8O0--.similiar les% cnd ha% a tufbed perky cc.oir style. t, 120 h, t ýrfh rroti~r crmn opering. style y'u m rny prefer 09 foc k I Poua Bielike to see an itrs hw IPop lar ride in these young boys, for in time they will be the men of aur ~ ommunity. Good sportsman- 'Is ntertainea ship, rcie ta will certainly pay off laten in jMiss Donna Farder, whose life, sa let's -et hehind aur marriage ta Mr. Donald Wright youth of today. takes place this Saturday, June 15, bas been entertained at showens hy a numben of friends.MA V R ST IO On May 8, Miss Marlene Mc A V R ST IO Donald and Miss Marlene Falls were co-hostesses at the fonm- Mrs. W. Bradley neturned er's home, Carlisle Ave., at a home after spending a week miscelianeous shower when with friends in Toronto, Ham- about 18 friends were guests. ilton and Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. The bride-eleet was presented Wm. McGill and family, Bar- with a lovely corsage and seat- rie came home with ber for the ed in a chair decorated witb weekend. bridai streamers. The gifts were Mrs. Murray Logan is taking in a deconated plastieclcothes a course at the Marvel Hair- basket, also a gift. A contest dressing Schooi in Toronto. t was conducted and the eveninc, Mr- and Mns. Stewart, Dawn concluded with a deliciaus and Ian, Mr. Archie Galbraith, lunch. Toronto, were weekend guests Mrs. Gary Hancock, the with Mn. and Mrs. Galbraith. bride's sister, and Miss Jane Mr. and Mrs. Alfred John- Passant were co-hostesses, as- stan with Mr. and Mrs. Knox jsisted by Miss Venna Kozuk, MacLeod, Ancaster. IBlackstock, at a miscellaneous' Miss Madeline Boggs, Mr. and shower heid at Mrs. Hancock's Mrs. Jas. Boggs, and Mr. and home, Ontario Street. About Mrs. Harold Thompsan are on 25 fnîends and relatives pre- vacation, m otoar i ng down sented the bride with a variety thnough the United States. of loveiy gifts piaced in a Mrs. John Stark and family, prettily decorated basket. Miss with Mn. and Mrs. Douglas La- Passant presented the brida gan. with a corsage.enyd Quite a number of ladies Contests wr njydaýter fnomn here attended the Orange the guest of honon had opened parade and service at Bailic- her gifts and a doon pnize of a bora Sunday. Major John Footel set of fruit glasses, was won by V.C., was the special speaker Mrs. Carl Wright, Blackstock. and the Kiltie Band from A dainty lunch was served b3' Havelock pnovided special mu- the hostesses. sic. A large crowd was in at- tendance. IMrs. M. Baskerville and Miss jLestha Montroy, Toronto, wene MAPLE GROVE Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. jMr. and Mrs. Sherwood Col- W. N. Porter. lacutt from Palm Beach, Flor- ida, visited witb Mn. and Mns. ILes Collacutt last week. Diane Hoar is home sick witb the mumps. Mn. and Mrs. N. W. Gnose, and daughter Debbie Kathleen, spent the weekend with their parents, Mn. and Mns. A. F. TIRE AND AUTO Spencer. ASCA Mn. Ken Brooks accompan- SOA ied by Mn. C. Martin, Stateni Island, spent the Memoniai Day - weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks. Mn. and Mrs. 1. C. Mathews (nee Joan Munday) Ricky andh Joanne, lef t Montreal on tie Ivernia for England this week, after spendîng tbree weeks with Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Munday. frm Wet Mn. and Mns. Mathews will bc stationed in Engiand for three* Fih g Mn.' and Mrs. A. E. Webb,* w rT Paul and Lorraine, Toronto, Pw rT were Sunday visitons of Mrs. S. Tyler and Mn. Fned Hockin. Lawn i' Mn. and Mrs. T. McGuink, John and Kathy, accompanied Sa o by Mn. Frank Pierce, attended Sa o the Wilhelm reunian in New* Hamhung Park an Sunday and Car ladi laten calied on Mn. and Mns. H.* K. Wilhelm, Kitchener, and Mr. Wash Bi laud. Chas. Cohen, Bres-* Ca Ac Thsyear Mapie Grave ]S proud of its junior bard bail Etc. team under the management af Jack Hurnie and Ron Brooks. is the fîrst year for these boys, who are ail under 12 years of age and we are certain thcy wili make a great effort end of the season. Ail the luckAS O A in the wonld, boys. TIRE A S CA Oun unirwfotball eam ls wOur under faytthls ear aso.85 KING ST. W. Mr. Howard Bradley and Don MA 3-3134 Flint are the capable men lern Tire Tackle 7001S qowers vers jos rushes ,essories tern TMON STORE F. A. BOYD, Prop.1 Ho nor Recently Wed Couple 'At Courtice Courtice: On Thursday even- ing, friends and relatives of Mr. Norman Shorttgathered at 1Courtice United Church to hon- aur Mr. and Mrs. Normani Shortt on their recent mar- niage. Norman was a native son of Courtice, 1,hose parents were Mr. and Mrs. Hugx Shortt, went to Courtice Pub- lic School also Sunday Schoal and spent his boyhood years here. His wif e was Donna Montgomery, daughter of Mrs. Bert Montgomery of Oshawa. Mr. Talbert Gearing, as chairman expressed the pur. pose and good wishes of th3 gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Shortt were assisted in opening and displaying the many useful and beautiful gifts by Mrs. Stanley Hoy, Miss Blanche Taylor and Mrs. George Johnson. Norman expressed his appre- ciation for this gesture and in- troduced his wife ta the gath- ering and later ta each one iri- dividually. Mrs. Shortt in well chosen words added her thanks ta those of her husband. Luncà was served and a social tiine eni oyed. Congýratulations and aur best wishes go with this fine youag couple as they take up resi- dence in Oshawa. A good way ta better your lot is ta do a lot better. SUPPLY LUMITED %TE STORIE 1 TRURSDAT, SMM 1-sth, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATFSMAN. IROWMANVtILE. ONTARIO PAGE TERIC v