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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1957, p. 5

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'HTYRSDAY 3UNZ l3th, 1957 T~ CAMA~IAW ~'rAM!iL&N UAWMA»WY? ? V ~Y~'AUM A ~ - - -- - -.. -... v -'.~'. s-~~ ~ -~~Jud N~ya . ,I.a nd Mrs. H. S. Bitton nfrter, Mrs. J. D. Cunning-ý hamr accompanied by Mrs. Herb TOMS motored ta Montreal last week, returning via Ottewa where they spent an agreeable two tlays athending the Hydro Convention held in the Cha- teau Laurier Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Kelse-y spent the weekend in Toron ta visiting witn iIr. and Mns. Ar- chie Mantin and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Agnew 1 UNCEJWf TUNE Lubrication Thorough lubrication at each vital point wlth factory rrescribed lubrirants. Com- pç, inspection and report roftour eculs condition. 166 King St. F. and boys of Milton were Sun- day visitons witb Mr. and Mns. Gardon Agnew and family. Sundey visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finley were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bunce, Bobbie and Sharon, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Belang,, Chanleen and Jimmie of Scar- borougb. Mrs. John Watson and Mrs. Herbert Gibsan have returnel from Montreal where tbey werc wishing bon voyage ta their sister, Mrs. W. J. Robinson who is sailing ho England for a twro manths' visit. Mn. A. R. Rendaîl of St ouf t- ville, spent the weekend witb Mrs. Randaîl and cbîldnen. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Couch, and Betty visited witb Mr. ani Mrs. Sidney Luxton in Bow- manville on Sunday. Miss Peggy Pearce of Toron- ta, spent the weekend visihing with ber mother, Mm~. H. R Pearce and Mn. and Mrs. A- bent Pearce. Mrs. E. Cunningham of To- ronto, spent the weekend visit. rng xitb Miss Ruth Hancack andl Mrs. Chas. Hancock. m-Up Drake Inspection and Adjusiment Careful eclualizing of brakes at ail four wheeis. F111 master cylinder with correct fluid. Brake test Limited Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 mw Heavy Newcastle Vote Gives James Majority Newcastle-With 88.2% of the eligible voters turning out ta the polis on Monday, the Village of Newcastle failed ta follow the national trend of protest and gave the sitting member, John- M. James 54.2 per cent of the total vote in the four-man contest. 0f the 603 eligîble voters in Newcastle, John James, Liberal, polled 279; 15r. Percy Vivian, Progressive Conservative, 198; Ernest1 Dent, C.C.F., 26, and Kenneth Toms, Social Credit, 6. There were 13 spoiled ballots, making a total of 522 votes cash. Vote by Wards POUl No. 1 POli No. 2 East Ward West iVard James (Lib.) _____ 120 159 Vivian (PC) 106 92 Dent (CCF) 15 il Toms (SC) 1__ i5 Spoiled Ballots-___ 6 7 Total Total - - ~ 248 274 522 Make Presentation To Retiring Principal At Newcastle School Newcastle: Mrs. Ethel Lycet, said this was the greatest sur- Principal of the Newcastle prise and tribute she had ever Public Sehool was taken coin- had and expressed the love she pletely by surprise on Friday had for the children she work- evening, June 7th, when, sup- ed with and expressed ber great posedly attending a political concern for tbeir future. She meeting in the Newcastle com- said she had also been treated munity hall, ta find a large re- with the greatest kindness and presentation of students, and ca-aperatian by the pupils, former students, parents and teachers, parents and the memn- teachers gathered in the hall ta bers of the schooý board. honaur ber for ber outstanc- Mr. Lycett also spolie ex-; ing work as teacher and later pressing bis appreciatian to the principal of the school during gathering for the kind expres- the past seven years. sions made ta his wife and also Mns. Lycett was escorted ta for the lavely gift she received. the seat of honour and present- Other expressions of the ed with a lovely bouquet of great esteem, respect and ap- pink c ar na ti o ns by Shar- preciation witb whicb Mrs. Ly - on Hancock after Douglas Jase cett is held were made by the had expressed the great admi- Rev. M. C. Fisher, Mr. Arthur ration held for Mns. Lycett by Collison and Reeve Harry Jose. the members of bis class, who The gathening 'was then en- had been ber last year's pupils. tertained witb piano solos by Mr. Emmerson Fisher, chair- Fred Graham, Marilyn Basker- man of the sehool board, acted ville and Mr. Collison; a read- as chairman for the eveningc ing by Mrs. M. Fisher; and a and in bis remarks spoke very chorus by the pupils of Grades highly of the wark of Mrs. Ly- 7 and 8. Tbe program conclud- cett in the school and invited ed witb a sing sang, led by Mr. Mr. Lycett to be seated with John Riekard with Mr. Colli- his wife. son accampanying at the piano. A presentation address, whichi After alI had had an oppor- had been beautifully illuminat- tunity ta view the gift, dainty ed by Judy Zimmerman, a refresbments were servecd Grade 8 pupil, was read by from tables tastefully decorat- Mrs. I. J. McCullougb express- ed in the scbool colours of red ing the respect and admiration and white, and a most pleasant with whicb tbe guest of hon- evening was brougbt ta a close. aur is beld by Sebool Board, The members of the commit- teacher, parent and pupil alike, tee in charge representing par- after whicb a -beautiful silver ents and teachers were: Mes- tea service carried by George dames, B. Rickard, F. Hoar, Ml. Hendry, preceded by Julia Bc- Walton, S. Powell, S. Brown, J. zubiak bearing a gold satin nib- Nesbitt, W. Stonks, A. Graham, bon on whicb was printed the W. Zimmerman, J. Rickard, I. names of the donors. The ria- Colwill, I. McCullough, G. Sta- bon was draped on the table pleton, M. Hancock, N. Rud- in front of the tea service. man, R. Cobbledick and A. Mrs. Lycett, in ber reply Hendry; and Mr. R. Munro. Lions Officers Installed Plan Summers Activities 1 Newcastle: District Deputy Governor-eiect, Lion Art Brun- ton of Port Penny, conducted the installation of the 1957-58 officers of the Newcastle Lions Club et the negular meeting in the dining room of the Queeri's Hotel on Tbursday evening as membens planned a number of summer acivities. Retiring President, Lion Brenton Riekard conduched a lively business session in whicb carnival chairman, Lion Irwin Colwill, neporhed plans for the annual Carnival ta be held on Fniday, June 28tb and appoint- ed managers for the variaus boohhs. for the hig event. Lion John Rickard, reporhed there iwas stili a number of tickets ta be sold for the big draw prize of an ail-expense trip for twa ta the Calgary Shampede. Chairman of the Boys and *Girls Committee, Lion Harper Kelsey, reporhed plans for the annual Clarke Township School Field Day being held in the Newcastle Communihy Park on IFriday, June l4tb and request- * d ail Lions ha be on hand et 'lie park ah 7 p.m. Thursday (tonigbt) ho make final pre- paration.s. A motion was passed author- izing Lion Mult Walker and bis special recreational Commithee ho proceed witb plans for sup- ervised summer recreetion for chiidren, in hhe local commn ity park and swimming instrun- tion at the Orono Pool wihh an aiiotted hudge't of $500. This cammittee ta work in conjunc- tion with the village Recrea- The president thanked the members for the fine turnout ta the Convention parade !i 1Peterborough and expressed special thanks ta Lions Frin, Kelsey, Williams, McLaren and Forresher for their work in building the float: ta Lion Ir- win Colwill for the use of his trailer, and ho Lions Kelsey and Hoan for trensporting the float ho and from Petertorough. ,Motions were pessed instnuc- ting the secrehary ta write let- ters of appreciation ta Mr. L. Carvetb for the use of bis trac- hor ta draw the float in the pa- nade and ta Mr. Joe Ashles for arranging Police escort for the float, into the cihy, and for looking afher ih whiie it was there. 1h was announced the New- castle Club had won a fifty dollar pnize in the convention draw and it was decided that this money sbould be deposited ta the convention fund. The following officers-eleet, wbo xill hake aven their duties et the July meeting, were duly inshalled in an impressive cere- mony conduched by the recent- ly eleched District Deputy Gov- ernor, Lion Art Brunhon of Port Ferry; Lion Tamer, Jack Nesbihh; Tail Twister, Harper Kelsey; Direchors, John Koro- patwa, John Rickard, Murray Paterson and Rod Carvehh; First Vice President, Lamne Johnson; 2nd Vice, Archie Mc- Laren; 3rd Vice, Chas. Gilke.s; Treasurer, Chas. Megit: S ecre- tary,_ Hanry Jase; President, tion Asjsocation. i1 Rox iorrester.---- :Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fisher Celebrate Anniversary Newcastle: The Lions roornl chairs of honour by thein dau. of the Newýcastle Communitv gbter and son-in-law, Mr. ai-d Hall. prettilv, decorated wiV;î'1 Mrs. Ronald 'LMunro, and as thei baskets of lilacs and oth,-' addrezs -,%as read by Mn. Lluo. d weddîng decorations and cen-1 Stephienson, Mrs. Fisher was tred with decarated ta ble bear-i regaled witb a corsage by ber ing a wedding cake and cen- daughter. Hezel Mac wbiic Jon, dies, formed a iovely setting, Fisher affixed a boutonniere hoij as friends and relatives gatii- bis fathen's iapei. ered ta honour '.\I. and Mrs. Following thie reading of the Emmerson W. Fisher on the address, Mrs. Ross Dickinson occasian of their twenty-fifth presenhed a six piece silver hea wedding anniversany oni Satur- service ta the honoured couple! day June 1. on behaif of'their friends and With Mr. lrwin Coiwiil act- a nunîber of friends made canii- ing as chairman for the ever.- imiar addresses extoiiing mg. M's. Chas. Cowan piaved the couple for'their services ta the wedding narch as the haiu-* the cornunîtv. pv- bride and groomi of 1wny A shorit program includingt Lve ears wezûeàç~orted :tc i everal piano solos by Fred azià United Church W.M.S. Holds Monthly Meeting Gordon Àgnow, Editor Phone 3621 younger groups. Prayer by Miss T. Fenguson and the singing of a hymn closed the worship ser- vice. Mrs. P. Hare nead an inter- esting report fromn the Home Mission executive secretary showing how tbe Church of Al Nations in Toronto put their missionary convictions inho ac- tion by welcoming and enter- taining over 125 Hungarien ne- fugees. Mrs. Rickard conducted a bnief business period when the reports of vanjous secretarie~ wene given and ih was decided ta hold the Baby Band picnic an the churcb lawn on July 4th. Announcement was made of the W.C.T.U. Provincial Convention being held in Sim- coe St. United Churcb in Osh- Shorthorn Club Holds Twilight Meeting Here Newcastle: A twiiight meet- ing of the Durham County Shonhhorn Club was held on Wednesday evening, June Stb ah ýSpring Grange Farm in Newcastle, home of Mn. and Mrs. John Rickard, wben a crowd of 140 people gatbened ta inspect the herd. A class of Sborthorn cows were iudged by ali present with Mr. Ed. Sterr of the Live- stock Brancb of the Provincial Deph. of Agriculture acting a- officiai iudge. Later, a class of Sborthorn heifers were iudged by all present witb Mr. Han- olid White of Guelph, Secretary- 'Manager of the Canadian Sbortborn Association acting as officiai judge. The judging was in charge of Mr. E. A. Summens, Agnicultural Repres- entative and bis assistant, Mr. Earl lBrown. Prize winners ,were: Higb men, Garnet Ri.,k- ard, Bowmanville and C. H. Mumford, Hampton (ied). Higb ladies, 1. Mrs. Lance Beatb, Oshawa-, 2. Mrs. Roy Philp, Port Hope. Higb Junior Girl, Brenda Cowan, Orona and Gail Baker. Hampton. Junior Boy, Lawrence McLaughlin, Nestieton Station and Ronnie B3aker of Hampton. The guest speaker, Mr. R. H. Graham of Toronto, of the Graduates f Mins Doreen Milison daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lan- son Milîson, Newcastle, graduat- ed fromn the Oshawa Generai iHospital Scbool of Nursing ah exercises held on Friday, June 7. Miss Milîson also received the Mazo Williams Memorial prize.for higbest standing in Theory. -Photo by LeRoy Toîl, Toronto Janet Graham; accardion solo by Wylene Wilson and a moutb orgen and accordion duet by Mrs. T. Wilson and Wylene was veny much enjoyed by ahl pres- ent. The evening was brought to a close as refresbments were served and a fiendly get-to- gether enjoyed. Our door is always open to you .A.or service Wby try to be your own Insurance adviser? It's part of our job to give you ail the he!p you need in choosing sound insurance protection for your home,. car, f amily or business. WNe do 1h. free. We do it care- f ully. And we do it gladly, Cali ua. STUART R. JAMES [NSURANCE Office MA 3-5681 King Street IL REAL ESTATE - Residence MA 3-549.3 Bowmanvilie Provincial Livestock Branch, gave a most interesting address, illustrated with sldes, of h-s three montbs tour of the Brit- ish Isies and the continent~ tak- en last year. There were a number of draw prizes presented at the meeting with winners from as far east as Roseneath, North ta Oakwood and west ta Ashburn. Officers of the Club include President, Aif. Parrott of Ash- burn and Secretary, John Rick- ard of Newcastle. Following the meeting de]!- cious refresbments of sana.- wiches, doughnuts and coffee were served toalal present. Newcastle Bride lHonored By Friends Pnior ta ber wedding to Mr. Wallace Wilfred Sterling Caucix on May 18, Miss Mary Rutn Charlotte Garrod, Newcastle, was entertained on a number of occasions. The bride-elect was pleasant- ly surpnised at a presentation on April 25. The comimittee in charge, Mesdames Mari orie Paterson, Alecia Spencer, Vel- ma Parker, Audrey Gogerty, Barbara Hockin, Vickie Gray, Bea Glanville and Miss Connie Enwrigbt presented Ruth with WANTED Dead, Old and Crlppled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Free of Charge 24 Hour Service Phone Colleet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough - ont. Says: here's why *Simple and easy to put up *Cut building costs up to 50% *Do flot rot or deca: For Further Information on Pole-Type Structures send this coupon to OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS BOX 368 OSHAWA, ONTARIO a lovely chromne suite, hostess stock, with prices reaching $7050 chair and bed laimps on behaif for top male and $4300 for top of her many friends. open juinior-vyearling heifer, a On May 13. members of thec daughter of the 1956 All-Amer- G. A. of St. George's Anglien scan cow. A richly bred two- Church, of which the bride is vear-old consigned bv J. J. E. a member, gatbered at the MeCague, Alliston. Ont., brought home of Sheila Gogerty to the very satisfactory price of present Ruth with a beautiful $2750. copper wall plaque. Convention guests were enter. On May 8, the bride's aunts, tained by the Indianapolis Motor Mrs. Irene Cunningham and Speedway Management at a race Mrs. Lena Garrod entertained staged especially for their en- at an afternoon tea at the .ioymeflt. bride's home in her honour. Mr. Brown reports crop con- ditions are better in this area than throughout the country James T. Browvn through which they tael4 At Convention In Indianapolis MA333 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Browr. I 330 Newcastle, have returned from fur Indianapolis, Ind., where they W N " attended the Convention of the 'WT- America. Mr. Brown represent- SERVICE ed the Hoîstein-Friesian Associa- tion of Canada, along with Mr. Geo. M. Clemons, Secretary- Manager, Brantford. Tbey also attended the Con- vention Sale wbicb evidenced keen demand for good breeding WELCOME VOUR GUESIS WITH PEPSI-COLA Trade Mark The ni,_1 refreshment ~/IA CARTON 1 OR TWO ITODAYI Smith Beverages Ltd. 80 WMAN VILLE PHONE MA 3-5530 NOW US THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR HOME " For One Coat Painting " 'High Gloss Finish " Wonderful Durability Just ask for MOORE'S ONE COAT IIOUSE PAINT Benjamin4 IN4orepit HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Bowxnanville MA 3-5408 Canada Creosoting Co. Ltd. Pressure Treated Posts, Foies and Lumber for Time &Money e Provide long trouble-free service life * Do not require skilled carpentry * Frovide more efficiency on your farm or business. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Please send me more information on Pole-Type Structures. OSHAWA WOOD, PRODUCTS UNMITED Yard and Main Office: Courtice Phone MA 3-2130 Showroom: 84 Simcoe St. S. Phone RA 5-4443 r NewcaUe: The regular manthiy meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society of the United Church was held in the Sunday School Hall on Thurs- day efternoon with the Presi- dent Mrs. W. F. Rickard open- ing tbe meeting with an im- pressive meditation entitled "Foundations", and prayer. Mrs. George Allin's group was in charge of the worship service whicb included a ser- Vice of intercession for the ,work of younger groups in- ciuding the Baby Band, Mission Band, Explorers and C.G.I.T. This was conducted by Mrs. Allin and consisted of Scrip- h ure reading, followed by a reading on the theme, "Tbink on these things", dealing wîth the work of the W.M.S. in re- letion ta its responsibilities for the Missionary education of the Social and Personal OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. We recommend this Vacation Check-up Pole-Type Structures SAVE YOU Clean and adjust distributor points Cleen, regap and test Piurs Test compression Set ignition timing Adjust carburetor Adjust fan beit Inspect choke and throttle linkage Test battery Complete tune-up electronie diagnosis Ideal For : Foie type cattie shed * Pole type barn * Foie type horizontal silo * Poie type utiity shed * Ail purpose building ""GET TOUE WORKINC PLANS" ALSO INQUIRE ABOUT0 ROOFING METHOD - ildingsyp Robson Mo tors ,-qlm"DA'T, :tTNE 13th, 1957 TIM CANADLALN STATESMAN. IROWMANVff.LLP- M",&ItTm lDàew-v- sittffl m 1 OWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-5539 1 1

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