-__________________ - - ..-*~.* ,, ..-... ~.. ~.. = ~ LZ1U1~bL>AX, JUNE 131 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATI~SMA?'1 mrNw15A~j¶m TO! ~'~'AD?~~ Service Club History Out!ined fo Kinsmen By Dave Morrison Rotarian Dave Morrison oLIt- ably) and flot by a spirit o! lined the history of Rotary, the fraction, and do flot mean la ]Bowmanville Rotary Club and censure or.annoy those that are service clubs in an inspiring absent but to enjoy one an- address to the Bowmanville other. Kinsmen Club at their regular Wlien thev are thus combined Meeting in the Balmoral Hotel for their own improvement tr Tuesday of last weck. for the gond of others, or at Wherever men and womcn lcast to relax themselves froir gather, whcther it is for their the business of the day by an morning coffee break, a lunch, innocent and cheerful conver- ornther purpose, they formi the sation, there may be somethhig nucleus of a club, Mr. Morris verv useful in thiese littie in- said. Since prehistoric tînin.ý stitutions and establishments, men have gathered to enjov Mr. Morrison said, in quoting fellowship and those meetings an article from the Londoni were the origination of clubs. Spectator of 1710, written by Useful Institutions Joseph Addison. This applies fo Our nmodern celebrated cluiL. the clubs of today, he added. are founded upon eating and Founded in 1905 drinking, which are pointq Rotary was founded by a whercin most men agree, anI v oung Chicago lawyer, Paul in which the illiterate, thîe duLi Harris, whose early life in aca- and the aîry, the philosopher demies followed by five years; and buffoori, can all of them n o travel gave hlmn the desire bear a part. When men are for fellowship and the urge ta thus knit together by a love of serve his fellow man. Upon his saciety (he added more charfi- return to Chicago in 1905, Mr. à --- »- - "Har p'.y B-A Service Station CORNER KING AND WAVERLEy ROAD) Try Our Gas Fi-up Service A complote service wvhen you f111 up witb our famous B-A Gasolines. For Carefree Driving Try Our *LUBRICATION *OIL CHANGES *CAR WASH We Specialize ini Car Polishing PHONE MA 3-3136 FOR PICK-UP SERVICE New Toni Dee Tee Moih Killer Easler to apply Larvex Spray - 1.09. 1.69 $3.00 value - Now - ----- $2.29 Larvex Bomb 1.98 Tip Toni 1.25 Insect Bombs --89e- 1.39 ~ I - - - -T - Razor 3.00 value For Falher Billfolds - 1.00 te 6.50 1.29 Key Cases - 1.35 - 2.25 Ronson Shaver '1.95 Philishave Hair Brushes - 98c -2.50 Shaving Bomb --- 98e Shaving Bowi ------ 89c 1.50 1ardley Aftershave 1.25- 2.00 Tone Ray Sun Glasses 4.00 -10.00 Thermos Bottles 1 1.89 -1.99 Raor Bail Paint Pens 35e 1.95 Brushes 21.95 Llghters ----- 49c - 79c 98c 79e te 5.00 For ihe Collages Caligesle - _____ .1,00) 5 Day Deodorant Pads 75o Cutex LiPstick 39e - 75e Tangel ____85,c Ultraniatir, Lipstick _1.75 6-12 RePellent ------ -- 69c Endeui Shampoo ---_ 1.69 Band-Aid.s-- 25e - 45e - 65e Rcsdan 15 Men's Travelling Sets in Zipper Cases - 3.98 - 4.95 - 5.98 - 12.75 COWLING'S PHONE MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES IUUUUU M E E M IMMIUU MMM NE MEUMMMM MU MUE Mmmli mu mmm il .luiluit.VU LIU11U 1UU J U o-esonen * nien Linlucled~ the club's various money rais- the' answers from members of un g projects in his intenestiuîg parliament in reply ta letters resumne. rcquestinà that the sale of beer " In a club one forms many in groceny stores be made ille- splendid friendships which arc gai. It wvas suggested by Mrs. *everlasting", he said. "'Some of W. C. Ives that Mrs. Ken- the finest people I have known neth Hopkins, president of the I met through club activities",IW.M.S. pnesbyterial be appoint- Mr. Morrison added. cd member of the Woman's As- Historian's Duties sociation execulive. This sug-, Since it was the occasion o! the Kinsmen Club's histonian night Mr. Mornison discussed Jam aica Is 1 the duties o! a club's 'historiaui. A histonian should be appoint- a LUJ cd as soon as the club isp estab- *MUl, 'ciL VV.À lished and he shou]d keep a detailcd account o! club hap- Kedron: Mrs. Russell Down thoseae.pincdjwas June hostess for the regu- Kin Chuck Cattran thankcd Ian monthly meeting o! Kedron Mn. Morrison for his highly ~ Woman's Association. Mrs. tkresting talk and presern.ed John Glover led in worship on hîm with a gift as a taken of the Ihemne "Our Need For Pray- appreciatian. He also extended r.Ms DulsLvwapi thanks ta Mr. Morrison for lus e r.DulsLv a i fine n)iano accompaniment dur- anist. Mes. W. Woodward, Mrs. ing the sing-song. W. Matthew and Mrs. J. Elliott Celebrate Birthdays gave Scipture and other read- JTwo guests were present at ings. the meeting. They were Past Th rga ilue ac District Deputy Governor, Teporm icue a- George Coling, o! Brighton and condion solos by Mrs. W. Mat- Rufus Williams, Gunner Mine, thew and an address on Jama*-1 Saskatchewan, father o! Kin ca by Mrs. Lloyd Akin,' pres- Ozzie Williams, Kin Art Haop- ently o! Oshawa, but a resîdent er and Ozzie Williams were citizen o! Jamaica until the last pncsented with gifts by Kmn three years. Mrs. Akin traced Don Stutt on the occasion of the history o! the people of their birthdays. this, the largest island of Brit- Kmn Ken Nicks won the ne- ish West Indies from time of gular atnac rw pie Columbus, and first coloniza- John Stutt presenîed Kmn Keith tion. The speaker explained the1 Connell with a gift for his new- wvide variety in skin colouring ly arrived son. in Jamaica, taking the audi- Annuai Bicycle Rodeo ence back ta the 300 years of slavery on the Island, the abol- Clarke Wilson announced ition o! the slave trade in 1836, that the annual Kinsmen Elmer and finally naw a country Bicycle Rodeo would be held where there is not racial or cal- at Central Sehool on Wednes- nue prejudice. However Mrs. day, June 19. This rodeo) will Akin explained that there i5 a bo open to any boy or girl be- social line, but nol with colaur tween the ages of eight and 16 distinction. inclusive. Many valuable pnuzes are being offered for the var- Proud of her native land, ious contests being featuced. Mrs. Akin touched on the beau- ty o! the Isle, the sense of Tag Assists Park Funds The Tag held by the Mem- anial Park Association on Fri- day night and throughout Sat- urday brought $132 ta assist in main tenance of Memorial Park and in buying new equipment. A door-to-door canvass xvas also made in the South Warcl district on Saturday morning. Mrs. Howard D. Bradley was convenor of the Tag. and meu-, bers of the committee were Miss Ada Dadson, president of the Association, Mrs. Howard Edmondson, Mrs. M. Etcher and Mrs. Victor Jeffery. Chul- dren from the park district sold the tags. Mrs. Bradley was assisted by Mrs. Jean Devit, Mrs. Lance Plain and Ton, Park at the Town Hall on Sat- urday. i Abh1 1 q The entire family %vill really go for fresh strawberries and deliciou, Glen Rae Whipped Cream (rder some of this exctra fine wvhipping cream fron, your inilkman toda'. Glen Rae Wipping Creani niakes any dessert taste better. GLEN RAE 98 King St. W. DAIRY Bowmanviiie strength the natives receive from the mountains; the ex- ported products; church life; present and future goverumeut and England's forthcomirig withdrawal in an advisory cap- acity, due ta be enacted in 1953 when there is ta be a federa- tion of the Ë.W.I. with its own federal and provincial gavern- ments. Musically, the speaker stated that Jamaica had enjoy- ed "Rock and Rall" and "Cal yp- o"bands for many years. Beautiful coloured pictures and items of interest brought from Jamaica were shown. Mrs. W. Werry presided for business. An excellent attend- ance was shown when roil was called by Mrs. C. Hopkins. Mrs. H. Pascne read several carres- pondence items, and Mrs. L. Tregunna gave the treasurer's report. The decision was ap- prnved ta have a turkey sup- per on November 6. Mfrs. I. Crossman with the president, were named as a committee ta arrange for paint- ing the Lower Hall o! the $300.00 IREWARDI For Information ieading to the arrest a.nd conviction of any Person trespassîng on, or stealing front BROOKDALE-KJNGSWAY NURSERY Properties Harris, founded, with the aid o! several acquaintances and P e yey W A xc friends, what is today knownP e b t r W , x c as Rotary. M k Frmthtsmllgru o I aIePlans for the Yecar the United States and Canada,i Sot piano music played by gestion was uuanîmously ac thent a i tarians fin a c'withMrs. Harold Lemon preceded cepted. tedung t ira andin Warce the meeting of about 30 mcm- The president reported ou hei durig th Firt Wold Wr irecent attendance at Dominior spread ta the many countries bers of the executive o! the Cauncil. She said that Mrs of the %vorld, until it became Oshawa Presbytery Woman*s V. W. Kinsman in her addrrsc the large service organization Association held in Northmin. ta the meeting had said therc it us today, Msr. vîorrison pornt- ster United Church. Mrs. E. D. ee610WA'si Caa e d out. Crih rsdncnutdmaking a total membership oc jthe business which included 212,636 and that the mouey Bowmanvilie Club fomng committees for thçt raised iu the previaus year had jThe Bowmanville Rotary 'work in the forthcoming year. exceeded $4,895.000.00. Mrs Club was formed in 1924 ana Mrs. Rex Harper was in charge Cornish urged members ta at- had a membership of 17. Their of the devotional period for the tend these meetings whenevcr first unaney raising project was! day and had Miss Millicent possible. a street carnival in 1927. whichi Luke and Mrs. Harry Blalcely Plans were made in part fa met with much enthusiasm and ta assist her. the faîl rally ta be hcld in AI: wvas a financial success. Mr., Mrs. Frank Black read the bert Street United _Church late Morrisnn tolri the mnirs frhrnnrprp wh .,, ,.s;.ine ,A. . - - 1in vctaaer. Mrs. H-arry Blake. fly was named delegate ta at. Stend the conference whiC1 rmeets in September in Can. nington. Mrs. Blakely is th( president of the King Streel United Church Woman's Asso- ciation. Afternoou tea wa served by members of the Northminster W.A. during tâE Su bject of &. Meeting Church. The W. A. picnic date Iwas set for July 17, at Geneva Park, with supper ta he held Iat five o'clock. Hostesses with Mrs. Down were Mrs. B. Hitchens, Mrs. J. Sutter, and Mrs. W. Muntjoy. Business Direcfory- A ccounianc y WM ..1..COGG[NS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Sus Staton> 64 King Street E. MONTEITR -MONTETTU RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Sixncoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Montelth, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. P. Lightfoot. C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale. C.A. F. Friediander, .. Commn.. C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. ' C hir op r acf ic G. EDW1N MANN, D. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor, of Horsev St, Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e ntal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office:- Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanviille Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pam. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 loeuse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office lu bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. IF. CATTRAN. D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 v.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone:* Office MA 3-5459 Insurance General Insurance J. A. BARTON Fire, Automobile, Liability, etc.1 43 Carlisle Ave. MA 3-3098 Le g a r:----- T1U.hE andi 8TRIXE Barristers, Solicitors j Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q. -- To Pay Past A. A H. Strike, B.A. Ld Due Bis Telephone MA 3-5791 jo Cosldt Barrister, Solicitor To Cnsoldate LAWRENCE C. MASON, BA. I~ EU 2Notarv Public I ~ Payments King St. W. « Bowmanville 0 MothlyPhonos: Office MA 3-56RR MonthlyResideuce MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS FoHlia 1eA Barrister. Solicitor For HolidayTemperance S. - Bowmanville ExpesesLOVEKIN AND T13OMPSON 4 Barristers and Solicitors E. Richard Lavekîn For NewU.E.. B.A., LL.B. ~ N Pu:chases LA.Br . :LL.M. Ot q Emiergency ' Toronto HI 4-4396 W Expenses Consultation by appointment only "The Difference withM rga e 4 BelîvueLEROT HIAMILTON - ORO NO Phono I r 16 is the Service 1> First MaitgaiRO funds Resideuces - Farms Business Properties BELLVUE Op fo m e fry SFINANCE IHA.,fLT 141 Kîî ing St. E. BowmanvIlle 'S' i . H. WVILSON, Mr. Office Hours: 6v aponintment Telephone MArket 3-3252 429!~ Simeoe fS. RA 5.1121k Mondav ta Saiurdav OSHAWVA 9 a.m. to 5 om 4 W'ednesdax's- 9 ta 12 Zhu.rsday evemngs ei r rs oi py U er te is Maore and farnilY, M.Ke.î ,aples. Cobour-g: Mir. and NI rý. E. Wercy werc Sunday vis- nrs of Mr. and MIrs. Rae Pub- Mr. and Mes. Ed. Dais- xa; Mr. and Mes. J. Yello- es were Sunday tea gues 'Mr. and Mcs. Raiph Davis ose id Pst. j The 30spokes of a ra se se-el centering ai the hhd- i. eý ssful b -1hr hoý tt -itre where notig ex s-tà aw [No. 948. Moved by Councillors Wright td Trewin that Lawrenseý .cnnedy of Millbrook be eu- rged ta mow Township Roadis ia price of $150 and cam- nence June 241h and be corn- Ieted bx' Jonc 29th and ta be -ga,,cd for second mowing in ;eptember il passible, at the ime price. On motion of Deputy Reeve neen and Councillor Hyland, .at Lloyd Passant be engagei1 ýweed Inspector aI a salary f$50.00) for the season. COURICE C. W. Sweet and fami]y. Salem, werc Sun- day vîsitors at Mr. and Mrs11 er fia George Goddards. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Peui- (artwvright: Council met on found, Joni and Jerry, Whitby; Monday, June 3rd. Reeve iii Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evauîs, chair. Minutes we-e read and Charles, Douglas and Carol, adopttd on motion of Deputy Bowmanvillc, were Sundav Reeve Green and Cauncillor supper visitors as the Clarence i lht. Penfound home. Ed Sues, Assessor. reported Mr. and Mrs. XilI Scott, Cal-! ta Counicil that he xvas unable gary, Alta.. Mr. and Mrý.'t ale ies nsm Charles Werry, Oshawa, ..r dogs, Clerk ta write owners re- Sunday cvening callers at the, garding same covered by By- It's much a pe-son's his back. better ta talkz ovr hcad, than behiusd - 1- %-iar Jn c IIJ.iuniiU Anme. 1l r On Wednesday, several la-i dies quilted at the home of Mi s. ai May Robinson, canveuior of tIie ýK W.À. quilt committce and en--g ejoyed a pot luck dinnen at jai nôan. ni Many People frnm Countice Pl IUnited Church attended Suii- jer day Sehool Anniversary sec- 1 S( evices at the sister church, Eben- sa t ezer. They were inspircd and challenged by the messages of Gi Rcv. Tink also the music pi-c- th vided by Mrs. Tink and tise as family. of SOLINAÀ The Women's Institute will mecS tonight (Thucsday) aS M 8:15 o'clock. Mîs. R. P. Rick- aby o! Bowmanville will be aà guest and wvill give a demout- stration on gift wrapping. AIl ladies are welcome. Stan Milîson, assistant sup-1 enintendeuit, opened Sunday- Schaol Sunday morning. The missianary prolgramn included a stomy o! Korea read by Mu-s. E. Hockadav, and a piano s--;, by Gail Baker. jRev. Crozier o! Whitbycos ducted the chsurch service. P-At Davis sang a lovely sola, "Be- i side Stili Waters." Chunch service next Sunday, with Rev. Reed in (hr2 Sunday School will be as 11:15 a'clock. Several fnom Solina attend-1 cd Ebenezen Anniversary Se- vices on Sunday when Rev. Fletcher Tink o! Hamilton w as guest minister. His splendid sermons and music by himse'f and his family weî-c much en- joyed by the large congrega- Mn. and Mrs. J. Knox and family, Mr'. and Ms-s. Georget Knox and fai-ily attendc.d Decoration Day Service at Ens- kine Cemetery and visited at H. Malcolm's and Ross Knox's. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Parninder and Helen atîended Dcconratim Day Service at Groveside Cm etery, Brookîju, Sunday. MIr. and MIrs. Wes Hilîs spent. the wcekend at Kenîptvullei whene thcy attended the alurn- ni reunion o! K.A.S. and we -c guests of Mr, and MIrs. J. R.I Humphries. The Exploners enjoyed a birdi walk and picnic &upper in George Knox's woods on Satur- day with their leaders, MIrs. B Tink and Mrs. J. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor,j Mr. and Ms-s. Bruce Taylor, M r. and MIrs. Don Taylor attended the 25th wedding anniversary celebration honoring Mr. arnd MIrs. W. B. Hoan o! Orono, Sat- unday evcning. The gathcning wvas field aI the home a! MIr. and Mes. E. R. Rainey.s Bradlcy's Communiîy Club picnic will be held at-i-:ih schaal on Friday evening, Jurse 21. Games and sparts wili begin aI 7:30 o'clock and wllU be followed by a pnogram. and lunch. The Thnee M's bowling patyl will be on Monday night atI 9 o'clock aI the Motor City Bowling Ailcys. They wijl afterwards retturu 10 the home of Brsuce and Jean Taylor for refreshments.* Mn. and MIrs. Bruce Tink and !amily, MIns. Addic Tink, Mr. and MIrs. Hanry Knox, Dean. and Boyd attended Ebenezer anniversary services and were cea guests a! Mr. and Mrs. nu-', aon Tink. k Miss Lois Ashton, Bradley'ý:,f spent the wcekend aI Mr.Ii Charles Langmaid's and with themn attended the Langmaidi picnie. Mr. and MIrs. Rov ..angmnaid, Mr. and MIrs. W î Ye'llowlees and sons also aI- ended. Mr. and MIrs. Roy Langmaid visited aI Mm. Will I'Mof!att's, )rano. Mr. and Mns. J. Leger, Susan and Wayne, Oshawa, visitcd at Ross Crydcrman's. Mn, and MIrs. Howard Fan- aow and sons, Stankvi'lle. visit- t - ed aI Mr. and MIrs. George :nox's.j Mn. and Mes. J. Ovenden an dI family, Oshawa; MIrs. Edithi MIarlowe and Mn. Sid Mitchell.!j a ?r 'Top Secret A ffair" (Aduit) Good comedy starring SUSAN HAYWARD and KIRK DOUGLAS Latest news and cartoon WED. AND THURS. - JUNE 19 20' Attention- Nurses and Doctors A picture of the nursing profession, bright with-soap and syrup. -the Sun" Colorful Florida Featurette Second shows approximately 9:10 p.mn. / I :Appoi nted 'twright Moved by' Couticillor Wright and Deputy Reeve Green thý-t a culvert be insalled at t1î@ driveway o! Mr. Bart. Van R S. ClcL-k ta contact District E.- gineer regarding assistance tor sidewalks in the Municipalit ' also write Higli School Boa.-J about damage and lack toâaj&L pervisian at Recreationaizf&Xn Ire. A By-law appoinîing C. Wes- ley Swect as Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, read first, second and third time. ard passed aon motion of Deputy Reeve Green and Councillor Trewin. Moved by Deputy Reeve Green and Counceillor Wriglht accounts be paid and adjaurti till Tuesday, July 2nd at 8 p.m. Proclamation More than a century and a haif ago a resolute group of pioneer families founded the hamiet of Darlington Mills. God-fearing, freedom-loving, self- respecting, neighbourly, and with faith in the future of their chosen land, they attacked the wilderness with axe and plough to lay a firm and true founda- tion for the town that now is Bowmanville. Since those early days, men and women from nmany lands, and of many faiths, hiave contributed their skills and talents ýo the growth and better- nient of our communlty. Ail too many of the men died in foreigi; lands in defence of our way of life, but nîost now lie in peace in Bowmanville Cemetery. It is meet and fltting, therofore, that we should annually pay tribute to the monîory of those men and women through wvhose labours we live in peace, beauty and freedom. Wherefore we proclaimi Sunday, June 16th, 1957, to be Decoration Day at Bowmanville Cerne- tory. Those parading to the Cemetery are asked to assemble at 2:00 p.m. in front of our Town Hall, while ail other citizens are in'vited to gather at the Cemetery Gates for the memorial Service that,,nil1 commence at 3:00 p.m. N. E. OSBORNE, Mayor. A. J. LYLE, Cierk. KEITH LATHANGUE, Chairman, Civic Committee PAGE SIX - THE CANADLAN STATYSMAN. nc)wmAmvn-rr- nmy,&iqtn pvqt"t"O"Alp tu., lh, 1937 Royal Theatre Bowmanvllf THURS. TO SAT. - JUNE. 13 - 15 Excellent feature - Reviewed on page ten 1-Oth CENTURY.POX presents DeborahKERRobert MITCHU M 'CLOR by DE LUXE Special Saturday Natinee- 2 p.m. Spoilers of the Plains" Starring ROY ROGERS Also "Destroyers of the Sun il Shavine 1 "M7 . 18 M19 MON. AND TUES. - JUNE 17