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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1957, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JUNE lSth, 1957 TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWL&NvTLy~ O!'rrA~Tr~ Mrs. A. N.- Fraser, Toron to, has been spending a few days with Mrs. C. H. Mason. WAW L. Roenigk spent the ë~wdMtt in Stratford, the guest o, f Mrs. W. H. K. Crehan. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Yeo and Mrs. Art Falls and Marlene, spent the weekend in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. C. G.Mors have been on a motorid fish- ing trip in Quebec and Eastern Canada. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilkin- son, Allan and Linda, Scarbor- ough, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Ames. Mr. Donald Cramp, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cramp, ha., passed bis first year examina- tions at Western Universi'y with honours. Agicultural Representative E. A. Summers and Mrs. Sum- Mers attended graduation ex- ercises at Kemptville Agricul- tural School last Saturday. Recent visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. William Whitebead were the latter's cousins, Mn. and Mrz. E. Lambourne from Bi- cester, Oxfordshire, England. INrs. D. H. Jamieson and Ms R. M. Jamieson retumned from Winnipeg where they visited the latter's daughter and hus- band, Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Cock- Ehott. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Graham socîît a pleasant afternoon on !Saturday with Uncle Will and Ir. Russell Mclntosh at Gypsy Point, Pigeon Lake, Bobcay- geon. Visitons of Mrs. Percy Hay- wand were Mr. and Mrs. Raye West, Danlene and Raye Jr., Mrs. A. West, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dean and Jeff, Mrs. Aif. Let- ooze, Maple Grave, Miss Betty Jane Werry, En- rîîskillen, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, entertained ten of ber littie girl friends on the occasion of her tenth birthday on Friday, June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell enjoyed holidays at Honey Harbour, Geongian Bay and Minderi. Mr. and Mns. Wilfrid Smale also ijent the *weekend at Kushog :.elghts, Minden. Merchants on King Street are Ieading the "paint up"' cam- paign in preparation for next year's Centennial celebrations. Can the variety and vividness ST. JOHN'S' ~CHURCH (Anglican) r 11 ly Sunday HOIt COMMUNION 10 and 11l&.ni. - CHtYRCH SCHOOL &. ant - McIRNING PRAYER 1of some of the colours be in- iterpreted as a form of self-ex- pression? Mrs. Leslie Jackson and Mrs. Harry Freeman spent a week witb Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Free- jman, St. Catharines. Mr. ar Freeman and Mr. Leslie Jack- son motored over for the week-- end and the ladies retuzned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard and son James accompanied by Alistair Rickard, son of Rev.j R. H. Rickaard and Mrs. Rick- ard of Columbus, have gone ta Banff ta attend the Convention! of the C.S.G.A. being held ini the School of Fine Arts, return- ing the end of June. Have you found yourself with one foot on the steps of the old post office building, then reai- ized your mistake? Lots of peo- pie bave. Going ta the post of- fice bas been one of those au- tomatic things we do. No doubt the new location wili becoma just as much a habit in time. Local 78 of the Farm Union held its May meeting at thse home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox with a very good attend- ance. Vice-president Joe Tru- deau took the chair in the ab- sence of president, Douglas Barton. After the business per- iod and plans for the Union~ picnic were made, lunch was served. Miss Lynne Bagneli of the Shipstads and Johuston le,- Follies appeared an television Tuesday o! this week in Seat- tlc on the pragram, "Sometbing for the Kids". Lynne was in the bunny costume from the Snowflake Fantasy number. We hope ta bave Lynne's im- pressions of this exciting ex- perience soon. Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Tyrone, attended the graduation of hec son Larmer from the Advanc- ed Course in Agriculture at Kemptvilie Agricultural School, Kemptville, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McHolm, of Port Hope district were also present for the graduation of the~r daughten Mary from the Homýe Economics Course, and son Roy from the Agriculture Course. Also attending from this dis- trict was Mn. Robert Carru- thers, a first year student. Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers accompan- led hlm and visited relatives near Kemptviile. Dr. and Mns. John Werry en- tertained the executive of the Werry-Wright-Philp picnic, o! which the former is the 1957 President, at their home, King St. E., on Tuesday cvening. Those present included Mr. and M.'rs. Bert Luke, Toronto; Mrs. George Werry, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreil, Black- stock; Mrs. Ralph Virtue, En- niskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'elowlees, Sauina: Mr. andi Mrs. Elton Werry, Ebenezer . Plans were completed for thel family gathering ta be helda Hlampton on Saturday, Juiy 20. The hast and hostess served a deliciaus lunch. v F I 'Y iv EVENING PRAYER Turn OId Furnilure mb oCash witb STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 D urham Giraduates of Kemptville School Three students from Durham County received awarded the Kemptville Women's Institute prize for high- diplomas at graduation exercises of Kemptville Agri- est ranking student in general proficiency in the Home cultural Schooi, Kemptville, on Saturday, June 8. Pictur- Economics Course, and Roy McHolm won the Ottawa ed are Larmer Rosevear, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose- Journal prize for livestock judging. Hon. W. A. Good- vear, Tyrone, a graduate of the Advanced Course in Agri- fellow, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, xvas guest culture; Mary and Roy McHolm, daughter and son of Mr. speaker for the occasion. and Mrs. Mel McHolm, Port Hope, R.R. Miss McHolm was, -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville Myra Cooper Is Elected Head of Teachers' Group The final dinner meeting of the Women Teachers' Federa- tion of the Durham West In- spectorate was h9d June 6tiâ in Blackstock Hall,. The ineet- ing was in charge of the Car,- wright and Manvers teachers and the dinner was served by the O.N.O. Club of Blackstock. Mrs. Ruth Clarke of Port Hope, the past president of the Ontario Teachers' Federation was present and brought news of the work being done by F. W.T.A.O. Miss Cora Bailey, recently elected ta the Board of Gov- ernors of the O.T.F. and a Kin- dergarten teacher in Park Hill Rd. School, Peterborough, aiso spoke about Federation and its aims. Mrs. Calnan of Pontypoal gave a report of the Spring As- sembly held at Belleville, May llth. 'The following report of the nominatîng committee "vas brought in by Miss Betty Mc- Holm: President, Miss Myra Cooper; Past President, Miss M. Couch; Vice President, Miss Yvonne Chant; Recording Sec- retary, Miss Ruth Wilson; Co- responding Secretary, Mrs. Audrey Read; Treasurer, MiSm3 Margaret Aiken; Press Secre- tary, Miss Ila J. Armstrong. A brief business meeting followed during which Miss R. Wilson and Miss Y. Chant Pediamrs' By mLcow (Continued from page one) a wholesaler or retailer. Simil- arly no license is required for goods, wares, or merchandise Iwbîch is grown, produced or manufactured in Ontario and is bawked, peddled or sold hy the grower, producer, or man- ufacturer or bis agent or em- playee having written author-- ity ta do so, in the Municipality in which the grower, producer, or manufacturer resides. Farm produce may be soid by the farmer resident without a license. Also excluded is a persan w-ho payý a business tax in the municipality or bis employee or agent, as well as a persan who acts as an agents of a dealer who pays a business tax. The anus for proving t he does not need a licens,ýe rýest on the persan cbargcd. The bv-iaw also states that the license mnust be carried at ail times by tliýo ,pediar or hawker. Any persan not complyigt the regulations is subject tu arrest witbout a warrant and ensuing conv ictions, Revolver -Club were eiected as delegates ta at- tend the annual meeting o! F. W.T.A.O. in Toronto, August. The meeting was turned over ta Mrs. E. Argue, Bethany h programme convenor. Voa solos and duets by Cheryl Met- cal! and Grace Feddema, o! Cartwright school, were most enjoyable. The girls, winners in the recent Peterborougii Music Festival, were accom- w,ýright Music Supervisor. LESKARD Mr. and Mrs. R. Rabbins and fGai], Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffat, Orono, were recent vis- itors witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Rab- bins. Mr. and Mrs. E. Puckrin, Oshawva, Mr. and Mrs. A. Young and son, Toronto, wiîth Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin.' Mr. and Mrs. Dewell, Bow- manville, wîtb Mr. and Mrs. H. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. C. Prout and Lynn, Toronto, at thein country residence. Mr. and Mns. Eric Law, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pnîce, recently from England, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green. Miss Joan Tennant is wear- ing a brand new diamond. Wedding belîs will be ringirg for ber sometime in July. Be3t wishes Joan. Farewell For Daveys A!ý farewell dance was held at Leskard school in banor af Mr. &nd Mrs. Harry Davey, Jobnnie and Mrs. L. DavE ,y. Neighbours presented them with a iovely chair, nirrar, and nursery lamp for Jobunie and an orlon cardigan for Mrs. Da- vey senior, after which re- fresbments were served and everybody danced ta the early hours of the marning. We are sorry ta lose such good neigh'bours. The Daveys have farmed in Leskard for four generations. Henny's fa- iher helped ta build Leskard church. The family have ai- ways heen held in great res- pect by the community and will be greatly missed. We wislî them good luck, goad bealth and happiness in their new home at Bowmanvilie. Tv«nl1mr Mn. and Mrs. M. McCuisb, 1\IiŽs Frances McCuish. Cooki;- tawn, with Mn. and Mrs. E. Deeley, Mn. an-d Mrs. N. Woodley visited Mn. and Mns. Keitn Caswell, Port Hope. Mr. Lloyd Hoar, Montreal,i visited his mother, Mrs. S. T. Hoa r. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, Miss Grace Smith attendeci Decoration Services alt Boston Milis Cemetery, Inglewood, al- ter which a family gathenîng (Continued from inage one) was lield at the home of Mr. imay secure it from the office and Mrs. Ted McBride, Bramp- 'of the Bowmanville Police De- ton.- Mrs. J. C, Cook, Sr., re- partment. mmesi turned home with her son. Open mmesi in the Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- club will be closed after the, lin and children, Nestieto,, next scheduled meeting. After1 visited bher mother, Mrs. Edithi that time anyone wishing to Murphy. join will be required to have Mr. and Mrs. James Park' two sponsors from among tne. and boy s. Peterborough, visitedi membership. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Jr. The next regular meeting oft the club is slated for Wednes- Miss Lauraine Cook spent the dayv. June 19. Additional meni- ekn r. ibers wvî1l be aLcepted anid final Douglas Thornpson, Salem. plans discussed. '\Ir. and Mrs. L. E. Gross- Offleers Elected kurth. Guelph, \vere Sîindayv Claire Wakelin was elected visitors of Mrs. S. T. Hoar. president at the meeting. Othier MUr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis inembers of the executive coin- and children visited Mr. and mittee elected include: Ken Mrs. W. Rahm, Sunday on Fourj Morris, vice - president; Ray1 Mile Lake, Sîceman, secretar-treas.urfpr: Mrs. Ronald Philp visited Ken Moynes, range offîcer; ber siïster, Mrs. G. Planke, Doug Glynn. publicity officer. Oshawa. Anvone wvishir.g further in- '\Ir-. A. A. Jackson. London, formation pertaiî1ing ta * nc k vis;ting her son, Rex-. andi c!ub k; wek,ýome to contac*. an-,,I- J. Jackson. of the above rnrri,* -,wd e' '~- Mr. and Mrs.. Rwzsell Wrighit tive ir attend the next meet- Miss Marion WýArigh't ere Sun- SflZ.daY eveninz visitra of Mr. and Mrs. Don James, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Acheson, Miss Jacqueline His, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. His. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wrigh' are on a trip ta Georgian Bay J acqueline Rosevear has re- turned home from Osbawa Ho3- pital feeling much improved. Mrs. J. A. Rosevear and Larry attended the graduation exer- cises at KAS., Kemptville, on Saturday last1. Congratulations Larry on graduating with hon- ors in the advanced Agricultur- ai Mechanic Course. Two English Students Tour Goodyear Plant cSocwia& £Personal Phone MA 3-3303 sites as the St. Lawrence Ses- way Project, Parliament H:1, General Motors and others. They will visit Elliot Lake, sight of Canada's uranium mines; Port Arthur and Fort William, before completing their Ontario tour. In western Canada they will see many of the large cities and enjoy the thrili of watching the Calgary Stampede. Witb the aid of Dr. Leish- man, President of the Reginx Rotary Club and Director of Eastern Electric Construction, the boys have been met at their variaus stopovers by friends who conducted their tour, Ralph Ames, Bowman- ville, accompanied tbem on their tour of the Goodyear plant. Their tour will end at Banff, Alberta. On their return voy- age they will embark by ship from Churchill, Manitoba and travel the northern sea route. When they returu home they will address the Newcastle Rn- tary Club regarding their tour. SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK "For Baby's Comfort" Father's Day-June 161, SHOP AT VOUR Here are Just a few of many SRolN BABY POWDER th DRUG STORE Father's Day items available at FUV O \ \ ~ SmaII the dependable place to your I.D.A. Druggist ~ 7U S L D ' smai buyail your medicines 39c Special 1 neiv creamy Large 7'7I 2.50 value- ___ 1.79 ~ 65c "_9ei _!rro "L-.ý MELO8%ON4DED FOR SUIE STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! 3,5 BIG BOX-3--PL Y... New With Wondersoft* rovering .NOW IN THIS SOFT GREY PACKAGE 12's 43c *REG'O TRADE MARX 1.D.A. Idol-Agar Mineral Oil and Agar 16-oz. Reg. 98e 79c 40-oz. Reg. 1.89: 1.59 LUSTRE-CREME LOTION 75c size -------------- - 59e SHAMPOO Reg. 1.10 jar -----89ç Save 33e on Colgate TOOTH FASTE 33e tubes 3 For 66C Save 32e on Halo Shampoo ReIg. 85e sizes 2 For 98C Save 29e on Ipana TOOTH FASTE 59c tubes 2 For 89c Odo-Ro-No CREAM DEODORANT value - SPRAY1 1.50 ,value -- ___79c' DEODORANT 98C Cameras Brownle Holiday ___ 5.90 With Flasholder -___ 9.75 Outfit - -_-_-__---- - 11.45 Brownie Hawkeye 9.25 With Flasholder 14.20 Outfit - -- -- --- 16.75 Duaflex Cameras 19.75, 29.95 Pony135 ----- - . 39.75 If Dad has a Camera - Films would make a very useful gift for him. Your I.D.A. Druggist has a complete stock on hand. Lighfers Ronson "Windlite" .----- 3.75 Other Ronsons -.--- - 4.50 up Automatic, enamel or chrome finish ------- 49c, Champ -----------98e Fisher 8 Zippo --- --- - - ------ - 3.95 1 Specials 169e Vitalis and Comb 69e 98e Eversharp Sehick Injectorý Razor Kit plus 1.00 size Eversharp Sehick Shampoo 1.98 value . -98e Gillette Super-Speed Razor plus Gold-plated Lure Bait and Fly Box 3.00 value- 1.29 Shaving'Needs Shaving Brushes 4.00 value -.- 2.98 Others --- 1.00, 3.98, 5.00 up~ Old Spice After Shave Lotion ----- 1.35, 2.00' Electrie Shave 1.251 Smooth Shave Bonb 1.2 Shaving Muz -- 1.50 Sets . 1.35, 2.00, 2.10, 2.85 Williams Aqua Velva 45c, 79e 1' 25 Leetrie Shave -.. 79e: 1:251 Lather Shave 41c, 65e 1 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. jWe Deliver McG regord, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 "The bospitality of Canadian people, our standard of living, quality of aur food, the vast- ness of Canada and our clim- ate"e, greatly impressed two Englisb students presently tauring Canada, they said here iast week. Neil Gledson and Bill Raîn- bow, bath 18, were visiting Bowmanville on a tour of tne Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Thursday of last week. The students were on the second leg of a Canadian tour sponsored 4ay the Regina Rotary Club. The tour was arranged with the aid of R. S. Dalgleish Ship- ping Lines. wbo annually spon- sor a similar trip for Canadiari students. Under the sponsor- ship of the Regina Rotary Club the boys were selected by their local Rotary Club., and sailed here aboard a Dalgleish liner arriving in Montreal May 3 From Montreal they travel- led ta Cornwall, Ottawa, Osh- awa and then Bowmanvijl!e. They were shown such famous Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 1l:00 A..- Sacrament of the Lord's Table We welcome the LOL. and L.O.B.A. to our norning service. 7:00 P.M. - "Re-Creation" Organist-M2ýr. Arthur Collisan, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.Mý. Muupi. Grove ANNIVERSARY Maple Grove Sunday Sehool Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday, June I6th at 2:30 pan. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. IVesley A. Hnnnisett of the Fred Victor Mission will be the guest speaker. Special music by the Sunday Sehool, asslstedl in the afternoon by Miss Linda Scott and Mis& Lynda Martin and Mr. Robt. Henry in the evening. On lkEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th SUPPER wiII be served frorm 5:00 p.m. on FOOTBALL GAME AT 6:30 P.M. At 9:15 p.m. a Varlety Concert wlll b. rendered eonsistinir of a one-aci play by Courtice Young People, Ross Metcalf, sololst, and Kleine Hanbourgh, violin sololst; other talent.* PRICES - ADJ'LTS . * Tea and Concert $1.25 PRICES - ('HILDREN Tea and Concert .75 CONCERT ONLY - Aduits - - - - - - 5 CONCERT ONLI' - ('hildren ** . .. . .25- COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE - 1 THURsDAY, JIYIIM 13th, 1937 THE CANADUN STATESIMAN. BOWMA.%Lrntt£. ONTARIO . IpArq.r qvvvm 1 20c 2for 39c 098L Timw mark jumso size 35c 2for 69c

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