PAGE EMORTà ai %à&"Ib-&£J T by ELSIE CAREUTRERS LUNNEX THE NOUSIE THAT that grawing of one thing into BROMFIELD BUILT anather, the succession of geil- J. Donald Adams who wites eration by generation, which r@gularly in the New York is the rich, satisfying rule of Times Book Review, mnentioni- Nature herseif and indeed of ed in a recent column that onfl al civilization. I think tnê a trip to a college in Ohio, he dream cof that house was thére had passed within ten miles of ,long ago in the days when as the late Louis Bromfield's Mal- a small boy I knew every trec abar Farm. The farm is de- and spring and pasture in thc- serted now, save for a caretak- Valley." er, he said, but is soon to be Bromfield was sensitive to taken aver by a state agency the atmosphere of bouses and for continued agricultural ex- asttheoenwt f perient Mr.Adas thnksthem in his novels and stories. this a fitting sequel to Mr. And so he did. Civilization flot Bromfield's life and work C only lost when Bromfield died, Malabar, and so it is in a way, a go giutrls n andBrofied mntinedtheman who had learned the art possibility himself in one of his of living, but a good story tell- books. er, of which there are ail to Bromfield had a wonderful few. H e believed that the aura feeling for the earth, its beauty of a bouse reflected the tern- and its productiveness; he had prmn n at fteon an equal love for good archi- eram and ef tsteo te an- tectralline ina bosethethat he believed he could tell proper proportion of rooms much of their chanacter af'er and beautiful handmade furni- emiusinahs. ture which suited those nooms.temiusinaos. He tells of the building of Me and his wife lived in the bouse in achapter in his rnany countries before return- book "Pleasant Valley", and ta îng ta the United States an.d read it again is to \veep that there were things they liked reither he nor his wife. nor the about these vanious bouses and childireu, whio made their o%% i the wav of life there. In parti- contribution of ideas. are there iculai' they liked France, wheric to enjoy' this house whi hwstilev foit ihait continuînty of built wivth the idea that it WOuLIC which hie spoke, and when they' look as if it had already stoid carne to build in Ohio, th1e a hundred years, and that it nooms of the big house wWhi would be lived in by rnan.y sprawlod delibcrately and went generations after they wr up and down ta different le- dcad. ve is, combincd the French style - irs. Bromfield predeceased her with the classie purity af Tho- huzband, and Mr. Adams says mas Jefferson's Greek Revival he ieft no sons. Circumstances style. no doubt prevent any of th;ý Bromfield's telling of the ds-ughtens from living in the1 building o! the Big House as valley which Bromfield said_ he called it, is a love story ini "I lrwed asz a hov and still lo\ ithelf. Whlile lie liveil, evelry liciter 1t Liiiv all\ '11v iii t de rotii was iis(d flot 0o1i*>VhY t11w 1 rl ..Ifuld heee,.,coul- fainlmhil. but wneiîghhoîi's ani t:flitV \, cie\isted in F ranu >', org,,an 1/atiois. Il \vas a Place of Cedar Park HAMPTON - ONTARIO NOW OPEN FOR PICNICS L Large Swimming Pool 101/2 feet deep Reservations for picnics - Cali OSHAWA RA 5-0186 HAMPTON MA 3-3467 pteenr speakier, i nstea d of STOVE OIL 2 1lC gal. each of three having five min- utes. "Show me a typewriter," he said, and sat down and wbipped off a full lengtti speech which he didn't even have time to read oven before ' T 3 ging on the air. - pe__ r More power ta Mr. Hinman's FUE O IO10 g ai. energy and ta the Histarîcal 1 7* iSaciety's kood work. Nobody would deliberatelv For uelivery Phone Oshawa RA 5-1109 w alk in front of a cannon aboutj t efired, but too many peo- ple take the same nîsk by wak- ing blindly into moving traffie. DON'T WAIT TILL YOU'VE PLAYED IN YOUR NEXT GAME 0F POLO Take Schweppes immediately Commander Whitehead, Schweppesman Extraordinary, will tell you that Schweppes Tonic Water is the - repeat, thre tonic water. First, there's the refreshing, bitteraweet flwvour of Schweppes. Then, there are thiose cnthusiastic little bubblcs that tickle yoîir palate so deightfully. It'sa a- most worth getting hot and parched te discover the pure pleasure cf quenching a Raging Thirst with Schweppes. Yeu muet insist on it for an authentic torde drinkl TONIC WATER The eaaentia.l tonic water for auth.ntîc tonic drinks. Enjoy world-famous Schweppes Dry Ginger Aie and Schweppes Club Soda. toc. ,SCHWEPPERVESCENCE LASTS TrHE WHOLE DRINK THROUG.H Smth Bavme Ltd.. 124 Church St, Bowmanville, ont. - Tel. MA 3-553(h Piano Pupils 0f Mrs. Sta pies HoId Recital On Monday evening, June 3rd, the pupils o! Miss M. H. Staples, Orona, gave a piano recital in Onono United Church Sunday School. Thc stage was dieconated with several baskets o! lovely spring flowers. Mrs. Staples welcamed the guests and introduced Ross Tamblyn wha acted as chairman. Marie Hooey piayed for the singing. o! "The Queen"~. The following pupils gave Pi- ano sala selections: Janet Gra- ham, Frances Rickard, Bever- ley Tennant, John Grady, Sha- non Barchard, Catbryn Hoocy, Peggy Hancock, Diane Giîbart, Dorella Lancaster, Garry Ped- well, Jean Tamblyn, Grant Yeo, Helen Malda, John .Quaîq- trili, Sharon Tamblyn, Sandra Bowen, Gail Allin, Glorila Quantrill, Doris Martia, Ross Tamblyn, Fred Graham, Marie Hooey. Duets were5 given by Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn and Jean, Lucy and Helen Malda, PeggY Mancock and Diane Gilbart. Marie Hooey tld the life story o! Shuberl and Jean Tarnb,ýyn gave the life o! Mozart. Each story was followed by a selec- thon o! the campaser's work. A short sing sang was enjoy- cd and Ross Tamblyn tbanked Mrs. Stapies for ber work an Ibis necîtal. OBITUARY MISS AIARGARET STEER Miss Margaret Steer, ag'ed 87 years, died in Cobourg on June 111h follawing a lingerirg ilîness. She was bora ia Man- vers township, daughter of thic laIe James Henry Steer and bis wife Eliza Fallis and bad livcd in tbe district during al ber lifetime. Shc was a member o! the Bcthany Methodist Church. She was predeceased by bs2r parents. anc sister, Mrs. Minnie Marshall of Lindsay and four brothens, George, Wesley, Exra and Albert Steer. lmmediateiy surviving is ane sister, Mrs. Louisa Scott and several nieces and nephews ia- ciuding Mns. James Isaacs o! Lindsay, Mrs. Bert Monk o! Peterborough; Lawrence Steer and Mrs. Kathleen McCuilough, Saskatoon, Sask., Norman Steer, Windsor. The funeral service was con- ducled by Rcv. Wm. Fritz of Janetville and burial was i Failis Ccmetery, Manvers. Pali bearers \veîe Ex'erett Armstrong. Richard Armstrong, Garnet Armstrong. Bert Monk. i Norman Failis and Alex Mc- Master. so new.. so soft.. so airy . peekaboo pigý Ma pie Grove :ential 0f Homemal Maple Grove: Mns. Hugh AI- lison, convener cf Home Econ- cmics and Healtb committee of Maple Grove Women'a Institut. abna ite and use, bectuse "vas i charge of the program abunantdi ha a.on June 3rd. Miss Francis he anedit ha wy.Lam pman, Home Etonomist fr Durham County, was guest THE SCADDING CABIN 'speaker. The Scadding Cabin, belleved Miss Lampman spoke on ta be Toronta's oldest building, Girls' Homemaking Clubs. The situated since 1879 on the Can- girls' clubs differ from the 4-H adan National Ex~hibition Clubs in that there are no coni- gnounds and maintaiaed as a petitions. The girls are judged museum by the York Pioneeer on their individual imprave- and Historical Society, opened ment and on completing a pr- for the season during the past ject a sterling engraved silver week. spoon lslathe neward. Last year 10,000 girls in On- Incnedibly enougb, we have taria compîeted their prajects. neyer visited this bistorlc There are 15 dîfferent clubs, building. We are informed fîve food clubs, clothing units, through the Saciety's report ganden clubs and defense clubs. that it cantains an excellent This free service ia home mak- display o! pioneer furniture ing is pravided for ginls in On- and abjects, including a chair tario between the age o! 12 te used by Governor John Graves 16 by the W.I. bnanch of the Simcoe. A number o! ladies o! Ontario department of agricul- the Society take turna demon- ture. The clubs flot only pro- stratlng spiniifg. vide sound education ia cook- The cabin was builit on the ing, sewing and the grawîng, eLst bank of the Doa River ini caring for and presenving of 1794 by John Scadding who bad food but requinements of the accompanied tbe Lieutenant club work develop persanality, Gavennor ta Upper Canada ani dependability, sociability and received a grant o! land on thce the ability o! sel! organization Dan. When it was. finst moved and ro-operation with others ta its present site by membens ail o! which is most important o! the York Pioncer and Mis- in haine making. torical Society in 1879, it was Miss Lamptnan said that a called the G;overnar SimncOe certain educational institution cabin. At the same lime, an- in Hamnilton preferred aoplica- other cabin, of greeni logs, w3s lions iroin girls xvho bad becui erectcd and called the Pioner1Honîeîaking Club girls. Lodge, ta be fitted up with Mrs. W. H. Brown tbanked colonial furniture and equip- Miss Lampman for ber infor- ment. The new cabin fell rnto mative address. decay and was eventually The motta, "Keep yourself pulled dowa, but the old one dlean and bnigbt for you are was still free from rot. the window through which you John Scadding neturned tu I must sec the world", pnepared England with Governor Simi- by Mrs. Hanry Wigbt was coe, but came back ta Canacta read'by Mrs. Aylnier Beeiý. in 1817 at which time he sold Mrs. Wrigbt's message was part o! the land on the Don, that a clean sbining persan dfld tlhe cabin, tu William Srnitl). with a hîappy lieart. iîeaîity or' It wvas presented to the Sociely~ sou I and a !îni i1iî.g f:ice iii b.v his k0 n, John Smnith, iin matter how hmlwill -we, 1879. Il was said ta have been the woi'ld arillht. used 'oy sorne memnbers a! tb2ý The roll call-a tenîpting use- Gavernor's staff as a huatirîg o! Caniadian cheese was of! lu- lodge. John Scadding built, on terest since cvcry anc had a his returnata Canada, a farni use for this valuable Canadian bouse and barn futher north product. Mrs. Allistan advised on the Don River ha the vicin- that we should flot farget ta ity of the present Gernard make good use o! cheese. Street. It is bard ta visualize a Community singing was en- farm there now. joyed with Mrs. I. Munday * e eleading and Mrs. Wm. Laird at LOTS0F RIV AT the piano. LOTS F DRIE ATFollawing a short business THREE SCORE AND TEN session conducted by presidex:t We had an lntcresting talk Mrs. Chas. Gneenbam wben last week with Mn. W. P. Min- Mns. I Munday, district direc- man o! Cobourg wbo wnites a tor gave a brie! report o! the negular column for the Cobourg District Annual meeting at Nes- Sentinel-Star, was first presi- tîcton. A motion was carried ta dent of the Northumberland cater for a July wedding. Mns. County Histonical Society and Grecnham gave the first o! ber is naw ils Ircasunen and con- reports o! the officers' confer- rcsponding secrctary. Mn. Min- ence beld at the Ontario Agni- man is "hlai past scvcnty- cultural College, Guelphi, in tbree" as he puts il, but as full May. One o! aven 700 W.I. o! enengy and enthusiasmn as a women ta tour the collegi, man hlai! is age. Me bas hcip- Igrounds and buildings, Mrs. ed ta spread the gospel a! the Greenham was întcrcstcd in value o! prescnving aur histary MacDonald lnstitute wbich by spcakiflg at Wamen's Insti- camne iflla bcing through tle tutes and many othen clubs and efforts and inspiration a! Mrs. gathenings. John Hoodless, founder o! the Prepared ta speak a few min- W.I. and ber faithful foliawers. ute anthelocl rdiostaion The education given through in the iecènt electian campaign, - «I.extes ioncursaeas tad le was tld about five minutes1 girls' lb stesm sta beforehand that be was ta be1 taught at Macdonald Institute. LUFraserville, wxti 'Mr. and Ms aà VYl rueairs R. Wie 0 Mrs. Jarvie, Maple Grave. * ~ with Mrs. W. R. Prouse and 1<1 ng C l ubs Charley Prouse. Sorry ta hear that Mrs. M. Mrs. Greenhamn also told of the McAllffter bas been ill with new véterinary building and pneumania in Bownianviile that the O.A.C. Veteninary Col- Hospital ail week. She returned lege la the largest on this con- home Saturday. tinent. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sbep- Dr. MacLachian, president of pard and family, Campbell- the college, ia welcoming the croft, witb bis parents, Mr. and delegates likèned womanhood Mrs. H. Sheppard. ta a diamond. He felt that this Mr. and Mrs. T. Sowden wîth description could well apply ta Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peacock. members of the Federated Mr. and Mrs. Jef! Powcll, Womnen's Institute of Ontario. Millbrook, with Mr. E. Powell Briefs were given fram ad- and Mary Powell. dresses by Mrs. John Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Long and Saskatchewan, president of the dadkh ters, Kathy and Patty, Federated Institutes of Canada, Rochester, with ber parents~, Mrs. James Haggerty, Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewko froin Ontario president and Dr. Me- Wednesday until Manday. Cready, principal of MacDon- ..Metn ald Institute. Mrs. Greenham rn. etn will continue ber repart in July. Elizabethville Women's In- July meeting is la charge of stitute touned the box factory Histonical Research graup,. at Newcastle. About twenty Fruit salad, tea biscuits and members gatbered at Mrs. T. G. tea were scnved while a social Sowden's, Newcastle, and lîad time was ejyd a negular W. I. meeting. It was enjoyed.decided ta give aur Junior Girls $2.00 for' expenses fto" E LIZABETH VILLE their meetings. It was moved and seconded tbat we let aur Rev. Hunniset of Fred 0Vic- union jack stay an the pale fur ton Missions, Toronto, spake on the summer and to Ïbe taken Sunday, wben the Sunday down after Nov. 1l. The raol School beld their anniversary. cali was answered by your fav- He used several pieces o! Wood arite soap. Mrs. L. Hughes wac, as an abject lesson sbowing a gucst from Morrish Institute how the poison ivy can twitî1e and Mrs. Samis fîom the Newv- around soft wood trees and tonvîlle bnanch. twist and squeeze the trees The ladies Rien wcnt ta the c.ut af shape and to illustrat.e box factor., vhernee weî how cvii and sin can conducted through the buitdiu'c arotind Our lives. The cilîdren by Mr. Grant Cooper. We eii- sang two sangs and aur junýor tered weethe raw miatorial quartet, Ross and Jirn Muldrev.', is taken in and plancd, sawîi Stan Durwood and John Quan- and sanded on to whene it was tnill, sang a number. glucd ino boxes, stained a-id In the evening Rev. Gandin- later binged. Tben we went up er led in a worshîp service foi- stairs wbere they were fitted lowed by sldes on the atomic with lining and loops for sil- pwer. Miss Shirley Muldrcev verwar. Tey make al kinds played the violin assistcd by of boxes and display cbests for Miss Donathy Muldrew on the silvenware. We followed oit piano. The quartet rendered until they were finished, box- another number. cd and packagcd neady for ship- Mr. Deibert Fisblcigh, Osaca, ment. Luinch was served b'y at Mr. and Mrs. W. Longyear. Mis. Trewý'sý group at IVrs. Sow- Mir. aiid Mis. A 1 lzimiTnbl yn dins. It was ilecided 1()s hc and ianîily.'u v v. imm lsie Taili - saluds as 0o11- short uoli r e for; blyn. Bowmanville, with Mr. later on anid that w,.e xý ou!d and Mrs. C. BeattyN. t a ke a bus trip for Ju]y meet- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGahey.' ing. $13.95 Lloyd Ellis Shoe Store 49 King- St. W. Bowinanville Phone MIA 3-5941 fU or:: a beautuful Drantiord'Ro m am fLESS than you think Take a tip from Roofus the Turtle. H.'. neyer had trouble with a leaky roaf. Getting a beautiful new Brantford Roof for your home isn't hall the trouble you might think. And it caste a lot less than you think tea. A beautiful new Brantford Roof, for an average sub- urban home costs less thon $200. That includes labour. HERE'S HOW EASY IT IS... See your nearest Brantford Dealer. Look for him ln the Yellow Pages under Roofing Contractors, Lumber Dealers or Building Supplies., Then drap in ta see him. Select 1he style af shingle you 1k. beat. Chaos. your favourite colour. That'.ail. And your dealer will probably arrange a lime pay- ment plan too. Now here's something that only Brantford con aller Ie help you with yaur new roof. Brantford has a new exclusive "Check List". This Check Listisl your guide ta a really snug roof. Ask your dealer for a FREE copy. Even if you don't know a thing about roofing, Brantford's exclusive Check List will show you ahl the points ta watch. You can keep right on top af the job without even getting off th. ground. And you'll be able ta tallc ta your roofer la the saine ian- guage. You'll know why he pays special attention ta "hips" and "volleys", and "starter stripa", etc. %4Mý>FOR BOWMAN VILLE and DISTRICT Shoppuird and Lumber Co.' linited Bowmanville GUI Phone MA 3-5715 Get your FREE Check List rdghl cra of-m your dealer or writet :I Brantford Roofing Company Limited SAINT JOHN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, BRANTFORD, WINNIPEG BRANTFORD DEALER 96.King Si. E. by 4--e the shoe with te beautiful fit, Open, breezy pigskin * * *xciting new pump Ibst fui every foot. go flexible yen eau lid it n your hand lk. a glovs1 T=gDAT. MI-M 13th. lOff THE CANADIAlq STATESMAN. BOWK&NVr.Ltt. ONTAM M. M- -*-ý