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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1957, p. 9

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TKURSDAY. 3T~! 2Oth. 195? T~ CANADLM( STATESIL&N, EOWMANVffJLE. ONTA~O PAGE NTNI. 4 47 Years Stôry of A griculture &'Representative'Sevce Here Keepps Abreas! of the Times -eoniKàued from lat week) T.fl. Eradiestion Progremo In June, 1936, we held Town- ship meetings ta organire a Caunty T.B. test. There were 85.2 percent of the live stock owners voted in favour of thý.s project and we were then ac- cepted by Federal Department of Agriculture for the general test. The test was donc in the fail of 1936 and the early part of the winter of 1937. Approxi- mately 7.3 percent of the cattie went down in the test and this meant that almost 2,900 cattle went to market under compen- sation. The sixty day retest was started in April in 1937. The second generai test was in 1944 with less than one-hall' of i percent reactors. Ths meant that Durham County be- came a T.B. Accredited Ares. The fourth test was started Ln the fail of 1955 and will be compieted during the winter of 1956. Up until January lst, 1956, 13,000 cattie had been tested with only one reactor. This has been a wonderful achievement in disease eradica- tion. Warble Fly Contrai In 1935 we did considerable 0F STAFFORD 11-52FÉ-VBROS. durA orizd âtallorc airos. Monumental Works Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 319 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS O N T JA Rm I1 O ~Bears 10Q lOQl49into for .I~ 'wihole famfly iSt ONTARI0 TRAVEL «138 Parilament Uldge. Toronto Sud rPoa toeatwte Pas Offl> Ontario Deparoud of.1TrwI & P*Wyl Hon. bryaa L Cqthctic, MW#l«e Attention : Parents !! work on warble fies with a circular letter being sent to everyone in the County for a period ol two or three years. In 1935 three Townships, Hope, C a va n, and South Monaghan, purchased warble fly powder for every farmer in each Township. This was di- vided into school section re- quirements. A key man in each section looked after the distri- bution. This voluntary system of treating warble flics dld not prove too satisfactory as sev- eral farmers did not use the powder that was furnished by the Council. In 1952, Hope and Cavan Townships passed the Warble Fly Control Act and it became compulsory to have ail cattie eithcr sprayed or dusted for warbles that spring. In 1953, the remaining four Townships passed the Act and it has been compulsory to have ail cattie treated in the County sine that time. According ta our records, In 1954~, 36,259 cattie were treat- cd. Naturaliy the thoroughness of the work depends to a great extend an each Township War- bIe Fly Inspector. Brucellosis Control In 1953, Darlington and Cart- wright Townships passed the Brucellosis Act making it ne- cessary to vaccinate ail heifer calves from six to nine months. The following year the remnain- ing four Townships came under the Act. T.B. has been practicaily eliminated and we are looking forward to the day when Con- tagious Abortion will be dlean. çd Up. Artificial Breedtng Unit, Belleville The Agricultural Represen- tative attended the first meet- ing held in Belleville in 1947, ta diseuss an Artificial Unit for the district. The Breedîng Unit was organized in 1948 and for the first year wc accepted the memberships in our office, Bowmanviile, when there were 1014 members. By 1954 wc had 360 mnembers in Durham and 4,629 cattie were bred during that year. Maybe your car has outgrown its insurarice, tool TIi. ew o f amauto acci- dent today can b. fanta«Iti- caliy high. Just having insurasice isn't enough. 'lb b. mile, you aeed insurance i. the Prop.r umouts! Cafl oni us fer a car inaur. &ne check-up today. STUIT i. JanEsl EI"ACE 0101"e WEA 3-5081 King Street E. REAL ESTATE ReuIdanee MA 3-5493 Dowumanvle Young People !! We have quite a percentage of purebred breeders using the Unit bulîs but we believe the biggest improvement has been in commercial herds. Just me- cently one breeder told me that bis original average for 20 cows bad been 6,000 ibs. of milk per year. Since using the Unit for a few years, his average bas 'increased ta 8,500 lbs. o! milk per year. Last October the first sale was held at Grafton. No doVibt there was considerable hand picking of these cattle, but they were certainiy a credit to the çlistrict and the average price was about $330.00. We believe this feature will in- crease in population in the fu- ture and will be an excellent outiet for some of the good cat- tle that can be spared. Crop Improvement It bas always been the aim of the Agricultural Represen- tative to introduce new promis- ing varieties and cultural me- thods. In 1936 we obtained about 40 bushels of Commer- cial No. 1 Erban Oats for our Boys' Club, with one bushel being given ta each boy. In 1938 we have record of these boys having sold close ta 5,0O00 bushels of seed to farmers ini the County. In 1937 we brought in the first Cartier Qats for our Boys' Club. A few years later when the variety, Ajax, was giving promising resuits, we were in- strumental in having a carloaci of this registered seed shipped in from IVManitoba. We aiso ordered and had de.. livered the first Commercial No. 1 Corneli Winter Wheat for aur 50 Bushel Wheat Club. The first year three of our farmers had aver 60 bushels 10 the acre and one farmer shipped slight- ly over 60 4iushels per acr'e from. the threshing machine to the miii. In the fail of 1953 we broughlt in close to 400 bushels of Re- gistered Genesee Wheat for our 50 Bushel Wheat Club. In 1934 we had several farmers wilh weii over 60 bushels per acre and the largest yield that year was 72.5 busheis per acre. 500 Bushel Potato Club For the past tweive years we have organized a 500 Bushel Potato Club. The yieids uncier these goad cultural practices have been tremendous. Practi- cal every year several have been above the 500 busheis. Some years a few have been above 600 bushels and ouar maximum yieid was 760 busn- els per acre. The resuits have naturally been studied by most potata growers ia the district and we believe the average yieid in the district has been inccreased considerably through this Club. For the past twenty-five we have stressed the Jun- ior work in the County. Weý believe a Junior Farmer who is taught an appreciatian of good iivestock, gaod seed and the importance of soul manage- ment, should make a success of farming. When we wish ta put across a worthwhile senior project, we can always depend on the boys who have gane through aur Junior work ta co-operate one hundred percent. Thus 'ends the excellent re- part of the growing activities o! the work carried on by the Agricultural Representatives in Durham County, which repaît was campiled by Mr. Summers. This report would flot be corn- piete withaut publishing the namnes of the Agricultural Re- presentatives in Durham Coun- ty since the Ontario Federation of Agriculture was formed. They are: 1910-*R. S. Duncan, Assist- ant, J. A. Carroll. 1917-G. A. Williams. 1919-Ernie Hampson. 1920-F. C. Paterson. 1927-J. Y. Kellaugh. 1930-E. A. Summers (took post ini Sept. 1, 1930). Fed. of Agric. office was transferred ta Bowmanville fram Port Hope in 1936. <'During first year in Office OBITUARY SIDNEY JAMES HUGHSON' On May 29th, 1957, there pasaed into rest at bis home 178 Ferri Ave., Toronto, Sidney James Hughson in his 701h year. Born ut Orano, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hughson, he wus united in marriage in 1910 ta Elizabeth Myrtle Taylor of Bownmanville, where they re- sided previaus ta maving ta Toronto in 1916. Interested in music, he play- ed in the 48th Highlanders Band for thirty-eight years and freely gave af bis time and talent wherever opportunity arase. He piayed in the Sunday School orchestra un:il a short time before his death. Being af a kindiy disposition he was beloved by ail who knew him. He was a member o! th e Occident Lodge Na. 346 AF.I. & A.M. survivini ;re hi5 vd" r onGlen of Torr~oiilonof e ' - * on Dav id. àlid two SSY Mrs. Ernest Hamm and Mrs.1 Jennie Richu-rdson, bath o! Orono. Sevcswere held in Toron- to and in Orono. uonducted bv his m:nîisterý, Rev. MLan Sar»- dei-son of North Parkdale 'Un- ited Church. Interment was in the famniiy plot in the Ororto Cemetery. Tuesday, July 2, 1957 and continue until Friday, August 30, 1957. Hours: 9:00 amn. te 1:00 p.m. Tuition $30.00 per month Send for Free Literature 111 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa PRE-CAST CONCRETE -Septic Tanks- ~ - Sidewalk Siabs -Coloured Patio Slabs- -Porches, Sieps- - Curbing - BrookIin Concroe.Products PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Colleet Cails Accepted Dial RA 5.3375 Electric Wl, Sufficientfir Homes Lion, "'It is estimnated that 68 per- cent of the new homes in Can- ada do not have enough wiring te properiy take care of their present day electrical needs," H. G. Swean, field supervisc>r for the Electric Service League of Ontario, told members of Bowmanvilie Lions Club at their regular meeting Mondrty night. "To enjoy the convenience of full use of taday's modern ee- trical appliances we must have [an adequately wired home," ne emphasized. Houssinadequate- ly wired fai ta compensate for "Mick" Brown 's Soccer Team On the Map Bowmanviile was put on the map intemnationaliy by an ar- ticle ap earing in a recent is- sue O! îaac l;agle magazine, a bi-monthiy publication of th2 J. L. Came Company, Racine?, Wisconsin. The article concemned the 1956 Darington League Soc- cer Champions of Mapie Grave, spansored by local Case dealer, W. H. "Mick" Brown. It'told haw the team had won their titie and of the fine dinner given tbem by their sponsar Mr. Brown. Also appearing in the story was a section commending Mr. Brown for bis excellent Case Show heid last lu. Pictures of the saccer team, bath in un.- iform and at their victory bar.- qiiet accampanied the articlc-._ ent incapable of handling ail .af ing N o!today's modem pliances. oging N otWith many ncw electrical ap- pliances comIng an the maricet fi1 1 Y in the near future your homes i vM il riy should be wired ta rvdefl , E Ehousepower, M.Senavs ~o A re This can De. an Important ýs r e Toid matter to you end yaur family, so explain the need of improv- ail o! today's applances. A.nd ing an overloaded system ta they canstitute a fire hazard themn", he pointed out. In con- when circuits are overloaded, clusion Mr. Swean said, "Any the speaker painted out. electrical work that is donc in Causes Fire yaur home should be donc by aqualifled electrician. Electri- Mr. Swean demonstrated cal wark is nat a field for ama- what accurred when an over- teurs or do-it-yourself practi- load was placed on a circuit. tioners. He used a display panel withe Fl built in fuse box to point 'out e Fl the hazards involved. When Members were shown a film too many appuiances were plug- entited "The MagieLilk" vegan to smoulder and burn, as countered iby a young couple it wouid in the waii o! your whaie home was Inadequateiy home. wzred. Lion Ail Cuthbertson "Event though the wiring In ran the projector ta show the your home was installed inr LionJc Drhtane r comPliance with the best stan-Lien ack forch hi.terstinra. dards of installation that were Seuatifoal addnres He pre applicable when the bouse Vaâ eedthe spakder witHea gît built. It may not be sufficient son edhe!osptekclub. a if ta carry the clectrical load thatonbhlof-ecu. your family uses today. Haw New Direetor van you tell if your home is one Past Presiden.t Bob Kent of thiese?" he askcd. was.elected as director for the Signs of Inadequate Wvrn coming year. He replaces Lion 'ig Art Constable who is moving "A T.V. picture that shrinics, to Troronto. Lions Waliy Bra- &ppiances that are slow ") den end Glen Lander were heating, frequent blackou*,s scrutineers for the election. caused by blown fuses, ail of Four guests were present at these are signs that your elec- the çinner. They included, Jini trical system may be overload- Bell, Past President of the Gan- ed, which can mean overhea&- anoque Lions Club and newv ed wires," Mr. Swean said. manager of the Bowmanvilife "In addition to the safety as- Bank o! Montréal. Gardon pect, inadequate wiring méans Stringer, new Bank of Mon- insufficient use Qf appliances, treal accountant. Howard Row- and in some cases, a shorte" an principal of Mapie Grove; than normal life for eiectri.c pâlie sehool and Mertan Hill, mators. What can you do about principal o! Shàw's public this situation? school. Have Full Housepower Bring Report. The answer is, be sure that Lion.stDon Allun, Ernie Laird, the wiring- system in yottr Pat Vea and Hi Ormiston ceie.- home bas full housepower," but brated their birthdays at the said. Many of the homes in mneeting. President Norman Canada were bulit before thc O'Rourke annouticed that tne Sccond World War are at pre.ý- next meeting would be the last of the fiscal year. He request- report couioeriting the refen ed ail committee chairmen tro Lions Convention at Peterbof have reports in triplicate forI ough. Interesting reports wer the secretary at this meeting. also heard from President District Governor eleet, Her-j elect Fred Cole and secretar: bert "Deac" Goddard gave a Russell Oke. Girl Workin g... r ~NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITID, -- I MILSales Ofje: 100 Oueen Street, Swansea, Totme 13,O. MA L Pions@ send me a froo copy of Pl Pipe end ltings bukkt. i THIS NAME...................................::: I COUPON COMPANY ............................ ... TODAY AVVilc.,,..............................................i ICITY .......................PROV ........ ........ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - ---- SHEPPARD & GIIL LUMBER CO, LTD. 96 King Street E. Bowmanville, Ontari "SN my newS91 I've switched to TEXACO Now you can get the famous Texaco gasolines at the Regent Dealers displaying the Texaco sign. MW - -MW - --MW - - - - MW -m 4 w - urw - -- A ocT 5X A C AO SkqChief nFiW AEiL" Top Octane Sky Chief àMToxco Pire Chcef gasolir I gosoline wiffi Petr*x Ibtat.1 X - the only regular pice gives You maoximumn Performance enid mare Wiles olie10/Cimt per dollar. " Controllei AnId What's more - TOU19 MCCOLL-FINnlrONTUWAC CEUDIT CA"D I 1U GOOD 4&T REGENT DEÂLUItS DIISPLÂINO TUS TEXA&CO SION. Drive in today ac the Texaco tira and fil] 'or up with Top Sky Chli !gétoiaae wtth Petrox. VOUR N REG EN TIDAL.P h Regent Refining (Canada) Ltd. 2q vu Summer School Classes will commene at the Oshawa Business College 1 - - ý MW y TRUMDAT, :MM 2M, 1957 TEE CANADL41q STATISM", BOVVANVt=. ONTAMO PAOB Nm -

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