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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1957, p. 13

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VwmmmtAqp T a*A of" là TrLUZIOJJA, .o ln« 3muu THE ! ANADTAW R'ATSM1. EOWMANVf1YL.MONTP2R! ,-'PAGE TImTM Placi round Y0«I' S *peérvi so rs Take Course The Playground Supervisors hired by the Recreation De- partment will attend aL five day training course beld for ail the playground supervisors in East Central Ontario, which in- cludes Cobourg, Lindsay, Osh- L o s To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidi Payments Monthly For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses The Difference -a Belivue is the Service BELL VU FINAN( CORP. G. H. WILSON, M 29%2 Simeoe S. RA OSHAWA ;t ate vith lE [gr. ~:rtczc~' awa, Trenton, Port Hope, Pe- terborough, Bellev le and Bowmanville. The course is designed to give the playground supervisors the best possible information and material on leadership, active games, arts and crafts, rules and regulations, playground safety, programme planning and speciai events., The five day course wil be held at Camp Quin-mo-lac on Moria Lake 30 miles north of Belleville, from June 23rd to June 28tb inclusive. It is ex- pected that 150 piayground su- pervisors will be in attendance at tbis course. Plan Four Team Girls' Bail League The Recreation Department wili operate a four team girls' Midget Softball League. Ail league games will be played at Central School on Wedniesday evenings starting at 6:30 p.m. The league games wili get un- derway thé first week in July. Listed beiow are the four teams and their coaches: Teain (1) - Sharon Kilpat- rick, Mary Laskaris, Karen Bragg, Joyce Milis, Catharine Eyre, Eleanor Pickard, Linda Purdy, Doris Martin, Jerry Tre- jbal, Margaret Bond, Lorna So- bil, Diane Hailman, Nellie Wit- voet, Sharon Lucas, Jeanette Boe, Ursula Schlingensieper.. Coach-Jim Richards. Team (2)-Helen Clark, He- len Laskaris, Carol Maguire, Cathy Lynch, Verna Foran, Rosemary Goheen, Lynn Lun- ney, Linda Brooking, Marjorie Stewart, Christel Richter, Con- nie Middery, Joan Wilkins, Charlotte Austin, Edith Nimi- gon, Pauleen Hughes. Coach- Garry Bagneli. Team (3) - Linda Colwell, Roberta Heatberington, Leslie Lander, Josie Brooks, Lynda Miller, Sandra Bragg, Elaine Bennett, Mary Lau Marr, Au- drey Spicer, Joan Ormiston, Merle Siebarth, Sharon Hull, Karen McArthur, Dixie Gill], CA-ýRIGAI PRICES'e ~bu ',!,MCCORMICK Ï. e 4 Best in the Baler - Besf on the Baie The dealers below bought MeCormlek madeinCanadé Twlne incar- load quantity, atL carload price-and art pa.ig tht 510 SAVINGS On t. ,eu., You get the world'à best twine at the. best price-and a fine Fara cc unt Book FREE, if you order now frong COWAN Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bownianville Phone MA 3-5689 lnfýrn tîo al arv-5-or omp ny f C nad Liit.Ldilu éltil,0otre Donna Cowan. Coach-Bruce Colwell. Team (4) - Patricla Cook, Monica Sclingensiepen, Linda Muttan, Phyllis Nimigon, Jane Mitchell, Merridy Mutton, Be- verley McRobbie, Barbara Brown, Donna Bragg, Marie Hodgson, Darla Shane, Lor- raine Brock, Elleen Hughes, Barbara Hughes, Judy Jeffery, Margie Vanstone. Coach-None. It is hopcd Ibat a Pee Wee girls softball league will be started in the near future, if enough interestisl shown by the girls in that age grouping. WilI Start Swim Lessons Cri JuIy 8th Swimming classes for chil- dren in Bowmanville will ne- gin July 8th, ai the Ontaria Training Schooi for Boys' pooî Registration forma for the3e classes wili be avallable at the Recreation Office in the Lions Centre or ibrough the Public Scbools. W. "Bill" Bagneli. wiil be the chief instructor for these class- es. Classes will be conducted for Tadpoles (non-swimmers), Beginners (lasi years Tadpales), Junior Red Cross, Intermedi- ate Red Cross and Senior Red Cross (Minimum age for Sen- ior award is 13 years). In order ta take part in these swimming lessons you must fili out an application form. Minimum age is seven (7) ycars aid as of May 3lst, 1957. If there is a large regis- tration ibis age limit may be raised. Each swimmer must supply bis or ber own towel and swim suit. No. babby-pins are_ ta be worn wbiie in the, pool. Big Plans For Annual Town Picnic SPlans are well underway for thé Recreation Departments Sevenli Annuai Communlty Picriic la be beld ai Cream of Barley Park on Monday, July lst. The Coîborne Recreation De- partment Trumpet Band will be on hand te provide entertain.' ment early in the evening. The Trumpet Band and Bâton Squad consisis of 54 members rang- ing from 5 la 15 years af age. Tic Coîborne group bave been inviied ta take part in lie An- nual Rose Bowl Parade in Cal- ifornia this coming New Year's Day, The Bowmanville Lions club will again look aller the fish pond for thc The Ciamber of Commerce will distribute free balloons toa al cbildren attending. Tic Klns- men Club have again offered ta operate tie Bingo Booth while the Rotary Club la la sup- ply lie pony rides. The Good- year Recrealian Club wiil look aller tic races as in previaus years. Tic day will end wilh a marmoth dispiay of flreworks. Namne Teams For Minor Bail Leagues The Pee Wee League in lie Recreation Departmcnt's miner basebail leagues will bold a Sractice Ibis coming Saturday, une 22, al Memorial Park starting ai 9.00 a.m. Listed below are tic four teams: Tcam (1) - John Pbillips, John Oke, Alan Osborne, Doug. Hoaper, Larry Samis, Biily Cobban, Bob Sleep, Edward Brown, Billy Emburgi, Deug Lane, Wayne Dcvitt, Ken Veitch and Bruce Begley. Tearn (2) -Michael Leddy, Arthur Foran Jon Hancock, Allan McMulien, Pbillip El- dridge, Allan Adrew, BotDby Valleries, Brian Smith, Fred ýWltvaet, Graydon Colville, Rod- F erguson y's Two Hitter Puts Harvesters Back ln Lakeshore Lead Clint Ferguson's two bitter boosted Bowmanville Harvest- ers into sale possession of first place in the Lakeshore Inter- mediate basebal league as Har- vesiers edged a 3-2 decision from Ontarios ai Port Hope Wednesday of lasi week. Don Gilbooley started the pace for Bowmanville when hie walked in the first and scored on an ihfield error. Bob Galla- gber crossed the plateý on Tim Cox's long double ta make il 2-0. Part Hope tied the score in the sevenib withaut a bit as three infield errors gave tbem two runs. Lawrie and Lenahan were the only Port Hope bat- ters to dent Ferguson's pitch- ing. Tbey each bit a single. Tim Cox hit, a fly out to the centrefielder in the eighth and Laurie Garbe crossed the pîIRte with the winning run on the hit. Ferguson walked two and fanned one in his fine perform- ancef Harrison was the losing pitcher coming in late to finish the game. Carl Lenahan made his initial start of the season for Ontarios in the game. They. gave up seven hits, walked five and had seven strikeouts.; Bowman ville Wins Oshawa Presbytery Bail Tournament On Saturday, June 8, 1957, the Oshawa Presbytery Y.P.U. held a Sofibail Tournament at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. Seven games were played, on two diamonds, beginning ai one o'clock. In the first series, Harmany won over Cedardale by default, and in the second series, King~ St. won over Northminster. In the third series, Bowmanvillie won over Salem tDy a score of 22-12. Courtice won the fourtfl seriés over Tyrone by a score of 29-18. Harmony, winner of series one, went on ta beat ou, Mount Zion in the fifth series. In the sixth series, King St., winner of series iwa, were overpowered by the Bowman- erick Taylor, Robert McManus and Blaine Adams. Team (2) - Neil McGregor, Bradley Yourtb, David Wool- ner, James Lane, Micharl Charles, Doug Nichais, Peter, Bothwell, Larry Rogers, John Lyle, David Neads, Gary Woot- ner, Jimmy Coyle and Jim Vanderschaaf. Teamn (4)-Davld Thompson, Pleun Dorsman, Gerry Wilson, ,Dorrnld Marti çd,.ÇQuld, Da-. vid Kerr, orRuhdle, Pat Vinisi, Don Sweete, Patrick Murphy, Dick Blyleven and Andrew Scbaafsma. Ail games wili be played ai Franklin Park ai 6:30 p.m. It is hoped te get the league under- way early in Juiy. Tie Atom League cf the Re- creatian Department's minor basebali wiil hold a practice Ibis coming Saturday, June 22nd, at Memorial Park stant- ing ai 10.30 a.m. Listed below arc lhe teams and iheir coaches: Teamn (A) - Lawrence John Connors, Tony Wilkins, Keiili Banting, Phiiiip Bragg, John Hughes, Terry Baker, Bruce Cuihberlson, Bobby James, Kenneti Miller, Peter Buckler, Arthur Jackson, Terry Devitt, Howard Edmondson, Joey Read- er, David Czapiinski, Rob in Virtue, Delion Dykstra, David Stuit.. Coach-AI Culhberison. Team (B)-Ricky Gay, Lar- ry Taylor, Ronald Richards, Michael Russell, Robert McAr- thur, Larry Pernis, Leon Carr, Terry Siebarib, Jim Dllling Bill Depew, Steven Oke, Tom Veitch, Wayne Leach, Jamie Manduck, Tommy Carter, Mich- ael Myers, Bnian Saunders, Buddy Depew. Coach - Tom Depew. Team (C) - Gary Griffin, John Kilpatrick, Casey Denher- tog, Paul Sweeie, Stephen Patterson, George Bail, Doug- las Parking, Steven Burns, Donald Murphy, Ronald Hoop- er, George Saunders, Guy Parks, Lanny Burns, Jeffery Gilioaiy, Danny Hooper, Tho- mas Brooks, Shayne Armstrong, Coach-Don Gilbooiy. Team (D) - George Macre, Paul Wels'h, Barney Haw- thorne, Wayne Burgess, Doug McKnight, Bobby Pernlund, Wayne Mooney, Donnie Shortt, Chris. Quinton, David Puk, John Lockhart, Nelson Fowler, Stephen Wright, Antan, Czap- linski, Peter Barclay, David Wright, Douglas Evans. Coach -None. Team (E) - John Bentley, Brian Forsey, John Gilbert, Randy Cole, Stephen Jeffery, Wayne Harrison , Cbarlie E vans, Bruce Barreil, Garfield Webb, Peter Werry, Dennis McDon- aid, Ronald Goad, Wayne Bar- reit, Douglas McFeeters, Alan Brown, Jerry Johnson, Thamas Jones. Coac-None. Team (F)-Gary Akey, Da- vid McFeeters, Irwin Colwell, Gary Crombie, Jerry Falls, Henry Kooy, David Bridges, Billy Crombie, Riclcard Perfect, Dennis McFeeters, Jimmy Kit- ney, Ricky Lucas, John Rus- seli, William Smaie, Wayne Hunt, Bian Pelers, Paul Char- bonneau. Coaci-None. In order for the Recreation Department ta operate Mincir Baseball we stili need coaches for several of the miner bal teams. Any persan interesled ini coaching a teamn please gel in touch witg the Recreation Of- fice at MA 3-5761, as soon as possible. There are stili some open- ings in tie Baniam League for any boys under 15, May lat, 1957. If you are intcrested in playing be sure te bave y'our name in ai the Recreation ÇOf- fice no later than tht, coming j ville squad 23-i. In the seventh series, Harmony, having wcn series five, again won this time over Courtice, by a score ai 9-0. Good batting in the first inning gave Harmony tbis vic- tory. Everyone adjourned to the picnic grounds afier the seventh series for a picnic supper, Ice cream, cbicken, and a two- piece watermelon (originally danated in one piece) ah bhelp- ed to provide a very enjoyable supper. The final series began afier supper between Bowrnanviile and Harmony. The Bowman- ville players were Jim Allun, Mally Bennett, George Kelly, Ted Colwell, Bea Roddick, Dennis Hughes, Donna Dilling, Alvin Siacey, Yvonne Chant, and severai others wbo played in earlier games. Opposing them for Harmony were Mar- lene Mackie, Jim Shaw, San- dra Butler, Doug Greentree, Betty Hoskin, Dale Robinson, Bey. McCabe, B. Geisberger, and Dennis Kemp. The batiing strengih af Bow- manvilie soan puiied themn abead af Harmony. Moily Ben- nett and Ted Colweli were each credited wiih five runs in thit, garme, while several others had four runs ta iheir credit before the end of Ibis seven-inning bigh scoring gamne. For Har- mony, Betty Hoskin came home four t-imes, and Marlene Mac- kie three, with the aiber Har- mony runs fairly weli spread out. Bath pitchers did a fine job in ibis game. The final score for Bownian- ville was 32-18. They deserve mucb credit for iheir fine work, and ail due credit should certainly go ta Harmony, wbo had a younger team. At the close of the game, Valena Copping led the young people in worship an the shore of the lake. The sun was setiing as we ciosed a very wonderfui day durîng which we enjoyed the besi of weather, sportsman- ship, and Christian fellowship. Anglican W.A. June Meeting The Anglican W.A. met on June 13 , a week carlier than usuai on account af arrange- ments ta be made for the sup- per and bazaar on July 1. Six- teen members and one visitor were present. President presid- ed, Mrs. T. Langfeld was in charge af the devational. Ladies were pleased with the resuit af ibeir tbaking sale and moved a sincere vote af thanks ta Mr. A. L. Bailey for the use of bis shop. The correspondence secretary read a letter framn the secretary of the O.N.O. club with reference la a speciai cake la be made for the local fair an August 24th. This was leIt uin the bands of Mrs. Geo. For- der. Mrs. Langfeld reported on lhe recent Board meeting in Cobourg which she and five ather ladies attended. Birtb- day box received a donation fromn Mrs. R. Banc. In connec- lion with a donation ta the Jamaica Earthquake Fund and towards which the church boys' league had already given $6, il was decidcd ta leave the mat- ter until the next meeting. Meeting closed witb prayer by the Rector aller which lunch was served by Group 3 with Mrs. Geo. Sianiland, convenor. BETHANY Dr. G. M. Longfield, Mrs. Longfield, Randy and Ruth spent lhe weekend with rela- tives in Ottawa. Mrs. Hannai Cairns 1.5 in To- ronto for an eye aperation. Her many friends wish ber a speedy recovery. Mr. Hope Rayson, Guelph, was borne for the weekend wih Mrs. Rayson and Tommy. On Saturday they held a sale af their household furniture, prior ta movýing tM Gue *ha at nd bis mother, Mrs. Richard Chai- lice. Mrs. Isabel Perry is in To- ronto visiting ber niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Porter. Mrs. David Masters and in- fant son are home from St. Jas. eph's Hospital, r-eterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Muili- gan and Miss Sharilyn Mulli- gan, Toronto, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Gervin Mulligan. Mr. J. P. Cannon, Toronto, bas purcbased the Pond pro- perty of Dr. G. M. Longfield. Mrs. M. McDowell, Milbraok, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Edmunds. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wbeelans, Toronto, with Mrs. M. Webb and Mrs. T. Malcolmson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ahren, Missi Sandra Ahren, Mr. and G. E. Staples, Lakefield, with Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Manley and son Garry of Bewdley vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pom- eroy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Lowe-.> Orono, visited on Saturday wîth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neais, who also bad as Sunday guest%, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neals, Pe- terborough, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Catbcart and Neai Catb- cart, Springville, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Neals. Don Venton New Badminton Club Presidlent Don Venton was elecied presi- dent of the Bowmanville Bad- minton Club for the 1957-58 season, it was announced this week. Directors elecied for the com- ing season include: Don Allun, Jim. Allin, Glen Hodgson, Ralph Kelly, Bill Burgess, Mel Burgess, Bob Sheridan, Donnie Creasser, Pat Lucas, Jean Sheridan and Molly Bennett. An execulive cammitlee will be selected ai a special meeting, Sunday. The meeting bas been called ta plan for next seasan's' activities. "1Hapr sr B-A Service Station CORNER KING AND WAVERLEY ROAD Try Our Gas Fi-up Service A complete service when you fi up with our famous B-A Gasolines. For Carefree Driving Try Dur *LUBRICATION *OIL CHANGES CAR WASH . We Specialize in Car PslishiRg I! POE MA à-3136 FOR PICK-UP SERVICE C.C.M. Dealer C.C.M. Dealer C.C.M. Dealer Mason & DaleCYCLE i SPORTS and CYCLE ft HARDWARE and TOYS jI 2KigS.E S 36 King St. E. 6 King St. E. 2shongS.E.: Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanvllle DOWN THE HATCH WUTH SCHWEPPES Commander Whitehead, Schweppes Ambassador to Canada, would neyer take a chance on being becalrned without his worid-famouu tonic water. Be a crafty sipper, too, and 8ait comfortably through the hot weather with lots of cooling, refresh- ing Schweppes dlways'close at hand. You know ail about ita superior taste. You know ail about its spark- ling Schweppervescenoe. It could be time ta re-order RIGHT Now. Sci~weppe TONIC WATER The ononlia tonic water for autbentic tonic drinks. Enjoy world- famous Schweppee Dry Ginger Ale and Scbweppeu Club Soda, toc. SCHWEPPERVESCENCE LASTS THE WHOLE DRINK THROUGH Smith Beverages Ltd.p M2 Church St., Bowmanviie10 Ont.à Tel MA 3-5M3 By Douglas Rigg Young mon . a chance Vo leur, and earn A liniited number of vacancies art avilable te ambitions young men 16 years of a1ge, with a Grade VIII or botter .ducation, through the Canadýlan Army Appreatice Plan. If you can qaiyoyu are given a wondetful opportu t t learn a skille trade ... and you're paid ta do it. Alert young men, like yourself, wiII be your frendi, shaping eventful, interesting careera wi:h you. Talk it over with your school principal and your parents. Apply s soon as possible, don't delay, for applications are processed in order ot receipt. Apply ta your nearest Canadian Army Recruiting Office or sends coupon below and we will arrange en interview. DAAO Manning, Arm ReruliagCenfre. The Armnoury, PETERBOROUGH, Ontario Pieose conact me. 1Iu o.hrmeed in #10 Conedien Amny Apprentie Mmea moue.........................................Aue ... Addre.............................................. . ................................ pr"vnce ...... Newcastle: Lote RaIUy Downs Juveniles 110w4 A seven-run outburst in the Osborne came in late in the final mnning gave Newcastle inning ta issue three hits. Merchants a towering 10-4*win R H E over Bowmanville Orphans at Newcastle 001 011 7 10 14 2 Vincent Massey Park. Saturday Bow'ville 010 102 0' 4 7 2 evening. Newcastle - Crowthers rf, Gary McCullough's long drive Trim 3b. G. Mcçullaugh 2b. into centre for a double brought Brunt lb, D. McCullough c. in the tieing and winning runs. Cooper 1f. P. McCullough ss, Brother Dave repeated Gary's Lane p, Rickard cf, Sinclair (6) performance with two men on If. bases to give Merchants the Bowmanville - Crossey cf, edge. Marierrison 3b. Osborne lb. Pitcher Kelly Lane made Mason ss, Fowler 2b, Vanstone second base on an outfield error c, Bates p, T. Fairey If, Lunn If. as Newvcastle's three final runs Kennett (6) c, Osborne (7) p. were scored. Lane held the Vanstone (6) If, Richards (5) rf, local lads to seven hits and one Lane (7) rf. walk, while fanning seven. Johnny Mason put Orphans into the lead in the sixth inning WANTED with a hard hit homer that sail- Dead. OId and Crlppled ed over the fence. John Fowler FARM STOCK had started their hittîng with a borner in the second. Bull Os- Picked Up Free of Charte borne scored their other two 24 Hour Service runs on triples. Phone Collect Bill Bates ivas replaced in the Cobourg FR 2-3721 seventh alter giving up il bits Peterborough RI 2-2080 to Newcastle, seven of themn in NICK PECONI the seventh inning. He yvalked Peterborough - ont. two and struck out f ive. Bob lw

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