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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1957, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STA7'ESMAN. BOWMANVILLT.T.O<'TARtIM mentng o therea sucess fSask., and Bruie Forrest. U.S.,1 Marilyn Moon and Janice Crai ne Xacaionschol.and the return trIp wiiich was were tea guests of Mrs. Albir Bible Vacaion S hool M; 3Betty Bowen, direetor' Bibe Vacation chool. inig; h elsucs fCenten niai at Lindsay made South of the adinWoontecasnofau of C-va eanis, expiaînd-orer hI g teNothrn erIalees irhAv tat h s s'-,.nmer there arc B ig W eeftend ug 2AStates. Kedron rltvsatne Con cludes at BMetsaSnaaonoLt 160 . . n xm C n l d s a e h nabiiU0Caravaners leadîng T- S haarn Wxlbu spef nt ual Mbuntjov family pc Vacaton scnools, working alTuedayas Hamptgont Park on Wednesdav acrossý Canada in Armiv camps, i In a few weeks Lindsay wi'à take place during the weekend, :Miss June Davis. napo i dian Reservations, in be celebrating its first 100 years to;cuaemrhnst u Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Rsa. Mse MreeadSli t V th O pe f ou e f li ht xorhen aea werethre of hi:torv and plans are now for:h an effort in spotlighting Mr.:and Mvrs. John Elliott s:e:t'ood playved piano solosa no f t;Une rninster, as weli well in hn for the various the centennial theme in their ISuindav- at Pigeon Lake. WvWle ak ia Rethany: The Bible Vacation the Manvers circuit, presentect housna arsheSpe"n weekend, August 2-5. Some stores have started holidavs xithi Mr. and Mrs.1 Mt. Horeb play, given in Xe- S(:ý1001V.-ilJcl lias ben conrectthe tor theibhs ofreheaMa-siOne ofthe highlighits being their preparations alreadv and Gordon Davis and Marilyn. Osh- ron Hall, under Communit d ailv throuigho-at the past van Teari with a gift from tiie Bowen said -The Christian 1 developed by th hme fterdslaspoiet eù w, n -speetfrtelClub auspices recently. àmo weeks in Bethany, closed pupils and parents, expressing o iigi ajyu 1 Commerce Merchants' Commit- teresting ones, as they have be- "Au Revoirs" to Peter Davis who1 Best wishes are extended t &"k Fr:av- eveningr and "Ope.i their gratitude and apprecia- ishould remember to speil' joy j tee is the decorating of toin gun rounding up antiques to 'recentlv left with fellow scouts tefre Mr.nM s. PryLaJ.maid, ashed o ha pr-tintothseyongpepl wothis wav: J, for Jesus first- 0o stores and businesses for the work into their displav. frEgad tnts might view the results. had given so freeIly of their Others,' second; Y, Yourselýf,\veekend, With the sto:'es decoratedi Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Love spent1 whose marriage was quietl Dur;iing the two weeks, re1i- time and talents in directing îs. Under the direction of Edgar and banners and flags festooned Paerk"atactae nslmizdo aura."ro gious instruction xvas giver.. the school. -It hias heem a pri- iAt the close, parensiset May, Secretary-Manager, and around Kent Street, thetonPgnLae"aKdonhsIngbe ý%-th the theme "The Church,I vilege and a joy to work wth1 ed the craft work which inciud- Balfour Perkins. oth Me- jwil1 soon take on a centennial Leland Love and girls. thers andmaien hom e o e rid. l7ow It Started, What It Has thce eyoung people'. ie o~oi.tycsuecat'Cmite a (ontC ar s he i eeed Recent guests of Mr. and Ms n nn red eecnrt Done, and What It Is Doirut On behaif of the Ca-avaners. 1 jew.elry, pictures, etc., and each 1wili be heId, with judging to proachf-. Murton Walter lias included Mr. ulate Mr. and Mrs. Langmaid. Now. Te cilden el- Jon Mlle exresedand Mirs. R. Woodharns and Mrs. Mrs. Maurice Jebson. Carolv) ta'îgh T soi~he L fe e o hnks sinr "Lt hs e n ir pupil was treated to :ce creain l\laude Walter, Toronto: Mr. and and Gordon, Beaverton: Mr. andi lultsoi.ofteLfoftaksaig Ilisiena1Vacation school is 'over, but A I Mrs. Fred Couch and Mrs. Ada MILrs. Howard Brow'ni and Eri, Christ; to siig and to p -ay. to rewarding experience to eachi th, resuits xii continue to Sans o e catejs a a R b r er ,Ca learn various crafts, to partîci- of us to work xith these grow and bear fruit. Thee S o.Mc i n-ism i n g1 M .ad r.W i iesnad B rd n n oal nemb r papin organized recreation youngsters." Mr. Miller r.Wm irsnad odn.adloa emeso patosadadil osi xrssdtak te iio Caravan Teamns which are . r. Edgar Pascoe. Oshawa: Mr. the farnilv of Mrs. Fletcher peios nda aiy orhi eprssd hakstoth cu-working throughout Canada are - a ec s e and Mýrs. Eli Pascoe and Rickv Werry enjoyed a picnic dinner serie . zns f te cmmuîty fordeserving of high praise 0f L f of Dearborn., Michigan, xvexýe:together on Sunday. Rpv. R. R. Bonsteel w-as their hospitality in the homes those who came to Bethany,1: M se til n O b r a- Thursday guesis uf Mr. and Mrs. Mse etlxnObr n ch3irmnan for the evening. i- where they had been entertain- Miss Barnes and Miss Payne Fishing, it would appear. i.h ed number of wormis and out M. Walter.1 Karen Edgar xvere holidav guest troducing tLhe members of toc ed; to ail the local instructors are public school teacners ten doomed to become simpler. pops the day's catch of fish. Mr. and Mrs. Hlarold Werrv at "Cloverîca" with the Ross Lee Chrîstian Youth Caravan team, and to Rex'. G. E. Meades. Mrs. months of the year. Bernaid though how it can ever become The fisherman then could ieeween tetsa Lurhabx Mis leno Brns f or Mads.Re'.R.R.Bosecl Lynch is an office emplovie more so than the type xve favor spend his allotted houirs loafing ' ane," Halibu,ýton home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Werrv and Elgn: is Shrl yan.PrI n Ms.B ste troh and John Miller. a hi i is hard to imagine. For when in his boat or sleeping under and Mrs. Lautrence Allun. boys attended special sel-vice a Lambon; Bernrd ynch whse nterst he Cravr shoolstuent ho illenter iwe go fishing we rarely drown a tree, riothing to worry 111111i Robert Elliott is holidaving, Ye]verton on Sundav evenin Woodhridge: and John Miller, Team had arranged to corne. University in September to Worms. and secure in the knowledgewihM.nd rsErnBa-nd iitdM.nd rsAt Toono.Cetiicte ad hokoft udy for t he ministry. TheLe The latest fishing innovation that bie would not go home1 tin, Baltimore. ýRoxvan. Misses Lynida and Eliz- cer thanstte local s-ail te stens . Ox' per 100 young people gave their 0own is slot machine service on empty banded. as if that isn' iz Veda DonahuTrot.abt ownrtund1ohu cerethaks o th loal s- al te sudens. ver100vacation tu-ne, witbout remur~- Worms. You insert a coin .f 1 wbat cuite a few of us do any- libas been visiting relatives in aay in the Willia Werrv ho. sistants: Mrs. Reg. Edmunds, children attcnded the scbojol eration, to teach little children given value and out pops a can jway. However it would be niea the Harry Rose home. A few Kedron folk were a hohad supervised the prim- ranging in age from four to the real meaning and purpose of Worms, ail wriggling and to be able to do so and get fish Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy mong guests of Mrs. Alan Hu,- ary department; Mrs. Thomas fourteen and coming from the of the Life of Jesus Christ, thej anxious to ge t thebigt'u, at the same time. with Mr. and Mrs. N. Gimbieitt cheon, Oshawa, when Mrs. Hut- Jackson, Miss Ruth McKinley, surrounding district of Lifford. ,way Io live joyous]v. b, eor gier.aTheel ruwr eaget o r.F.D-ceo netandiIhnu Miss Nancy Lowery, Miss Judy Yelverton and Cavan as w-cl mentass oî shine aT evefur- vdoOhI rd-i-eJan ako DeGeer, Mrs. Robert Burgess, as Bethany. metvdo, saa rdet-eJaneJcsno Lloyd Wilson, Mrs. G. E. The programn began with a ther changes ail aimed at nia.îý- KEDRON 1Mr-. and Mrs. Muî'ton Walter1 Lindsay. xvho w as shoxvcred with Meades, Miss Roberta Scott, number of songs and hymns by BE THANY 1 ing the fisherman soft, Whi'e 1 attended a party honouring Mr. lovely gifts. Miss Hee elMs og the cidedrce yJh b dedicated angler may prc-_ Final service before a month's' S. C. Allin of Bowmanville on Miss Rosemnary Bohaker, Lake las Smelt, Miss Donna Porter, Miller and accompanied by Miss ran Ms.LordDie fer to collect bis own hait fromj vacation at Oak Lake was con- the occasion of bis 80th hirth- Rouseau, spent a few da.ys aE Miss Marie Carr, Mrs. Ross Da- Eleanor Barnes at the piano, are on holidays, visiting îs isonlwn azy isher-ducte by Rv. R.H.FRikard ay.o Merastdweek.Frn.W vidson, Ms rso elTefu aaaessn ,o ekwt r n r og with these preliminary stages Many Kedron folk were among Yvonnie Hicks, Karen Pascoe.' house, Biapo.weeKîa Mrs. L. Larsen, Mrs. Ralph Great Thou Art" accompanied las Bruce et Petrolia and con- -nd__________________________the_'airaudience____ ____th Malcolm, Mrs. Ray Robinson, by Mrs. R. R. Bonsteeel. tinuîng on a motor trip through mad gtterebi edyth a audieneMtrouhe _________________________________ Mrs. Harold Page, Mrs. Bert The worship service was the United States. made. w eek past, wben r RcadoFrhmepè c'hers who bad helped with with Carolyn Smith and Lynda been visiting witb bis parents, lence bias its points. But what Station CKLB, Oshawa, each r n l- the preparation of programns Davidson assisting in -reading r îdMs ateRwan next? For perfect simplicity Fruit - iri -- 1%fozn1,~it and those who had provided the seripture lesson and lead- returned to bis home ini Otta_ tthe business no douht some day Special music bias been pro-Todmrk'. relan ognfothCa-ngi ryr.wa on Sunday. .Dogls oeyhosag nsl ndf rnealsand loging fr the ar- in in pryers.will emerge another machine ie trcent services b- rs NEWoansy wuy to preserve ~_ a va ners. Mrs. G. E. Meades also ex- Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser into wbîch one feeds the requir- anouglshoverwsngof"ns fresh coor adfavor JA9 8 Mr. William Fritz of Janet- pressed thanks to the Caravan- have left on vacation, going trI Angelicus," and bv Walter Davis _______________________________ ,ville, the student mînister for ers for their instruction, com- visit with friends et St. Jobn's,j and Mrs. Ross Lee who sang Newfoundland. i a s"h o t in duet "A Building of Beauty Miss Evelyn MeKînnon, Life May Be." holîdeys with hier parents, Mr. P n la rrJ1 Howard Farndale completed bis H N MA -78BO A VIL and Mrs. James McKinnon, Popuar ppl months as Superintendent to be PH N MA357 O A VIL who also had as their guests ** succeeded by Albert Wood, and during the weekend, Mr. and n - o inc Everett completed bis__________________________ Mrs. Cecil McGiil, Mr. and Mrs. I r v n eterni as Aduit. Cless teacher. Chester Termina, of Toronto. The Mclntosh apple is by Keith Tregunne was projection- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jen- far the most popular variety ist and Eleanor Mountjoy pianist fings rnotored ta Toledo, Oh:o, grown in Ontario, comprising for the bymns. lest week. o ne-third of the commercial ap- The Faîl Visitation Committee Rev. R. R. Bonsteel is at Par- pie orchard trees ix the prov- met at the home of Ross Lee, is, directing one of the study ince. 0f a total of 846,311 trees, cheirman, on Monday evening. groups et Quin-Mo-Lec Camp.2,55aMnth. Convenors Walter Davis, Howard Mr. and Mrs. Glen Went- Th085isr Minmton sh o Farndale. Jeck Francis and worth and son Rickey arrived teined recently from an apple Harold Werry ettended to plan home on Sunday from tbree tree census taken iby the fruit for the campaign this eutumn. weeks' vacation.endvetbe xesin er Sympatby is extended ta the rs. innfre Fitgerld 5 .femily o! the late Albert Ter- kr.Wnird izeadl vice of Vinelend station. wîea yahs ffinsi inrToomeo for thiswek. Theiocount.inclu se Owlead c g~a bya hst ofriy e i in we. he cuntes o eaternOn-the Pereman's Section. The M iss Joan Bristow and M iss tero !rom . Frontenac to On- c m u iy w s l r ey r p e sxprovinrial districts with a vEe.R H ik ADAAA O L N wihtheir ohr r.Hl-talf 229,248 trees, of wbiencn rdon Mndayb iadBristow. 9,74aeMclntosh. Ta rar nMna."E S n S O E T A Eleeor erns, ortincludes Northumberland, Dur- b, lightning in the severe elec- EliMiss Shirley Payne, hem, Prince Edwerd. tia tr !tewe et * Correct Volatility PotLambton, were guests hast Central Ontario, from York but is almost recovered, tbougb * Correct Octane Rating wekwith Mr. and Mrs. Carl through the Niagara district to sigbt and hearing are stilli * Free from Corrosion and Abrasive SouTtMheahe-m d Wentworth and Hald'- sligbtly impeired.iMaras utrspen ser.lda.s ethwek reeans, fsecond with 153,363 Miss Gloria Mountjoy holidav- M eit unFration iltspet evealday lat eektresofwbich 54,669 are Mc- ed with cousins in the HuglihsssGu omto xitb their daughter and son- Intosh. 0f the 114,603 in the Gannon home. Oshawa. Fo Pomt eieyan Srvc Iin-iew, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd three counties of Simcoe, Grey Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cross- Fr Po Np elivM yand35516 c S ci l! S e i lICepstick et Uxbridge., and Bruce in the Gorgian Bay mani ettended a Navior .réunionPH N MA 351 I __________- district, 40,401 are Melntosh. pienie et Lindsay recently. OBITUARYpe ial Northern Spy with a total of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Downm *. OBITUARY 173,631 trees ~throughout tite accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.H.1AH.Surc 195 R ORSprovince is second in popular- Webb of Malorytown. have re- 197ýD N N T A O SMRS. MABEL PRICE ity, and Delicious, a compara- turned from a pleesant motor and Sons Mrs Mhe Pice aed66tive newcomer, is third with a trip to the West Coast. A severe AkM ers die sddeiyet hed 6r total o! 82,915. bail storm was experienced as Sturrock Street BUICKS AINL)uddePONTIACSe Trees bten1 n 1 thexr drove out through theBo avil B I K A N O TA Shome in Bethany on Friday, yer onttue telegstPriiepovnes thrhih Juiy 2tiuedtela.es6th.e rvncs Ohr ih Suy h a. ona oeet number in the various ageJlgsrete Calgary Stam- ~ij 'I 349,811 of the tot li pede. eeLose nd af, Up to s borUUUt Losscount groups,34,1.,vhtoaofpd Lk Luie ndB f, Cinda Mebel Blake, dagtr8631 church services et Swift Current,___ UP t 1P O ic u tOf the late Mr. and Mrs. Tho- 631 __ ___________________________________________ mas Blake. For the past 40 vPelrs she haîd livp<I in TBethany 1957 DUICK SUPER SEDAN Executive owned and driven.0 0 Ail extras included _-Discount $ . 0 1956 FORD COACH Lowmieaetop condcition ------- $24*09 5 1956 PLYNOUTHR SEDAN AI condition -------- --------- $18 945 1955 BUICK 2-door Hardtop Top condition -------- -------------- $21095 1955 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan A real buy -- --------------------- $1p695 1954 PONTIAC 2-door Sedan Corne ini and see it ------- --- -- $1,4945 1954 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan A bargain ~$1.*395 1953 PONTIAC Laurentian Sedan A locally owned car. 27,000 is original niileage. custom radio, immaculate condition ---------- $1, 9 5 1952 PONTIAC Sedan or Coach Both with radios $895 Robson 166 King St. E. Motors Limited Bowman'.iIIe mi 1' where she was wideiy known and respected for her commun- ity efforts. She was a feithfulJ member o! St. Paul's Anglican j Church and had been active in ail its women's organizetions.* She was chairman of the Womn- ens Work Division and the Loan Cupboerd of the Manvers Brench o! the Canadien Red Cross Society; e valued mnem-j ber of the Women's Institute, in which she had served as President, secretery and treas- urer. Her husbend, Walter Price, predeceased ber tbree years ago. i Immedietely surviving are eight sisters, Mrs. J. Richard- son (Cassie) Warkworth; Mrs. F. C. Dawe (Alier> ,Mrs. Wil- liem Hunter (ISe:h), MVrs. J. Henry (Clarice) ail of Peter- borough; Mrs. J. Mowatt (Ed- ne) Toronto: Mrs. William Mor- ton (Effie) Bethany, Mrs. W.! Mowatt (Beatrice) Warkwort i- Mrs. K. Jackson (Theima) Osh.. awa; and one brother, Bart. Blake o! Oshawa. The funeral service was held on Sunday from the Reynoîds3 Funeral Home, with Rev. G. E.I Meades officiating. Palibearers wcre Everct. Dewe, Beverly Dawe of Peter-[I borougb; Errol Wilson, Lindl-i sav; Lewis Kincaide, Cavan:, Frank Bigelow and William'i Phillips of Bethany. Burial wes in St. Mary'si Cemetery.1 Bachelors Gain! On Spinsters Censu s Reveals Canacia*s bachelors outnumn- beed spinsters hy 422.593 lest yea r. The 1956 census listed 1,691,- 711 ingle maies over 15 coni- Dared tô .579.351 in 1951. 1ba bureaa o' tth~;said todav. The numoer of single women r'vor 1,5 !nrre-ed to 1.269.163 Svs'ar Ïror 1,24:-',q?7. Si:uue pe-. ns of ail ai4es ac- fonc :r 50.9 pcr uýmt of ah týi l poflla*'On. Thý, cf r 68>.:aI " re:minr.d j "iW aainst 14,936, m, i e ii ý....xoeci Plan to brin g the family to the' BOWMANVI LLE CENTRAL tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. M Walter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Love were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ormiston holidaying with their daughter. Mrs. W. Keitch. Mr. Keitch and baby Stephen in a cottage at Geneva. Mrs. George Spencer has re- turned to the home of her son Alvin and Mrs. Spencer after visiting the past weeks with re- latives. Mr., and Mrs. J. K. Glover, Toronto. visited Kedron folk on the weekend and attended the C. K. Doubles Club picnic at Cobourg-on-the-Lake. Abernethy's Headquarters FOR PAINTING A% Tb Cleaning Suppies Look over thec products that ive stock i our store. We bave the material for evcry decorating and bouse- cleanlng job. PIK - The Plastic Paint TRE31TRED - For Floors PENETREM - For Floors IVALLPAPER REMOVER FLOOR WAX "P ACO" PAINT onle g c 3per qt. '-!FM TONE SUIPER K. T. REM GLO RIPOLIN ENAMEL MEDUSA Rubber Paint TREMCO -Rust Painit WALLPAPERS (Standard and Prepasted) PREPASTED BORDER- <for Painted Walls) INIPPO OIL VALSPAR VARNISHf RYLOEDS (English Marine Varnish) SPRED SATIN SPRED LUSTRE THIX Ot'h.e Jled Paint) No Drip TIMBERLOX COLOR FINISHES for new wood TEXOLOX for Waterproofing Leather and Canvas REZWOOD FINISHES 'Ail Colors REM VAR VARNISH ALUMINUM PAINT PAINT ERUSHES PUTTY KNIVS AND SCEAPERS CRYSTAL LACQITEl <.1 for gis) ROLLER VOATERS AND REF]ILLS LIQUID TILE (for floors> ABERNETHY'S Paint &Walipaper 85 Ring st. W., Bowmanylile Phono MA 3-3431 m m m LIONS CLUIB PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS SATURDAYf AUGUST m0 (In Case of Rain Carnival Will Be HeId Saturday, August l7th) FEATURING AT 6:45 P.M. Parade and Demonstration by R.C C*AFe BAND From Trenton Station FREE ADMISSION New Carnival Attractions FREE -Bigger and Better J I s- 's t r k I 'rHtRSDAYI, AUGUST lst. 195'7 TRUCK SPECIALS A Good Variely ai Light Trucks C031E IN AND 31AKE US AN OFFER LUCKY TICKET DRAW SPECIAL DRAW for for '57 Oldsmobile "88" Secian PORTABLE WiII be miade at the conclusion oi theTEEVSO ST cevening's actuities.1 T L ISO SE IMI-tlu PAM lm nnn]ýl 1 ý1- --- n MAAMM 1

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