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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1957, p. 7

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9rTTRUflAY. ATGT lot. r1037M' ?W! eANAnIAN 5?AT!SMMi. EOWMMqVTLLN. CNTAM~ l.--, BIV0 Phone AM e. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole are touririg the United States on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brooks J iave returned from holidaying Mr. and Mrs. Carman G. Bar- rett left Monday for a two week trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne Stevens are spending a few days in Ot- tawa visiting friends. Mrs. Peter Bradley has rc- turned from visiting friends in Toronto and Hamilton. Miss Eleanor Leighton and Miss Ruth Stocker are holiday- Ing at Wigwasson Ladge, Mus- koka. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Mayberry and son, Moorestawn, N.J., are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Markus Roenigk. Prof. and Mrs. Chester New, ]Hamilton, are spending the nionth of August at their cot- tage at Port Dalington. Mrs. Grant Stephenson, Wen- dy and Barbara, Brampton, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hawthorne. Mn. and Mrs. Art Turner and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones are vacatianing at Tajah Lodge on the Trent River, Hastings. Mr. and Mns. John Duncan, Campbell's Island, East Mohine, Ill., are visiting their grand- daughter, Mrs. Ted Buttery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Biggs, Elaine, Diane and Christine. are spending twa weeks ho1i- dayirig in New Brunswick. Dr. and Mi-s. John I. Lodge and son Johnny of Baltimon,. Md., have been holidaying with beri mother, Mrs. C. J. Smale. Mr. and Mns. John S. Moi- and daughter Christine of Ot- tawa are visiting Mns. Moirs parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hey- land. Mr-. and Mrs.- W. A. Davis and family, Toronto, have ne- turned after spending holidays with their grandma, Mns. A. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Larmer have returned frorn visiting friends in Brampton and Allii- ton and from a vacation trip te Quebeç. Looking for a DIAMOND? We now have a special display room where you can look over our diamonds and ehoose yours in prlvacy. ASK TO SEE OU" DIAMONDS 0 * 0 HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 28 King St. W., Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-5747 ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Seventh Afler Trinily 8 and Il a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION Trinity Uni Minister - Rev. T. Il a.m. - Service wý St. PauI's Ur due la ropair Organist-?'. F-Arthur Col] - e im 1 f p L :L M Pe rs0n a/ A 3-3303 Ji Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Smith,! Mr-. and Mrs. Ùeorge Marrisý and Karen, have retunned from a vacation in Northenn Ontario and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James and daughten Heathen, are this week visiting the Pensylvania State Publishers' Association in Harrisburg, Penn. Mrs. Han-y Hosback, (nee Leila Gale) and her tw;n daughters, Alice and Jean, Li- vonia, Mich., are visiting their 1 aunt, Mns. T. S. Holgate. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamie- son, Peterborough, wene in town Thunsday te participate in the 78th birthday panty gîven in honar of her father, Dr. Norman Allun. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop Sr., have recently retunned from a trip through Eastern Ontario, New York and Vermont States. They spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Arn's at Arn's Lodge, North Hero, Lake Cham- plain, Vt. Mn. and Mrs. Gannet McCoy left *yesterday on a trip ta the east coast ta visit their son Jack and his family at liant- mnouth, N. S. Jack has been with1 the R.C.N. about a year and a haîf. The McCoys plan ta ne- turn early in Septemnben. Mr. and Mns. Dan Marris, Paul, John and Anne have ne- turned fnom twa weeks' vaca- tion at Bayview Lodge on Spar- row Lake. Unfortunately the last day o! their hoiidays Paul feul and broke his coliar bouie and had ta be taken te hospi- tai. Miss Phyllis Cnaig, member, o! the Staff of Memaial Ho.,- 1 pitai. left Friday with hier1 brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Craig, Lon- don, motoning ta Perth, New Brunswick, ta visit their moth- er and father, Mr. and Mrs. John Craig.. Mr. Jesse Van Nest and Bni- an, Mrs. Sam Brooks and Grant, Bowmanville, Mrs. El- mer Gibson and Keith, Black- water, were guests at the Van Nest-Pattenson wedding in Windsor and visited with the gnoom's parents ,Mr. and Mns. Norma n Van Nest. Congratulations te a Hamil- ton boy, Day Coole, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Manseîl Coole o! that city, on winning the Ontario day afternoon te celebrate with Dr. Allin his 78th birth- day and wish him many happy returns of the day. A delightful lunch was served an the lawn ta the guests by Mrs. Allun, as- sisted by Mrs. Oscar Jamiesoru, Peterborough. and Miss Naui Allin, Toronto. The Sunday previaus Mr. S. Chas. Allin cf Church Street, celebnated his 80th birthday when a family party xvas held ta celebrate the occasion cf Mn. Aluin being ele- vated ta the distingcuished acta- generian group. Blackstock O. N. O.t Club Described on CBC Radio Zditor's Note: Blaekstock's ONO. Club came into Can- ada-wide prominence recent- ly when rs. Norma Wolfe of Blaekstoek descrlbed some of the club's activities. In respon1se to our request, Mru. Wolfe, (formerly Normas Hooey) - an ex-Statesman staffer - described her ex- perience on radio as fol- lows: an4u m J OUR NIGHT OUT (Continued !rom page one). By Norma W-olfe doubted if a Young child couidl 'I is pleasant ta find that have opene the door., the little places are of interest One Chance In A Dozen ta people ini the langer centres Robert Whyte stated that he of, Canada. I discovened this had no knowiedge off the pipe.vhen Kay Rex, Pnogi-am Or- being used at the outhouse. Ho ganizer for the Canadian aiso had expenimnented by place BroadcastIng Corporation ask- ing te 1CUpaasthecdie ta do a §tory for Trans- doahen pieI tha i wstonhy Canada Matinee, on the O.N.O. doo ad flttha i wa olyClub of Blackstack, a club one chance in a dozen o! thewhc wafomdhrsen pipetakng hld.years ago by a group of young Witness Had Mumps marricd women. George Welsh, the third boy "When Miss Rex suggested with Mankussen at the time o! that I do some writing for r-a- his death, xvas ta have appear- dia, I was full o! aur recent ed as a witness but had con- trip ta the British Isies, and tracted the mumps in the mean- suggestcd that some of aur ad- time. ventures travelling with two Recails Previaus Inquest small sans might prove inter- This inquest brings ta mind esting. ra the inquest held last August in " "Stonies of trips abra cannection with the death a! a corne a dime a dozen," she de- six-month-old girl who hacu murred, "Is there not some- choked ta death when food be- th ing going on in Blackstock came lodged in her windpipe which might be a! interest tr, and lungs. She was the daugh- women across Canada?" ter' of a divorced mother and "It was then that I mention- was eftundr th cae o Mrs edtheO.N.O. Club's activitieo was leftudrtecr !Ms --ad tthree manuscnipts later,I Whyte.I was scheduied ta make a ne- itable To Find Iluse cording in the C.B.C. studios Mark Markussen vas anc of inb Toronto. the four Mankusseni children "iThe C.B.C. building is at lcft at Whyte's Haven about 354 Jarvis Street, a few blocks eighit months ago when the pan-1 south o! Bloor, and attached ents were unable ta find ai-- ta it is the new television sec- commodation for their child- tion. The entire structure is a i-en. m aze of studios, contrai rooms, Sitting on the jury wene offices; and in genenal, is a Glenholme Hughes, Menvin fascinating place ta visit. Na- Brock, Ken Nicks, Lau Dewell turaily, one is speciauly inter- and George Peebles. Han-y ested in seeing sa many well- Deymnan Q.C., xvas the crown known radioanad TV personali- attorney for the proceedings. tics in the flesh. "Miss Donothea Cox is the producer off Trans-Canada Ma- tinec, an hour pragram whichi Direct he C.B.C. carnies across Can- D Ï lD i e t adfromn2t .m na (Continued fromn page one) csting working with these two trunkîng equipment, mu'i: ch arming ladies-Kay Rex and IlDorothea Cox, bath of whom channel carrier transmission are dcvoted ta their wank. links, and by no means the. "Miss Cox timed the reading least automatic message ac-o!tesrpinhrfic.W couning quipent.were scheduled ta use anc of Amaiteur -Golf -Championship Inm Torontou, a new type of . which took place last week n switching equipment called1 London. Day is the nephew I "Cnossbar Tandem" now is be- of Mn. Jack Coole and Mrs. El- ing instalied. This cquipmcnt mer Henxiîng ef Bowmanville, wiil handle ail subscnibcr-diat- ed long distance' calîs in the 25 Mn. and Mns. Byron Vanstoiie exchange areas cancerned. and *!amily rcturned the past through ,ta points for whichi week fnom an enjoyable five- these calîs arc intcndcd. wcek motor trip ta Western Associated with crossban tan. Canada whcne they attended the demr will be Centnalized Auto-t 40th wcdding anniversary onl matic, Message Accounting s July 3nd, o! Mrs. Vanstone's (CAMA) equipment. Thi*sf parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mc- Cnedy t Lthbidg, Abena. quipment will rccord mechan-t Creay a Letbrige, lbeta.icaily the information necessaryi They taise taok in the Calgary for billing subsriber-dialedt Stampede and visited Banfflugdstnecls Springs and Lake Louise in ln itnecls the beautiful Canadian Rack'es. In Guelph, equipment known as 'Number 5 Crossbar" wil Mrs. F. S. Phillips and Mr5. take care of long distance c alis Gea. W. James have returned diaîed duroct by telephonie us- fi-rn an extended weckend at- ens. In this case. Localized MVes- tcnding the Centennial Celebra- sage Accaunting (LAMA) tians in their native city of equipment xiil record billingt Owen Sound. In the Saturday information. edition o! the Owen SoundD Daiiy Sun-Times il featuned a Despite the trend towand me- 3-coumn rerinisentartclechanization, thene will continue by Mrs. James in which she ne- t moa rentnpo mr called many human intcncst in- an od e oeratons. The Bell cidents o! her early days spent company will require hundnedis in this beautiful Geongian Bay of additional operators ta han- City.die cails placed fnom coin tele- clty. phones andl telephones in ho- A surprise party was tender- tel roams, ail person-to-pensuua,I cd Mn. Bill Yeo on the occasion callIct and credit card calis. o! his 75th birthday, July 25th Bell Telephone officiais point1 by his family. The grandchild- out that direct distance dialing1 i-en serenaded their grandfa- is an important part of thec ther with the traditional Happy companys overail plan ta give Birthday chorus before the subsoribers the kinil o! ser-vice cutting o! the special occasion they want at the cheapest pas- cake. His only daughten and sible cost. As J. W. Lowry, the husband, five sons their wives companys manager for this r and children wene joined by gion, pointecd ont: "Due ta o bis ibrother Tom Yeo, his sis- rect distance dialing, the day ter, Mrs. Fred Bail and hus- lis coming when yor telephone band, ah of Oshawa, for this neighbors xiii be living no, happy family gathcning. just on the ather side off the city, but al aven the North The edito's giateful thanks American continent." gocs ta Mr. Mark Roenigk this __________ week for a heaping basket of super Cobbler potatoes fir his productive and well groom- NEWTON IL ed vegetabie garden. This an- O IL nual gestune a! generosity and Miss Cn\ stal Shaw is in Pot gaod will was inherited by Mn. Hope hosputal with an attack Roenigk from his uncle, the a! tonsilitis. late T. H. Knight, who for years' Miss Dorcîla Lancaster left in a friendly competition %vith on Friday for Pretoria Camp, his neighbaur, the late m north of Oshawa. Painton, wauld vie with each Mirs .oanrc Stephcns, N.a- other ta sec who could deiven gara Fails, is v1-it ng ber cou- the fii-st sample o! patatees ecd siia, iIrDo'oth': Elliot. spring ta The Statesman office. MVr. and Mis. Cliftoio Robb. Sa again Mn. Roenigk is entitled Montreal, spent a few days at ta be rccognizcd es the "Potato thein cottage here. King o! thc aristocratie suburb Mi-. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce of Westmount." spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Kelly. Bancroft. A stag party was hcld a t the fMr. James Nesbitt of Mar- home o! Dr. and Mrs. Normana shahl, West Vinginia, US.A., is' ýAllun, Centre Street, an Thurs- spcndix'g a weeêk wth his sis~- ______________ter and brother, Miss Anne aiii Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Stapîcton and family have neturned home tedC h rc 4firn thoir trip ta, Vancouver, SCongratulations ta 'Mi- and Arthr Mrgan B.. 4Mrs. Jiin Gilmer of Part Hope, Arthr Mrgan B.. eon the birth of a son, Jcffney e<Stuart, an Jtil% 23rd. Mn. Wilhert Staccy, who un- er dewent a dielicale ev-e open- Z-atior at the Genenal Hospital, 4,Toronto, is pu-grcssing favor- eýably. ý1Mrs. Rod Gilmour and son el,5lihael, Toronto, are hldy rill e hel ing ith ir grandparents. Mr. 'iii h heldand Mvrs. George Ovens. n ~ton and famnilY atended a M\at- 4tan fa-mi1'v neunion picnic heild at Micihurst P<i,.k on Sunda,. r"L L 0 1 Misses Joan and Elva Reid ac- nited Chrurchî $ comrpar-ed them. e M r. and Mrs. Wilbert Han- ecock, Pet-nbonaugli. wcre i-ah- .,. . ,1<n o î i . l'-it hm ,- i e rs al Trinily, xv';ýi- &~IMrs. H. Mann, Baltimore, and lMn ar andMrs. George Pethick, lison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 1*ù-,-oF. O A. 1 Ms. John Turner. Oronn, ---- ---- ----t , uaday withi han sister, the studios at 2.15, and we we there on the dot in a sound- proof room, connected with the control room, in which the en- gineer could give us the signal ta begin. "The equipment in the room was sparse-a table covered with a feit silence clath, two chairs and a microphone. I read the opening lines of the sci-ipt so that Miss Cox could decicie fi-rn the contraI room whether the microphone should be ad- justed. The actual recording took seven minutes-care ofe- iiig taken that the papers did riot rattle"'. A short time later, we were in another studio hearing the play-back of the recording. It was a revealinig expenience ta hear one's voice._ Mrs. Fred Nesbitt. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Don Andrews (nee Betty Marie Gibbs) of Winnipeg, on the hirth of twin boys on July 22nd. Mrs. Walter Whîttaker and famiiy, Kenneth, Carol -and Lynne. Taronta. are hoiidaying with her mother, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. For the mofith of August aur pastar and wife, Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Whyte will be on holi- diays. During their absence the regular Sunday School session w ill be held in the church at 10 arn. PNSoeEver ALL-NEW '57 FRIG»IDAIRE FOOD FREEZER- REFRIGERATOR ».odel FS-1O1C-57ý. Easy Payments alter saalldown payment This 10.1 cii. ft. low-cost Super Model is the big "bonus baby" cf '571 Top-quality Frigidaire features: Real Zero Zone Freezer -hoidu 44 lbe - Exclusive Cycla-Matia Defrooting in refrigerator sec- tion - Four Full.Width Shelvea - Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator - Big, Deep Storage Door with Fivo removablei sheives. Built und bamked by, S Geêerai Motors MASON &DALE L IMITED HARDWARE Phono 408 36 King St. LP. Bowinanville The tapes can be cut-a sen- tence snipped here, a paragraph there, until the talk fils the t1me allowed foi- it on the pro- gram. And speaking o! tapes, We visited ane centre in the building whene necoi-dings were coming in fi-rn ahl parts cf Canada. "Oui- Night Out was carried on the July 5th pi-grar- about seven weeks aften my appointment with Miss Cox. It dealt chiefly with two pi-a cets which Miss Rex feit might be cannied on in other parts o! Canada by women's groups-the enection of attractive welcome signs for the village, and the catening for banquets and weddings, which our young wamen now have down toaa fine art. Mention was made too, o! the kitchen which the girls have equipped in the Re- creational Centre: the plays, cooking schools and concen-s which the gnoup has held-as well as the handbook which is being prepared for new ex'o- cutives. It closed with an ac- caunt of the annual banquet at which the man of the house cames inta his cwn, and re- ceives public thanks for sitting duties the second Thunsday of each month. "O! course thene is a great deal of work which the club does that could not be included in a five minute talk-but the O.N.O. girls got a i-cal thrili out of knowing that their club is off intcrest beyond aur own village" BURIKETON Shirley Avery and Patsy Mc- Laughlin were at Camp Pr-e- toaia last week. Freedom is net the power te do what we like, but ta be what we ought ta be.-Gore. None are more hopelessly en- slaved than those who falseiy beiieve they are free.-Goethe. Only fi-ee peoples can hold their purpose and their honour steady ta a common end, and prefer the interests of man- kind ta any nannow interest of thein own.-Woodrow Wilson. 'v SERV-A-TISSUE Bo"l 2A0c JOHNSON'S STERILE GAUZE PADS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. 2 x 2" 12's 45c-3"x 3" 12's 60,C 1We Deliver WEDDING. GRAHAM - ROSKIN A very pretty wedding took place in Blackstock United Church, Saturday, July 420th, when Joan Muriel Hoskin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Blackstock, was united in marniage with Harvey John Graham, son of Mn. and Mrai. Courtney Graham, R .R. 2, Nes- tieton. Pink and white galdiolus formed the setting for the cere- xnony which was penformed by Rev. P. Romenil assisted by Rev. C. W. Hutton. Mns. Gar- don Stnong played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, who sang, "The Wedding Prayer" and "lil Walk Beside You". The bride who was given ln« marriage by her fathen ware a floor iength gown o! mist white organza in princess style sweeping into a bouffant skirt featuned with a chapel train. The neckline was crested with peanis and the short sieeves were complemented with mit- tens. A cononet of pearls held her circular finger-tip veil of tulle illusion trimmed with lace and she carried a cascade of pinik and white roses. Miss Joyce Graham, sister of' the groom, was maid of! hon- oui-, Miss Pat Hoskin, sister of the bride, and Miss Phyllîs Sti-ang wene bridesmaids. The attendants wone identival gowns cf pink silk organza, made wilh fltted badice, short sleeves and scoop necklines, with prin- cess waist line sweeping intoi bouffant skirt. The headdress- es were of roses ta match the trimming at neck and hipliiie o! dresses and they cai-nied nosegays cf pink and white carnations. Mn. Lai-mer Rosevear,T- rafle, performed the duties of HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue {Çacjueine Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa Full size 75O-~ sheet rails o! first quality tissue - extra soft, extra white. Regular 2 raIls 25c 2 for 23e î.D.A. Brand WAX PAPER Heavy grade 100-ft x 12 inch ide rolîs in dispenser box. Regulan 21c rol 2rails 55c I.DA. Brand PAPER NAPKINS 70 white cmn- bossed large size napkins. Regularly 17c - 2 fan 33c 15e- 2 for 29c CALAMINE LOTION 4 and 8 oz, Reiz. 30e - 50c 23e - 39o STOMACH POWDER 4 andI 16 oz. 'Ree. 75c-,$1.95 best mnan and the ushers were Allyn Hoekxn, R. R. 1, Burke- ton and Keith Vancamp, R. R. 3,Bunketon. The reception was held in Cartwright ]Recreational Cen- tre when the bride's mother received the guesta, wearing a dress of powder blue nylon sheer and lace, wlth navy ac- cessories and a corsage o! pink roses. The bridegroom's mo- ther, who assisted, chose a light navy crepe dresa with nylon lace jacket and dusty rose accessories and a corsage of dark pink roses. For their wedding trip te points west, the bride chose a blue chrystal charm princess dress with jacket, white ac- cessories and corsage of pink roses. On their return they will re- side on the groom's farmn, R. R. 2, Nestieton. Pi-ion ta her marniage the I.D.A. MMLK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS MOI'S - 3001s Rcg. 39c-89C 29e - 590 WASH CLOTHS Reg. 19c each 2 for 25c Save 19e Johnson's BAB' O]IL 69C size 2 for $1.19 $3.00 Value! TONI Home Permanent Plus Applleatdqr $2.29 Save 29e ETIQUET Cream Deodorant 98C size 690 bride was entertained at a muscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Glen Hoskin, North Oshawa, aiso at a show- or by the Y oung Ladies' Bible Class of B1ackstock United Sunday School when Mrs. Pt Romeril was hostess. NON EY AVAILABLE FOR B alph S o e Barrister and Solieltor 65 Simoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 "-ýMELOBON4DFD F011 SUPER STRENGTH DRY-ORMWET! .35c BIG BOX - 3-PLY.., New With 'Wondersoft* covering NOW IN THIS SOFT GREY PACKAGE 1 2's j45c OREGD TRADE MARX Drugs Phone MA 3--57921 SUMMER CLEARANCE Johnson Outboar.d Motors and Lawnboy Power Mowers ai Palmer Mot or Sales 20 King St. E., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5487 COML'ETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE j'DAe j, ISORE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TRIS WEEK Polaroid ladult) $1.98-$2.98 Teenarena-------69e Fils-On $2.50 Men's Aviation Special 99e Others--------- 29e to $10.00 BATHING CAPS Seiherling ----- 69c-79c-98c Playtex --------------$1.29 Marilyn Bell -- S1.29 Howiand ------------- $1.59 INSECT REPELLENTS 6-12 Stick or Llquid -- 69e Bomb ----- ---------$1.19 giOff"1- 89e Tantoo Bonb --- - $1.10 Cream ---- ------- -65e SUN TAN NEEDS Skol - 55c-,;1.00 Ilronztan $1.50 (îoppertnne Crram, tube or jar or ou - $1.50 Aerosol Spray $2.25 Lotion (squeeze bottie) $1.75 Noxzema Suntan Lotion ---55c-$1.004$1.50 011---------------- 45c-75c SUNBURN NEEDS A criflex ------- -- ---- - e Noxzema Si Crearn---26c-65c-89c-$1.69 Nive,% Creme 35c-63c-$1.10-$3.00 Skin 011 ----- 60c-$1.05-$2.25 Nupercainal ---------- - 1.00 rangel ---- - ----- - 85e Unguentine ----- --- 75c-Sl.25 FLY AND INSECT KILLERS CAMIERAS & FILMS A good camera and an ample suppiy of film wil record happv moments on picnics or weekend trips. Your I.D.A. druggist can supply your requinements and give you excellent photo- finishing and eniargement service as well. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Vour Local I.D.A. Drug Store r, ritixuei lat, luat ýeý ý--- A X-ý li J

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