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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1957, p. 15

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THURSDAY, AU~. lSth, 1,5? T!~! CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE. ONTA1UO The .Oro Teleph Miss Edlth Dunn, -Cobôurg, enid Miss Bertha Cain. are hol* ing at Tal Pines, Carnar- Î z.Mary Jones, Bowman- 4V1 with her cousin, Miss JOyceJones M.J. E. Richards attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Gea. A. Sherwood, St. Cathar- Ines, on Tuesday. 1Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen, Niagara Falls, Ont., were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. Mr. Robert Lunn'is in Mem- orlal Haspit al, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Basyl, San Jose, Calif., visited thei.t Unpaid Pro Splits Pt. Hg No Major Pi The luiowinig report woul Indicate that Port Hope's coun- cil has been experiencing diffi- culty with a comparatively new method of colecting back tax- es. Most municipalities stili favor tax sales of property when th,-- tax arrears extend for over three years. In Bowmanvilie, it has been several years since any property was taken over or soid for non payment of taxes. A couple of years ago, a new rnethod of coliecting entered the pir-ture, with municipalities be- ing aliawed to apply tax certi- ficates against property. This action makes it impossible for the property owner to seli the praperty and aliows him one year to pay up. The municipal board must approve it. In Bowmanville, there are one, two or three pieces of pro- perty which could be inciuded under either the tax certificate or tax sale system, according ta Town Clerk, Alick Lyle. How- ever, lie felt that these oq'ners would corne through soon with gufficient tax payments to clear their properties before council would be forced ta take action. It would appear that some of the Port Hope council feit the %ame way about the properties they were discussin g The foi- lowing is publishe dfor taxpay- qera' and councillors' bienefit, s0 imilar pitfalls may be avoided here: Po!et Hope's town couii- jcil's first meeting in a month , ~fterminated just before mid- ight, Aug. 7, with counicil di- vided on the question of ap- j piying tax certificates to pro- à-aperties more than three yeais r in arrears of taxes. Council 'Vtèd5 -4 ta rescind the action ty jr finance cmitei IaJfgtax certificates on twoà pz;ities referred ta during the stormy discussion as C and ID. No action ta upset the fi- ziance committee's action on two other properties, was tak- en. Reeve Read Budge, a mem- ber of the finance committee, znoved the resolution to vacate the tax certificates on proper- ties C and D. He cailed the committee's action hasty in ap- plinug for municipal board ap- proval ta register à tax deed against the properties without receiving the sanction of the council as a wrole. "They didn't seem to realize the drastie na- ture'of the step they liad taken end had not investigated the situation of the delinquent tax- payers fully enough. We took the final steps before -the pre- liminary ones," lie declared. The reeve condemined such rnethods of tax collection which .the good financial position of the town did nothing to war- rant. He thouglit people who al lie ever got from the pro- perty owners concerned was rmss which were neyer ept. The same situation crap- ped up each year. Robert Ever- son said they couid have their tax certificates lifted if they brouglit in their arrears. He didn't see how council could mnake exceptions. He objected, to the reeve's politicai philoso- phy. . "We were voted in to see that s! our town was kept in a good financial state." The remaining member of *the finance cominittee, Moss Hewam ' hiule expressing syrn- »~tW-orthe property owners à5edwagainst said that lie 'Would support his committee's *ction. Mayor Fed Up *MyrW. N. Moore said lie *aa ted up with people flot paying their taxes. lt was throwlng ail Councillor Roose- vear's good work into the ditch to lut the resolution through. ..t3a slap in the face for Deputy-reeve Mike Wladyka dn't see it in this liglit. Trhe town couldn't los% ho clai'ned, Il TYRONE Jeep Gets Paint. Mrs. Ace A.bbott, Oshawa, )no, News E. cnt fIe weekend wifh 1er is; Mrs. K. Hardy and Mrs. I fScott. one 127 jMns. Elva Beckett, Bownian- ______________________ville, visltcd Mn. and Mrs. D. SMiller and Delibie. great aunt, Mns. I. Win fer, and Mn. and Mrs. L. Alidread family. and Maxine, Mn. James Ail- Col. and Mm~ Philip Bigelow ¶1dnead, visifed Mn. and Mrs. and family, Port Hope, visifed John Beckett, Scugog Island. lis motIon, Mrs. John Bige- IMrs. M. Russneil, Whitby, is slow, Sunday. visiting Mn. and Mns. K. Hardy.I Mrs. J. E. Richards spent thie 1The ofler hait of Manvers iweelcend wifh Mr. and Mrs. L. Road whlcI nuns info Tyrone McComb, Lipdsay is now being paved. Congratulatons te Mn. and 1Mn.. and Mrs. E. Masters and Mrs. Win. Armsfrong Jr.,the girls, Bowmanvilie, visited Mn. former June Cooper, onh'their and Mns. E. A. Virtue, marniage, Satunday, August '10. Mr. and Mns. F. McMahon, * ey. John Kitchen of Niagara Belfast, Ireiand, Mrs. R. DIavid- Falls, officiated in Orono Unit- son, Harrogate, Engiand, Mn. ed Chundli. and Mns. J. W. McMalon, Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamil- and Mrs. A. Jackson, Donald tan are home affer tîcir vacs- and Diane, Toronto, visited Mn. rtien et Deer Lodge, Haliburton. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, " Oshawa, eccompanied Mr. and Aje esanwpi Mrs.Joh WisonandAllen, lAger, Gcrm ew ai and Mrs. William Henry, at- lgr enatxy, where the 2r p erty axes ended the parade eit Niagara is undergoing field manoeuvrt Falls an Setunday. ...'g rogramn. Cpi. Jack Wood '01 Linda Smnith is visîting Mr. of2 o Union St., Kingston, c] op oucand Mrs.. E. Brock, oan p u cville. Lewis Rundle, son cf Mr. and: Ji,,, Widdecombe, Hfamp-, Oshawa, Ont. Both are merml onbI m H e e holidaying with Menvin 1Dtcret 1Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kidd, wleeasby pplînga tx deciVancouver Island, B. C., ar.ý 5 ta a property a man' s credit was s.niga ekwthterImflprovin g f nioces, Mns. H. McClure, and knockédfo a loap and hsMns.J C. Cook and husbands. life's wonk maybe ieft in ruifl3. Several ladies from, here ac (.5 well as aur heads in this mat- dCpn bus trip ta Brace- , C n c ton." Tom Brandon supported ! bridge, and will also go on al t an0yflrated aid efinance; rs. M.Hendenson, Tornto ITirRs Lcommittee's aira in collectin,1 Mrs. Gertrude Roberts, Balti- 1954 anreans had now been ac- more, Miss Ruthi Knox, Sari "The Runal Scene" is a journal 7castnglis voteW.or.hebe -i Francisco, called on Mn. and of opinion pubiislied by John cesoti vo emfre eeve's IMns. G. Brent. .Afkins Publishing Ca. Lt d. at resoutin rearkd ftat lie Mrs. M. Smiley, Kelly and Midland, rmwihTeStes wanted ft) givo flic two owners Mark, Hamilton, spent three Ia a freom whd i tso- break. weeks athrhm, r In political and we 'have always Frank Long said if lied corne Mns. W. Rea. found ifta be a very enligliten- as a shock to hlm that tlie fi- Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Mc-,Iing publication. John Afkins, nance caramittee lied taken Leod, Craig and Bra dley, To- who las been a vaiued personal sudh action in council's namne. r onta, visited Mr. and Mns. J. friend of fhe editor for Many Ho wondered if enaugli e ffonts C. Cook. Lauraine netunned years, is also known te many l ad been taken ta contact those hame and littie Bnadley Me-1 readers of the "Scene from in arreans individually. Tax Leod is remaining with th'ý Shingwauk Fanm" and ta somo collecter Ted Hunt assured him Cooks While parents are an in aIl parts of Canada. Ho iived that they lad been notified holidays. acfively until Febnuar.y, 1948, raeny times. Promises lad been 1Mn. and Mns. H.. Woodcock when lis life was clanged byv made but not kept. and Ricky, Mn. and Mrs. Ray an accident whidh reduceçl end The nesolution ta nevoke flie Davey and family, Blackstockl, confused lis vision, left lis twa tax cetificetes was flnally Mrs. M. Smiley and chldren, memory fnagmentary and un- put ta counicil shortly before Hamilton, visited Mn. and Mrs. sure, and lis enorgy law and un- midnight and caried by 5 votes D. Davey. stable, according ta lis recent ta 4. Anna Marie Scott, Clarke Un- announcement. But his Publica- ion, is holideying wifh l1er tion goes an with E. J. Young as cousin, Gail Scott. editor. ]KLI'IJAI Mn. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. The tollowing article fnom Douglas and Lynne, visited et "The Rural Scene" on agri- Mns. Alva Swerbrick went ta Halibunfon. culture, we boliove. wil be of Toronto with Mrs. Edifh Fergu- Mn. and Mns. W. F. Park, intenest ta aur readens: son for a week's visit. Mr. and. Lynn and Ann Skinner holiday- J "If appears fliat what begen Mrs. Wilfned Roughley are ed wîth Mns. A. Gelsbunger at 'some years ega as an agitation staying with Mrs. Thorne. lien cottage on Lake Simce . for parity pnices fon fanm pro- Boss Jackson, Wayne Fost.n,1 Sunday visitons weno Mr. anci ducts lias gnown into a demand Bey Couroux and Bruce Mer- 'Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and dhild- [for parify of incarne and parlfy cen wene flic Cubs tram hene non.I of living standards as between who enjoyed a holiday fhIs Mns. Rase Middieton, Toron- fermons and skiibed wonkert la weekend et Camp Samac. te, spent a few days with Mrs. industny. 1Mr. and Mns. Wmn. Caruta E. Murphy.J "By parity cf living standards and Jimmy of Reidsville, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. V. Davenponf is meent sufficient ferm incarne visited et Kendal lest week. and boys, Richmrond Hill, Mrs. fa enable fhe fareros fo enjoy Mr. Conum remained fa cure M. Henris, Feirview Lodge, ail the corafonts, convenierides tobacco. Wlifby, Dir. and Mrs. James A. and advanteges fIat skilled city Mns. Garnet Hallowell and Tuck, Sackville, N. B., Mr. and wonkers seern ta lave; and, lie- friends, Toronto, visited Set- Mrs. Harold Staintan, Mn. cause mnany cf these advanfages urdey with Mrs. Nova, Little George Stainfon, Windsor,.wene cost More in flie country flan in and aise called on Miss Viola recent guests cf Mr. atud MrE. fhe city, parity woild requiro Ogden. Henry Stainton. thef fhe fermons' incarne be in- Witli Mr. and Mns. Wm. Mrs. Edith Murphy visifed cneased accondlagly. Jackson, Sunday, were hen bro- with Miss Grace Smith, Long "People foday are being se thon and two sisters, Reneid Sauif. bombarded with promises cf a Boss, Mrs. Jim Roberfson and Mn. and Mns. John Broomie Utopien existence in place cf daugliter May, and Mn. and -and family visited Miss Ada Pas- their present lives af. stnuggle Mrs. Len Sewell, al of Toranto, coe, Pont Credif. Ruth neturneçi and hardship, fiat if is lard for Mns. Norman Elgeer, Bonnie lame affer lolidaying wifl hem the ordinary man ta distinguish and infant son, George, cf. aunt. 1 wliet is true and sound tram Strafford, are spending a cou- Mn. and Mmm. Lamne Annis what is menely wishful fhinking: pie of weeks et honr parents' cru oyed a motor trip ta the summor place lere. Mn. El- States. AlIdread and her mothon, Mrs.' gean was home for ftle weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Eenl Prescott M. Gaskin fo Moncton, N.B., Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mr. and accompanied Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Prince Edwerd Island, Paruea- Mrs. WMn. eece nd nd1ment Buildings, Ottawa,an Mrs. Bey Hughes and Gloria, u home by way cf Nova Scotiaq. were holidaying lest week a[ I@ l Mrs. Gaskin refunning fe 1er Mrs. Luxon's cottage on Lake a eshmafrsvrlwek'ty KushogC. * with Mn. and Mrs. G. Alrat Th hattoiday stsanii ' a. MissnsElizabeth Knox and weresom holdayvisiorsand cor ôvcm MaionWright are on a mator children frora Ken-Gar Camp Cntuefompgon) tnip ta Banff and Jasper. et aur Sunday Sdhool. Cniudfo paeoe ShreComsi olay There wes no church son- ta fIe Central Public Schaol 1. inga ry R Coombes oldy vice these Sundeys as Be. n grounds. Accompanying the Mr. and Mns. Murray Mount- Mrs. White are on vacationfiband wes fIe young Bawman-ljoy and Dianne, Kedron, wene L*t'le end Alec. Iwas the fish pond and close'in D"bonna ,McLaughlin, Nestle-j Liff le Miss Diane Little, pop:ularity was flie Lassie booth ton, Margo and Trevor Murphy Markhea, came homo wifh lier whene anc could wîn a replica wi fI Shelagli, Ken and Glen grandmothen, Mns. Nova Little of flic farnous TV canine. 1 Murphy. - for a short visif and refurncd For fhe eduits, flore was e; Mrs. Eric Meore, Mexine and home Sundey with hon parents, wide selection cf boafhs includ- IRonald, Burlington, spent hbu- Mn. and Mns. Aylward Little. ing crown and anchon. under and'1 deys wifh Mr. end Mrs. W. Jew- Mr. and Mns. George Mercer aven seven. and free maney.! el] and Mn. and Mns. Russel Rusk, Turf fans received a flill and! Miss Evelyn Hackeday, Sali- toak a mater trip into U. S. lesti meny wvon money as well et the'n.a, accampanied by Miss Car- week vîsiting Whieeling, West hanse racing bootl. ,ai Yellowlees, spent e week Vinginia and thon on east acnass Anyone wanting exorcise was with Sandra Ellicott, Peterbor- the niauntains f0 Washington. more flan sefisfied at tIe bell l ougli. Mrs. N. Little, Alec and Dî- tlnowing booth wlere pnizes Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Philp ano, and Mn. and Mrs. Jack wene given awey simply for spil- have raoved intoe flir new Elliott and Dorothy, wene fish- ling aven five milk botties. home near Ceosarca. ing et Gone's Landing Set urday The iawn clair boofli provedi Mn. and Mns. Keitl Crego and enjoyed a fish dinner. fa be popular as did the haras,' and girls, Bowmenville, visifed Mr.and Mrs. Percy Thoral,- dhickens and fruit. M.adMs .Gbe san and sans, North Bey, visit- To provide nourishment ta the Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Phullip, ed Mr. and Mns. Eddie Cour- carnivel-gaens as thev made thé Barbera and Midge, visited the oux aven the weekend. runds cf the many booflis, hot Eest Coast. Miss Florence Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowe, dogs, pop. cliocolate bans and. dne is stayîng et thein home Jean and Gardon, Peterborough, other confectionery was aveul-,aise Key Davey is holidaying visited lier fethen, Mr~. N. pat- 1 able. with Betty Phillips. ton and other Kendal friends Lions Deserve Credif jMn. and Mrs. Stanley Goble lest wcek. Someone was raan TIc Bowmanyilie Lions Club: errd Bruce visifed at Halifax enaugh ta lot fhe air ouf cf ail desorve creditfofantfli cor-a- nd also steyed a few days their tires and teke flii keys mendable carnival show fhey1 with hem sister, Mrs. Russel and cernera Fridey niglif. Ipnesenfed fan Bowmenville and! Hay and Mn. Hay, Montreal. Everyane is busy these deys. district. If as pleasing fa know David Phasey Is sf111 la Boxv. Priming tbbecce sfarted last thet al fIe money naised frora manville Hospital suffening week and the yaung lads are the cannival will lie used la'i With burns on hi& face and busy suckering tobacco too. -- commuruty service work. - _ --arms. Job, i, Ge .rmany rit job in the field at Senne- nd Canadian Infantry Brigade res as part of the Spring train- d, left, son of Mrs. C. H. Wood -ieclcs the work done by Cfn. Mrs. Charles Runcle 9f North bers of the RCEME Light Aid -National Defence Photo lhe Lot un Farmers ýy Business But there is a simple rule that can be very lieipful to us ail in keeping our thinking straiglit. "Through the tangled maze of ail these thouglits and fancies there runs a lîne which most of us can recognize; and, if we fol- low it, we are not likely to be led very far astray. It is the dividing line between right and wrong, between that which is rightfuily ours. and that whîch rightfuliy belongs ta athers. "The proposais being advanc- ed for improving the lot of the farmers ta the level of that of skilled industriai workers are: "I.-Prices for f arm products based on the needs of the pro- ducers; "2.-Coots of things the farm- ers buy, based on the farmfers' abiiity ta pay; "3.-Adequate credit for all the farmers' needs at iow interest rates, "4.-Education in agriculture for those -who want to farrn. and ini ather lines for those who want ta leave the farm; "5.-Marketingz policies that would give producer organiza- tions control of the marketing of ail farrn produets; *"6.-Production contrais that would limit production ta what the farrn organizations consider sufficient ta supply the demnand. "If we examine these pro- posais with an impartial mind, ta see where they stand in re- lation ta our line between right and wrong, we will tind that practicaily all of thern totaily ignore the riglits and interests of other classes. "They are ail drafted in the interests of one class of citizens. This in itself would put them on the wrong side of the line and among the unjust. "Farming is a business and a risky business. But ail business is risky and those who are not wiliing ta take risks shouid nat be in business. They wouid lie happier working for wages. "The great attraction of farm- ing ta most men is the fact that the tarmer can be his own boss and manage lis own business in lis own way." At S hort Stop About ta make anothen impar- tant flirow ta first is slonfstop Johmny Mason whose aient field- ing pîsys have 4ielped Bcwmen- ville Haxvesters ta many a win this seasan. Heie s senving hic first season la Intermediate cîrcles. In addition fa playing f.-r Johnny aIso does shortatop dubW ton fIe local juvenLie Club. .-photo by Rehder Cairtwrightý Sets Rotes At Regular Meeting Elackstèck: 'Council met on Aug. 6th.« AI; members present except Coi4nciWrIlyland whq was si k. Réve Bruce Ashtoni was in flie chair. % Miniutes read and adopted on motion of Councillor Wriglit anid Deputy Reeve Green. - Delegation of about 25 trom RoWan's Beach, Mr. Dawkes as apokesman, Interviewed Coun- cil regardlng the existing con- dition cf the pal*. After long- thy d'iscussion, it was decidéd that a small group cf about six meet wlth Couneil on P'niday, Aug. the 16th- at 9 p.m. Mr. Eric S11k aiso dlscus.sed the cutting cf ràgweed around Shady Acres. Council to conýi- ZION Mr. ifnd Mrs. Keith Stainton I and Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.1 Stainton and Laurle retunned home Saturday affer speridtng twoweeks at Lake Papineau. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Fisher visitcd at Frank Westlake's Sn., Sauina. Beveniy Cameron an leave from Camp Petawawa ieft on a trip ta the East caast Tuesday. Mrs. Wes. Cameron accani- panied Mr. and Mrs. Sfanley Coverly and Karen ta Tenante on Thursday to visit 1er aunt, Mns. William Michael. Diane Steplien, Peterboroughi, is visiting Launie Staintan this week. Alvin Fisher spent the week- end wîtli Fred Gabounle, Woo- ler. Mr. Charles Bull, Victoria, B.C., lias been visiting his bro-, thon, Wiliarn Bull and family. Mn. and Mrs. Thomnas Martin, Oshawa, Miss Marguerite Mar-1 tin, Toronto, called at Alian Fishens on their way home from a trip ta Lak<e Piacid and the St. Lawrence Seaway. William Bull accompanied by 'brother Charles took a trip tg Tliree R4ivers, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameronà visited at Albert Balson's Soi- ina, and J. W. Baison's, Hamp- tan. Mr. and Mns. GeorgeKillan, Alice and Billy, Mn. and Mns. Robent Kilien took a motor trip along Lake Huron, over te Huntsvile and flirougli Algon- quin Park Mn. and Mns. Jim Stainton and Davy, accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Shaw and Paf, Oshawa, wcnt to Lake Simcae. Mn. and Mrs. Refond Camn- cran and Lynda, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, Scarborougli, at Russell Stain- ton's. (Intended for iast week) « Mn. and Mn.. Basil Van Dugen, Joe and Mark, Marlbank; Mr. Leroy, Rochesteç., visited et Allan Fisher's. Lamne Day, Oshawa, ivisited Forbes Fisher. Mr. and Mns. Hans Geissberg- er Jr. at Lake Simcoe. Mns. Lawrence Henry, Ham- ilton, spent a week with 1er parents, Mn. and Mrs. Ray Camn- cran. Jean Mattussi, Hamilton, spent a few days with Judy Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Currie. Hamilton, spent the weekend et Robent Kilien's. Mr. and Mn,. Bernard Mc- Ewen, Paîgrave, visited at Rus- seli Stainfon's and Wes Carn- eran's and calied on other rel- atives and friends. Marilyn Glaspeil visîted Faye and Sharon Harper. Utica. Robent Powell, Columbus, spent several days at Gerry Glaspell's. Phillip Gerry, Toronto, visit- od lis aunt, Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli. Squadron Leader Gerald B. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy,« Marveille. France. visited Mrs. Alex McMaster. Mns. Henry Dant returned home fnom Oshawa General Hos- pifai affer undergoing surgery and is convaiescing nicely. Mr. and Mns. Tom Horton and family, Blackstock, at Ray Cameron's. Mrs. Lawrence Henry andi Donna visited at Ernest Henry's, Oshawa. Mrs. A. Mattussi and Miss Margaret Dixon, Hamilfon, spmnt a few days at Ray Cameron's. Jean Mattussi went home wifh them. Jim Morris, Camp Shiloh, Man., visited at Bay Camneron's. Mn. and Mrs. Allen Fisher. Mns. Ray Cameron calied on Harvey Websters et Little Bni- tain and accompanied bv the Websteon family went on ta Bev erton fa a picaic. Whîleat Beavenfon tliey called on Mr. and Mns. Tom Dickson. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Naylor, der- spraying savie. By-Law No. 1026, approvLIpg mili rate for ail purposes except Schcel Rate, recelved first reading, read second and third trne and paaded on motion of Doputy Reeve Green and see- onded by Councillor Trewin. By-law No. 1027 approving ]IlI rate ta lie collcctcd for aul Sehool purposes, received first readlng, read second and third time and passèd on motion of Councillor Wright, scconded by Councillon Trewin. Moved by Councilior Wright, seconded by Deputy-Reeve Green accounts lie paid and ad- journ tiil September 3rd at 8 p.m. Mrs. Alex McMaster. Joan and Ross, Squadron Leader G. B. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy vis- lfed at James McMaster's; Miil- brook. Allan Glaspeîl spont the week- end wlth Eddie Tlompson ati Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. John Monahan and famiiy took a motor trip to Brockton. N.Y. and Erie, Penn. Mr. Roman Kramer, George- town;, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gejosberger and family, Victoria Corners, Mn. and Mrs. Christian Star and family, Islington; Mrs. 1Knopsel, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. R. Theabound and Annette cf Oshawa at Hans Geîssbergcn's. Misses Berthia and Margaret Geissberger spent the weekerud at Jack Arnott's, Ilderton. Miss Joan MeMaster spent a few days with Gwendolyn Glas- pell, Tyrono. Miss Shirley Armstrong, Mr. George P'lsher spent the week- end at Bert Aides, Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Porkins and Margaret visited Mr. and Mrs. Chiarles Mitchell and fam- liy at their cottage east cf Brech- in. Miss Marianoe Van Dusen, Staten Island, N.Y.; Mrs. M. Van Duson, Tfamworth, caiied at Ailan Flsher's. Th.ird Line Clarke Miss Doréen Pascoe cf Raglan is spending fhe week with Ban- nie and Kafhy Bridger. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bridger this past week wonc Mn. and Mns. Roy Moon, Raglan; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haskill and famîly, Rexdale; Mn. and Mrs. Vic Bridger, Taranto. Master Ricky Mimne refurnd Sunday aften a few days' vi4it with lis grandmother. Mns. R. E. Lambert, Oshawa. Mrs. Lamn- bert and Ricky wcro holidaylng at Hastings. Mn. and Mrs. Aif Perrin and Tommy, along with the New- castle Cub Packs. spent an en- joyable weokerid at Presqu'ile Point. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Guy of Oshawa visited -witl tiougie. Recent visitons cf Mn. and Mrs. Jake McLarens were Mnr. and Mns. David King and sons Larny and Victor. tram Scarbono; Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan and son Johnny, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coudh, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Haskill, Part Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ponteous. WESLEY VILE "The Kingdom cf God is wifhin yau" was fhe f ext for Mr. Hardlng's Sunday morning service, and a fair number of the congregatian was present ta wonship on thaf lovely daY. A basket cf large white and purple dahlias was used as thé floral offering for the day anci John Groenveld sang the sacred song "Free as the bird". Thore were 64 at Sunday schooi wif h George Tu.fford and Clarence Nichais conducting the devo- tions in the absence cf the two superinfendents. Gardon Mat- tlek read fthc marning .,scrip- fune. Mr. and Mrs. ICen Ashby and boys returned tram their cot- tage af Jack's lake during flie weekend where they liad been hliidaying for a week. Mn. A. Mckay, Starkville, Mns. Ida Plum, Toronto, and son Charles, visifed wlth H. Barrowciough's on Sunday. Tomatoos are slowiy nipen- ing ta the delighf of everyone wlia enjoys this good summer truit. It will be some liff le tinme befone they are ready in factory' quantifies thaugli. Threshlng apenations arc wéell under way, indication that sum- mer is hurrying by. Miss Stella Bennett attendcd HOW BOUT THOT BY RRLPH TEE< the executive meeting of Co- bourg Presbytery Woman's As- sociation last. Tuesday at the home cf -the president, Mrs. Frank Dunnett Brighton. STÀRK VILLE Miss Joan Falla . i spending hoiidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Peterboro. Misses Norma and Beulah Hal- Iowell were dinner guests witli Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin and Miss Louise, Port Credit, are spending a few davs with Mr. Arthur McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswel with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie spent Sunday at Tory Hill. A group of Young people charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Laur- ence Farrow. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lowery. Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Dobson's. The Culis and their leaders enjoyed a picnic at Cream of Barley Camp, gowmanville, re- cently. Tu esday afternoan Jim Hal- ioweil was a guest at Elva Reid's and in the evening with sorne Young folks enjoyd a Wiener rost fer Elva's birthday. Mrs. Grant Sylvester is spend- ing this woek with lier parents before going ta live in Sarnia. Mr. Ted Bouglien went ta Malton Airpart Friday ta meet Mr. Adam Stoc who has roturn- od tram Poiand. Mr. Maurice Haiiçwell, Toron- ta, spont the weekend at home. Friday evening a number at- tended a presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Albin at New- tonville. Music for the evening was suppiied by Messrs. Percy and Bronton Parrow and Mrs. Llow Haliowell. LONG SAULT SMrs. Bert Johinson and Miss Jean Johinson spont a week at Lake Scugog. Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott and Mrs. Ken Hardy and Gorald. Tyrone. wore Priday evçning visitors at the Smith home. Sorry ta report Mrs. Harold Murphy las been sick in Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, aise Mrs. Murphy's brother. Mr. Don- ald Phasoy wlo was badly .burn- ed last Moriday. A speedy ne- cavery ta barth. Club 50 lias been postponed for August due ta sickness. Mrs. Sophie Kayacs lias ro- turned home from a three manth's visit with friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mns. John Baker and family, Dundas, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker for a couple of days. Tabacco pickipg started this wook on aur local tobacco farm. Many farmers are busy finish- ing combining thoir harvest. Volunteer drivers of the Cari- adian Red Cross Corps drov'e 191,880 miles ini 1956. Go ]By Train to the.* TO RONTO Ca4adian National EXHIBITION AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 7 Low Rail Fares $2.35$26 Coach Sleeping and Parlour Cars*' Good goint Thursday, Aug. 22 te Saturday, sept. 7 Inclusive. Return LImit-Scpt. il EXHIBITION -TRE CANADL&N STATESMAN, BOWMA-NMLE, ONYARIO TinYPMAT, AUG. 15th. -Iffl

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