TU& wi 3TAA.T.iZ3mLiLN . J W i NIMM ONPGE UV3I Mr. and Mrs M. Preut ai Marilyn spent a few days Ottawa last week. Miss Linda Petch, Toronto, spendin awek' acation wi Miss r la Shane. -Mzmt>7ihn Appleton and Bo -"I7Toronto, are visiting the aunt. Mrs. M. Gerry. Miss Mary Betties is spen ing three weeks' hqliday wi Miss Carol Antram, North Ba Mr. and Mrs. Roger Meadov and family, Orèhardview Blv( spent a few days at Presqui Point. Mr. Wes. Davey, Detroi Mich., is visîting his sister Mrs. W. J. Bagneli and Mrs.V A. gdger. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell an Art visited Mr. and Mrs. Rai: Dawson at Tillsonburg la weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Richard and Mr. Reg Harding are er joying' a tip in the wester provinces. Doug Glynn of the Statesma reportorial staff is vacationin at his home near Barrie fa two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stacey Si have returned from visiting thei daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Gur vald in Calgary, Alta. Editor Adam Sellar of Th Gleaner, Huntingdon, Que., ari Mrs. Sellar, were Sunday cali ers on, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W James. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dewel and Mr. and Mrs. C. John 'ere guests of Mr. and Mrs W. R. Young, Bridgenorth, or Sunday. Mlrs. Geo. W. James was call: ed ta London, Ontanio, on Tues. day owing Io the sudden passi ing of her younger brother, Mr Robt. D. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meadows Newcastle: Mr. and Mrs. Roge' Meadows, Bowmanville, have re. turned from an enjoyable vaca. tion in Algonquin Park. A Dept. of Hîghways repaii crew has been replacing some of the cernent sidewalk ap- proaches to Vanstone's bridge at the west end of town. Miss Thelma Jeune, Cleve. land, Ohio, formerly of Bow- rnanville, is spending three weekç Wth her grandfather, Mr. Aust- in Brown, Division Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns at- tended the Truil - Tummond: weddfrig in Port Perry last Saturday. The groom is a ne- phew of Mr. and Mrs. Johns., Mr. and Mrs. John Coombes, ]Randy ani Rodney visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes. His brother Bruce re- turned home with them for holi. days. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fossey, Brantford, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Marti and *0 'soVisited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. w~. Smihý_Bradshaw Street, on Rd Keith Lamb, son of Mr. and in Mrs. Clive Lamb, has success. fully completed his course ir * s Radio -and Television Technc- ith logy with second class honourç at the Radio College of Canada. ,o- Mr. and Mrs. George Thrash- .eir1 er, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Jackc Herold, Toronto, nd- were.. guests o! Mn. and Mrs ith Laurence Goddard at their cot- ay. tage, Lake Catcha1boma, last Wl weked. rd, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham. ile mond and family spent a few days with his brother, Mr. and >iMrs. Dean Hammond. St. Thom- as. Their son, David. is spend- ýringz two weeks' vacation with his W. cousins here. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, ýnd Nancy and Jimmy, Chatham. ph have returned from a trip out ast west and brought Nancy and Jimmy to spend the rest o! the ýds holidays with their grandparents, n- Mr. and Mrs. James Hall. ýrn Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Martin and Gail, Noranda, Que., Miss an Zetta Dickinson, and Mr. anc ng Mrs. Benson Spicer, Port Hope, ýor were recent visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Howard Pickard and Sr. girls at thein cottage, West ýn- After a very successful can- ning season, the Canadian Cari- heners plant here closed its pea Id cannng operations last Friday ..Citizens will miss the daily in- vflux of pea truckj on their way ta deliver produce to this busy ff plant. S Miss Eileen Holroyd, Hamp- 7S ton, who bas been on the office )n staff of R. M. Holingshead Company for the past two and a J half years has accepted a pos- S. Garage and Sales Office in Bowmanville. r. Mrs. W. O. LaBelle, Miss Laura LaBelle, Miss Mabel Bor- Sland, Miss Helen Fraser have re- ~turned from a motor trip around e- Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and '~Lake Simcoe districts, visiting friends at some o! the many ir places o! interest on the way. CMrs. Victoria Frank, Transp. Commissioner of Guides, ne- Cports that the girls are having a marvellous time at the World Guide Camp at Doe Lake. There -are 33 countries represented. S Mrs. Frank is keeping a daily scrapbook which wil be an in- teresting record of camp events. - Mrs. Seward Dowson, Lamb's SLane, was pleasantly surpnised, on Aug. 7th when her neigh- -bourg gathered at ber home ta honour ber on ber 8th binth- 9day. A social time was spent s together ending with a delicious lunch, including a birthday cake with candies and served Some local TV viewers watching the news on CBLT last Thursday recognized two 1Bowmanvile girls in the group .o! Girl Guides leaving Union iStation, Toronto, for World Camp at Doe Lake. The girls were ary nn Ravy0c5 Ip Social £Personal is 1,HAMPTON it Miss Forence Werry has ne- dtunned from visiting friends at e Woodstock. 5,I Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hig- gins ..and son Jimmy have ireturned from a pleasant trip st the Atlantic Coast, Wild- 1 wood, N.J., and other points of interest with friends. Mr. aW Mrs. J. W. Chapman 1 o! Toronto visited Mrs. J. tChapinan. Mrs. R. J. McCulloch visited relatives in Toronto. Mns. Neison Chapin, Astoria, Long Island, spent the week- end with Mns. Sam Dewell and called on fniends in Hampton and Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas White and Mrs. W. White visited Mn. Don White at Oakville Slinday. Mrs. J. A. Warrack with her sister, Miss Jessie Allin, Brant- fard, enjoyed a trip to Chau- tauqua, N.Y. Miss Louise Goodman bas returned fnom visiting rela- tives jit Learnington. Mrs. Philp, Willowdale, is a guest of ber sister, Mrs. D. lHiggins. Mrs. S. Trewin, Toronto, is a guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Hether- ington, Harcourt, N.B., Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Ouellette, Oshawa, were visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Gallant Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Samson, Toron- to, were aiso necent visitors. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Franklin Truli whose mra- rinage took place in Port Penny United Church on Saturday a!- ternoon. Among those from Hampton attending wene bis 'parents, Mn. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Mn. -and Mrs. Lewis TruUl and family, Mr. and Mns. Aus- tin Barnon and Erylne, Mn. and Mrs. Douglas White, Mrs. Will White, Miss Nancy Johns, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Salten, Mn. and Mrs. Harland Truli and Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Reeti. The Gerald Baisons have been enjoying holidays at theirr cottage, Caesarea. Mn. and Mrs. J. Williams and sons are at their cottage, Bow- manville Beach.S daghr of Mn. and- Mrs. Brucef BETHÂNY Heavysege, and Betty McDon- ald, daughten o! Mn. and Mrs.I Mrs. Marie Yonkhus, Kitch- - DjHNS on McDonald. ener, spent the past week witîm S i JOH 'SMn.. Robt. H. Callan, Cobo- ber daughter, Mn. and Mrs. conk, in nenewing their sub- Frank Martichenko. HURCHscription to The Statesmaji Mn. Douglas Driver, New To- wnites: "I look fonwfard to the ronta, visited with Mn. and Mr.. CHI ÇHpaper every week. As is usual L. Driver and Mr. and Mrs. G. in the summer a numben o! Mulligan. Bowmanville People bave caîl- Mrs. Ross Hall and Miss Lyn- (Anglican> cd on me again this year and da Hall, Wbitby, spent the past Dad (Fred Spry> and I are ai- week witth Mn. and Mrs. Cari fwaYs very pleased ta sec Smiith and Mrs. Thomas Jack- Ninfh Affer Trinity Mr~~M and Ms..B.Pry21 M.a nMs. Douglas Bruce, Ninlh fierKiing* M . aMs, C. B. P a ur. 20formenly o! Petrolia were pringst.at, ttendeda ur- with Mn. and Mrs. L. Driver pris paty ivenin onor o for the weekend. Mrs. Bruce thein 5Oth wedding annivensary nemained with ber parents for BOLY COMMUNION b h meit aiya h the week and ber busband wia home o! Mn. and Mns. Clifford is employed with the Toronto- Purdy, 47 Centre St., on August Dominion Bank went on ta 9 and Il* 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Purdy ne- Ottawa, whene he will be sta- ceived a faon lamo). electric î one in the future. Mn. and rockte and gldvas sgfts Mrs. Driver are also happy ta _rothe1amil. A most enjoy- announce the arrivaI o! a new _____________________ able tims was experienced by granddaughten, Robin Eliza- all. beth Fuller,' daughter o! Mn. .A report Wednesday morning and Mrs. Albert Fuller, on indicated that Miss Betty Gib- August 5th at Toronto General Triityson, injuned in a car-truck crash Hospital. Mrinity ago, stilliunconscious Robrt Elizabeth Patton and in Trono Geera Hosita. Fo RoertPatton, St. Thomas, are IJnIed Ihu ch the first time, there was a slight guests with Mn. and Mns. Reg, Unitd Ch rch sign o! improvement this week Edmunds. when she yawned one day and Mrs. Ada Clifford, Vancou- Ministen, opened ber eyes. However, ver, B.C., was the guest o! Mrs.V Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. there was no evidence o! any William Cavano for severaif recognition. Her parents, Mn[. days ]ast week.n and Mrs. Harold Gibson, R.R. ,21 Mrs. Charles Palmer and in- Newcastle, co n t 1 ri u e their 1 fant son Robent bave arrivedc o anxious vigil. !hborne from Civic Hospital in t( Mn. and Mrs. John Regan1 Petebrough. e Il am were surpnised by a numben o! Mn. and Mrs. Creigbton Car friends and neighbours last 'accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. C Tbursday evening who gave a Mel McGee o! Raglan, spent ] St. Paul's and Trinity bousewarming for thein. Mn. part o! thein vacation at Wa s- and lyrs. Regan bave recentîy aga Beach and on Fniday visit- Congregations worship moved into the bouse formenly ed with Mn.--and Mrs N orman in rinty.owned by Mrs.0O. F. Robson, Neais at Mankdale. in Trnity.Chunch St. ôiuring the evening Congratulations to Dr, Stu- Mns. M . A. Oke on behaîf of art Speller and Mrs. Speller on those attending presented tife the arrivai o! their infant Regans with a lovely co!!ee ta- daughter Lynda on August 8, ble. Mns. Oke was the convenor at Civic Hospital, Peterbor- CI o! the pleasant party. f ougb. W Organist, This community was deeply gr Mr ¶ sbocked at the sudden deatb Hi M.Arthur Collison, Nothing like a meal o! fishio Constable William Scott in Mus. Bach., L.R.S. fresbly caught, on the shores of 1 Peterborough on August 8, due an S.M. a beautiful Ontario lake ar river, Ita a tnaffc accident. Mn Scot+tir with the scent o! pine, fin and j as well known bere and the va balsam !illing the air. _______________________________________________syrnpathy o! the communitv is je i extended to bis brothier, Addî-1 1son Scott o! this village. Ba Penec sta C urc fMr. and Mns. Orboe Wright w and sons Bruce and Glenn ne- G Pentec stai hurch turned on Friday from an ex- a 21 Otar, S, 1e. G E.Leno Pator tended vacation, motaning ta 21OrVV LioCES. NOW G.E. PRoGREasS the Pacific Coast. ho REVIAL SRVICS N W IN pROGESSMrs. Ernest Beer bad a !am- e ily ne-union at ber home on N Stinday wbich included M r. Ward Evanelisic Prty Bruce Beer and chiidnen o! Wad vageisic PaiyjBrampton, Mrs. Hugh Dvd h o%tPel Musiclans and Llghtaint Artiste . sn and family o akodbi *.m.TUIEDAY e FIIDA'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnaid 8 p m. TU SD A t FID A and M iss Faye B arnard o ! pet- bui lé 9-m. - SUNDAY - Ofta Session - Sunday Sehoni erborough, Mns. Norman Bucn- Mr 1 anan and son Allan, Peterbon- fan Il a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP 'ough, Mr and Mrs. Arthur wit 7 p.mn. - "DRIVE-IN CHURCH", Stewart and !amîly o! Ida, Mr. Mî and Mrs. Allan Beer and son M. AT CREAM 0F BARLEY PARK Mr. and Mns. Edgar Beer and Ra] family o! Bethany. bot (In case of rein, service as usuai in cburcb) Mn. A. H. Monk, wbo has 1 been il] at his home, is now in hor -A CORDIAL WELCOME - Civic Hospital, Peterborough. dav _____________________________________________ His rmany' vf ierds are wishing Qui 5eee ý ý hima a specdy recoveny. Turn Sod for New Darlington Building Recently, these three Darlington Township officiais held an unofficial sod turn- ing ceremnonv at the site of the new municipal building, now under construction in Hampton. Included in this photo 'are, left to right: Thos. Stewart, road superintend- ent; Reeve Roy Nichols on the business end of the shovel - which, incidentally, looks ýiore like a coal or snow shovel than one suitable for digging sod - and Township Clerk Walter Rundie. We are indebted to Secretary Mary Niddery of the township staff for taking this time]y photograph for posterity. Rcuy Dudley (Cohtinued from page one) dress and her sister Margaret was in pawder blue. The Queen Mother was in light eggsheli beige. My invitation came fromn the Queen via the Lord Cham- berlain and Canada House. "I have two more broadcasts and a recital in Cheltenham be- fore I leave. They are Aug. 28, 30 and Sept. 3. 1 sail Sept. 4 on the Cointhia for Montreal." Pnior to bis July 30 concert, Ray visited at a borne in Wales beside the Irish Sea with love- ly mountain sceneny in the background, He also attended the Shakespearean Festival at Stnatford on Avon which he said was wonderful. - OBITUARY MORLEY ELMER COOK A very promînent business maxi o! Coîborne for the past 19 years in the persan o! Mon- ley Elmer Cook passed away suddenly at bis home, Percy street, Coîbonne, early Satur- day niorning, July 13, 1957. Born in Columbus, Ont., in January, 1893, the son o! Mrs. Jane Cook and the late Thomas Cook, be spent bis entine life in this vicinity until 19 years ago when he purchased a meat and grocery business in Col- borne. Mn. Cook was a memben o! Caîbonne Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 9l, and o! Excelsior Chapter, No. 45. He served as a member of the Colborne School Board for many years, was a member of the Board o! Stewards o! the Colborne United Chu rch and was an ardent supporter o! the Recreatinn Pnogram for the youth o! the village. Predeceased by bis wife, the former Edith E. P. Ashton, in January, 1952, he is survived by bree daughters, Miss Doris, at horne, Mns. N. A. Sheldnickç Ei]een) of Coîbone and Miss Elizabeth, Reg. N., of Oshawa- is mother, Mrs. Jane Cook o! aolumbus; two brothers, Arthur Jo! Brooklin and Bryce o! Dsbawa, and two sisters, Mrs. . A. Sutherland (Hazel) o!f Isbawa and Mns. Gardon Brent :Elorna) o! Raglan. The funeral service, on Mon- lay, July 15, was conducted by ýev. F. W. Taylor at Coîbonne Jnited Church. The pa1lbearer5ý 'ere Masonie Brethnenad ellow business men carriedth )uerous floral tnibutes. Interment with Masonic hon- .rs was made in Salem Cerne- ry. Relatives and fniermds attend- d !rom Unionville, Toronto, sbawa, Columbus, Brooklin, taglan, Mynîle, Bowmanville. fampton, Orono, Cobourg, ellington and Belleville. SALEM -§A. Jimmy and 'Nancy Hall, Chatham, are spending thnee weeks' holidays with their randparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. [aIl. Mn. and Mns. Norman Johnson and faimilv returned home Sat- irdaxv a!ter spendîng twa weeks' racation with ber brother who ýsides nean Chicago. Misses Grace Blackburn and arbana Graham spent thel 'eekend with Mr. and Mns. Geo. nraham at thein cottage at Bob- Ivgeon. Miss Gai] Sellers bas been iulidaving witb ber grandpan- nts, Mn. and Mns. W. Mains, Testieton. There is a lot o! activity in his cOnimunitv with the. men usv la.ving the pipeline. Mr. and Mns. Farewell Black-j rn. Bob and Bnian, John Twist. r. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh and' milv% enjovýed a !amily picnic th Mr. and Mrs. L. Saverv, î. and Mrs. E. Saven-v, Mn. an d rs. J. Savery and David and alph Naylor, Oshawa, at Co- urg on Sunday. Miss Beatnice CraigZ retunned m)re Sundav after spendingl( vs at Young People*s Camp at uin-Mo-Lac. Mnr. and Mrs. E. Twist,. Ray, 0 f( Ji ti h E h: c J. 0 M C R4 ul w fe nt R. Hi Kathy and Murray and Glen Blackburn spent Sunday at Pigeon Lake. Mn. and Mrs. G. Shackleton and family, Mrs. Mark Black- burn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Black- burn and familx', Haydon, en- joyed a picnic at Bobcaygeon on Suinday,. Mr. Ken Shackleton and Mar- grtaCOMPneTIone Bn uRCs U S tie,1:30 SERVIC ta Niagara Falls on Saturday and took part in "Derry Day" celebrations. Mrs. Sam Buttery. Mrs. J. Lancaster attended Newtonville Cemetery Decoration Day serv- ices on Sunday and were visitons with MP. and Mrs. S. Lancaster., Church service will be held' on Sunday, August 18 at the Lions Clean Up After Carnival Bowmanville Lions came dressed to work at their regu- Iar meeting CMonday evening in the Lions Centre. Aften a filling meal and short business session the Lions went ý to the Central Public School yard to tidy up the grounds and store away the carnival booths for another year. The club has no definite fig- ures in regard to the financial side o! this year's carnival but1' carnival treasurer Ray Dilling did give a provisional report to-1 the members I Sole guest at the meeting wasl Garnet Fitzsimmons of the Pot' Hope Lions club. Although a tnifle overdue, birthday greet- ings were still extended to Lion George White. For Prinhinr, that's RJGHT Sec us for right-to-the-purpose printing. Shipping tag, billhead, bookiet . . . if we print It, You know it will do its Job to your best advantage. Get prices! The Canadian Stalesman SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TRIS WEEK NEW, MODERN ' 1 WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PLEX WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PLIX WAMPOLC RELIEVES TIRED Pe NERVES- ýýREL ES Ti NERVIS- THE "EVERY DAY" WAY TO REST., 1IRED, NERVES IIECTIC PACE GETTING YOU DOWN? ITS 50 EASY TO RELAX JUST TAKE PHOSPHO*PLEX RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, "TIRED AU. THE TIME' FEELING. ENJOY 11F! PHOSpHO-PLEX 15 THE EVERYDA' WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOIJS TENSION. Wampole PHOSPHO-PLEX is a modern nerve food and tonic, rich in B compound Vitamins and other important restorotive ingredierits. Asic your Druggist for PHOSPHO-PLEX in cither easy-to-take t ablets oi conven. ient iquid form. A FULL THREF WEEK TREATMENT 50 TABLETS 16 OUNCES 2.5 0 I2.50_ Alex. We Deliver Your Local IDA, Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 Save on these Specials I.DA. Heavy Grade MINERAL OIL An odour]ess, tasteless <il 16-az. reg. 55c 43c 87c 40-oz. reg. 1.10 !.D.A. b le lr aii iabries Theatnical style NEED 4-oz. lO-oz. reg. 40e reg. 75c 1-b. jan eg. 89c A 33e 59e 690 a ea Save 32e n It's easy HALO SHAMPOO tpnices Reg. 65c size snapshots 2 for 98c witb today's cameras and~ films. Save 19e on Johnson's Ask vour I.D.A. BABY SHAMPOO *druggist's advice on 69e size just the rigbt equip- 2 for 1.19 ment ta fit voun needs and budget. 10eO Off Retular Price Films LYSOL Your I.D.A. drugizist can Reg. 79c siz supply youn requiements and give You excellent 69e Pboto-finising and enlargement service as well. Odo-Ro-No -__- __- __-_-__- SPDRA HRay Fever 1.50 value R m de 98_________ Youn IDA. druggist bas a wide range o! preparations for the Save llc relief of ay feve. ALLERGI-TABS on 20's, 60's, 200's 1.00 - 2.50 - 7.00 BAND-AID SUPER ANAHIST Plastie 12's, 65e 20's, 1.00 strips BENZEDREX INHALER 75e 2 DR. CHASE BRAND TABLETS 45e 59o - 1.49 pkgs. PYRIBENZAMINE 7 0 -12's, 65e 50 £m.0,, 2.05 Templeton's RAZ-MAH CAPSULES 79e - 1.50 - 5.00 Frosst's PYRITHEN COMPOUNL TABLETS 65c, 1.90 Idaphedrin NASAL SPRAY 95e NEO-ANTERGAN 25 mmi. 20's, 1.00 - 100's,, 3.75 50 mgm.- 50's, 2.00 CORICEDIN TABLETS (Schering) 12's, 70e 25's - ---- --- 1.15 CHLOR-TRIPOLON TABLETS - 4mgm. 18'g 1.00 i00*s 4.50 - 8 nign. 100's - 6.75 Mi.A. IDOL-AGAR. for constipation 16-az. reg. 98c Evelyn Howard 40-oz. reg. 1.'89 1 .59 j PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McG regor, *STERILIZED JOHNSON'S -4 1 t Lt bAuULt Nbej SEALEO IN INDIVIDUALI ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. 2" x 2" 12' 45c -3"x 3" 12's 60c) CGEl FAST RELIEF withe GIN PNLLS JFO.R THE KIDNEYS1 irG. SIZE 590? icoNOM'y 9Bt 1 Cashmere rol 25c reI NEW! MAN SIZE IROE TI SUPER STRENGTH )RY-OR-WET' 3 5c Drugs D. Lycett-~Alg. C; Tnig. 2; S ch ol It C: Zool. 2, Chen. C. - MI S , cMahof-Lit. C. SG. Marlow-CormP. C; Lit. 2; Hist. 2; Georn. C: Trig. C; Bot. Resu mis 9; Zool. 2; Chern. C. Geog. 3. (Continued fnom page one) D. Moorcraft-Hist. C. D. Dewdney-Alg. 3: Geom. K MtonCm.2 Lit. 3» C; Trig. C; Chem. C; Fr. A. C;, Bot. 3; Zool. 3. Fr. C. C. H. Nettor-Alg. C; Geomn. 2; J. flippeli-Musie C. Trig. 3; Phys. 2; Chem 3: Germ. J.Frguson-Comp. 3; Lit. C: !A. 1; Germ. C. i. Alg. 1; Geom. 1; Trig. 1; Phys. 1 E Osborne-COMlP. C; Lit. 2; 1: Chem. 1; Lat. A. C; Lat. C. 2.1 Georn. 2; Tnig. C; Bot. C; Zool. V. Fisher-Comp. 3; Lit. 2;; 2; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. C. Bot. 3; Zool. 2; Chem. C; Lat.I T. Park-Comp. I.; Lit. C; A. C; Lat. C. 3; Fr. A. 3; Fr. C. Bot C: Zool. 3: Fr. A. C; Fr. C. 2. - Gern. A. 3; Germ. C 3; Mu- D. Gamsby-Comp. 3; Lit. 2: Se 3 Alg. 2; Geom. 1: Trig. 1; Phys.' M. Quantrill-CornP. C. l; Chem. 1; Fr. A. 1; Fr. C. 2. K. Hensley-Pbys. C. NI. Ra ney-Corrp. 2: Lit, C; P. Herbert-Music 2. Lat. A. C;Lat. C. 2; Fr. A. 3; W. Hooey-Comp. C; Lit. 2; Fr. C. 2 Hist. 3; Bot. C; Zool. C; Lat. A. D. Rickard--Como. 2; Zool. C; Lat. C. C; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. C.!C- Chemi. C; Lat. C. C; Fr. A. W. Hooper-.-Comp. C; Lit. 1;:j C; Fr. C. 3. Zool. 3; Chem. 3; Lat. A. C; Lat.! j. Rose vrar- -Comop. 2, Lit. 2; C. C; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. C. ! Trig. C: Bot. 3; Lat. A C; Lat. G. Humphreys - Co0M p.C.C; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. 2. 3; Lit. 2; AIg. C; Geom. 3; Trig. L. Stapletor --Lit. C; Georn. 3; Phys. C. Chem. 3; F r. A. C; î3; Mui-.ic C.-Li.C Fr. C. C.1 B. Van Nes--Comnp. 2;,i.C A. Jammer-Comp. C; Lit. 3;j M. Voiciracekz--Comp. 3; Hist. Alg. C; Geom. 2; Trig. 3, Phys. 1C, Zool. C; 3; Cbem. C: Fr. A 2; Fr. C. 3:1 H. Webaber-Alg. C; Geom. 1; Germ. A. 1; Germ. C. 1. Trig. C; Zool. C; Phys. 2. iC. Lamb-Comp. 3; Lit. I1; , Westheuser-Comnp C; Alg. Hist. C; Bot. C; Zool. 3; Lat. A.C; Georn. C; Phys. C; Fr. C. C. C: Lat. C .C; Geog. 3. The flo<- Grade 12 vit- L. Luffman-Comp. C; Lit ~' ; US ohtllred standing in Grade Hist. C; Bot. C; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. i î.i' , . i i v C. Cale, C. J, Dippel], P. Her;-rt. É 9 qwwwýjcvq, JCUW. IIW4 zm 1 1 3-57921 qý MW*VMW qmàfpwq-màw "wý. maýqe We Deliver Phone MA