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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1957, p. 12

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I - ~'. PAGE TWELVE TEE CANADIAN 8TATE~MAN. EOWMAMVYT.T.u I~a~AU?~ - .. I - -- - - -. -. ~* *~'4'.J LZIU11~LIAX, AUU. ZVtfl, Friendly Pipeline Builders' Enj"oy Their Unusu Raisin g Children ii Various towns across Ontario, down will give Denver. Colorai including Bowmanvile, are ex- as ber home address. "Ti periencing a small invasion trailer is our home, that's a] from south of the border these We try to keep the same dail days. This littie army is made routine. The only thing diffei up of friendly families who ent is that some day after you'xý travel and live in trailers and had lunch you may hook up tI, make themselves at home trailer and be off down the roa wherever a job takes them. The to the next place. First thin job is a special kind, laying pipe- you do when the car stops is ho line or similar construction jobs. out, get into the trailer and stai Three pipeliners and their cookin'." familles have been making Bow- The Schicks have two chilè manville their home since Aug- ren. Micky. 1l, whose propE uÊt 3, two in handsome fullv name is MarIa Rae, and Chrisi equipped traîlers parked at mne, 3. Micky was born in Pana Creamn of Barley Park, and one ma where the Schicks were mai in rooms at the home of Bob ried (both were stationed ther Johnson, 10 Ontario Street. during World War II) an Three Charming Wives" Christine was born in Bryor If, in the course of shoppingOho recently you have heard a bit Grandpa Was Upset of "yu-all" talk or that Amer- "Wben Christine was five dav, ican pronounciation of bouse, old we hooked up the trailer ani around, about, etc., it may have started for Washington, D.C been one or ail of the three where mvy husband's folks livE charming wives of the pipeliners The baby slept ail the way, onl, working with the Oklahoma xaking up when the traile Pipe Line Construction Compan * stopped. Then she set up a how which is laying 83 miles of the and her grandfather wbo met u Trans-Canada gas pipeline. was in a state. thinking she ha( .Mn. R. L. Scblck, Mrs. Clyde had a hard trip,"' Mrs. Schicl Lovett and Mrs. Fred W. Hask- laughed. ins erehavng viit ogeher Mrs. Lovett who comes fror in the formers trailer when we i boand assadwhs called one afternoon last week, an is a ditch foreman on th( and a friendlien group of young job, also lias two children, Rod wives would be bard to find. ney, 1l, and Sherr 'y. 5. Mr. Loy- We plied tbem with questions ett has been in pipeline wor] oni behaîf of al ordinary peopleio ve in6a tarsin thery haV like ourselves wbo live in a but natrie note er bouse (Canadian pronaunciation bt Mrs. Lnvett has not beer of that word amuses tbem just t w el lately and is taking thE as much as theirs tickles us) in childnen back to the States thi, one place for yeans. Sometîmes we osatteni col the tables got turned and te The Haskins' children arE fired questions at us. It was alFe Nan, ,ad om a lot of fun. who is 2. They name Redlands, Triler hOur ome Southern California as home, Traier I OurHome but maînly ail these people are "We really live much the' on the move. same as ther people," said Mrs.j A Light To Fix Formula Schick wbo if really pinned They dlaim the main thing in YOLJR HOLIDAY REMINDER lostock up on 0 a 0 113Nr»A LE 1 J NEI LýOEA & GAPFRiUiT 169-R Fam ilies ual Lif e ri Trailers do travelling with a small baby Is ie to find some place with a light M1. to shine into the traiter s0 they ly can see to fix the formula. ýr Cooking is donc on a regular ve four-burner stove i-un by pro- le pane gas, but for elcctricity and ad water pressure to i-un the bath- ng room and automatic washer and P dryer and provide light, a place it must be found where they can hook onto these services. also a d- sewei-. A 20-gallon tank pro- er vides bot water and the bath- t- room is the same as in any a- modern bungalow, built-in tub, r- tiled walls and ail. re Fuliy Equipped Trailer id The trailers come complctely n, equipped from stem ta itern. The Scbicks bought their 41-foot present home in Central Lake, YS Mich., and everything was sup- id plied including the curtains on kthe windows. There is a room e, with bunk beds for tbe childi-en, [y anothen bedroom for- their par- ar ents, bathroom, kitchen and VI living room space at the front. s Built-in cuphoards ai-e cvery- ýd whei-e of course, with flot an inch kwasted. Miss Margaret Thomas of Ken- rn tucky, or reallv anvwhene U.S.A.. who is visiting Mn. and Mrs. [e Schick, is 16, and she bas neyer - lived in anythingm but a trailer. - She is a charming, pretty, well k spoken young lady. 'e 'Doesn't it bother you, going sto so many different schools?" ni we asked. e She shook heer bead. "I get [s restless if I'm in anc place very 1long." I e Her Parents were in Kentucky 1~ vwhen she ieft but have sincei moved ta Ohio. Her fathei- works for one of the same ecompanies in the U.S. as thel men here often do and aIl area friends of some vears' standing.IE i1 Margaret has been in 38 states ï and moving ai-ound is just like breathing. Her oldei- sister how- C even has settled down for the ( time being. Sbe is attending Corpus Christi University in the r city of that name, Texas. Mai-- V ganet bas neyer been in scbool a wbole year in the same place. L "Flonida was the longest. We d were tbee six months lait year-." h, 'We think ît's better- for the childi-en ta have tbeir own home and aIl be together," Mrs. ScbickG explained. "Changing schools a doesn't seem ta bother thea childi-en mucb. I tbink maybe it's hardei- on the parents. We w~ worry about it a little and try ta n help them with their bomcwork. tN But they seem ta do as well at hg school as other childi-en." eo While in Reno, Nevada this in year fi-rn Januai-y ta May (not el ta establish residence for the ci usuai reason) Mrs. Schick ait- w~ tended the Parent Teacher's As- sociation like other mothers. M~ Incidentally, Mrs. Schick bas Dg lived in a trailer since she was Ai eigbt. Her father was a pipelin- M er too.M Municipalities s o m e t m e s da Cet Cash To-day w' for OId AppliaiceS N( through elE mi STATESMAN wl CLASSIFIEDS tif Phone MA 3-3303 pli cd of Bo spi itir Rit an an( an( Pipeline Families Widely Travelled Families of a number of the men in charge of laying the Trans-Canada pipe- line and other similar jobs in the United Sta tes live in comfortable trailers furnished with the most moderTi and convenient equ ipment. Photographed above are Mrs. R. L. Schick and her two children with a visitor of the pipeline fraternity from Ken- tucky. From lef t: Miss Margaret Thomas xvho has neyer lîved in anything but a trailer, Mrs. Schick, her daughters, Christine, aged three, who started travelling when five days old, and Micky, 11, who was born in Panama. BURKETON Mns. Ben Hubbard and grand children, Tei-ry and Gaye, wer guests of bier son and daughter .n-law, Mr. and Mn. Ross Hut, biard, Trenton. Mrs. Kenneth Roblin ani :laughter, Mrs. John Sinclai and two children, Kenny an Billie, are at Onillia visiting i-e atives. Best wisbes ta Miss Chnistin Gatcbcll, daughtcr of Mr. ani vu-s. Peter Gatchell, who wa narried in Nova Scotia ta Mi Walter Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. White, Me .aughlin Fisheries, spent Tues lay cvening, August 20, witl her sister, Mi-. and Mi-s. R. Bone Mn. Alden Hutband and *ne *hew and niece, Tenry anc laye Hubbai-d, attendcd Oshý ava Fair. Mrs. Bruce Hanthorn whc was a resident of Burketan foî roi-e than twenty ycars, unti. vo years ago, when she witi i- husband and famiîy, mov- ,d ta, Claremont, wiil be enter- ng hospital ta undergo an op- ýration for the removal of ai s.Her fricnds at Burketon 'ish her a speedy recovery. Congratulations ta Mr. and i-s. Elwood McKee, nec Gwen cean, on the bii-th of a son on ugust 17 andta Mr. and Mi-s. vuira3- Abbott, nec Barbar-a durdoch, on the birth of a lugbter on August 20. Mrs. Wm. Pedersen reccivcd ord of the accidentai death ,y di-owning, of her niece, thonda Ward, in Moncton, cw Brunswick. fihonda was cven ycars aid and was swim- ing with two campanions rhen the accident occurred. Ai- icial respirations were ap- lied for ovei- an bour, but fail- d ta revive the cbild. Mi-. and Mrs. George Lawsoln id childi-en, Gayle and Pattie, lakfam, wcre Sunday guests b ler parents, Mr-. and Mrs. R. one. Mi-. and Mns. A. E. Ribey cnt Sunday at Baltimore vis- ing bis sister, Miss Florence ibey. Sunday School will reopen iSunday, Sept. 1 at 10.30 a.m. id cburch service at eleven. Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Allison id famîiy, Oshawa, visited Mr. id Mrs. George Allison. M'iss Betty Ann Marchand Is ioying a brief holiday in To- into. Congratulations to Mi-.and xs. Stanley McCullougfh on e tirth of a daughte- on Au- it26. Mr-. John Boersma, who bas quibble a bit about this floating school population but in gencral there is no trouble. "Sometimes People treat us as if we were gypsies, not just the right kind of folks ta bave araund, but we i-e used ta that. Mostly we find People nice and friendly. We just ignore the rst." Ail said that they Iiked Canada and werc enjoying their stay bei-e. Woolcns and china are considcmably cheaper in Canada and they thought Rickaby's Big 20 a Iovely store. Coming back ta the accent tapie Mrs. Haskins said, "I tbink Iwc travel sa much we have anc Iof oui- own." ITux-ning the tables on this i-e- porter, Mns. Schick said. "Do you know how you sound ta me?"" jWe had no idea and were interested ta know the answer, Iwhich as it turned out, ahl but flabbergastcd us. Said Mrs. rScbick, "'You talk ike a couple of girls I knew fi-rn Richmnond, IVi-ginia. We took that 'bouse' and out' business out of them after they'd been with us a Swhile." And wç tbouRbt Virginians bad a southera accent! We've even; had difficuîtv teliing what some of them wene saving sometimnes' Speaking of that, an Amer- ican workman said ta Mn. Lovett thc other day concerning an English co-worker wbo bad just came out from the OId Land, "Wby doesn't be speak Englisb? II~ can't tell wbat he's saying." bMi-. Lovett witb a grin pointed out tbat the Englishman was the anc speaking Engiisb, the Amer-1 ican, Amenican.9 These families wiIh soon be, Imoving on ta the next stop' Best or luck ta tbem wherevirr the.v Iarc. W'e certainly enjoyed meet-j "a Êa a.. _ 1é - - --- j been working for Mr. Sandy Van Dam, suffered a heart at- tack on Monday and passedl 1away before medical aid could ýe be summoned. r- Mr. and Mns. Gordon Bone and childi-en, Dianne and Con- nie, Hamilton, who have been ci holidaving at Gamebridge are ir visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Borie. Business Direclory dAccountancy * WM. . B . COGGINS Char.tered Accountant -64'King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Bus Statiun) h64 King Street E. MONT EITH - MONTETTU RIEHL & CO. 35Chartered Accountants 15Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Parters:RA 5-4662 rJ. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A.X B. Monteith, B.Comm.. C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. 1 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. 1 Accountants andi AudItors 164 King St. E. RiA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friedlander, FR. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir op ra c i.c G. EDWIN MANN, DDC. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e ntal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jublee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ln his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviiie Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvilie Office Roui- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L e ga1 ' STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvil]e Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor Notary Publie King St. W . Bowmanvifle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. AODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notai-y Public Temperance St. - Bowmnanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, U.E., B.A, LLB. Box 9. Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2248 Consultation by appointment only. M o r g ag e s LEROY HAM[ILTON - ORONO, Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage funds Residences - Fa rma Business Properties Optometry KEFTH A. BILLET? Optometrlst 141 King St. E. BowînanvIfle Office Hours: Bv appointment; Telephone MArket 3-3252I Mlondav ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 P.m. Wednesdays: 9 to làIL WESLEY VILLE 1 Sunday school picnic was put off this ycar for variaus ather affairs until last Saturday and the weather put it off again. iNo anc complained thîs time though, for nain was badly needed. Sunday School was conduct- cd by the superintendent with Bible class members taking their tut-n reading the sci-ipture, Mrs. Car-ahl Nichais was soloist at morning church service. Marie Austin received a pleasant surprise an Saturday when a pen pal, Gwennie Clar-ke, called ta sec bier. Gwein- nie is fri-an Prince Edward Is- land and was on lier way to the Exhibition. Family and friend spcnt Sun- day with Mn. Holdaway arîd Mr. E. Bowen in honour of Mi. Bawen's 84th bi-tbday. Hîs neighbouns extend congratula- tions. Mr-. Bowen is 84 yeans yaung, as be stili helps the boys with haying and hanvest. Muriel Austin bas been home for the past week suffering fi-rn pîeurisy but we are glad ta say wiil soon be back at .work. Good news, taa, from Mr.s Tutt in St. Joseph's bospitai, Peterborough, who hapes ta be home this week. Mi-. and Mn. A. A. Martin and Louise, Port Credit, visited at Harold Bai-rowciaugh"s. Last winte- wben Gloria Ni- chaIs was ill and in bed for several weeks, she wrote a let- ter ta the "Cbildren's Corner" of a New Zeahand newspaper. She is stiil receiving new let- ters, as had about, 50 ahiwitb interesting news of that coun- Garton Coach Lines Ltd. Canadian National Exhibition Specials Going Daily from August Z4th Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy trafie, parking or. crowding for street cars. Buses take nassenarers intc, Exhibition Grounds and remain there fer the convenience of Passenigers until 15 minutes after evenlnc grandstand performnance. Reserve irrandstand tickets now at Garton Coach Lines office. Grass Fire Threaten-ed New Simpkin Mfg. Plant* A serious .fire was averted ln Campbellford recently mvhen a grass fire which spread into sawdust surrounding the Simp- kmn Marine Manufacturing Comn- pany plant on Trent Drive, con-i taining highly volatile paint, got out of hand. Simpkins moved ta Campbellford from Bo wmaxî-_ ville some months ago. A disas- trous fire in their plant here was responsible to some extent for their removal from town asi most of thei- factary was des- troyed. The burning sawdust, piled; against a cetnent wall by the, wind, sent clouds of smoke' rolling from the plant, making the blaze appear worse than it actually was. The Campbcllford fi-e pumper was on the scene within minutes, and the fire- men concentratcd their efforts1 on the blazing piles of sawdust near the building. Rcalizing that moretan 1,000 gallons of paint and van- nish wcre stored inside the building, Fire Chief Alex Mac-' Donald put in a second alarm which brought the Seymour fi-e truck to the site with 500 gallons of water and an auxil- iany pump which tapped the Trent Canal. Several lines of base soon had the blaze subdued, but although the sawdust was well soaked, fresh tangues of flame kept licking out in several spots. A bulldozer was called in and ploughed a fi-e-break by clear- ing debris and sawdust from, around the building. Firemen stood by to make sure there were no funther outbreaks. Police kept traffic moving as many motorists, attracted to the supply ber girl friends with pen pals and still bas more than she can continue to write ta. When did Canada first use the ensign as ber- flag? In an aid issue of the Pont Hope Guide we saw the other day, 1893. It was praminentlv displayed without the coat of ai-ms. ( scene by the smoke and the eight of two fire trucks, pi-e- sented a traffic problem. It was the first time both the Camp. bellford and Seymour pumpqIa had bcen called ta. the sceneL,& a fire. Reminder to afl "1o-it-yourseIf ors", %Vhen you finish a room ln yaur expansion attic . .. or make any othcr home im- provement ... you add to, the value of your property. Make sure that added value is protected in case of fire or other disaster. Cal! on us for a property insurance çheckup ... today. STUART R. JAES Office M'<A 3-5681 Klng Street E. Bowmaavill. Residenee MA 3-5493 FARM GASOLINE ""ESSO and ESSO EXTRA" "' Correct Volatility " Correct Octane Rating " Free froni Corrosion and Abrasive Materials " Resists Guni Formiation For Prompt Delivery and Service PHONE MA 3-5516 A. H. Sturrockç Toronto Exhibition BUSES DAILY FROM August I4th to September 7th DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Leaving Read Down A.M. 7:25 Kawartha Mapies 7:30 Janetville 7:40 Ballyduff 7:45 Pontypool 7:55 Enterprise 8:00 Kirby 8:10 Orono 8:45 Bowmanvjlle Arrive Read Up A.M. 1:35 1:25 1:15 1:05 12:55 12:45 12:35 ARRIVE 10:15 A-M. AT TORONTO EXHIBITION Fares include admission into Toronto Exhibition Grounds AUGUST 31st ONLY - Svecial Extra Bus wiil leave C.N.E. Groundu for Bowmanville only at 6:30 p.m. Rtn. Fare 4.20 4.20 4.00 3.75 3.55 3.35 3.15 Leaving Read Down A.M. 7:50 Blackstock 8:00 Burketon 8:10 Enniskillen 8:20 Hampton Arrive' Read Up Rtn. A.M. Fare 12:55 3.55 12:45 3.35 12:35 3.15 12:25 12:15 For information Phone: Oshawa RAndolph 3-7171 Bowmanville MArket 3-3811 ~jSPECIAL BUSES wiIi also be run to LINDSAY EXHIBITION - SEPT. 21 Find Canadians1 and Sons Sturrock Street Bowmanville TM CANADL« STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ôMTA ItTe% Avrel difuiL leme à 1 NSURANCE REAL ESTATZ j!

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