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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1957, p. 15

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Dean and Boyd, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hiltor Tink. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockadaxv and and family. spent Sunday in day.- Toronto. with Master Neil Bird. Brooklin, orne, holidayed at Mr. E. Cryder. man 's. Cnox. Mr. and MIýrs. E. Crydermar 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN Spotless car, Iocally owncd 1953 CHEVROLET COACH SAVE ON ". 1,395 1,495 1,195 SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hilis family vlsited his brother farnily at Hannon, on Surn Master Ronny Broomne hl' leMr. John Bro 1Mr.anai Mrs. Harry IF Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wesl. lake, Jr*., and farnily, attended the Jordan famiily pienie at Emnily Park, Omem-ce. Miss Anne Werry is enjoying a mnotor trip through the States with ber uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Derry and cou- sin Carolyn, Oshawa. Sgt. and Mrs. Charles John- ston, Elizabeth and Philip, Loru- don, are enjoying a pleasant visit with Mrs. Johnston's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Gordon and Marylou, Black- stock, visited at Mr. Bruce Tink 's. Mrs. Addie Tink visited at Mn. Cruickshanks, Ppterboi- ough. Miss Jean Baker xvas in To- nonto with ber aunt, Miss Helen Baker ai-d attended the Exhibi- tion. APPLIANCES!. I<ow is the lime Io buy when prices are ai their lowesl. Corne in and look over these special buys. KELVINATOR WRINGER WASHER i Il1-lb. capacity, therno tub:ý electrîc timer and punip, On Sale -Onl!.....-$ 3 regula $229and your old w asher KELVINATOR STANDARD WASHER 1l-lb. capacity wvith timer, regtîlar $179 Onl Sale - iNow - $129 KELVINATOR DELUXE ELECTRIC RANGE :30-îîncîîsire, Ou Sale - $2 9 KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS Il cubic feet, regular $379 On Sale - Now. International Harvester REFRIGERATOR 8.2 cubic feet iwith automatic defrost. $249 $289 CHEST TYPE FREEZER "0 cubic feet iliat hoids 675 pounds of f rozen foods. $ 8 On Sale. - -.------ - 38 BARBECUE WITH ELECTRIC MOTOR A complete outdoor cooking tunit JRegularly selis for up ta $80 our price $3450 Cowa n Equipment Co. 134 King S t. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 REAL ESTATE BROKER MArket 3-5868 *Auction Sales, Auction sale of 40 beef cattle, 2 horses, sow, pigs, fowl, hay, grain, iînplernents and furniture, the property of Joseph Zubow- ski, Lot 10. Con. 3, Manvers. just west of No. 35 Hicrhway,, one mile north of Pontypool. on Thursday, September l2th, at 1 o'clock sharp. Terms, cash. Ted Jackson, Port Ferry, auc- tioneer. 35-2* 1 have received instructions from the executors of the estate of the late Mrs. George Glan - ville to, seil by public auction at her late residence, Orono, op- posite the Durham Fariners' Co- op, on Friday evening, August 30, commencing at 6:30 o'clock, her entire househiold effects: bedsoorn, living-room and kitch- en furniture, electric refrigerat- or nearly new; rangette, dishes, glassware, etc. The property consisting of a six-room. brick bungalow xviii be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction- eer. 34-2 ANNUAL SALE of ENGLISH YORKSHIRES and IVARRICK IIYBRID FARMS LANDRACE at Inverawe Farm ONE MILE SOUTII 0F Coiborne Saiurday, Sept. 14 at 1:00 V.M. Lunch wlll be served at noon. 35-t" 65 Firemen Here Sept. 5 For Exercise Tweive United Counties- tire depantmeîîts wiii be represented at a special civil defence and jmutual aid exercise ta be caý- ried out in Bowmanx'iile Thurs- day, September 5. Primie purpose of the exer- cisc is ta give ueiglîbouring fi.e brigades au opportunity to prac. tise' co-ordinating thîcir effoi*ts ini case an emnergency should ever arise. Appraximatel'Y 65 tien xill be participatiîîg froni the following: Bowrnanville, Brigli- ton, Bewdlev, Canîpbellforde Orona, Cobourg, Colbonne, Ba- timore, Newcastle, Warkxvorth, jPont Hope, and Milibrook. Dur- ing the past year this demon- stration bas been held at ail the Iabove municipalities excepi. Bowmanville. The exercise wil] cansist of laving approximately one-quar- ter mile af hase lrom Vanstane*s miii pond, along Scugog Street and up ta the C.P.R. station. Water xiii be pumped frarn the pond ta the station where ali adequate supply of Water xviii stnea.n troin foar lunes running off a fire truck. Fire trucks fronm Bowimar.- ville, New castle, Port Hope alîd Cobourg w'i be used. One of the tlîree visitîug trucks xii pump the xvater from the pond and the other twAo wiii act as ~'boosters along Scugog. lIte IBowmanvilie truck xiii Le 'posted at the station. The exercise wili start short- ly after seven o'clack. True politeness is perfect case and freedom. It sinîpl *v consists ini treating others .lust as vau lave ta be treated yoursclf.-J ChesterfielcL 'ing to lftitranscontinenta1 blessing to ail. Foilowiîîg the cornpletion ofc the contract westward fromf Newcastle this U.S. finm goes ta a job in Venezuela and then neturns to Canada. Rock and weatber are the hazards o! such wonk, but thi3 present contract xvas the smoothest job, an officiai told me, lie lad ever been associatud xith around the xvorid. Said lie, the weather is ideai, thee is no rock and your Canadiani workmen are not only efficient but equaliy agrecabie togethier. You will turn the tap and in sulent buried hurniiity the West xvill serve us in Ontario andI Canada in unifying national resourceful, mutual service Sueh is a national achieve ment, for the betterment o! Canadians, neyer thougbt pos- sible a few years ago. What av age this generation is living in.1 Harvesters' (Continued from page one) raily when he singied to ad- vance Watts wbo had xvalked to second. Both moved ahead on an infield error. Ted Jex spark- cd the play wben his short drive into centre fieid was missed a].- lowing both Ha-' on and Watts Io score. Neil Wakely bit to the rame area scoring Jex when the baIl xvas again mishand led. Score Fi.fth Rin With brother Neil on seconld> Ray Wakely banged a double; ro score bim but was caugaht I)et\veen third and the plate on1 inew moi CkussfiedPipeline (Contlnued frorn page one)> _______________________________________dstant West rigbt to both our1 C icles i 0 oor-stcp and our thougbts? Business Opportunity For Rent Wa4ileit i inlce corpanY, SMALL. apartment. Mill Street. Boundary, wbicb is but a bast- FU LNewcastle. 3- Wl±blfl a'ofgoodwill, tlp BED-sitting room for business a ognu cninses, o ,or ýgirl. Phone MA 3-5684 on 18asganuritef Concession West. 35-1k' The» Oklahoma Construction! -- - Co. bas the contract of Eorne 84 SPAR TIMFOUR-roomed fiat, East Beach, miles frorn Brampton ta New- RELIABLE inside toilet and running water. castie. Assoeiated witb my aid Phone MA 3-28î5. 33-tf friend the Saugog Road, I used Mnn Womansonie* two noils of film on th'e Ma or o a THREE modern apartmnents, srooth systemnatie divensified %vith car or iight truck fori heated. Cali Mrs. B. Annis, 105 activities of laying that tube in Dciivcry and Collection Contract1 KinigEast, Bowmanville. 35-1 effortless mechanicai skill. lTe NO SELLING INVOLVED iTHREE-bedroom winterized cot- dowe inoatentcbai te' Age, education or past exPeriencej tage, ail conveniences, oil heat- fiflisbed nei tattec as flot important. ed, necentiy redecorated. Tel- md rue a te oremi b Enquiries invited from sîncere phone E. Clark, MA 3-5278. 35-1 tol iealti eeoî -_____ - -with a clergyman present? Hle persons with S1,200.00 cash avail- APARTMENT, tbree noomis and said no, because bie sometirnes jable for startîng inventory. batbnoorn, partly funnished i f said a few vcny appropriate desined. Available Oct. 1. Tele- wonds if things didn't go ast Up fo $150.00 a week¶ phone MA 3-3231. 35-1 srnoathiy as 1 was obsenving&. f fto start FURNISHED bedroorn, centraliv A serial storv of this project0 INVESTMENT SECURITY located, gentleman pnefemred i wouid naturaily divide itself Write Advertiser 695, c 'o Thej into threc parts-The Goveru-i IVRITE Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box ment s political promotin;t S Ont 3-1Construction Co.'s construction,j Contracting Division -9,Bw'avle ___ _ and with vision. the service its 30 WLTONST. PARTLY luî'nished home. ideal xvi]] renden Canada.1 30IVLTN T for a riddîe-aged couple witb- For my part the future se:-- TORONTO 2, ONT. out children, xilling« to give vice rendened Js at present aj 35-1 moderate living-mn concessions pipe dreani which w,,oid stagt-c to the retireci occupant. Write ger in reality oun present imiag- attcdedthcLuthranchuchAdvertiser' 699, c/o The Canad- I nation. Oshaw.a. Sunday mnorning wheu i ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190', \e alI know. because it ic. , thei- lutile grandson Dale, sonBo avil.31 so recent. what a parliamentary of MrI. and Mrs. Heuiiiieir I'Ie.t- LARGE brig«ht fuirni.shed room eontroversy the Opposition Dre f aa, was christciied. They o ron for.Haîd cnra.on the Gox'ernment's approacbi aftcrvards. dinner guests of ida oi-sehool teacher, contaiin o b:ssujcct of the îpipe-line0 thecir daugbter andI faînilv . ig wbekfs ut.silli, -and Hoxv! Somebow c, apital Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crcier- bot and coid xxater, electric letters sneaked in hene on me. f man hiad Mr. and M. Jackson Istove, electrîc refrigerator. disb- Tbe C.P.R., with steel above: Wrav and farnilv. Oshawa. Mr. i es. pots and pans. bcd chester:a-nun, av ts rom-oin par and 'MiS. E. Crydernian as tea field, new wardrobe. Available lie.aytobissm sc 1 guests on Saturday eveinllg it, Aug. 24. Telephone MA 3-5822, the word scandai - but todav being the occasion of thenir 0( Kinga St. East. ,i-l sce what'that projeet, the C.P. _________ _________ -R., means to Canada and thel dauchte: Ellen's birthday. L R E ST R onda lne Mr. nd rs.StanMilsonMany great Gox-ernent pro- f ansi faroli. Mr. and Mrs. MurO Tt~TT jects, it seems, foioxv a sirnilar t ray ice nsifamiy atcudd r .rILI~Ipattern. and sa the Canada Pipe pieniie at Cobourg park. NG TBO MN LL Linewhile, if one cannot con-n MiNs Joan Westlake is holi- SUIT MOST BUSINESSES doue it, the point I xvaut to t daving at Mr. Jacli Ovenidou's, Apoiati ,00s. make is that the future of this> Oshwva. pprximaely ,50 service to Canada and human-P SIc ad n.FraîkWct- REASONABLE RENT I ity xi]] be so transcending thatc Mr. nd 'rs.Fran Wes_ iiff any seamy side, it later looks lake. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Fianl. j Imniediate Occupaîicy buit piffle. WeczI]lk. Jr., M\rs. Nelson Fic, CntctSo l'in ail for gettiug the line a'tteuded the funeral of Mr opleted and to give you sarnie IRoss Woodward, in Lindsay, oi.- PETER da i pctre ad ddes fi Monday. jactual, not. hrvinc' ibuit hrinze..1 a throw by Don Gllhooiy wben hie tnied to score on a drive by Brown. Evans bit a one bagger that brougbt Brown home. Jim Gilmer went down under the pitching of Gord Sellers who came in as relief during the frame for the third out. Only Hitter Veteran Max Yourth was Harrison's oniy shutout spoiler as lie coiiected both Hanvesters bits fnom the frisky rigbtband- er. Yourtlh drove in Bowrnan- vilie's first run of the garne in the third when hie singled to score Lloyd Hamiîlton aiter Harnilýon bad made first on an ennor and stolen ta second. Danny Girardi tallied Har- x'este-s final run after bie wen* to first xvben lie was bit by a pitchi. Going to second on an in- field error be scored on a second error that aiiowed Jack Parker to makie first base. Insure Win Ontanios .insured the win as they coiiected one run in the fifth, two ini the sixtb xvhen John Gilmer biasted a borner xvith Evans on and their final in the seventh. Neil Wakeiy scored his second run of tbc game wvhen lie camie home on a single by Browvn in the fifth. Brothier Ra,\ made first on an error Pndl scored their final run in flicseventil xhen Brown drovc hbii in wi'lh a sincele. Wlife' holding Harvestens ta their *%.'o hts. Harrison issued fi ve strilicouts -.and allowed five walks in bis spectacular per- formai ,ce. George Jones xvas Ille loser giving Up five bits, one xvalk "and' fanning four. Sellers fiuished for Bowvnan- ville permitting six bits, oîic wa]k andi fauning eigblt. Good Season Althougli Harvesters scason was brief compared to previous years it lias been rnost colour- fui, providing sorne excellent basebaîl for local fans. Much of the credit for this mnust go to Tom Cowan of Co'wan Equip- nient Company, who caime to the team's aid as their nexv sponsor this season. A keen sup- porter of local basebaîl, Mr. Cowau proved liimself a credit lo h is commniuty by showing his iuterest and support in> the club.j ConAiderable credit, must aira go ta Don Gilhooly who picked .ap tbe managenial, reigns of the tearn early in the season and ,ulied them out of a slump to capture first place. IF YOU WANT TO EAT TABLE EGGS that are utot even 24 houri old at the tîrne of divery, buy them at: BOWEN'S GROCERY Scugog Rd. FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET Ring Street DAVIS GROCERY King Street MAPLE GROVE GROCERY Mapie Grove or eat thcm aerveq at: BALMORAL RESTAURANT CORONATION RESTAURANT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT VENTURE RESTAURANT They arc the frcshest table eggs on the market - pro- dueed by W. K. Nowak'z Chicken Farm R.R. 1 Bo.wmanviile Phone MA 3-2720 We are the only one approv- cd by the Depariment of Agriculture to produce and grade table eggs of Grade Ai (ln a radius of about 100 miles). We specialize in1 produing table eggs only. 1 Danc e Q S *LE FO IM EIAT OiVE HAMPTON 1 Mr. an.d Mrs. Allan Parker, Toronto, were with Miss Louise Goodmian at the -weekend, who t accornpanied theru back to To- ronto for a weeek or two. Mrs. Cecil Lockwood and 1 Eric, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Gler. Williams, Miss M. Horn and Mrs. N. E. Doidge, on Sunday.t Miss Helen Burrowa accom- panied by Miss Pat Scotnicky, R.C.A.F., Aylmer. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burrows. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Siemon; visited ber mother, Mrs. Brook- ing at Port Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrisoni and tiaby daughter, Port Perry. vlslted ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Carroll, Port Hope, visited Miss Norah Horn on Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kersey, Toronto, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Sun- day; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Niel McCune and daughters. Osh- awa, visited the Kerseys on Friday. Cheryl returncd withj thern after spending a few days with ber grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Sanipson, To- ronto, were Sunday visitols with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gallant. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon andi family on a motori trip to Algonquin Park o1,' Mon day. The Barrons and Mrs. J. Hew-on are enjoying cottage life at Williams, Point. HOPE Friday a.nd Saturday A&ug.' 30 & 31 Friday Night *N'vUW UNA 1. riTif/1 M-4 'w 4r r a ai [D4ED VLS3 ÉI le O W1 SATURDAY GENERAL EXHIBITION MIDWAY -HORSE RACES at Exhibition Building I 'I for talce .z<his :th..-ir<'a<bth )i You'l be AMIAZED how easily you can "do-it-you7geiC with PRE-PASTED Sunworthy Wallpaper. Thcrc's no fuss or rnuss .. . you just wct, apply and sponge smooth. You'11 get the han.- of it-fast! With aur wide selection cf patterns for every type of roomn, it's easy to achieve the exact, personalized effnct you want. And you know, wallpaper isn*t expensive- it t looks that way. CHOOSE VOUR1 OIL BURNING TrOBACCO CURER FEÂTURES eLong lostin g unit "Even heat distribution " Economical curing * Simple operotion *Sofa, fume tlght, amoke tight DE AI. Eh KEN MINSHALL R.R. Nestleton Phone Blackstock 31-r-15. ?WU~SDAY, AUG. 29th, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EO ANVILLE. ONTA~I6 PAGE ,'TF~EEI~ Now is the best tirne to iniprove yourself %vith one of our rnany bargains in Used Cars. We have a good selection and the prices are arnazingly Iow. Special This Week 1957 PLYMOUTH SAVOY SEDAN Push-button divie. custom radio, twxo-tone. undercoatin-. \ il d x% x aslers, baci Up ights, spotless car with loxx mileage. 1- Only $2575 1956 FORD Two-door SEDAN Customiine with Thunderbird noor. In A-I12,9 condition $2,09 1954 PONTIAC Two-door Sedan 1,495 1954 PONTIAC Deluxe 4-door Sedan Plan ta Attend 1953 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan 1,225 Bargains in Panel Trucks Good Used '/2-fon G.M. Panel Trucks Corne in and make us an offer. Robson Motors i6 King St. E. Lmtd Bowrna nville FAIR Saturday Nighi %4E-PASTE WALL.PAPER TO DAY! Abernethy'ys point & Wallpapev BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE MA 3-5431 PORT -TMMAT, AIUG. 29th, 1057 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvILLLP, ONTAR16 PAGE ru MM Fý r-, Nnmi

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