UHUDAT, AUG. th 1S5'T ~"kV PSA . ADI ~AN VUTEbl1ý flPQWu. A V - -' sif Rain Fails to Dam pen Enthusiastic Crowd at Car twright Faf! Fair Although it rained off and on 2most of the day, Saturday, Cart- I vight Fair at Blackstock came ff ' fvery well. IPromptly at one o'clock the ]Parade lett the High School grounds, led by Bethany Brass ]Band, then the Brownie Troop, floats, heavy honses, ponies, deconated cars, bicycles, etc., etc., and paraded to the Agni- cultural Grounds. Dr. R. Pency Vivian, M.P., in a few well chosen wonds, wcl- comed ail and officially opened the fair. Prizes wene awanded: The Farmens' Union for best farm float and second to Dave Kyte; decorated bicycle: girls, Sylvia Lawrence, Marilyn Stinson and Donna McLaughlin: boys' deco- orated bicycle, Ardis McArthur, Brian Mountjoy and Larny Has- kmn; decorated auto, Hector Shortridge and Dr. McArthur-, clowns, Linda Venning, Paul Rahm and David Ballingal. WANTED Dead, Oid and Crlppied FARM STOCK Plcked Up Free of Charge 24 Hour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough I2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough Ont. Summer Student at General Motors of Mr. Robt. Sim. young people have been appre- service. North Nesileton Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sam- elîs and Anna visited Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Samelis, Port Perry Mrs. Foster Fenguson, Otta- wa, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Malcolm Emerson on her return trip to Ottawa., Mn. Lenard Joblin is %kisiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd and Ross at Newtonville. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm and family visited Mn. and and babe, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Ba- ker. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith and Bob, Bob Helman, Bowman- ville, were Sunday supper guests at the Smith home. Mrs. Couch and Miss Mar- jorie Coucli, Bowmanvile, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hindman and Diane, Hampton, Miss Grace Smith, were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Craig. Mr. and Mrs. O. Webber and family, Oshawa, were Sunday guest.s at the Kovacs home. Mr. Gabriel Kovacs enjoyed a fishing trip in Northern On- tario. Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming were Sunday afternoon visitors ciated by Nestletn congrega. tion. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Furnish. Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emer- son and girls, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stutt, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carson, Mrs. Bertha Best, Orono, with W. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Johnson, Blackstock, were supper guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Am- strong. Harvey and Cornie Malcolmi and family visited Lenard Job- lin. Decoration services wil be held at the Nesteton Cemetey Sunday, Sept. st, 3 p.m. witlx Rev. Romeil conducting the 1 Mr . Garnet Rickand, Bowman- >ville, won the T. Eaton prîze for best herd of bcdf cattle; Mrs. Sandy Moore, thc Simpsons- Sears Trophy for highest number of points in domestic science and sewing. The special prize donated by O.N.O. for a cake suitable for a trousseau tea was won by Black- stock United Church W.A., 2nd, Blackstock W.I.; 3rd, Yelverton W.I. Later, tickets were sold on the cakes and Elizabeth Thomp- son won the first prize cake, Mrs. Courtney Graham the second pnize one and Mrs. Ross Duff thc third prize cake. The attendance draw, a lovely dlock donated by the Farmens' Union, was won by Harvey Graham. There was an excel- lent exhibit all through in the Recreation Centre. The honse show stood up to the usual good showing, races were neally good and cattle showing, fair. Sheep and hogs were light as some exhibits did not come in on accaunt of the rain. lb. 63c 49C - 45c --49C Mrs. Laurvce Maslco Sum - Chuevnh seric e wsel Un- eda evening win NestletokUnit- fin Chrchith M vr. Jack rs- firn raong averimpreMss Hve sermonanaveautif on.oMisshn tervicsn eautifud solo.The servicepes harendereby the ED WHITE) FOOD STOIRIES The attendance was down somewhat but, all told, was con- sidered excellent considening the weather. A veny good cnowd partook of the custamary splendid supper served in the United Church Sunday School noom, and then the concert in the Recreation Centre when Greenwood talent presented a fine variety. pro- Rram11. Don Cramp, 94 Welli Motors of Canada, Limited, training program. Mr. Cre aperatian. He is a Busines Outsta ndinç Coming Her (CinemnaScope and De Luxe Colon) Royal Theatre, Mon. -Wed., Septemben 2 -4, For bis first Independent production since nelinquishing his post as production head of 20th Century-Fox, Darryl F. Zanuck bas assembleci a stun- ning anray af talented people and co-ardinated themn into an outstanding motion picture. Is- land in the Sun, based on Alec Waugh's papular novel, boasts as superb a cast as bas ever gnaced a showman's marquee. It includes James Mason, Joan Fontaine, Dorothy Dandnidge, Joan Collins, Michael Renn le, Harny Belafonte and many others. The story is a nomantic ad- venture dcaling with lave and frustration, social ferment, and buman relationsbips bëtween white people and colored pea. Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met 25.00August 20 at the home of Mns. 25.00Wesley Sweet with President Mrs. Milton Gray in charge. Mrs. Lamne McKee led in prayer. Devotional period also was giv- en by Mrs. McKee, the topic be- ing "Wisdom and 'Understand- ing." Roll cail was answ-ered by a proverb. There were 20 membens and six children pres- cnt:' Collection $3.80. Mrs. Ken A sliM Wool slieath, lined in taffeta . . . wth a Gnay read from our study book, "East from Burma" on Singa- fringed wrap-around skirt . . . anchored by an pore and Maiaya. enormous safety pin. (Style No. 13o3). Sizes 5 - 15. The Treasuner, Mrs. Les Johns- ton, gave a report on two quilts sold, $27.00, and two bake sales, ote o ahn Lga drse $51.00, anu. with what is on hand other Jonahan b n drsseswe have$13735. imv at r.Grl tno smv presented bier with a cake plate1 16-9 - 1 -95 25-0 - 9-95Tbe program consisted af a sala by Mns. Evelyn McKay, reading by Mrs. Roy Phayne, a B R ES LINal S u binin B R E S L Ibaby ontet aIl oftus bringing ,tb d i theroges alet wpstwon Bowmanville Whitby A loely chwsee awn BowmavilleW h y by Mns. Norman Rohrer. a social time spent by ail. Do You MuIk Cows?) If You Do Why Not MiIk More Efficient Cows Look at these figures taken froin the Ontario Governrnent Dairy Herd Improvement Association Report for 1955 (The records are'from both grade and purebred cattie tested under the D.H.T.A. protrani. those listed as artificially sired are daughters of bulis in artificiai breeding- units. those isted as natural daughters are from sires maintajned in the owner's barnx.) HOLSTEIN BREED Artificially Sired Versus Naturally Sired .No. of Average Production Clasa Records Pounds Milk Pounds Fat Test ArtIticilily sfred 2 yr. olds 2229 8292 290 3.50 Naturaiiy sired 2 yr. olda 2985 7856 272 3.46 Increase of ArtiflcIalIy sired over Natural = + 436 + 18 + .04 ArtiticIally slred 3 yr. olds 1435 9056 320 3.54 Naturaliy sired 3 yr. olds 2819 8690 302 3.48 Increase of ArtifIcIalIy sfred over Natural = + 366 + 18 + .06 At cheese faetory prices You gret around 75e for every Pound of butter fat, at whoie milk Prices $1.00. An Increase of 18 ibs. of butter fat represents $13.50 and $18.00 more Incarne from eaeh eow. We offer you the services of such sires to improve your herd for oniy a $5.00 service tee. If the resulting heifer produces for an average of 5 years you receive $13-50 X< à = $67.50 or $18.00 X 5 = $90.00 for your $5.00 Invesirnent. For complete Information or service, eall one of the following numbers between 7a&m. and 9 &.m : SjNORTHUBMBELAND C1UNTY DURHAM COUNTY L .E. Pota ___- - Brighton 271 Kelth Wood ___ Orono 17110 K. V. D. Gardner - Grafton 1-R-4 Jaan Taavet - Welcome 2231 Walter Elliotti Campbeliford 337 Dick Wood, Bowmanilile MArket 3-3105 EUià Isaae Harwood 54 Servie hl available to dairy and 3 beef breeds Quinte Dostvict CouttieBreeding Associationl BELLE VILLE - ONT. A P1armer Owried Cooperative. I ington St., Bowmanville, is a summer employee of General ,Oshawa, under the Company's college under-graduate amp, shown at extreme right, is watching a painting s Administration student at University of Western Ontario. jPicture 1 BETHANY BethanV Community Band oe Sept. 2.provided the music fo r Black- pleina ltte ilad i te Bi- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGill, ie iWeatlittie sadi. h n Toronto, were guests with Mr. tishWes Indes.and Mrs. James McKirînon dur- Robert Rossen has directcd ing the weekend. with commanding power, tauch- Mn. and Mrs. James Fraser ing off sparks of excîtement, have returned home fromn sev- eliciting performances af crack- enal weeks' vacation at St. ing strength, accasionally catch- John's, Newfoundland. ing an inany, and continually Mns. Walter Neal accampanied keeping the stary maving with her daugbter, Mrs. D. Cathcart; vigar and unfaltering intenest. and gnandson Neal Cathcart af A strong facton in the picture's Springvile an a trip ta Buffalo, appeal is the location shoating. N.Y. Scenes af the island with its Mns. Percy Stewart, Peter- graceful beauty are caught brul- borougb, spent several days with liantly in the CinemaScape and Mrs. John White. color by De Luxe. Running Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Hender- thnough the picture is the pop- son and family, Tononto. were ular ballad theme, Island in the guests with Mrs. J. P. Henden-1 Sun, which Belafonte sings. s lon grtlto st.n n The picture is onc that makes Mrs. Frank Martichenko on the1 wood's thematic treatment. As at St. Joseph's Hospital, Peter- such, it nanks with Zanuck's borougb, on Friday. noted predlecessons, such as Miss Beatnice Janvis is In Pinky, and The Snake Pit. Long Branch visiting with nel- F. A. Young, dinector of pho- atives. tography, deserves special com- mendation for his wark, as daes Malcolm Arnold for his music. L N A L Others in the large cast are the L N A L weli-nemembered Diana Wyn- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- yard and Basil Sydney, parents ClelIand and baby, Owen of Mason. John Williams par- Sound, and Master Johnny Du- tnays the astute chief of police. vail, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broad, Nest1eion Sfafion Peter and Leslie, Tononto, were guests af Mr. and Mrs. G. Flet- Mr. and Mrs. Wiley McKcown cher. Leslie remained for a and Mn.' and Mns. Howard Wil- holiday. son, Mono Road, bnought Mrs. J. Mrs. Gertie Baker spent the i1 W. Irvine home after an extend- weekend with her sister, Mrs. 1 ed visit with the McKeowns. Wm. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bannstablc (form- Mn. and Mrs. Clayton Brown er nesidents of View Lake and now of Cooksvîlle) and their three children, also visited Mr. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip. 4 Rev. and Mns. R. Campbell spent Tuesday at Stoney Lake visiting Miss Jean McCall, Toron- ta, at her cottage. Mrs. John Dickey was movcd ta ber. own home in the village last week, fromn the home af her niece, Mrs. Albert Wright, where -, she bas been canfined ta bed ail c') summer. Mrs. Boyd of Ennis- killen is staying with ber and fiends are wishing ber improv- . ed bealth and a happy home- L ~ ~ coming. f Miss Elizabeth Holmes, Kin- ~ ~ cardine, spent a holiday with ber aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mvrs. John Beacock. Recent caliers with Miss Rase A DUIRO PUMP Mauntjoy were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bensan and Mr. and Mrs: Means Better Living 1 Miller, Montreal. Miss Mount- 0Vy also enjayed a trip ta Oak- UR DURO Water Sys- vile ta visit Mr. and Mns. Arth- 0 tcm gives us fresh, pure ur Pearce. water whcn and where we Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers need it ... adds ta aur con- ire visiting in Nonth Bay with venience and comfort of daily Wr. and Mrs. Lonnie Chapman. life, Grant Thampson and Douglas DURO Pumps are avail- )avison spent a day in Hamilton able in ail sizes ta meet in- id Dunnville. dividual necds. Sce your Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Mc- Plumber or DURO dealer 7omb, Moira and Ra 'ymond, for fuil information or write ,vere in the village ta say gaod- foFREodrRnin ye - beor rtnngt Kmvg- w RE ode.«Run thýe month of August in the Udora United Church circuit. Misses Joan and Maripn and Roy Bradburn hûlidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. Misses Gwen and Eunice Wil- son are home until sehool term 04jio begins. Gwen, who took a sum- mer course at Kingston, will at- tend Queen's University this coming year and Eunice, who enjoyed the Toogood Tour through Canada and U.S.A., will resumne teaching in Scarborough. Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, Nesbitt and attended Blackstock Fair. U P SO TN R Mr. Rudd. Toronto, of the Brit- U P SO T N Ri ish and Foreign Bible Society, LIMITED P?8 was entertained at the manse, O O . C ND and atter service in the Presby -__ONDON_______________ terian Church a social evening including lunch and a movie on the growth of the Bible wasJA K B G H fenjoyed. J C IO C Friends are happy to see PUBN n ETN Arthur Hvland home from Osha- PUBN n ETN wa Hospital and conva]escing at Division S'reet Soutb the homes of friends.* HisWA -51 OMNfL neighbours have his grain com- ~A251 O MNIL bined and in the baxn. __ j ____________ a T IV ai c w le SWIFT PREMIUM Park & Turkey Loaf SWIFT - 4 Cold Cuts in one 12-oz. pkg. Platter Pak m m SWIFT PREMIUM- Bologna - - - - lb.29c 'ýBEST BUY" "'BEST BUY" "«BEST BUY» HEINZ LUX GERBER'S WHITE VINEGAR TOILET SOAP BABY FOODS 33-oz. bottie Pastel Shades 23c 3 for 29c 4 for 3 7c RED & WHITE «"BEST BUY" 5-oz. jar Instant Coffee ----9 9c HIEREFORD "FEATURE" 12-oz. tin Corned Beef M M - M-3 5c CLOVERLEAF SOLID WHITE "FEATURE" %/'s tin Tuna Fish --- 3 forlO CALIFORNIA.- SUNKIST - Good size ORANGES J11ýIV 2 DOZ. 49C Golden - Ripe Ontario Grown - Large size BANANAS - Lb. 19C PEPPER SQUASH 2Fror 25c [Hme Grown - Extra Tender Ontario Grown - 6-qt. heaping basket CORNf-ON-THE-COB Do. 39c Red or lue PLUNS. 69c "Three Gireat Coffees" "Grind it yourself for fuIl rich flavour" YELLOW LABEL - - - lb. 79c RED LABEL - - -lb. 89c SILVER LABEL - - - lb. 95c "Labour Day Biscuit Value" Assorted Mallows - Choco Fudge , Assorted Sandwich Creams KINGSDALE Biscuits .- M-M-M-M3%.ks. 1,00( Miracle Whip SANDWICH SPREAD, Mazola SALAD OIL, 16-oz. bottie 41c 8-oz. jar- 27c Popular Brands of CIGARETTES, Kraft CHEESE SLICES, Plain, Carton of 200 2.99 Pimento or Deluxe, %-lb. pkg. - 35e Paramount Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON, 1/'s tin 29e Solo Brand MARGARINE, General Electric LIGHT BTJLBS, 1-lb. pkg. 29c 25, 40, 60 v0att- 4 for 79e PRESERVING SUPPLIES RBOWN 12 Mediunm 1.89 SEALING WAX Lb. Pkg. 16C r A RS 12 Small 1.69 CERTO LIQUID B3ottie 31c sq c: i BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS Grape Juice, 6-oz. tin __________ 2 for 39c Strawberries, 15-oz. pkg. 39e Mixed Vegetables, il-oz. pkg. 27e Sole Fillets, iZ-oz. pkg.----.---.- ----~35e THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVI LLE MAPLE GROVE- ORONO- BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market - Yeo's Marketeria Cornish Marketeria 4 j PEAMEALED - Lean, Meaty SCottage Rols SWIFT PREMIUM - Sliced - Cello fi-oz. pkg. Cooked Ham 1 CADMUS MMP. MAMAMAM Q'rATVMUÀM lteW"A%"PTTTIF PNWTMMAISIVP% m à MIP IRrvu 9 1 6-0z. pkg. By the Piece FOODS Grove Groceteria Mu MAT. Aue. M, log'r FROZEN Maple