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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1957, p. 9

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FALL I FAIR TJTE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAàNV!LLE. oNTARIO Dealing with the complete opera- tion of the lunRs. larvnx. ribs Have Perfe For Year' s, Lion Lou Dewe.ll was pres- y ented with his 10-year perfect attendance pin and Lions Jiri Marr and Cliff Samis-received âtheir five-year perfect attend- fJance pins at the regular meet- i ng of Bowmanville Lions Club held Mon.. August 26th, in the Lions Centre. Attendance Committee Chair- mnan Ralph Kelly also present. ed pins to 51 other members for 100 percent attendance dur- ing 1956-57. Chevrons also were presented to members having a Perfect attendance record over the years. Lion Stu James pre- Go by Train to the LONDON EXHJIBITI ON SEPT. 9-141 I M PRE-CAST CONCRETE - Sepiic Tanks -Sidewalk Slabs- -Coloured Patio Slabs- Porches, Steps- - Curbing- Brookin Çonct. Products PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collect Cails Accepted FUIl p nov wilh l@ Liv Ath lard Culi Famous% Reading Anthracite TIC RED GOAL BUY NQW AND SAVE hefore prices go up. CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Stephen Fuels C.N.R. Yards Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5410 lika ana hieon these sicing jobs,' Ha can ba depand- cd upon ta ha conscientious about bis work aad do a neat, careful job. Barn in Columbus, Ontario, Wes tried a number of othan jobs but found Goodyear tîh hast place to wark. He is married, bas thrae sons, ahl employed bara. Raymond in 271B, Herman in Departmeni 220 and Elwood in the Beit De- pariment as a buildar. His wife worked here for fiva yaars, making them an alI-Goodyear family. This year Wes took on a new ventura and entered tha town council and is doing a good job of helping ta look afier the town's affairs. Outside the shop, he finds time ta do some truck- ing and cernent work, looking after 30 acres of land and is now building a new home on il. Ha is a regular church goar and a very good workar for his church. Ha is alsa interesi- cd in photography. In ail, Wes keeps himse]f very busy. <Intended for last week) Recent callers et A. W. Pres- cott's were Mr. Oliver Hub- bard, Mr. Wilbert Smith, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. EanI Pras- cati, Tyrcîne, Mrs. Coller, Mrs. Hutton and Mrs. Eddyvean, Orona. Mr-. and Mrs. Sandy Moore and family and Mrs. Moore Sr., Port Parry, ai R. J. Hodgson's. Mrs. Axin Phillips, Kingston, ia visiting ber daughter, Mrs. J. A. Burrows. Mr. Russeil Reynolds spent a !ew days with Miss L. Rey. noids, who accompanied bim ta Toronto on Tuesday. Sorry ta learn off the misffor- tune thal bafeil Mrs. Sarah AI- lin. She had a fail which ne- sulted in a broken bip, and bas bean a patient in the Oshawa Ganaral Hospital, and now is confinad ta Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. R. Luke is receiving cane at the Oshawa Genaral Hospital. Chunch service will ha haid on Sunday morning naxt ai 11î.15.r JRain showars wene prevalent here on Saturday which we're much needed. 51 Lions ClubiMemhprcç irm ams ,0 rdcr Whom almonstal1,000 protuces. This hs aninsi*aedofbul tanks Thi0 ieranen.crse on ell oer 2h0 iercnt in anayarTo rotoa indicatons e 0thrcto on toe ilmlnha10 er ce T ront the tue lk ethconsuTo-r rof l i thenltetpcone o! ue fluiomitk nethe rovince toad usarouton-thirdoimthe tly pro0ducion.Apperoxsimata- the Toro00odairk -ers ipt Acroe" Province A simular growlh tin bulle mnihk haadling is taking place in othar parts of Ontario. Con- version in tbis new methad is now taking place in such out- hyîng markets as Pembroke and Fort William. Nineteen markets are entireiy or partially on bulk opération. Aurora, Newmarket, Markham, Oshawa, Whitby and Balton are 100 per cent bulk system. This important change in the induslry bas brought hardsbips ta many producers. Bulk tanks ara expensiva for the smallar dairy !arm. Even the smailest tanks cost $2,000. Many mille bouses have bad ta ha anlarged ai a cost of $5,000-$6,000. Such costs are not sound business for the snial producar and many are baîng forced out o! busi- ness. Most dairy farmars are anlarging their business ta jus- tify the extra costs. This will speed up the trend towards larger farms. Milk production is 11oW a job for the speciahisi and farmers are findinig thara is no place on the truc dairy farn for pigs and chiekens. With 100) par cent conversion ta bull eéconomises sec a saving o! about two tai five cents par hundradweight. Large savings will bp possible in the cosi of racaiviag and cooling milk at dainies that are fully canverted. Sora dairies ara reported ta ha paying a pî'amium ta farmers for bulk milk. Others taka the stand that no pramiumn is war- rantad and, regard a hulk tank in, the sanie hight as a combine ' or lîay haler. marely progress in farm machanization. Farmer Paylng One tbing is sure, in the mat- ter off hulk tanks, the farmar 15 f paying the shot. in ordar toi realize savings for thîemselves. the dainies have prornoîad the ý bulk Iîandling off ailk. Pnoduc- fi" associations across the prov- ince bave considered that in tbis mnaitr niost dairies have been anbitrary and aven dicta- toral. Buhk handling doas assu:-e tha consumner a higb qualty P. W. Litchfield -las 57 Years Nith Goodyear On Juhy 15-h, J. W. Litch- fid, Chairman of bbc Board, bsarved bis .57th anniversanvl with Goodyear. On July 26tht. ai celebrated bis 82nd bîrtîî- F'ifty.sevan years ago Fraak aibanhing \vent ta Boston t pecially Séeand arrange neetîag wîth Paul Weeks Litch- 1 aid, who aI the lime was al eceîît graduate off Massachus- ts Institute of Technology. Mr. Seiberliag wanted Mr. itcbfiald ta take charge off -oduction opérations in a smali £kion ruhber factory. It was no sight unseen offer sP. W. Litcbffield x"as askc Dcoma ouitat Akron for a et-together and look over the roposition. P. W. Litchfichd became fac- )ry superiniendent and in the ears that followed he rase to ae top and under his guidance rodyear expanded, tai hecomej worid-wide rubber iuldustry. Tommy Hayes Over 37 Yrs. With Goodyear Likeable Tommy Hayes of the Mill Roomra rtired on pen- sion on JuIy 31st, after 37%k years with Goodyear. He spent part a! bis last day at work bidding farewall to his many friends and having dinner with his foreman, AI Moffatt, in Newcastle, the compliments o! the Company. AI mentioned that Tommy first hired hera on Dacemberi 4th, 1911, having had previous rubbar experience while work- fn for the olcl Durham Rubber C.During bis first fîva year.i Tommy would work here for the winter months then leave in the Spring tai go farmiag. Finally, in March 1916, ha en- listed with the Canadian Armny, returning ta Goodyeéar after bis discharge in Novemberi 1917, for a short period. Deciding Goodyear cauld give him the besi job sacurity, ha has bean hare steadily since Decamber 2nd, 1919. With thel exception off two months ha worked in the Stock Room ahli of bis ser-vice bad been in the Mill Room on the Calenders and Mihîs. The lasi few yaars ha warked a steady 7 ta 3 shift batching out scrap and warmn- iag up othar stocks for the ce- niant bouse. Bora ix, Irahand. Tommy R.R. 2, Editor,- Canadian Statesmnan, 1 Eowmanville, ont. IDear Sir: IEVery Thursday we look for- jward ta the postman leaving aur copy of The Canadian States- mani, and each one in turn reads IeverY Page Of it, thoroughly en- joylng every minute of il. However, .many times I have wished Ihal I could turri toaaj page with news of interest just for women - in other words a I 'Womani's Page" - and I am sure there must be ather women in and around aur Bow'ranville area who feel the same way. For instance, there are now two or. three ladies' wear shoppes, a china and gif b shoppe. grocery stores, in Bowmanville who cauld advertise on juat such a page. We niothers haveé seriaus teen-age probhems which cauld be discussed in a cohumn by hav- irxg mothers Write in and per- haps the teen-agers too. Sa many various tapics of interesi for women could be covered. Also, a recipe or two for the fol- lowing weekend meals, sug- gestions made by a cMlumnisl as to what "goad buys"l are in the i Bowmanville stores, nia v b e special features. etc.. etc. -a I ffew gZoôd household hinis and 50 an.j Awaiting your reoly, I am, Yours respectfully. (Mrm M. A. Pîckering. Bof h have a bank accounf-mand pu'pose for saving w VIGOR OIL Service CORNER OP' MANVERS ROAD &NP; FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-291.9 GaOCsoli ne ta Vigor 9 A" HighlaTest42 1O eldnta CompeteLubrication at a Reasonable Price STOE ILAVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS The différence between reaching a goal and missing it can be the savings you put by now, in a bank account. Such savings don't just happen. They involve smre sacrifice, definite planning. But as your dollars mount up yau feel a scnse of accomplishment, of getting somewhere, that makes the effort more than worth while. Your bank account provides ready cash that can help lake care of any cmergency that may arise, or open the way ta bargains or other opportunîties. Whaîever objective you may have in mind, and whatever use yaur savings mnay ultimately serve, you'Il always be glad you saved. Save ai a bank - million.î dél THE NAIEREDSjus SRvine Y@JR CO-MMUNITY' ll«MDAYSEPT. Sth. 1957 %campw. w*VU bg j ana oULatliA11, li rPoilited oui what makes good voice control. ruDepiciing the dif 'férenee between ct I' ecorahuman voice and animal noises ýct R cordthe film showed how muscular cantrol isused b, humans ta en- ceable them to pronouace syllables, Atten danc Two guests wera Present at the meeting. They were Frank Wil- -sented Wally Braden with a liamns and Lion Charlie Megit of 'gift for his recently arrivcd the Newcastle Club. Among the i son, James Robert. The bis 1 members receiving their perfect CI and correspondance was raad J atteridance pins for the pasi year -by secretary Russell Oke. Pre-i wera Ross Stevens. a 21-year sident Fred Cale conductad the member: Stu James, 17 vears: b meeing.Barney Vanstone, 16 ý-aars: Bob meeting. Il epote Kent and Nelson Osborne, 15 ClaarrneH nival Repran Yaars: Jack Cola and Andv oftCarne H okin, cormn.Thompson, 13 vears: Bill Yeo. 12 off he crnivl cmmitae Cn yars: Herbert Goddard and Fred sgratulated the members on the Cala. 1l years: Lau Dewall and fine reports they gave on the Don Williamns. 10 vears. Lions carnival. Thraa mambars celebrated thair birthdays while rTailtwister Bob Kent obliging'- ~ ly collacted fines fromn the Lions Wesley F e seatad nearest them. Lions Jack ~Fc Roughlay, Howard Jeffery and Cuthbert MeDonald wara the 3 r.W t celebrants.J Enjoy Several Filmsr Membars enjayed films pro-'G oodyear C.o. vided thraugh the courtesy off the Bell Telaphone Company. Wes Fice. Bell Department, These were shown by Lion El- campleted 30 yaars' service mer Banting wbo extanded con- withi Goodyaar an July 2lst, gratulations to Frank Williams and tvas presentad with a 30- local Bell Talephona Company y'ear pin a few days later by Manager*wbo will retire short- Plant Manager Charlie Cattran ly aftar having served 50 yaars in the Conferanca Roomn, befor?. with the campant'. a gathering of service pin hold- Three ( j ers. Two off bis three sons xverp also ini attandrance. Concentration, control and, courtas.v wera srassed as the Wves firs, started haieein three C's off defansive driving byI' March 1927, on the calender:ý the arator of the first film an-1 but lefi in dune because ha iitled "Yau'ra Driving 90 Hors-1 dîdn't like warking the night as. It dealt with the hazards o!f shifts. A montbh aler lie. vas- carehass driving and ooinied out rahired for the Bell Dapartment the faults of many drivers. Tha on splicing baîts. a job ha bias need off adjiisting ta road and bald foi' 30 years. weatber conditions whaa driving Over the years Was has dane was also stressed. Wbat could a lot of travelling for the corn- happan when the ibree C's of driingareforoten r nglet-pany an splicing belts that bas edrivnara orointtae ofilm. t-tak en bim to far away placeF edwssoninth foilm, tram ana end of Canada ta the Your Voice thar. Ha bas also been a good- Your voica and ils oparalion will ambassador and a credit bo was the topic of the second film. Goodyear in a real statesaran- Lowi $8.35 Rail Fares $9.55 Coacli Sleeping and Parlour Cars* 'ParIour Car or Berth Fare .Extra. Good going Saturda., Sept. 7 to Saturday, Sept. 14 Inclusive. Return Limnit - Sept. 16 Full information frorn any agent. i- 1iI P iri eDfff Durham Central Agricultural Society ut ORONO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6 & 7 See Durham County's best in Horses, Cattie. Sheep, Swine, Flowers and Plants, Fruits and Vegetables, Grain and Seeds, Needlework, Cooking and Baking. Junior and School Exhihits. ]RAIREZSEACING - USIC - ENTERTAINNENT Peterborough Players will present a Concert of Plays in Orono Town Hall, September 61h Orono Band in attendance w-- à" PAGE NMM ê came out to Canada fro 1Lon1,,,orm of India, told The Ruriil t 1 0 il a H o r ha e :donderr' goJu. -190 le 1 100Ivilean ourC asec the oujdrï nd 0. - Ija Models nawio visited Tt- gn to Drhamn Rubber e g Faron o a4tew weeks ago and dis- y ig o Drhm ubbr.Heis;Fa m orumn cussed Farm Radio Forum's pro- En s n hi V ciit rrid, hs tre sos.mFi 'E nd s I thgram witth Farm Forum officiaIs Room. . After (C anada gran' edctc rg-m 1 S u pe t l de P li eTonmm's. Irish wv.t and lii-! Eux oDe before returning hiomie. Suspect Eludes Police ~~~~Our provided inanv laugi. s Inspî ed by Canada's Fa"mH ýi httoeivle among his fellow xx-rkers arci Rad-o' Foru:ni. India îhaiset u-)inHettid that thoase îvolRa- it is hoped his retirement da:.-ý a similar prograni with rad'odpo ~igaup ldiatheFrpor - Scarborough police arrested in West Hill when they sighted will be enjoyable and healthy broadcasts over Il stations in d' rga ed h eoto tLeonard D. Harrison. Jr., and1 a speeding car and oave chase several languages. the UNESCO study of Canada's charged the Indian River maxi When they stopped the vehiclel 1 Farmi Radio Forum and ail Iwith car theft, theft of gasolîne 1 the driver informed them ha twsstre ndi pn o her literature on Carnada 9 and criminal negligence. after wvas chas ing two men who had OIDIUAI1I ed by the Ail India Radio. tie lpogam ihcnical a 20-mile chase at speeds of more oulled awav from a service sta- countrvýs only brcadcasting SY 1 tcrcs.~î than 100 miles an hour on 401 tion wvithout payilig for a ful; ALFRED THOMAS ROPER lem. The system is government- HihwynerheeealySt-tnko ia teyladbensrvýcontroicd.; Farmers make up 75 perceit Hiha ea eerlv Sat tank ! gasthev hd beenserv- Fl serv'ces were con- The Farmers' Forum of Ind;a of India's population and a large, Police are stili seekMng anoth- Thex- resumed their chase, this! ducted on August2t'iBle (like the Canadian Ferofderaaretii'nae er~Ini' man no waRadpssengr invill er an ho asa Pssegerintime following the car driven bv viltor Alfred Thomas Roper. iof Agriculture, a federation of .sFr ai progr ucesfl a '4 the stolen car driven bv Har- Harrison. In order to evade the who died ai hils home, 509 Bv-- state- farm membership o-ga,.i- rvdscesfla nadilt risn. e eadd plic aferJ plic c rHarrison swerved the,' on St. S., Whitby. on AuguQt zationS. conrnmodity roup d eouad nlmdunadwLX the car became overheated and '49 model car in and out o! traf- l8th. Mr. Roper, in fis 76th agricultural socittiesi formcd b t mliore successful wýh *il skidded off the road during thej fic. Passing on the righit and! year. had been in ailing healthr in 1954. is represented ontl, tul organized "in a proper w' 3 chase. An intensive search Of Pulling Onto the boulevard toi for the past year and one-haît. radio prograni's adi'isor',' coin the bushland in the Bowmran-! pass cars. ' Mr. Roper was born in Wal.r mittee. sseai anr"h ad ville area where ha escaped fail- Near Collision thmtw seEgad n TeFres o-urn. and ',heFNEQ'LT ed to reveal a trace off the sus- . 1872. the oldcs* off six cbiildren rUioi Ministrv of Agricultu.,p ONFIN t:T-1 pect. After a distance off 20 miles of the late Alf-ed Clament Ro- are coiýdcring joint 1ýsponsr9r- MUMETS AN Arrest Driver the stolen car began to heat un, per aid Anna Parker Rceee ship off a sv te,_1atJ;c Farmi Radýo and S:o,%ed down. Police ai- Dave:ý7.AS a yauth. hle travelici Forum program for the co,.- -4 LookLfer t*.. Constables Fred Walmar and, tempted 10 catch the car but it r 10Maador, Morrocco. where !ry. with thoc AI] Indu Rdos. f e m Charles Weidmark off the Scar- r began to zig-zag on the road and he was trcken vithmlracnnig o -vde te (R kborou5gh Division Metràpolitan aS ota point tet' had to appngfev0r H t . Toron to Police arrested Harrison:J their brakes to avoid a serious' fe er.Hereturned to Englano bradas.. The Forum is plan-FOR afier lie stopped xvhen thev fir-i collision.iusi 1887 and two v ears laie- nv- .ning Ia se, up a sep-.rate d t ý.4TFFR ed a xv-arning shot while hie Was ' *i grated to Canada. In 1895, lhe sion for this ,%Orlk in its ratiox ",os flaig ron h ato i ta The car finally nmade a sharp 'vas miarried to Mary Sophia! ai office .vh-cli vould provd Rlepn fort h o.n riglit-hand turn about 10 miles! Juby the material for discussion .dOAmI ara rugt ost CrvigtWast of Bowmanville. and stop- ! F-r a yaar, hie was employed groups and collate the findings y .Dtaj ofrtea ru Cownstl . CartwrDe-tPed ai the bottom- of a 20-foot: by Albert English. at Melrosp. of theFa grouoF. tacîiment to the scneandwi a mbankment. Bt tedrvrOnit.. and for tiiree vears for It is l-opeýd eventually to ime f ' fi s ssstncea eachýva cn-atCorbv'- Farn Radio Forum broa aoi dLlced fr te seond an. the auto and fled across the field ville Ha then joined the sýafoe nis27'ai -ît; toaward the bushas. Police fired at the Co-byville Distillary and and"trorn 1958 on ward w 'ne J£~nU2MenIaj riork Chase Speeder1 a w-arning shah and the driver! was empioyed there unt'il h:s to be able to give a proner shape S The Scarboro police off icers stopped, but tha other man con- i'etireinent in 1939. - ta the program and make as~ hn Vib wera an patrol on Kingston Road tinued imb the bushes. Hi ssr ePy iasn aatcbgnii a hsd-jIMhnew 8-35 and ane daughiter, Alfred Off rection." K. D. ýSharma. nam- 318 Dundas St. C..,' Whltby- a. aa.uu * R A M . ~~Belleville, Charles, of Londanz,l tional secratarv of thle Farmierîs'_________________ Buuiu~ ian 1 IYIet'mi~~I Clarence and Herbertof Wic BuMUk EWMlc an M th d by, William, of Agincourt, om% Avice (Mrs. Frank Whitney) of Carbyville, and oaa sister, M-s. Costly for Producers JE .Rnnsn fClacton-on- F e Driving across the country- produci. The milk is cooled children and bis wife predecea- Fe sida this past summer you have quickly on the farm ta 40 de- sed hini. A great nephew, An- pabl n tnk tîuikmovînyg b sF.I ulated tdnke otd a i lasI oy M and a wiheu-e probably tanktckdbgsh ovngy gresulF Itancklytfinds i w atov M eech.nd arrwidba hB ACsDuMOn- from farm Io farm. These re- ry. There, wîthaut exposure ta cle at his death. preseni the modern method off air, it is pasteurized, bottled The funeral was conducted bandling milk. the bulk milk and deliverai 10 the consumer. by Rev. John Smith, o! the tank. The Toronto milk produc- Bulk milk tanker drivers are Whitby United Church. Inter--S AP ing area is fast switching to this required by regulatlion 10 be. ment was at Elmwood Came- new way. quality experts and must pos.tery, Corbyville. At the end off April, 1956, sess a permit issued by the On- Pallbearars were Ronald Aggwt v r seven:dairies wreusngIl, aioMileInu arybard.uInof Whitby, John MeLean of oshwt vr buktransports t olc ikadtoaldiesaerqi-aa Arthur S. Baker, John in blk rom,292producers. ed ta take a special course at Enimerson, P. R. Cawling and This spring 12 dainies were us- the Ontario Agricultural coilege Albert Cole ofBowmanvie.j p urchase of aas ing 39 bulk tanker& to colleet at Guelph. Toronto Star. ;e l- n kt ýe r v ri 1 1 ý Il .1

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