PAGE TEm isd ?Joungman's Co/umn, '700 old, too aid, toc, old tc cut the mustard any more.' Guess Most of us have heard that ditty on the radio. Ina WaY. it's true. On the othe: hand, I dunno. We have been engaged ur cutting poles and pulp in one( cf aur more mature plantations and when the boys used the chain saw to cut the trees down, something was needec ta PuSh the tree aver at the Psychologicql moment - t preven poAible injury to the expensive saw. Sa we decided on an old fashioned pike pole. But Who, among aur youngcr friends, had ever seen or used a pike pole? Most af us aider gaffera have many pleasant memories of heaving on ,a pike pole during barn "raisin's." What can take away the memary of choosing sides, and hearing the fore- man's "Yo heave" as each side tried ta get their "bents" up first? Knowing that Mr. Fran1k IqORE Y AVAILABLE FOR MGRTGACES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-35251 Truck Driv ,o1Cryderinan was still a practis Iing blacksmith, although hi d shop is in the heart ai down a town Bowmanville, and he ýr man af eighty odd years,1 naturally, turned ta him fo: radvice about the required pik( epale irans. In thirty minute sflat, he had the "pike" ready eplus an iran band ta keep tht spale from splitting, with -in i structians as ta the size ci Lcedar pale needed. Althougl o it is many years since he made eone af these tools, his past ex. 1 perience counted when th( 1chips were down. r Whcn cutting pales, we neec 1a six inch calipers for speedy measurement. The Dcpt. pro. vides' calipers, but they arc fmoveable and nat adaptable tc the job in hand, so I went to another aging chap with m: problém - Davy Alldrcad, also ai Bawmanville. Davy Iistene< attentively, sketched a probable calipers, impraved it by addin: an eighteen inch handle (to save yours truly from bending) miade it af steel, and I was back in time ta use bis invention far the balance of the day. Evcry- anc who has seen it thinks it's the cat's whiskers, so stand up and take a bow, Davy. We use it every day, and like it. We have had quite a few different men apply for worlt here this summer, but very few af them stayed more than a few days. Some of them, ap. parently, figumed that, this bc- ing a government job, there wouidn't be much womk done, with plenty ai time out foi coffee breaks. The opposite is truc. We anticipate that evcxyý man will do his best ta make ls I, es Y, e îI-. h le e ýd [y ýY ýo d 'e 01 Salesmen Wanled vers Office Workers Factory Workers 1Do vou bave a feelinkw of security? How far can you advance in your present occupation? Are you going ta be able to retire and live comfortably without financial worries at the age of 60. Salesmen are made, not born, and are among the highest paid men in the country. If You seek a new career yenu can use your abllity to an advantage with us. We are a national organization in need of five men whom we can train to seil and service the most advanced Health Protecting device in Canada to-day. Our miarket lu tremendous ln bath the commercial and domestic fields. To Quulify miust be honest, reliable, willllng to work hard. permanent address, own a car. Remuneration will be diseussedl at time of interview. Write full particulars A. GOURLIE, Sales Manager Advertlser 700, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvllle H ave fun this summer? or did your hoiday flu fiai for lack of ready cash? One way ta avoid disappointment next year is ta figure out now lxow mucli it's going to cost for your 1958 vacation. Then open a Sunshine Account at the B of M and make it a point ta deposit, ecd payday, enough ta caver the expenses of one day of your holiday. Yau'll find-as practical-miiýded people al aver Canada à~ave fount-that a B of MU Sunshjne Account is the ideal way ta pro. vide monev for a better holiday. It's a gilt.cdged guarantee of mare & fun and sun for evervone-lets vou huy more pleasure for your Icisure. 0 Why flot open vaur Sunshjne Account today at vour ner èst B af M hranch ? Canadians save more nianev at the B of -M than at any other bank. B3ANK 0.F MONTREAL, &«.*à *a S"~ ~4i S~Y HANH, JAMES A. BELL, Manager Bowmanville Branch WORRFNG WITI4 CANADIANS IN FVERY WALK 0F LIFE SINCE 1817 a 0 the praject an ecanomical suc- cess, which mneans plcnty ai rugged, muscular labour. It is significant that, among thc men who have been on the job continuausly, thmough black flics, ninety degrce heat, showers, mosquitocs, warm dinking water, and ather dis- comforts, one is Ernie Alex- ander, af Garden Hill, in his sixty-thimd year, another is Herb Mercer oi Kendal, who will be sixty-eight in a few Imonths. And ai course, their foeman, who won't sce sixty- twa again. Sa don't give me that mal- amky about people beîî±g to aId just because their thatches arme turning grey. Regardîs ofi age, it is the initiative, and know howthat c-aunts. RusellC. Honey New Solicitor Replacing Ryan Russell C. Honey ai Port Hope bas been appointed solicitor ta Northumberland-Durham Health Unit and ta Port Hope Harbor Commission in succession ta Stpiart Ryan, Q..C. Mr. Ryan re- signed ta jain the new Queen's Honey is also Town Solicitor forj Bethany: Manvers Township Port Hope and Hope Township. Branch ai the Canadian Red Cross Society has begun their r Faîl activities. For the past several years, courses in Home Nursing have been given New Books throughout the township. Last I n Ou r Li bra ry ; Fiction Mms. Myra Page ai Bethany. Titi Athr jBath are graduate nurses and Thte Mate evng o will give their voluntary tîme Janey's Fortune------ -.--- Davis ta instruct the class members Sushi la.........------ - Mcnnes how ta become more resaurce- The Tîmber Pirate-- Jenkins ful li caring for the sick, the A Faim Wind Home Moore' aged, and the handicapped in Devil's u----- Heyer their homes. Members who War and Peace -- Tolstoy c ompleted the course held in The Lanely Skier Innes Pontypool iast year, will also Enter a Murderer Marsh assist with the training through- To the Castie------M o ut the termn. Our Glad Warren The boan Cupboard at Beth- Fool's Goid.------Munstcrhjelm any is fully equipped with Sick Yield ta the Night ~Henry Roam supplies including four Story ai Ivy -- _ Noble hospital beds and a wheel chair, What Then is Love Loring aIl available for free use by Non-Fiction the residents of Manvers town- The Circle ai Faith Bach ship. A Village in Piccadilly, Henrey Worlds Without End -- Barclayj IThe Secret War ----------PawleOBIU R Te Ride ta Chandigarh, Elvin O IU R Other Anirals Durrell CEPHAS BAKER STAPLES Ptage Bay -- -------- Wellman Mr. Cephas Baker Staples, The Ship with Twa aged 77 years, dicd in Civic Hos-j Captains -- - .------ Robertson ptl Peterborough, on Sunday,j Scapa Ferry Bridges Apital, , olwigalig New Babylon -------Stewart, ilh fhown alngr Desmand & Haylock 1 xng ilîness. Kuwait Was My Home - Freeth He was born in Manvers The Trail ai the Black Township, a son ai pioncer Walnut ----------------- Reamnan1 settlers, Richard and Mary Ann Ringing the Changes, de la Roche Staples. A progressive f armer, The Dog Dictionary- Megargee Ihe will be grcatly missed by his The Siege ai London __Henrey friends. and neighbors, wha wWl THE CAfADIAN STAESMAN. EO WrT' Ilyir',ONTARIO Mrs. Elsie P Head New L Twenty-six ladies turned out ta the first organization meeting of the new Canadian Order of IFaresters Ladge ¶n Bawmanville held at the home af Harry Snow- den. jThe new Iodge is named Court Venture L1892 and will be insti- tuted on Sept. 28 by High Court officiais from Brantford. Under the direction of District Organizer Bro. Chas. Fergusor the meeting was called ta order and election of officers followed. Sister 'Toots" Fergusan, the ladies' District-Deputy af this district and Bro. Harry Snowden counted ballots and declared the following officers elected: President-Mrs. Elsie Prout, Vice-President - Mrs. Shirley Brock;, Financial Secretary- Mrs. Catherine Graham; Trea- surer-Mrs. Lorraine McKeev- er, Chaplain-Mrs. Betty West- lake, Conductor-Mrs. Gladys Masterson, Warder-Miss Grace Blackburn, Inner Guard-Mrs. Mabel Williams, Outer Guard- Miss Barbara Graham, Pres.. Red Cross t. Manvers Starts Nursing Class Iremember hlm for his many acts ofa kindness and good neighbH qualities. He had always been active ini the work ai St. Mary's Anglican Church, serving as a Warden, Sunday School Super- intendent and teacher. He had been a former trustee ai the Lifford School and was alsoaa member af the Bethany Loyal Orange Lodgc. Immediately surviving is bis wife, the former Mary Agnes Lowery, ti-Iir son Lawrence af Bethany and grandsons Barry and David Staples. The funemal service, hcld on Wednesday from his residence, Lot 2, Con. 10, ai Manvers, was largely attended and was in charge ai the Rev. G. E. Meades. Palîbearers were Archie Wil- son, George Timms, Offa Staples, Charles Staples, Pcrcy Preston and Gervin Mulligan. Burial was in the family plot in St. Mary's Cemetery. TYRONE Vacation School Closes Tymone Vacation Schoal which was held at Tyrone United Churchi for two weeks wher 62 children registered, held it:, closing exercises on Friday ev- ening. Rev. F. J. Jackson was chair- man for the children's progranm wih Mms. Jackson as pianist. withr taking part weme Miss Grce Pattersaîî, Oshawa, whc played the accardian, and a solo by Mr. Arthur Bell, Bow- manville. Student minister John Griffin ai Part Permy, spake ta the children telling theni several iteresting stories. Those heiping with Vacation School were Miss Vemna Clapp, Miss Gwen Bamtlctt, Mr. and Mms. Herman Fice, Bowman- ville, Miss Grace Patterson, Oshawa; Donna Ratz, Gloria and Doris Wright, Reva McGill, Enniakillen: Rcv. and Mrs. F. J. Jackson, Mrs. L. Phare, Mrs. A. His, Mrs. L. Moore, Mrs. H. Philp, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. White, Lorraine and Jacqueline Rosevear, Audrey Wood and Cecile Park. Mms, H. Philp moved a vote ai thanks toalal the people whco assisted. Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey, Margaret and Helen and Jim Coombes attended the Hen- derson family picnic at Wal- lace Paint. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Phillips and Llo3àd, Essex; Mr. and Mms. H. Collacutt and Joanne, Bowmanville, visite4 Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Phare.. Miss Jean Robertson. Bea- vertan, is the new teacher for the Junior Raom, and Miss Anne Moreland, Ganonoque, for the Senior R.oom. Mm. and Mrs. H. Trivett, IWeston, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron and Mr. sud Mrs. A. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Larmner and family, Cavanville, were with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose- vear and fami]y. Several people fram here at'ended the Exhibition.t SMr. and Mm. Isac Murphy' >rout ElectedI Nestieton Station NO V 1 I r. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrcr, a aie ..o ge IWarren and Douglas took Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Knight ta visit t Su porers - M s. lor~ce her sisters and -brother at their g Snowden and Miss Mariai ottgtPgo ae ýf Wyman; Vice-Pres. Supporters- Mr. and'Mrs. Eli Mairs spent e Mrs. Vi Marjerrison and Mrs. last week visiting Ivan Mairs Jean Vanstone, Honourary Past ai Erindale; Ted Mairs ai Presidcnt-Mrs. Edna Baker,, Bramptan and George Wind- t Secretary-Mrs. Joan Gibson. sors at Ballantrac. - This lodge will give the Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Met- t Canadian Order af Foresters calfe, Douglas, Cheryl and f our ladies' courts in the district Elaine returned from an en- including Oshawa Belleville ljoyable trip ta Visit the St. 1 Dunbarton and no4' Bowman- Lawrence Seaway and tour the rville. Maritimes, returning via U.S.A. The mcmbership now stands Recent visitors with Davison Enear 40 and it is hoped there will1 and Gists were Rev. and Mrs. be 50 members by Sept. 28 R. Campbell and his parents, when the ladies' charter is un- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Campbell, draped and the installing takes Toronto. place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist The fourth Wednesday ai each accompanied by Mrs. Jennie month was decided on for ait Baxter and Mr. and Mrs. Al- meeting night and the meetings bert Robson of Port Hope at- wil be hcld in the Odd Fellows tended the 75th Annivcrsary ai hall. Bethesda United Church at After the meeting lunch was Harwood. This church was served by the hostess. Mrs. Flor- originally Presbyterian a nd ence Snowden, ably assisted by some tcn members present at »Mrs. Toots Ferguson and Mrs. the church opening in 1882 at- Mabel Williams. tendcd the service on Sunday. Recent dinner guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were and family, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Mr. Campbell Mrs. Hugh Murphy and chi ld.jand Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johin. ren, Bowmanville, visited M. stan, Blackstock, and Mr. and and Mrs. W. Murphy. Mrs. Harry Campbell, Bailie- Miss Ethel Croasman, Osh- bora. awa, spent the holiday week- Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers end with Mr. and Mrs. George spent a week visiting Mr. and Alldread. Mrs. Lonnie Chapman and fam- Sympathy ta the family of ily, North Bay, and the Elford the late Thomas Harris. M,7. family ai Manitoulin Island. Harris formerly lived at Ty- The Johnny Arscott chîldren rone several years ago. Michael and Nancy spent two Mrs. W. Hughson visited hier weeks with their Grandpa and daughtcr, Mrs. G. A. Arnold Grandma Howard in Taronto. at hier cottage Lake Simcoe. Tom returned home with his grandmother. Visitars ai Mrs. W. Hughson were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott, Port Coîborne; Mrs. G. A. Arnold and Mary, BC Unionville, with Tom return- ing home with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Cecile e and Douglas visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Murney, Peterborough Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Griffin BlakstcfvfstelMrAan Blackstock, visited Mr. an Mrs. W. Rahm at the cottage Business Direclory Accountancy WM. J. B. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E., Bowmanv: (Abave Garton's Bus Statius 64 King Street E. MONT EITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartmcd Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshav RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C" A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Tmethewey. C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. YALE, FRIIEDLANDER, RUNTER & CO. Accountants and AudItars 64 King St. E. RA 5-16A Oshawa B. L. Yale. C.A. P'. Friedlander, B. Comm., C.P. J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir op r a c iic G. EDWIN MANN. D.C. Office: 15 Elgin St., cor, af Horsey S Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointmer Dentfa 1 DR. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S. Office: Jury Jublce Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvill Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Satumday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 355 1] '1 1 0: oi n t. C ;0 o n a' ille n1) Wa !A. ;21 A mt. [le le R. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.3 Office in his home 30 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvilf ýfice Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phane MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 3King St. E. - Bownianvii i.fce Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiiy Closed Saturday and Sunday relephane: Office MA 3-5459 Legal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanviile Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barristes', Solicitor Notary Public King St. W - Bowmanviiie Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 NISS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notarv Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9. Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation b.v appointmcnt Mortgages LEROT HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgzage funds Residences - Farina Business Propertles Optometry KErfT A. BILLETT OptomnetrIst 141 Kig St. E. Bowrnanvil]e office Hours: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 Thuraday oemnings Miss Glenda Wilson had a few holidays fram attending the Scugag Point summer store before returning ta schcoa1. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Emerton and Mrs. Chas. Emerton visited Miss May Noon in a Toronto nursing home and find her im- praving slawly and in goad spirit. Rev. and Mrs. Campbell at- tended a three-day ministeriai conference at Whitby this past week. Mrs. Harnden ai Toronto ia visiting her sister, Mrs. Larmen Hyland. Mrs. Joseph Farder spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Watson, Caesarea. Mrs. George Farder spent a day in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliot and family ai Leaskdale visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot. Recen visiors wth th Nes who----d--d-athome BOWMANVI LLE BUSINESS SCHOOL THE SCHOOL 0F QUALITY Fali Term begius September 3 Choose your own course and prepare to take a job at Easter or sooner. Free job placement service for graduates Do Not Delay - Enrol Today Mrs. C. A. Barileti, Principal BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL 154 King St. E. Bowrnanville Phone MA 3-5434 Instant or Quick Quaker Oats 48-oz. pkg. 3c Ail Purpose 7-lb. bag Robin Hood Flour 49C Face lie Tissues 200's 3 pkgs. 49c Giant pkg. FEATURE FEATURE FEATURE Blue and Gold Hein2s Save Al FANCY PEAS WHITE VINEGAR WAX PAPER 15-oz. tin gallon jug 100 ft. rail 3 F~or 49C 73c 29c FEATURE FEATURE Betty Crocker - Choice of 35c uines Red & White Pure - 16-oz. reg. jar CAKE MIXES ~3 For 1.001IPEANUT BUTTER- 29c nul Swift's Premium Branded Beef. Blade Roasts lb. 3 9c * Ye Olde Fashioned Chô ice Lean - Meaty - RolIed Plate - Boneless .......Pot Roas IL.3 9c Swift's Cooked - Glazed PORK ROCKS - Ready Ia Eai --Lb. 45c Swift's Preniium - 1-lb. cello Swift's Premiuni FRANK 45C"A Brand New Taste Thrilk'- FRA KS - - 5cBARBEQUE CH3UBS Ea. 59C Golden Hour Candies, many varieties, PRESERVING IILEDS cello pkg. 29c ______________ Aunt Mary's Daily Fresh Bread, Supreme Brand eliable Spices 24-oz. boat 17ci for Pickling Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 2-lb. tin - 31c WHOLE Popular Brands of Cigarettes, PICKLING SPICE Your cholce in 200 cigarettes ------ $2.99 MUSTARD SEED cello bags TUMERIC - Gillette Blue Blades, pkg. of 5 blades 25e WHOLE CLOVES pcs -Dispenser of 10 blades 50-eS1 CASSIA 3UDS 2 £S LUSCIOTJS - CALIFO RNIA Malaga Grapes IL. lOc DAILY ARRIVALS OF FREESTONE ONTARIO PEACHES AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Ripe, Luscious, B.C. - Large size Meaty - Green - Large size BARTLETT PEARS 6 For 27c SWEET PEPPERS 6 Fo.r 29c Super Quality No. 1 - Well Cured - 10-lb. bag Vacuum Cooled - Extra large stalks YELLOW ONIONS - 37c CELERY - - Zror25c. THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU 1 Stock up for School Days a New Pink Dreft Deter gent BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE - ORONO - BLACKSTOCK - Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria Cornish Marketeria - Blyth's Market RED ,WH TE FOOD -STOItIES 1 1 -- 1 -- THURSDAY, SEPT. 5th, 195?' bitts and ta sec Ekner in ho's. pi"tacr Mr. Russel Nesbitt,; Mr. and Mrs. Godê McKee, Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Demo, Caesarea,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bal Toronto. spent the weekeFrd with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Lang. feld. _If Decoratian Day visitars with the Grant Thompson's were Mrs. Helen Smith, Mrs. R. Wottan (fiee Joan Barton) and daug4. ter Cindy Le ai Oshawa; Mr. Clijton Beacock, Toronto; 4rg. and Mrs. Merritt Gardon ('e. Betty Beacock> Debarah I*> Shelley and Mrs. Mabel den af Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKee returned ta their home in Cal. gary aiter a holiday with his mother, Mrs. Sam McKee, and his sister, Miss Muriel McKe. A,,