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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1957, p. 12

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- -- . .~.L ZTi £LVLr. * W..MLA1N V ..L. UN TAfLIU _______________________________THUISDAY.'SEPT. 5th, 1951f Deaiths HARRIS, Thomas Herbert-At Cobourg General Hospital on Frlday, August 30, 1957,,Thomas Herbert Harris, in his 9th year. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanvile, where service was held Monday, September 2nd at 2 P.m. Interment Bethesda Cemeter.y. 36-1 MITCHELL-At 29 Horsey St.. Bowmanville, on Saturday, Aug- ust 31,.1957, Lena Mae Penning- ton, beloved wife of the late Harold Gordon Mitchell. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Mon- day. September 2 at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Ceme- tery. 36-11 In Memoriam WILLIAMS, Pecy-A tribut, of love and remembrance te dean husband and father, Pero Williams, xvho pa'ssed awai September 9tb. 1953. -Lovingly remembercd by hi wife Edna and daughten Ger aldine. 36-: Cards of Thanks We wish to thank aIl thE neighbouns for the party in oui honour, aiso a special thanks fo. the lovely gif t we received. Joe, Maude Crawford and family. 36-14 I would like te express my heartfelt thanks to Canadiar Legion, Bowmanville, for thcir kindness shown te me during the past few months. 'Mrs. George Perfect. 36-1 I would like to express my sincere tbanks and appreciatior to our friends and neighbours for their lovely floral tibutes, cards and many kindnesses dur. ing oun recent beneavement. Mns. Connie Miller. 36-1' 1 take this opportunity toe x- press my sincere thanks to al those who in any. way helped inake my stay in the hospital a mnore picasant one and a specia.1 *thank you for the kindness ahown my wife. Launie Cole. 36-1* 1 wouid like te express my sincere thanks te my many friends during my stay in the hospîtal. A special thanks te the blood donors, Dr. Hubbard, staff and nurses at Memnonial H{ospital. Alice Burgess. 36-1 1 wish te thank fricnds and ricighbours for their many kind- nesses while in hospital and at Mrs. Albert Wright's. I arn home now and would enjoy a visit if anyone would cane te cali. Thank you evenyone. Mrs. John Dickey. Nestîcton. * Many thanks anc extended te &Il the kind relatives, neighbouns and friends for thein thoughtful- rcess while I ivas in the Western Hospital and since coming home. Keith and 1 appreciate it very' z-nuchJean Biilett. We wisb te express our sincere thanks and appneciation te John Wright, Alvin Johnston and the four men fnom Generai Motors who came and helped us at the time of Rye's accident. We are most grateful te vôu ail. Rye and Pat Gibson. 36-1* We wisb te express our beant- felt thanks and appreciation te a Il our friends and neighboums for thein messages of symp3tby and floral tibutes in aur sad bereavement of a loving bus- band and tather. Special thanks te Rev. Philip Ronmeril for bis Nvonds of consolation. Mms. E. Broeesma and familv. T ihte thank Dc'. Kaidal, Di-. Sturgis, Charles B inaîl, Oshawa Hospital staff and inus es, neighboui's and fiends for1 cards and visits: for supervising the farm, comb'niing grain. fecd- icg men, baling, ploughing, briniging me home and caing for me. Sincere tbank you te al. Art Hyland, Nestîcton. 36-1 * Coming Events Hot turkey dinner, October 30 at Enniskillen United Church. 36-1 Plan to attend the Guildettes' annual Hallowe'cn tea and sale at St. John's Parish Hall, Oct. 26,1 2:30 to 5 p.m.' 36-1* Regular weekly bingo te be resuimed Thursda.v, September 12th at the Union Hall. 20 games and jackpot. Sponsored by St. Joseph's Church. 36-2 Peter McComb and his award- 1winning Little Theatre Group from Peterborough. Two liveiy acts, humour and drama. Orono Town Hall, Friday, September 6th, 8:00 p.m. 35-2 Billy Graham's newest filmi Articles for Sale 'FUR coat, reasonable, size 16-183. Phone MA 3-3282. 35-2* COMBINATION gas and coal stove. Phone MA 3-3313. 36-2* SPACE heater. Can be seen at Bowmanville Senate Club. 36-1 GENDRON baby carniage, used one month. Phone MA 3-5311. 36-1 1,500 NEW apple boxes, wire* bound, 75c each. Phone 1 r 6, Orono. 34-tf SMALL coal and wood stove, Findlav: cheap. Phone New- cast e 3066. 3 -6~ ALSCO aluminum doors and 1 ÇUI-'UT A TT V D V i'iIJI DRESSJ AND DELIVEREDi Aricles for Sa e For iient ONE Moffat annex, coal andi TWO light housekeeping roor wood. Phone MA 3-2124. 36-1* PhoneMA 3-2198. 6 SIMMONS bed and mattress, 4FOUR-room apartment, ax' t ,godd condition. Telephone 'able Oct. 1. Apply 63 Brown IA 3-5016. 36-1 ________________ STAKE body, 14' x.8'. ridge pole,' HEATED apartment, sui'al 72" rack, extra equipment f -for Young couple. Phone 1 35-31 FALL pasture, rye, oats, alfalfa, clover and timoth.y. Swain Seed Cleaners, Burketon. Telephone Blackstock 89 r 11. 36-4 FLOWERS -Artistic arrange- ments for ail occasions. Cut flow- ers. Fresh vegetables; herbs, African violets, summner price Te{REE rooms and bathroc Central location. Apply Centre St. 3 FOUR-roomed flat, East Bea inside toilet and running wal Phone MA 3-2875. 3,' SMALL apartment, central lo tion. Adults. Write P.O. E 738, Bowmanvjlle. 31 361 bs.: eee Hereford calves, W'e w1sh te extend our sincere &ÏÉ _fTrIW¶- ."lL FIN Y j 61 purebred Hereford bull, bnec thanks te ail our neighbors and PRn DUui.,iýMAPLE GROVE MA 3-5058 h eifers, team of good work hors. friends, for their most generous I6t Lives#-o-d> for S l es, 1949 G.M.C. '2à-ton pick-up, hclp, floral gifts and endless 63 Temiperance St.. Bowmanvlle' 6tfS ltactual mileage 1-5,500, perfeci 1(illidnDecoratuingth lnsfo TWENTY-two Pigs, seven weeks condition. Baled hav, fence and death ef our dean Everett. I aiain od. Phone MA 3-2885. 36-1 posts, lumber, etc. Fumniture aise te Rev. -T. A. Morgan and LIGHT FACTOR1Y IORK CFoI sale te commence promptly at Rex'.~~~~~ ~~~ M.C#ihe oFoerwrs Pemnn Epomn the Finest Painte 10 YORKSHIRE pigs, seven 1 p.m. Livestock sale at 4 p.m. of comfont and encouragement. 36-1 e For the Latest Papers weeks old. Phone J. R. Met- Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Willton, I~FrteBs okasl calfe, MA 3-2439. 35-2 Reid, auctioneer; Lawrence Han- Mariocn and .Webster, R.R. 4. * o h etokasI BLINhreqitta,8 ris, cicmk. 36-2C* Bowmnvile.36- S. . Pestn & son and 10 yéars old. Moton from '49 We wish te express our heant-.Cev PhoneM -56 61 feit tbanks and appreciation for'hocRear the acts of kin'dness, messages MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 J RADIO and television epairs. o yptyadbatflfloral i 4 -44-tf Agents Wajfe Prompt service. Pick upan tributes received frem Newton-jTOpeecetriis$3 p delivery. Lamne Doreen. 85 King ville L.O.L., Durham Masonic j Applications wiil be rcceivcd 3 piece sectionai chesterfield $159,j MONEY is ne good - unîess ~t E.__hn A351. 2t Lodge, neigbbours, relatives and by the undersigned up te 5:00i$70 reduction: chrome kitchen belongs te you! And the oniy REPAIRS to al makes et refrig. friends: aise tbanking Dr. A. F. P'M. D.S.T., Thunsdav, Septem- sets, $59. ljsed: 6 x 9 mug, grey, sure way te mrake money is bv eratons, domestic and cern- McKnzi. peeai ures ndber l9th for the position of, $19: 2-piece chesterfield suites, doing something about it. Al mercial: milking ceolers. Hig. staff at Memonial Hospital, Bow- Constable on the Bowmanvilil o oniin $9 i v.~xou need is ambition - we %vill gon Eiectnic Limited. 42 King St. rnanv'ille: Rev'. Basil Long, Rex' i oniin $9 1, u t Police For'ce. Application forms i Keiviccator refnrigZeraton. lîke suPPIv the est, becatuse we need E. Pone MA 3-5438. 2.3-tf John Kitchen for the consoling mav' be obtained frorn the Chief n ew, s$139. Terms. yarS te 'outi t reoresent us in -u wvords of help i the sad berea%-e- of Police. ;PaV-. .iroh 'Ce.Kingstwdirc. We iisup'ouT mnent of oun loving father acd Bowmanville. A. J. Lvile, Bow%'manville. MA 3-3781. witb the best uine ef Cbistmasac R pirn gî'andfatber. -i The Reid Familx'. Sept. 4th, 1957 Town Cienk.i 36-1* t cards, evervdav cards, and RifAT 36-1 1 items you'v"e ever seen. X'ou A 36-1* _______________j!SED Farmn Equipmért-Inter.. j will be amazed bow fast these iMi a r r s 1 national FarmaIl "H" tracter, items will seil. and you are JEWELLERV Lost Personal MeCormick W-4 tractr, Massey-j certain te be overjoyed with the #S King St. W. MA 3-5463 ____Harris_______22___ tracter. Case "V"j big profita. Let us send you O MN LE HYGENIC supplies - <Rubber tracter, Massey-Hanris d i s c samples on approvai aiong Wîith BO AN LL PIGEON. strayed fnom 37 Nel- goods) mnaiied postpaid n plain plough, Massey-Harris 8-ft. field our straiabt-fonward selling plai 50-tf son St., RelIer hen, coloun most- sealed en%elope wih ponce iist. ejultiý'atoc': John Deere 8-foot Don't delax', write us todav. - I Iv reddish brgwAn. C.P.F. band- Six samiples *25c, 24 samvles culti%-alor on rubhe'-. et Cow'ýan1 vou cen Ret stamted nîght awax.ý Piano Tuning ed. Any information telephone $1.0(l. MaýI Orden Deot. T-28. IEQUI"pment Co., ?4 King Si. E.,: MacDonald & Renno Grcetiniz, Blisdell. MA 3-209t. Revard * Nov "-Ruhber Zo Box 91, Ham-IBownanville. .Phone MArket 1 Cards. Dept. 17. 426 Eucixd Ave. ARTHUR Callison. Telephon a6-l iiton. Ont. -58a 1-1 1Toronto, Ont. J5-29 MArIoet 3-3900. st system, bath, lange barn, hen 1 12 oomed so-l-id-bricèk--bo-use i-n j NAGM bouse, implemnt shed, garage,' Newcasti e on good size lot and . a"MUAR R 1A E . DETII smali orchard: on 35 Highwvay. tnice location, which could b, j ý. $1.00 pet insertion IPrice $10,500.00. Easy terrns. convenled into icm ho et iMEOJM 2 acres-6 roomn bungalow, Asking pnice $8.000. Terms an- , 10 li M li, O i T ,aS s modern; en bouse, extra build- ranged. $10 l.Ina iofi.1 îng lots. Pnice $11,000.00. tBesides above rnentioned we e..Dinch Ah Ca mnumif f dat1i 35l arsLrebrick bouse, have te oe y200 more Addt,,naî tinherion& ui the sas barn 30 x 60, 3-car garage, hen Contact Ait C&n iîfîed Ada muai t».utw:< bouse. 11,000 Christmas trees. ' t F t<. iis office flot iater ltha nrice $16,000.00. Terms. I..2oclc no . dsay 4 room bungalow', or garager 0 largez ot,4lsfom goow w-rae Realtor and General Insurance *PCi and ave money. l larg sie lt, 4mils foni ow-; .. Ci t noui for handy reloenco, manville. Pnice $3,500,00. Down, Newcastle Phone 3341 -* $1.000.00. Salesmen: jOFFiCE HOURS é> 189 Scugog st. Bownianvllle Donald MountJoy. Bowmanvile MOfd«YUUhFla Phone MArkct 3-3644 j8 30 a.m. a 12 fdov Salesman J Mrs. Jean W'eolner. Hampton I ~ 3 .t 2No J. J. Hartwig, Hampton Daniel Boehm Port HpeDiaI MAiksi 3.3303 ]Phone MArket 3-2035 Tu 5-5042 f*P1 or Clansfied Ad Service qà1--1 75e. De rs. ms A1lSt. '~-_1 ETDartén,3 oi -"Fire on the Heather" in color MA 3-3871. 361jea rs bas,'ETD prmit o on wide screen, Sundav, Sept. St. Phone 3-2843. 32-tf and bathroom. Aduits. Gara 8th at 8:45 p.m., Royal Theatre, FULL length dress form, - _________________ optional. Central. Phone N. te Bowmanville. Free admission. 7 to 14, style A, good condition. T FT T 3-3446. 36- a Everyone welcome. 36-1 hne MA 3-2302. 36-.1* V ERi OFFICE or store space. A] y IF YOU NEED apartment on King St. We y Hey There! Don't forget the GIRL'S bicycle. full size, good 11Bwavle hn sa I '1 H ll1condition, $25.00. Telephone 1 New Aerials IR nAn3559. Phne sh 'r-CLARE-Jeweli cook stove, com-! Rotor Aerials APARTMENT, three rosa -1 Saurrbiv nirrht Sept. 7 1 piete with two 6-inch oil burnvrson bathroom, Partially furnished - ~~~~~~~es. Phone MA 3-5989. 36-1 nesosdsrd vial c.1 e Montgonery's Orchestra 36-1 FLOOR polîsher for nent at prhepir oTT AE,-ea231. ew la -______________Mason & Dale Hardware. 361 rR pisCTAE erynw a le ingSt.E..Bomanill. 1-tf WEH AVE THE WORKSt living-room, three bedroon r En a e et. in S. . ow avll.1-t E GUARANTEED reasonable. Write Advertis r En agmet ONE platfonm and rack, 6' x 10', AT EXCELLENT PRICES 704, c/o The Canadian tE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arthur suitable for one-ton truck. How-TrU Tt man, P.O. Box 190, Bowma Mason announce the engagement ard Payne. Phone Clarke 1422. .LJVY.1Ja _TV__ville._____ 36_ of their daughter Eleanor 36-1 1A ~ SIX-roomn apartment, self-cc Patricia, to Ronald Poulter o f DOMAr 3c-h5e9t19LVLI UUJ > andnlfrncceta Y Oshawa, son of Mr. Wm. Poulter DOTemsaehaete-1tieolfrae eta o ýand the late Mrs. Poulter. The mostat and fan. Will heat five 36-2! tion. Possession Sept. lSth _________Phone__MA_3-3725._ desired. Write Advertiser 7 r marriage will take place on Sat- om.PoeM -75 / The Canadian Statesma ~ urayOctberSth,195 at4 3.1* Cars for Sale P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. o'clock in St. Paul's United 1 SAVE on lumber. direct from 36- Chunch, Bowmanville. 36-1 mil] to vou. Phiilips Lumber '54 METEOR Tudor, S995. Sec 1 ____ C o. Kinncount. Ontario. Phone - Tack Lees. Seawav Motors, 428:j HOUSE for rent in Maple Groi Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Mutton 11 lIt igS.WOhw.R -11 district, ei.ght roorns, total a announce the engagement of j or Newcastle 3331. 14-tf staîners Available middle ntheir daughter, Manlorie Mac, to, KEYS cut automnatically, while - coe. WieBx77 'Glenn Robert Hodgson, son of vou wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- '55 FORD Tudor, M.495. See' The Canadian Statesman, P. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson. ware. 36 Kingz St. E.. Bowman- eaa oos 48Bx10 Bwavle The marriage will be solemnized ville. 46-tf King St. W., Oshawa. RA 5-8141 etCnrlylc in Tinity United Church, Bow- 1Ir HOUtlS33. 4-f E to 3nCentr aially 1oci manvile, on October 5th, at! HARD and soft watcr delivcrcd.orewate3 1.4t ed39CneS.Prilyfu 4 p.m. 36-1* Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. '54 FORD 'z"-ton Pick-up,, like! ished. Occupant desires 'to r Phone MAnket 3-5476 or MA' new. See Jack Lees, Seaway tain one room. Nominal redw NoiesJ3-5805. 48-tf Motors, 428 King St. W., Osha- tion in rentai in return for dir Notices____________ wa. RA 5-8141 or Newcastle ing privileges. Couple withot GLADIOLI and cut flowens for 38134t childnen, please. Write Advec The seed cleaning plant at! ail occasions. Daily delivery.i8l 4t tiser 699, c/o Canadian Stateý Enniskiilen is now open 8 a.m.Ms.EPaan.hoe Art 1956 FORD station wagon, 4-, man, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvil.i sto 6 p.m. Phone MA 3-2829 or 3-3527. 35-2 door, automatic transmission. 361 Blackstock 102J. 36-tf NINE-piece dining-roomn suie radio, whitewall tires, 6,600 il Fish and chip orders wiil be solid oak, light lcather-cvre miles, like new, 1952 Meteor 2-. LARGE bright furnished rocl taken fnom il to 1 noopa and; chairs, sacrifice. Phone MA dloor, radio. very }ow milea-e, n ron'foo.' 'ed enn fro 7to 0 t igh. ridy .nd3-3255. 36-1 new tires; 1954 Ford 2-door, bow j deal for school teacher, contair from7 to10 a nigt. Fidayandmileage; 1954 Chevrolet haîf-ton! ing new breakfast suite, sin] MAuda3- ti5579elphn DRY furnace blocks, elm, $321 truck, low mileage, at Cowa'iibtadclc aeeet MA 35579. 36.1* I oad two cords, conded, resaw- Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., ~tveeti engrtr i Firs an Secnd ack ed J.A. Crscdden Orno.Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-5689. es, pots and pans, bcd chestei Brownies will meet on Monday,j Phone 35 r 9. 35-3* 36_______________-1 1fiAugl24, ee phwdone.MAvi-582 September 9th after Schooiat. 10 Kg. t. TEast.eMA358ý Lions Centre. Third and Fourth USED washer parts. Repairs te BETTER UTTS fl CARS10 ig t Es.36- Packs meet at Memorial Park. ail makes. i, h.p. motors, $5 ...A LJJJ~.~LJ_____________ Please bring Camp fee of $3.00. and up. Paddy's Market,' Hamp- WE PRICE 'EM LOWi u tol ae 36-1* Iton. Phone MA 3-2055. 33-4 AND SELL 'EM FAST A cin ae ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt' Certlfied Condition Two large furniture sales w:l Hel \ aned service to electnical appliances, * Easy Terms be heid at the Durham Count H l a td large and small. Lander Hand-I 30-Day Guarantee Sale Arena, Orono, on Frida: PI oswance.Apy twr. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf evening, Sept. l3th commencin PIN oyswaned. ppl ati 50~ngia 75at 8 p .m. sharp. Jack Reid, auc Martyn's Bowling Aley. 33- DO vour own floors-Rent a 5 nlai 151 ine.36- TOMATO pickers. Phone A. sander or a floon po]ishet, from C heap transportation toer Van Belle, Newcastle 2139. Lander Hardware. 7 King St. E., $395! Keep in mind the sale of 4 361Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 52 HillmanII head of Holstein milkers an( .3-tff One owner - Sharp jSpingens of Mn. Austin Wood WAITRESS, expenienced, full EWLenad efigraontat era'C m eo aturdBowaySepte tm.Apply in person. Olympia HQEW $4 n frst fanm eas of Bowaanv- Restaurant, Bowmanville. 36-1 tillessdefrost 10 1 0 ft. 1 adoDu haber 28th at 1 p.m. Jack Reid RECEPTIONIST and bookkeep-' Terms. Phone 14On. u as Rdo od hp auctioneen. 36-2 for professional office. Write f 61 50Fo rd$495 Auction sale of 40 beef cattle Adventisen 702, c/o The Canad- 1 ian Statesman- P.O. Box 190 'CHEST. four drawers, $30; van- Custom Radio 1 2 horses, sow, pigs, fowl, hay ity with matching bench, $45, i, implements and furniture Bowmnanville. 35 i walnut veneen. Must be sold. 51 Ch ev. - - $545 the propenty of Joseph Zubowý YOUTH for generai store wonk. East of Oshawa. Caîl RA 5-43~51 Deluxe - Radio- Torpedo ski, Lot 10, Con. 3, Manvers ___________________________and36-Mijust west of No. 35 Higahway, onE epIyien ageeductier 706, ISLTON 1wngmto 53 Ford - - $795 mile north of Pontypool or c/o Canadian Statesman, PO NULfO.blwn etoiTh ursda.v, September l2th, al Box 190, Bowmanville. 36-1 wîth rock wool. Workmanshîpl Custom Radio 1I o'clock sharp. Tenms, cash guaranteed. F r e e estimates. 95 Ted Jackson, Port Penny, auc. GIRL for general store wvork. Harny L. Wade. Phone Clarke i53 - -. $ tioneer. 35-24 Reply, stating age, education and 2420. 39-tf j IJAu.Rai expenience to Advertiser 706,' Deluxe * Radio j1 have been instnucted to sel c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. HDRUIC3Furow tractorj 5h by public auction the property Box 190, Bowmanville. 36-1 plough, ?-point hitch, 12" bot-155 Chev. $1,5 consîsting of furniture, ca], - toms, with depth gauge whecls. jDeux - Radio Two-tone tools, etc. of Mn. Edward A, SALESGIRL for local store, Howard Payne. Phone Clarke , Swanson in the Village of Miii- Permanent position. Write, giv-f 1422. 36-1 55 Mveteor $1,95brook at bis premises on Satur- ing details, to Box 705, c/o The daSetm- -tha 1pm Canadian Statesman. P.O. Box, HEARING aid service, tcsting Two-tone - Radio White Walls SdayrptermbrcashThe1 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 36-1 service and cemplete stock of A beautiful car also be offered for sale a six- batteries and cords at Higgon room soîid brick bouse with IMMEDIATE income - Ladies. fElcctnic Limited, 38 King-St. E., S EWrSECIAL grg 12 x 18; two large lots. daily cash profits, part or full 3-548. i Wter avilable Subjet teMn tinie, showing lovely knitted: 3548., tfr valale SPo ttore fer, ings eig, houres. Bge- -i'49P ntiac - $69.501 serve bid. Immediatepos- wofear, nei, hires. erADDING machines. typewriters I sion. R. J. Payne, auctioneer. pet ~Bi comiins Saifcin cash registers, cheque writers, Has cracked bIock and is a litt1*e 36-2 peatcomissons.Satsfatio rough but runs good. Radio if' guaranteed. Write British Knit,j filing cabinets, office furniture, jo e tc r ilrdSms o 2 Simcoe, Ontario. 35-2 new and used. Repairs te alyugtsukM.Wife aî,Lt3 m -akes. Walter Frank, 177 Churchj AND MANY MORE AT Concession 3, Clarke Township, St..BQwmanville. MA 3-3986.1 one concession north, one mile FEMALE HELP 14-tf W E L LMA N ' west of Newcastle, has sold h! WA T DY U G U KYt RAMBLER - HILLMANtauction on Wednesday, Sept. 18. WANT D YO NG URKE S 1 METROPOLITAN ithe entine housebold effects of APPLY CHOICE MEATY BIRDS Nonquon R.Ohwahs10ro oue enDra _____IiJLL~jLLlj. . MILf 0- 5r% TV00 Open-untRA 9-4431 jand gjrpn ro mi1,20 teî4 Éli TM CAMAIMAM 4tPÀL"gt"Am d%,K"Pllgvo% ýna riereiora milk cows, ranging PAGZ TWZLVB Wanted to Rent Real Estate for Sale Real Estatefr l~e )MRSalSUMMER cottage. îarge faànd .*HOUSE Leask R a Esiale new weil, aise one buildin9 lot. ,ail ÇVANTED TO RENT 5 room bungalow, beautifully Very easy terms. Phone New. S.locatcd on a scenic lot ovenlook-cate30.6- ; wiih 3 or 4 bedroo)ms ing a ravine; picture window, EIGHTroomedhfrarne cunr ble AT ONCE Terms. j i gbway, modern plumbing. MAI 6 roem bouse in Hampton, at-i heavy duty wiring, meets DVA 3-1* Phone Specialty Paper Products tached garage, one acre of land, requirements. House and lot. om.i nicely decorated, low taxes. 1$6.000. Ailan Beer, Bethanv. MA 3-3381 $6,300 on temms. Big reduction 1 Phone 12 r 14. 3- 6-9 6- for cash. 36-136-1 We have many bow-pnicedI REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ch, homes with tenms, aise higher Properties Sold, Rented \V. anted to Buv pniced ideal homes. Ceme in and blanaged and Appraised --WHEAT wanted, at latest mark - î List with LcaskL.M lio ca- et pnices. Phone A. W. Glenney, 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle Real Estate Broker ox Newcastle 2771. 36-2 MA 3-5919 Phone 2566 - New',castle, Ont. ý-1 USED wood silo. Joe Rcdmond, 36-1 Two blocks north of traffic signal )ms R.R. 1, Nestîcton. Phone Black- Newcastle 5-tl age stock 47 rn 21. 36-1J MJ.Van Nesi eeto a ..l* HIGHEST pnices paid for live RA SAEBOE ee o a - poultrv, goose feathers. feather REAL ESTATE BROKER .lso ticks, scrap iron, rags. metaîs, Offens for youn inspection : RA SAEBOE est, and naw funs. Phone RA 3-20431 4 lange room brick witb garage GENERAL INSURANCE 6.1 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf o nice lot. Ail conveniences. 99 King St. E. Dowmanville ý6lThis bouse is almost new. Telephone MA 3-5868 - ALL kinds of live poultrv want-' 8 noom, 2-storey brick with Box 817 and cd. Top Toronto pnices Paid at garage, ail conveniences. Thîs Building lot 75' x 103'. Towni i if vour door for lange or smalî home is quite new and modern. water, $700.00. le-.f quantities. We have our own 8 room older soiid brick on 21-noom apantment block con- 16-l m arket. M. Flatt. Bethany R.R. large lot, good condition. in vil- sisting of 4. apantments. Near 1 Phone collcct to Bethany lage. 3-piece bath and ou bheat- town. Requines some decorat- rge,7 r 13. 28-tf c d.f ing. Building in good repair. 'ns.,_______________ Three cottages at beach for This is a good investment for a ser 71 ~your inspection. I bandx-man. Asking onl.\ $10,000 ýes-VVork vvantea 50 acre farm priced at $6.500 with $3,000.00 down. Make of. an- and appnoved for VLA. fer. 6-1 WELLS dug and cieaned. Tele- 100 acre dairy farm, new buik Lovely 2 bedroom bungalow -phone Cobourg FRanklin 2-9176. tank, large barns, 2 bouses, close naneloti.Alnom on-1inare H loatdio.od o ca- 36________________ to large. Hrwo and tile if GENERAL trucking and 1igt If selling, cail in and talik it floors. Full baisement. Large '03, deliveries. Phone MA 3-5165. iln o.Ony$,0.0.Trs an, 36-1* - 18 King St. E. Bowmanville One Only at $1,500 Down - ïBox 1096 Phone MA 3-3230 Beautiful 3-bedroom hunga. .1* DAY cane for smaii children,j 36-1 iow. Tiied bath. Large modemn - five days a week. Phone MAI_______________ kitchen. Veny lange living. ve 3-5217. 36-1* room, handwood and tile floors. a-- Charles Rankine Full baisement. Forccd air oul of HALF-time office clerk. Book-j heating. Oniy five minutes to /0 keeping expenience. Telephone REAL ESTATE BROKER 'Bowmanviile. Asking o n I y .0. MA 3-3040. 36-1* $2,000 down, new bungalow,J $11.500.00. If you sec it, you'lI 6-1 5 rooms and bath, full basement, buy it! This is suburban living --DAY cane for one or two child- fonced air oul heat, elcctric bot 1atits best at- en wihile mother works. Tele- water, mahogany doors and trim,1 Houses urgcntly required for n- phone MA 3-3460. 36-1* frame and sylva-ply. A vcry, waiting clients. re- PLUMBING, heating, eav'es. attractive, well built home.n Salesman - J. A. Barton le- tru1n;fc siae.Hre Balance of $7.500 carriedlke M -39 )tPartncr. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. nent. 12-tf $2,000 down, new brick and e-frame bungalow. Qn new street. D. WV. Il NEW piastering and repairs. 3 bednooms, living-room, large le. Stucco and cement plastering.,-kitchen, ftuodcrn and attractive, .ua elEit -1A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 1 Balance $7,500 as ent. M 23 nr(04. 14-tf 1 Wouid you like an excellent Membens Oshawa and District a,- home plus an income. On high- Photo, Co-op. aGENERAL canpentry and roof- way in growing village, this 175 acre dairy farn or High. in ng epairs. New roofs, guanan-j modemn white frame home bas way No. 7. Hiproof barn, '~45 k teed. Free estimates. Phone 17 rooms, oul heat, bathroomn andf steel stanchions, watere-ilo.. rcMA 3-2740. 35-2 * i a paying snack bar. Full pnice drive-shed 70 x 30: 10 oom ;- $9,800 with tcrms. Iframe house witb ail c ven- r-, OLDER woman requires part-'j Unfinisbcd 5-noom bungalow iences. Long highway fro 'age, le time wonk. Days or evenings. in Newcastle. This outstanding 1 only one mile from town. ood :2, Light housework or baby sitting horne has full basement, well,1 stream runs thnough th' #4 rm -acceptable. Phone MA 3-3927. garage and bydro. Terms and 1$32,000 witb $10,060 don. 36- 1 pnice aranged. 200 acre stock and À*b cri GUARANTEED nepaîrs te al f Necd a montgage for that new farm. Large stone h lid ¶'1b -makes of cars and trucks, al 'home? Sec us. city conveniences. BL îs x30 111 jobs are guaranteed. ce mpctcnt 52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle and 70x36. Three trout streanis. ty workmanship, at Cowan Equip- MA 3-2451 or 1-27621, Close te bighway. Must be sold av ment Co., Metcor-Mercury Dcal- 36-1, due te bealth. $28.000 with good n cm e, 134 King St. E., Bowman- -____________ jterms. ýc- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-t Attention Market Gandeners* -2_t De Wiih Real Esiate 22 acres of market garden land Plt epais Iwith stream at ony $2200. 40'Pasiering ear 46 acres of land on No. 2! 6 room insulbrick bouse with id QUICK SERVICE Higbway at Newcastle with large beautiful landscaped grounds d. SUCC AN NE WOK 5tneam, 10 acres wood,.approx- and 14 acres of land. Over 4,000 le, STCC AN EWj imately 30 acres workable, and Scotch pine Chnistmas trees all n- 'iAt"' ncw foundation for bouse. Pniceljpuc.Fl nc ny8,0 R L. La. .TAFTJ 1$6.000 with easy down payment. 1 with terms. *169 King St. E. MA 3-5030 b 5 acre farm with 40 acresl Brick apartment bouse with 6-tff workable, 69' x 30' bank barn, 14 separate apartment units. All ýei1farm pond; 8 roomed stone bouse rentcd te reliable tenants. New YBik n aonW r with furflaceb eavy wired [n-. steam- heating plant. Ail apart- F NEW OR REPAIRS jcnop. Asking $14,000. Tenms. years. A real money maker. .SFoudatons- Foor - alk 46 acre fanm, commutingf $45,000 with $15.000 down. e Foudaions - Etorc.Wak distance Oshawa witb 40 acres; 6 room bungalow on landscap- I hmny Ec of wonkable land, ever-running' cd lot with ahl conveniences. atPrompt Service at a Fair Price spring, 70' x 30' bank barn with Ou bheating, 3-picce tiled bath, hi. Estimates Free L-sbaped extension, 2 implement fireplace, fully insulated, at c-PHONE MA 3-3702 or 3-3231 sheds, garage; 8 roomed frame Pleasant Point on Sturgeon Lake >* P. 0. BOX 1083 bouse, heavy duty wired. Pnice near Lindsay, on paved noad. $9.000 witb $3,000 down. Ideai home for retired couple. L. TURNERj 98 acre farn close te nice Must be seen te be appreciated. Y illittie town with 70 acres wonk- Only $1.000 down. Full pnice -29-tf!, able land, 60' x 60' bank barn, $5.500. READ MIED ONCETE steel stancbions and waten on Service station with 90,000 R E A D M I X D C O C R E E t a , i m l e m nt s e d , e n b o u s e , 1 g a llo n s y e a ly tu r n o v e r . N e w -We pour thcm al], large or small garage, 9 roomcd brick bouse! car agency. Large pavcd lot on Far or close, right on the nose ' xith furnace, 3-piece bath, bard- outskirts of town. Cernent SWe give free advice, wood floors, running bot and 'block garage witb showroom. -And reasonable price. cold watem. Price $12.500 with jPnice includes ail garage equip- h Also small down payment.I ment. This will not last long at Formlng, Laying and Finlshlng 35 acre farm on Ne. 2 Higb- only $30,800 with good terms. At way with 20 acres workable, ne- We have many more good bus- PTTfll IT . P ~'mainder in bush, 2 bank barns messes, farms, lots, acreages, I J U f l l i 1 C J . . U Q w i h n u nn&w t r l e b u e b u e s n u s n a l s t s , e c 1, 1

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