- - ?HURSDAY, SEPT. St!,, ¶9w. TITE CAKADIAN STATESMAN.... EOWMAW~'!LL~. ONTAR!O PÂS5 ?Em~U~ ClassiofiOed Notice to Cr~dtr AND OTHERS ~H ESTATE 0F FRANK Sîlm7y ,LENDeceased. ~LL-persons having cdaims against;the estate of Frank Sid- aý--ey Allen, late of the Township _f.rCJw»arlington in the County of !fham, service station operat- who died on or about the 'hday of July, 1957. are re- uired to send to the undersign- ed at the address below, full particulars of the samhe on or before the 25th day of Septem- :er, 1957. after which date the issts oftheaed wilb distibue having regard only to the dlaims of which the ,'Executrices shall then have ..rotice. DATED this 22nd day of e_'August, 1957. SARAH J. ALLEN, APHA I., HODGINS. P. 0. Box 399, Bowmanville, Ontario, Executrices. 34-3 - Wanted DEAD and crippled farrn stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Marizwill Fur Farm. Tvrone. 26-tf Business Opportunity FULL or SPARE TIME RELIABLE Man or Woman with car or light truck for Delivery and Collection Contract NO SELLING INVOLVED Age, education or past experience Is not important. Enquiries invited from sincere persons wlth $1,200.00 cash avail- able for starting inventory. fpo $150.00 a week to start INVESTMENT SECURITY WRITE Coniracting Division 30 WALTON ST. TORONTO 2, ONT. Opportunities CAREER -a., OPPORTUNITIES YOUNG WOMEN 1f you are between 18-29, i(tgle, have Grade 9 educatior tÇf better, you may qualify for a sition wbich offers gooc tmnopportunity to travel in Cainada and possibly in Europe, 1 with many other benefits. complete information. or ~a<promotion and positions THE RCAF WOMEN'S CAREER COUNSELLOR b: OWMANVILLE TOWN HALL 12 Noon 6 p.m. 6 September 57 TYRONE Mn. and Mrs. Clame Colbary a nd children, Toronto, ite Mn. and! Mrs. K. Colbary. Mn. and Mrs. H. Hall and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. K.' Rahrn anc! boys accompanied Mn. andi oïe Idrs. Allan Thiessen and child- ;ren to St. Catharines on Sun- -day. Mrs. H. Partner and famiy visiter ber sster, Mn. and Mri. . ,Murray Adams, Bowmanviile, 1while Mr. Partner spent the -weekend at Red Stone Lake Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and -Lauraine visited Mn. and Mrs. T.ed McBride, Brampton, and "Mr. and Mrs. George Wiils, Inglewood. me nTus W.M.S. will etoThr day at the home of Mrs. R. Wright. Mn. KarI Colbary and Fran- kie, Mn. Bob Cameron visited fniends at Eau Claire. Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and family visited ber sister, Mrs. .Arnold Geisberger, Zion. Mrs. E. Atkinson and Gwen. Fairport Beach, spent a few days witb ber sister, Mns. W. Park Sm. and Mrs. Park. Jimmy Youngman visited at K. Sparks, Richmond Hill, anc! Roy with Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Courtice. and Allan wxth bis aunt, Miss Peari Leach. Lorne Pascoe spent the weekend witb Rev. and Mns. - etanley Snowden, Bancroft. Miss Ruth Pascoe spent a :few days with Mr. anc! Mrs. Lloyd Broome. Solina. SDouglas Stainton rcturned home aften holid.aying at Mn. and Mg&. E. Carlson's, Toronto. ,'Henry and Bert Carlson spent the holiday weekend at Mn. tand Mrs. Henry Stalnton's. Visitons with Mr: and Mrs. John Broome were Mn. and! Mms. . eftîunday and chiidren, Map- ~rove; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd i'orne and family, Solina; Mnraand Mrs. Lanry Dewell, %44,manvile. and Mns. S. Daw. Wendy * Sandra, Port Credit; Mr. dMrs. Ken Acheson. Osh- awa; Miss Jacqueline Hills, To- ýonto, spent Sunday with thein parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hilsý , ,Mn. and Mrs. K. Hardy and Jerry visted friends at Ton- ento and Jackson Point. * Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vintue ~and John were tea guests of bUMs. C. Shaw, Oshawa. John remnaîned and attended the Ex- b> ibition with his cousin Ralph. Mnraand Mrs. Bert Hawn, j4Mns. E. Hawn. Port Erie, were .~4adagueits of Mns. Annie Hatberly. On the Monday Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Norrish, Ran- dy and Wayne were dinner guests of Mrs. Hatherly. Miss Violet Rice, London, is visiting at the *home of Mr. and- Mrs. K. Hardy and calling on old friends. Mrs. Fred Smith visited Mrs. K. Hardyl on Tuesday. Mrs. 1. Murphy, Toronto, ie- spending a week with her sis- ter-in-Iaw, Mrs. Edith Murphy. Aldin His, Hannon, spent a week with his grandparents, Mr .and Mrs. A. His. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Philp. Castieton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp. Mrs. Otto Virtue was dinner guest 'on Sunday of Mr. atid Mrs. É. Smith and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl By- arn. Oshawa. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard were Miss Phyllis Maynard and Jean Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker, Bow- manville: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Terry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood and family, Mr. Ken Cha mber- lain, Miss Verna McRoberts, Oshawa. Mrs. Mary Findlay, Union- ville, visited Mrs. A. Hawkev at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. Bigelow. Mrs. Bruce Findlay, Mark- ham, Mrs. Dean Findlay and Curtis, Uriîonvilie, also visited their home with Mrs. M. Find- lay returning home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewell spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Moore, Burling- ton. Margaret Crowe enjoyed a camping trip to Presqu'île Pro- vincial Park. Mr. and Mrs. C. Grant, Les- kard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ro,, Spry. Decoration services will b e held Sunday at 3 p.rn. at Beth- esda Cemetery. Orono Fair On Weekend The best of Durhami County will be exhibited on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 6 and 7 at the annual Orono Fail Fair under the sponsor- ship of the Durham'Central Agricultunal Society. Harness racing will again be a starning attraction at the fair. On Friday evening the Peterborough Players will present a concert of plays un the Orono Town Hall. Music wijI bc provid- ed by the Orono Band. MAPLE GROVE %Ir. and Mrs. Hugb Allison, Janine and David visited fniends 1at Sudbury, North Bay and Burk's Falls. Mms. R. Jarvie visited Mrs. W. Prouse, Clarke, for a few days. Misses Clanice and -Donnai -i Stephens, Miss Vera Saunders and Miss Corinne Hammond, Ipswick, Mass., visited Mn. andi Mrs. W. H. Bown. Mn. Robert Brown spent the weekend with Chester Milîs,i Enniskillen. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, Ajax, and Mn. and Mrs. H. Foley, Maple Grove, were Monday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mns. Harry Freeman, Bowmanviile. Congratulations to Mn. Will Snowden who celebratel bis 87th birtbday on Sept. 2. Many happy returns Mn. Snowden. Visitons witb* Mn. Wiii Snow- den and Mn. and Mms. Latooze and Rodger were Mn. and Mns. Eber Snowden, Courtice; Mr. and Mns. Ray Snowden, Toron-1 to; Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Snow- den, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley, Miss Evelyn Gay, and Mn. and Mrs. Walter Wooliey. Mrs. A. Beech with ber daughten, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr, Bowmanvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stephen- son, Gien and Paul, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pascoe and family, Bulington; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Metcalfe and Grant, Osha- wa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metealfe. 1 Rcv. George Munday, Scot- land, Ont., and Rev. William Stewart, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mms. Morley Burgess wbile attending the Wbitby Confer- ence on Evangelism. Mn. and Mns. Morley Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgess and family spent the weekend at the cottage at Twin Lakes. Mn. Bob Snowden spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mms. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. Mrs. W. Rennie. Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. K. Reeson, Locust Hill, visited Mrs. F. Swallow and Mn. anc! Mrs. William Laird. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Lackey, Toronto, visited thein cousins, Mms. F. Swaiiow, Mr. Clifford Swallow and Mn. and Mrs. Wrn. Laird.1 Visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman were Mn.1 and Mrs. Ross Allin, Gladys and Gordon, Newcastle; Mr. anc! Mrs. James Waiker and Rosemanyi and friends, Toronto.E Miss Shirley Cryderman visit- cd witb friends at Washago Beach. Mn. and Mrs. Ceci Milis and1 family enjoyed a trip to Kings- ton and the Tbousand Islands.1 Women's Institute meets this? Monday evening at the churc iç basement. I On Tuesday cvening at Solina1 field our Junior soccen teami were dcfcated by a 1-0 score by Zion Juniors. Our lads arc toè be congratulatcd on the finea Rame they played. We wishc them the best of luck for anoth- er year.c Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Butler,. Ajax, wili take the service at Maple Grove Cburcb on Sun-s day. Sunday Schooi wiil meetJ at 1:30 p.m. and church at 2:40b p.m. Please note the change in tîme.1E 1Mr. Stanley Jones bac! six potatocs which weigbed 19 ½ lb,, froni two his. The Disasten Services cf the Canadian Red Cross gave emer- gency assistance ta 1,555 fami- lies consisting of 8,105 indi'.'- duals in 1956. The majority of ýthese were victuno! lire. HOW BOUT THRT By RRLIPH .TEE. NO ICNVNIENCE ! WELL,A.,TI4IS JUST GOES TLEEGES TUE SOUTU 10 5I40'A/TI4AT TA Ui.IMR.MAILM£AN. IS FQT AND MA 14AD MER LUT SAPIER TO 13UY TUAIT TUE NEW IJ UAT SET ON USING VOUR IMPLEMENTS-PRMý POPPAS I~A1~QSME OF TLE CJROP OUR DEAL.ERS 'IN 4~:.~STOvE. w-ERE, REA BOWMAN VILLIE Principal of Private School Has Fine Record The Principal of Bowman- ville's newest school cni Seugog St., Mr. Jacob Uitvluglt, has an 'interesting and vanied record of achievement and service. He bas been in Canada for 30 years and is proud of bis Canadian Citizenship. Since 1947 be bas taught Basic English and Citizenship in even- ing classes sponsored by the Community Programmes Branch of the Dcpartrnent of Education and Aurora District High School. For the past nine years he bas been editor of the Boys' and Girls' Depantment of the Christ- ian Homne & Schooi. a rhontbly magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich., by the National Union of Christian Schools. Here, as "Uncle Bill." he con- diicted a Bible Readers' League for young Chnistians who prom- ise that tbey will make personal Bible reading and prayer a daily habit. He maintains a large cor- respondence to bave intimate contact witb bis "Famiiy". Is Author1 He is a fairly negular con- tributor to the popular b-lingual Dutch-Canadian weekly, Caiv- inist-Contact, published in Ham- ilton. He prefers to use the English language but for the convenience of the necent imnmi- grants he bas bac! to rqa-learn the Dutcb. He bas contibutcd articles to various scbool and church papers. The Teacher's Manuai for the Nelson Reader for Gr. 6, On The Beam, edited by S. A. Watson, Supeintendent of Cur-ý riculum, bas a reference to articles written by Mn. Ui tvlugt for The School of November '47 and May '48. Farnily Man Mr. and Mrs. Uitvlugt have tbrce children. Their oldest son, Jacob Uitvlugt, B.A., B.D., is the pastor of the Bauer Christian Reformed Cburch in Michigan. The second son, Peter Uitviugt, B.A.Ed. is teacher in the Walk- er Christian Scbool, nean Grand Rapids. Thein daughtcr, Cath- enine, graduatcd in psychiatc nursing and serves at Pine Rcst Christian Sanatorium in Cutlet- ville, Micb. HAYDON Mr. E. Ward, Mrs. J. Ward, Miss Launa Homo, Toronto, spent the weekcnd with Mn. and Mrs. Joncs and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tennant, with Mn. anc! Mrs. J. Aikcnbead at their cottage. Visitons at Mn. and Mrs. M. Bcmtrim's 0'ere: Mns. Wesley Bentrim, Douglas and Jimmie, Windsor; Mn. Willard Bcntrim, Mm. Keitb Hamilton, Tichdnome; Mn. and Mns. George Bemtrim, Georgie anc! baby Chenyl Dawn, Taunton; Mn. and Mms. Ron Mon- mison and son, Oshawa. Don and Grant Tbompson. Bowmanville; Mr. Lloyd Tbomp- son, Toronto, were visitons at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Mn. and Mns. Don Mackenzie aoc! family, Tomonto, at the Mc- Neil home on Sunday. Dinner gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton on Stinday wenc Mn. Ivan Sharp, Mn. Ross Sharp and Mr. Adam Sharp, En- niskillen; Mrs. R. Tennant, Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenbead. Mn. and Mrs. James Graham, Garfield and Gordon'. Bowman- ville, were Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham's. Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Potts, Miss Frances Potts and! Jimmie McDonald, Collin.gwood, were Saturday visitons at Mn. and Mrs. J. Potts. Mn. and Mns. Thomas Potts remained for a week's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean and daughter, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton at their cottage. Mr. and! Mrs. Stan Kaiser, Garry and! Ann, Ottawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander- son, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn and family. Mr. and! Mrs. Sulas Trewin and Judith, Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin. Bowmanville. visited Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. Venna Avery holîdayed with Mr. and Mns. Arthur Tncwin. Mr. and Mns. Alfred Gamrard. Mrs. B. Houseman, Wayne and Sandra, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Ganrard visited the Jacksoni family at South Monaghan. Visitons witb Mrs. Wm. Tnew- in were Mn. and Mrs. David Mon- row, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. L - ý- .. -A Frank Smith and Brenda, Co-11 lumbus; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L N S U T Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martyn1 and family, Mr. and Mrs.Suas Mrs. Sophie Kovacs and Mr. Trewin and Judith. Bowvman- Gabriel Kovacs visited friends ville. in Montreal over the long week- Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Heuve- end. len and family moved to their Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McClure new home at Hampton on Satun- and Mrs. Pearl Virtue were Sun- day. day supper guests of Mr. and Miss Lily Tabb is bolidayingi Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace. with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cowl- M r. F. O. Smith and Bob, Bow- ing, Salem. 'manville, were Sunday evening W.A. September meeting will cles be beid at the home of Mns. Sorry to report Mr. Walter Cecil Slemon, Hampton, Thurs: Vaneyk bac! the misfortune to day afternoon, Sept. 12. l\'rs. lose one of bis kilns full of tobac- Don Cameron's group in charge. co hast Monday morning. The Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm new kiln is being built by a local and Kevin spent last weekend carpenter and otber heip, with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mac- Miss Violet Rice, London, Dermid, Stratford. Kathy and spent a few days renewing old JQudy Rahim with Mr. and Mrs. jacquaintances. Walter Rahm, Tyrone. 1, Club 50 ladies will meet Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemôn, day evening, Sept. 10 at the were Sunday visitors at Mn. and borne of Mrs. Gwen Murphy. Mrs. Will Forder's, Blackstock. Miss Christina Lanarack and Mr. and Mns. Ross Ashton and Mr. Joe Van Beck were Sunday family and Mrs. Win. McLaugh- callers of Mr. Robt. Sim. lin at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, Laughlin's, Nestieton. spent the long weekend witb his Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletch- famiiy heid a wiener roast down er. by their cottage on the weekend. Mr. Gordon Baker, Harry, Those attending were Mr. and John, Jeanie and Bruce, Mrs. Mrs. J. Ross and family, Mr. and Johns, Mn. A. J. McLa.-gan, Mur- Mrs. Fred Ashton and Bill, Miss ray and Heather, Mns. Timoll, Mary Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Milton and Pat atten&ed Port Louis Ashton and family, Mr.. Hope Fair Saturday wben Harry and Mrs. Arthur Read. Ina Beryl and Milton received f ifth and and Lynne. sixth on their pair of pijgs and Miss Aileen McAlpine, having John received Sixth on Show- spent bier summer holiday witb manship on bis pair of pigs in ber gnandfatber, Mn. J. Walker, the 4-H Club section. Congrat- bas returned to ber home in ulations, boys. Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love- and Ann spent Sunday with Mn. nidge are spending the weekend and Mrs. Lorne Hudson, Miil- in Toronto and attending the brook. Exhibition. Mrs. W. Penwarden spent the Miss Jean Bertnim, accom- panied Mrs. Chivers and baby Louise to the Exhibition on Labor Day. Mrs. Chivers bac! entered baby Louise in the baby contest at the Canadian National Exhibition. Mn. and Mrs. Wilbun Black- hurn, Wayne, Carol and Dougie [attended the C.N.E. on Tbursday rlSorry to bear Mrs. Annie Mc- "u IH Neîl's eye operation was not too successful. Mrs. McNeil is bav- ing ber other eye operated on T W this Saturday. We hope it will be a success.wiD ue1 Glad to sec Mn. Henry Ashton' is out around again. Mr. David Malcolm is stiil a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Sunday School at 2 p.m. and AI Cburch service at 7:30 instead of 3 p.m. due to Decoration Day- service at Bcthesda Cemetery at 3 p.m.__ _ _ _ Drive-in-Churci, _ Proves Popular Beautiful weather prevailed Sunday for the last open air "Drive-In" chumcb service at the Cream of Banley Park for this season, These "Drive-In" chunch ser- vices wene spoosomed by the Pentecostal Churcb, 21 Ontario St., unden the capable leader- ship of the Pastor, Rev. G. E. Leno. Durîng Mr. Leno's five yeans of ministry in Campbcllford he found that open air cburch during summen mooths' was wondenfully attended and great- ly appreciated by the general puiblic'-and it was felt that the people of Bowmanviile wouid enjoy the same. Mr. Keitb Cooneil, propnietor of Cncam Of Bariey, is to b commcnded in offening 50 many wooderful privileges free to tie town anc! community as this lovcly Park affords. Piano accordian and bamitone homo played by Mrs. Helen Mc- Donald. Miss Vera Clapp and, Mr. Roy Johnson formned a beautiful background for such hymns as "What a friend wer have in Jesus," "'hen the roll is calcd up yonder,", "There' a Peace in My Heant" aoc! othens sung by those seated in their cars around the bencheq. Prayen was offered by the! pastor. Mn. Bob Ostrossen, gospel singer, thriiled the audience with sucb numbers as "ShIx, Ahoy," "Ninety and Nine," "lis in My Heart" aond "When They Ring Those Golden Belis." It is cxpected "«Drive-In" chunch will be conducted dur- ing July and August of next year.1 The, public are Invited ta similar inspiring gospel ser- 'vices conducted each Sunday at Pentecostal Church, Ontar:½ St., as well as Bible Study and Prayer Wednesday a p.m. rv MIDGEr &MT AD weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Bob Cameron: Mr...and Mrs. Clayton Brown and Lynda were Sunday supperi guests àt the Cameron's. Mr. Bob Cameron went on a! zWeeex>d.fishin t trp at North là. nd rs. H. De Mille and ýfa 11vy, 4.owmanviiie: Mr. and N~C. Fenwarden and famlly were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and family, Janetville, were Satur- day and Sunday visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gib- son. Mr. AI Campbell, Whitby; Mr. Orwell Muirhead, Oshawa-, Mr. George Coombes and Mr. Lloyd Peel, Bowmanviiie, were Satur- day visitors of the Gibsons. Mr. and Mrs. Ai CampbelI, Whitby were Thursday evening visitors at the Gibsons. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker and family, Mrs. May Johns vis- ited friends in Aidershot on Thursday. Mrs. Gertie Baker returned to her home at Aider- shot having spent a month visit- ing relatives and friends here. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report' For the week of August 26 to Sept. 1: Admissions ----- -------- 32 Births: 1 maie, 4 female - 5 Diseharges -------------- --- 46 Major operations ---- Minor operations ---- -----15 Emergency tre.atments -----18 Visiting hours 2:30 to 4:30 p.n.. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. Amateur Night Feature at Th ree M's Solina: The Three M's met at the home of Stan and Mary Mill- son with 16 members present. The program was in charge of Wes and Doris Hilîs. During the business period Donald Taylor was appointed to purchasse a light for the piano in the S. S. room. The programme took the form of amateur night with each fam- ily providing a number. Readings were given by Stan Milison and Ba rry Tourner; Harvey and Lois Yeilowiees sang a duet; Bruce Taylor and, Wes His contributed harmonica! selections, Faye and Donna Vice sang two du ets with Faye ac- companying on the guitar; Joyce and Donald Taylor played a piano and "trombone" duet. Wes His led the worship period,' the theme being "The Living Faith:". Stan Milîson led a geography contest. Every - one enjoyed corn, marshmal- lows. coffee and a social time. THE CLOCK 0F LIIFE The dlock of life is wound but once And Ilo man has the power To tell just when the hand wil -stop At late or early hour. Now is the only time you own Live, love, toil with a will Place no faith in "tomorrow" for The dlock may then be stili. WREN THERE'S A JOB TO BE DONE, DEPEND ON THE ""MIGHTY NIDGET" THE LITTLE GUY WITH THE POWERFUL PUNCH - A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN NfOP 'nte%IMubm 9utetiMan Sur-veys show thai aimas! al Siatesman readers check the clasuified ads every week! Put these littie giants to work for you - buying, selling, hiring, rent- irig - canrying your message to our thousands of readers weekly. It's your best advertising buy! THE FAST WAY TO GET SURE-FIlE RESULTS - PLACE A WANT AD IN: TRURSDAY, SEPT. 5th, in. S'OLINA One of Sol'na's older and higbly rcspected citizens, Mr. B. G.. Stevens, passed Away on Sunclay, August 25, in Memon- iai Hospital, Bowmianville. For the past year failing bealth prevented hlm fom taking his place in Eidad 't hurch where he was a faithfui member and a regular attendant. Funenal service on Tuesday was con- ducted by bis pastor, Rev. F. Reed, at the Morris Funeral Pariours. Interment was in Bethesda Cemnetery. The Women's Institute wil meet on Tbursday evening, Sept. 12. Mrs. Hans Geîssberg- er, Sr., of Zion will be guest speaker and the girls of the 4-H- Club will present a skit. Solina soccer team, in a fast game with Zion on Saturday night were defeated, and thus are eliminated from the play- off games. Mapie Grove and Zion are now competing in the finals. Three bèautiful baskets of flowers were placed at the cburch altar on Sunday after- noon by relatives of Mr. B. G. Stevens in loving memory. Mr. Bob Scott of Grande Prairie, has been vîsiting friends and relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Guelph, and Mr. Charles Scott, Delhi, also attended the fune-al of their uncie, Mr. B. G. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yeilowlees, Harold and Murray w7ere in Toronto on Sunday on the oc- casion of the Silver Wedding anniversary of Mrs. Yellowlees' sister (Dorothy) Mrs. J'ack Marks and her busband Jack. Sewing Project The Solina "Nifty Nightîei" girls' group held eig.ht meetings in tre project enti tled "Sleep- ing Garments." During that time the various types of sew- ing included French, fiat-feli- ed and lapped seams, bouind buttonholes, bias bînding, cord- ing, shed hem, stay stitching,' slip stitch, machine stitching and gathering. The girls made pyjamas. some taiiored and some fussy. Several made housecoats. With the heip of the leaders, Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and Mrs. Don Tayrlor, the 14 girls in the club have learned a great deal about. sewi ng. Shirley and Marilyn Quant- nul are working on the exhibit for Achievement Day on Scpt. 14 at Orono. The other girls! are preparing a skit which will be presented also at that timp.. Sharon Larmer of Black- stock, spent several days with ber cousins, Karen and Brenda Yellowlees. Schoois re-opened on Tues- day witb Mr. W. L. Lycett at Solina school; Mrs. Will Ash- ton at Bradley's and Miss Lorna Wallis of Belleville at Baker's scbool. Communion service wi]l bc held next Sunday afternoon at 2:45 with Sunday School pre- ceding at 1:30. Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and daughters visited Sunday evening witb M-s. FlorencO Yellowlees at Taunton. .Mrs. T. Goyne, Prestonvale, is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. LanÈntaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langznaid were Sunday visitors at Mr. Keith McGiIIs, Enm- skillen. Mn. Gordoni Pascoe, K.ingston, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mns. Bruce Monte gomery were tes guests on Sunday of Mns. Dorothy Mont- gomery in Oshawa. tunice Leask and Jean Cry- derman have returned froni a very enjoyable plane trip to Mexico. Mrs. George Knox entertain- ed several little friends of her daughter Carol on her sixth birthday on Aug. 28. Mr. and Mns. Wes HilUS and famiiy visited at Mn. M. Mc- Carreil's, Omnemee. Miss Evelyn Taylor spent a few days at home after returxî- ing from working on a United Church Caravan at Hunta and Clute, near Cochrane, and has now resumed her nursing dut- ies at Peterborough Hospital. Dr. Clare Langm aid of Wind- sor and gMr. Chas. Allun of Bowmanvihie visited on Sat- urday with Mn. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and sons. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor visited at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox o! Brougham and Mr. and Mrs. John Knox visited Mrs. G. S. Real at Biackwater. Mr. and Mrs. Raipb Craw- fogd and sons, Wbitby, visited at John Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker spent several days at St. Eustace, IQue. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Stanley visited at Mr. W. Glas- pell's and Mr. V. Wilson's at Peterborough. Joan and Shirley Westlake spent several days at M'r. Reg Land's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. V. Wilson, Pet- erborough, visited at Mr. I. Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr., Phyllis Ann and Gordon enjoyed a pleasant motor tri p to Niagara Falls and St. Cath- arines and visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. C. Disney and family, Mt. Zion; Ruth Pascoe, Tyrone, visited at Lloyd Bro- orne's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake, Jr., and chiidren visited a, Mr. F. R. Cook's, Bowman- ville. I'a:ter Jimmiiy *Youingi-a7i, Tyrone, holidayed with liÎ cousin, Murray Flett.' Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett an~d family visited on Sunday at Mr. N. Leach's, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Mr. Ken Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tink, Ebenezer; Missi Margaret McGregor, Courtice; Mr-. and Mrs. Ke.ith Shackleton, Bowmanville, were tea guest3 on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox on their sixth wedding anniversary. In the ev- ening visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Annan of DeLt.o.--; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice and Mr. Everett Vice. Miss Nancy McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bent, Oshawa, visited at Mn. E. Spires'. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Terwil- legar and Lois, Mr. and Mns. J. Dyer and Elizabeth, Oshawa, ivisited at Rae Pascoe 's. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN- IROWMAMMT.M. ONTARTO l' r f r c 1