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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1957, p. 14

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-. .-.-..--~----...-.. *. -. - -.-------~..'~~ -"r- -- - ~ ~. -~.. f - -, ................................................................................................~~-----c... Sedan in Ai condition, mies - - $155 0 1954 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan In$17 top condition -- 1 7 1953 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan $ 119 5 xith low mileage, locally awned$1 9 car -------------$ 1 9 1953 Chevrolet Coach -$1195 1953 Ford 2-ton Siake In AI condition $975 See our excellent selection of 1947, 1948 and 1949 cars that we are cleaning out to make rooni for new models. Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC,, BUICK, GMC TRUCKS & VAUXHALL DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 T1~ c!ANAnL&N ~TA'l'W.MM AI~? RI'IWMA MVI? X.V~ flM~A~?~ Goodyear Employees HoId Surprise Part y For Frank Bottrel No local "Goodyearite" upon and his favorite hobby o retiring fnom the finm's active pigeons . Both the cottage and service was ever the object of the pigeons are kept until this greaten demonstrations of good- day. Miss Helen Perfect had, will and affection than was presented Mrs. Bottnell with a Frank Bottreli wben lie term- bouquet of yellow roses. inated 32 years of faithful and It was now Mr. Cryderman's; efficient service with the Com- 1 turn to rail back two sliding Vany last weekend.1 doons and reveal a handsome The greater part of Frank's desk upon whose top stood a tirne with Goodyear had been desk lamp and a pen and pencil spent as foreman of the Receiv- set. These were Frank's gifts ing Department. His keen sense from *'bis boys" and the Pur- of arganization and long range chasing Dept. under Mr. Cryden- Planning found wide scope in man. His warm words of thanks this particular field. brought heanty handclapping In a department which bath and the singing of "He's A Jolly receives and distnibutes practi- Good Fellow". ca]ly ail goods relating ta a great With Tom Park as accompan- plant. the respansiliility devolv- ist, Colin Taylor then contnibut- I ing upon certain individuals 1 ed a vocal solo, followed by a' ciii be neadily understood. vocal duet by C. Taylor and A. Fnank was one of those men Bell. Mr. Bell favored witb a who took his wonk seriousîy, vet sola, likewise T. Mastenson. Old rnaintained a cbeerfulness and time music followed, the par- amit "v that made hlm a friend tîcipants being G. Perfect, ac-. of al cardionist; L. Ransberry, fiddler;' L. Staintan, banjaist, and C Perhaps it was this popularity Taylor and W. Bridgett an har- that moved the men working aîa Inyrknww a under bîm ta do the unusual and sa mc. taleetin te depat unique in a farewell ovation. omc aeti h eat Instad a thecustmanv ment," commented Hanry Cny- sentation and handshake wtind mn the walls of the factony, Frank*s, As a sequel ta these activities, men nepained ta the spaciaus Fnank was guest of the Company home of Mr. and Mns. Lau an the follawing day (Friday, Phillips at Tyrane where a grand August 3tb) for the naon evening meal was served under luncheon; was banouned by trib- the capable supervision of Mns. u.tes as ta bis faitbfulness, was Pbillips, Miss June Taylor and given a gaodly purse of money, Miss Helen Perfect. The men and in lighter vein, was present- had canfidied thein plans ta Mrs. ed with a pair of purportedly.V Bottreil, and Frank was quite "pnize" pigeons and a memben- t 'unaware of the jgathering untîl sbip certificate for "'The Loafers' his arrival at Tyrone. 'I was Club". t always told a waman cauld flot keep a secret" he said later. "ItP is fot tue.My wfe new bou isno tue M wfeknw bot YELVERTON f this three weeks aga, and neyer said a word." Two of Manvers Township Seated at the head of the long senior citizens answened theE table with Mrs. Bottrell at his cati this week - Mns. Rabt. right hand, his "boys" and mem- Argue of Janetville, and Mr. bers of the Punchasing Depant- Cephas Staples of Lifford. ment flanking him on eithen Deepest sympatby is extendedR side Frank was manarch of ail ta their immediate families. *t he surveyed. "I will neyer for-T get it as long as I live" said he. The Norman Wilsons accom- Following the repast, Harny panied the Carl Smitbs on a I Cryderman, Puncbasing Agent trip ta Toronto. for Goodyear, taok charge as The Floyd Stinsons have ne- cc master of ceremunies. tunned from their trip in the si Review?-ig Fnank's cancer, he1 U.S.A. They visited Marjarie's spoke of his ealier emplo ment aunt and cousins, the George ai at the former Dominion Organ Crosses and the Douglas Kern3 Ri and Piano factary, bis faitbful, of Chana, 75 miles west of te service on the tawn fine brigade, Chicago, 111. bi his care for the summen cottage We should like ta correct an ennor which crept into last SO week's news which credited us th S AILEMY witb a certain mechanical an prowess wbich we do not pas- bc Mr m dtl LY.1 z TVillin-i U .q f, rl f-MIce flm1- * hart, Niagara Falls, N.Y., wee' visitons last week witb Mn. ai-d Mrs. Sam Buttery and Mns. J Lancaster. Miss Joyce Collacott is spend- ing two weeks' bolidays with hen aunt and uncle, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Ottawa. Mn. and Mns. Bob Craig, Mn Henb Cnaig, Miss Beatrice Craigý? ettended tbe Shakespearcan F'estival at Strafford an Satun-j dlay evening. Sebool opencd an Tuesday with Mn. b. McMabon, Bow- rnanville, in change of the Sen- ior roamn and Miss Waneta «Young again in charge of thej Juniors. (Intendcd for hast week) Mrs. J. Delaney and Douglas have been visiting for the past week witb fricnds and relatives at Powassan. Sincene sympathy is extend- cd ta Mn. and Mns. Ken Werny and family in the deatb of ber inother, Mrs. Norman Rickard. Huge Crowd Attends Service Station Dance There wasn't room for the gas and oil busiress at in front of the pump s Mr. a nd Mrs. Don Philp; right,M. HIap Philp's B.A. Service Station opening on Saturday and Mrs. Dave Phasey. In the background, part of the when thousands gathered to enjoy the square dance on the huge crowd. tarmac and participate in the free prizes and pop. At left, laIls at Little Bnitain and then poaceeded, accampanied by the Bill Werrys of Kedron, on a naton trip to North Bay. VIns. Frank Joblin and Mns Eades, Sutton, called on thi Ray and G. E. Robinsons.. Miss Cheryl and Master Jin Rowan are on bolidays witl the Rowans of Yelvcnton. Mn. Donald Werry of Kedrar ;s at the Art Rowans. Masten- Terry Malcolm È~ convalescing fnam a rêcent ton. ihectomy. Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Waltet and Douglas. Islington, at Ar, Rowans. Master Gardon Wal- crs retunned after spendini his holidays assisting Arthur. Mn. and Mrs. G. E. Robin- son enjoyed a moton trip wiLlh the Will Robinsons of Cavar and Mn. Bert Nichols of Peter- arough. sesanc ausesU thLe eet juice Mvessrs. ivanjean and iJane ta suffuse aur pallid featuncs Malcolm at Sam Adams', Bow- every time we tbink of it. It manville. was'aur good neighbour Floyd Many Yelvertonians enjoyed Stinson wbo bas been- a sum- a day at Toronto Exhibition. mer employee of the Warren The Harvey Malcolms incorpor- Paving Ca. for several years ated thein visit witb one ta the wbo bas termînated empiay- Booms of Cooksville. ment ta continue as a full time Sho ashr gi n [farmer in present flourisbing Sool dabey here agaîn ar. enterpnise of hog praducer.ante bvy fsar-ye (Fee beter lreay)!toddlers wave good-bye Tues- (Fee beter lreay)!day a.m. ta misty-eyed main- Last Sunday the Wilson fani- mas as tbey embark an their iiy (Gea. E., Dgvid, Norman, life's greatest adventure. We Vance of Toronto, and Jacks embark to on aur fourtb year and their familles of Yelverton as Yelventon correspondent to in attendance) was beld at the Durham County's Great Fam- Walter Henry cottage near ily Journal. Haultain - wbeneven in blazez Mn. and Mrs. Roy Werny and that is. Debbie, Hull, Que., called or Mn. and Mns. Murray Malcolm the Hanvey Malcolms. and girls wene guests of the ___________ Cari Smitbs of Bethany. On' same date the Balfour Moores Do not fonget that an bonest, enjoyed a day witb tbe BillI wise zeal, a lowly, triumphanl Jenkins at their cottage near trust, a truc beant, and a belp. Pont Boîsten. ing hand constitute man, and Saturday the Art Rowans at- notbing less is man or woman, tended the Rick - Jackson nup- - Mary Baker Eddy. OBITUARY GEORGE F. ANNIS George F. Annis. widely known and higbly respected tbnougbout the* United Count- ies of Northumberland and Durhamn, passed away at Osh- awa General Hospital an Aug. 27tb in bis 78th year. Mn. Annis was li faiin bealtb for the past txvo montb pleasure in bis garden and fia wens. In 1907 he married Ada Allun wbo passed away four montbs laten. In 1914 he married Flot- ence Aluin and tbey had one daugbten, Ada (Mrs. Glenn Piekeil). His wife and daugb- ter survive bim, as well as two gnandchiidnen Rae and Shirley Pickell. Mn. Annis was the last memr- -ber of bis family, two brothens and thnee sistens baving pre- deceased bim: Arthur W., Lii- lian (Mrs. Arthur H. Brent>, Walton, Florence (Mns. S. J. Courtice) and Annie (Mrs. L. T. Courtice). Funeral service was conduct- ed at the Morris Funenai Chapel on August 30. by two former pastons of Ebenezer Chuncli, Rev. H. C. Linstead of Niagara Falls and Rev. W. C. Smitha of 'Port Stanley. Mn. Linstead paid tnibute ta Mn. Annis' Christian life, bis wark in cbuncb and community, and bis love of beauty. Mrs. Albert Cale pnesided at the ongan. Many beautifill floral tributes spoke eloquently of the esteemn in wbich Mn. Annis was beld. Among themn ibeing those ot The County Court of Revision and County Assessar, Warden and Council of the United Counties of Northum-berland and Durham, Tbe Townsbip of Danhîngton, The Durham Liberal Associa- tion, The Staff of Roy Nichais ,Garages of Bawmanville and Courtice, The Harmonizers, Ebenezer Cburch. - iPalîbearens were four ne- phews, Howard Brent, Lamne Annis, James Clark, Rev. Car- man Armstrong, and two cou- sins Clane Aluin and Alfred Aluin. Interment was in Bow- rnanville Cemetery. Friends and relatives attend- ed the funenal fnom Brantford. Windsor, Toronto, Scarbono , Milton and Cobourg as well as Bawmaaville and district. ENNISKILLEN 1at the Ontaria haspital, Wbit- by. Congratulations to Shirley who, is now a senior nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and boys, Oshawa, Mr. andi Mrs. Keith Ferguson and boy_ý, Bowmanville, were withMr and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Messrs. Adam, Ivan and Ross Sharp were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Hayd on. Pnivate Dennis Doyle spent a week's leave with Mr. and Mrs. W. Howefls. He has been training at Nova Scotia. -Donald Wearn spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. This week, Donald and Ron Parrott, Chaýk Lake, are camping somewhere nean Algonquin Park. Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethic attended the funeral of Mr. Bert Reid, Orono, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and family, Enniskillen; Mn. and Mns. Ross Lee, Kedron. wene with Mr. and Mns. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mns. L. Stainton and family with Mr. and Mns. C. Milis, Port Perry. Many fnom bere have atten- ded the C.N.E. Mr. and Mns. Adam Hawley and Cathanine, Peterborough. were Monday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Clanemont. Mr. and Mns. Ted Werny and Patricia with Mr. and Mns. Perigoe, Caesanea. Miss Phyllis Howells visited! with Miss Heather Bissonnette, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. BrFitton, Newcastle, were necent visitars of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethiel.. m ,h n ri e ie d d. 'but was at home until a few -hours befone bis passing. Mr. Annis was borin at the family bomestead, Hillcrest Fanm in Danlington Townsbip sauth of Courtice, the son of the late Levi A.nnis and Char- lotte Clemens. He attcnded sebool at S. S. 4, Darlington and later took a business jcourse at Albert College in Belleville. His fathen passingi when he was à young man, Mn. Annis took aven the home farm whicb has been in the Annis family since it was deedcd fnom the Crown. He cantinued active farming until 14 years ago when bis son-mn- this responsibility. Continuing Mn. and Mns. Eaml Masters' ta reside at the bomcstcad un- and girls, Bowmanvihle; Miss tii bis death, he took great Ruby Vintue, Toronto, were vis- pleasure in bis grandchildren, itors of Mn. and Mrs.. Ralph Rae and Shirley Piekeil. Vîrtue. Alwas itenste in Uic Miss Bannie Beech, Maphe bettermenterf agriculurhMe.Grave, bas been bohidaying betermnt f aricltue, r.with ber cousins, Miss Lois Annis was a memben and past Ashton and Master Charles president of -West' Durham Ag- Ashton. rieultural Society wben the Mn. and Mrs. J. Mulligan, Bob fail fair was'held in Bowman- and Fnank, Ajax, wene Sunday] ville, and after its amalgama- visitors of Mn. and Mrs. C. tion witb Orono, continued as Petbick. a dinecton fan same yeans. He Mns. Allan Werry, Sandra and was also fan many yeans on the Sharon were Wednesday guests executive of the Ontaria Agni- of Mn. and Mns. Ross Lee, Ked- cultural Council. non. Tbough a quiet man, Mn. An- Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston ais believed la serving bis and boys, Bowmanviile; Mn. community and was a valued and Mns. Roy Langmaid, Mn. member of Dalingtoa Towil- and Mrs. Cbarhey Langmaid, ship Council fon Il years, five Sally and Tomm-y, Sauina; Mn. of whicb be served at Reeve. and Mns. Roy McGill and Reva He senved an the County were with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Court of Revision fnom its in- MeGiîI. ception until pon health made Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and I t necessary for -hlm ta esign Rodney accompanied Mn. and his position la July. A letter Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowman- from the Counties'- Clerk in ville, on a motor trip ta North acknowiedgement of bis resig- Bay, and tbrougb Algonquin nation expresses wbat ail as- Park on Sunday. ociated witb Mn. Annis in bis Miss Canal James, Pickering, various activities feit: "These with Miss Lamna Weann. Counties were extremely for- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Holnoyd, unate ta have had youir serv- Hampton, were Sunday visit- ices on this Court from its ors of Mn. and Mns. Stewart! inceptioa ta the present time, Lamb. s your goad judgment, bancs- Sunday visitons at Mn. and ty, ready wit, open mindedness Mns. Ross Page's and Leonard and wcalth of municipal ex- Bradley's weme Mr. and Mrs. peniencc bas done mucb ta Donald Stainton and boys, stabiisb respect and esteeni Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Eanl for the County Court." Luke and boys, Hampton. Mr. Mn. Annis was respected by and Mns. Ross Page and family il for bis intcgrity and taking visited witb Mr. and Mns. Jake. àstand for what lie fclt was McLaren, Newcastle. 'igbt. Mrs. E. Stnutt, Mr. and Mrs. He was a member for many Clifford Pethiclc and Ruth. 'ears, and a past president of were with Mr. and Mmi. Hcnb 1e Men's Canadian Club, an Gibson, Çaesamea. irganizatian which h naî Mrs. Adam Sharp,, Mrs. Ivan njoyed. He was also a mem-ShrMsRssSa ad en of the board of Bowman- baby are vîsiting with nr. and' 'ille Hospital and chairman in Mns. Han-y Gnegg and boys at ,948. He was an elder in Eben- Glenburnîe, Maryland. ýzen United Cburch and presi- Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Cross and! lnt of the' Bible Saçiety at family, Maple Grave; Mn. and he timne of ihîs deatb. la earî- Mrs. Leonard Cheeseman, Osh- er yeams he also sang in the awa, wene visitons of Mn. and ,hoir. and tbrotxghout the years Mns. W. Howell. erve hi chrch n rany Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Werry tnedbs huc i mn were Sunday visitons of Mnr., .as.and Mrs. Austin Turne , ew He was an active member of castie. unham County Libenal Assoc- Miss Shirley Mills, nurse-mn- tion and the chosen candidate training, Peterborough, spent or Werst Dunham Riding ln the the weekead with ber mother, rovincial election of 194,3. Mrs. H. Milîs and boys. Shirley, la leisure hours lie took is now« to spend three months fi y ti 0 el b ie i fo P: THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARM HAMPTON Holiday visitons at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Ken Cavenly were Major and Mrs. Cartmehl, Peterborough-, Mn. and Mrs.! Bruce Cavenly, Oshawa; Mrs.! Warren Browvn and Miss Elaine I Spears, Saginaw, Micb., Mr.1ý Clarke Ma'-sh and Miss Green,1 Fit, Mich. Mn. and Mns. Ken Caverlvl wene Sunday dinner guests af Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Caverly,j Osh awa. Mns. Ken Cavenly accamr- panied Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey taO Taronto on Saturday where the latter is taking up residence in the Park Terrace Apts. in North Tononto. Miss L. Reynolds and Miss Florence Wenry wene necent visitons with friends at Oak- wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burraws, Brougham, witb their son, J. A. and Mns. Burnows. Miss Elsie McMillan, Glen Sanfield, was a necent visitor at A. E. Billett's. Mr. Chanlie Martin, Vancou- ver,ý B.C., visited bis sister, Mns. Wintenburn, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patte, Oshawa, visited Mrs. R. J. Mc.. Culloch. Mn. and Mrs. Donald White, Oakville, were with bis moth- er, Mns. Will White, at the weekend. Miss Sancy Johns bas ne- turned ta Toronto after spend- ing the summer vacation with ber sisten, Mrs. W. Wbite. Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto, witb the Salters. Mr. and Mns. Erie Pbillips, Anita and Paul, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mns. J. A. Bunrows. Miss Lonrene Warnack, Tor- onto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mns. Everett E14iot and Miss Barbara Elliott, Osh- awa, visited Mrs. Joe Chap- m an. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kensey and Miss Grace Kersey visited Mr. and Mns. Raymond Burns 1 at their cottage at Rice Lake 1 on Sunday.1 Misses Rutb and Marie Pres- i cott and Mn. A. L. Prescott at- 1 tended the Exhibition on Sat- urday. Recent callers at A. W. Pres- q cott's wene Mr. and Mrs. Her- i 'bert Prescott and Rager, En- field: Mn. and Mns. Dave Bak- i er, Osbawa; Mn. and Mrs. J.: S. Eddyvean, Orono; Mn. and' i Mns. Will Eddyvean and Gwen, New ýLiskeard. Wamen's Institute meeting i ( will be held on Thursday aften- I noon in the chunch basemeüj, pnogramn in charge of the E graup. Subject. -Healtb," ~ Knox. Ahl ladies welcomc.r Cburcb sénvice was resuni*d an Suniday morning in charge of aur pastar who presentedra practical message in keeptag with the Labour Day themie Communion will be observ on Sunday next, service Èt 11:15. Official Board will n4 t the fallowing Monday evenifïg. Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey bas retunîn- ed ta Toronto ta reside having sold ber home bere ta Mr. ajud Mrs. Murray Yeo. We welcome them ta ur village.'I Mr. Malcolm Reed accampan- ied by Mn. Dave Thampson, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parenit Rev. and Ms Reed. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Harrnisqqx and baby and Mr. Harrison, Sr,. Part Penny, visited ber paren, Mn. and Mns. G. Adcock on SundaY. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Ray Petit a1Sd childten and Miss Cecile Petit, Toronta; Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Shackleton, Salem, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mns. W. Chapman. Mn. and Mns. Will Cbapmari accompanied Mn. and Mns. -X. Gibbs of Tyrone on a tnip, :« Detroit where they spent a féiw days with Mr. and Mrs. S. Nash. 1f Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Clei- ens, Ran and Barry, Mn. and Mrs. Dave Hall, Darlene a?±d Cathanine, Mn. and Mrs. ýC. Tenpstna and Michael, Hamp'- ton: Miss Carol Wrigt, En;p_- skillen, Mn. and Mns. Norm 1np Clemens, Marilyn and Keith, Toronito; Mn. and Mrs. A. Clu- mens, Bowmanville: Mn. andi MVrs. E. H. Ruthven, Pont Hope; Mns. I. Dunbar and Mn. Elliott Dunbar- of Peterborougb, were iveekend visitons with Mn. and MrIs. A. L. Blanchard at their cottage at Williams' Point. Mrs. J. Brown and Miss Chenyl Neil, Toronto, viq-.d the Blancband's last weeky' Rev. and Mns. Reed are 1* w at home after thein bolida«. Mrs. Jack Lyon and Mrs. fri'-J VlcCune wene co-hostesses f6r a miscellaneous sbower i n oun of Miss Barbara rns, Oshawa, (bride-to-be) the formen's home on It/esý evening of last week. 'A num- ber of relatives were present and she was the recipient of rnany lovely gifts. A pleasarit evening was spent and nefneslt- rnpnts wene served. Michael Sbuttleworth ls,' Datient in Memonial Hospitai Bowmanville, having had the miMrtune ta break a leg and an armn while niding bis wbeel out of a neigbbour's driveway into the naad, where he weu hiit by a car. 't s 1954 Pontiac Laurenfian 4-door 1954 Pontiac Laurenlian 2-door We stili have a few good USED HALF-TON TRUCKS Ail late mnodels in excellent condition. PACU pouerrm THURSDAY, SEPi'. Sth, 190 By Douglas Rigè, Choral Society Dancing Class ciety xiii be getting their Fall Dain;ig Classes will hold registration days on Wedn.. activities under way this com- September 8th, from 4:00 - igMonday, September 9th, at Pan. and on Saturday; Se - teTown Hall, beginning at ber '2st, from 10:00 a.m. to 1 8:00 p.m. The Çhoral Society naon.t will again be under the leader- The Wednesday afternd~ ship of Mr. Hugh Martin. Any-î classes will be under the di one interested in joining the; tian of Miss Irenie Harvey, . Choral Society is asked ta. con-j T.A., R.M.T., A.C.C.M Thýe . tact Alnme Ayre by telephoninc urday morning clsss 11l MA 3-2830 ta make arrangements under the direction of II for an audition. 1IDawn Jones-Abramoff.

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