THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL~ flW~A WT(~ I hree Speciai Meals a Day Hospifal's Fine Kitchen Pro vides Essential'* Food Laundry Also Important "E1sie Carruthers Lunrey) and muffins served ta staff, A hopitl i a ommnit Indoctors and nurses with coffee Alsef. verypr is depemmndeynt on their coffee break are also on the othen, yet the general made by Iee aes public seldom sees or tbinks be- 1 pB Eeao yond the patients' nooms, or if To return ta tbe tale of the ha bas ta visit il, the operating trays, the patient's name is at- room.. ta cbed ta the tray ta ansure the But the Memorial Hospital at proper persan receiving tbe food Bowmanville, ike ahi othen has- wbicb bis or ber diet allows. pitls, wouid cease ta function Wben the trolleys o! trays are if the iaundry dîd flot continue ready tbey are wbeeied intobbh ta provide clean linen, and the elevaton and the kitchen noti- -kitchen ta send up tbree meais fies the staff upstairs by inter- a day, tbe trays carefuiiy made, com that dinner is on the way up according to the diet tbce up. A nurse's aide usually takes Patient is allowed. the trolley off, and accompanied A visit to the spotiess modern by a nurse they begin the rounds kitchen aI meal lime in the base- witb that welcome interruption ment is a real eye-opener. Hene j dinner! Mrs. Jessie Prouit is in charge aif Miss Edibb Joint is Mrs. a staff af nine. each wilb ber Prout's able assistant; Mrs. own job, who work wilb care Giadys Wight is in charge ai the and precision. The delectabie trays, Mrs. Lais Pohiard preparas *smell af goad food cooking fis all the vegetables at special big the kitchen. sinks in the fan kitchen. There Assebly ineis an autamatic peeler there toa. Assebly inaMrs. Pency Parler doas wbat- Trays were just being made up ever is wanted anywbere and for the noon meal wben we paid Mrs. Alice Rabbins keeps every- a visit on Tuesday. An assembiy thing spotiessly dlean. lina sysbcm works banc. Silven aki rg goas on the trays finsl, juice, bread and butter and othen coid There are thnee walk-in ne- dishes; next the bot food fnom figerators, anc of whicb is for tbe steani table witb wanming meats and is kepb below zero. covars poppcd aven tbcm and A nother is faor milk and gencral finally tea or cofice in individ- faods whicb must be refrigenated ual pots. while the third is for fruits and Special diets, sucb as diabetic vegebables. *and saIt fnca, are careiully ob- In the centre room are the bigJ senved. For the latter, every- slaves, avens, a huge soup maker1 bhing is made up witbout sait and large mixmaster. and sait free bread is baked in About twa years ago a cafe- the bospital kitchen. Mrs. Mabel teria system was installed in- Marchant, first caok, and Mns. stead ai the dining-raom for the Helen Park wbo bas the inter- jnurses, doctors, visitors ta esting tille o! "float cook", look jpatients and sa on. Mns. Cora aiter the cooking and baking. Aluin and Mns. Art Coverhy are The fIoat cook is a second or1 in charge ai the cafeteria wbichc assistant cook. Deicious buns offers an attractive variety ai BOWMANVI LLE BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE Starting ai 6 p.m. lFrïday, Sept. 6th Citizens are requested ta have their aid papars and magazines tied in bundies and piaced on the boulevards ini front of their homes. Your ca-opera- See oiir complete line of SAVAG3E SHOES For every child of school age and younger Savage Pumps, $9 sizes 12% to 3 $4.95 Savage Patent Straps, B, C and D Widths $4.95 Savage Children's Loafers $9 in sizes 12% to 3 - B, C and D Widths,-$.9 SAVAGE OXFORDS B, C, D and E Widths Sizes ____$42 6 to, 8 -$-2 Sizes$49 12% to 3------------ $4 9 Attentiaon i0hers! Shoes for Growing Boys Sizes 31/ito il Men's $750 and $8,95 Lloyd Ellis Shoes a9 King st. W. Phone MA 3-5941 salads on bot dishes, pies an othan dasants. Evaryone pays for what ha c sha bas, and the systeni bas bee: veny popuhan witb ail the staff. Employees Stay Evenyone wonking in thi kitchan, and in fact evcrywher bahind the scenes, seems ta er joy ber job. Changes in staf are at a minimum, unlike large hospitais where personnel sel dom stay long enough ta gel boli days. This is not a probiam a Memonial Hospital. Kitchen stal receive tbnee waeks' bolidays The day begins aI 6:30 a.m. wit othars relieving aI 2:30. All these modemn facilitias ani a fan cny from the equipmen- with wbicb the cook in Bow. manviile's finst bospibal in 1911 put up appatizing meals fai Patients and staff. This is thb building now occupied by Pow. ehl Cbcnîical Ca. Kept Cows Refrigeration, for instance was provided by ice from an ice shed which bald 250 blocks, buill in tbc wintan ai 1914. The tawn did not bave a water or sewer- age system when the bospital opened in 1913 tbough tbese were înstliid sbortiy after- ward. Cows were kept in the barn ta provide nihk and this invohved grawing corn ta feed the cows, so thea Board minutes for June, 1914 record. The old barn was removed in 1930. Fruit was grown on tbe pro- perty and membens af the Ladies' Auxiliary preservad il, with the nurses behping in Ibeir off bours, As tbe yaars went on, il became a custom for those wishing ta hehp the bospital ta donate canned fruit, vegetables1 or pickles aI the Hospital Birthday Party beld in Mancb eacb year. Fruit Welcome Pnobably due ta changing times in which tbena is not as much pneserving done as in former yas, very few dona- tions o! this kind arc reccivad il the bospital now. Mns. Prout stresses that tbay ara StiR Most welcome. One group wbich bas cannied on Ibis wonk for 30 yeans is the Woman's Missionany Sa- ciety af Tynone. Tbe W. A. ai Sahem bas also canned fruit for the bospital for several years. The jars are pnovided by bbe hospital. Wben peopla bave thoseý baskets ai beans. cannaIs. toma- tos or othen vegetablas from thein gardens that tbey just can't .eep up witb, thcy bave prob- ably neyer tbougbt that bbe bas- pitai couid make good use af them. The kitchen apenates on Ebudget and somatimes il is not asy ta pravide ail the fnash fruit and vegetables Mrs. Prout would like ta do witbin ils himits. Next Time Sa if yau bave an extra basket )f fruit on vagetables you can't ise. give Mrs. Prout a ring at Wemonial Hospital. Your gift 'iil be vcry walcome. On the day af our visit a de- ciaus sbew was on the- menu ind il was witb regret that we ciined Mrs. Prout's kind invi- ilion ta stay for dinnen. Pan- iaps we will bave that pleasure oma othen day. Norih Nesilelon ti i SI t ti h( th al a] s The farmers in Ibis district hava bad lovciy wcathen bo finish up tbe harvest witb good yîehds in spita of very dry waa- ther, but tbey wouhd weîcomc a good nain ta help bhc plough- ing. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Bowcrs enjoyad - a holiday hast wcek wibb thain daugbtcr, Mn. and Mns. L. Cbapman at North Bay. Wa arc glad ta report Mr. Arthur Hyland, wbo undcrwent a seniaus operation aI Oshawa Hospital, is able ta ba home again wibh friands. Cahiers at L. Joblin's during the week ware Mr. and Mns. Marshall Malcolm and Ann, Strabiord; Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Todd and Ross, Newtonville; Mn. and Mrs. Rae Malcalmn, Janebvila; Mn. and Mrs. Bart Howlett, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Joblin and girls, Mrs. F. J. Joblin and friand, Subton. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm calad an Mn. and Mns. Mernihi Van Camp Monday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Reg Sutan, Onono, visited ber uncha. Mn. and Mns. W. E. Armstrong, Masters Wayne and Mark Malcolm visibad thair grand. parents, Mn. and Mns. Rea Mal- coim, Janebville. Mn. and Mns. Grant Campbell attandad bbc Ex. lasI Monday. Mns. Campbell stayed for a faw days wibb bar panants, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Toronto. Han sister Miss Mary Stewart ac- companied bar home for the weakend. Mn. and Mrs. Manvyn Bird and family, Brooklin, spent Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Mal- colm Emerson. Mn. and Mrs. Peale, Port Penny, witb Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Stadle on Sunday. Wc are pleased ta sac Mns. Gea. Nesbiît of Orillia spcn ding a few days here with friands and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt, Bowmanvil, spent Monday with ber panants, Mn. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mn. and Mns. Henry Shef- field, Oshawa, spent Sunday wibh Mn. and Mrs. Wilford Jackson. The Nestieton Cematery De- coration Day was weil attended and tbc many beautiful flowens made the cemetary a place (if beauby, in spita ai dried out grass. The service in bbechcunch was wahl atbanded. Rav. P. Romanil gave a veny thoughb- fui and well dcivered sermon. One of aur boys wbo used t(. L male bà home at Nestietou, Many Familles Move- Here During Summer Several families who have Captain and Mrs. Norme moved ta Bowmanville this Coles, succeeded Captain a.- summer have received a cail Mrs. Bill Brown as head af ti from members of the Business Salvation Army here last montl and Professional Women's Club, They came from Whitby whej on behaif of the Welcome Wa- they had served three year gon sponsoredb> the Chamber Mrs. Coles is the former Fait of Commerce. Russell of Toronto. The Col( Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bell are now the parents of a s< came to Bowmanville in May Brian born on Aug. 11 at Grac when Mr. Bell became manager Hospital, Toronto. o f the Bank of Montreal branch Mrad rsE.Sacrr fhere. Mr. Bell is of Scottish M.adMs .Sacra c rigin and worked in variotts, their two sons John and Ma centres in Western Canada bc- coim, aged 9 and 11, arrive fore being transferred to TG- June 24 from Yorkshire, Ený ronto. He came to Bowmanviile ln.Thyaeivgint from Gananoque. The Bells Nelson Apartments, 79 King S have twco children. West. Mr. Stancer is a carpen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farley ter by trade and is empioye who live at 90 Queen St. with! with Allun and Hetheringto. their two children, Gillian, 4, Construction Ltd. Mr. StencE andCarl, , cme o Cnad jiîved in Canada from 1941 t arom iColnshiae, E Cnanda1944 when ha 'was wlth tih from LinclnsireEnglnR.A.F. ni Manitoba and Britis] last November, settiing on a Columbia. They are member farm at Ancaster. Mr. Farley of the Church of England. starts his new position as a su- pervisor at the Ontario Train-' Ail newcomers visited re ing Sebool for Boys on Sept. 1. ceive merchandfse coupons don In England the Farleys were ated by certain merchants, rnembers of the Methodist rnap of the town and list' c Church. churches and organizations. Welcome Wagon Calis On Many New Residents n Members of the Business -and Professional Women's Club have been calling on a number eof newcomers to Bowmanviiie mn the past few weeks. Among theni were Mr. and Mrs. Fior- Sent N. Beileghem of 16 George 1St., Eowmanviiie, who have s moved here from Brooklin. Mr. Belleghemn comes from Holiand, of Belgian ancestry, and arrived in Canada five years ago. He is a carpenter by trade, but due to uncertainty of full time eni- *ployment, has taken a job withi Houdaille Industries Ltd., Oshi- awa. They have a daughter *Yvonne, aged 2, and are mem- bers of St. Joseph's Roman CatholiicChurch. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fraser, 27 Temperance St., came to Bowmanviile froni Newcastle this month. They were form- erly of Gaspe, Que. Mr. Fraser bas been crippled for the past 18 years, the result of an acc- Rev. C. H. Atkinson of Albert St. Cburch, Oshawa, sang twa lovely solos which were muc'- enjoyed. We are sorry to repoizt Mrs. Charles Fallis is not at ahl well. We ail hope for a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black. Courtice, were supper guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns Sunl- day evening. Mrs. Sam Brooks and Grant, Bowmanviile, and Miss G. Clarke, 'Oshawa, Mr., and Mrs. Murray Malcolm and girls were with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm Gordie and Mary Lou and Linda Kyte, Biackstock,'with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mahcolm on Manday. Service next Sunday at Nest- leton Church at 3:30 p.m. ident on a pulp boat. Thcy bave one daughten Shirley living at home. Shirley was a Pacic Leader ai Brawnies in New- castle. The Frasers are inm bers ai bbc United Church. Mrs. H. E. Belanger and ber sister Miss Joan Carbhy -are in Apt. 4, Division St. Tbey arriv- cd from Kitchenen an August 1 and Miss Cartby will ba on the staff ai Ontario Street Scbool. Mrs. Belangen before côming bere was a bookkceper with the firm af O'Cedan at Strabiord. Bath are membent ai the Anglican Cburch. Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Con- non, Apt. 4, 90 Qucen St., arr- ived Juiy 1 frorn Oshawa. They bave two chihdren, Linda, 7, and Ricky, 3. Mr. O'Connor is an empioyee ai the Ontario Malleable Iron Ca., Oshawa. Tbey are mambers ai the Ang- lican Chu rch. Mn. and Mrs. David Wilson, Apt. 5,. 90 Qucen St., and child- ren Robent 9, and Ann 15, chose Bowmanvilie as their borne in Canada upon amigrating fnam Scotiand. Mn. Wilson came hast March and abbained a postion as a supervisor at bbe Ontanio Training Scbool fan Boys. Find- ing bis job and surroundings greatiy ta bis liking, be wnote bis wife ta salI their property thene and jain hlm. Mrs. Wilson and bwo af thain cbiidren arr- ived at Malton Aug. 15. Their are twa sons in Scot- land, William in the Rayai Navy and Iain (Gaelic for John) atbending Wireless Coîl- ege hi Glasgow. The latter may jain bbc famihy in December. Mrs. Wilson was a principal ai a rural school in Pertbsbirc and bopes ta find a stmilan pos- ition near Bowmanville. Tbey are members ai the Pnesby- tenian Cburcb. Mrs. Wilson was an arganizer ai the Women's Institute in Scothand. Treat your winning line-up of fail ciothes ta our expert cieaning service and you're, sure ta score on ail counts! We' save you *money on costly replacements by removing even the most stubborn. spots and stains, restoring that "Iike new" freshness that does so, much to heip you look your best! PhonesDIA 3-5520 for Free Pick-up and Delivery B3owmcanville Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. 84 King St. W. It wp flnot no long ago that Robertson Davies, editor of the Peterborough Examidner .seern- ed to be the only possessor of a fine beard in the country. But other beards are slipplng in. Arnold Edinborougheditor af the Kingston Whig-Standard has a fine Van Dyke which has been visible to television audi. 6 ences frequently wben he does so well in quiz shows. Then there is Bill Boss of the Cana- dian Press who sports a fuie 'a bushy beard also, but whos picture in not 80 familiar. oe~ There have aiways been a few beards around the National Filin Board in Ottaw'a and the Canadian Broadcasting Corpor- ation in Toronto. In some of these cases it bas been a moot - point wbether the beards were W t0o9ed grown purposefully or just ar- t the rlved. through failure to shave. Now, away beyond the eru- fdite' editors of the provincial press and the odd types ini films . and TV the beard is apparently e becoming more common. They are appearing regularly on the Toronto streets and even, occasionaiiy, a beard i ..*s carried past tbis office win- There is no reason that men ,i. Ishouid nat start to graw beairds .:.*Y generally again aside from the J~ ~ fear that they might appear a. littie different from others. Sbaving each morning is al nuisancee Were we mere maiesl flot slaves ta convention and cbicken-livered copycats, we would emulate the Robeýrtson 1 Davies and Arnold Edinbr-1D flVi oughs and just let 'er grow. Th e W m trouble is Foamebody in the comnherd has to start ar d King' St. W.% it wo' be us - Napanee Poi4-. irs Jewellery Bowmanville PAGE TWO I -e -4M ý , ý -L- - . * ~ - - ..,-.=~--. -.-------- * * * * . * * i. TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWbL&NVIILLE. ONTARIO ;EPT. 5th, 1957 0 I LÀ KSOC homeSunday frora visit witb Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.Wil. Swa. Haliburton CountY. Rev. P. Romeril was back inJ' Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, preached a fine sermonl on "Thej two-month trip ta England, Touch af His Hand". Aliaù and Scotiafid and parts of Europe, \\V Clifford Dayes sang a duet. All spent the weekend witb bier par- ~ ~ ~ ' an the organizations are planning, ents, sisters. and families. I idon starting their fahl meetings Sharon Larmer returned home le this week or next. Iudyeeigfo oia th. Miss Gloria Van Ryswick gave Sundalievecouins, fre a d ýrea fnereport t Sunday School Brenda Yeiiowlees, Sauina. rs. of hier week at Young Peopie's Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, thI HI-C camp at Quin-Mo-Lac. John and David, were Sunday es Copy lbme ensa Coup es lub et edne daY dinn ér guests of bier parents, M r. oninigbt in the Sunday Scbool and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Court- ceroom. The usuai recreation was ice. 1 foilowed by an interesting dis- Mrs. Wm. Botwrîght, Miss id 1 cussion on municipal affairs. Mildred Botwright, Miss Mar- il- Lunch and devotions brought garet Todd, Toronto: Mr. and ad another pleasant evening toa a Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mary g-1 close. Lou, Port Perry, were Saturday àe The Anglican ladies held a caliers ai Mrs. Geo. Crawford ARYORT ULE t.very successful bake sale at and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce. ILTL NS n- Caesarea, Saturday, wben they Mrs. Oakley Carley and Anne LTL NS d reaiized $35. spent a few days witb Mr. and Do you ever worry about the )nl Mrs. Chaperlin went ta Toron- Mrs. Clarence Marlow before future of your young faniily er ta Monday ta bave a cataract starting back ta Wbîýby Ladies' should you suddenly be called tO removed. We ail hope she may Coliege. by death? Family Incarne assur- ; haeamssucsuhoeaon Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Laun-: ance wili replace your incarne -'Canon Chaperlin will be on dry and Fern, Bancroft, visitedi while the children are growing rs boiidays for the montb of Sep- Mr. and Mrs. Carl WViright. up and take care of your widow tember. Rev. Pelletier, Port1 Mr, and Mrs. John Carnagban for life. a-Perry, will bave charge ai the and famihy spent a day hast week Protect v'our iovedl ones with .services in the Anglican Churcb in Minden.aFanlIcrepoivoth a drig hattie.1 Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Strong,l Sun Liie Assurance Comnpany D! 1 School apened Tuesday wilb Bob and Beth, are having a few nf Cn~nada. 'the foiiawing teachers in chbarge: baiidays and are away on a trip -High Schiool-Mr. Gardon Pais- jta points east. ley, Dunnville, Principal, raNrmnM-ndanr asn teaching French and Latin, Mr. Mr.Nands omnM- ýBn asn Richad Boles, eacbng 'E tur y, Coiborne, wbo are just re- Ric ar B wl s, tea hi g ng 1tuning hom e from a trip t Vic- Representative iish, History and boys' P.T.; , aaBCMpnitesskn A -28 3Bow t Jessie McAtbur-English, Sci-'th riend..,spint the vilae. BowMr3-25853v rowlSt ence, and girls' P.T.; Mr. An- Mi r andsMrs.tert Smith. - nill tbony Sgro, Toronto, Mathemat -__Mr.____and _____________Bert_____Smith.___ ,ics and Science; Mrs. Geo. Wolfe, ___ 51_4xK It Home Economics, and Mr. Neil 1 Bailey, shop work. - Public Scbool: Grade I-Mrs I L- Mitchell, Bailyduff Grades 1 f and 2, Mrs. John Venning Than,,ç You.~ ýr (Principal); 2 and 3, Miss Joan n Venning; 3 and 4, Mrs. !van l- Mountjoy; 3 and 4, Miss June it Armstrong, Bunnt River; 5 and n 6,Mrs.Bruce Heasiip; 6 and 7, ýt M. GantCampbell, 7 and 8, aMr. Neil Balley. NelBiy We sincerely thank ail our friends who helped spent a few days with the Roy make our officiai Grand Opening such a success. ITurners at their cottage, Coe Hill. * Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. We ara also grataful to the large number of David Hill were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lade at * people who turned out to our Open Air Dance on "flevi ae", Myrtie. Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Le Noury, Saturday nigbt and hope thay ail enjoyad them- Hamilton, were guests of Rev. and Mns. P. Romeril last week. selves. Mn. and Mns. Glen Tannant,f Glenda and Bob, Mrs. Jas. Ginn setlast week at Pleasant Again thanks ta ail who halped make this such Point wbere Mr. and Mrs. Harvey *Ginn bave spent the summen. a success. 1 Doris Gniffin spent Sunday t Recent visitons witb Mrs. Thos. i 1 Smith wene Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb and Sandra, Belleville;A Mr. lând Mrs. Jack Lamb, Judy 4- - and PetA, Lindsay. as Mn. Swain Van Camp, Lista- wel, spent the weekend with0 Mr. Gardon Paisley, Dunnvilhe, at Mrs. W. W. Van Camp's, and bte rer siser iSS.eatrvice Station, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin,ConrKgad velyR d Ron and Lanry, spent the week-ConrKgadWvely oa ares ande sses nS. ah Phone - MA 3-3136 for Pick-up Service U.LN,% arnsadBronte. f' Miss Pat Hoskin Is visiting bier cousin Miss Eleanor Heard, I __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ IMiss Joyce Graham returned week trip ta the East Coast. Whomes, M ro .Miss Mc- M arr's Jewellery says: Willams Mr. S A.Devitt and Mrs. D. Hill wera guests ai Mns. "This Fal o 1neyer w ryaotyu J. A. McArtbur on bier birtbdayaiyo llw ry but or last Tbursday. Mrs. Charlotte Farder, Bow- wal ch il il's a Dulova Certified Waterproof!"' manville, spent Sunday' witb friands in the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton boB HOPE and Mr. Brian Hamilton leit Sturri,,g In Saturday for a motor trip and 'Beau James" visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A Paramount Picture JWarne, Winnipeg. in,,,oiso IGale Poîgnain. Toronto, spent end ltotýnicoloe hast week and Mr. and Mrs. Leea0 Poîgnain the weekend witb Mr. and Mns. Wm. Taylor. Ahian Rutherford, Oshawa, who bas spent a month witb bis - grandmothen, returned home hast week. Mrs. Fowien went witb h 'bim and spent a few days witb bier daugbters.