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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1957, p. 3

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-- - - . -- ~-..., .'.~ ~ '~.-'> -I .. TfuRSAy. EPT.ith,1937 EIANNAH - SHEA A quiet wedding was solemniz- ed at the home of the bride on Saturday, August 31st, when Mrs. Ethel Shea, daugbter of tbe late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart became tbe bride of Mr. Harry Hannah of Carnanvon. Rev. G. E. Meades officiated for the cenemony. A reception follow- ed for the immediate relatives, after which Mn. and Mrs. Hannah left for their summen cottage on Twelve Mile Lake. Later they will reside in Bethany. ROSSEAU - SINGULAR Trinity United Church wa: the scene of the marriage or Saturday afternoon, August 31 of Marilyn Lillie Singular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W Harvey Singular of Bowman- 'ville, and James Lewis Rosseau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Rosseau of Picton. White, yellow and mauve gladioli and 'mums formed the background for the ceremorn, whicb wag perfonmed by Rev. T. A. Morgan. Mn. Arthur Collison played the weddinag music and Mrs. Sam Black was Eoloist. Belore the ceremony Mns. Black sang "The Lord's Prayer,'" during the service "The Wedding Prayer" and while tbe register was beinl signed, "Ill Walk Beside You." Given in marriage by ber fathen, the bride wore a gown of satin and lace, the fitted lace bodîce featuring a scalloped neckline and long pointed sleeves. The full skirt was en- banced by deep inserts of lace- and feli into a gracefu] train. A matcbing headdress beld ber fingertip veil and she carried a cascade of white 'mums and pink roses. The bride's attendants were Mrs. William Forrest, Oshawa, sister of the groom as matron of honoun in mauve; Miss Anne Looking for, a DIAMOND? tWe now have a special dlsplay room where you can look over our diamonds and choose yours i privacy. ASK TO SEE OUR DIAMONDS . . . HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 28 King St. S., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5747 e With the new Tailored Look that fits in, builds in, bI.nds in - anywherël Here's the new combination that beats evernthing x'ou ever 'heard of for saving water, time, clothes, and eIectricity! The new Frigidaire Porcelain l'air with amazing Contrai Towérs. & DALE MASON THE CANADIAN STATESMAN«. MNT~T iVf~IA WTe% Penry, Guelph, cousin of the bride, in pale green and Miss Pauline Mitchell, Oshawa, in yellow. The littie flower girl, Miss Madeline Rosseau, 'l'or- onto, niece of the groom, was in pale yellow. Their gowns were identicaly styled in cocktail length cry- stalette with low V-neck, cap sleeves and tight waist. A large bow ornamented the back of the full skirts. They wore matching bands of nylon net decorated with sequins and carried nosegays of yellow anc wbite 'mums. The flower girl carried a basket of multi-col- oured flowers. A reception followed at the Legion Hall, Bowmanville, the bride's mother wearing a stree, length dress of navy Nlue sheer with pink accessories and cor- sage of pinkz roses. The gnoom's mother wone a charcoal sheath with white accessories and a corsage of white roses. For travelling ta Belleville ai-d points east on their wed- ding trip, the bride chose a two-tone brown suit with beige bat and gioves, cocoa shoes and purse. Her corsage was of yellow roses. The young couple will neside in Bowmanville. COURTICE se is * Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Adams have returned home after a week's holiday at Shadow Lake near Norland in the Haliburton *area. Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. Genald Boyce, Belleville, visited at Mr. and Mns. Sim Penfound's an Satur. day wbere they renewed ac- quaintance with ail the family. Young and aid enjoyed a pîcnic suppen on the lawn. On Satunday evening the Clarence Penfound family and Mn. and Mrs. Earl Shipman gatbened at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Sim Penfound ta celebrate their tentb wedding annivensary. Aften a bountifut picnic suppen was enjoyed the bonaured couple wene invitcd to eut an anniversary cake which was served with ice cneam. A Wicker garden chair was presented to Sim and Mantha witb the best wishes ot the two families. Surprise and tbanks wene warmly expressed and a ha.ppy evening was spent together. Mrs. Don Tbompson enter- tained the Social Committee of the Woman's Association. Mns. Horace Vetzal, Mrs. Stan Kins- man with their helpers, Mns. Warburton and Mrs. Penfound, ta plan for the wedding recep- tion on -Satunday evening at the chunch. Master Charles and Douglas. Evans, Bowmanville, spent a short holiday last week with their grandpanents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penfound. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Evans, Charles, Douglas and Canal were Sunday dinner visitons at Clarence Penfaûnd's. 1The Courtice Coauntry Coup- les Club wili resume activities witb a corn and wiener noast at Mr. and Mrs. Elmen Down's on Satunday evening at 8:30. Ail young mannied couples are welcome. Sunday Schooi commences for the Fali on Sunday morn- ing at il o'clock. Supeninten- dent Eddie Warburton will *be pleased ta see evenyone back again. Church service was in change of a student minister, Mr. James Alîman, Hanmony, who Efficient Staff Prepare Meals at Hospital delivered a stirring message. Mrs. Stark played the piano, in the absence of the organist, Mr. Frank Walters. Rev. Mrs. Butler, Ajax, will supply the pulpit next Sunday. Summer holidays are over and cveryone is invited ta get back ta church. Couple Honoured A miscellaneous shower was beld for Miss Lois Anti.l, a popular bride-to-be of this month, at the church on Wed- nesday night. Tables laden with colonfully wrapped par-j Cels were placed by Mrs. Her- ron and Mrs. Robertson assistý- ed by Canol Robertson, Jane DeCoe, Sandra and Joan Dalby. On the arrival of Lois and, Ronald, the prospective groom, a colorful corsage was pinned 1 on Lois and Mrs. Hennon ex-1 pressed the best wishes of the community. In a few well chosen words Ron expressed bis thanks ta ail for the fine way the community bad bon-. oured themn. Lois added ber wonds of appreciation. Fruit, candy and nuts wene served by Mns. Robertson, Mrs. Henron, Mrs. DeCoe and Mrs. Tbompson and a social time was enjoyed. Sympathy is extended ta the wife and family of the late Mr. George Annis who passed ta his reward last week. He was a fine Christian gentle- man, intenested in the welfare of the chunch and cammunity. NE WTON VILLE I In the gleaming modern kitchens at Memorial Hos- ready to go up in the elevator. From left: Mrs. Cora Allun, ih Mr adrs.Mlt ontoi, pital, Bowmanville, meals are prepared for bath patients who with Mrs. A. Coverly (flot pictured) is in charge of baIl.and staff. Mrs. Jessie Prout is in charge. Some of the the cafeteria; Miss Edith Joint, assistant ta Mrs. Prout; Mr. and Mns. Willard Lock- staff were an holidays when the above phatagraph was Mrs. Gladys Wight, who is in charge of trays; Mrs. Helen hart, Niagara Falls, N.Y.. with. taken showing ane of the trolleys with patients' meals Park, second or f loat cook; and Mrs. Prout. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Mn. and Mrs. Alex Clarke, Buffalrkewithrbis Enjoy M eals in Cafeteria Mn. and Mns. C. J. Moase,' Lindsay, witb bis sister, Mrs. G..r W. Jones on Friday. Mn. and Mns. Wray Soules, Tononto, witb Mn. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mn. and Mrs. R. K. Holdaway. Detroit; Mns. Wbeeler, Peter- borough, and Mn. Harny Holda-, way, Pont Hope, witb Mn. and 1Mrs. Earl Walkey. Mn. and Mns. A. Holdaway, Mrs. Harny Haldaway. Mns. Vena Anderson, Pont Hope, and Mn.' E. M. Haldaway, Sherman' Oakes, Cal., with Mrs. Cecil Walkey. Mn. Allan Jones, Toronto,' with Miss Bertha Thompson for weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wattens,' Blind River, with Mn. and Mrs., Raymond Bnuce. Togethen tbey Î attended a Bruce family ne-union at McAntbun's Milis. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Robb,! Montreal, and Mn. and Mnc.! Arthur Bonnett and daugbters r Ann Elizabeth and Mangot,l Tononto, wene at their cottage! here. mer, Buffalo, with bis parents. His fathen, Frank, and brother Pbilip bad a cottage at Che- $ mong for a second week. Mrs. î Gilmen and Mrs. R. S. Johnston : visited them at the cottage oni Saturday. Donnie Maulson wbo spent holidays with relatives at BlindIk' River bas returned home. Mn. Wiilis Jones retunned home, from Memonial Hospital, Bow-r manville, on Tuesday. . ....... Mn. and Mns. John Roseboom and family made a weekend trip The cafeteria systemn introduced at Memorial salad plates and hot dishes. From lef t they are: Miss to Beacbville. Hospital, Bowmanville, two years ago, is very popular wth Louise Ooms who has her Canadian Nurses' Aide certifi- Miss Hennie Raseboom with 1 the nurses and ail members af the staff. Here some of cate, Mrs. Catherine Ormiston, Mrs. Rosemary, Hilton and ber friend Miss Fetsie Vandr meen at Pont Penny.i the nurses are choosing their noon meal f rom attractive Mrs. Clama Hannah. Mns. Andnew Reichnatb is I Rihnatb onradl. HenryS denson wene Mn. and Mrs. R. K. We have some very much un- i crtMnra.M R IHHldwy eriMc. r ate otra iiosse- W SLEY VILLE Newtonviile W.A. will meet and Mrs. Douglas Holdaway and ing a diet of white grubs. We on Sept. llth in the cburcb base- Churcb service held at 10 a.m. famiiy, Detroit, ivich.; Mnr. don't object ta the slaughter of The last week of the bh.i ment, two weeks eanlien than an Sunday, Sept. lst was con- Ephraim Haidaway, Las Angeles, grubs but wisb these visitons days bas been a busy one for1 usual. ducted by Rev. A. W. Harding. Cal. would confine their digging ta chiidnen and eiders alike. On' The people of this community This was the last Sunday witb- Mn. Neil Anderson, ac- the ganden instead of aur lawns Tuesday evening Frits Theys- E wene sbocked ta hean o! the sud- out aur Junior Choir. Practice campanied by bis mother Mrs. which we try to keep in good meyer ententained bis friends den passing af Mn. George Qv-,for annivensary and Thanksgiv- Frank Anderson and friends ne- order. Naw to aur dismay there at a party at bis home in bon-( ens at bis home on Monday. ing services will stant at once. turned fnom a trip tbrough are scores of unsightly hales aur a! bis i2th bintbday. The( IWe certainly miss aur boys and Nortbern Ontaria and U.S.A. made by - yes, yau've guessed same evening an aider age graup The difference between the girls in the Sunday wonship At Cadillac they visited Mrs. it - skunks. ententained at a corn roast at right word and the aîmost service. Miss Elaine Anderson George Staples and daugbten Manie Austin's. rigbt word is the diffenence be- supplied the anthem by singing Mrs. Chas. Laugbnin, also Dr. On Wednesday evening at tween ligbtning and the iigbt- la solo "Does Jesus Cane". ac- Jack Laugbnin of Manistee, ~I~ ' the chuncb Rev. A. W. and Mrs. nig ug -Mak wan. companied on the piano by the Mich. Enroute a stopoven was vvai L./isIIey Harding were honouned on the nin bg. Mrk wan. onganist Mrs. Helen McHolm. made at Capreole, Ont., wbere occasion of their recent mar- This was much appreciated. Rev. they visited Mn. and Mns. Austin. r nage with a gift o! moncy pre- A. W. Harding preached a veny Mn. Neil Anderson lef t on La yandTau sented by Mns. Carroll Nichols fine sermon upan "The Dignity Monday for Sudbury where he on behaîf of the congregation. of Labour". has taken a position as teacher vrqh A short address expressing the g e s 1 p un ay cho l as el at at th Pr nc ss nn ub ic o m n g r egaod w isbes w as r a y M s Il a.m. with 40 present. The Scbool. We wish hîm eveny suc- A. Tborndyke. Mn. Harding session was conducted by Assist- cess in this new position. Saldgtl os a ostakdhspol nbhl ant Supeintendent Mns. Wm. Mrs. William Addison return- adsmall das, taveladgsay ogs hnk e andbis peol ondeaf d aire MeHolmAîl assistant teachers ed ta Carberny, Man., on August in Walt Disney's first feature- surname cantest belped ta make werepreentfor duty. .Sundlay 31 aften visiting ber son David length cartoon in CinemaScape, names familiar. Scolas usuai next week. of Pont Hope and Mrs. William "Lady and the Tramp," opening Motamiebveenn- Viston wib Ms Fan An McHlm ornshThunsday at the Rayai Theatre. presented on one day or other In addition ta Lady, the film jat tbe exhibition wbile tbresh- ~~ÂI11' is peopled-or dagged-witb a ___ M aple Gra've vveddlna cbihuahua, a Russian wolfbound, ..-..... a Scotch terrier, a bloodhound, a Pekinese, an Englisb bull and a dacbshund. Other 'animais wbo figure in the featune are a 'beaver, a byena, a Crockodiie, Siamese cats and a few two- legged creatunes called "people". jFive sangs bave been especially camjposed for the pictune by Isinger Peggy Lee and SonnyS 1 Burke. And here's a special -. r.. nmention for '"PEG", the ex-show- dog who almost stops the show jw ith ber torcby delivery of the bit ballad, "HE'S A TRAMP" The musical score is by Oliver Wallace with featured sangs by Peggy Lee and Sonny Burke. r, ~ Tbe score is raunded out with - .1 - I"LA-LA-LU", a lullaby; "SIAM- ESE CAT SONG", performed by À # Itwn dest~rucptive Samee ct' Mr. and Mrs. Garmy Pettît were married in Mapie Grave United Chumch on Satumday, Juiy 27. The bride was formerly Bessie Lomaine Snowden, daughter of Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Snowden and the groom is the son of Mm. and Mrs. Hamry Pettit, ail of Mapie Grave. -Photo by Hornsby Studio, Oshawa apIy named 'SI"and "AM", "PEACE ON EARTH", a stirring Christmas canal, and "BELLA NOTTE" a romantie love sang dedicated ta the beautiful nigbt that Lady and Tramp fail in Aside fram writing the lynies ta the sangs, Peggy Lee provides the vocal characterization for four o! tbe animnated charactens and finishes, up ber busy stint by singing the sangs on the sound track with ail four of her voices. "LADY AND THE TRAMP" is ententainment with a capital -E". It is Walt Disney at bis creative best with a new stony,ý exciting charactens, in colon by Technicolor and CinemnaScope as it bas neyer befare been used. In the marveliaus tradition o! "Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs," Walt Disnev's "LADYI AND THE TRAMP" is tnuly a happy motion pictune. "E-Z" leepers Sub-Standards of regular $2.98 lino Sizes 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 These "E-Z" Sicepers are made of soft downy nap featuring the "E-Z" type neck opening. These garments are completely machine washable and colours and prints are wash-fast. Slight imperfec- tions wilI flot affect the wearing qualities. Only $1.99. "TRULYO A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP"p PHONE MA 3-5451 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. M. See the "'Savi"nl Pair from Frigi« g, HARDWARE Ltd. 36 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5408 ing and tomato picking opera. tions continue. Mr. and Mrs. Geor Tuf. ford, Johnny and Ray «ere a- way holidaying, coming home by way of Sunderland, Mrài. Tufford's former home. Sunday School attendance was down but, teachers were present for ail classes. George Tufford conducted opening ex- ercises and Mrs. E. Acker read the scripture. Ail were pleased' to welcome several visitors ait church on Sunday evening ta bear Mr. Harding's fine Labour Day message on blessings of a life of service. Mr. and Mrs. Theysmeyer sang a duet, "I'il Go Where You Want Me Ta Go." Berriece Best bas been at- tending a course in millinery at the Port Hope YWCA. Vis- itors with the Best families were Mr. and Mrs. E. Slayton, Avoca, N.Y. Congratulations te the own- ers and operators of CHUC. Re- ception is wonderfully clear and we are looking forward ta hearing United Counties' af- fairs on the air. Congratulations to Leon.ard Oughtred and daugbter Donna for another year's outstanding success at the flower show at the Toronto Ex. Leonard had 19 first prizes on bis glads, in- cluding two championshipe won by Donna on floral arrange- ments. Mrs. Tutt who has been in Peterborough Hospital fclllow- ing surgery, returned home on Sunday. We hope to see ber completely well soon. Welcome back to teacher An. gela Skibinskj who is here to open sehol on Tuesday morn- ing for ail of last year's pupils and some new folk taking that big step this year. Teddie Carby bas returned ta Toronto after holidaying with Roy Austin. His mother, Mrs. Lena Carby, and sister Donna visited with Harold 'Austiris when they brought Teddy down. Jeen 72 ews By Connie Osmond Well, bere we are, another season and more dances. This year we will open our Teen Town by having a dress-up dance on Friday, Sept. 6, start- ing at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. Last year's membership' and Oshawa Teen Town member- ships are to be bonoured, thus letting you in for 25c. Non. members will be charged 50c. We hope that you wiIl pass the word on and make tbts a bette? season than last year, thougi that will be bard to do. Through watching the people around town we have founi that there are quite a few new teen-agers in town. and if you know or are one of them, bring themn or drop around on Fni- day night and we will be glad to show you or them bow this organization runs. Any suggestions or offers as ta how to make a better Teen Town will be greatly appreciat- ed. There will also be à dance on Friday, Sept. 27. Further details will be given later. Any member who ordered a Teen Town Crest and didn't get one can purchase it at the dance on Fiday night. wi-P4 výNTJUUU PAGE THMM

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