zr -: THIURDAY, SE '. 5tit, 1957 - . QÂi~.LéOZJL~. BJW L'LA'4VI1LLE. JTAMO PO TV dl e i Socialarn --adMrs. Albert Pearcei ane family have returned fol- lowing a holiday at Wasaga Beach and a visit with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson and famnily at Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Fergu- son and family accompanied by Mrs. Cecil Ferguson visited with relatives in Norwood and Warsaw on Sunday. Miss Velda Fisher, daughter of the Rev. M. C. and Mrs. Fisher, returned home on Mon- day from Wigwassan Lodge in Muskoka where she has been employed for the suner months. After a brief visit with her parents she left on Wednesday for Toronto Gen- eral Hospital where she will take a course in Radioology. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas of Toronto were weekend guests with Mrs. H. J. Ragen and Mr. Walter Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alden Pollard i Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew C. G. GGULD Heatîng'and Eavesiroughing Authorized ChalcoDealer ]PHONE ýNewcastle 3686 liAi.H lf. A T 1 C,~IL Yard, Main Office and Showroom Courtice PHONE MA 3-2130 1 Mrs. J. Abrams Winner 0f Two Major Trophies Flower, Vegetable Show d Persnal, and daughters Canal and Kathy and son Rager accompanied by Miss Canal Ann Noxel, ahi of Port Coîborne, visited with Mr.* and Mrs. Gardon Agnew on Saturday. Messrs. Paul Smith and Earl Taft of Campbellford, and Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Osborne o! the Ontario Ladies' College in Whitby, were Sunday suppen guests with the Rev. M. C. and Mrs. Fisher and family. Mns. H. R. Pearce has ne- turned home following a five weeks' visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Orval Stinson and family in Chesley. Mn. and Mrs. Herbert Alex- ander, Font Erie, and Mrs. Ban- bara Granger and Miss Elsie Wallace of Toronto wene week- end visitons with Mn. and Mns. Harold Couch and family. Miss Helen Allin has accept- cd a teaching position in Nonth York and commenced her dut- les thene on Tuesday. Mn. and Mns. W. F. Rickard and son David have retunned home following a week's holi- day at Minen's Bay Lodge. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Couch and Betty and Mn. and Mns. Wm. Couch werc in Tononto, on Monday where they attend- ed the C.N.E. Mn. and Mrs. Chris Barchard and Mn. and Mrs. G. H. Hodg- son wene in Toronto on Satun- day and attended the CN.E. 1Weekend visitons with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bnitton were Mn. and Mns. Neil Britton and Janie of Belleville and Mr. and Mn.. Dennis Griffiths of Ham- ilton. Mrs. Jack Wade returned ta Montneal via air on Satunday aften spending a three months' vacation with her panents, Mr. and Mns. J. S. Tweed at Birch- ington-Kent, England. Sh. ai- sa visited with relatives and fniends at Bromley, Kent. Mr. Jack Wade and Douglas accom- panied by Mn. and Mis. Irvin McCullough motoned to Mont- reai ta meet Mns. Wade and netunned via Ottawa. Mn. Eph. Holdaway o! Los Angeles, California, visited with his nephew, Mr. Jack Wade, on Monday. Mn.. Lois Pollard and son Howard o! Bowmanville spent' ruesday visiting with Mn. andt VIns. H. C. Dennis. t It i. gneatly regretted that t :he name o! Mnr.Marlow Han- 1 cock was omitted fram the s pallbearers at the funeral of 'N Mr'Is. Norman Rickard in hen obituany which appeared in last week's Statesman. V 1 say fnankly that above al 1would near childen who have v zest for life, who will sec the f4 world as intenesting, dnaniatic' o and good. - Leslie Hohman. fg I M "M'Gosh - l'm Gefting A Room Mrs. J. Abrams of Bowman- ville was the winner of the Wellington Foster Trophy and J. Anderson Smith Co. prize for the highest number or points in the show at the annual Flower and Vegetable Show sponsor- ed by the Newcastle Horticul- SPORTS BRIEFS Well, the local Juveniles are back ini action again in their climb to the Juvenile "C"' Championship of Ontario. The local lads were scheduled to meet Stouffville here last Wed- nesday p.m. with the second game scheduled for' Saturday in Stouffville. The team man- agement have asked us to ex- press the appreciation of the boys for the fine support they have been receiving from the local fans both at home and when they go out of town to play. We trust Saturday will be no exception and that a good crowd of local fans wili go to Stouffville with the boys. Stili another Lakeshore Min- or Club which is going strong is the Orono Pee Wee Club which has corne one step dloser to the Pee Wee "D" O.B.A. Championship by ousting the Campbellville Kids in two straight games in their series. Orono took the first game at home by a 14 ta 4 count and went to Campbellviile to trounce hem 14 to 2 ini their own ter- ritory. Newtonville and Welcome are till flghting it out 'n the South Durhamn Rural League finals wo games each after last Week' s two garnes. On Tues- day eve the Welcorne crew took a 16 to 1 wallopin' at the hands of the Newtonville squad, but on Thursday the table% were turned ini Welcome when the homesters trounced New- tonville 15 to 7. Seems like the boys wfll have ta play en îuetral grounds ta settle this cries as each team seems ta ovin easily at home. The series is continuing this veek in Kendal on Tuesday and Xelcome on Thursday at 5:30 vith the seventh. game if nec- essary in Kendal next Tuesday. That seems ta be all for this3 veek, stili no word of a series or the local Bantams and news f Bowmanvile clubs will be ound on the sports page. 2. Pie Plate C arden - Jean lake, Gale Allin, Candy Lrks. 3. Saiad Bowl of Vegetables -Jean Clarke, Judy Powell, uglas Jase. 4. Bird House-Jean Clarke, rnmy Stephenson and Candy orksç. 5(a) Beets-Gale Allin, Judy j )well, Jean Clarir.. (b) Cwrots-jLm hsepbm.n Downtown Office and Showroom 84 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa PHONE RA 5-4443 son, Jean Clarke, Gale AllUn. (c) Cabbage -Jean Clarke, Douglas Jose, Judy Powell. (d) Large Zinnia - Candy Storks, Jean Clarke, Judy Pow- ell. (e) Marigoid (large)-.Candy Storks. Mf Marigold (dwarf)-Shar- on Hancock, Jepn Clarke, Doug- las Jase. 6. Best Ganden Plots-Wayne Hancock, Sharon Hfancock and Fred Grahamn. Ex -Warden Dies Trhomas Albert Reid A famnillar and popular figure in Durham, T. Albert (Bert) Reid o! Onono, died on Thurs- day, with bunial in Lakeview Cemeteny, Newtonville, on Sun- day. Mn. Reid was an Ex-Ward- en of the United Counties and held many other prominent posts thnoughout hi. long caneen o! public service. His obituany appears on page eight. STARK VILLE -tural Society. It was held ii ethe Newcastle Community Hal 1on Wednesday, August Zîst rMn. W. Farrow of Newcastli 1was the second place winne: rtaking the Simpson-Sears prize Judging was donc by Mr Gunnel o! Hamilton during thg afternoan and the show wa opened fan public viewing a 5 p.m. with a salaci suppen be. ing senved by members of thi society. Following the supper 'onizes wene pnesentcd and tht judge addressed the gnoul and ententained with pictures. *Mrs. Abnams was highest ii the Flower section with & points winning the Karl Wey. rich pnize with Mn. R. S. Gra. ham taking the T. Eaton Cc pnize for Znd place in thi section. Mns. J. Hillier won the Mat- chett Cup and Crystal Dairy, prize for the highest numbe of points in the vegetable sec- tion with the C.I.L. prize foi second place going ta Mn. Far- now. The Massey Cup and Chipmar Chemical prize for the best display o! house plants went to Mn. Farrow with Mrs. Ab- nams taking the second prize donated by Chas. Megit. The Lions Club Plaque and pnize donated by Mrs. Lousu Clanke for the highest numbe- of points in the Juvenile section was won by Jean Clarke with Gale Allin 2nd and Candy Stonks 3rd. Prize Winners Gladiolus Classes Open- 1. Deconative' Basket, not more than 20 spikes, one coloun -Mns. Jase, Mn. Farrow. 2. Basket of Gladiolus, not more than 25 spikes, any coloun -Mn.. Jase. 3. Gladiolus, 12 named vaniet- ies-Mrs. Jase. 4. Centre Picce, gladiolus tips -Mn.. J. C. Hancock, Mn.. S. Allin. 5. Vase o! 10 spikes, any fol- iage-Mr. Farrow, Mrs. Jase. 6. Special classes for mem- bers who grow les. than 500 bulbs: (a) 1 spike, white an cneam -Mn.. Glenney, Mn. Farrow, Mrs. Aluin. (b) 1 spike Yellow or Orange Mn. Farrow. (c) 1 spike Pink on Salmon -Mn. Farrow, Mrs. Cowan, Mns. Allin. (d) 1 spike Red-Mr. Farrow, Mns. Hilier. (e) 1 spike Mauve or Purple -Mn.. Cowan, Mn.. Aluin, Mn. Farrow. (t) 1 spike Smaky-Mn. Far- row, Mrs. Cowan. 7. Basket o! 15 spikes, mixed colours-Mrs. Abrams. 8. Decorative bouquet of Gladiolus and othen flowens suitable for mantle-Mns. S. Allin and Mn.. Jase. 9. Basket o! Dahlias-.-Mrs. K- Wenny, Mns. F. Butler. 10. Basket of Mixed Asters- Mr'1s. Abnams, Mn. Douglas. 11. Basket of Zinnias-Mns. E-illier, Mns. Butler. 12. Basket o! Cosmnos-Mn. Hillier, Mn.. Butler. 13. Basket o! Perennial Phlox -Dr. Butler, Mn. R. S. Gra- ham. 14. Bowl o! Roses-Mrs. F. Butler, Mns. A. Glenney. 15. Best Rose-Mns. S. Allin, lins. F. Butler. 16. Plower Girl's Basket- lins. F. Parker, Mns. F. Butler. 17. Bride's Bouquet-Mrs. Hillier. 18. Corsage-Mns. Hilier, Mrs.« S. Allun. 19. Display of Pansies-Mr. 'annow, Mns. F. Parker. 20. Dish Ganden-Mrs. Stonks. 21. Atnican Violet, test single naown, any colour-Mrs. C. Canveth, Mn.. F. Parker. 22. Collection o! Afnican Via- lets-Mrs. F. Parken, Mn.. Ab- rame. 23. Tnay o! Cacti-Mrs. Ab- rams, Mn. Farrow. 24. Floral Wneath-no en- ýries. 25.* Bouquet o! Lillies-Mis. F.Butler. 26. Deconative bouquet for coffee table- Miss Trenwith. Wrs. Parker. 1 27. Arrangement in unusual Miss An nie Nesbitt. L O0 To Pay Past Due Bills To Consolidate Payments Monthly For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses The Difference with Bellvue Is the Service BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. 29% Simca. S. RA 5-1121 OSHAWA -- - ai :az:zï Religious Hour at 4:30 p.m. ovr CJBC. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bob Giinier, the foruner Ann Barrabaîl, on thc binth of their daughter Sept. 3rd at Osh- awa General Hospital. Flnst grandchild for Mn. and Mrs. Bon Voyage té Mr. and Mis. Rickaby and son Norman who will sail Saturday from Mont- real on thc "Homeric" to South- ampton, enroute ta Manchester, England, where Mr. Rickaby w ill study at the-university for a year. Miss Gwen Chatterton, Ton- onto, who la holidaying with her family, was iii Peterbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. Tred Eagle, Toronto, visiting hen uister, Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Benson. Mr. and Mns. Jim Linton and Carol with Mr. an& Mis. G. M. Linton. Miss Alma Cutteli with'Miss P. Cuttell, Toronto, and attend- cd the Ex. Labour Day-. Mr. enTYPFoeLtn We are glad te welcomne Mr. Robt. Halboran back to our vil- lage. Robert looks fine alter spending a month with friends at Montreal.. Aniong those erijoying a holi- day weekend at cottages were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fallis, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mucha. Our village was the ren- dezvous for a large number of Amnerican cars over the weekend. They carried trce buyers from U.S.A. who were . attending the Fourth Annual Christmas Tree Auction sppnsored by Mr. Elgin Budd of Budd Tree Farms. While several loads dlidn't reach last year'g levels one load from the Chas. Tyrell Farmn near New Park brought a record hîgh of $3.00 per tree. Another load on the Armstrong Farms at the Marsh Church went for $2.84. A large number of district tree grOwers also attended the event. A number from here attend- ed the funeral of Mr. A. T. Reid in Orono on Sunday. Our village now resembles, an evacuated military camp with the last of our many summer visitors breaking up camp on Labour Day. Good raina on the holiday were very welcome an-d helped to remove the lire ha.zard. A former citizen who had been'residing in Toranto passed away in the persan of Mr. Dick Cain. Deceased was a -cousin Of Mr. T. E. Cai n. Lake Shore, Clarke t Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dunne, rNiagara Falls, with. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jaynes. Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa-, Miss Tucker Couch, Toronto; Mr. Mac Couch, Tirnmins; Mr. Joe Hunter and Mr. Bill Hunter, Belleville, Mr. Robert Hunter, Montreal; Mr. Alfred Gibson 5and Mrs. A. L. Gibson, Court- -land, N.Y.; Mrs. D. A. Valeau, Whitby; Mr. and Mirs. Bob Shu- pak and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beatty, David and John, Toronto, have been recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Master Donnie Holmes with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, C- bourg, and Master Bobby Holmes with Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, George Skelding and family, Bowmanville, and Mr. Harry Arch, Streetsville, with Mr. and Mn.. George Skeld- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred, Barbara-Ann and Brian retu-- ed home after spending fîve weeks in Vancouver and other western points. Miss Evelyn Wotten, Miss Blanche Wotten and Master Jimmie McGregor, Oshawa, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. The Avery family rienic was held at the home of Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery., Miss Joyce Avery apent a week of her holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. AIt Wilkins and family, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs.:Stan Taylor and' Dennis and Misses Blanche and Dora Taylor, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Art Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Adams. MANVERS STATION Miss Frances Johnston, Toron-1 ta; Mr. Allan Johnston, Windsor,! with Mn. and Mns. Alfred' Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Douglasi Logan. Miss Jean Sinclair, Toronto, Swith Mr. and Mns. Alex Sinclair.! Mr. and Mrs. Don McGÙregori and Sandy, Hfamilton, visited, Mrs. W. Bradley. Miss Dawn Stewart returnedi: ta hen home in Toronto after be-1 ing with her grandparents,,Mn. and Mrs. Duncan Galbraith. Manlyn Honner, Ella and Mar- Sgaret Goodson and Maureen Bradley are going by but to, Lindsay Collegiate titis terrn. We are sonny ta bac Mn. and~ Mrs. Orville Challice and fam- ily fnom aur community. Thcy have takeni up residence ini Orono whcre Orville wIll be dloser ta his work as a Super- vison at the Boys' Training School in Bowmanville. The United Church and W.A. present- ed themn with a mahogany cof- fee table as a smnall token of esteemiand appreciation of the veny fine work they have dn lin the church. Mns. Earl Argue took thell service at Bailieboro United Chunch on Sunday. Mr. and Mna. Rupert, Ban- croft, and Mr. Joe Rupert. Osha- wa, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. Wilmot Horner. Mn. and Mns. W. N. Porter visited frierids in Toronto aven the holiday. Thene is, something that la niuch mor-e scarce, something finer far, sonie'hing rarer tha,, abilîty. It ix the ability ta ne- cognize ablity. - Elbert Hub- bard. * visited friends lin Oronc. McCrea were luncheon guests Mr. John Ford,« the ncw of Miss Sadie Brown. *teacher n High School staff, Regular meeting o! W.M.S, has rented one of Dr. McKen-' was postponed ta Sept. loth. zie's apts. Mr. and Ms. J. W. St. John Mn. an Mr. ei ent Ha o- and fam ily, the new High M r. nd M s. elbe t H alo- School teacher, ha. rented the well, Linda and Bull, Toronto, Russell house. called -on their aunt, Mrs. M. M.adMs .B uhr E. Stutt, Sunday after visiting fo rd n eeM. and Mr. . . rut . his fater at the Lintonhust roy C.n Foeter r.and Nanc. Rest Home. motored ta Nipigon to bring Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs, Paul Rutherford and Paul Me- Joyce and Paul with Mr. and Mackin home atter warking ail Mrs. S. Rutherford and fam- summer in Nipigon district. ily, Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean are on a motor trip ta Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Flintoif and childnen, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan.- Mr. and Mrs. B. Van den ce Meuvel and familv will occupy b the J. Rickaby residence dur-FO ing the Rickaby's absence in ASMET England. Mr. and Mis. Carl Tennant wçne in London due ta the illness of their daughtcr Joyce, Mrs. Robt. Cooper. RUT Mr. and Mrs. Keith West N have nented Mrs. Martin Lin- N ton's house. WATERPROOPS Mrs. M. E. Stutt received 1 1AEEI AL word on Friday that her bnci-BAMNTWL ther-in-law, Mn. Archie Stutt, Moosomin, Sask., passed away last week. GLA éep6 Miss Taylor, Roseneath, is the GLA wo on new teacher at Oak School. the i" mot«W M. and Mns. Fred Partner use on the in"ll 0 and Helen, Tynone, visited Mrs. oentoës Harvçy Curtis. This cem*nt-boil Mrs. John Marris was in poBint se@is op <md Port Hope and attended the a nd pores in concret% P'air. -r= block and bricè Valerie Mercer visitcd Susan .-r noo ry.Pvid.sQ Cantnell at View Lake. i-wat.rpmof, d.comeiw Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carleton coctrne ihot brio!-. have moved ta anc of the up the bos.m.o.w Tamblyn houses. _nMyb poe Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cowan en- appi roy.d a ia" tertained friends to dinner on % Aug. 28 in honour of Mn. John ouc McCrae's birthday. 1Miss Kate Foster is staying C& with Mrs. Win. Cobbledick. - Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall, Mr. Wm. Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keat, Mrs. Frank Ard- L n e ro ndAlaToronto, cnjoy-La ce cd a boat trip ta Queenston and visited the Palls on Thurs- H r w r day, arw r Part Hope Boys' Choir wiîî 1 King St. E. MA 3-5774 be heard Sunday, Sept. 8th, on b s i s s e e I Just Out of the Blue.. An accident is just a word until you have one (as is a sickness) so aay the signs on the biliboards ..True in a way. A wise man, while he is in good health, plana for such emergencies with accident and sickness insurance. Net having to worry about his doctor mnd hospital bis and about not earning money while he is laid up - he can get better quicker. It will cost only a littie time to see how CIA can serve you with accident and sickness inaurance. HOWARD FOLEY King St. W., Bowmanville Ph-oe MA 3-32 Co-operators In surance Association JAMES BARNES Asscation 16.03 Style 802 Irresistibly smart . . . irresistibly practical . a flattering empire sheath, finished with self piplng and iced with white at aeckline and aleeves.-. The fabric: drip dry cotten. other Jonathan Logan 1695: 1 - dresses BRESLIN"S Bowmanville -Whitby M Gordon Àgnew, M« hmr ICI S2 The Orono News Telephon. uf AilTo Myseif!!"' <'Dad got te reading the ads Oshawa Wood Products has been running about "«Do It Yourself" and about remodelling the attic into an everyday liveable room, and finally went down and asked them about it. "ewaa really uurprised ,when he feund out how cheap it was if he did the work himacîf. Aiso, h. really appreciated the help and ideas they gave b. * him. "If you have Te. modelling or build- ing plans, why net drop in and see Oshawa Wood Products. They can help you." OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS 1LIMITED l' - m m m il Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Stark and Ted attended the C.N.E. Mr. and Mns. D. Shutka anc family, Oshawa, visited at Mn. LM. Shutka's. Miss Beulah Hallowell has ne- tunned ta Tarants atter her 1holiday.. Mn. and Mn.. Keith Rowe and family, Mn. and Mns. D. Lapham,4 Bowmanville, visiter at Mr. H. Fanrow's. Mn. and Mn.. E. Shier, Toronto, at Mn. Lloyd Hallowell's. Mn. and Mn.. G. Piltz and !amily, Pickering, wene guests at Mn. Victor Farrow'. Mn. and Mrs. Deibent Halo- well and tamily, Toronto, at their cottage !ollowing their holiday in Saskatchewan. Third Line Clarke iDanny Milne, baby son o! Mn. and Mn.. Jim Milne, was christened Sunday at Albert St. United Chunch, Oshawa. A christening tea was held at Danny's gnandpanents, Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Lambert, Oshawa. Visitons o! Mn. and Mns. 3. Milne this past week wene Mn. and Mns. John Milne, Mrs. R. E. Lambert, Mn. and Mns. C. Mac- Donald, Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. Bill Page and family, Enniskillen, wene Sun- day dinnen guests o! Mn. and Mis. J. McLaren. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Hasklll, Rexdale, and Mn. and Mn.. Vic Bri dger. Weston, visîted Mr. and Mn.. Jack Bridger. Bannie Bridger started .chool at Bnown's. Mn. and Mn.. Ulrich, Guelph, wene guests o! Mn. and Mns. W. Allin. Mn. Stan Ponteous and Mr. Ai! Perrin attended the funenal o! Mn. Bert Reid. Mn. and Mn,. AI! Perrin and tamily spent Satunday at the Ex. On Sunday they were dinnen guests o! Mn. and Mn.. R. Han- cock. Visiting Mn. and Mn.. Al Penrin wene Mn. and Mn.. R. E. Hendny, Bowmanville. Sunday visitons o! Mn. and Mn.. Freeman Eddy were Mr. and Mn.. Norman Eddy and Mn. and Mn,. Reginald Evans, Osha- wa. With Miss Lucy Graham were Mr. and' Mrs. Cliff Reid and baby, Miss Plossie Graham and 1 1 Tim d 25-00 . 29-95 9 -- Insurance