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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1957, p. 6

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TNNC1AIISTTSA.EWMirN !TM Legion Bowlers St art Season on Tuesday '-i - Bowmanviile Legion, Branch 178, Bowling League wil begin their season Tuesday evening with six teams slated ta play this year. The teams ail start bowling at 7 p.rh. sharp and are under the direction of Legion Sports Off icer Ted Sheehan. Teams are as foilows: Team 1 - Pete Dobbins, J. Martin, C. McDonald, R. Cale, J. Baker, Bert Perfect. Team 2 - E. Perfect, M. Con- way, F. Burns, C. Trewin, R. Lockhart, D. Brooks. Team 3 - F. Samis, G. El- Ilott, J. Knight, P. Bathgate, E. Sheehan, J. Bishop, Ai Green. Team 4 - W. Bates, A. Lobb, J. Geddes, Robt. Hayes, R. Evans, R. E. Rogers, W. Shot- ter. Teani 5 - R. McKnight, H. Bennett, W. Vietch, R. Perfect, M. Grant, D. Morris, Earl Mur- ray. Team 6 - J. Fair, T. Graham, D. Taylor, M. Etcher, L. Weish, I. Beauprie, T. Beasiey. Sehedule First schedule begins Sept. 10 and ends with the playofis on December 17. Alley 1-2 3-4 5-6 Date Teams Teams Teams September- 10- 1-2 3-4 5-6 17- 5-4 1-6 2-3 24- 3-1 2-5 6-4 Bufferin Tablets 39c-79e-1.23 Anacin Tablets 25e-49e-79a October- 1- 2-6 4-1 2-5 8- 1-5 6-3 4-2 15- 3-2 - 4-5 1-6 22-- 5-6 1-2 3-4 29- 1-4 5-3 6-2 November- 5- 3-6 2-4 1-5 12- 2-5 3-1 4-6 19- 4-3 6-5 2-1 26- 1-6 2-3 4-5 Deceniber-. 3- 5-2 4-6 1-3 10- 1-4 3-5 2-6 playoffs December 17- Second haif of the schedule commences January 7, and ends with the playolfs April 15. Alley Date January- 7- 14- 21- 28- February- 4- il- 18- 25- March- 4- il- 18- 25- April- 1- 8- April 15- A.S. 1-2 3-4 Teams Teams 1-4 3-5 3-6 2-4 4-5 1-6 1-2 3-4 3-5 2-6 2-4 1-5 1-3 4-6 5-6 1-2 2-3 4-5 4-6 1-3 3-5 2-6 2-4 1-5 1-6 2-3 3-4 5-6 Playoffs 300 A. Tabs 49o 5-6 Teams 2-6 1-5 2-3.. 5-6 1-4 3-6 -2-5 1-6 2-5 1-4 3-6 4-5 1-2 Bayer Aspirin 19c-29c-49o School Needs Special Prices Lunch -Kits with Thermos Johnson's 2.99 - 3.29 Baby Powder --- 2 for 1.19 75e White Rain Thermos Botties 1.89, 1.98 Shampoo -- ----- 65e Fountain Pens 10-oz. site Noxzema- 98e 49e - 79e - 1.95 (up to 15.00> Vacuum Botties -____79c, 75o Lustre Creme -___ 5e Bail Point Pens (Refillable) 75e site Lysol ------- 69o 49a - 98e - 1.29 - 1.98 Waterman Peunand Ink 1.95 Brylcreeju Wildroot Vitallu Vaseline 43ô Crean i 01 for thse hair Rair Tonlo 690 - 890 73c-98c-1.23 39c-73e-99a 65o - 95@ TAXE EXTRA VITANINS NOW One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins 1.40, 2.50, 3.95, 7.95 Geritol - Liquid or Tablets - 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Frost's Neo Chemical Food - Caps - 1.95, 3.45, 7.65 Ayerst Paramettes - Caps -- 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Wampole's Cod Liver Extract ----------- 1.50, 2.75 Creophos Stops Stubborn Coughs - 1.50 bottle COWLING IS PHEONE MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE FI TRUSSES Royail Theatre, BowmanvillE THURS. la SAT. - SEPT. 5 lt Dui/ Showlng at 7 and Also DORIS DAY- LOUIS JOURDANj BARRY SULLIVAN FRANK LOVEJOY Last compicte show 8:1 DION. and TUES. SAT. MATINEE Sept. 7 "Lady and fhP Tramp" plus "'COLOR CARTOON" SEPT. 9- 10 M-G-M prsents ROBERT RUARK S 5N I'.hL~ ,Mt -t;,Ott rbq ROCK HUDSON MtSc DANA WYNTER ___ SIDNEY POITIER Feature at 7:15 and 9:30. Last complete 9:15 WED. and THURS. - SEPT. Il - 12 Adult Kendal Ties Juveniles ln Exhibition Battle Playing Manager B y r o n "Duke" Brunt scored the tying *run as Kendal Intermediates fought to a 3-ail deadiock with Bowmanville Juvenile Orphans in a six-inning exhibition base- bail game at Vincent Massey Park, Thursday of last week. Kendal edged into a two-run lead in the first inning as Bird and Grant Hoy each scored on infield errors. Orphans came back in the bottam of the frame to even the score when Bill Osborne doubled to bring home Bob Marjerrison and Johnny Mason. Bowmanviiie's Johriny Mason put them ahead in the third when he stole home on a wid pitch. Il appeared Orphans might have the game sewed Up until Brunt took a free pass ta first and then came home with an equalizer single by Chuck work between Hank Lane and Bill Bates. They ailowed four scattered hits, three walks and fanned nine. Foster started for Kendai and received aid f~o Byron Brunt and Chuck il- patrick. The trio permitted nine hits, struck eut six and gave up four waiks. aRa Kendal --- 200 010 3 4 Bowmanvilce 201 000 3 9 Pe e Wees Win Series To Enter Ontario Finals Beat Milton Two Games Bawmanvilie Pee-Wee AUl- Stars swept bath ends of a double-header 11-6 and 13-3 at Memorial Park Saturday, ta capture. their best-of-three Pee- Wee "B" Ontario semi-finals from Milton, two game to ane. Starting with a three-run bid in the first inning Bowmanviile unieashed a five-run raliy in the next frame ta ensure their first win. Don MeMurter corn- petently handled their pitching chore going the entire route. Jon Hancock hurled them to victary in the second game. They sparked the win when they pounded Milton's Hilson for six runs in the fourth to take a 10-1 ledad. Hilson went ail the way for Milton in the final game and Mills handled the pitching in the opener. First Game Jim Lane singied ta bring home brother Doug and Mike Johnson in the first inning and scored their third run on a hit by Coyle as they mounted a 3-0 lead in the opener. Art Foran took a free ticket te first as did Deug Lane ta start the second inning raiiy. Mike Johnson made the bag on an error and Jon Hancock blast- cd a single ta begin the scor- ing. Jim Lane waiked and Coyle drove- in the remaining runs to end the outburst. Mike Johnson made it again in the fourth on an error and scored his third run of the game on another erran.' Ted Bate and Art Foran helped ensure the victery when they tallied in the fifth. MeKersie broke the scoreless streak for Milton in the fourth. Hamilton, McKersie and Currie shone for them in the sixth as they came home with runs. Hilson and Fletcher scored their final runs in the seventh when Hamilton connected for a single ta bring them home. Second Gamne Deug Lane scored Bowmnan- ville's first mun in the second game after taking a walk ini the first inning. Jim Lane tallicd their second run in the next frame as they rctained a one-run lead. In the third in- ning Deug Lane and Bob Mc- Manus each scored ta insure the win.' White scored for Milton in the second and they were held scoreless until the seventh when Johnson and Fletchers crossed the plate with their final runs. Doug Lane began a six-run rally for the local lads in the fourth as they surged into a 10-1 lead. Lane, McManuE, Johnson, Hancock, Jim Lane and Ken Veitch ail scored runs in the inning. Johnson, Han- cock and Jim Lane came home with three more runs in the f ifth. Men's Major Bowling Plan. Opening Sept, il The Men's Major League held their first meeting of the sea- son on Thursday, August 29th, at the home af Alan Osborne. The members af the executive attending the meeting were: President Jack Lander, Past President Morley Vanstonie, IVice-President Bill Bates, Trea- J urer Fred Cale and Sccretary AlnOsborne. This year the executive made several changes and onc of the main items discussed was bowlers bowling in advancc ai the regular schedule game. The i new rule this year is that anly shift workers, working on their regular jobs at the time af bowling wili be aliowed to bowl on Wednesday aftcrnoon starting at 1 p.m. There will be no exceptions. The other major change was m ade in the point system. Oniy oepoint will be given for cach game won and each point will represent anc dollar which will be given eut at the end af the seasan. There were other changes and Zion irs. Tie Maple Grove viZon~ Juniors registered a 4-i vcoyover Maple Grave Thurs- day evening te tic their home and home total goal semi-final playaff series at 5-ail. They met in a sudden dcath game Tucsday at Solina ta determine who would mccl Courtice in the finals., Caurtice shut eut Sauina 5-0 in their second game ta sweep the two-gamc series 11-1. Zion Wins In Semi-Finals Two to One Mike Nemis' two goals spark- cd a Zion raily in the second haif as Zion downed Sauina 4-1 ta Win their best-of-three Darling- ton Senior semi-final playaffs twe games ta onc, Saturday night at ZMon. Larry Speers tallied the lane Solina marker in the f irst half. Grant Wiliams scored for Zion in the opening half and Forbes Fisher counted their fourth goal ini the second haîf to ensure the Win. ZMon meet Maple Grave in a best-of-three senies -ta decide league champions. First game was at Zion Wednesday even- ing. The second Rame is at Maple Grave Saturda.v and a third game will be plaved at Courtice, Wednesdayl, Sept.em- bu il. ifaecasamxyai these wil be expiained toi al the bowlers by President Jack Lander on opening night, Sept. llth.1 Several new faces will be eseen this year due to some ai aur bowlers dropping eut for sickness or persanal reasons. Following is a list of the teanis and the schedule for the scason as released by the Sec- retary Alan Osborne. * The Captains are requested ta get in touch with their tcams ËSQ we will have a full turn- o ut the first night. Team No. 1 - Capt. Murray Tighe, Pete Dobbins, Russ Hall- man, Dave McKnight, George Piper, Frank Hooper, Dick Lit- tic. L Team No. 2 - Capt. Elton Btock, Reg Hearle, George Ste- phens, Harold Bennett, Jack Brough, Bud Moses, Ted Miller. Team No. 3 - Capt. Bill Bates, Matt Harrison, Ralph Kelly, Jack Parker, Ed Rundie. Lloyd Hamilton, Fred Cale. Team No. 4 - Capt. Alan Os- borne, Ab Piper, Ed Leslie Don Bishop, Norm Cowlc, Gea. Pou- bous, Tom Cowan. Team No. 5 - Capt. Ted Bag- ne]!, Dr. Keith Slemon, Hap Palmer, Pat Yeo, Fred Cowie, Bob Martyn, Ray Fry. Teami No. 6 - Capt. Dr. Ho- ward Rundie, Frank Samis, Hank Janzen Bruce Milne, Jim Callan, Bill Oliver, Bob Kent. Team No. 7 - Capt. Mel Dale, Jack Gay, Ross McKnight, Phil Cancilla, Don Gilhooiy, Cec Mutton, Ken Luxton. Teamn No. 8 - Capt. Russ Oke, Jim Lcvitt, Clarence Oke, Glen Lander, Jim Murphy, Paul Chant, Glen Fry. Team No. 9 - Capt. Bull Oke, Deug Taylor, Murray Larmer, Si Trewin, Bill Shotter, Gord Sellers, Garf Clarke. Team No. 10 - Capt. Normi O'Rourkc, Jack Ceaie, Bill Polley, Bert Engiy, Charlie Dis- ley, Walt DeGeer, Ccc Osborne. Team No. il - Capt. Jack Lander, Morley Vanstone, Dr. Charlie Austin, Kari Biekeil, Dick Patfîeld, Ross Wright, Dr. AI Sylvester. Team No. 12 - Cap,, Frank Williams, Bill Westlake, Frank Lewins. Carl Leslie, Rae Rundie, Frank Blunt, Byron Vanstone. Maple Grove Beats Hampton Soccer Playoff Dick Denhertog's goal ln the final minutes of the firat half gave Maple Grave a 1-0 win over Hampton as they won their best-of-thrce Darlington Foot- ball League Senior semi-finals 2-i, at Maple Grave, Wednssday of luit we. Ladies" Major Bowling Draws First Schedule The firat schedule and teams have been drawn up for the Ladies' Major Bowling League. The first league game will be on Monday night, Sept. 9th, at 6:45 p.m. Teamn No. 1 - Hilda Brock. Capt.; Wilma Bates, Ena Etcher, Audrey Fletcher, Joan Engley, Evelyn 'Embley, Madiyn Cie- land. Teamn No. 2 - Onie Etcher, Capt.; Donna Martin, Helen Gilhooly, Edith Mariow, Marie Leddy, Stella Brown, Claire Nesbitt.. Teani No. 3 - Berniece Bu- dai, Capt.; Mei McNuity, Emma Bromeil, Audrey Bickeil, Ed- na Kerr, Dot Edmandstone, Gwen Telford. Tcama No. 4 - Lydia Bates, Capt.; Eleanor Larmer, Mary Harrison, Mary Wiicox, Bar- bara Buttonshaw, Elia DesJar- dines, Jean Harness. Team No. 5 - Vi Coole, Capt.: Lii Hooper, Eva White- ,àad, Jean Luxton, Greta Lux- 'n, Glad Rahme, Dorothy Vir- tue. Team No. 6 - Kay Beau- prie, Capt.; Salle' Bissonnette, Shirley Bickeii, Betty West- lake, Hilda Simnic, Duaine Pal- mer, Marion Perfect. Team No. 7 - Sadie Buck- nell, Capt.; Lii Phillips, Peggy Haines, Vel Miller, Bey Disley. Marion Slaght, Doris Hoiroyd. 'Team No. 8 - Dot Crombie, Capt.; Ada Richards, Joyce Tennant, Louise Lyle, Una Hag- erman, Mabel Lewis, Betty Sev- ern. Tcamn No. 9 - Helen Dunn, Capt.; Myra Cooper, Joy Me- Cracken, Vivian Cowan, Moliy Henderson, Thelma Forrester, Eni Stringer.__ Teani No. 10 - Dorc Mutton, Cat;Lorraine Martyn, Lucille eofiatt, Joyce Major, Shirley Davis, Eileen Holroyd, Helen Parks. Team No.' il - Ollie Pat- field, Capt.; June Baker, Helen Corden, Lola Wright, Ruth Barclay, Audrey Osmond, Jean Sellers. Team No. 12 - Norma Gay, Capt.: Ann Gay, Babe Brown, Beth Chartran, Dell Vinson, Ev Sweetman, Shirley Brock. Schedule 1957 September- 9-Early 1Late 16-Eariy 1 Late 23-Early Late 30-Early Late October- 7-Early Late 14-Eanly 1 Late 1 2 1-Early Late 28-Earyiy Late Novemb er- 4-Early 1 Late 1 1-Ejarly Late 1 18-Early Late 25-Earlyi Late December- 2-Early 1i Latc Il 9-Early I1 Start Mixed League Bowling Fridlay the l3th A1e 1-2 3-4 1- 2 7- 8 10- il 4- 5 3- 5 9- 7 4- 7 2-10 8- 6 1- 3 12- 3 Il- 6 2- 8 5- 9 9- 1 6-12 il- 4 8- 1 6- 9 2- 4 8-12 3- 7 6- 5 1- 2 2- 1 0-11 0o- 8 3- 4 9-10 9- 8 7- 6 12- 2 1-11 5- 1 12- 9 10-12 2- 4 4- 9 8- 5 6-10 il- 3 7-11 5- 2 2- 6 10- 7 1- 7 3- 8 il- 5 6- 1 10- 9 12-11 6- 7 3- 41- 6 ?RR=AY. SEPT. 5t1s. 198, Thrîliing 3 -2- Game Gives Legion Bantams 'Lead in Semi -Finals 5- 6 11-12 1-12 2- 3 8-10 6- 4 6- 3 8-11 9-11 7- 5 2- 7 10- 1 4- 1 12- 7 3-10 4- 8 12- 5 3- 9 Il- 2 5-10 10- 4 9- 2 8- 7 4- 3 8-lI9 A new mixed bowling league wili begin their initiai season at Martyn's, Frîday, September 13, at 7 p.m.. Six teams wiil be play- ing with the ladies bowling at night oniy, whiie men on shift work wiil bowi at 1 p.m., Friday afternoon. Everyone is requested te pay their entry fees to H. Brock. Foi- is a list of the teams: Teamn 1-E. Brock, D. Bond, C. Reynolds, C. Evans, E. Wina- cott. Teamn 2-M. Etcher, H. Brock, First Sehedule Date Tme 1-2 September- J11-7:00 8:30 18--7:00 8:30 25-7:00 8:30 October- 2-7:00 8:30 9-7:00 8:30 16-7:00 8:30 23-7:00 8:30 30-7:00 8:30 November- 6-7:00 8:30 13-7:00 8:30 20-7:00 8:30 27-7:00 8:30 December- 4-7:00 8:30 Scom 7- 8 1- 2 10-il 4- 5 3- 5 9- 7 4- 7. 2-10 8- 6 1- 3 12- 3 Il- 6 2- 8 5- 9 9- 1 6-12 AIley 3-4 3- 4 9-10 9- 8 7- 6 12- 2 12- 9 10-12 2- 4 4- 9 8- 5 6-10 il- 3 7-11 5- 2 7-10 2- 6 8- 1 11- 4 6- 9 3- 8 12- 4 1- 7 8-12 7- 3 11-5 6-1 Playoffs Piayoffs Playoffs nd Schedule 11-12 5- 6 1-12 2- 3 8-10 6- 4 6- 3 8-11 9-11 7- 5 2- 7 10- 1 4- 1 12- 7 3-10 4- 81 12- 5 3- 9 11- 2 5-10 10- 4 9-. 2 Date ime ~ AlIey DateTime 1-2 3-4 5-6 January- 8-7:00 5- 6 9-10 1- 2, 8:30 11-12 3- 4 7- 8 15-7:00 2- 3 7- 6 4- 5 8:30 1-12 9- 8 10-il 22-7:00 6- 4 1-il 9- 7 8:30 8-10 12- 2 3- 5 29-7:.00 8-11 12- 9 2-10 8:30 6- 3 1- 5 4- 7 February- 5-7:00 7- 5 2- 4 1- 3 8:30 9-11 10-12 8- 6 12-7:00 10- 1 8- 5 11- 6 -8:30 2- 7 4- 9 12- 3 19-7:00 12- 7 11- 3 5- 9 8:30 4- 1 6-10 2- 8 26-7:00 4- 8 5- 2 6-12 8:30 3-10 7-11 9- 1 March- 5-7:00 3- 9 1-4 8- 1 8:30 12- 5 2- 6 7-10 12-7:00 5-10 1- 7 12- 4 8:30 1- 2 3- 8 6- 9 19-7:00 9- 2 6- 1il1- 5 8:30 10- 4 7- 3 8-12 26-7:00 Playoffs 8:30 ?iayoffs April- 2-7:00 Playoffs 8:30 Playoffs 9-7:00 John M. James Trophy Ral April 3 ta April 19- Men's Major Tournament E. Stringer, E. Cox, D. Reynolds. Team 3-J. Bond, D. Mutton, G. Stringer, J. Cox, R. Mitchell. Team 4-H. Bromeil, O. Etch- er, A. Hickiing, J. Eldridge, R. Spicer. Tcam 5-C. Mutton, R. Mitch- ell, J. McKnight, J. Evans, B. Charles, M. Hickling. Team 6-A. Spicer, E. Brom- ehl, J. Richards, A. Winacott, L. Eldridge, D. Charles. Firsi Schedule froni Sept. 13 to Dec. 20 AIley 1-2 3-4 5-6 Date Teams Teams Teams Septemnber- 13- 1-2 3-4 5-6 20- 5-4 1-6 2-3 27- 3-1 2-5 6-4 October- 4- 2-6 4-1 3-5 il- 1-5 6-3 4-2 18- 3-2 4-5 1-6 25- 5-6 1-2 3-4 November- 1- 1-4 5-3 6-2 8- 3-6 2-4 1-5 15- 2-5 3-1 4-6 22- 4-3 6-5 2-1 29- 1-6 2-3 4-5 December- 6- 5-2 4-6 1-3 13- 1-4 3-5 2-6 20-. 3-6 2-1 4-5 Second Schedule begins Jan. 3 and ends Apr. il Alley 1-2 Date Teams January- 3- 1-4 10- 3-6 17- 4-5 24- 1-2 31- 3-5 February- 7- 2-4 14- 1-3 21- 5-6 28- 2-3 March-. 7- 4-6 14- 3-5 21- 2-4 28- 1-6 April- 4- 3-4 11- 5-1 4-3 2-6 3-4 Teams 3-5 2-4 1-6 3-4 2-6 1-5 4-6 1-2 4-5 1-3 2-6 1-5 2-3 5-6 5-6 Teams 2-6 1-5 2-3 5-6 1-4 3-6 2-5 3-4 1-6 2-5 1-4 3-6 4-5, 1-2 homemakers - DO IT VOURSELF -it's fun! I C: Je H. ABERNETHY PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King st. W;l Phone MA 3-5431 .M4'WALLAPER..QUR BISOT 5UY Bowmanville Legionnair* posted a close 3-2 win over Aurora Bantams in the first game of their best-of-three Bantam "B" Ontario Semi-finai piayoffs at Memorial Park Mon- day afternoon. One of the largest crowds of the baseball season watched the tight, thnllhing contest. Young Jim Moorecrafi drew the cheers of the fans and his teammates with his versatile pîtching which kept the visit- ors scoreless until the eighth inning. Moorecraft aliowed only six scattered hits, waiked five men and struckout 9 as he went the route for Legionnaires. Keith Scott for Aurora gave an equaily gaad performance al- lowing oniy six hits, seven walks and fanning 10. Larry Piper broke his score- less tic in the seventh frame when he singied home Alec Wiseman and Barry Steven. Aurora retaiiated in the eighth when Leeming tied the score with a one bagger that brought Bob Wright and Pete Dol home. Moorecraf t ended the raily when Bryan Knowles pounded WHITBY DUNLOP BOOSTER CLUB MONSTER CAR BINGO $51000 IN PRIZES 9:00 p.m. Mon., Sept. 9, 19 57 WHITBY 'ÂRENA 1 NEW 1957 CAR 16 $50-00 ÇAMES 2 $150 SPECIAL GAMES 1 ALL EXPENSE TRIP to Osie, Norway, for World Hockey Championship or $500 cash. 10 Door Prizes - Autoinatic Electric Gold-plated Coffeemaker. ADMISSION---------------$1.00 Benefit Whitby Dunlop Booster Club and was tagged on the throw1 ta first. Johnny James started %~W nianville off in the eighth IU a good single into short EO field. Butch Bagneil toffi-i free trip ta first advanc 9 James to second nto scoririg position. Baxry Steven Was the big gun for Legionnaires as ho connected for a hard hit single ta score James with the Win- ning run. Moorecraft was mobbed by' his teammates alter he sent the next three Aurora battons down in order. The second game of the series is scheduled for Aurora Saturday. Il a third game is necessary it wlil be piayed at Memorial Park SRturday, September 14. R H Aurora 000 000 020),-2 6 0 Bow'vile 000 000 21x.-3' 6 0 Aurora - Dennis c, Scott p. Wall 3b, Wright 2b, Dol rf, Leeming lb, Knowies rf, Ston~e ss, Wright cf. Dowmanville - Black 3b, Piper c, Turner ss, James nf, Bagneil 2b, Twist cf, Wiseman El L1 Came in and sec aur wide choioe of styles and patterns and make a date with wonderfui, wearabli WASHABLE Sunworthy Wailpaper. Sec how EASY it la ta do-it-yourself, with PRE-PASTED Sunworthy Wallpaper-you ju4t wei*, apply and sponge smooth. Feature at 7:15 and 9:30 15ý 1 q-h* 0, 1

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